Meltdown (Episode 5): Nate Thorpe & Vince Salatino vs El Guerrero & Davey Bo

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
Tag Match:
Nate Thorpe & Vince Salatino vs El Guerrero & Davey Bo

This match marks the debut of all these wrestlers in WZCW. They have been waiting in anticipation and finally get their shot to show the world what they are made of. What team is going to defeat the other and get out on top to be first off the ranks?

Keep all RP's in here.

RP deadline is September 14th, Midnight US EST.
[Backstage, Chuck Myles is attending a phone call at a lounge room, he looks a little stressed]

Chuck: “Yeah….no, no….of course……god damnit I said no to that!!....O.k. I will check on that later…all right, see you then…”

[As he hung up, he realizes that he is not alone, and slowly turns his head, just to see El Guerrero standing next to him….]

El Guerrero: “Hello Señor Myles, finally… [Gives Chuck a slight pat on his shoulder] El Guerrero can talk with you about….”

Chuck: “Hey, you know something? I’m a little busy right know so, maybe we can chat later, all r…”

El Guerrero: Chuck, Chuck… [Putting his right hand on Chuck shoulder] I really, really want to talk with you about my career here, AMIGO. You know, Unscripted was a Mega success and….

Chuck: [over-excited, and extremely happy! :lol2:] “YES!! UNSCRIPTED was a huge PPV! Did you see the triple threat match? I’m sure you did, it was great!!! Joseph Rios is now the WZCW World Champion”

El Guerrero: “yes, I know that…”

Chuck: “And what about the next Meltdown card? Isn’t it great? Tom McBrady vs Rios!! I’m a genius! and….”

[El Guerrero then put a little pressure on that shoulder, interrupting Myles with a defiant stare …]

El Guerrero: “Listen to me Chuck. I came here to wrestle. I came here to prove that I’m the best; I came here to prove that I can be the WZCW champion and most important, El Guerrero needs to prove his words in the ring…”

[Chuck and El Guerrero stares down at each other, until Chuck breaks the ice]

Chuck: “I have to admit it, you have some balls to come here and tell me all that, face to face. But unfortunately, I can’t do anything right now because the Meltdown card is already done. Sorry.”

[El Guerrero can’t stand this and leaves fuming, without saying a word and slamming the door at the exit.]

[Leon Kensworth was about to enter, and watched El Guerrero leaving, speaking some words in Spanish for himself…then, proceeds to enter and interview Chuck Myles]

Leon: “Mr. Myles, can we have your thoughts on El Guerrero attitude? It seems that he has some issues on….”

Chuck: “Look Leon, I know that Meltdown is already planned, but as I said after Unscripted, things are going to change around here. So, I can tell you one thing: I have a “huge” surprise for the fans…and a “special” surprise… for El Guerrero."

[Chuck Myles leaves with a mysterious grin on his face, walking slowly and more confident than usual…]

Leon: “That was Mr. Chuck Myles ladies and gentlemen, and what are those surprises he has for all the fans of WZCW, but specially, for this young newcomer, El Guerrero? Don’t miss any second of WZCW, and don’t forget to visit for the latest information on Unscripted, results, the next Meltdown and more surprises”
[Backstage, "Showtime" is seen with two 50lb dumbbells in each hand in the push-up position, prepping for his long evening. Leon Kinsworth slips through his locker room door for a small interview]

Leon: Mr. Thorpe? Mr. Thorpe! It's great to finally see you here in the WZCW! Many have low expectations from someone, brash as you. What do you plan on...

[Thorpe is visibly angered, but smirks and replies]

Thorpe:1st off, YOU refer to me as Showtime...ya dig? Now, my friend... you have it alllllllll backwards. 1st off... [takes a bit of time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then gets back to his workout] I'm not brash by any means. I just tend to know what I'm talking about before others get the gist.

[heavy breathing as he continues his pushups]

Leon: Right, uh...anyways about your tag partner, do you think he's...

[stops and looks up at Leon like he spoke a forbidden word]

Thorpe: I do know we have a job to do out there, so as long as he pulls his weight, I have no problems. You know, we don't need to bring him into came to see me, right? [doesn't let him answer and stands up] Right, you want to know about him, you talk to him. [Wipes himself with a towel and puts on his shirt] You know, they really should have sent in Becky for this, I don't dig guys comin in my locker room. You got anything else for me?

Leon: Actually, yes. We were wondering about your knee injury, since rehab, do you feel you will be totally able to go all out in your match? Will there be any restrictions to your offensive arsenal? And do you think the size of your opponents will play against your favor?

