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Meltdown 61

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Apocalypse said:
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship!

Austin makes his way out on to the stage. Dominic is close behind him clapping his hands. Austin looks very serious, but still posses to the crowd as pyro shoots off on the stage.

Ty Burna comes out in a long hooded robe. It’s open down the middle so his WZCW Championship can be shown around his waist. Behind him holding up the long dragging end of his robe is Hayley with Serafina close behind.

Ty climbs into the ring and raises his title belt to a loud amount of boos.

Austin bounces around the ring, not ready to advance. Ty bends down and reaches and hand through the ropes. Hayley moves his hand to reach Ty who grabs it and plants a kiss on it. Austin quickly charges at Ty, who moves around it and stands in the centre of the ring as Austin is in the corner. Ty laughs at the mind advantage he has over Austin as the 2 finally lock up.

Austin quickly works around Ty holding his arm. Ty tries swinging back at Austin, but misses. Ty uses his strength and counters Austin, twisting his arm at a high angle, forcing Austin to the mat.

Austin bounces around at centre and then runs at Ty. Austin leaps and goes for a Monkey Flip. Ty with his strength holds onto Austin and then slowly lifts him up and over the ropes.

Austin leaps onto the ropes and goes for Ego Crush! Ty grabs Austin in midair and slams him to the mat with a Spinebuster.

Copeland: Austin has managed to avoid an early scare and has kept the champion off balance.

Austin goes to the ropes near Ty and waits for him to stand. Ty turns and Austin leaps over with a corkscrew making perfect contact.

Austin signals for the Ratings Killer and turns Ty over and stands him on his feet. The 2 stand on opposite sides of the stairs, Austin looking to hit the big move on top of the stairs. Austin grabs Ty’s waist, only to let go when a loud scream is heard across the ring. Hayley is screaming loudly for some reason causing Austin to lose focus. Ty is quick to recover and hits Consecrated Banishment!. The blow sends Austin back, landing into the top stairs. Ty nods his head approvingly in Serafina and Hayley’s direction as he grabs Austin and rolls him into the ring. He waists little time to follow him in and quickly hooks Austin's leg. 1... 2.... Austin kicks out.

Connor: Unbelievable... Austin kicked out.

Ty grabs him and lifts him onto his shoulders. Ty circles the ring slowly, Austin’s body looking like a dead corpse as Ty is debating when to drop a Shoulderbreaker on him. Austin springs to life and quickly turns 45 degrees, grabbing both Ty’s arms and rolling him back into a Crucifix Pin. The ref barely gets up to a 2 count. Both men to their feet, Austin is unable to defend himself as Ty quickly hits him with a kick to the gut.

Ty prepares to slam Austin through the table. Serafina from the far corner shouts out encouragement to Ty as Hayley remains silent. Ty goes to slam Austin through the table. Austin manages to slide down the backside. Ty turns around and Austin grabs his legs and flips him onto his back. Austin tries to turn Ty around into a Liontamer submission. Ty struggles to try and block Austin’s second leg, but Austin gets it in front of Ty’s arm and drops forward hitting Ratings Killer and putting both men through the table.

Connor: The momentum is back in the Rating Winners way. Will he be able to maintain it to pick up the win?

Ty continues to pull down on the arm of Austin. Austin teeters and Ty finally gets him to the mat and wraps his legs around Austin’s arm and neck. Ty has The Final Séance fully locked in. Ty slides his body around on the mat and turns Austin so he can see how far the ropes are. Austin grabs at Ty’s legs with his spare hand but is unable to move them. He then starts reaching out to the ropes and is slowly pulling himself closer. The crowd is getting louder as Austin gets closer.

Copeland: CC, Jack, it is incredible how long Austin has been in The Final Séance and has not tapped. Will he get to the ropes in time?

Austin continues to pull himself closer slowly. He is about a foot away from the ropes. He pulls himself once more and is inches away. Ty rears back farther than before on the arm and pulls Austin’s body further from the ropes. The pain is too unbearable and Austin has no choice but to tapout. Ding ding ding.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Both men lie motionless on the mat exhausted from the match. Serafina grabs the WZCW Championship from the timekeeper and lays it by Ty’s side and then makes her way to the back.

Austin walks slowly up the ramp holding his arm. They meet on the ramp and Hayley wraps her arms around Austin. Dominic follows and greets his friend. Fire erupts around the three people and the lights dim. A spotlight shines on top of the Titantron and a lightening bolt strikes the spot and Ty Burna appears. He holds the WZCW Championship and stares down at the 3 individual. He appears to nod his head with an evil look on his face before the lights go out again and he is gone.

Copeland: What an outstanding and brutal main event. Austin gave all he could tonight, but it was just a little short in the end.

Connor: The hero may have lost but Austin at least has Hayley back safely.

Cohen: Yes but the question now is “is there anyone in WZCW who can stop Ty Burna?”


There are no pryos that go off, only darkness is set around the arena which is met with a flurry of jeers.


The chaos symbol suddenly flashes up on the tron and the lights flicker as Ty Burna and Serafina make their way out to the entrance stage. They walk down the ramp slowly, Ty raising the WZCW World Heavyweight Title high into the air as the crowd boo's once more. Serafina and Ty enter the ring and Ty grabs a mic from the ring assistant. He holds the mic to his mouth, a smirk on his face as the crowd boo's once more to a deafening pitch.

Burna: At Apocalypse I defeated Austin Reynolds once again for the WZCW Title, just like I defeated Showtime at Kingdom Come, just like I defeated Gordito, Barbosa, and Everest before that.

Ty holds up the belt with one arm to another chorus of boo’s

I first won this title at Unscripted last year and I have now left every PPV since then as champion. A year of unmatched dominance and destruction. Over the past year the Ouija has guided me with due diligence and I have listened with great wisdom. It is for that reason I am the greatest wrestler to have ever stepped into a WZCW ring.

The crowd boos some more.

So what's next you say? Who is there left who would dare step into the ring with me and try and take this title from me. There are people who I have never fought for this championship in this company and I welcome any challenger who thinks that they can stop my wrath. People like Action Saxton or Chris Beckford, current champions like Blade or Sam Smith. I welcome them all to step into the ring with me and meet their fate. The thing is I am an immovable, unstoppable object inside this ring, almost like a…


The crowd pop massive for this, it the loudest this man has heard since his return. He stops at the top of the ramp with a mic in hand.

Titus: Like an elephant? A big huge immovable, unstopable object like an elephant?

I was going for more like a rock but I suppose an elephant shall suffice. And what do I owe the pleasure of this rude interruption Titus. Must I be forced to have to put you in early retirement again?

You know who else in an Elephant? This man. Big trunk joke aside it’s for another reason.

Titus pauses.

I never forget. Nor should you forget Burna. The following is a clip from Apocalypse the second.

Suddenly out of nowhere comes Ty Burna who breaks the hold, during the moment where both contenders take a moment to compose themselves, he grabs the belt and gets inside the ring, he stands ready in waiting and bashes Titus over the head with it, looking happy with himself as the crowd boos heavily. He raises his hands as Vengeance interrupts him, giving some instructions to double team as they both pick him up and drop him with a double chokeslam like move.

