Meltdown (Episode 5): #1 Contender's Match

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
#1 Contenders Match: Brian Michaels vs Everest vs Downward Spiral.​

Chuck Myles has announced that these three superstars will participate in a Number One Contenders match to Joseph Rios' WZCW Championship. What kind of condition is Spiral in after being brutalised by both Everest and Michaels? Who will come out on top in the triple threat matchup that's sure to get heads turning? What new chapters in the title picture will be unfolded?

Keep all RP's in here.

RP Deadline is September 14th, Midnight US EST.​
Spiral: Well why don't you just leave! Go ahead! I've heard all these stories going around about how this is what you want to d-

Rebecca: And who did you hear them from? I'm sick of all the times you keep going behind my back and doing this stu-

Spiral: What I do!? You are the one who keeps going around telling everyone that you're sick of the way I'm "acting"! And what am I meant to do!? Huh? You are my God damn wife!

Rebecca: That doesn't mean I have to sit back and watch as you go around trying to kill people!

Spiral: I'm in the wrestling business for fuck's sake! You know full-fucking-well what I'm meant to do!

Rebecca: But-

Spiral: But nothing!

(Spiral and his wife Rebecca are standing in a room that looks like it's been messed up. Rebecca is holding bags, which she drops to the floor, already in tears as she moves over to the sink and grips her hands on it, staring down into it as Spiral sits back on a lounge, looking incredibly agitated, with a bandage around his head.)

Rebecca: What has happened to you?

Spiral: Why must everyone keep asking that damn question! NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO ME! All right?

Rebecca: I…I see that look in your eyes. When we got married, everyone used to say you could see the love in your eyes. Now, it’s been replaced by this maniacal…there’s something wrong with you Michael. Please, please don’t go to Meltdown this week.

Spiral: What!?

Rebecca: You need some time off.

Spiral: Are you kidding me!? I’ve got a Number One Contender’s match for the WZCW Title! I’ve got a rematch against that Everest, and I finally get to lay my hands on Brian Michaels after what he did!

Rebecca: But you’re in no condition to-

Spiral rises off the lounge and moves towards a cowering Rebecca.

Spiral: Since when have you had the right to tell me if I’m ready or not!!!??? My destiny was to reach the WZCW title and it’s people like you Rebecca that try to keep me down. I was screwed out of that chance once, and it’s not happening again!

Spiral steps back and throws a lamp off its stand and to the ground in anger. He stares down at it, before looking back at a crying Rebecca.

Spiral: How do you think it was for me to lose that Street Fight? Huh? Do you think I was just going to give up after that and pack in like some pathetic loser?!

Rebecca: N-n

Spiral: Well I’m NOT! I’m not sitting back any longer and watching other people take my opportunities! If I want to go on some reign of terror or whatever the hell Sebastian Copeland called it, I’m going to do it and there’s not a damn thing that you or anyone else can do that’s going to convince me that I should do otherwise!

Rebecca stammers a little more, before running off, leaving Spiral staring after her in a rage. He slams his fist down on the table, before looking over at the television, which is still going.

Spiral: How often do I have to tell you to turn this thing off!?!?

Spiral picks up the remote, before a battery falls out. Spiral waits no longer and throws the remote against the wall and slams his fist into the off button on the TV. He breathes heavily as his shoulders slump, and he slowly turns around as he hears something. He starts moving down the hallway where Rebecca went, and stops at a shut door. Hearing murmuring the other side, he kicks open the door to reveal a crying Rebecca slumped against a wall and talking on a phone. Spiral moves over and snatches the phone out of her hands and pulls it up to his ear.

Spiral: Who the hell is this?

Spiral listens to a voice on the other end as Rebecca still bursts out in tears.

Spiral: So it’s Chuck? What the hell were you doing talking to my wife? …Oh, she called you did she?

Spiral looks down at his wife in anger.

Spiral: So she told you I wasn’t coming? Well I am coming Chuck. I speak for myself….I don’t care if you think I’m having problems at home! I’m coming to this damn Meltdown and I’m going to beat the life out of Everest and Michaels and I’m going to become the number one contender to Joseph Rios’ title!…You can’t do anything about that! Don’t you ever speak to my wife again Chuck, and I will be there and I will be winning this match! Bank on it Chuck!

Spiral slams the phone down and turns back to look at Rebecca.

Spiral: Ringing little Chucky were we? Trying to stop me from leaving were we?