Thorpe: Don't worry about how I'm gonna handle my match. Just watch me work, ok? And about my knee? [ jumps in place a bit, then puts shades on and smirks] We'll just have to see about that when I get out there, eh? [turns to the camera] Hope you're all watchin' out's showtime!

[Motions to Leon that he needs to move and walks out slowly]

Leon: The bold new highflyer Nate Thorpe on the scene here in the WZCW, how will his skills own up here in the real wrestler's world? We'll just have to find out!!!
[Shortly after leaving his dressing room, "Showtime" strolls by Chuck Myles' office. Having yet to meet the man and wanting to make a lasting impression, Thorpe strolls on in]

[Shades on and his sly grin painted on his face, he starts his introduction, a bit nervous, but calm]

Thorpe: Ey...ey! What goin on Chairman? It's of your newest signings. I wanted to...

[Caught off guard, Chuck whips around, but then relaxes and also has kind of a sly smile as well]

Chuck: Oh yeah! You're that new guy...quick as a hiccup I hear? It's gonna be GREAT seeing you wrestle tonight, I have high hopes for you!

Thorpe: Yes sir...but I have a "slight" problem...see I normally fly solo...I mean I've never been involved in a tag match before...I mean I DON'T back outta matches...

[Realizing he's making a fool of himself, Showtime stops, takes a deep breath, and starts again]

Thorpe: I understand I have a partner and that I shouldn't be buggin...but I haven't seen him around, and man...

[Shifts his shades a bit and crosses his arms as he starts to get to his point]

Thorpe: Yeah...I dunno if I can do this whole "tag match" thing. There's no possible way I can wrestle these two guys if I haven't spoken a word to my partner! You know how it goes man...need that chemistry to be whaddaya say...cancel my tag match and...maybe gimme a solo shot instead...?

[Aggravated by Showtime's question, Chuck laughs and fires back quickly]

Chuck: 1st off, I wanna congratulate you on asking me possibly the dumbest question I've heard ALL evening! Come on now, where does that leave El Guerrero and Davey Bo? I can't change the show just for you, you're a nobody here, you need to show me something if you're gonna get any favors outta me, try again son!

[As Chuck walks to take a seat, Showtime gets a little flustered and he loses the smirk quickly]

Thorpe: With all do respect sir, who the hell are you calling a nobody? I may not have a track record here, but I'm damn willing to start one! I just want the chance to PROVE MYSELF without any dead weight! If I'm gonna make it, I gotta show everyone what I'm capable of, and the only person that can help me do that is YOU.

[Points firmly at Chuck. Chuck sympathizes with Showtime, trying to make his point clearer]

Chuck: Kid look...I'm all for you wantin' to prove yourself, but LISTEN HERE...I'm giving you your shot to prove yourself, and you're gonna HAVE TO DO IT MY WAY, are we clear?

[Thorpe is visibly angered and stares intently at Myles through his shades, this time sounding a bit desperate]

Thorpe: Ahh you gotta be kidding me! Man I'm your 1-way ticket to paydirt, just have a bit of faith in me man! I'm a wor...

[Chuck stops him with his hand, gets in Thorpe's face and stares directly into his eyes.]

Chuck: You really must not know who I am...but do NOT walk into my office asking for favors, I CALL THE SHOTS!I don't even know you! Do something in the ring! Do something PERIOD! Then we'll chat. Until then, you will walk the road everyone had to walk to get to the top, no shortcuts for you pretty-boy. Geez...the way you were talkin to me, you were in Hollywood or something, damn...

[Now pissed from being insulted, Thorpe prepares to take his leave. He opens the door. Then...]

Thorpe: Do something...period?

[Without hesitation, Thorpe turns and performs a shuffle back heel kick to an innocent camera-man. Thorpe rips his shades off and stares in approval, with a slight smirk.]

Thorpe: How's that for a start?

[As Thorpe turns to leave, he catches Downward Spiral, who has witnessed the attack, at Myles' door staring at the camera-man's limp approval? Thorpe and Spiral then have a slight staredown, both superstars visibly pissed, though neither knows why. Both Superstars then exit]

Chuck: Ahh ok...this just makes everything a little more interesting...buncha hotheads around here...
[Backstage, the scene starts with el Guerrero sitting at the stairs who lead to the roof of the arena; he looks calm and focused, unlike the last time he had his first “meeting” with Chuck Myles. His cell phone rings, he looks at the caller ID, and answers in a perfect Spanish accent as he chuckles…]

El Guerrero: “Hola hermano, how is it going my man?

