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Meltdown 45

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Titus slowly crawls towards Dave and gets an arm over him. 1...2....Dave kicks out! The crowd boos as Titus has a shocked look on his face and looks towards the ref to confirm the two count. Titus grimaces and gets to his feet, and slowly drags Dave up as well. Titus pulls Dave over towards the table and puts him on top of it, hitting a few punches for good measure. Titus begins climbing to the top turnbuckle, taking a good while to get there. He readies himself but Dave gets up off the table and kicks Titus square in the head. Titus hangs dangerously on the top turnbuckle and Dave positions Titus back first to the ring. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and hooks his legs on the top rope and suplexes Titus backwards right through the table!

Cohen: Yes! Yes! Pin him Dave!

Connor:This can't be how it ends for Titus. He deserves a better end to a career then this.

Dave climbs down and drags Titus from the wreckage right into the middle of the ring and goes for the pin. 1....2.......Titus kicks out! It's Dave's turn to now have a look of shock on his face and gets up and into the ref's face. Dave grabs a handful of the ref's shirt when out of nowhere Titus goes for a rollup! 1...2.....Dave kicks out. Both men get up and rush each other, hitting a clothesline on one another. They both struggle to rise to their feet. Titus gets to his feet first and chops away at Dave, backing him into the corner. Dave tries to cover up but Titus quickly hits a Northern Lights Suplex! He points to the turnbuckle and the crowd roars as Titus begins climbing the turnbuckles.

Connor: This is it! Titus is going for the Red Comet!

Copeland: Are we about to see a new Eurasian Champion?

Cohen: Not if Big Dave would listen to me and GET OFF THE MAT!

Titus steadies himself on the top turnbuckle as he looks out at the cheering fans. He looks down at Big Dave and takes a deep breath before flying off the top rope, making the flip in mid air. Suddenly Dave gets up and catches Titus in mid flight, and drops him down with the Stamp of Authority! Dave hooks the leg. 1....2.....3.

Harrys: Here is your winner and still Eurasian Champion, Big Dave!

Copeland: Oh my God....Titus' career is all over.

Cohen: Oh yes it is Seabass! Finally the whole world will now know who is truly the best in this company, and it's not that spotlight stealing Titus.

Connor: I can't believe it, from WZCW World Heavyweight Champion to being forced to retire in a matter of weeks. This just seems unfair.

Big Dave sits up and the ref hands him the Eurasian Title. Dave suddenly as a sick grin form on his face as he gets up and walks over to Titus, standing over him and holding the title in his face. Titus looks to be out as Big Dave stands over him for a bit longer before exiting the ring. He walks backwards up the ramp holding his Eurasian title to a silent crowd, shocked at what just happened. Titus slowly begins to come to in the middle of the ring and gets to his knees, his head pressed down on the mat. He breathes deeply when suddenly the crowd starts chanting his name.

Titus slowly gets to his feet and looks out at the crowd, and they pop loudly for him and continue to chant his name. He manages a smile as he walks around the ring, listening to the fans. He slowly exits the ring and walks up the ramp slowly, fans can be heard telling Titus to not go. He stops to see a child crying in the audience and walks over, patting the child on the head and mouths that it will be ok. He makes it to the top of the stage and turns around, looking at the fans once more. He waves to them and they pop loudly for him once more before turning back and walking into the back.

But Ty elbows the bloodied Showtime out of it and hits the Consecrated Banishment to knock out Showtime on top of the Cell, Ty drops to his knee and knows that he can’t win the match on the roof begins to descend from the top as Vengeance gets back up to his feet. He looks to go after Ty but notices Kurtesy is getting up from the knock he got from Ty earlier. Vengeance immediately heads over to Kurtesy and grabs him by the throat and then locks him ready for the Judge, Jury and Executioner, he tries to lift Kurtesy but he dead-weights it, and for a second time, Vengeance tries for a third time but Kurtesy shoves himself out of it, Vengeance comes at it with pace and Kurtesy uses an armdrag to take Vengeance with momentum over his body and over the beam and onto the roof which breaks and Vengeance falls all the way through to the floor which has the whole crowd in shock as well as Ty who’s watching from the floor below. Kurtesy looks exhausted on top of the Cell and shocked that he just took Vengeance from the roof to the floor, who has yet to move from the drop.

Cohen: I never thought Kurtesy had it in him!

Copeland: My god, I can’t believe it, Vengeance just got literally thrown under that momentum to fall through the roof to the floor, someone get some EMTs!

Connor: I hope he is alright!

Cohen: Vengeance can’t lose the title this way!

Ty Burna walks with a pace to the Cell door and gets inside the ring, he walks over to Vengeance and the referee is telling him to back off from him but Ty goes for the cover and tells him to “Count it!”, 1…..2……kickout by Vengeance. Ty is in shock that Vengeance just kicked out after that fall. He holds his head in his heads and gets up to his feet, worn down, covered in blood, what can he do to defeat his former ally? Suddenly Vengeance sits up and the crowd is in shock, but he is slow up to his feet, using the ropes to get him full vertical as both Ty and Vengeance stand toe to toe, eyes staring intently, knowing this is where things must end as they both exchange rights with Vengeance coming off slightly weaker due to the fall. Ty connects with a couple of rights and then follows with a shuffle side kick to take down Vengeance. He grabs the chair from earlier and slams it a couple of times on Vengeance to weaken him further, he gets his Vengeance up to his feet and leans him into the corner. Ty stands at the opposite corner and looks ready to strike with the Consecrated Banishment, he runs at Vengeance who comes out of the corner and is met with Ty’s finisher, Ty goes for the cover 1……..2…….shoulder up! Ty can’t believe that his finisher wasn’t enough. On top of the Cell, Showtime goes over to Kurtesy who tries to sluggishly get an attack is but is met with a Ratings Crash and both men are laid out flat on the roof as Ty thinks what he needs to do with his former partner. He gets up very slowly as does Vengeance and as Ty turns to face Vengeance who hits a sudden Judge, Jury and Executioner, but he isn’t able to get the cover due to the exhaustion. He eventually rolls over to get an arm over but Ty counters it into the Finale Séance, locking Vengeance tight who refuses to scream but grit his teeth tightly, the exhaustion wears in on his face and reaching out to the ropes doesn’t bring him closer as he’s in the centre of the ring. Vengeance looks exhausted, looking around at where to grab but he eventually turns to look at Ty, who holds the move tight and he lets out a faint smile before he slams his hand to the mat and submits to Ty with the referee signalling for the bell.

