**Merged** Bitch about commentary here

Yea you're probably wrong seeing as how it's a non-issue:
  1. If the kid doesn't understand or get the joke then it's meaningless. Flew over his head, no harm, no foul.
  2. If the kid gets the reference then already knows about weed and has probably already made up his mind as to whether he would try it or not. Since Striker isn't advocating its use, again it's meaningless.
So what are you so bothered about?
To be perfectly honest, I smoke cigarettes, know what Zig Zags are, and never put two and two together, with regard to Striker's comments. Maybe I'm slow. Either way, if I didn't notice, the PG Universe won't get it, and probably think Dolph's move is named after a squiggly line (which it probably is). It's not like he said "Spark up a doobie with the Zig Zag!" or some crap. If he did, he'd already have been fired.
Honestly I didn't make that connection. I thought it was just striker making a joke and thats still what i think. How many kids do you know that would make this connection? Nobody in the WWE had a problem with it or it wouldn't of been in the taping and like most commentating it was probably fed to him from someone backstage.
Matt Striker saying something that could cause a stir among the IWC? :wtf: Please...this is a man who has a degree in educational psychology and played a heel teacher as his wrestling gimmick. The psychology part is what he uses to get a rise, and I'm pretty sure creative knows that he knows how to use it to the advantage. Besides, I think that WWE/and Striker and Grisham are pretty well hip to the IWC as Mr. Striker has mentioned in previous commentaries on SD and Superstar comments before. Its done simply to get a rise outta people and to get buzz surrounding them again. There's the saying that "There's no such thing as bad publicity." Besides, aside from being a TOTAL Striker mark (and those who know me well on here will vouch for me) but these people are not as dumb as they play on tv. This is an acting job. Besides, why maybe people may have overlooked when Striker referenced a popular lexicon when Cody Rhodes would do his finisher on Christian a few weeks ago, as Rhodes sets up a weakened Christian for 'Cross-Rhodes' Strikers says and I quote "I got down on my knees and was taken to the crossroads" (Which is a line from the Bone Thugs in Harmony song Cross Roads...being used as a double entendre.) This is simply done to just keep things entertaining and I think it wasn't meant to "Encourage drug use" or anything like that. I think anyone reading THAT much into it has WAY too much time on their hands and especially with Mrs. McMahon's senate bid and the newer family friendly WWE, they are aware that some things may slip by, but still aware that there is a certain element of adult that needs to be kept to try to keep viewers around, and that some things, no matter how much you try to watch what you say, will never come out sounding right.
It's a harmless joke, get over it. It's not that big of a deal, kids won't get it and them that do will just let it go which you should too. I can see what you're saying about him being an ex teacher but teachers make remarks that are probably worst than saying things about smoking.
I put this in the NXT section because I'm watching NXT as this really became apparent to me. This is my first thread so I hope I didn't do anything wrong here. Michael Cole started turning heel with Daniel Bryan in NXT season 1, after that he started hanging on Miz in NXT season 2. And then it moved onto RAW where he just randomly started hating on faces and loving heels. He began interrupting R-Truth's entrance every week by annoyingly say "we get it" over and over again. But now I feel like everything he says is just him TRYING to get more heat. I feel like he is just getting annoying heat and not actual heat. He isnt doing his job as a commentator any more, he is just trying to build himself more and more as a heel. Is this going somewhere? Is he going to turn out to be the GM and when he is announced he will already have this big heel build-up to cement him? I don't understand why they are pushing him so hard as a heel, he doesn't make it feel as natural as great heel announcers have in the past. I believed it when The Body, The Brain, The King, and JBL hated the faces, they had real reasons to, and the hate came naturally. Everything seems forced from Cole, and I don't buy him as a natural heel announcer at all.

What are your thoughts on Cole as the heel?
Do you feel he doing a good job building his heel character?
How does he compare/fit in with past heel announcers?
Do you think this is building up to something else(i.e. being the GM)?
If you're looking for the best heel commentator of all time, look no further than Jesse Ventura. I'm not sure what the general forum's opinion of this man is, but quite frankly, I don't care. There has never been a bigger, more hilarious, more ridiculous heel commentator than Jesse Ventura. Many have tried: Heyman, Heenan, Lawler; but none had what it took to imitate Jesse Ventura. The WWE realized this, so they did the only logical thing to do in this situation. They gave up on creating heel commentators.