You’re a clever man Ty, you knew you wouldn’t beat me for the championship so you decided to help Vengeance win this belt. What happened next? You defeated him at Unscripted and with that the reign of terror was unleashed on WZCW. Great, congratulations.

Titus pauses at this.

Though there’s one thing you avoided. One small little thing you failed to address. One teeny meeny tiny thing that you kept away from. A certain former world champion.

The crowd pops in anticipation

Since returning to WZCW, I have bounced around in a few different feuds and have slowly been regaining the form inside the ring that made me a World Champion in this company. The road has not been paved with guaranteed success and I have suffered a few loses along the way but my focus and drive are now what they were when I walked into Lethal Lottery 2 years ago. The same Lethal Lottery which I won and started my journey to the WZCW Championship which you now hold.

Indeed I do Titus, and what does your form since your return have anything at all to do with me?

It means everything Ty. I have not forgotten what you did that night last year at Apocalypse and I will never let you forget. I have sat idly by since my return, waiting for the moment where I will get my revenge. I will get vengeance for what you cost me and I will take that belt from you. Will I take it tonight? No. At Unscripted? Maybe. I’m not ready now, but believe you and me when we do face I will the one to end your reign of terror and dominance. I have a focus and it’s to end the legacy of the great Ty Burna, and Titus will once again be the WZCW champion.

Ty takes in what Titus said and smiles before speaking.

If you're not out here ready to challenge me for my title, than why are you out here wasting my time?

I'm not wasting your time Ty. Like how you send shivers down your opponents backs telling them all of their impending doom, I'm out here telling you about your downfall. When you step into that ring, when you leave this arena, when you sleep, when you eat, I want to make sure that in the back of your mind that there is me, watching and waiting, knowing that when we get into the ring it wont be some hack rookie or young punk for you to scare and dismantle. Just a seasoned, battle tested former champion, who wants nothing more than to inflict the same amount of pain you have caused me.

The crowd breaks out into chants of Titus. Ty surveys the crowd before silencing them.

And what, end up just like the rest of them. End up just like you were at Apocalypse, hidden behind a mask to hide your shame as you were easily beaten by Baez. Titus, a former champion you are, but a threat or a scare to me, hardly. If you aren't ready to defeat me now, then you won't ever stand a chance to defeat me later. And if you aren't ready to fight me, than maybe I should look for a more challenging opponent. Maybe someone like...


Yes... hahaha... exactly what I was thinking. Someone like Saboteur.

Saboteur walks onto the entrance ramp. He turns to Titus, extends his hand and shakes Titus hand.

Saboteur: Titus, it's a pleasure to meet you, but you best step back for your own safety. Fighting someone as sinister and evil as Ty Burna is better left for superheros... like Red Mask... or maybe WZCW's number 1 assassin, Saboteur.

Saboteur turns and walks a bit closer to the ring. Titus seems very peeved that Saboteur has come out and stolen his thunder.

Now Ty Burna, you may not think that I am much of a threat against you, but that is your first mistake. The second, believing that flimsy piece of paper you call an Ouija. I call it a newspaper and it's full of lies and inaccuracies. I read the other day that Silverbolt had 2-1 odds of winning at the derby and 80-1 Underdog ended up winning. Cost me 50 bucks and a good pair of shoes that I soiled taking out Silverbolt. The point is... you're underestimating this underdog and you better be prepared to have your shoes soiled because I'm going to beat you tonight. Now let that sit in the back of your mind.

Saboteur's music plays. Ty Burna chuckles out load as Titus and Saboteur get into a bit of an argument. Saboteur grabs Titus arm and helps escort him to the back. Titus turns to the ring and shouts at Ty as they go to commercial.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“On his way to the ring, weighing 160lbs, Hiraku Susumu!!!”

“This rookie has a big future ahead of him for sure.”

Susumu emerges into a darkened arena to a negative reaction. He walks calmly to the ring and gets between the ropes as he awaits his opponents, who music cuts in.

“And his opponent, from Oxford University, weighing in at 225lbs, Alexander Stark!”

Stark enters to a similar negative reaction but he brushes this off with confidence

“If this guy is as talented as he is smart then we have another great prospect.”

Susumu and Stark both appear cocky as they face off. Susumu shoves Stark away. Stark smiles and shoves Susumu back. The Japanese star lands hard in the corner and Stark pounces, following it up kicks to the gut. Susumu rakes his eyes and Stark backs off. Susumu charges to the ropes and hits a high dropkick to the face. Stark stumbles away, Susumu hits a drop toe hold and then a sliding kick to the head again before going for a cover. He doesn’t hook the leg and only gets a one.

Stark rolls away but Susumu is on top of him. He grabs a side headlock and tries to drop him with a bulldog but Stark is able to hit a shinbreaker and then a dragon screw leg whip before Susumu can get away. As Stark goes to turn Susumu into a Kibo no Awari reverse Boston Crab, he scrambles toward the ropes and reaches it just as Stark begins to crank it in. The referee enforces the break. Susumu gets up slowly and Stark reluctantly backs away.

“What a start to this match! I like these two already!”

“Neither guy is willing to give an inch at this point. They can both appreciate what a win can do for their WZCW careers.”

They tie up again and Stark takes him down with an armdrag. He tries to lock in a armbar but Susumu uses his legs to reverse this and applies a controlling head scissors of his own. Stark tries to fight out but Susumu elbows him in the side of the head! He tries to move around into a cross armbreaker but Stark reaches around and punches him hard in the face! Susumu releases the hold and Stark gets out. Both men get up quickly and Stark immediately goes for a Death Valley Driver but Stark hits the Hurricane DDT! Cover! 1....2....Susumu kicks out!!

“That’s a great series of counters.”

Stark rolls out of the ring. He grabs Susumu’s arm and drags him towards the corner but Susumu pulls him in and Stark collides head-first with the steel ring pole. Susumu climbs slowly to the middle rope facing the outside and hits a double knee drop into Stark!

“That’s a huge move from Hiraku Susumu!”

“I can’t decide if that was amazing or stupid!”

Susumu struggles to get up after that massive impact and getting Stark’s dead weight into the ring proves to be a tough task. He shoves him onto the apron and rolls him under the ropes before going for a cover! 1....2....Stark gets his leg on the ropes! Susumu is furious! He pounds onto the mat and kicks the rope in frustration! He backs off and looks as if he is going to hit the “Kami no Tettsui” spear and as he charges, Stark locks in the Guillotine Choke! Susumu’s momentum means Stark isn’t quite able to lock in the submission as he might like and Susumu escapes by punching him square in the face! The repeated strikes prove too much for Stark who is forced to cover up and release the hold.

“This match is a brutal beginning to the career of these two young men.”

“This will be a debut neither of them will forget.”

Susumu rolls away again, Stark tries to hit him with a clothesline but Susumu counters with a single arm DDT. Instead of going for a cover, he grabs the “Tengoku no Nikkō” choke hold but Stark pushes forward and presses Susumu’s shoulders are on the mat! 1...2.....Susumu forces his shoulders off the mat and releases the hold! Susumu gets up and both men aim hard high kicks! Stark connects with a hard resounding slap and he raises an arm to block Susumu’s kick. The Japanese star is dazed and Stark is able to twist Susumu into an inverted facelock and drop him with the IQ Drop! Stark hooks the leg, 1.....2.....3!