Harrys: The winner of this match, and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty relinquishes the hold and looks in disbelief as he just made Vengeance tap out for the first time in his life as the referee goes to grab the belt from outside the Cell. The arena looks ransacked as there are weapons and glass all over the place, the Cell broke, Kurtesy and Showtime flat out on top of the Cell and Vengeance with Ty Burna still in the ring.

Copeland: Ty Burna has just done something I never though I’d see do, he’s made Vengeance tap out to become the World Champion. But the look on Vengeance’s face look like he accepted the defeat to his former ally.

Cohen: First Titus, now Vengeance. Last month, these two were fighting over the belt, now they leave on the same night, such a noble defence in a hellacious match.

Connor: This is a match that nobody is going to forget for a long time.

The referee passes Ty the belt as he staggers to his feet and has his hand raised with the title raised high, he can’t believe what’s happened. He spots Vengeance getting slowly up to his feet who stands in front of Ty, slowly nodding his head as a silence airs amongst the crowd until Vengeance drops to his knee and raises his hand towards Ty in an act of respect as Ty goes over to the turnbuckle and celebrates with the belt. Showtime and Kurtesy are slowly rolling towards to roof edge so they can get down but the main focus is on Ty and Vengeance. Both men stand opposite each, knowing what they have been through as the former champion raises his head where the lights go out and sounds of lightning can be heard. The lights come back on and Ty stands alone in the ring with his championship belt with nothing but a smile on his face as Serafina comes out to congratulate her master, he raises the belt one last time in the air before he heads out of the Cell.

The normal opening pyro does not go off as the crowd has a quiet buzz going on after the highlights of Unscripted finish.

The lights go out and the eerie static lights begin flashing around the arena and a large plume of flames go off at the top of the stage. The crowd pops with a mixed reaction, the cascading cheers and boos become deafening as Ty Burna slowly walks out from the back, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. Serafina follows behind him, carrying the Ouija Scroll. Ty keeps his head lowered as he walks down to the ring and enters slowly, holding the rope up for Serafina to enter. Serafina grabs a mic and hands it to Ty who stands in the middle of the ring as the lights come back up to a dim setting.

Ty: The new era of WZCW has arrived!

The crowd pops with another huge mixed reaction and it forces Ty to wait out their response. As the crowd quiets down, Ty begins once more.

Ty: At Unscripted I accomplished the impossible, not only did I make Vengeance tap out, I ended his career. Along with Titus being gone it is now a new dawn in WZCW. The two men who have dominated the World Title picture for so long, are no longer in the equation. While I am sure most are depressed about Titus leaving, I have no doubt you will find a new hero to cling to. And what better person then your WZCW World Champion!

Ty lifts the World Title high into the air to another reaction from the crowd.

Ty: For those that do not believe in me, why not follow a man who did everything in his power to stand before you as the World Champion? Why not follow a man who decided to absolve his sins and defeat the monster who you all despised? But does it really matter if only half of you decide to cheer me? It does not and I shall bring back a level of prestige this title has been missing for some time. I am a champion worthy of your adulation, a champion who you will learn to respect. But most importantly, I will be a fighting champion and tonight on Meltdown, I ask, who believes themselves worthy of facing me for my World Title?

Big Dave makes his way out to a huge chorus of boos from the crowd. He makes his way down to the ring, the Eurasian Title hung on his shoulder. He enters the ring and grabs a mic. Serafina exits the ring and watches from ringside.

Dave: You want an answer Ty? The truth is that I have been held down for too long, watching the likes of Vengeance, the likes of you, and especially the likes of Titus walk around with the title that should be mine! But seeing as how you ended Vengeance, and I made it a point to emphatically end Titus' career.

The crowd suddenly boos at a deafening pitch at the mention of Titus' career being over. Dave looks out at the crowd and continues once they quiet down.

Dave: As I was saying, since we ended the two people holding us down, I say it is due time for me to rise up and take my spot at the top. But in order for me to do so, I must do this.

Dave unstraps the Eurasian Title and holds it high into the air and suddenly drops it. It hits the mat with a loud thud and Dave steps forward and gets directly in Ty's face.

Dave: I forfeit the Eurasian Championship! Now there are no more excuses for the World Champion to hide from me.

Ty: It's a shame you treat a belt that I worked so hard to make worthwhile Dave. But because you insist, I acce..


Showtime walks out to a loud ovation from the crowd. He makes his way down and he too grabs a mic from the ringside area. He hops into the ring as Ty and Dave back away from one another. Showtime lifts the mic to begin speaking when suddenly.


Everest makes his way out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He walks down wearing a full suit and tie. He grabs a mic and enters the ring slowly, the four men in the ring circling one another and as Everest goes to speak..."Hero" by Skillet hits and Constantine makes his way out to boos from the crowd. He barely gets to the ring when suddenly Kurtesy's theme hits and the Crashin Movement appears and walks down to the ring. As all the men in the ring stare each other down. Ty lifts his mic up.

Ty: Is there anyone else that wants a shot at my title?

Suddenly Chuck Myles' theme hits as he and Vance Bateman walk out to the top of the entrance ramp. They look out at the filled ring and both shake their heads.

Ty: I guess I spoke too soon. What do our distinguished general managers have in mind here?

Myles: It's very simple Ty. We believe all these men have a worthy consideration for facing you for the WZCW World Title.

Bateman: Rather than having a simple match or battle royale to choose your next opponent, why not make your challenger earn their title shot?

Myles: We are going to have a tournament to decide the number one contender for the WZCW World Heavyweight title.

The crowd pops at the announcement and many of the men in the ring look upset as they stare up the ramp at the GM's.

Myles: We have four matches taking place, two tonight and two on Ascension. Tonight's matches will be Everest taking on Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

The Crashin Movement all look over at Everest, Everest stares back with a confident look on his face.

Myles: And Dave, since you insist on vacating your Eurasian Title...you will be taking on Gordito in your first round match.

Bateman: And on Ascension we will see Showtime Cougar facing Phoenix, and Constantine taking on Chris Beckford.

Ty: Intriguing, alright Myles and Bateman, I'll play along. Whoever wins this tournament gets to lose to me at All or Nothing.

Myles: Yes whoever wins faces you at All or Nothing Ty, though I wouldn't put past whoever goes through this tournament to defeat you. Now all of you get out of my ring, we have a contract battle royale to review.

The men in the ring all turn towards each other, the Crashin Movement, Big Dave, and Constantine on one side while Ty, Everest and Showtime all stand opposite them. Ty raises the World Title high into the air as the lights go out. After a moment the lights raise back up and Ty is gone, as is Serafina.
The Meltdown theme is playing as we see 12 new faces standing in the middle of the ring.

Harrys: The following contest is an Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale where the winner will receive a WZCW Contract! The participants of this match:

The camera pans slowly through all of them to get a close-up shot of the wrestlers whilst Truman Harrys announces their names.

