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Meltdown 65

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Bliss hits to loud boos from the crowd and Blade slowly walks out onto the ramp, his waist bare for the first time in 8 months. His face expressionless, he goes down the ramp and slides into the ring, where he asks for a microphone. Suddenly, a smirk spreads across his face as he talks.

Blade: Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

The crowd boo loudly as Blade nonchalantly wanders around the ring.

Blade: It took some time and it took some persuasion but I got there. Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness history because tonight, what will surely be the most powerful alliance in wrestling history is made official!

More booing from the crowd.

Blade: Now, I’ll introduce my new ally in a moment. But right now, I’ve got to explain why, despite what most think, this plan of mine has been so successful. You see, I’ve been working hard to get Hammond on my side, while also defending the EurAsian title. It was difficult, but in one glorious night, everything seemed to be going my way. In one fell swoop, Hammond joined me and I lost the title.

The crowd cheer for Blade’s title loss but he shakes his head.

Blade: Cheer all you want sheep, but it’s actually a good thing for me. As much pride as I took in that title, it was a burden, holding me back from what I’m destined to be. Heavy lies the crown, so to speak. But now I’m free from my duties as champion and I am free to take what I deserve. The management have no more excuses to hold me back with!

Blade smirks widly and the crowd boo him mercilessly.

Blade: And now, without further ado, I introduce to you the man who is going to help me turn this whole damn company on his head, a man as incredibly talented yet criminally underappreciated as I am, Scott Hammond!

Papercut hits and Hammond emerges, smirking in way that mirror’s Blade. He walks down the ramp and applauds Blade before sliding into the ring. They shake hands and Blade hands over the mic.

Hammond: Thank you for that shining introduction Blade. I'm the first person to stand up and say it pisses me off when people get into the whole 'WHY SCOTT WHY?' speech, but seen as it is just so difficult for every idiot in the back and every idiot watching, I figured I'd explain in words that you can all understand, even if your mother is also your sister.

The crowd boo loudly

Hammond: Where to start? When Blade first came to me, I had absolutely no intention of involving myself in anything he had going on. It wasn't in my best interests because it wasn't in the fans best interests, and the old Scotty wanted to make sure his fans were happy.

He ajusts himself so that he is looking directly into the camera

Hammond: Then, for reasons beyond me I was made special guest referee, when Blade and I both agree I was far more a contender for the EurAsian title than Black Dragon was. Then after all the controversy at Unscripted, I went back to my hotel room and thought. I thought about all the things that Blade had told me, being held down, after all these years just for some punk in a mask to come in and take my spot!

The crowd now in stunned silence look on

Hammond: And then finally, the straw that broke the camels back. Last week on Meltdown, after quite clearly placing my hand on the bottom rope, my shoulders were counted to the mat and a man who has no right to be wearing any kind of gold took the EurAsian title from the greatest EurAsian champion of all time, the man to my right, Blade. So we go from the greatest champion in history to a green rookie that couldn't even hold my jock strap!

Another boo from the shocked crowd

Hammond:Then it hit me. Everything that I had fought for so long seemed so clear to me. I have learnt that you get nothing from standing in the background waiting for an opportunity. Blade and I, we are no longer going to stand by and watch opportunities that should be ours be given to those less deserving. We stand here tonight, to make an oath. An oath that we will no longer ask for a shot, we will simply take it. This is a revolution that stands before you. Two men who will take what we want, when we want it, and I implore anyone who tries to stop up. It begins tonight with Black Dragon, tonight, the whole world will see the evolution of Scott Hammond before their very eyes.

Blade is clapping as Hammond gets louder


Hammond drops the mic as 'Papercut' blares through the PA system. Blade and Hammond exit the ring together walk up the ramp, disappearing behind the curtain.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Alexander Steele emerges to a good reaction and makes his way down to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans on the way.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 249 pounds, from Boston, Massachusetts, Alexander Steele!

He slides into the ring and mounts the second turnbuckle looking around at the fans. He jumps off the turnbuckle and gets himself ready.

The crowd boos as walks out to the ring slowly, his eyes on Steele, ignoring the crowd.

Harrys: And his opponents, first, weighing in at 223 pounds, from Manchester, England, Johnny Scumm!

He gets into the ring and trash talks at Steele, who doesn’t respond.


Armando Paradyse jogs out onto stage and heads straight for the ring, acknowledging some of the girls at ringside on his way.

Harrys: And their opponent, weighing in at 268 pounds, from Puerto Rico, Armando Paradyse!

Copeland: Three of our best young stars in the ring for this match!

Cohen: Y’know, Scumm reminds me of myself when I was his age. I was a Punk, just like him. On the streets, fighting the machine!

Copeland: You went to a private boarding school, Jack.

He gets into the ring and poses for the crowd until Scumm suddenly attacks him from behind and throws him out of the ring. Scumm turns around and Steele hits him with a right hand and whips him across the ring. Scumm bounces back with a lot of momentum and Steele hits a quick Belly to Belly Suplex and Scumm flies across the ring, crashing to the mat. He looks shocked for a second before using the ropes to get to his feet. Steele invites him to the centre of the ring for a tie up and Scumm walks forward but jabs a thumb into Steele’s eye. The referee warns Scumm not to do it again, but he ignores the warning and goes to work on Steele, hitting a series of right hands. He pushes Steele into the corner and backs up, flipping him off before running forward and hitting a Big Boot to the face. Steele falls forward to the mat and Paradyse comes into the ring, hitting Scumm with a Dropkick. Scumm quickly gets up and runs at Paradyse, but he’s hit with a Flapjack and the pin, 1... 2... Scumm kicks out. Paradyse picks him up and Irish Whips him. He goes for the Dropsault as Scumm returns, but Scumm catches his legs and Paradyse hits the mat. Scumm tries to go for a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Paradyse kicks him away. Scumm stumbles into Steele, who locks in an Abdominal Stretch! Scumm yells out in pain as Paradyse gets up and bounces off the ropes and goes for the clothesline on Steele, but Steele lets go of Scumm and counters Paradyse’s clothesline into another Abdominal Stretch! Paradyse tries to struggle out of it, but he can’t!

Copeland: Who will come out on top here? The high flying of Paradyse, the brawling of Scumm or the technical prowess of Alexander Steele?

Paradyse is close to tapping, but Scumm crawls behind Steele and hits a low blow! The referee misses it due to Paradyse obstructing his view. Steele lets go of Paradyse and both men fall to the mat before Scumm covers Steele, 1... 2... Kick out! Steele quickly goes to pin Paradyse, 1... 2... another kick out! Steele calls for the finish and picks up Steele, going for the Facebreaker, but Steele holds onto the ropes! Scumm hits the mat hard and Steele goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Scumm! Steele picks him up and locks on a Side Headlock. He runs forward, about to go for Bulldog but he runs into a Shuffle Sidekick from Paradyse, who goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Steele! All three men are down but Paradyse starts to get up first and goes onto the apron. He waits for either man to get up. Finally, Scumm uses the ropes to get up and Paradyse Springboards, hitting a Crossbody! He hooks both legs for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Scumm! Paradyse looks frustrated as he gets up, drags Scumm to the turnbuckle and slowly climbs up to the top rope. He takes a deep breath before Steele comes out of nowhere, jumps over Scumm to the second rope and hits Paradyse with a T-Bone Suplex from the top rope! The crowd let out a huge gasp as both men crash hard to the mat! Steele claws his way over to Paradyse and drapes an arm across him, 1... 2.... Scumm breaks up the pin!