“Your winner by pinfall, Alexander Stark!”

“Well it was one heck of a fiercely contested match. But in the end, Alexander Stark just had too much smarts for Susumu.”

“Susumu shouldn’t be disappointed but I suspect he will be gutted by just falling slightly short here tonight.”

“No doubt we should expect big things from both men in the future.”

Backstage we see Baller preparing for his match. A pair of boots appears in front of the camera. Baller looks up and the camera pans out to reveal Chris K.O. The two pound fists as Baller stands.

Baller: Hey Chris what's up.

K.O.: Not much Baller, I just wanted to wish you luck in your match. It's a shame what happened to you at Apocalypse verse Ricky. You get 3 wins over the guy and then you lose at Apocalypse and now they got you in a triple threat match with a couple of curtain jerkers.

Baller: Hey you don't worry about me okay. I'm going to take care of those 2 wannabes and then management will see what a main event player I really am. You just worry about your match with Ricky on Ascension. Let's see if you can do what I've done 3 times already.

K.O.: Please... that old boat will be sailing straight to the retirement home when I'm through with him.

Baller: Believe that. I'm going to go get a PowerAid. Folks around here are going to start calling it BallerAid. You want one.

K.O.: Naw I'm good.

Baller and Chris pound fists one more time before Baller leaves the room. Chris sits down and sees a square piece of paper underneath the bench he's sitting on.

K.O.: What's this.

Chris picks of the paper and reads it over. A curious thought appears on his face as he scratches his chin and ponders
Meltdown resumes on as King Shabba stands in the ring, he welcomes the boos and jeers from the crowd. He has a microphone on hand and raises his hand to silence the crowd.

He smirks and takes a deep breath.

The crowd cheers in anticipation for the former World Heavyweight Champion as he paces down the ramp, pointing at Shabba who looks unimpressed at the interruption. Everest slides in and Shabba goes for a right but Everest ducks under as the bell sounds. Everest does a couple of chops on Shabba before going for an Irish Whip, but holds onto Shabba's arm and pulls him back into a Rock Slide, hit with devastating impact. Everest goes for the cover, 1......2.......3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!

Cohen: I didn't get to hear Shabba's speech!

Copeland: I think all speeches are on hold for tonight!

Everest gets up and celebrates to the crowd who shower him with flashes from their cameras. Everest starts to leave and walks backwards up the ramp, shrugging at Shabba who's slowly stirring. Suddenly Chris K.O. runs down the ramp and takes down Everest. He stands tall over him before he pulls him up, he then gives him a strong Irish whip into the steel steps that send the top half flying off. Chris lets Everest lie there before looks under the ring and pulls out a steel chair, and doesn't take too long in using it as he slams it hard on Everest's back. He then throws the chair down and keeps his eyes on Everest, staring intently before pulling him up, staring him in the eyes, knowing he got the better of him. He smirks and then locks him into The Butterfly Effect, he stares at the crowd who boo him heavily before he drops Everest's head directly on the chair, courtesy of K.O's finishing move. He gets up and stares as King Shabba rolls out and pats K.O. on the back, thanking him for the assistance. K.O. turns and looks at Shabba before kicking him in the gut and giving him The Butterfly Effect on him. K.O. then gets up and heads back up the ramp before turning back to survey the damage and pointing towards Everest who is still down. He heads to the back as Steamboat Ricky runs out from the side of the stage to check on his friend before looking back at the stage where Chris K.O. was standing.

Copeland: Chris K.O. is a man on a mission, and he's just crossed the path of Steamboat Ricky. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes!

Cohen: I wouldn't want to be in Ricky's either!

The EMTs are out as Ricky keeps watch on his friend as Meltdown fades out to a commercial break.

Blade is relaxing in his dressing room before he gets interrupted by Leon Kensworth.

Kensworth: Blade, sorry if this is a bad time, but I just wanted to know...

Blade puts his hand up in the air to signal Leon to stop. He suddenly grabs a cigarette's in an ashtray next to him. He inhales on it before blowing smoke in Leon's face, leaving quickly while coughing and choking. Blade calmly places the cigarette back in the ashtray.

Elsewhere in the arena S.H.I.T. is standing on the spot as someone is oiling his joints. He rotates himself around to make sure everything is functioning properly before heading off.

Copeland: While Blade has to worry about Scott Hammond in a rematch tonight. S.H.I.T has some triple threat action with Sean Cruz and Jack Skinner next. Will the...robot...succeed in this match? Find out next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Iron Army hits and Jack Skinner comes out onto the stage, the spotlight shining down on him. He looks out at the crowd and shakes his head before walking down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 145 pounds, Jack Skinner!

Copeland: Fans see this man as an enemy of wrestling.

Cohen: He speaks his mind. I can relate to that. Seabass, you jackass.

He gets into the ring and looks out at the crowd before turning towards the stage. The Spiderman theme hits and Sean Cruz emerges to a pop from the crowd.

Harrys: And first, his opponent, weighing in at 236 pounds, Sean Cruz!

He slaps the hands of fans as he goes down to the ring before sliding in.

Cohen: This man is camper than a row of tents...

Copeland: But he’s entertaining, and that’s what the crowd likes.

He gets up onto the second rope and poses for the fans. The Robots hits and S.H.I.T stagnantly walks out to the ramp. His head turns right then, left, then he walks towards the ring in a perfectly straight line.

Harrys: And their opponents, weighing in at 230 pounds, Scale Humanoid Industrial Technology, S.H.I.T!

Copeland: One of the oddest personas in WZCW, and that’s saying something.

Cohen: Cold, insensitive, dislike of humans.... He’s after my own heart.

S.H.I.T gets into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. With some quick calculations, S.H.I.T points out to Skinner that it would be in their best interest to double team Cruz. Skinner shrugs then nods in agreement and charges at Cruz. Cruz sees it coming and vaults Skinner over the top rope to the outside. S.H.I.T goes towards Cruz, swinging a right hand, but it’s dodged and S.H.I.T is hit with a big clothesline. He gets up quickly and Cruz nails him with another. Cruz picks him up and backs him into the ropes for an Irish Whip, but Skinner grabs him by the foot. Cruz tries to wrench his foot free, but to no avail, Skinner holds on tight before S.H.I.T takes Cruz down with a Drop Kick. Skinner slides back into the ring and Cruz his hit with a Double Snap Suplex. Skinner stomps away at Cruz as S.H.I.T climbs up onto the middle rope. He leaps off and hits Cruz with an elbow drop to Cruz’s heart.

Cohen: S.H.I.T uses his opponent’s move, but he’s in a triple threat and he’s using Skinner’s moves on Cruz....

Copeland: Tell that to S.H.I.T, his head might explode.

