**Merged** Bitch about commentary here

Why would we want to bring J.R back? He's doing just fine with what he has going on right now, and he doesn't seem like he's missing it. So why would we want to force him back into a position he might not even want anymore?

J.R is past his announcing career really, there's no need for him to return, especially considering the announcing team is doing just dandy by themselves. Sure it's not perfect, and sure it's not the greatest thing going on. However they're managing, and they're pulling through. So why exactly would J.R's return be fixing anything, because one of the announce teams would still be awful by the looks of the IWC, considering J.R couldn't possibly announce on both shows.
Wait just one minute Wait just one minute Marcesto Del Santos Vega, has something to say. hasnt cole made racist comments? something about black people. Nobody can stand cole personally i would superplex cole onto the announce table and have rikishi stink face him make cole throw up like booker t did after he made out with rikishis ass.

Now don't get me wrong I cannot stand Michael Cole at all. The way he constantly screws up on live television, his annoying over use of catchphrases such as "Vintage", and superstar related ones such as "The Viper is Ready to Strike!" for Randy Orton and "The Ultimate Opportunist!" for Edge, to his over acting hatred for wrestlers who came out of the indy scene in the likes of Daniel Bryan and Kaval, to his over praising of his man crushes in The Miz and Alex Riley. He's the equivalent of a pull string doll that says it's few lines. Michael Cole is simply a walking cliche. Which after a while it gets annoying to listen too.

Now as much as the man bothers me and as much as I don't think he's the most qualified announcer for RAW, he seems to be McMahon's golden announcer. He is the guy that Vince wants to call the shows throughout the next generation. A lot of us may hate him but he is the one that Vince wants behind the desk or else he would have never moved Cole to RAW. WE can bitch and moan all we want (and believe me I have) but that still doesn't change the fact that Michael Cole will be the lead play-by-play commentator of the next generation. As much as that may suck for a lot of us to hear, it's still the god's honest truth.
I wouldn't exactly call Cole a full blown heel commentator but he's the closest thing to one in either WWE or TNA. To be honest, I think Cole is quite good when he's in heel mode. Whenever he's ragging on internet sensations like Daniel Bryan or Kaval, Cole genuinely sounds mean spirited about it. He pretty much insults everything about them from their looks to their personality to their ring attire and he simultaneously rags about the IWC.

Then, when Cole is playing head cheerleader to The Miz, he sounds sincerely enthusiastic in his praise of him. He sounds like such a retchid ass kisser that you just wanna smack the crap out of him, but in a good way.

I think the WWE just ought to make Cole a full blow heel commentator because he's great at it. That way he can be as annoying as he can possibly be, but in a way that's beneficial to the show.
I think almost everybody misses JR but I don't think he's going to be returning. From reading some of JR's blogs in the past, it sounds to me as if he hasn't really been interested in commentating anymore. He's getting older, he had a bit of a health scare almost a year ago and he himself has said that he enjoys the fact that he isn't traveling 52 weeks out of the year. He seems to be happy scouting, spending time at FCW and doing what he does now. Maybe it's just time to move on, as it seems that he has.

I'd love it if JR were to come back, but I do think Michael Cole gets unfairly dragged under the bus sometimes. He gets dragged under it fairly a lot of times, don't misunderstand me, but the guy does the best that he can. And I do think he's improved quite a bit, though that's almost entirely when he's in heel mode ratting on the internet and Daniel Bryan or praising The Miz.
This thread starter is just too far out of tune. He basically said there is no room for two heel announcers not realizing Lawler hasn't been a heel in YEARS. Cole is an annoying announcer but he is a GOOD one. He knows the product, he sells the storylines and he isn't out of touch with wrestling terms. People have to let go of JR and realize that JR wasn't going to an announcer forever and Michael Cole's voice would eventually be recognized as a "WWE voice" .. like when you hear John Maddens voice, you think of football immediately. Michael Cole does that to me already with wrestling. When I hear his voice, I know its Monday Night Raw.
exceptional. michael cole sucks. he messes up all the time and he is not funny at all. just saying.................
I love Jim Ross just as much as anybody, but he hasn't been on top of his game for a while now. JR has been known to make a good amount of mistakes every now and then over the past couple of years, and I just think it's time for him to step away from commentating. We all probably felt some mystique last year, when we heard JR's commentary during the Wrestlemania match between The Undertaker & Shawn Michaels, but he just isn't what he used to be.