Copeland: Scumm just saved himself the match! Paradyse was down for the count!

Cohen: His intelligence reminds me of myself, at least.

Scumm and Steele get up and Steele swings a right hand but Scumm catches his arm and drags Steele down to the mat, trying to lock the Memory Loss, but Steele is struggling too much for Scumm to lock it on properly. Steele rolls out of it and runs off the ropes. Scumm quickly gets up and slaps on a Sleeper Hold using the momentum of the oncoming Steele, but Steele reverses it and goes behind Scumm. He sets him up for the Twisted Steele and successfully hits it! Steele goes for the pin, 1.... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Alexander Steele!

Copeland: A big win for this young man!

Steele gets up looking exhausted but still manages a smile as the referee raises his arm. Scumm rolls out of the ring and crawls some of the way up the ramp, looking disgustedly at Steele as Paradyse looks disappointed on the other side of the ringside area.

Camera cuts backstage to show Black Dragon with his newly won EurAsian Title. The crowd cheers as the camera pans out to reveal that he is being interviewed by Becky Sierra before his match.

Sierra: Black Dragon, tonight you compete in your first match since winning the EurAsian Championship and your opponent is Scott Hammond, who viciously attacked you after last weeks bout. What are your thoughts heading into tonight's match?

Before Dragon can respond he’s knocked down from behind by a wicked forearm from Hammond. Hammond starts stomping on the fallen Dragon as Blade now comes into view. He is shouting instructions to Hammond and taunting Dragon. Dragon tries to fight back, but Blade now starts stomping Dragon to keep him down. Hammond grabs Dragon and picks him and throws him back first into the concrete wall. Hammond continues to stomp away at Dragon. He sits Dragon up and puts his foot against Dragon’s neck as Blade continues to taunt Dragon. Blade throws a right hook to the side of the head, knocking Dragon to the ground. Blade and Hammond chuckle and walk off as Becky checks on Dragon.

Copeland: Hammond and Blade get the jump on Dragon before their match. Will Dragon be able to recover in time?
The following match is scheduled for one fall...

On his way to the ring from Galveston Island, Texas, weighing 236lbs, Sean Cruz!

Cruz comes through the curtain a few seconds after his music hits and sidesteps down the ramp high fiving fans and continues for one lap around the ring, then he slides in to the ring and leaps to the second rope and fist pumps along with the crowd.

And his tag team partner, from Los Angeles, he weighs 205lbs, this is EVEREST!!


Everest comes out to a fair reaction. As he makes his way down the ramp, he goes to interact with the fans.

Copeland:“Well this is a combination of real talent!”

Cohen:“Whatever, these two are more overrated than Runn Reynolds Runn!”


And their opponents, firstly he is the Mayhem Champion, from Toledo, Ohio, the King of Mayhem, Alex Bowen!!

“The Faded Line” hits and Alex Bowen comes out holding his belt up high and proud despite the very negative. He heads to the far side of the ring, clutching his belt tightly.

And his tag team partner from Rat’s Ass, he is the KillJoy, Baez!

Baez walks fast down to the ring with intent on his mind. When he reaches the ring, he poses on the middle rope and seems to acknowledge the fans.

Cohen:“I can’t imagine these two will get on very well. Talk about a clash of personalities.”

Copeland:“There has to be a degree of jealousy for their success within the Mayhem Dvision.”

Cruz and Bowen look to start off; Bowen is extremely hesitant and ducks out of Cruz’s attempts to lock up. He ducks a right hand and dives to tag in Baez, who tips his head in surprise. He gets in the ring slowly as Bowen bails underneath the bottom rope. Baez ties up with Cruz and gets taken down by the playboy. Baez struggles in a grounded side headlock before he bridges out of it and catches Cruz in a head scissors. Cruz wriggles out of it and takes Baez down with a clothesline, cover...1...2...Baez kicks out.

Cohen:“These two could trade the flippies all night long.”

Copeland:“Their styles certainly mesh well.”

Cruz goes to whip him off the ropes but Baez reverses it, Cruz leaps over Baez who then leapfrogs him, Cruz springboards off the middle rope but Baez meets his crossbody attempt with a impressive dropkick to the gut. Baez hooks the leg but Cruz fights out at two. Baez grabs Cruz’s wrist and drags him towards the corner where he lashes out a leg at Bowen. The Mayhem champ glares menacingly at his partner before stepping in through the ropes. Bowen takes down Cruz with a DDT and hooks the leg, 1....2....Cruz gets his foot on the bottom rope. Bowen drags Cruz away from the corner before stomping Cruz in the head and dragging his boot across Cruz’s nose and mouth.

Cohen:“And this couldn’t be more different. Bowen’s style is like an extreme smashmouth ground and pound.”

Copeland:“It’s not pretty but it is damn effective.”

Cruz gets dragged up by his hair but begins to pummel Bowen with kicks to the body. He swings at Bowen who ducks the clothesline but is knocked to the floor with a swift and hard-hitting roundhouse kick to the temple! Everest begins to pump up the crowd as his tag partner rallies on the other side of the ring. Cruz begins to crawl across despite Bowen fiercely clutching to his ankle. Cruz kicks him off and tags in Everest. The former world champion goes to town on Bowen. He punches him to the corner and then whips him across the ring. Bowen bounces back and Everest drops him with a massive spinebuster! Cover, 1....2..... Baez comes in and stops the pinfall.

Copeland:“Tremendous heart from Cruz brings in the legend who is on fire!”

Cohen:“Bowen needs to imagine Everest is Cruz and destroy him too!”

Copeland:“And Baez is everywhere in this match, in and outside the ring!”

Bowen tries to fight off Everest with jabs to the head but Everest reverses it into a short arm clothesline. He then goes for a German suplex that folds Bowen up, Everest bridges for a cover but only gets two. Everest signals for the Mountain Climber, Baez goes back in to interrupt the move but Cruz sprints back in and blocks Baez by taking him down with a spinning wheel kick. Cruz builds for his superkick and Everest sees it, he releases the Mountain Climber and Cruz nails Bowen in the face with the kick!

Copeland:“Superkick!! Cover him!”

Cohen:“Wait, look at Baez!”

Baez flies off the turnbuckle with the Screw Attack and nails Everest in the back, Cruz goes to hit the superkick to Baez but Baez hits him with the Twisted T! Baez thinks about covering but remembers he isn’t the legal man but Bowen who is barely recovered from the superkick, rolls across and lays an arm across Cruz’s chest. 1...2...3!

Cohen:“A great win for Bowen over his main competitor for his Mayhem title!”