Harrys: Барбосa, DK Wilton, John Watson, Zakk Falcon, Sam Smith, Michael Winters, Justin Cooper, Brad Bomb, Ferbian, Hays, Jalapeño and Bud Dakota!

Before the match starts, "Falling On" by Finger Eleven plays through the speakers and Chuck Myles comes out. He walks around the ring to the commentator’s booth and sits in front of them.

Cohen: And here comes the third judge on WZCW's got talent, Chuck Myles!

Copeland: Considering he is the General Manager of Meltdown, I'm guessing he wants to get a close-up view of all the potential candidates.

Cohen: I thought he was coming out here for some fresh air.

The bell rings and everyone begins brawling with each other; Michael Winters is working on DK Wilton in the corner; Brad Bomb and Ferbian are exchanging blows; Dakota has Watson pushed against the turnbuckles; Hays is taking care of Sam Smith; Justin Cooper is choking Zakk Falcon into the corner; and Jalapeño has Барбосa in the last corner. Wilton switches Winters around and hits a couple of kicks before going for a corner splash, but Winters ducks and pushes Wilton higher, sending him over the top and down to the floor.

Harrys: DK Wilton has been eliminated!

Cohen: No encores for Wilton, tonight.

We see Dakota and Watson in a collar-elbow tie-up in the corner with both men trying to gain dominance. They roll around over to the ropes where Watson eventually gets the upper hand and clubs the back of Dakota. He lets go and goes for a big boot on Dakota, but Dakota moves out of the way and Watson gets hung up on the ropes. Dakota runs and hits the Cow Tipper, sending the big man over the ropes.

Harrys: John Watson has been eliminated!

Copeland: The Beast is no longer in contention.

Dakota slowly gets up and occupies an empty part of the ring. Ferbian goes for a couple European uppercuts on Bomb before trying to lift him over the ropes. Bomb wriggles out and delivers a suplex to Ferbian. We switch to Cooper delivering a couple of solid backhand chops to Falcon, before attempting to get him over the ropes. Falcon hits a knee to Cooper that stalls him, but Winters comes into the fray and tries his luck, with Cooper assisting him. The pressure is too much and that sends Falcon over.

Harrys: Zakk Falcon has been eliminated!

Cohen: I guess he wasn’t able to nest long enough in the match.

Cooper and Winters look at the fallen Falcon, before turning their attention on Ferbian and Bomb, respectively. Smith gets Hays and Irish whips him across the ring, leaning over. Hays detects this and delivers a swinging neckbreaker. Meanwhile, Jalapeño sets up Барбосa for a Springboard move, but Барбосa catches him. Барбосa tries for a sambo suplex, but Jalapeño reverses it into a hurricanrana that sends Барбосa across the ring. Hays is up and locks in the sleeper hold. Jalapeño is fighting furiously and manages to slip out, rolling Hays in the process. Jalapeño delivers a swift dropkick to Hays and knocks him down. He goes to the ropes and tries for a springboard moonsault. Hays rolls out of the way and Jalapeño hits the canvas, who gets up clutching his stomach. Hays picks up Jalapeño and walks over to the ropes, delivering She Likes Me that sends Jalapeño to the floor.

Harrys: Jalapeño has been eliminated!

Copeland: The spicy one is gone, leaving us with eight left!

Dakota knocks down Hays with a chop block as he is still facing the ropes. He measures Hays up for a knee, but Hays quickly catches Dakota’s leg into a drop-toe hold, forcing Dakota to fall onto the second rope neck first. Smith is up and delivers a spinebuster to Барбосa. Smith grabs his legs and tries locking in Double Jeopardy but Барбосa counters to draw in the Bipolar Disorder. Smith is struggling to get out but Барбосa is locking it tight. Dakota has recovered and goes after Hays, who switches around and attempts a German suplex, but Dakota is too heavy and pushes Hays back to the ropes. Dakota runs at him but Hays low-bridges the ropes and Dakota throws himself over the top.

Harrys: Bud Dakota has been eliminated!

Барбосa releases his grip from Smith as he begins fading and gets up. He picks up Smith and throws him over the top, eliminating him as well.

Harrys: Sam Smith has been eliminated!

Cohen: We are half-way home with the new guys.

Hays focuses his attention on Барбосa as we see Bomb working over Winters, eventually grounding him with a Snap DDT. Ferbian begins hitting some knife-edge chops on Cooper, but Cooper retaliates with chops of his own. They continue to exchange attacks until Cooper gets the upper hand and pushes Ferbian into the centre of the ring. Cooper runs towards the ropes, but Ferbian follows him. Cooper rebounds but finds no-one. He turns around and sees Ferbian who picks him up using the ropes and delivers a backbreaker. Ferbian uses the ropes to get back to his feet and turns around to see Bomb running at him, clotheslining him over the top.

Harrys: Ferbian has been eliminated!

Copeland: We are getting down to the cream of the crop. Everyone in that ring has at least one elimination under their belt.

Winters is back up and meets Bomb with an uppercut before Irish whipping across the ring. Bomb attempts for a clothesline, but Winters hits a powerslam. Cooper is up and catches Winters with a jawbreaker, staggering Winters back. He sets up Winters for the Final Verse, but Winters counters and delivers a Full Nelson Slam. Bomb is back up and knocks down Winters with a crossbody, with all three men on the canvas. Барбосa has Hays in a front facelock, but is quickly countered into an armlock. Барбосa tries getting out of it, but Hays switches it to an arm bar. Барбосa gets up with the armbar still locked in hits a couple of knees to Hays, forcing him to break and curl in a ball. Барбосa looks very amused by it as Hays extends his hand. Барбосa is quite excited now and grabs the hand, but Hays tricks him and performs the lady of the lake, locking in another arm bar that gets Барбосa furious. Bomb gets up and signals for his finisher with an explosion-esque taunt on either Cooper or Winters. He goes after Winters and tries for the Detonator, but Winters counters it into a Fallaway Slam hold. Winters goes over to ropes and chucks Bomb over who goes crashing to the floor.

Harrys: Brad Bomb has been eliminated!

Барбосa has finally escaped the hold with more knee shots and has Hays ready for a piledriver, but Hays reverses Барбосa multiple attempts and back body drops him over the top as well.

Harrys: Барбосa has been eliminated!

Cohen: Looks like both men’s wires had snapped!

Cooper measures up Hays for the Testing, Testing, Check as he turns around, but Hays senses him coming and catches Cooper’s leg into a dragon screw. He grabs Cooper’s other leg and catapults him over the top, but Cooper hangs on. Hays tries to finish off Cooper, but is met with some strikes that take Hays back. As Cooper tries getting back in the ring, Winters runs and hits a flying forearm smash that takes out Cooper to the floor.