Skinner tries to go for the pin, but S.H.I.T pulls him off. Skinner tries to get away but S.H.I.T picks him up and goes for a big boot, but Skinner ducks under it and hits a low dropkick. S.H.I.T goes down to his knees and Skinner follows up with a kick to the head. S.H.I.T goes down and Skinner turns around to Cruz. But Cruz is already up and hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. Cruz goes for the first pin of the match, 1... 2... Kick out by Skinner. Skinner gets up and Cruz catches him with an Armdrag and transitions into an Armbar. Skinner tries to reach for the ropes, but he’s in the middle of the ring. Cruz wrenches back on the arm and Skinner screams out in pain. S.H.I.T breaks it up with a stomp to Cruz. Cruz gets up and goes for a clothesline but S.H.I.T ducks under it and goes for a Russian Leg Sweep. Skinner grabs S.H.I.T’s leg and rolls him up, sending Cruz rolling backwards too, 1... 2.... Kick out by S.H.I.T. Skinner and S.H.I.T get up quickly and Cruz goes for a Crescent kick. Skinner ducks under it and S.H.I.T takes the full force and goes down. Cruz turns back to Skinner, who hits him with an Elbow Smash. Cruz goes down and Skinner goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Cruz. Skinner catches his breath for a second and picks up Cruz. He measures Cruz for the Big Boot and goes for it, but Cruz catches the leg and lifts him up before hitting a Spinebuster.

Copeland: I’m guessing Skinner is believing wrestling really hurts now...

Cruz goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Skinner. Cruz gets back to his feet and backs into the corner before stomping his foot down hard, signalling for the Superkick. Skinner is slowly getting up using the ropes. He turns around, looking shakey, and Cruz goes for the Superkick, but S.H.I.T comes from the side and catches Cruz out of nowhere with a Superkick of his own! Cruz crumbles to the mat and S.H.I.T goes for the pin, 1... 2... Skinner breaks it up! S.H.I.T quickly gets up and hits Skinner with a quick eye poke before locking in the Midnight Deadline Sleeper Hold! Skinner, still woozy from the earlier onslaught, starts to fade quickly, reaching out lethargically for the ropes. His finger tips the top rope, but S.H.I.T drags him backwards towards the centre of the ring. Out of desperation, Skinner elbows S.H.I.T in the gut before going behind him and locking in the Sleeper himself! S.H.I.T struggles wildly, his arms flailing, but Skinner cinches it in tightly. As S.H.I.T drops to one knee, Skinner puts all his weight on the back and neck. Suddenly, Cruz Superkicks Skinner in the back of the head! The force send both Skinner and S.H.I.T stumbling forward. S.H.I.T goes through the middle and top rope to the outside as Skinner bounces backwards off the ropes before being rolled up by Cruz, 1.... 2.... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Sean Cruz!

The crowd lets out a big pop as Cruz rolls out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp. He stops half way up the ramp and turns back to the ramp, raising his arms with a grin on his face. At ringside, S.H.I.T gets up and seems to have a ‘malfunction’, violently twitching. Skinner looks up, looking dazed, but still showing some bitterness in his eyes as he watches Cruz turn back around and head backstage.

Leon Kensworth is in front of the Meltdown sign, as he spots Scott Hammond coming his way.

Kensworth: Ladies and Gentleman, the EurAsian Challenger, Scott Hammond gets his rematch in a couple of moments. Are you ready Scott? Can you do it?

Hammond stops, sighs and looks back at Leon.

Hammond: You're damn right!

Hammond walks off as Leon addresses the WZCW Network.

Kensworth: As you can see, Hammond is fired up and ready to go, the EurAsian Championship is contested next, only on Meltdown!
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WZCW EurAsian Championship!"


The crowd cheers as Hammond walks out from the curtain and raises his fist in the air with a smile across his face. As he goes down the ramp, the claps the hand of the random fan before entering the ring.

"Introducing first, the challenger, from London, England, weighing in at 275 pounds... Scott HAMMOND!"

"Hammond has been blessed with a second chance at becoming the champion."

"Cohen: Looks like Blade's really taken a liking to this kid."

Hammond gets on the turnbuckles and takes his jacket off, raising his arm once more before coming down to the canvas to prepare for his match.


Blade slowly walks out with his focus solely on Hammond as the crowd boos his arrival. He lifts his championship belt up high before proceeding down tot he ring, still very cautious of what Hammond might do.

"And his opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW EurAsian Champion... BLADE!"

Blade is halfway down the ramp when he decides to bolt down to the ring and slide inside to which Hammond casually slides out, almost as if he saw it coming and isn't impressed with Blade's attempt.

"Seems like Hammond has learned the ways of mind games. This should be interesting."

Blade is unusually wary as Hammond enters the ring. They circle each other as the bell sounds and Blade is trying to avoid Hammond. Hammond shoots for a single leg takedown but Blade pummels his back. Hammond grips the leg tenaciously and despite Blade’s fighting, he does manage to follow through with the move and slam Blade onto his back. He immediately goes for a leg submission but Blade kicks him in the face to block. Hammond dives down, grabs an arm and tries to lock in the Anaconda Vice. Blade scrambles from his back and does well to reach the ropes. The ref forces the break and Hammond duly backs off.

Blade shakes his limbs and gets up. He mouths off at the ref and then Hammond, who gestures at him to try and take him on. Blade bails from the ring to buy himself some time. The crowd hate it of course and Hammond goes to give chase and the referee counts. Blade looks as if he is going to take a count-out loss, knowing he can retain his title that way. Hammond sprints to catch up but Blade turns and levels him with a huge clothesline. Hammond crashes to the ramp and his neck slams on the metal.

"Hammond's neck has go to be suffering some serious pain after that knock!"

"He's been in the Mayhem Division, he should be use to it by now."

Blade picks him up and body slams back down to the floor! Hammond tries to crawl away but Blade kicks him in the gut. Blade grabs his arm, drags him towards the ring and whips him into the ring steps. Blade walks around the ring and grabs the Eurasian title. He then rolls in and then out the ring to break the referees count. He is upto 8 when the count is broken.

He walks around the ring with the title in hand and stalks Hammond who is crumpled in the corner. He charges towards his opponent but Hammond dropkicks him in the knee! He drops the title and Hammond thinks about picking it up but he doesn’t. Instead he kicks the title away, then grabs Blade and gutwrench suplexes him onto the title. Blade lands backfirst onto the title! The ref can be heard shouting at them to get into the ring and he is upto seven on his count.

"This is just as tight as Apocalypse."

Hammond stalks him as he gets up and sets up to hit London’s Calling. He lifts Blade up and puts him on his shoulders but as he lifts him up Blade DDTs him straight onto the floor!! The referee is upto nine and when he gets to ten, he waves to the timekeeper and the bells ring.

After a short discussion, Harrys raises his mic to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has announced that as a result of a double count-out, this match has been declared a draw!"

Both men roll away from the ring. Hammond is trying to stay aware of where Blade is but the Eurasian champ is trying to crawl towards Hammond. Blade is handed his title and he grips it tightly. As he gets up and holds his back, he reaches out for a mic from ringside.

“God damnit Hammond. You’re a tough bastard you know that?”

The champ is breathing very heavily but is looking at Hammond eye to eye.

“So I have an offer, to help you, to help each other. Join me, we could be unstoppable. You know I am right don’t you?”

Hammond doesn’t give a clear reaction either way, but he is clearly annoyed at how the match ended.

“So I want you to think about it. I’ve pulled some strings and you have got until Meltdown 63 to give me an answer.”