Copeland:“Are you kidding me? That was the Baez show and if it wasn’t for him then Everest and Cruz would have had this match sewn up! Plus Sean Cruz certainly won’t be happy that the King of Mayhem got one up on him once again!”

Baez quickly exits the ring as Everest looks on from outside the ring. He shakes his head and begins making his way to the back. Bowen slowly recovers and begins laughing as he's pinned Cruz. He grabs his Mayhem Title from the ref and yells at the slowly rising Cruz. Bowen holds the title up to boos from the crowd. He suddenly brings the title down and looks to strike Cruz with it when Baez suddenly runs back down to the ring. Baez stands between Bowen and Cruz as Bowen yells at him to move. Baez shakes his head and motions for Bowen to attack him. The crowd pops and begin chanting Baez's name as Bowen slowly backs off and exits the ring. He checks on Cruz who nods that he is ok. Cruz rolls out of the ring slowly and recovers on the outside as Baez grabs a mic from the ringside assistant.

Baez: I've been doing some thinking lately. After losing my contract to Titus, I've been dealt a large dose of humility. It's time for a change.

Baez paces around the ring as he thinks about what to say.

Baez: Titus! I ask that you come down to the ring right now!

The crowd buzzes as they turn to the entrance ramp. After a few moments...

Titus makes his way out, with the KFAD briefcase in hand. The crowd cheers loudly as Titus makes his way down the ramp. He enters the ring with a mic in hand.

Baez: Titus, I have to thank you. When you won my contract, I feared the worst. Just as you said last week, you could have had me do any sort of humiliating task that you wanted. I don't know what your plan is with that briefcase, I really don't care if I can be honest. However, you made it as painless as possible for me to get my contract back. I feel as if you deserve something more for your victory a few weeks ago. One of the other items on the line.

Titus looks on confused as Baez lowers his mic and takes a deep breath. He lowers his head as he reaches up and slowly slides his mask off. The crowd is stunned as Baez reveals his face for the first time. Baez looks down at the mask for a few moments before speaking again.

Baez: Ever since I started in WZCW I've always been compared to Red Mask. I grew jealous of that Titus, even if I was provoked into it by Myles and Bateman. I won't lie though, I enjoyed the opportunity to finally face Red Mask. But now, this mask has caused more trouble then it's worth. It's time to move on for me Titus. Here, you've earned the right to this.

Baez hands over his mask to Titus, who looks at the mask before speaking.

Titus: Baez, I truly respect what you have done here. I have always respected your in ring skills, but it was always your attitude that was the problem. I didn't want anything to do with your contract. I didn't have it in me to humiliate you. This is where our paths split Baez, I wish you well.

Titus exits the ring quickly as Baez watches him walk up the ramp and to the back. Baez runs a hand through his hair as he gets used to not being masked from the crowd.

Baez: There is one more thing. One more change I have to make tonight. I am no longer The Killjoy. I am no longer Baez. Tonight! You may all start chanting the name, Matt Tastic!

He quickly walks to the corner and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. He poses as the crowd cheers and begins chanting Matt Tastic. Matt Tastic nods his head and smiles, a wave of relief washing over him as he leads the crowd in their chant.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos as Scott Hammond and Blade walk out towards the ring. Both men are still smiling about what they did backstage.

Harrys: Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Blade, from London, England, weighing in at 275 lbs, Scott Hammond!

Scott Hammond walks up the steel stairs as Blade continues around the ring towards the announce table. Scott climbs into the ring and raises his arms to the crowd.

Copeland: The match hasn’t even started yet and already Hammond is acting like he’s won.

Cohen: Did you not see what happened backstage Seabass. But who cares about the match, it looks like Blade is joining us on commentary. Welcome Blade.

Blade: It’s great to see be here Jack, but I disagree with what you just said. I am very much looking forward to this match and seeing what my protege is able to do tonight against Dragon.

Hammond circles the ring and stretches using the ropes. “Soul of the Shadow” by T.S.S Whinstien and after many seconds Black Dragon finally emerges from the back, holding his neck as we walks to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from The Halfway House, weighing in at 180 lbs, he is the EurAsian Champion, Black Dragon!

Cohen: Dragon is still feeling the affects of you and Scott’s assault on him prior to the contest.

Blade: What we did to Dragon is just a little taste of what’s to come now that he’s stolen the EurAsian Championship from me and Hammond. We are unstoppable in WZCW.

Copeland: Stolen? Dragon won the match fairly, and I don’t think he deserved the blindsided attack.

Blade: You mean like how he blindsided the WZCW roster. How he blindsided veterans like myself and Hammond. Dragon has been here what, months? Me and Hammond should be holding titles and competing against Dave for his World Title, but that will change soon enough.

Dragon slides into the ring and surprises Hammond by going right after him as the bell sounds. Dragon continues to lay fists into Hammond before Hammond over powers him and throws Dragon to the mat. Dragon rolls backwards onto his feet. Hammond approaches and Dragon swiftly kicks at the leg of Hammond. Hammond hobbles and Dragon continues to kick at Hammond. Hammond pushes Dragon back again. Dragon quickly recovers kocks Hammond into the ropes with a Dropkick. Dragon goes to Irish Whip Hammond across the ring. Hammond reverses. Dragon leaps onto the second rope and jumps back at Hammond. He grabs Hammonds arm and Arm Drags him to the corner. Hammond slowly lifts himself to his feet as Dragon starts running at him. Handspring Elbow misses as Hammond moves out of the way and Dragon crashes back first into the corner. Dragon stumbles away from the corner. Hammond bounces off the ropes and hits Dragon from behind with a Clothesline. Dragon is on the mat as Hammond begins stomping away at Dragon.

Blade: And that’s my pupil at work there, waiting for the right moment to put Dragon to the mat.

Copeland: Of course it might help that Hammond has almost 100 lbs on Dragon.

Cohen: Quiet Seabass, no ones listening.

Hammond slaps at the back of Dragons head and lifts him to his feet. Hammond hooks the head under his arm and delivers a Snap Suplex. Hammond goes for the pin, his arm across Dragons neck. 1... 2... Dragon kicks out. Hammond grabs ahold of Dragon and lifts him to his feet. Hammond holds Dragons head down and delivers 3 knees to the head and then finishing with a Neckbreaker. Hammond rests on the mat and smiles. He turns around and starts doing push ups, drawing boos from the crowd. Dragon is on his arms and knees crawling to the corner. Hammond gets up and walks over to Dragon. He grabs him by the waist and lifts him off the mat and over his head, German Suplex. Hammond quickly rolls over and hooks both legs. 1... 2.... Kick out by Dragon. Hammond refuses to let Dragon recover this time and locks in a Dragon Sleeper.

Cohen: Ha... look at that Blade, Black Dragon is caught in the Dragon Sleeper move. Ironic.

Copeland: Folks Dragon has been unable to get much offense in, but like a champion has held on so far in this contest despite all odds.

Blade: Quit under cutting my boy Seabass. Hammond is a proven commodity and powerhouse that the roster should no longer underestimate.

Copeland: How about the attitude and showboating his picked up from you.

Blade: He’s winning right now is he not.