The last time we had a real heel commentator was back in 2007, when JBL was announcing Smackdown along with Cole, and even then, he was hardly as blatantly rude, disrespectful, and illogical as the heel commentators of old. So for nearly 3 years, we were allowed to watch wrestling without any annoying wannabe Jesse Ventura trying to make his own niche at the announce table.

Those 3 peaceful years came to an end when NXT went on the air, and Michael Cole set his sights on internet darling and fan favorite Daniel Bryan. His hatred for the face of NXT brought out negative responses from the audience, and the WWE decided to create a heel announcer in Michael Cole. Cole would go on to worship the Miz, cheer for heels during NXT while booing the faces, develop an odd appreciation for Vickie Guerrero, hate on R-Truth, and basically be an all around downer.

Cole may have reached the point of no return for his heel turn tonight on NXT, as he stood up, announced that the show was a joke, his disdain for the Detroit audience, insulted Josh Matthews and all the competitors, and then apparently quit the show, storming out of the arena.

And for no apparent reason whatsoever, the IWC is eating it up. The very people he ridicules are in love with the new Cole persona, and I can't find out why. He is nothing but obnoxious, he completely ruins moments for our favorite wrestlers, cheers for them to get hurt and beaten, and is just an all around negative person.

"But Glass, this is how heel commentators are! They have their own twisted sense of the goings on in the WWE!"

That might be true, but we all know Michael Cole's mind is not twisted. First of all, he still roots for John Cena. If he was a real heel commentator, he would boo the shit out of Cena, who is the most pure face the WWE has put out since Hulkamania was running wild. We have witnessed Cole favor faces over heels throughout the duration of his career with the WWE, so this sudden change in opinion makes no sense for him.

Secondly, Cole's reality is not twisted, or even slightly bent. He just seems to ignore common sense, which any person can tell you is just plain annoying. Paul Heyman had a reason to root for the bad guys; he had something to gain if they won. Jerry Lawler rooted for the bad guys because he understood their way of thinking, being a career heel himself (outside of Memphis of course). Cole has nothing to gain in rooting for a heel, nor does he have any reason to relate to what they're doing. He is just rooting for the heels because... he likes them? Why does he like them? Because they're heels? I'm sorry, I need something more convincing than that Cole. Next.

Thirdly, Cole's opinions just don't make sense. He hates anyone who has a following on the internet, yet he loves The Miz? He doesn't like little guys, but where are his negative comments when Evan Bourne hits the ring? Why doesn't he rip on Mysterio during PPVs? He calls The Miz's tactics brilliant, but is disgusted by the tactics of Nexus and other heels. Heel commentators are no strangers to hypocrisy, certainly, but most at least try to justify it. Cole leaves his addressed.

So what makes Jesse Ventura different from all the rest? What makes him better? It's quite simple really. It's the fact that Jesse Ventura is fucking crazy. The guy is clearly a little loony, and that's the mark of the good heel commentator, you need to be living in your own little world. In Jesse Ventura's world, the mark of a good wrestler is not skill or honesty or being over with the crowd, it's being sneaky and not caring what people think of you. To Jesse Ventura, everyone is always out to get you, which is why you should never trust anyone. To Jesse Ventura, relying on others for any sort of support is a sign of weakness (unless it's your manager, whom you pay to help you be sneaky), and making friends is just as great an affront.

Don't believe me? Have you listened to him commentate for more than a few seconds? And furthermore, have you watched him in non-wrestling related interviews? The dude is fucking nuts. I don't think there's a conspiracy theory he doesn't buy into, and I'm pretty sure he's living in the mountains of Venezuela or something (I heard him talk on Real Time with Bill Maher, and he said something about living with very little means.) I happen to agree with many of Ventura's political positions, but the dude has no filter, and goes about expressing his opinions in some pretty crazy ways, including through some pretty bizarre books, appearances on biased television shows (as I said, he's appear on Real Time as well as on many Fox News programs, covering both sides of the political spectrum), and has been known to give some pretty intense rants on the radio. If he's not crazy, he's at least not entirely socially adept.