Harrys: Justin Cooper has been eliminated!

Copeland: We are down to our final two, Michael “The Truth” Winters and The Say Hays Kid.

Hays is up before Winters and hits a running face wash. Hays attempts to pick up Winters, but is too heavy for Hays. He begins stomping on various limbs as Winters gets himself up. He goes behind Winters and tries for a half-nelson backbreaker, but Winters counters around and locks in the Crucifix. Hays does all he can to escape, but Winters is too strong. As Hays begins to fade, Winters picks him up and drops him over the top rope and he crashes to the floor.

Harrys: Hays has been eliminated! Therefore, the winner of the match... Michael “The Truth” Winters!

The bell rings and Michael is on his knees in the ring, saying a quick prayer before celebrating in the ring as his theme music (Fear Factory –“Invisible Wounds (Dark Bodies)”) plays through the speakers. Chuck Myles stands up and applauds the effort before grabbing a microphone.

Myles: Well done, Winters and everyone else who participated in this match tonight. I have been thoroughly impressed. Not only will Michael receive a WZCW Contract, but seven other competitors have earned my respect and will also gain a permanent spot on the roster. These men are: Барбоса, Sam Smith, Hays, Justin Cooper, Brad Bomb, Bud Dakota and Ferbian. For the other unfortunate four: DK Wilton, Zakk Falcon, John Watson, Jalapeño... don’t worry, you will get a second chance next week.

Gentlemen, you are the future and the promising young stars of WZCW... don’t blow this opportunity.

Chuck Myles puts down the microphone and his music begins to play as Winters continues celebrating in the ring.

Copeland: I think what Chuck Myles meant to say there was good luck. Congratulations to all the newest acquisitions and a great effort by everyone all-round.

We cut backstage to see the Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds walking up through the back with a smile on his face.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, unless you have been living under a rock, that is the Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds, and he's about to present another rendition of the Ratings Spike. No doubt he has a lot on his mind after that Inferno match with Chris Beckford at Unscripted.

Cohen: Forget about Beckford, I want to know who his guest is?

Copeland: You won't have to wait much longer Jack, it's up next!
Harrys: Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome at this time.....the Elite X Champion.....AUSTIN REYNOLDS!!!!

Headstrong by Trapt booms out around the arena as Austin strolls out to the Meltdown stage. Confidence flowing and smiling happily, he makes his way down to the ring.

Reynolds: Evening everybody! I am your Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds! And this is the hottest part of WZCW TV going today, the Ratings Spike!

I’ve got a very special guest who I cannot wait to see face-to-face, so how about we just get him out here, this is Steven Holmes.

As the music starts, Steven Holmes slowly walks out onto the top of the stage, slowly he walks to the ring, ignoring the fan reaction. He is in his ring gear as preparation for having his match later. He walks up the ring steps and enters the ring, looking at Austin the entire time.

Austin is wary as Holmes picks up his mic.

Now I normally let the guy come on MY show and say whatever they want but you.....punk....are not worth my time.

Holmes is visibly disgusted but Austin doesn’t allow him to speak.

Austin has a problem with you Missy Holmes. The fact is, I think the way you acted the other was damn disgusting. You claim to be elite but you have been behaving like an ass clown. You need taking down a peg or two, so if you still insist on threatening women, how about you take on someone your own size.

The crowd cheers, but Holmes looks scornfully.

Holmes: This is my time Mr Reynolds and I have better things to talk about than that ****e Selena. I’ve decided that a person of my standing and my outright God given ability, is deserving of a title in this company.

Reynolds: But you had that and lost it Unscripted. Austin laughs and the crowd does too. And you had your ass handed to you earlier by Everest and the World Champion Ty Burna!

Holmes: Don’t interrupt me again Reynolds. Or it will be the last thing that you do. As I was saying, this company deserves a more suitable Elite X champion, someone who is befitting of the name.

Reynolds: Guys like you Mr Holmes, with their god-like attitude, really piss me off. Now I was tempted to bring Selena out here tonight, but I decided I didn’t want to see her kick your ass or you continue your behaviour towards her with a poor excuse for an apology. Being a chump like you were last week, sucks for my ratings.

Holmes: There is no need for name calling Mr Reynolds.

Reynolds: So what is the point of you being here tonight, Mr Holmes?

Holmes: I am here to insist, nay demand, a title shot, that is, a shot at your Elite X championship.

Reynolds: Well, I don’t know how I can refuse an offer of such class even if it came from a buffoon from yourself. I accept that challenge because my kicking your ass all over Ascension is going draw fans like crazy and be great for my ratings.

Vance Bateman emerges at the top of the ramp.

Bateman: Last time I checked, I was in charge here and especially in charge of that title. So I don’t appreciate your making matches for me.

The crowd boo and Austin acknowledges this.

Reynolds: Mr Bateman, this crowd, my fans, wants to see me continue defending this title. All I ask is that you give the fans what they want. Let us have this match and I guarantee that the ratings will be through the roof. It will be good for business and particularly good for Ascension.

Bateman: Mr Reynolds, you have been a dominant champion, but like I said I make the matches. I will let you know what is going to happen in due course. Now I suggest you leave because Mr Holmes has his match coming up.

The crowd boos as Reynolds shrugs his shoulders and leaves the ring with his Elite X Championship as Holmes stands there with an intense stare on his face as the Elite X Champion leaves the arena.


Steven Holmes is still in the ring as Doug Crashin comes out limping down the ramp.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by Doug Crashin, from London, England, Steven Holmes!

Copeland: All eyes are on the Crashin Movement lately, with Holmes and especially Kurtesy being very impressive in recent weeks.

Cohen: These men are on a mission to end the disgrace to wrestling that is the Mayhem Division!

Crashin reaches Holmes at ringside while they discuss final tactics between each as 'When I’m Ere' hits to a pop from the crowd and Scott Hammond makes his way out, a grin on his face as he points at Steven Holmes.

Harrys: And his opponent, also from London, England, Scott Hammond!