Dragon is still locked in the submission hold as the ref is now administering the arm dropping check. The ref raises Dragons arm once and it falls. Does it a second time and it falls. A third time up and Dragon just keeps it from falling. The arm shakes as the crowd starts to come alive. Dragon jabs at Hammonds head, but it hardly fazes his. Dragon manages to get his feet underneath him and Hammond stands up still holding the maneuver. Dragons arms fall limb before springing back to life, putting one foot on the middle rope before leaping up and kicking Hammond in the side of the head with the other, releasing the hold and dropping both men to the mat. Hammond is dazed by the shot, but does not stay down on the mat for very long. He picks Dragon up and Irish Whips him across the ring. Hammond waits and goes for a Clothesline. Dragon ducks the Clothesline. He grabs Hammonds arm and in one fluid motion rolls over Hammonds back, lands on his feet, and spins Hammond around, dropping him with a Neckbreaker. Dragon is up the his feet as Hammond gets to his knees. Hammond turns. Roundhouse kick to the side of Hammonds head. Dragon falls on top for the cover. 1... 2... Hammond powers out of the pinfall.

Dragon lifts Hammond up to his feet. He tucks his head under Hammonds arm and quickly goes for Darkness Falls! Hammond with his leg blocks it. He then grabs Dragons waist and lifts him up onto his shoulder, holding him in Backbreaker Rack type submission. Hammond laughs as he shakes Dragon before turning him face down on his shoulders. London’s Calling! Hammond calmly goes for the pin. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Scott Hammond!

Blade: What I tell you boys, unstoppable. Jack, it was a pleasure.

Cohen: You see Seabass. Blade is exactly what a champion should be. Polite, modest, and willing to speak unlike our current champion.

Copeland: Jack... really?

Blade slides into the ring and congratulates Hammond. Blade then looks down at Dragon and instructs Hammond to pick him up. Hammond does, holding Dragons arms as Blade yells at him.

Copeland: Come on, the match is over. And this is what you call a champion of class Jack?

Blade looks to inflict further pain on Dragon before the crowd pops and Chris Beckford runs down to the ring. Blade and Hammond quietly exit the ring rather than continue the fight as Beckford checks on Dragon. Blade and Hammond walk up the stage ramp and look pleased about what they have done to Dragon.
We go backstage where Ricky Runn and Austin Reynolds are preparing for their upcoming match. Becky Serra walks into their locker room, mic in hand.

Becky: Austin, Ricky, coming up next you face Mind Over Matter. The winner chooses the stipulation for your match at All or Nothing. Have you considered what match type you would choose if you were to win?

Ricky smiles wide as he responds.

Runn: Let's just say the match type we want plays to our strengths. A little high flying to spice up All or Nothing. Anything can be better then the boring matches Mind Over Matter put on!

Reynolds: What my brash partner here should have said Becky, it doesn't matter what stipulation the match has at All or Nothing. Runn Reynolds Runn has the talent and the moxie to take those titles in any type of match. Let's go Ricky.

Ricky and Reynolds exit the locker room as we go to commercial.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall where the winners will choose the stipulation for the World Tag Team Title match at All or Nothing!

Austin Reynolds and Ricky Runn appear at the top of the ramp, both men with their arms spread out. The crowd cheers loudly as Ricky runs down the ramp and slides into the ring as Reynolds takes his time walking down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans. He slides into the ring as well and both men jump up onto the second turnbuckle in opposite corners and pose for the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 390 lbs, Runn Reynolds Runn!

Alexander Stark and Susumu walk out to the top of the entrance ramp as the crowd boos loudly. Stark and Susumu hold up their WZCW Tag Team Championship belts as they stroll down the entrance ramp. They walk up the steel steps and enter the ring slowly. They hold up their belts one more time, eliciting another round of boos from the crowd.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 385 lbs, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Mind Over Matter!

Copeland: These two teams will be battling for the Tag Team Titles at All or Nothing, but tonight we find out who gets to choose the stipulation.

Cohen: I can't wait to see what Mind Over Matter chooses for the match. Not only do they get to crush Runn and Reynolds at All or Nothing, but they get to do it their way.

The ref signals for the bell as Reynolds and Stark begin. The two lock up and Starks gains advantage with a side headlock. Reynolds hits an elbow to the midsection and grabs a side headlock of his own. Stark struggles momentarily before shoving Reynolds off of him. Stark backs off and stares down Reynolds. Reynolds suddenly rolls forwards and goes for his Millions and Millions spin kick but Stark side steps him and shoves Reynolds into the corner. Stark connects with a few blows and tags in Susumu who connects with a strike to the midsection. Reynolds doubles over and Susumu moves him to the ropes and whips him across. Susumu goes for a clothesline but Reynolds rolls through. He turns around and connects with a kick to the midsection. He jumps over Susumu and goes for a pin with a sunset flip, 1.......2.......Susumu kicks out. Reynolds quickly tags Runn who flies in with a springboard corkscrew. He connects against Susumu which sends him tot he outside. Stark hops off the apron and walks over to Susumu while Ricky is fired up inside the ring. The crowd pops as Ricky points at Reynolds. Reynolds nods and the two bounce off the ropes and come flying over the top rope, crashing into Susumu and Stark!

Copeland: Ricky and Reynolds are firing on all cylinders right now. Mind Over Matter needs to take control of the pace if they want to get back into this.

Cohen: Let Reynolds and Runn wear themselves out. Stark and Susumu know this, they'll outlast these fireflies and put their lights out.

Reynolds and Ricky are back to their feet as the crowd begins chanting. Ricky slaps hands with the fans at ringside while Reynolds rolls Susumu back into the ring. Ricky kicks Stark before rolling him in as well. Reynolds and Ricky climb up to the apron and both springboard off going for an big elbow strike. However Susumu and Stark connect with picture perfect dropkicks, slowing down the high flying duo. Stark kicks Reynolds to the outside as Susumu locks on an armbar, Ricky writhes in pain as Stark exits to his corner. Ricky tries to reach for the ropes with his free hand but Susumu grabs his other arm. Ricky takes advantage however and rolls through and is able to escape the hold. Ricky is on his knees, shaking his arm as he tries to get feeling back into it. Susumu doesn't give him time to rest, connecting with a kick to the back. Ricky winces in pain. Reynolds meanwhile has gotten back on the apron and is yelling for Ricky to tag him. Susumu goes to lift Ricky up but Ricky flips Susumu over with an arm drag! Ricky dives and makes the tag to Reynolds who comes in fired up. He hits a few knife edge chops to Susumu before whipping him into the corner Susumu stumbles forward and Reynolds connects with a roaring elbow! He yells out to the crowd which pops in reaction. Susumu is able to make the tag however as Reynolds looks towards Ricky. Ricky tries to warn Reynolds but he turns around too late as Stark hits a spinning heel kick. Reynolds hits the back of his head hard on the mat as Stark spins and strikes Ricky, knocking him off the apron.

Copeland: Reynolds got caught there and now Stark has his team back on the offensive.

Cohen: It's shocking Seabass. This is the type of mistake I expect Runn to make, not Reynolds. That kind of mistake will cost you the match.