Rebecca: Calm down Michael! Just please, calm down!

Spiral stops and rests up against the wall, before shrugging Rebecca off and moving off in a hurry. Rebecca drags herself up to run after him, before Spiral turns around to face her again.

Spiral: Tune into Meltdown the next few weeks Rebecca. Oh, I’m going to be a changed man. I’m going to have the WZCW title around my waist. Now back off, because I’m sorry to say, but my wrestling comes first, and I’ve got a #1 Contender’s match!

Spiral rips a jacket off a coat hanger, before opening his front door. He turns around to Rebecca again.

Spiral: And don’t bother waiting up…

Spiral slams the door shut behind him, knocking a photo off a wall as it shatters to the ground. Rebecca slumps to the ground beside the photo and stares at it, bursting out into tears as she lifts it up in her shaking hands. Tears spill onto the photo as the distant sound of a car starting up is heard as rain patters onto the roof. The photo falls to the ground as Rebecca struggles to control herself. The photo is of Rebecca and Spiral on their wedding day…
*Our camera shot starts in the backstage area of some unknown arena. The shot pans to the front of a locker room door, there is a sign saying EVEREST on the door. As the camera nears we see EVEREST himself come walking around the corner, not realizing the camera is there. EVEREST opens his door and walks in with the camera in tow. EVEREST stops and we see over his shoulder there is a huge desk in the room, with one of those huge backed CEO style chairs with its back to the camera. EVEREST speaks.

EVEREST: Well well it’s good to see you finally made it, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to show up this week. Usually you are right on time. Running a little um, late this week are we?

*The chair suddenly swings around and we see Rebecca Serra sitting down, microphone in hand and a less than welcoming look on her face.*

REBECCA: Very funny EVEREST, you are becoming quite hard to find lately. When you first came here you were very talkative and now it seems…..

*EVEREST holds up his hand and stops Becca cold in her statement*
EVEREST: Hmmmm Rebecca I sense a hint of disappointment in your voice. You wouldn’t be missing me now would you? Seems to me that you are really missing the time we used to spend together.

REBECCA: Well, yes and no? You are always a very charming man to be around and very insightful but you do tend to flirt a bit.

EVEREST: *Running his hand through Rebecca’s hair, before slowly taking the mic out of her hand while staring eye to eye with her almost mesmerizing Becca.* Well there is a very simple reason for my not being as talkative. You see in the beginning I had to talk, talk as much as I could, because you see back then I had to get my name out there, I had to get people to notice me. Those people, those fans, the main people in WZCW had to know who EVEREST was. But now, now I don’t need to talk. People have seen me wrestle, they’ve seem my passion and they’ve seen what I’m capable of. I took care of Angel, I’ve beaten the World Champion, I took out Downward Spiral in his own element! I’ve teamed with Titus and taken down the best here. And now only one thing is left. THE WZCW CHAMPIONSHIP.

REBECCA: Well you do have a number one contender’s match on Meltdown.

EVEREST: Yes Rebecca, yes I do. Once again I’ll have to go through Spiral to get what I want. I’m ok with that though. But Brian Michaels is the wild card in this one. You see Michaels don’t think that just because we’ve got a common enemy that I trust you. Respect you, yes, trust you – oh no! Michaels, I’ve done my research, I know what you and Spiral did as a team, how close you were and bottom line is I am not entirely certain you two aren’t just pulling some elaborate scheme on the WZCW, me included.

Now Michaels on the same token, don’t take this as me saying that you’re not pissed at the world and Spiral and ready to take out even more pent up anger on Spiral but once that match at Meltdown comes down to it, three men will step into that ring and only one is going to get a shot at the World Title. You want Michaels, Lord knows Spiral wants it, and you can be damn sure that I want it. Problem for you two is at the end of the night, I WILL HAVE IT!

Spiral don't think I've forgotten about you. Come Monday night, we'll continue our little feud. I'll take you behind the woodshed if need be but it seems you may have more on your mind than wrestling lately but somehow I think on Monday you'll be ready, and I sure hope so. I really do.

You see Becca, that World Title is in my future, like the classic movie saying goes, “Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but someday,” and whenever the time comes I will show everyone the world over……

Take care Rebecca and I will see you soon, Monday night! Try not to miss me too much alright.

*With that Everest heads for the door, before turning around and winking at Rebecca, and then heading out the door as the camera fades to black.*
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