**Merged** Cena's Rapping, Rap-Gimmick, or anything about Cena and RAP - KEEP IT HERE


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As well as other homosexual jokes?
"I'm like a purple pinwheel, go ahead and blow me"
"Your mountain is broke back"
"You spend your time in a bowling alley polishing my balls"

Was it out of line for PG TV, despite how over he got?

If WWE want him to do this without possible consequences, then they should swap entirely so their poster boy can have more freedom.

After all the Cena was probably a major influence to turn PG since the kids were first mainly his fans.
bringing Rock back through Wrestlemania and letting Cena rap again? It will obviously help them short term but doing this in the middle of a youth movement will just show how bad everyone else is in comparison.

It was very obvious tonight that Cena is still incredible on the mic and far better than everyone else on the active roster other than maybe Triple H. And the real reason I think WWE has held him back on the mic is because his rivals like Orton and Miz would be completely humiliated if Cena really ripped into them verbally because they couldn't keep up.

With Rock back and Cena rapping again I really can't take anybody else serious other than Triple H and Undertaker. Nobody else on the roster can be a believable opponent to me. The other main eventers all feel like glorified mid-carders.
I disagree. Cena's kiddy fans came later when he was made into a babyface once he got drafted to RAW. Thug Cena was way out of line back then so it isn't surprising what he said. I think its more surprising that he didn't get censored. What does WWE think they're doing anyway? We all remember what they did to Daniel Bryan. If they keep letting things slide like that they might as well go TV-14. You can even do it occasionally, lots of shows interchange between PG/TV-14 actually.

But it is a little intriguing how they're letting it go uncensored. It could mean something. Won't get carried away and say the WWE wants to start a new era but it could mean they want to. Or in hindsight, they're letting it slide just for this Rock/Cena feud which seems to be logicial explanation.
Maybe the whole point is that the Rock will possibly be involved in some sort of "PG vs Attitude" angle going into Mania? I dunno, probably just reaching out here, but I MTHO the second Cena began rapping on the Rock. It proved that people were wrong about Cena's mic skills at the very least.
Maybe this is WWE going away from PG slowly.

But they know Cena is at his best when he's allowed to say whatever, the Rock is the same way. It's the only way he can hang with the Rock, honestly.
This is because the Rock and John Cena don't actually fit in to the same category as the other main eventers. They are LEGENDS and Cena is a guaranteed HoF'er.
In my mind it goes Legend > Main Event > Mid Card. Not every hall of famer is a legend.
It's all about context!

Cena didn't make a homosexual joke. He pulled out a purple pinwheel and blew on it. He then referenced an Oscar Award winning film in Brokeback Mountain. After that, he said the Rock would polish his balls at a bowling alley. You do have to polish balls at bowling alleys.

Simple phrasing can completely alter the CONTEXT of a word. Radio and TV shows have been doing it for years to get around ratings. Explitives are defined by the context you use them in.

Examples: You can't talk about your cock, but you can cock a gun.
You cant say pussy, but you can say pussy cat.

Cena came after Rock in a clever way that didn't violate any laws of TVPG programing. No, it's not out of line for TVPG.
Well hell I'm a big believer in the fact that one must be able to talk to get over with the crowd. But to totally give up on the roster because the rock and cena are gonna do their thing is crazy. You still have CM punk randy orton the current champ and imma kill my self for saying this but yes jomo. there is people that can still put on a good show. We'll never get the rock and Austin back but we will get new stars the stars of today.
Exactly what TUFFY54 said, there's no rules against innuendo, plus it wasn't as in your face as the type of gags DX used to say. I imagine it's pretty awkward for parents when their kids are asking what it all means, but who cares, they can deal with that!
i think its great i think the rock was great last week and cena was even better this week to yur question no i dont think it was a bad think hee the thing i think is fnny is the match aint rock and cena its cena and the miz but because of cenas and rock great mic work your more intrested in what thoses two are going to do next than the miz and cena and hell i say great as long as its entaining to all of us wrestling fans and give us something cool to talk about i say keep it going the young guys can just learn from this so its a good thing
It's all about context!

Cena didn't make a homosexual joke. He pulled out a purple pinwheel and blew on it. He then referenced an Oscar Award winning film in Brokeback Mountain. After that, he said the Rock would polish his balls at a bowling alley. You do have to polish balls at bowling alleys.

Simple phrasing can completely alter the CONTEXT of a word. Radio and TV shows have been doing it for years to get around ratings. Explitives are defined by the context you use them in.

Examples: You can't talk about your cock, but you can cock a gun.
You cant say pussy, but you can say pussy cat.

Cena came after Rock in a clever way that didn't violate any laws of TVPG programing. No, it's not out of line for TVPG.

You still know what he meant. He didn't mean the pinwheel, he was making fun of the movie, and he wants the Rock to polish his balls. Hiding behind innuendo is a cheap excuse.
It's all about context!
Cena didn't make a homosexual joke. He pulled out a purple pinwheel and blew on it. He then referenced an Oscar Award winning film in Brokeback Mountain. After that, he said the Rock would polish his balls at a bowling alley. You do have to polish balls at bowling alleys.

But what resemblance does Cena have to a pinwheel exactly? Take this into the consideration of the base of complaints, which is ultimately kids.

1) A kid might say to a teacher/parent "go ahead and blow me" and not have a pinwheel, and it leads back to Cena.
2) Oversensitive parents mightn't what kids to hear such a sexual term, like it or not, saying "blow me" will be sexual.

I haven't actually seen that movie but I'm guessing Brokeback Mountain is where the cowboys had sex, so he's saying that Rock isn't escaping from which mountain, but in fact 'living' on Brokeback mountain as a gay cowboy.