Hammond makes his way down to the ring and rolls in. The bell rings and the two men circle each other, their eyes locked. As they’re circling, Crashin grabs Hammond’s foot from ringside. Hammond turns to Crashin, looking angry before Holmes quickly hits Hammond from behind with a forearm. Holmes follows up with a series of right hands to Hammond’s head before quickly Irish Whipping him but Hammond uses his superior strength to reverse it. Holmes bounces back from the ropes and Hammond lifts him up into the air with a Military Press, as the crowd cheer him on and Crashin looks horrified. Hammond drops Holmes on his face and goes for a pin, 1... Holmes kicks out. Hammond quickly picks him up and goes for a German Suplex, but Holmes rolls through, using the momentum to send Hammond through the ropes onto the ring apron. Hammond gets up on the apron and Holmes goes to punch him, but Hammond blocks and hits Holmes with a headbutt. Holmes stumbles backwards and Hammond quickly gets back into the ring. Holmes runs at Hammond, but Hammond side steps him and sends Holmes over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Hammond raises his arms in the ring to a loud cheer as Crashin tends to Holmes outside the ring. Holmes gets up looking frustrated, talking angrily to Crashin. Hammond runs forward and goes for the baseball slide but Holmes uses Crashin as a shield, sending Crashin rolling backwards. Holmes gets Hammond from behind with a Belly to Back Suplex on the outside. Holmes glances over at Crashin and shrugs before rolling Hammond into the ring and going for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Hammond.

Copeland: Well the numbers game caught up with Hammond, with Crashin used as the martyr for the Crashin Movement.

Holmes delivers a slow knee drop to Hammond’s forehead and goes for a pin again, 1... 2... Kick out by Hammond. Holmes sits Hammond up and slaps on a Sleeperhold. Hammond struggles to get out at first, but it’s locked in too tight. Hammond slowly starts to stand up, with Holmes still trying to choke out Hammond. Hammond gets to his feet and flips Holmes over, slamming him onto his back. Hammond stumbles back into the ropes, dazed slightly. Holmes gets up and Hammond goes for a clothesline but Holmes catches him with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Holmes goes for a pin, 1... 2... Hammond kicks out. Holmes quickly grabs Hammond’s arm and locks in an Armbar, with Hammond shouting out in pain as Holmes wrenches back. Hammond slowly starts to drag himself to the ropes and gets a hand on the ropes but Crashin slyly slaps his hand off the ropes without the referee seeing. Holmes pounds his first on Hammond arm before wrenching back again. Hammond grits his teeth, trying to fight for the pain and manages to push himself backwards using his feet, pinning Holmes’ shoulders to the mat, 1... 2... Holmes rolls out. Holmes goes to drop a knee on Hammond’s hurt arm, but Hammond rolls out of the way. Hammond uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet, favouring the arm as Holmes gets up, limping slightly. Holmes swings a wild right hand, but Hammond hooks Holmes’ arm and hooks the other one before hitting a Full Nelson Suplex. Hammond shakes his arm, trying to get some feeling back into it as Holmes slowly gets up. Holmes stumbles forward and Hammond lifts him up for the London’s Calling. Holmes struggles out of it and lands behind Hammond. Hammond turns around and both men take each other out with a double Clothesline. The referee starts to count with both men on the mat. At the top of the ramp, Steven Kurtesy struts out, to the booing of the crowd.

Copeland: What is he doing here?

Cohen: He’s overseeing his allies, Copeland! I think it’s very noble of the doc!

Holmes and Hammond both get up at 8 and start exchanging right hands as Kurtesy exchanges a few words with Crashin, issuing him some instructions. Crashin nods and gets up on the apron as Hammond takes out Holmes with a clothesline. Hammond spots Crashin on the apron and goes for him, but Crashin jumps down. Hammond turns around and is caught full force in the head with a chair shot from Kurtesy. The referee calls for the bell as Crashin gets in the ring and helps Holmes up.

Harrys: The winner, as a result of disqualification, Scott Hammond.

All three men surround Hammond, with Kurtesy issuing more instructions to Holmes and Crashin. They pick a dazed Hammond up and Kurtesy raises the chair again, but Wasabi Toyota comes marching down the entrance ramp. Kurtesy sees Toyota coming and tells his allies to get out of the ring. Toyota gets into the ring and checks on Hammond as the Crashin Movement make their way up the ramp, with Kurtesy holding the chair up, taunting Toyota and Hammond. Toyota helps Hammond up and Hammond leans forward into the ropes, pointing at Kurtesy and looking angry.

Copeland: The Crashin Movement tried to take out Hammond, but they forgot about his big friend!

Cohen: They’re biding their time, they will rule this place soon!
Harrys: The following mayhem rules match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Mayhem Championship!

“Amaranth” hits as the lights dim and smoke comes up from the entryway. The smoke clears, and Chris Jones is standing there for a moment before beginning his walk to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 227 pounds, “The Savior” Chris Jones!

He stands on the turnbuckle closest to the entryway and stretches his arms to his sides, hands open. He then gets down and walks to the turnbuckle directly across from it and stands on that one, one hand raised. He then removes his overcoat, and if he's the first one out, he sits on the top turnbuckle, waiting for his opponent. "Goodbye" hits and the Mayhem Champion comes out, walking franticly around the entrance ramp before stopping at the middle of the entrance ramp, staring blindly to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, the Mayhem Champion, The KillJoy, Baez!

Baez walks around the ring, staring blindly at the crowd, until he sees and empty chair near the timekeepers area. He smiles, folds it up and slides into the ring with it. He takes off his Mayhem Championship and hands it to the referee. The ref shows it to the crowd and hands it to the timekeeper before ringing the bell.

Baez and Jones circle each other, Baez with chair in hand. Baez takes a swing at Jones’ head, but the Savior dodges it. Baez runs at Jones once again, and Jones ducks once again, but this time is able to catch Baez in an STO backbreaker. Baez screams out in pain and drops the chair as Jones looks down at his handiwork with an evil smirk. He begins stomping away at the midsection and back of Baez. Jones then grabs the chair and drives it across the back of the champ multiple times. Jones takes the chair and wraps it around the head and neck of Baez, the seat of the chair covering the back of Baez’s head. Jones then locks in a single-leg Boston crab, wrenching on Baez’s right leg, and reaches back with his free arm and pulls up on the legs of the chair, causing even more pressure to Baez’s back and plenty of pain to his neck as well. The sight is brutal as the chair digs into the champ’s head and neck and the Boston crab helps to contort his back. The referee keeps asking Baez if he gives up, but he refuses. Baez struggles, but is unable to escape. He finally uses his free leg to connect with a couple heel kicks to the gut of Jones, causing him to release the holds. Baez is trying as hard as he can to get back to his feet, but is unable to. Jones taunts Baez, slapping him in the face a couple times, before picking up the champ himself. Baez struggles to stay upright as Jones locks in a front facelock and takes the champ over with a snap suplex. Jones rolls through for a cover, 1…2…Baez gets a shoulder up. Jones has a look of frustration on his face for a moment, but then cracks another sly grin. He sets the chair up in a normal sitting position near the ropes. Jones goes back and picks up Baez and drags him in front of the chair, facing away from it. He then runs at Baez, grabs his head and neck, and connects with a running neckbreaker, slamming Baez’s back against the chair and snapping his neck across the top. The crowd lets out a collective gasp as the still smiling Jones, thinking he has won the match, crawls into a nonchalant cover, 1…2…3! The ref is about to call for the bell, but sees that Baez’s foot is on the ropes; this match will continue!