Blade chucks the mic in Hammond’s general direction and walks out of the ring as Bliss hits. The crowd boo as he walks away and Hammond seems to be quite confused by the whole situation.

We're backstage with Sean Cruz who is approached by Chuck Myles.

Myles: Sean, Sean, congratulations on a fantastic performance...

Cruz: Get to the point, Chuck.

Myles: Mr. Myles to you. But ok, well that match you had was being watched over with intent. And well, I wish to give further congratulations for next week, you get a shot at the Mayhem Championship. Though I would expect it to be a tough one, whether it's Ale or Bowen, you better work yourself hard. See you next week!

Myles heads off as Cruz can't believe his luck and smirks to himself before he's approached by Action Saxton.

Saxton: Trust me man. The Mayhem Division isn't a place to be smirking, I can tell you that. The only smirking that's going to be happen with my lady tonight! Ya hear?

Saxton heads off as Cruz isn't sure what to make of Saxton's warning but heads off anyway.
Harrys: The following contest is a triple threat match and it is scheduled for one fall.

The crowd cheer for the announcement of the match, only for their cheers to morph into boos as Mr. Baller begins to play. The cocky superstar of the same name struts his way onto the stage.

Harrys: Introducing the participants. First, from Miami Florida, weighing 220 pounds, MR. BALLER!

Cohen: Mr. Baller was robbed at Apocalypse by that hasbin Ricky, and he’ll be sure to unleash his frustrations tonight on the two masked clowns he’s in the ring with tonight.

As Baller makes his way to the ring, getting in the fans faces, the music changes to Soul of the Shadow along with the arena being covered in a veil of darkness. The arena responds by changing its tune back to that of cheers.

Harrys: Next, from Blue Diamond Nevada, weighing in at 180 pounds, BLACK DRAGON!

Copeland: The mysterious Black Dragon won a battle royal prior to Apocalypse and now has an opportunity here to increase his stock with a win against a fellow up-and-comer in Baller and the mysterious third man making his debut tonight.

Dragon makes his way into the ring, determined to pull off the victory this evening, however the focus shifts back to the entranceway as 2nd Sucks begins. The fans are unsure whether to boo or cheer this new music, unaware as to whom our next participant is.

Harrys: And finally, from behind his computer desk, weighing in at 201 pounds, he is THE INTERNET WARRIOR!

Copeland: The Internet Warrior is making his debut tonight. He’s a lifelong fan, and while he hasn’t been in the ring for very long, his passion is second-to-none.

Cohen: Yes, because passion obviously is the key to winning championships. Both this internet dweeb and the Dragon have got nothing on Baller. He should cruise to victory tonight.

There is a firm ripple of cheers as The Internet Warrior (TIW) stands on top of the ramp with yellow and white strobe lights alternating. TIW seems to be taken aback by the scale of the experience, and has to snap himself out of the trance as he approaches the ring. He climbs in with both of his foes staring straight at him. Baller seems to disapprove of this new superstar and shakes his head as the Internet Warrior poses in the centre of the ring for the crowd. The referee signals for the bell as Baller approaches TIW. He mouths off and proceeds to slap TIW across the face. Baller laughs as a cocky grin stretches onto his face, but TIW responds with a slap of his own to Baller’s surprise. To follow this up, Black Dragon soars into action with a flying forearm right to the face of Baller which sends him tumbling into the corner. Warrior offers a thumb up to the Dragon who in turn offers a dropkick taking TIW down.

Copeland: Right there was a perfect way to describe the rules for this type of match. It’s ever man for themselves.

Dragon now begins to work on Baller who he nails with a snap suplex. The Dragon goes over for a cover. 1...BREAK-UP! TIW has stepped into stop the pinfall attempt with a senton back splash. He goes for a cover of his own on Baller. 1...2...BREAK-UP! Dragon this time with the save as he pulls Warrior off. They stand toe-to-toe and the fans cheer in appreciation. Both men look around at the crowd. TIW has a huge grin while Dragon remains cold. They’re attention however once again returns to each other...but they’ve not being attention to Baller who makes them pay by bashing their skulls off of one-another! Dragon goes to the outside to recover as TIW looks to find the ropes to regain some sense of balance. Baller however grabs the back of his head and nails a bulldog. He goes into the cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller stomps away out of frustration before yelling at the newcomer about respect. He lifts him up, only to put him down again with a swinging neckbreaker. 1...2...BREAK-UP! Dragon has used an elbow drop to stop the possible 3 count. He whips Baller into the corner, which Baller bounces off of, and uses a snap powerslam. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Dragon lays into Baller with several elbow strikes, before bringing him to his feet and prepares to use his finishing move, Darkness Falls, but instead takes a flying knee, curtsey of TIW!

Copeland: All three men showing a variety of moves and styles in this, so-far, closely fought battle.

Cohen: You say that now, but rest assured, Baller will use his experience, like he did earlier, to prevail.

While the commentators have been chatting, the Warrior has taken control of the match. In fact he’s just hit Black Dragon with a hangman’s neckbreaker. He goes for the cover, 1...2...BREAK-UP! Baller this time breaks things up and lifts TIW up with a facelock and drops him down with a DDT! Baller however, uses his veteran instincts to notice that the Dragon is stirring and clotheslines him out of the ring. Pleased with his work, Baller turns around to finish his work with TIW only to find he’s disappeared. In fact, our newest star has manoeuvred himself around Baller’s back, hitting his Post Count signature move. After a couple of knees collide with Baller’s head, TIW goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The Warrior is surprised and looks to the crowd for inspiration. The cheer him loudly and he realises what he must do. Meanwhile, Baller is crawling away and is pulling himself upwards using the turnbuckle. He’s splashed into the corner by TIW. Baller collapses in a heap as TIW signals that he’s going up top to the crowd’s delight. But before he can do that, our third participant, the Dragon, stops him and uses a half-nelson suplex into a bridge; 1...2...BREAK-UP! Baller has shoved the Warrior out of the bridge...just barely.

Cohen: See, what did I tell you Seabass? Baller’s veteran instincts saved him the match.

Speaking of Baller, he’s just used an armdrag on the Dragon and follows up with a hurricanrana! He quickly runs up the turnbuckles for a whisper in the wind! He goes into a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Baller’s frustration grows and he looks to deliver a standing moonsault. But in his haste, Baller hasn’t noticed that Black Dragon was stirring and subsequently moved out of the way. The Dragon follows it up with an enziguri. 1...2...KICK-OUT! The Dragon immediately positions himself for a devastating lariat and prepares to bounce off of the ropes, but TIW pulls them down and Dragon spills to the outside. Warrior follows up his tactical move with a flashier one as he flies over the top rope with a crossbody. The fans applaud the spectacular move and it seems to fire TIW up as he makes it to his feet, perhaps gaining a second wind. He approaches Dragon and hoists him up onto his shoulders, and drops his down onto his knees with his finishing move; Time 4 Bed (TFB)! TIW is getting very excited now at the prospect of this win, and high fives a few fans in the front row. He then notices Baller’s basketball and grins. He picks up the ball, bounces it a few times and an idea pops into his head. He rolls into the ring and positions himself to throw the ball at Baller who is backing himself into the corner.

Cohen: You can’t do that! That’s Baller’s property. Quick, someone call the police!