Stark quickly locks in underhooks and begins delivering repeated knees to Reynolds. Reynolds drops to one knee but Stark grabs him and drags him to his corner. He tags in Susumu and both men drop Reynolds with a double Russian legsweep. Susumu locks on an octopus hold, stretching Reynolds out. Reynolds yells out in pain which causes Ricky to run into the ring. The ref cuts him off and Starks grabs hold of Susumu's arm, pulling forward which causes Reynolds to get stretched out more. Reynolds yells out more. Ricky exits to the apron and Stark let's go. Susumu continues to lock the hold in. Reynolds tries desperately to get to the ropes but he can't get his leg over enough. Just as Reynolds is about to reach the ropes, Susumu releases the hold and connects with mounted strikes. He pulls Reynolds up and tosses him into the corner. He tags Stark back in and the two begin striking Reynolds in the midsection. Susumu exits to the outside as Ricky tries to get the crowd behind Reynolds. Stark whips Reynolds into the ropes and connects with a hard clothesline. He lifts Reynolds back up and drops him down with the Brasenose driver. He goes for the pin, 1.......2.......Reynolds kicks out! Stark gets up and taunts Ricky, and again Ricky rushes into the ring. The ref cuts him off and is arguing with him as Susumu enters the ring. Stark lifts Reynolds up onto his shoulders and drops back with a bridging Samoan Drop while Susumu connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Susumu exits the ring quickly as the ref turns and begins the pin count, 1.......2........Reynolds kicks out!

Copeland: How much longer can Reynolds survive? He needs to make the tag to Runn.

Cohen: This is exactly how Mind Over Matter wants this match to go. They have Reynolds beaten up, and it'll be up to Runn to be the hero.

Stark throws Reynolds into the corner again, but Reynolds hits a quick elbow to Susumu, knocking him off the apron. Stark goes to strike Reynolds but Reynolds gets a boot up and kicks Stark back. Reynolds rolls forward and connects with the Millions and Millions! The crowd pops huge as Reynolds looks up at Ricky and begins to crawl his way to the corner. Stark slowly gets to his knees and grabs hold of Reynolds' leg. Stark stands up and begins to drag Reynolds back to the center of the ring. Reynolds suddenly rolls through and sends Stark face first into the turnbuckle! Reynolds dives and gets the tag to Ricky who flips over the top rope and hits a senton onto the back of Stark. Stark drops to the ground as Susumu rushes in. Ricky ducks a clothesline and catches Susumu with a Rickyrana! Ricky motions for Stark to get up. Stark stumbles to his feet and Ricky hits a huge enziguri! Stark is down and Ricky rolls him over and covers him, 1........2......Susumu breaks up the pin! Reynolds is back to his feet and hits a leg lariat, sending Susumu to the outside. Ricky lifts Stark up and Reynolds kicks him in the midsection, lifting Stark up and connecting with the Ratings Killer!

Copeland: Runn and Reynolds have this match won!

Cohen: This can't be happening! They had Reynolds where they wanted him!

Reynolds is up and points to Ricky then points to the top rope. Ricky smiles and nods, climbing to the top turnbuckle. He steadies himself but Susumu suddenly hits the ropes, causing Ricky to lose his balance and drop down onto the turnbuckle. Reynolds goes to knock Susumu off the apron but goes over the top to the outside as Susumu pulls the ropes down. Susumu rolls in quickly and tosses Ricky off the top turnbuckle. Stark is slow to his feet, as is Ricky. Ricky gets up and turns around but Susumu and Stark connect with the Mind Altering Experience! The crowd boos as Stark covers Ricky, 1......2......3!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Mind Over Matter!

Copeland: These two teams fought tooth and nail tonight, and it wasn't even for the Tag Team Titles! Now the question is, what will Mind Over Matter choose for the stipulation?

Cohen: Does it matter Seabass? Mind Over Matter showed that Runn and Reynolds aren't on their level.

Stark and Susumu stand tall over Ricky while Reynolds lies on the ground on the outside. The ref lifts Stark and Susumu's arms in victory before handing them back the Tag Team Titles. Stark and Susumu hold the titles up high as they step over Ricky and exit to the outside. They walk up the ramp and look back at the ring, reveling in the damage they've caused their challengers before heading to the back.
We go backstage where Titus is sitting down next to the catering table. He holds Baez's mask in his hand as he stares at it, contemplating what this all meant. He nods his head as he goes to stand but suddenly he gets pushed back. Barbosa appears in the picture, his eyes a bit bewildered.

Manic: We want what is ours!

Depressive: We really don't want to have to beat it out of you Titus.

The Smoker: Actually we do but let's not make this more complicated then it needs to be!

Titus looks at Barbosa and shrugs. He hands over the briefcase and Barbosa stands slightly stunned by this.

The Smoker: What is the catch?

Titus: I have nothing going on at All or Nothing right now. I don't want your briefcase, but what I do want Barbosa, I want to keep you busy. One way or another I will get my shot at Big Dave eventually, but I want it for the World Title. I feel like I can subdue you enough so that you won't have the chance to cash in at All or Nothing. You can have your briefcase back, provided you face me once more.

Manic: That is fine by us.

Depressive: We will need something to do until the World Title match, where we may or may not cash in our opportunity.

The Smoker: Consider it a deal Titus. We have a match very soon, watch what will happen when we destroy the World Heavyweight Champion himself.

Barbosa walks off as Titus smirks at getting what he wants. He looks down at Baez's mask one last time and puts it into a backpack sitting next to the table before lifting the bag up and walking towards the parking lot.

Copeland: Big Dave teams up with his number one contender Gordito to face the KFAD winner Barbosa and the former World Champion Ty Burna. Something's gotta give. We'll find out what does, later tonight!

Cohen: But first, we have the anticipated return of Dr. Alhazred! We'll see the good doctor take down that idiot Saboteur, next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

Almost immediately following Harrys words, the opening to the Beastie Boys’ Sabotage blasts into the arena, shortly followed by the masked and ever dangerous Saboteur.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing 198 pounds; SABOTEUR!

With the announcement of his name, Saboteur stomps his feet on the ground with sheer excitement and sprints down into the ring.

Copeland: Saboteur looks to be fired up tonight coming off the back of that tremendous one-on-one victory with Action Saxton last week.

Cohen: “Tremendous”? He essentially fell on top of the heavier man. It was blind luck if anything.

Saboteur starts to pace back and forth within the ring as the crowd chants his name as the music fades out. There is a brief pause as Saboteur soaks the adulation up before it is derailed by a familiar theme with the title of Powerglove. The crowd gives a loud, mixed reaction as the returning Dr. Alhazred enters the arena. His face tells the whole story as a sly smile edges its way across his face.

Harrys: And his opponent, from his very own hidden underground laboratory and weighing 178 pound; DR. ALHAZRED!

The announcement of Alhazredd’s name only furthers the divide in the crowd as the cheers are equally matched by the jeers. They don’t seem to affect Alhazredd though as he enters and raises his (power)gloved fist high into the air.