Maybe Rock, in his new movie, isn't actually a cleaner/janitor, then all Cena said is Rock is polishing his testicles. I don't know what movie Cena was referring to, but I searched "dwayne johnson bowling movie", it came up with faster.

That has nothing to do with bowling, so Cena just ultimately said Rock rubs his testicles.
WWE is more family friendly The Simpsons when it comes to sexual innuendo and references. Of course there's always going to be people having a whine about it, but they probably whine when they see themselves naked in the bathroom mirror too, so all is well.

Although I wish they would stop playing the footage of rock saying that he has come back "...homeee." That part makes me have 2nd thoughts.
I was thinking that when Rock came back and whilst didn't quite 'attitude' it certainly didnt 'PG' it, but Cenas was innuendo only and whilst funny as to adults kids wouldn't get, like a Shrek movie really. At a guess I would say Rock said I will come back but only if I can do it my way, WWE thought yeah why not we will make millions and they had to let Cena step up otherwise the whole roster would look ridiculous. And all the haters could say see attitude is way better than PG.
You still know what he meant. He didn't mean the pinwheel, he was making fun of the movie, and he wants the Rock to polish his balls. Hiding behind innuendo is a cheap excuse.

Oh course I know what he meant. It's called CONTEXT. The whole purpose of innuendo is to hide behind it! You would have a point if he said "Hey Rock, why don't you suck my dick". He didn't. He brought a damn purple pinwheel to the ring and grinned as the blew it. The questin was whether it was out of line for TVPG, and it wasn't.
to say that cena would humiliate orton and miz is totally untrue! they are all good on the mic in there own way which fits their gimic so no it is not bad
Who gives a damn...

The question is very much apt, but seriously John Cena became face because of his rapper gimmick.. Remember


Its what got him over.. And you can NOT stand toe to toe with the great one until you allow him some freedom.. The Rock is without a doubt one of THE BEST mic workers EVER.. You need an edgier Cena to make him look credible.. If he keeps in mind the PG and Kids Jokes Rock is gonna rip him apart in just under a minute again.. Let him be the rapper.. The kids and the ladies will still root for him..
As well as other homosexual jokes?
"I'm like a purple pinwheel, go ahead and blow me"
"Your mountain is broke back"
"You spend your time in a bowling alley polishing my balls"

Was it out of line for PG TV, despite how over he got?

If WWE want him to do this without possible consequences, then they should swap entirely so their poster boy can have more freedom.

After all the Cena was probably a major influence to turn PG since the kids were first mainly his fans.


This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).

It seems that what occurred is right in the guidelines of what constitutes TV-PG. As long as the show isn't constant gay jokes, sexual innuendo, etc., what occurred tonight was just fine.
I've always thought that WWE's stance on homosexuality is a bit un-PC, in that implied homosexuality is used as an insult (Gabriel's supposed "alternative lifestyle") or that characters who are portrayed as gay or gender-bending are pushed as heels until the angle is dropped (think Goldust, Billy and Chuck, albeit in a different era). I'm not stating this to be petty, nor am I personally taking offense as it doesn't apply to me.

It does somewhat conflict with the PG guidelines and desire for the Superstars to be influential figures. With the media raising awareness to anti-gay violence and bullying as a bad thing, it's kind of a conflict of interest to have supposed role models telling kids that "this guy is less of a man than I am and you should boo for him because he probably likes to have sex with guys". I thought the comment about Cole "running away like a girl" was a bit cheap, too. PG doesn't mean we have to make playground insults.
to say that cena would humiliate orton and miz is totally untrue! they are all good on the mic in there own way which fits their gimic so no it is not bad

Orton is awful on the mic. He can't even keep up with scrubs like Kofi Kingston. He's probably the worst main event talker since Bret Hart.

Miz is average at best. He got destroyed by Edge on the mic. That alone shows me he would get demolished by Rock or Cena.
This diss was not in any way shape or form out of line for PG tv. John Cena used and I quote(sorry I had to do it) "Suggestive Dialogue" which is allowed in PG. I don't know if any of you remember but John Cena has used the pin wheel joke before on Edge back in '07

"Hey you, you claim your Money in the Bank. Edge, you think you know me. Well John Cena's like a pinwheel, so you can go ahead and blow me.''

It was out of line for PG. That whole promo was PG 13, but you know what? Who gives a shit? It was an excellent response even though it was a little akward at first. And Rock certainly wasn't PG on his return. Why does Cena have to play by those rules? I personally thought it had more burn than the Rock's promo, but with the excitement of Rock being back and the crowd totally on his side, people are still going to claim Rock had the better insults. It was defintely refreshing to see Cena doing some basic thuganomics.
No I dont think so. Im 19 and usually end up watching Raw with my dad who cant stand Cena but laughed his ass off when Cena was rapping. Cena basically proved that if he wanted he could have that male 18-49 demographic as fans to instead of just kids and girls.
Xemnas is right Cena's promo had more burn then The Rock's but it will be overlooked simply for the fact that it was The Rock's return. I will go on record and say I marked out a little bit hearing some thuganomice being taught in fact when came out to his old music I tweeted I was hoping to hear some Basic Thuganomics , although I was hoping he'd come out to his old theme, Cena did in fact give us a quick refresher course in thuganomic regardless if he used the pinwheel line before or not.

The Rock-1
Cena-2( extra point for because Cena eating a bowl of fruity pebbles at Elimination Chamber was hilarious!)
Yes but that whole blow me line was used by cena before with Edge. I just dont understand how Cena had a week to figure stuff out and used something hes already said before.

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