TIW unleashes his ball and looks to K.O. Baller with it, but at the key moment, Baller ducks and the ball bounces back off the turnbuckle and cracks TIW right in the nose, busting it open. Baller sees his opening and goes up top for the Buzzbeater...which he connects with. 1...2...3!

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, you winner of the match, MR. BALLER!

Cohen: You see Seabass, everything worked out just the way I said it would.

Copeland: I suppose you’re right actually.

Cohen: Suppose?

As the song Mr. Baller plays, the person offers a grin that would make any Cheshire cat jealous. He rolls out of the ring and nearly leaves, but remembers his basketball that essentially provided assistance for him to win. He picks it up and plants a kiss on it before spinning it around. He puts it under his arm as the fans boo mercilessly.

We see James King backstage in his locker room wearing his ring attire pacing around the room.

King: C'mon Alhazred, where are you?

King continues to pace until his mobile phone begins ringing. He looks at the screen to see "Mister's" name come up and King answers the phone.

Where the hell are you guys? Our match is coming up very soon and...

The angry expression on King's face becomes quite shocked.

... a car what!?...

King becomes very worried and upset.

... is he alright?


I'll be there in 5 minut...

As King continues to listen, he sits down on a bench with a hand over his mouth.

... okay, uhh... just take care of him, yeah? I'll finish the match like he wanted me too. Send him my best wishes if he wakes up before I get there... thanks for letting me know.

King sits on the bench stunned as he just learned of the news.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The fans get on their feet as Austin Reynolds emerges from the curtain. Reynolds looks around the arena at the cheering audience and a huge smile appears on his face as he spreads his arms out. He begins walking down the ramp, taking the time out to shake the hands of fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, from the West End of London, England, weighing in at 190 pounds... he is the "Ratings Winner," Austin REYNOLDS!

Copeland: After his amazing war with Ty Burna at Apocalypse, Reynolds still looks like a million bucks.

Cohen: He'd be worth that much too if he actually won the match. Although his arm candy is sufficient enough for second prize...

Austin gets in the ring and is about to climb the turnbuckles to taunt with the fans but is interrupted by "Two Weeks" blasting through the speakers and Ewan Kampa walking out with a microphone. The music dies down as he puts the mic to his face.

Kampa: I know, I know... my presence is both shocking and awe-inspiring to all of you but I must confess: my "partner" from last week was supposed to be here tonight to compete against this fraud of a challenger but alas... he is not here. So I thought to myself, since a talent such as myself isn't on the card, why don't I take this opportunity to show the world why I should be, at the very least, a contender for the World Championship.

Kampa drops the mic and quickly slides into the ring trying to get the advantage but a ready Reynolds ducks the counter and goes for a springboard Asai Moonsault. Kampa turns around and delivers a dropsault to the flying body of Reynolds, resulting in Austin crashing into the ground awkwardly. Kampa goes for the pin and barks at the referee to start the match. The ref hesitates but gives in and signals for the bell.

1... 2... Reynolds kick-outs within a split-second of three. Kampa argues with the referee for the slow count who tells Kampa this wasn't supposed to be a sanctioned match.

Cohen: I love impromptu matches. Always good for a surprise.

Copeland: I don't think the referee had a choice.

Kampa sees that Reynolds is nearly to his feet, so he sets up and delivers a springboard kick to the face of Reynolds that knocks him down to his knees. Kampa quickly uses the leverage to DDT Reynolds face into the canvas. He thinks of going for the pin but Kampa instead heads to the second turnbuckle, pointing to the fans then him to show he is better than them. He takes too long to taunt however as Reynolds kips up and hits the franksteiner on Kampa. Momentarily shocked, Kampa tries to get up and back on the attack but Reynolds runs at him with a shoulder charge, knocking him back to the corner. Reynolds immediately hits Kampa with a roaring elbow, dazing Kampa who groggily walks out of the corner. Reynolds gets to the ropes and springboards off to connect with the Ego Crush... 1... 2... 3... with Kampa getting the shoulder up split-seconds after the 3 count.

The referee signals for the bell as Reynolds picks up the victory and Kampa sits up in shock. The crowd cheers as the ref holds Reynolds hands high and his music comes on. Kampa measures up Reynolds and goes to attack but sees something and slips out of the ring. Reynolds looks at him and is confused by the smile on Kampa's face as he points to the ramp. The ref and Reynolds turn around to see Jackson Williams running down the ramp. The ref rings the bell again as Williams slides into the ring.

Williams tries to attack but Reynolds kicks him in the stomach and hits the Ratings Killer... 1... 2... 3!

The ref signals for the bell for a fourth time and Reynolds music re-starts.

Harrys: Here is your winner... for both matches... the "Ratings Winner," Austin REYNOLDS!

Cohen: What just happened?

Copeland: I think Reynolds just defeated two people in one night.

Williams is out cold in the ring as Kampa just looks on and shakes his head. At that moment, Myles music hits and the GM comes out with microphone in hand.

Myles: Congratulations Austin on your victories tonight, and Ewan Kampa on showing some initiative. Jackson Williams, however... not only do you show up late to my show and your match... not only do you not phone ahead and say you weren't going to make it... but you lost a match to an opponent who just competed in one. I have no choice but to tell you Mr. Williams that...


Enjoy the rest of your evening ladies and gentlemen.

As Myles heads to the back, Kampa quietly leaves the arena as Austin heads up the ramp, giving one final taunt for the fans before exiting, leaving Williams in the ring motionless. A stage hand enters the ring and sweeps Williams out of the ring with a broom and underneath the ring before burning the broom and washing his hands with hand-wash.

Copeland: Well, thanks for coming Jackson Williams.

Cohen: Who?
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!


Barbosa comes out to a booing crowd as he waves around half the KFAD contract in his hand with a big smile on his face. He stomps his way down to the ring in happiness.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237 pounds, he owns half of the King For a Day contract... BARBOSA!

Barbosa slides into the ring and waves his contract around until...


The crowd begins cheering loudly as Toyota makes his way out, with the two men locking eyes. Toyota does the occasional wave to the fans but keeps his focus on Barbosa.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from Matsumoto, Japan, weighing in at 550 pounds, he owns the second half of the King For a Day contract... Wasabi TOYOTA!

Copeland: I have a bad feeling that this isn't going to end well.

Cohen: Stop being such a girl, Seabass. If they fight, let 'em fight. It'll be good for them to get it out of their systems.

As Toyota enters the ring, Barbosa slides outside and asks Toyota why he doesn't have the other half of the contract. Toyota keeps an eye on Barbosa before turning around to get ready for his opponents.


The crowd gives a mixed reaction as James King walks out by himself with his head lowered and his fist raised high. He continues down the ramp walking like this until gets to the ring and climbs in. He goes over to the referee and informs him of the situation, who then tells Truman Harrys.

Harrys: Uh... and their opponent, from San Jose, California, weighing in at 250 pounds... James KING!

Copeland: It seems that call to King before was about Dr. Alhazred. Let's hope he's okay.

King holds his head up high and readies himself for action with a look in his eyes that indicates he doesn't want to compete, yet he calls for Toyota to wrestle. Toyota sees the look in his eyes and detects something wrong with King. Barbosa gets frustrated on the outside and snaps, sliding into the ring behind King and blasts him down.