Cohen: This is an outrage! Get Chuck Myles out here and correct this! Chris Jones should be holding the Mayhem Title right now!

Copeland: Baez’s foot was on the rope, Jack. Excellent ring smarts by the champ there.

Jones is screaming at the referee, beside himself about the decision. He continues screaming at the ref as Baez begins using the ring ropes to try to pull himself to his feet. He struggles for a few moments, but is unable to succeed. After falling back to the mat, he instead rolls to the outside and lands on his knees but is able to get back to his feet after a moment. Jones, realizing Baez has stirred and that his arguing his getting him nowhere, heads over toward Baez on the outside but Baez found a fire extinguisher under the ring and sprays Jones in the face with it. Jones stumbles backward, trying to clear his vision. Baez slowly makes his way back into the ring, fire extinguisher still in tow, and as soon as Jones faces him once more, Baez slams the extinguisher into Jones’ face. Baez, still clutching his neck, grabs and folds up the chair that did the damage to him earlier. He stands over Jones, who is on his hands and knees and still struggling to see, and begins nailing Jones with the Bell Rung. Cries of “Ding Dong!” ring out through the arena until Jones collapses into a bloody heap. Baez follows and rolls him over for a pin, 1…2.. and Jones gets his shoulder up. Baez slowly gets to his feet and sets up in the corner for the Smashmouth. Jones finally gets back to his feet as Baez charges, but Jones dodges the attack. Baez bounces off the turnbuckles, and into Jones who sets for The Lifesaver, but Baez counters, going for the Twisted-T. Jones shoves Baez off into the ropes and both men, having the same idea, take their opponent down with a clothesline.

Copeland: What great back and forth action we have here! The first man back to his feet will have a huge advantage, which could easily be enough to allow him to walk out Mayhem Champion.

Cohen: This is ridiculous. Chris Jones won that Mayhem Title about 5 minutes ago. He should be in the back celebrating, Seabass. A miscarriage of justice is what we are seeing right now.

Baez and Jones slowly get back to their feet, swinging wildly at each other the entire time. Both men attempt to lock in other moves after connecting with punches, but each time their opponent fights out. Finally, Jones is able to avoid a right hand from Baez and drives a knee into the gut of the champ. He grabs Baez’s arm, possibly trying for The Lifesaver once again, but Baez connects with a hard kick to Jones’ arm. Jones stumbles backward in pain, and when he turns back around, Baez throws the chair into Jones’ face and follows up by charging at Jones for a Smashmouth. However, Jones avoids the maneuver and sends Baez shoulder first into the steel ring post. Jones picks up the chair, cracks the rebounding Baez with it, then drops him with The Lifesaver. Jones weakly rolls himself on top of Baez, 1...2...3!

Harrys: The winner, and new Mayhem Champion, "The Savior" Chris Jones!

The referee receives the belt from the time keeper and goes to raise the new champion's arm. Jones seems to be standing up only due to the ref holding him up, but takes the belt and hugs it. He holds up the belt, taunting the crowd as he stumbles around the ring and up the ramp. Baez, meanwhile, is slowly starting to stir. The referee helps him out of the ring and up the ramp while Baez seems too out of it to realize what has just happened.

We cut backstage to Everest who's walking up the hallway as Becky Serra tries to catch up with the Pinnacle of Perfection.

Serra: Excuse me, excuse me, Everest! With your match against Steven Kurtesy officially opening the Gold Rush Tournament to determine the new Number One Contender at All or Nothing. I was wondering of your feelings about this match and maybe if you saw what potential the newest aquisitions to the WZCW Roster have to offer from the Battle Royale earlier?

Everest: Well to answer the second question, I didn't get a chance to watch as I was preparing. Not to mention that Battle Royales don't offer much to show people's credentials except on how to survive, which my opponent knows very well about since that Hell in a Cell. But tonight, we see the beginning of another form of endurance and survival as the ultimate prize is to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Many have said I'm the "old guard" of these woods now that Titus and Vengeance are gone, there maybe some truth to it, but in the end, what people will be calling me soon is the first ever Third-time World Heavyweight Champion.

Everest walks off as Becky looks on.
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a quarter-final match of the Gold Rush Tournament to determine the next Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at All or Nothing.


Dr. Steven Kurtesy is first out onto the stage with a set of boos from the crowd, he looks around from side to side before he slowly paces down the entrance ramp. He checks his face and back on his way down, feeling the effects of the Cell match as he rolls into the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, representing the Crashin Movement, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 235 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Copeland: I wonder how Kurtesy must be feeling given he had to endure a Hell in a Cell match, getting glass in his face, and now he has to face Everest in order to progress for another title opportunity. Could it happen again for the good Doctor?

Cohen: It certainly can! While Everest has experience no doubt, Kurtesy has proven himself to be able to hang with the big boys. Not to mention he’s been in a Cell match where Everest has not. Do the maths here!

Kurtesy leans in the corner waiting for Everest as he tries to gather as much strength as possible before his opponent comes out.


The crowd’s reaction is a mix of boos and cheers as the former World Champion makes his way out onto the ramp, he raises his arms up high and paces down the ramp with his eyes fixed on Kurtesy.

Harrys: His opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, the Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!

Copeland: While Everest wasn’t successful in his match at Unscripted, he didn’t get himself pinned which will at least give some motivation but also will add frustration that he got beat to the punch by Constantine. What do you expect out of him Jack?

Cohen: Hard to say, Everest seems to having a different approach to things lately. I think this is currently the longest he has gone without having a World Title Shot, which must be getting to him, hopefully this tournament will see a renewed desire in him and get him back to the top!

Everest slides in and stands waiting opposite Kurtesy as he stretches his arms and paces on the spot before the referee signals for the bell and the former Champ bounces himself off of the ropes and goes for an immediate spinning heel kick which connects on Kurtesy but is quick to his feet and tries for some offence but Everest drags him down by the arm and tries to grab his legs to go for a submission but Kurtesy grabs the ropes, forcing Everest to release him as he gets back to his feet. Everest then charges down Kurtesy’s knee with a shoulder block, taking him to the mat and Kurtesy gets himself outside while he holds his back and signals at the ref that he’s taking a moment. Everest looking annoyed bounces off the ropes and slides through with a baseball slide, propelling Kurtesy into the barricade chest first, Everest then grabs him and drags him back into the ring, Kurtesy lays down as Everest ascends the turnbuckle from the outside and signals to the crowd that he’s going to end it early, he reaches the top and leaps off looking for the headbutt as Kurtesy rolls out of the way, leaving Everest to meet the canvas head on.