Todd Grisham and Matt Striker work well together, and I wouldn't want to see a JR and King reunion on Raw, because that duo hasn't been entertaining ever since the attitude era. Cole isn't as horrible as some people make him out to be. I think he just takes a lot of crap, because he has the whole "he'll never fill JR's shoes" thing hanging over his head. Cole can be good when he's being a dick, and bashing the IWC
Meh I don't really mind him.

I actually think his little heel attempt thing he has going is kinda funny. I esp love the "Ladies and gentleman I have received another email from the general manager" slowly walks up and puts on his glasses (lol) then "and I quote" .. that part gets me.

You could not have explained it any better. Every time I hear the little ringtone I talk as if I'm Cole "Ladies and Gentleman I have recieved another email........And I Quote..blah blah.''

I also kind of like him when hes bashing Danielson and loving the Miz. I''m saying the whole time while laughing "Cole is such an asshole." He makes me hate him. He's a tool. But he has been around for a loooong time and you have to respect him.
hey, Cole is doin a good job seeing as was moved from the "B" show to the "A" show. He takes alot of crap having to replace JR. Those are some big shoes to fill. Gotta give the man some respect for tryin to be as good as JR even though he never could. Whats it matter if hes heal/face, hes a damn announcer.
Cole started turning sometime during NXT season 1 with the whole Bryan attacks
after that wwe has had him start talking down alot of faces and eventually turned him heel completely
I rarely watch wrestling nowadays...in fact I haven't watched Raw since way before Wrestlemania.

My question: When did Michael Cole become a heel announcer? I tuned in this last Monday and he was talking crap about R-truth for saying "what's up" on his way to the ring. Then after Miz got attacked by that one dude Cole was getting mad and defending Miz (the heel).

Just wondering when this all happened? Honestly..I think it's pretty bad. Lawler has always made the best heel and now they're trying to put Cole in that spot. I miss the old days.

This all started in NXt season 1, as some of the other guys pointed out, i hated him at first, but then realized that is what the WWe wanted so right now im fine with how is he doing his job, obviously hes no JR butwhat can you do abou it?
Fans booed him whenever possible because he's an awful announcer. WWE was smart and made him hate some wrestlers and turn him heel (in some cases). Smart move for WWE... may as well make the fans boo him for storyline reasons, not because he's awful.
you think cole is the voice of wrestling. really? really? come on. he messes up constantly. sucks at calling a match. most of the time just sitting there. cant call a match anything like jr. so dude,please. get your lips off coles ass
Although it is not happening due to the wwes new pg era, Bill Lesnar would love to JR back as he brings passion to announce team. Bill Lesnar loved it how Jr called matches with Emotion and drama..and stood up for faces. Bill Lesnar also liked the fact that he had great chemistry with King, and they made agreat heel-face team, making the matches more believable with their yelling at heels misdoings.
I really want JR to come back, it's been boring since he's gone, he made every match exciting even if the matches weren't that good. Hopefully he will be on the 900th Raw and make Raw the same as it was.
Jim Ross's commentating days are over, in fact he has said that himself. But I do wish they would replace Michael Cole and I always have. I have never ever liked Cole as a commentator. Remember when he filled in for JR during the Attitude era from late 1998 to around Wrestlemania 15? I thought he did a terrible job at ringside even back then. He tried to call all those Rock/Mankind title matches with emotion, but it just sounded so fake compared to JR. I think the fact that he is force-fed at least half his stupid, cheesy lines just goes to show that Vince has no confidence in him. But he is there because Cole is all theyve got right now. To throw Matt Striker or Todd Grisham next to "The King" Lawler would just semm weird and out of place. And they would just be told to say the same "Vintage" and "Weekly episodic..." lines.
I grew up with JR and I've always loved his commentary, but the fact is, he's not coming back. His health and desire to be with his family are kind of a priority here. This is the same sort of moaning about going back to the Attitude Era and asking when The Rock is coming back that is in practically every thread on here. It was great, but let it go.