The referee signals for the bell as Barbosa begins pummeling King where Toyota tries to break it up but the ref orders him to get on the ropes. Toyota eventually obliges as Barbosa finishes up stomping on King who tries getting up. Barbosa helps him to his feet and lifts him for an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a STO. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by King. Barbosa goes over to Toyota with a smile and tells him to tag so they can double team King but Toyota refuses to get inside the ring. The happy face of Barbosa instantly turns into a disappointed face, followed by aggression. However, before Barbosa can do anything, King is up and hits a clothesline to the back of the head of Barbosa. He mounts Barbosa and delivers a series of elbows to the face, with each hit changing the expression/personality of Barbosa. King ignores this and follows up with a standing leg drop and a cover... 1... 2... kick-out by Barbosa. King gets up and continuously stomps his foot on Barbosa just like the start of the match, followed by a big kick to Barbosa's head. He goes for another cover... 1... 2... kick-out. King quickly picks up Barbosa and delivers a headbutt, knocking Barbosa into the corner. King hits the running splash and follows it up with a European Uppercut. Barbosa staggers out of the corner as King runs off the ropes to hit a running neckbreaker. He goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out again by Barbosa.

Cohen: King's using the old Cohen strategy. Be quick and aggressive to end this thing early.

King gets Barbosa up and goes to Irish whip him but Barbosa reverses, sending King for the ride. King tries for the shoulder block but Barbosa beats him with a kitchen sink knee lift, knocking the wind out of King. Barbosa measures up King who gets up and hits him with a backbreaker, followed by a sideslam. Barbosa goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out by King. Barbosa smiles as King reaches for the ropes to lift himself up until Barbosa snaps again and aggressively picks up King and hits the Mood Stabilizer on King. Barbosa looks as if he's setting up for his finisher as King hot-shots off the corner but instead delivers a DDT. Barbosa doesn't let go and brings King up to drop him again for another DDT with Toyota watching on in disgust. Barbosa goes for a third but Toyota begins yelling at Barbosa to stop and end the match. Barbosa just smiles and quickly tags in Toyota and rolls out of the ring. Barbosa smiles as Toyota looks at him with a stare and the referee forces Toyota him into the ring. Toyota doesn't take his focus of Barbosa who takes a seat on the ring apron, swinging his legs like a child. Toyota turns around to see King getting up to try to defend himself but is in the no shape to do so. Toyota apologizes to King before picking him up and putting him in the bearhug. King tries to fight out of it but eventually taps out.

Toyota gently lets down King, not looking too amused that he won the match for his team the way he did as his music hits the speakers. Barbosa, who had watched the entire thing, jumps into the ring with excitement.

Harrys: Here are your winners... Barbosa & Wasabi TOYOTA!

Cohen: What a devious move by Barbosa, forcing Toyota to slay the King!

Copeland: At least Toyota has a heart to end it in the most humane way possible.

Barbosa goes up to see the look on Toyota's face, making Barbosa smile with glee. He gets right into Toyota's ear and whispers something to which Toyota turns his head from hearing. Barbosa sees that he won't get far by secretly telling him so he blurts out loudly that he was the one who put King through all of this, reminding Toyota of his past. Barbosa laughs in Toyota's face and gives him a huge slap across it. Toyota has had enough and connects with a throat thrust to Barbosa, with a huge cheer from the crowd. He hits a series of throat thrusts before delivering a huge savate kick to Barbosa, knocking him down to the outside. The referee tries to stop the big man but he is unsuccessful and calls for more back-up. Toyota heads to the outside and goes after Barbosa who is crawling along the ground towards the timekeepers area. Toyota is in hot pursuit and goes to grab Barbosa but he rakes the eye of Toyota, temporarily blinding him. Barbosa pushes the timekeeper off the chair and grabs it, using it on the back of Toyota. There isn't much effect to Toyota as Barbosa tries for another shot. Toyota turns around with an angry look as he sees Barbosa with chair in hand. Barbosa goes all child-like and drops the chair, running around the ring from Toyota. He goes underneath the ring and brings out a bigger weapon: the ladder. He grasps it and runs at Toyota with the ladder, making the big man collapse on top of the Spanish announce table. Barbosa disposes of the ladder and rips apart the table, ready to use it to take down Toyota. At that moment, referee's and security guards come pouring from the back and attempt to break up the fight, much to the crowd's disappointment.

Copeland: And here are the Calvary to stop this before someone goes through the Spanish table.

Cohen: I didn't even know WZCW had a Spanish announce team!

Barbosa is taken away by security as referee's try to help up Toyota from the attack. They get him to his feet and ask if he's okay but Toyota goes after Barbosa, bowling over the security and Barbosa. Toyota tries going after Barbosa again but the security and referee's divide up evenly enough to keep both men at bay, leading Barbosa to the back and keeping Toyota at ringside.

Walking through the backstage area is Saboteur, he looks ready for action. As he walks past the camera, the chaos symbol begins to burn on the floor where he just tread, for the domain of Ty Burna awaits him.

Copeland: Well folks, it's our Main Event and it is next. Saboteur showed some courage earlier, sharing his views with the World Heavyweight Champion. But will his bite be as strong as his bark? Find out after the break!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

There is a brief pause as the arena braces itself for the competitors to enter the arena when the silence is broken by...


Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 198 pounds, SABOTEUR!

The fans cheer loudly for Saboteur, who is obviously excited for this opportunity. He spins around in a complete circle and makes his way towards the ring. He high-fives the fans on his way and begins to enter the ring.

Copeland: A relative newcomer, Saboteur has been impressive since debuting, but tonight he faces the toughest test of all.

Cohen: You’re right Seabass, which makes a change. Tonight this guy has to contend with the longest reigning champion in WZCW history. He has to deal with the World’s Heavyweight Champion; Ty Burna!

With the crowd still hot for Saboteur until the lights go out. Suddenly, the arena is filled with boos as we await the arrival of...


Harrys: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion; TY BURNA!

Flames erupt either side of Burna as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp. He slowly makes his way to the ring with his World Championship wrapped comfortably around his waist.

Cohen: Right now, Ty Burna is the single most dominant force in all of professional sports. I’m not just talking about wrestling here Seabass, I’m talking any sports. Whether it be soccer, baseball, hockey, boxi--huh?

Cohen’s praise of Burna is cut short as he, along with the rest of the crowd has noticed that Saboteur has gotten frustrated with the length of Burna’s entrance and exited the ring. He throws a powerful fist in the focused Burna’s face. The unsuspecting Ty has staggered back as Saboteur unleashes yet another punch. He follows up with a third as Burna finally retorts. They exchange fists for a few moments until Saboteur mixes it up with a stiff uppercut. He adds a big dropkick to send the champion of the world crashing onto the metal ramp.

Copeland: So Jack, what were you saying about Ty being a dominant force?

Cohen: That nutjob better be prepared to take a vast amount of punishment because when Ty recovers, he’ll have Saboteur’s head put on a pike!