And what can we say about Michael Cole except that he's a mild mannered but rude guy who has no real opinion on anything, but makes his likes and dislikes known.

And that is the difference between Jesse Ventura and Michael Cole. Ventura gave some background to his character, he lived his character, he made us believe that he IS that character. Michael Cole is just a voice that comes from our television.
What are your thoughts on Cole as the heel?
Do you feel he doing a good job building his heel character?
How does he compare/fit in with past heel announcers?
Do you think this is building up to something else(i.e. being the GM)?
Ok, First off, i hope Cole either is a full time (not part time) heel, i HATE how Cole bashes R-Truth and Daniel Bryan, YET loves Orton, Cena and others. Either make him a heel or keep him face, as for Cole as a heel, i think Cole would be a better heel than a face because the fans already dislike him enough.

i dont think WWE is doing a great job with turning Cole heel, instead, they make him sound like a tweener character which in my view just has him coming off as a two-faced jerk.

As for how does he compare to other heel announcers, he will never be King or any other heel announcer, but he will work, especially with a face Jerry Lawler making fun of him when he makes fun of face wrestlers.

I hope we do NOT see Michael Cole as the GM of RAW and i hope the turn is just a turn to get a heel announcer on RAW. I dont want Cole as a GM because then that means either Josh Matthews joins King or someone else. I want the GM to be JBL, but i doubt highly it's him, so i think the GM is Abraham Washington.
I think you could have simply said Cole is nowhere near as talented or entertaining as Ventura. Ventura was great as a commentator, and his chemistry with Vince and others was excellent. Cole on the other hand is university reviled by fans, and thus the heel turn, as people would boo him no matter what. Cole could interfere as Sheamus is about to win a match against John Cena and Randy Orton and they would cheer Sheamus for taking out Cole.

Also Ventura had the prior experience of being a professional wrestler, so he had been known to fans years before becoming a commentator, and had years to work on his character in front of the audience. Cole on the other hand did not, and people have never liked him, be it for his poor commentary(until recently at least, Ill address this in a moment), or for his annoying voice, or for the fact Vince has been trying to replace JR with him for years, which people highly disliked.

However Cole has recently become pretty good on commentary with his heel persona. And for once I am actually enjoying his commentary, and on NXT tonight for example I found him hilarious. On Ventura's level? No. Decent? Yes.
What has made watching this season and seasons past of NXT extra enjoyable for me has been the broadcast team of Michael Cole, Josh Matthews, and Matt Striker. I'm loving the inside jokes, the sarcastic remarks, and watching them crack up on camera in the background throughout the show. I realllly like how they in essence put down the very show they are providing commentary for, and how they have provided Michael Cole with his own gong to do with as he pleases.

But now it seems WWE is pursuing an angle with Michael Cole quitting the show. I don't know if this is just a gimmick or if they are replacing him but I definitely don't think it's a good idea for NXT to lose him as he is an integral part of the show. On RAW, he barely gets to show any of his true character traits because of all the shameless plugs for WWE he has to do and the lack of a counterpart to play off of in the boring and monotonous Jerry Lawler.

What do you think about Michael Cole and his evolution as a TV personality as of late? And of this NXT situation? And also, would you like to see Cole as the General Manager of RAW (I think I would)
I've haven't really seen a ton of Jesse Venturas commentary but I've seen a ton of Cole and I gotta agree Cole won't be another Ventura. An interesting thing is that as crazy as this sounds I watch NXT because of Coles commentary. It's great and it's actually funny because the stuff Cole says is true.
I think cole has potential. keep in mind Ventura was a heel wrestler turned commentator, he had years in front of the fans. Cole spent years interviewing, commercials, smackdown, and mostly a face. he gains a large amount of heat from the crowd and its refrshing to hear him push a heel like the Miz. I just wish he would be more conssitant in being a heel. I think if lawler and cole argued a bit more, it would make more interesting
I hate Cole on commentary in any capacity, but I do admit he's the most entertaining as a heel on NXT. It wouldn't be a bad thing if he quits the show, I mean on Raw he's a face and everything, the next day he's a heel? It doesn't make sense to me. Also, I truly hate the Lawler-Cole announce team, Lawler has fallen off (we all know this) and is the worst out of them all in my opinion (Which is a shame considering he was such a great heel announcer, i'm a huge King mark).