Kurtesy rolls onto his feet and then slams the elbow into the back of Everest before he gets up and starts stomping on the same spot, followed by a quick drop onto his back to lock a variation of a camel clutch onto Everest, he holds the move for about a minute before letting go and adding a few more stomps in. He then drags Everest slowly out to the edge of the ring apron, hanging over before Kurtesy gives a strong kick to the back of the neck area, making Everest fall straight onto the floor on the outside of the ring. After taking a few seconds to recuperate, he gets Everest off of the floor and drags him over to the ring post, he tries to slam Everest’s head into it but it is blocked and then countered with the same offence from Everest, making Kurtesy’s head meet metal, which dazes him but gets him to worry if his stitches have come undone, he then charges at Everest to slam him back first into the ring post, taking the Pinnacle of Perfection down as he checks his face to see if he’s bleeding.

Copeland: Think we just found the one thing that could set Kurtesy off, making him more dangerous.

Cohen: Seeing your own blood does something to you that I don’t want to even describe!

Kurtesy heads back over to Everest as the referee has counted up to six with the countout, he thinks about going after Everest but decides to roll back in the ring as the ref hits seven so he points to his head, giving the outsmarted impression as the crowd boos until Everest is up and rolls into the ring which gets the crowd in a cheer as he stands in front of a shocked Kurtesy, Everest taunts him by going “Come on!” to which Kurtesy responds by coming at him only to be taken down by a clothesline, he gets up and is met with another clothesline, as he gets up again Everest goes for an enziguri but it is caught by the doctor who reverses into a dragon screw followed by an immediate single leg boston crab which has Everest wincing in pain as Kurtesy screams at him to tap but the former champion refuses to give in as the crowd starts to clap in support of him he tries to crawl to the bottom rope despite the tight lock by his opponent. With one swift reach, Everest grabs the rope but Kurtesy refuses to let which has the ref count up to four before he finally lets go.

Kurtesy waits for Everest to get up as he is poised and ready to take him down completely as he paces over and locks his arm around his head, looking for the DDT, only for Everest to lift him up and drop him with a Samoan drop which has both men down, as they slowly get to their feet, feeling somewhat dazed but Kurtesy is active enough to hit a quick dropkick and tries for a cover 1…….2……kickout by Everest. Kurtesy takes a moment to get up to his feet for a quick breather but Everest rolls him over with a school boy 1…….2…..kickout by Kurtesy, who looks shocked at Everest’s will to keep going, but they both get to their feet once again as Kurtesy runs and Irish whips Everest against the ropes, he ducks under a clothesline by Kurtesy and tries to capitalise with a clothesline of his own but nobody home, Kurtesy stand waiting again and tries to get Everest who manages to spin and take Kurtesy down with a modified Russian leg sweep, Everest is up and ready with the momentum starting to build as he stands ready to launch Kurtesy with a German suplex but Kurtesy hits a few elbows to the head to daze him and hits the Prescripted Sedation out of nowhere, he goes for the cover 1…….2…….kickout by Everest which has the crowd on their feet and Kurtesy in shock.

Copeland: I can’t believe Everest managed to kickout of that Prescripted Sedation, it is the mark of his character to keep going.

Cohen: Everest is known for not quitting but it seems to be getting to the good doctor as Everest’s strength is waning.

Kurtesy looks a bit frustrated as he gets up and stands ready to go for a second attempt with his finisher, waiting for the winded Everest to get up for the second strike, he goes for it again but is caught by the Rock Slide, only that Kurtesy sandbagged the attempt and has countered into the Kommon Kurtesy with Everest feeling the pain on his back one again as Kurtesy screams at him to tap but Everest refuses to do so as the crowd start chanting for the Pinnacle of Perfection who refuses to tap out to the devastating submission. With one last piece of strength, Everest stretches he legs and then forces himself forces to roll Kurtesy onto his shoulders while still applying the KK, 1…….2……..Kurtesy kicks out and releases the hold. Kurtesy complains to the referee that what Everest wasn’t allowed but the referee assures him as Everest is on his hands and knees while checking his throat. Kurtesy argues with the referee back into the corner, allowing Everest to get back up, when Kurtesy realises this he turns around and runs at Everest, only to be caught with the Rock Slide, followed by a light cover, 1…….2……3! The crowd gets up in a cheer as Everest progresses to the semi-finals of the Gold Rush Tournament.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Everest!

Copeland: Well it appears the “old guard” has found some new life as Everest has progressed to the next stage of the tournament. I wonder who he will face next week, could this be his chance to reclaim the gold? Look at the crowd giving a positive reaction to him?

Cohen: I’m quite surprised Everest has it in him to counter the Kommon Kurtesy but while I’d admire Kurtesy’s efforts, he knows well that his arguing with the referee, well it’s debatably justified, cost him the match.

Everest has his hand raised by the ref as the crowd applaud him, he sees Kurtesy slowly moving as he heads out of the ring. He looks on as Kurtesy is slowly coming to and realised what just happened. Everest continues up the ramp while giving some acknowledgement to Kurtesy in respect of how the match went as he keeps nodding. He turns and heads up only to find Doug Crashin and Stephen Holmes standing at the stage entrance, waiting to meet him.

Copeland: Oh come on guys! Let the man through, he’s just had a hard fought match, give the man his respect!

Cohen: Seems that the message they sent to Brothers in Arms wasn't enough and they want to show something more concrete!

The lights start to flicker and then go out as ‘Blackened the Sun’ starts to whisper throughout the arena before the lights come on and the World Champion Ty Burna is standing in the ring with Steven Kurtesy in his possession. Crashin and Holmes stand slightly worried and beg him to leave Kurtesy be as Ty looks on giving no signs of mercy towards either man so they pace towards the ring, even with Crashin limping with crutch from his hamstring injury. They pace down as Everest then kicks away Crashin’s crutch which drops him to the floor before immediately grabbing Holmes and throwing him into the steel steps which the crowd cheers for. Ty watches on and slowly paces back, still holding Kurtesy but then hits the Mo’Murda on Kurtesy, leaving all three Crashin Movement members down as Everest paces back looking at the World Champion, who looks back at him, both nodding in respect before Everest heads back up the ramp and the lights go out with Ty disappearing and the three Crashin Movement members getting up from the counter attack by their adversaries.

Copeland: Well it seems the World Champion made his presence felt as Everest has progressed, the second Gold Rush match between Gordito and Big Dave is about to happen next, stay tuned!
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a quarter-final match of the Gold Rush Tournament to determine the next Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at All or Nothing.