Saboteur has begun to play to the crowd as the referee has finally joined both participants and is insisting that they get back into the ring to officially start the match. Saboteur brushes him off as he turns around to be met with a vicious knee to the face by Ty who has finally managed to get the championship belt off. Saboteur goes down in a heap, clutching at his face as Burna regains his composure. Ty picks Saboteur up throws him hard into the ring barricade which has practically no give to it. Saboteur slowly sinks to the floor but doesn’t stay there long as Ty lifts him to his feet. His anger is apparent and he prepares to deliver a brainbuster onto the steel ramp! The crowd gasp, but sigh with relief as Saboteur escapes. He hits a roundhouse kick as Ty turns around. The masked man picks up Burna, and looks to whip him into the ring steps, but Ty reverses! Saboteur goes knees first into the steps and ends up flipping over them.

Cohen: You see, I told you that Saboteur would experience vast amounts of pain. So far he’s had some back and knee pain. Who knows what Ty will offer him next?

Saboteur looks to crawl back into the ring with Ty in hot-pursuit. With Burna’s entrance into the ring, the referee can officially start the match. Ty nails Saboteur with a quick kick to his neck. Ty bounces off the ropes and hits a knee drop. He rolls Saboteur over for 1...2...KICK-OUT! Burna hooks Saboteur’s arms and uses his double underhook backbreaker. One again Ty goes for a cover. 1...2...KICK-OUT! Burna stares a hole through the referee who is obviously intimidated. He returns his focus to his opponent, and not a moment too soon as Saboteur has begun to stir once more. Ty lifts Saboteur up and whips him into the corner. Burna looks to splash into him, but Saboteur ducks out of the way and Ty bashes into the turnbuckle. Saboteur sees his opening and uses a splash of his own. Ty is groggy, but still on his feet until Saboteur puts him down with a single handed bulldog. Somehow, the bulldog only has Ty down momentarily as he begins to get his feet. However, Saboteur uses a bicycle kick to Burna, sending him crashing out of the ring to an almighty pop from the crowd.

Copeland: A bicycle kick? Saboteur should probably be careful he doesn’t open Pandora’s Box here, after all that is Ty’s own finisher.

The referee starts to count as Saboteur tries to get the crowd rallied behind him again. He goes to the outside where Ty is on his knees. He looks to the Death Blow, but Ty ducks it and shoves Saboteur head first into the steel post! The referee has reached 6 on his count as Ty gets to his feet and rolls Saboteur back into the ring. The resident of Parts Unknown sets up for his own Bicycle Kick; The Concentrated Banishment! The only problem is that Saboteur won’t turn around and as such Ty has to do it himself. He turns Saboteur around, but is caught in a roll-up! 1...2...KICK-OUT! Quickly though, Ty regains the advantage as he delivers a reverse STO. He gets a cover and a 1...2...KICK-OUT! Ty is up straight away and has Saboteur with him as he hooks him up. He executes a picture perfect brainbuster. This time though, Ty decides against a cover and sets Saboteur up for a second attempt at a Concentrated Banishment! This time though, Saboteur can’t get to his feet.

Cohen: You’ve got to be kidding me. Saboteur is like a walking, talking, breathing joke of a human being.

Ty’s frustrations begin to boil over and he smacks Saboteur hard around the chops. The punch is so hard it spins Saboteur round, which can only mean it’s time for a GOOOOOOOAL, one of Saboteur’s signature moves. The devastating Pele kick reduces Ty to his knees where he is smashed with the Death Blow finisher! However, fate conspires against Saboteur this time as Ty manages to roll out of the ring. Saboteur can’t believe his bad luck and the crowd can’t either. He stands in the centre of the ring scratching his chin, uncertain as to what his next move should be. Then, almost as if a light bulb has off in his head, he figures it out. He motions that he’s going to use another signature move; Super Saboteur! Ty is in position as Saboteur bounces off the ropes to build momentum and dives through the opposite ropes....only to be met with the boot of Ty Burna and the Concentrated Banishment!

Copeland: Oh my goodness! A simply amazing manoeuvre there by our champion!

Cohen: Good to see you’ve finally bought into the greatest champion that ever lived.

The crowd is stunned at this twist. It seems to be all over. Ty takes a moment to catch his breath and relax. The referee is at a count of 7. Burna has to lift Saboteur’s dead weight and shoves him back into the ring. Both men are back in just before the referee reaches a 10 count. Ty however, instead of doing the obvious and going for a cover, looks to prop Saboteur up for more punishment. The wannabe superhero is dead on his feet and can barely slouch on the ropes let alone stand. Burna, growing frustrated, lets out a grunt as his red eyes look on in anger. He decides to load it up anyway and looks to go for his second Concentrated Banishment of the match.

Cohen: Here it comes folks, the end is upon us.

Burna pumps his legs, but Saboteur manages to duck (or collapse) out of Burna’s way. Ty’s leg has been caught on the top rope, perhaps causing some damage to the hamstring.

Copeland: This could be the opening that Saboteur’s been looking for.

Copeland’s words seem to have an effect on Saboteur as he realises this is his shot at glory. He rolls Ty Burna up in a schoolboy. 1...2...

Cohen: What? No!

3! A moment after the hand of the referee slaps the mat for three, Burna kicks out...

Copeland: Did he do it? Did he get the three?

Burna looks at the referee, expecting him to tell the pair to continue, but instead, the referee goes over to Saboteur, who is exhausted, and raises his hand to one of the biggest cheers you will ever here! The impossible has been achieved. Saboteur has finally put an end to Ty Burna’s now legendary winning streak. While the fans are going completely ballistic at perhaps the shock of the century, Saboteur hasn’t realised what has happened. Suddenly, Truman Harrys picks up his microphone.


The contrast of emotions in the ring is amazing as Saboteur and Burna both finally realise what has happened. Saboteur has begun to shake and leaps out of the ring. He starts running around the ring screaming his own name. He’s probably crying, but the mask prevents us from seeing. Meanwhile, Ty Burna is stunned that such a “lowly competitor” was the one to finally defeat him.


Cohen: .....

Copeland: Well I’ll be, for the first time in known history, Jack Cohen is, say it with me, speechless.

Cohen: ......

The Beastie Boys Sabotage can only be just made out considering the thunderous cheers for Saboteur’s shock victory. Saboteur himself has not calmed down in the slightest and is high fiving a bunch of fans as he runs his way up the ramp. As he reaches the top, Burna can only look at the man who has broken the streak of victories.

Copeland: Well ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Jack Cohen and all of WZCW, I thank you for joining us on this historic night. We’ll see you on Ascension tomorrow, but for now, good night!

We get one more close-up of Burna’s shocked face as we fade out to finish the broadcast.
Who wrote what:
Ty Burna vs. Saboteur; Mr. Baller vs. The Internet Warrior vs. Black Dragon - Funkay
Austin Reynolds vs. Jackson Williams; Barbosa & Wasabi Toyota vs. The Forgotten Powers; EurAsian Entrances - Falkon
Blade vs. Scott Hammond; Alexander Stark vs. Hiraku Susumu - Numbers
Everest vs. King Shabba; Backstage - Phoenix
Sean Cruz vs. Jack Skinner vs. S.H.I.T - Blade
Opening; Backstage - Showtime

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We hope you enjoyed Meltdown 61. Tune in tomorrow for Ascension 36.
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