Copeland: It’s great to see Alhazred back in a WZCW ring again after that horrific car accident.

Cohen: Indeed. And it’ll be even better when he drops that buffoon he’s in the ring with.

Alhazred does some minor tinkering with the glove before the referee rings the bell. Almost immediately, Saboteur latches onto the glove. Alhazred is taken by surprise as the heavier of the two men attempts to wrench the glove from its owner. Alhazred fires off several elbows to Saboteur’s skull and only after the third does Saboteur attempt to block, subsequently surrender control of the glove to the doctor. It also gives Alhazred the chance to give Saboteur a dropkick to the back of the knee. This drops Saboteur onto his knees before the former tag team champion smashes him with a strong right punch. Into the cover: 1...2...KICK-OUT! Saboteur forces his way out but remains somewhat dazed allowing Alhazred the chance to execute a DDT. 1...2..KICK-OUT!

Copeland: Alhazred showing no sign of ring rust though he may need to work of his defences based on the attempted theft of the Powerglove.

Cohen: Good to see Saboteur living down to the standards I have for him.

Alhazred again goes on the attack, looking to latch on a sleeper hold, but Saboteur counters with a snapmare before following up with a swift kick. He decides against a cover and his attention is taken up by the glove. He examines it before looking to take it off of Alhazred. Saboteur has taken too long however and Alhazred lands a vicious punch to the side of Saboteur’s skull. The forgotten power follows up with a hurricanrana and a pendulum elbow. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Alhazred is relentless though and executes a standing elbow drop. He considers going for a cover but moves to go for yet another elbow. He signals he’s going to go for one more but this one will come from the top. He heads out to the apron before ascending the apron. Alhazred hasn’t been to the top in awhile though and is a little concerned about his footing and the height of the turnbuckle, allowing Saboteur an opportunity to recover. He practically dives at Alhazred and bell claps him. The shock sends Alhazred, lower anatomy first, into the steel turnbuckle pole. In unison, the crowd shows that that one had to hurt. Saboteur batters his own head off of Alhazred’s skull to complete the signature move; More Cowbell!

Copeland: Saboteur did well to counter there.

Cohen: Cheap trick from a cheap man. Will wonders never cease?

Despite Alhazred’s pain, Saboteur cannot capitalise due to his own headbutt. He staggers around the corner of the ring like a drunk man. While both men recover from their respective trauma, the people’s attention is dragged to the ramp where a blast from the past awaits Alhazred.

Copeland: James King?

Cohen: Ah yes, it’s good to see friends supporting each other.

Copeland: One has to wonder if he plans on stepping into things on Alhazred’s behalf.

For the moment at least King remains on top of the ramp. With his head clearing, Saboteur manages to recognise the face of King. Unfortunately for him though, Alhazred has also recovered and he lets him know with a strong punch right into the kidney area. With Saboteur hunched over in pain, Alhazred runs and perform a neckbreaker. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Alhazred is somewhat frustrated, which takes over his other emotions and allows him to climb the turnbuckle without fear this time, coming off with a fist drop. He again goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Alhazred’s frustration only grows and he clutches Saboteur’s chin, allowing more of the chest region to be accessed, thus making his powerful blows to the torso more devastating. The referee counts and forces Alhazred to stop at 4. Only now does he turn to face the ramp where King has been stood for a good couple of minutes. Alhazred is uncertain of his partner’s motivations, but grins none-the-less. He mouths a few words which King does not respond to. Alhazred heads to the apron once more, his attention still focused on King. He mouths “watch this” before bouncing off the top rope and diving at Saboteur with a clothesline. For the second time in the match however, Alhazred has taken too much time to perform a high risk move as Saboteur manages to connect with a match saving dropkick.

Copeland: What was that you said about good friends Jack?

Cohen: Well it’s hardly King’s fault that Alhazred took his eye off the ball.

As Saboteur and Alhazred recover, King slowly moves down towards the ring. Saboteur recognises an opening and looks to deliver In Your Face! He comes off the ropes before executing the running tornado DDT. At that moment, King’s slow movement quickens and then speeds up further as Saboteur goes to make a cover. 1...KING PULLS THE REF OUT! The referee is stunned, but still manages to yell at King and call for the bell (and the disqualification win as a result of that). This only tips King over the edge and he blasts the official with a boot to the face.

Copeland: What is King thinking? He’s sure to be fined or maybe even suspended for that.

Cohen: Bah, referee was useless anyway.

King enters the ring where Saboteur is waiting. The former tag team champion is far fresher though and despite Saboteur firing off a couple of kicks, they barely faze King. He smashes Saboteur in the face a few times before kicking him low. He latches onto him and prepares for his finishing move; My Mystery. He delivers it before quickly heading to the outside of the ring. He grabs a chair before re-entering the ring. He raises it in preparation to attack the fallen Saboteur when the sound of Tank(!) signals the arrival of Action Saxton. His large frame storms to the ring like a freight train. As he enters, King exits. While Saxton checks on Saboteur, Alhazred rolls out of the ring, a look of confusion etched on his face.

Copeland: Thank goodness for Action Saxton. He managed to stop this before it got more out of control.

Cohen: Perhaps you’re right, but the real story is Alhazred and where his allegiance lies.

Copeland: As far as I can tell, he’s just as confused as us.

Cohen: As you Seabass. Confused as you.

We see Hiraku Susumu and Alexander Stark backstage following their hard fought win over Runn Reynolds Runn. Both men are covered with sweat but have a sneaky evil grins as they walk towards their dressing room. We see Leon Kensworth approach them.

Leon: "Susumu-san, Mr Stark, you must be delighted with your win in your first title defence."

Susumu: "I hear a buzzing...."

Stark: “Ah yes an irritable little bee.”

The tag champions both adjust their belts in ignorance of Leon’s presence.

Leon: “Erm, so gentlemen, you get to choose the type of match for your title match at All Or Nothing. Can I find out now which match-type you will be choosing for the pay-per-view?”

Stark: “Oh ignorant insect”

Susumu: “Do you have a swatter Alexander?”

Leon: “But....”

Leon grows a little exasperated with these non answers.

Susumu: “Look Leon, you insolent twit, we will be looking to end Runn and Reynolds beyond any doubt.”

Susumu pushes Leon away and steps past him. Stark smirks as Leon cowers a little.

Stark: “As if we haven’t destroyed them already, the pay-per-view will be the true death knell.”

Susumu: “But we will not be revealing to the world our plans because they still need to be educated.”

Stark: “You and all the peasants can wait until next week. And then maybe we will divulge that crucial bit of information.”

Susumu: “Maybe.”

Leon fumes at the absolute arrogance and self-belief of the tag team champions as they stroll away.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!

The arena goes completely black in a heartbeat, signalling to a lot of long-time WZCW fans who the first person out is going to be.


The crowd greets the dark warrior with a loud chorus of boos as Ty Burna emerges, standing on the stage as he has smirk across his face (the only thing shown as the hood covers the rest). He walks down to the ring slowly, ignoring everything the fans are yelling at him.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds... TY BURNA!