Caller: […]

El Guerrero: Good! Glad to hear from you raza!

Caller: […]

El Guerrero:…Yes, I know that I acted like a dick, but Chuck Myles is really a tough person to speak with…luckily for me, he arranged a match at this coming Meltdown, Bro…a Tag Team match”

Caller: […]

El Guerrero: Yes I know, and I’m ready for this match. That guy Nate Thorpe seems to be ready for the match as well; I heard that he already asked Chuck Myles to drop the tag team match and send him solo to the match.

Caller: […]

[Leon Kensworth appears from nowhere, looking tired of walking the stairs. El Guerrero keeps talking, like if he was alone]

El Guerrero: I know about that, stop worrying about it; nothing is going to happen. I promise that…”

Leon: Finally we found him! Ladies and Gentleman, we are with El Guerrero in….a very unorthodox place…
Is the roof of an arena the place where El Guerrero finds…

El Guerrero: Leon, Leon, I was doing well, until someone interrupted my phone call… [Hangs up, giving the impression of being upset]

Leon: So…so…..sorry El Guerrero, I didn’t want to…..

[Changes his mood, and smile at the still embarrassed Leon Kensworth]

El Guerrero: It’s OK Leon; tell me, what can I do for you?

Leon: Thank you El Guerrero! Now, can you give us your opinion about your coming Tag Team match vs. Nate Thorpe and Vince Salatino at Meltdown?

El Guerrero: Si amigo, I have to tell that I’m pretty excited with my debut match; finally, the big chance to back my words in the ring, just became reality.
Unfortunately, this reality it’s not going to be exciting and special for everybody in the ring…

Leon: What can you say about your Tag Team Partner in this match, “The Man Child” Davey Bo; have you spoken with him about the match?

El Guerrero: No I haven’t, but I have faith that Davey Bo is ready as I am. I understand that Davey Bo is a very confident man, who is very used to get the win; El Guerrero welcomes that attitude, so I’m sure that we will be fine in the ring and we can conquer our first victory at Meltdown.

Leon: You mentioned moments ago, when…I… interrupted your…call…

El Guerrero: Sneaky little man! You heard my phone conversation?

[El Guerrero put one of his massive hands on Leon’s left shoulder. Kensworth looks overwhelmingly small in comparison to El Guerrero massive physique. Leon closed his eyes, expecting maybe a punch in the face…]

El Guerrero: Hahaha, i’m kidding Amigo! Relax Leon, one of these days you’ll have a heart attack!

Leon: Hehe…he, ok! [Still swallowing his own saliva] Well, you mentioned that you might be actually worried…were you talking about your opponents, “Showtime” Nate Thorpe and Vince Salatino?

[Immediately, the eyes of El Guerrero seemed to ignite like a pair of fireballs, almost bugging when he heard the question]

El Guerrero: WORRIED?? [The thunderous voice of El Guerrero made Leon closed his eyes again, almost dropping the microphone by the impression] YOU ARE SAYING THAT EL GUERRERO IS WORRIED BECAUSE OF HIS OPPONENTS?
Let me tell you something, Leon… Jaguar… Pussycat… or whatever the fuck your name is… [He grabs Leon firmly by the neck, without choking him] El Guerrero fears NOBODY! El Guerrero is no worried by his opponents! Even if Davey Bo doesn’t make it to Meltdown, El Guerrero isn’t backing down in the match!
Listen, doesn’t matter if I need to be carried out in a stretcher after the match, El Guerrero will fight, and El Guerrero will succeed!

[He let go Leon, who is almost pissing his pants at this moment]

El Guerrero: And one last thing…Leon…

[El Guerrero grabs Kensworth microphone and turns to the camera, as the cameraman make a slow close up; his voice is calm but strong and deep, as when making a serious, serious statement]

El Guerrero: I’m not going to stop, [short pause] until I get the WZCW Championship…that is a god damn FACT…Amigo.

[El Guerrero shoves the microphone to Leon chest, and leaves slowly, showing his maniacal, evil smile; Leon tries to catch up his breath, as he fastens his new, now all wrinkled WZCW tie]

Leon: Well folks, you’ve seen it, a man who is not going to stop until he get his ultimate objective: The WZCW Championship; and he may started to achieve one of his goals, by stating that he is going to be at Meltdown in his tag team match against ‘Showtime” Nate Thorpe and Vince Salatino, even… if Davey Bo doesn’t show up.
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