I do like Cole's TV personality on NXT, but I hated when he would call the Miz the "Phil Jackson" of NXT Pros, I know it's apart of his personality to praise the Miz time and time again, but the thing is the Pros make no difference to the NXT Rookies considering Kaval won with LayCool as his pros.

Regarding the NXT Situation, I'm glad they're doing it and creating some interest because the whole divas NXT Thing sucks. But, I would hate for Cole to be the GM of Raw. I know it has been an idea that has been pitched around constantly on the forums but I don't like it, they've built this thing up for to long in my opinion (the GM should've been announced at Summerslam or the 900th episode), and to me it'll be a let down if WWE chooses Cole after all this time. I don't want another Adamle here...
I think cole has potential. keep in mind Ventura was a heel wrestler turned commentator, he had years in front of the fans. Cole spent years interviewing, commercials, smackdown, and mostly a face. he gains a large amount of heat from the crowd and its refrshing to hear him push a heel like the Miz. I just wish he would be more conssitant in being a heel. I think if lawler and cole argued a bit more, it would make more interesting

Then keep him a face. If he doesn't know how to be an heel, then he shouldn't be a heel. The thing is, being a heel isn't hard, at all. Ask any wrestler what's harder, being a face or a heel, and they'll all say being a face. The tricky thing is being a GOOD heel, something Cole hasn't figured out yet.

And Cole isn't funny. Josh Matthews calling out Cole is funny. Cole's small complaints on NXT were good for that, but King doesn't handle Cole the same way Matthews does, and that's why I can't stand the commentary on RAW.

You are right that Cole needs to be more consistent as a heel. He also needs a personality besides that of an angry short man.
You think Cole has potential? He's been in the industry for over 10 years now, and he still passes by as having potential? Haha...No. Cole is awful as a face, I cna't stand him, but he's not doing a bad job at all as a heel announcer. He is no where near as good as Ventura, he never will be either, and I don't think anyone thinks the same either. Also, King is the best heel announcer in my opinion because he was the most entertaining, plus he was paired with in my opinion the best commentator in all of sports entertainment JR (Yes, over Gordan Solie). Cole could be a good commentator on both shows but he's paired up with Jerry Lawler...who just sucks... A LOT.
I'll agree with you guys about Lawler.

Now on to Michael Cole. I like his character a lot more as the heel on NXT. His face persona is just lame, sterile and just seems like he doesn't give a shit about wrestling at all. You can see this on RAW, except for when Danielson comes out, he is in a contest with Lawler on who could be the shittiest announcer. Cole seems to be winning. NXT he's got some life to him though. What I really hope is that they turn him in to a heel play by play announcer on RAW.
The guy's not bad at announcing. Hes better than Jerry Lawler and thats the truth. Hes about on the same level as Todd Grisham and Mike Tenay(Sorry for jumping companies). Tazz is a little bit better only because he knows the names of SOME wrestling moves(I say some because he acts like he doesnt know what most of them are called for some reason). Point is, Cole isn't too bad, I noticed that people kinda got used to making fun of him because of The Rock back in WWF and Tazz would poke fun on Smackdown. The only announcers that really deserve merits at this point are Matt Striker from Smackdown and both commentators from ROH(sorry i can't remember the names). So if you bash Cole, make sure to bash Lawler Grisham Tenay and Tazz because they are all mediocre, which isn't bad.:suspic:
First of all dude, this is in the wrong section, Michael Cole announces on RAW and NXT wrong show man. Nonetheless, Michael Cole is bashed so much because quite frankly he is not interesting has no charisma, character, he is just bland and is annoying to listen to. He is like the kid everyone used to pick on at school. But the main reason is he is trying to be shoved down our throats as a replacement for JR, and JR is irreplacable.
The guy's not bad at announcing. Hes better than Jerry Lawler and thats the truth. Hes about on the same level as Todd Grisham and Mike Tenay(Sorry for jumping companies). Tazz is a little bit better only because he knows the names of SOME wrestling moves(I say some because he acts like he doesnt know what most of them are called for some reason). Point is, Cole isn't too bad, I noticed that people kinda got used to making fun of him because of The Rock back in WWF and Tazz would poke fun on Smackdown. The only announcers that really deserve merits at this point are Matt Striker from Smackdown and both commentators from ROH(sorry i can't remember the names). So if you bash Cole, make sure to bash Lawler Grisham Tenay and Tazz because they are all mediocre, which isn't bad.:suspic:
Did anyone else catch this? A quote from Jerry Lawler while Edge was wrestling Great Khali to keep his spot in the 6-Pack Challenge: "Can you still call it a six-pack challenge even with only four men?" :wtf:

Now that is just pathetic! I am sure that there were EVEN some seven year olds just screaming at the TV, "No you call that a fatal 4 way STUPID!" I'm starting to think that Lawler should be removed from the WWE Hall of Fame. He just sucks! It's as if he just doesn't care how ridiculous he sounds anymore. And I agree with that poster about Jesse "The Body" Ventura. WWE needs another color commentator like him. A flashy, cocky, ex-wrestler to play a heel announcer that fans just love to hate. The Body is the best color commentator in the industry's history, and Jerry Lawler has nothing to say about that!
I agree with the OP. Cole is just flat out annoying. You can say "oh that's his gimick" yeah well sometimes I want to turn off the TV (and sometimes do) just because he's so annoying and since it's RAW the wrestling on it isn't even that spectacular so what's the point of watching if I can just go and watch some highlights on wwe.com? Cole is annoying, if it's his gimick well that is just really dumb. Some gimick, repeating the same thing over and over again while licking the Miz's ass (as do sooo many of you for reasons unknown) and trashing Bryan. It's old and boring, and mostly just annoying.
As much as I though JR was getting on my nerves, Cole is even more annoying than those preteens that yell about Cena marrying them. With how many times he screws up announcing, and then how he is gluing his lips to Miz's butt and Vickie's flabby azz. Its sickening. Then you had that 3 way match between RKO, Dibiase and Morrison, to get to SummerSlam. At one point during the match, he said, and I quote (pardon the pun) "RKO versus his former legacy members Morrison and Dibiase." :wtf: I could hear the silence from Lawler thinking "U dummy." I even slapped my head twice for the idiot. The only thing I'm thinking of with him quitting NXT is that please do not let this be a re-dux of the Adamle debacle when Adamle quit ECW and was granted a GM spot. I'd much rather see JR come back and talk out of the side of his mouth at this point than bring back Byron Saxton, or Abe Washington, even I'd take Hornswoggle at this point. But please dear baby Jesus, do not let us take anymore of Cole.
Cole. MICHAEL FUCKING COLE. I can't stand him. He's so annoying. All he does is kiss Miz's ass and say "Can I have your attention please, I've received an e-mail from the GM....and I quote." Before it was "VINTAGE!" now it's this. Greaaat. :suspic:

So, he's doing a good job playing a heel, because he's got me insane, but he gets his facts wrong, and he bitches about Daniel Bryan. Anybody who bitches on Daniel Bryan can't be friends with me, but that's besides the point.

Michael Cole needs to GTFO, and someone else needs to take his place. JR should just come back. I don't really care who the hell it is, but someone needs to get Michael Cole OUT.
I have loved Cole in the past few months. He is more entertaining than he has ever been, even back in his Smackdown prime with Tazz. His GM messenger antics on Raw just crack me up. And I quote! His constant trashing of Bryan and the Internet Darlings, making fun of R-Truth's rapping, and idolizing of the Miz are just great. I hope he continues toward going full fledged heel.
A month ago I posted something along the lines of Cole is stale, he defines the word "geek" but recently I have changed my opinion. His heel turn has been great and I love his put downs. I also love it when he is about to read an email from the GM, he gets really good heat.

Cole is a "cool geek". Someone you love to hate. He's doing his job tremendously imo. I see him getting cult status!!!

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