Cohen: The King of Chaos has graced us with his presence. If I weren't paid to sit I'd be bowing to the great Burna.

Copeland: You should. He'd take comfort in the fact that he'd have a meat shield ready to serve, just like how his partner in Barbosa hasn't got an agenda with him considering he isn't the champ anymore.


The lights return to normal as Ty Burna enters the ring. However, most of the crowd respond with a negative response as some begin grooving to the beats for fun as Barbosa enters on the stage with the KFAD briefcase clutched in his grasp.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237 pounds, he is the King for a Day... BARBOSA!

He does not appreciate the reception he is receiving but his mood changes as he sees a couple of front row fans singing along with his theme song. Barbosa comes out of his shell to enjoy their time for a brief moment before continuing down the ring, changing his mood to a more evil and sinister mindset. He enters the ring and stares at Ty for a moment before handing over his briefcase to the referee. The two stay on the same side of the ring but at a distance.


The arena springs to life from the presence of Gordito as he immediately jumps out through the curtain for the fans who welcome him with a some major cheers. He pumps his fist in the air to the music of the beat before making his way down the ramp, hi-fiving any fan who reaches out to him.

Harrys: And their opponents, first, from San Fransisco, CA, weighing in at 257 pounds... GORDITO!

Copeland: The Dirty One has his hands full tonight. He's not only got to contend with the fragile mind of Barbosa whose personality can change faster than you can blink but someone who he considered an ally once upon a time. I wonder how that's going to play on his mental psyche?

Cohen: Ty Burna has done nothing to purge the relationship between he and Gordito. I'm surprised that hasn't put in a formal complaint to management to tag with his ally rather than his upcoming opponent. That being said, I'd avoid Ty at any costs if I was Gordito just so I can keep my ties together.

Gordito steps onto the apron and keeps an eye on both Barbosa and Ty as he awaits his partner.


An enormous roar can be heard as the champion walks into the arena with a huge smile on his face. He looks around before raising his championship high into the air. Ty Burna is visibly agitated at the sight whilst Barbosa takes a glance at his briefcase then looks at Ty: a wicked smirk crosses his face.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from London, England, weighing in at 268 pounds, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... BIG DAVE!

Dave clutches his title and rushes down the ring, sliding underneath the bottom rope with Gordito entering as well. Barbosa quickly exits as Ty gets on the apron. Gordito watches for a Barbosa interference as Dave stares down Ty, holding the belt right to his face.

Cohen: You've just written your own death wish, Dave!

Copeland: By the guy who he defeated to win and defend the title against? I think it's safe to say Dave has his number.

As the referee tries to gain order, Ty Burna strikes Dave across the face whilst he isn't looking, forcing Dave to drop his belt. Barbosa sees this and attempts to get into the ring but Gordito stops him momentarily. Ty gets into the ring and continues the flurry of offense, despite the ref trying to create order. Barbosa suddenly yanks Gordito's feet from under him and pulls him to the outside. The two of them begin to brawl as Ty has Dave against the ropes. Ty tries for a clothesline but Dave ducks and sends Ty over the top, crashing to the floor. As Gordito slams Barbosa's head into the steel steps, inadvertently changing his personality in the process, Dave climbs up to the top rope and waits for Ty to get to his feet. He dives off and performs the money shot, taking him and Ty out of the equation. The crowd cheers at the move whilst the referee is concerned and frustrated that he hasn't gotten this match under control. Finally, Gordito forces Barbosa into the ring and he follows after. The referee sees the opportunity to officiate the match and signals for the bell.

Cohen: About time!

Copeland: Although the task was harder than it looked Cohen, I'm inclined to agree with you. Didn't want to think what could of happened if this match didn't start.

Barbosa gets up and quickly and attempts to use the leverage to blindside Gordito as he is getting into the ring but he blocks the attempt and responds with a European uppercut, sending Barbosa back clutching his jaw. Barbosa immediately runs at Gordito to try again but he counters Barbosa attempts again, this time with a back body drop. The crowd cheers as Barbosa hits the canvas and holds his back. He gets up rather fast though and is met by a dropkick by Gordito. He quickly goes for the cover... 1... kick-out. At this point, Dave has managed to recover from the outside and has made it to his apron whilst Ty is getting into position. Barbosa pushes Gordito away from him as he tries getting to a vertical base. Gordito however, smacks the back of Barbosa's knee with a chop block to take him down and quickly applies a boston crab submission. Barbosa does feel the pain in the recently attacked knee but is able to get to the ropes despite Gordito and the crowd wanting him to tap. Gordito is forced to break the hold as Barbosa slips to the outside to recover once more. Gordito exits the ring to go after him but is blindsided with a kitchen sink knee strike to the head as he slides out of the ring. Barbosa mood changes to a more angry tone and tosses Gordito like a rag doll into the barricade. He then grabs the head of Gordito into a front headlock and starts hitting multiple knees Gordito before slamming his head onto the top of the barricade. The referee's count is at 6 and Barbosa picks up Gordito, chucking him into the ring. Gordito tries getting to his partner for the tag but Barbosa slides in quickly and drags Gordito into the middle of the ring. He goes for the cover... 1... kick-out. A wicked smile comes across the face of Barbosa as he sees Ty ready to enter the match and goes over for the tag. However, Barbosa's personality switches and decides its better to continue the assault on Gordito who has made it to the ropes to get onto his knees. Barbosa picks him up and whips him across the ring. He catches Gordito off the ropes and goes for the inverted atomic drop, hitting an STO afterwards. He flips Gordito for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out. Barbosa has a child-like smile and chuckle come out, almost as if he enjoyed the move a little too much. He picks Gordito up once more and whips him again. He tries for the move again but Gordito blocks the atomic drop and traps both arms of Barbosa, delivering his signature flurry of headbutts to Barbosa before letting him go. Barbosa doesn't know whether he's Barbosa or Barbosa and struggles to find footing. Gordito uses this time to tag in the champ, which the crowd cheers at as he enters the ring. Barbosa was apparently playing possum and tags in Ty before dropping to the ground. The crowd boos as he slowly makes his entrance into the ring. The two men circle each other.

Cohen: The intensity just raised, Seabass!