Regarding Cole, I don't find him all that offensive. He's a bit toned down on Raw, but the pairing of him and Matthews on NXT is quite entertaining, and with Cole as a full-time heel, he's got a different edge, and I like it. They have a great chemistry, and the way Cole will make an off the wall comment, followed by Matthews expressing disbelief reminds me, albeit subtly, of Heenan and Monsoon. They're hinting at more of his heel side on Raw, but it hasn't come full scale yet. His rant on Truth the other night was awesome.

It amuses the hell out of me, though, that people talk about how great of a color guy the King was back in the day, but somehow find it irritating that Cole currently roots for heels and makes biased and unfair comments about faces and the fans. Sure, the King is arguably the best heel commentator we've ever seen, but he employed the same tactics that people currently hate Cole for. Catchphrases? Everyone has had them, including JR, and they're encouraged to use them, if not forced. I'm familiar with broadcasting, and can testify that this is the case, whether reading a scripted promo or as part of a character. It's the exact same reason why HHH and Cena have five moves.

As an aside, that Storm vs. Jericho match was truly epic. Thanks for posting that!
Ok, well this thread is going to be brief and direct. For months now, Matt Striker has been making reference to Dolph Ziggler "rolling people up" with the Zig-Zag. This past week on Smackdown, he took it one step further by telling Dolph to "light it up" after his usual "roll it up" reference. Not only is this a PG rated show, but Striker is a former school teacher who is supposed to have a certain amount of class and dignity. (despite condoning the usual despicable heel behaviour) Seriously, "roll it up & light it up with a Zig-Zag?" I find this disgusting. This is not acceptable to be said on a PG rated show. Am I wrong?
Yep, you're wrong. It's a harmless joke that would fly over the head of most kids. We've seen and heard far worse during the PG Era than a commentator making a tobacco/smoke paper reference, especially one as blatant as the zig-zag.

And I quite like Matt Strikers commentary lately, I'd rather him stay this way than turn into a Todd Grisham clone. He's supposed to be making fun, siding with heels, cracking jokes. He's getting paid to do it, and if there was a problem with the zig zag reference, WWE management would have removed it seeing as Smackdown is taped. You're just taking it way too personally.
To be quite honest, I really don't think it's that bad. I watched last weeks Smackdown and I just laughed at his pun. I didn't really find it "disgusting" as you put it, but you are of course, entitled to your own opinion. Let's face it; if it was really that bad, then it would have been removed because of the simple fact that Smackdown is pre-recorded.

I bet 50% of the people that watched Smackdown didn't even pick up on his reference, or take it into account at the least.
I didnt really watch smackdown last week but from what im hearing here, matt striker tried to make a jok. I just dont respect matt striker as a commentator. but this little "joke" he made was harmless. Not that big of a deal to me.
Wait! Wait! Wait! Pause! Rewind! Play...

Did you just complain about a weed joke in the PG-Era? Before you answer that, answer this one first...

Did you complain when Bret was saying Ass and Hell all the time?

Anyway, as others said, it's a joke that most kids under 13 wouldn't understand... and if they did, then it's not like WWE would be at fault. Society has fallen into letting their kids watch nearly anything, so it wouldn't really matter.
I use to roll my own smokes.. Not all Zig-Zag's are used for weed.

But agreed with everyone else, it's harmless. Do you remember some of the shit they use to do back in the day when they were PG? If you were watching back then, you will know what I mean. If not, go to youtube and take a look at some of the stuff that was going on before they went PG-13.
A few weeks ago I think he made a similar reference. With Dolph having a move called The Zig Zag its easy to make small jokes about it that only a select few would get. My girlfriend was sitting in the room with me when I was watching SMACKDOWN!, she thought I was being a "dumb pothead" when I started marking out for his comments, she did not even get them until I explained what he said. I think most people who are unaware about the drug culture might not have even gave his comments a second thought.
Go back and watch some of your favorite cartoons and I bet you will find a few jokes aimed towards the more mature viewers.
This just goes to show some people just need something to bitch about.

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