Ty releases a short scream and runs full steam at Dave who prepares by lifting up his leg for an upcoming big boot. Ty, however, immediately slows down and grabs the leg of Dave just before he was about to boot him. Dave tries to counter but Ty forces Dave towards him and grabs him, delivering a hard spinebuster in the process.Ty goes for a quick cover... 1... kick-out by Dave. He tries getting up quickly but Ty kicks him in the back of the neck, slowly him down enough to allow Ty to set up and execute the running high knee. He follows this up with a running knee drop and tries for another cover... 1... kick-out. Ty tries for the stangehold submission but Dave's strength is too much and flips Ty over him. The two men get up at the same time but Ty is able to knee Dave to slow his momentum down. He follows up with some punches and kicks before hitting the Mo' Murda on Dave. He tries another cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Dave. Ty tries another submission but again Dave refuses and manages to get to the bottom rope for break Ty's attempts. The referee counts to 4 before Ty releases and kicks Dave in the head. He picks him up and tries for a shoulderbreaker but is unable to life Dave due to him countering. Dave switches his body to hit a northern lights suplex on Ty, surprising him. Dave has enough strength to bridge pin... 1... kick-out. Although a little confused, Ty gets to his feet rather quickly and tries to get the momentum back but Dave manages to hit Ty with a low kick. Ty ducks the high kick attempt and tries for a Russian legsweep but again, Dave switches his body position and is able to counter into a pumphandle slam. He gets a pin on Ty... 1... 2... kick-out. Ty is slower to find a way to his feet but he is instantly met with another low kick, followed by a successful roundhouse kick. A dazed Ty gets hit with a big boot by Dave, staggering Ty to the ropes where he tries to recover. Dave doesn't allow any breathing room as he whips Ty, only to be reversed... whipping Dave instead. Ty readies himself and tries for a clothesline but Dave ducks and hits a spear on the way back. Ty clutches his stomach as Dave goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out.

Copeland: Although Ty had the early advantage, Dave answered with a response that has gotten him a couple of near-falls.

Cohen: You're sorely mistaken if you think Ty's going to lose at this point in the match.

Dave now positions himself behind Ty, looking to lock in his Pendulum submission hold. Ty will not allow this though and tires to fight it with every muscle in his body wriggling around seeking freedom. Barbosa screams something obscene Dave’s way, distracting him for a second, but that’s all Ty needs as he crawls away and cracks Dave across the kneecap. He tags in Barbosa who licks his lips with anticipation, perhaps sensing a sense of déjà vu, perhaps dreaming of the opportunity to cash-in on Dave. He hooks his arms around the torso of Dave and throws him overhead with a sambo suplex. Barbosa isn’t through though and prepares for the Mood Stabilizer. He hoists Dave onto his shoulders and quickly smashes onto the top rope. Before Barbosa can complete his perfect sequence and claim victory, Gordito manages to get a tag in on Dave’s back. Barbosa sets up for the Doppelgänger, but Gordito derails him with a chopblock. Dave tumbles to the mat and then out of the ring while Barbosa drops down. Gordito now has the pleasure of attempting to set Barbosa up for the Surf’s Up Asshole. Much like Ty had done earlier though, Barbosa tries to wriggle and writhe out of the hold. This time however, there is no partner to save him and he is locked into the submission.

Copeland: It looks like Barbosa’s in a bad predicament here. There seems to be no exit from this hold.

Cohen: It won’t end like this. It can’t!

Barbosa screams in agony as Gordito tries to force the man of many identities to submit. Gordito is also in danger of taking a pin however and his shoulders hit the mat. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The hold is still locked on, but Gordito is letting his grip slip, allowing Barbosa to free an arm which he uses to nail Gordito in the head. Gordito finally releases the hold fully as Barbosa crawls towards his corner. Here waits Ty Burna who is only just to his feet on the apron. Barbosa tags in Ty who seems bemused. He asks Barbosa what he thinks he’s doing, but isn’t aware that a recovered Gordito is marching towards him. The San Francisco native flings Burna into the ring. He raises him up and drops him down with a Samoan drop. Ty slithers away into the corner, demanding Barbosa tag him. He refuses and this second distraction lowers Ty’s guard, helping Gordito execute the bronco buster. Ty clutches his throat and face as he climbs out and into the open. Gordito kicks him and sets up for the Meteor of War. However, Dave tags himself in at this moment.

Copeland: What’s Dave doing?

Gordito is asking him the same question as he turns to Dave in confusion. He quizzes Dave who simply tells him to go back to the corner. Gordito thinks about getting in Dave’s face, but thinks better of it. With both men distracted though, Ty charges at them. While Dave sees it coming, and counters by lifting Ty up onto his shoulders, Gordito does not, and the momentum of Ty’s charge knocks Gordito to the outside where he hits hard. Dave staggers around for a moment or two before readying himself and executing the Stamp of Authority. It’s surely over. He goes for the cover. The referee refuses to count though. Dave looks at him with complete bewilderment. Unaware to him and the rest of us for that matter, Barbosa has in fact made a blind tag of his own and is now legal. This element of surprise allows Barbosa to nail the vicious Doppelgänger! 1...2...3! The King for a Day has pinned the champion!

Harrys: Here are your winners, Ty Burna and the King for a Day; Barbosa!

Copeland: A complete breakdown in communications has allowed Barbosa to pick up a huge win here.

Cohen: I knew Dave was too selfish to be trusted.

Barbosa slides out of the ring and collects his briefcase, clutching it tightly. He looks to enter the ring once again, but stops in his tracks. He looks at his briefcase and then back at Dave. He shakes his head and mouths “not now” in reference to cashing-in. He decides instead to leave. As he makes his way up the ramp, the Apostles of Chaos make their way down to the ring. Barbosa monitors the two men for a moment before heading to the back as King and K.O. continue their path towards the ring. In the squared circle, Ty is to his feet and stands triumphant over is rival; Dave. The emissary of darkness demands his subordinates hand him a steel chair.

Copeland: What does Ty want with that chair?

Cohen: I’ll give you three guesses Seabass.

As the villainous duo look to comply, Gordito attempts to make the save, but instead is cut off by Chris K.O. who blasts him with a straight fist to the face. At first it appears innocuous enough, but one shot of Gordito’s face later and we can tell it was something much more. Blood begins to dribble from Gordito’s head as we see K.O. has brass knuckles. The referee looks to stop the terrible trio, but tastes Concentrated Banishment for his trouble. King manages to grab a chair and slides it into the ring for Ty. He quickly lifts it and bashes the recovering Dave right in the face. He nails him in the spine with it a second time before wrapping it around Dave’s throat. On the outside, King and K.O. have Gordito in their clutches and set up for the Taste of Chaos on the outside. Back in the ring now, and Ty has begun to choke Dave mercilessly with the chair. The champion struggles for air and is desperate to survive, but before too long, passes out in the ring. Ty finally releases as he notices Dave can no longer feel pain. King and K.O. enter the ring.

Copeland: I--I’m not sure what to do...

Cohen: This is a little chaotic to say the least.

Copeland: Well, as distressing as this situation is, we have to leave you here. We hope to see you tomorrow for Ascension.

Ty and the Apostles stand tall in the ring as we fade to black
Who wrote what:

Blade - Armando Paradyse vs. Alexander Steele vs. Johnny Scumm, Opening (along with Low Ki)
Falkon - Big Dave and Gordito vs. Ty Burna and Barbosa
Funkay - Saboteur vs. Dr. Alhazred (and helped with Dave/Gordito vs. Ty/Barbosa)
Showtime - Black Dragon vs. Scott Hammond, Backstage
Numbers -Everest and Sean Cruz vs. Alex Bowen and Baez
Ty - Backstage, Runn Reynolds Runn vs. Mind Over Matter

Please thank and rep these gentlemen. As always my our alcohol fund welcomes any and all donations. Just look for the bucket outside the Creative Room. Make all checks payable to Ty Burna. Oh and if you have time, please drop us a review, let us know how we're doing.
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