"End on 9" by Guttermouth hits and the crowd erupts as Gordito Comes out quick, towards the right side of the stage area. Raises his right arm in a fist and plays to the crowd. The crowd is chanting his name loudly and Gordito does a finally fist and keeps it in the air as he walks down to the ring.

Copeland: The crowd is exploding with applause for Gordito tonight.

Cohen: Huh, most of his fans must not know of computers.

Harrys: Introducing first, from San Francisco, California, weighing in at 257 lbs, Gordito!

Gordito rolls into the ring and climbs onto the turnbuckle. He raises his fist to the crowd and beats his chest.


"Always" by Saliva cuts in and a small spot light shines at the stage entrance and Big Dave emerges from the back. The crowd immediately starts to boo. The spot light continues to follow Dave who remains unfazed by the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 268 lbs, Big Dave!

Dave walks up the stairs and onto the apron. He stands and stares down Gordito with a smug look on his face. He slowly gets into the ring. The music stops and Dave walks towards Gordito, who meets him at centre. The crowd in cheering loudly and soon breaks into Gordito chants. Dave looks to his left and right at the audience. Gordito starts to shakes as he stands a mere foot away from Dave. The bell rings and Dave quickly knocks Gordito down with an elbow to the temple. The crowd boos as Dave scoffs while the ref scolds him. Gordito holds his head as Dave lifts him to his feet. Dave puts him onto his shoulders, Gordito quickly slides down the back and executes a Russian Legsweep. Dave and Gordito are quickly on their feet. Gordito gets to Dave first and throws wild fists on top of Dave. Dave backs to the ropes and puts his upper body behind the top rope. The ref backs Gordito to the centre as Dave gets back in.

Copeland: Dave going for a quick win here tonight. No doubt the former EurAsian Champ must be still feeling the effects of Unscripted, especially verse the very fresh Gordito.

Cohen: It’s all mind games with Dave. And don’t you dare call him former.

The ref lets them continue. Dave and Gordito lock up near centre. Dave grabs Gorditos arm and twists it around. Gordito grimaces in pain. Gordito then shocks Dave by countering the arm lock into one of us own. He uses the momentum and flips Dave onto the mat. Dave looks up with a shocked looked and then stands up and faces Gordito. Gordito tells him he’s ready and they lock up again. Dave again wrenches on the arm of Gordito. Dave lifts and yanks up and down on the arm. Gordito with his free arm overhand chops the chest of Dave. Dave pulls Gordito’s arm over his shoulder and hits a Snap Suplex. Dave goes for a pin with his elbow on Gordito’s chest and gets a 1 count. Dave pushes Gordito against the ropes. He Irish Whips him across the ring. Dave goes for a Big Boot. Gordito runs under it. Gordito bounces off the other ropes. Dave turns and dropkicks Gordito to the ground. He goes for a pin and gets another 1 count. Gordito rolls onto his knees. Dave is up first and grabs the head of Gordito and knees him repeatedly in the head until Gordito falls to the mat. Dave stands over Gordito and melodically stomps on Gordito. Dave stops as Gordito rolls onto his back. Dave bounce off the ropes and stops over Gordito. He jumps up high and hits a big Leg Drop. Dave goes for the cover, but only gets a long 1 count.

Copeland: Dave has been in control for much of the match and is slowly wearing away at his opponent, but the resilient Gordito has shown he can take punishment.

Cohen: But can he show it. Dave is far superior the wrestler and may not let Gordito get anymore offense.

Dave grabs Gordito by the head and lifts him to his feet. Dave punches him in the head. Gordito counters with a back hand chop. Dave hits back with a punch, Gordito hits him back with two solid chops. Dave is against the ropes. Gordito grabs Dave and Irish Whips him. Dave reverses it into a Powerslam. Dave stands up and walks to the turnbuckle. He hops onto the second rope and then climbs onto the top. He stands tall and looks down at Gordito on the mat. Dave leaps with a Diving Splash. Gordito gets his knees up and Dave lands hard on them. Both men roll over in pain. Dave grabs the ropes and helps himself up. Gordito is on his feet first. He charges at Dave as he stands and hits a Clothesline, sending both men over the ropes. The crowd is on their feet as both men slowly get to their feet. Dave is crawling away from Gordito and gets to his feet. Gordito comes in from behind with a chop block sending Dave down hard. Gordito stands and the crowd is chanting his name. Gordito claps along with them and then pulls Dave towards the stairs. He lifts Dave onto his feets and yells at him. He goes to slam Daves head onto the stairs. Dave puts his arm down and stops it. He elbows Gordito quickly and slams his head into the stairs. Dave does it a second time and lies Gordito on top of the stairs. Dave walks around to the other side. He runs at Gordito and Boots him in the head. Gordito rolls off the stairs and holds his head.

Copeland: Just when Gordito was looking for some payback, Dave has retaken control of this match again.

Cohen: Gordito pandered to the fans and it cost him.

Dave lifts Gordito up and rolls him into the ring. Dave slides in and crawls into the pin. 1... 2... Gordito just gets an arm up. Dave is irate. He stands up and gets in the refs face. He then turns to Gordito and grabs his legs. Dave crosses them and turns Gordito over and locks in a Sharpshooter. Gordito screams out in pain. The ref checks on Gordito and asks him if it he wants to quit. Gordito shouts out no. He buries his head in the mat and slams his fists into the mat. Dave starts to clench back. Gordito lifts himself up with his arms and starts to crawl to the ropes. Gordito reaches out for the ropes. He just gets his finger tips on them and manages to grab it. The ref counts to 4 and Dave lets go.

Cohen: This match is mere moments away. Dave has taken apart Gordito piece by piece.

Dave stands in the corner and waits for Gordito to recover. Gordito slowly gets to his arms and knees and in now on one knee. Dave walks over and lifts Gordito to his feet. Dave goes for the Checking Out. Gordito quickly moves around Dave and hits a Half Nelson Bulldog. Both men are out in the ring. The ref starts a 10 count. At 7 both men start to move. 8 Dave is on his knees. 9 Gordito is on one knee and Dave is up and goes to hit Gordito. Gordito grabs his arms and locks it between his body. Gordito traps Daves other arm and hits repeated Headbutt shots. After 7 shots Gordito lets go and Dave falls to the mat. Gordito rests against the ropes. Daves starts to sit up. Gordito pushes off the ropes and hits a low dropkick keeping Dave on the mat. Gordito with the cover. 1... 2... Dave kicks out. Both men roll to their feet. Dave swings at Gordito. Gordito ducks it. Dave spins around and Gordito lifts him up and hits a back body drop. Gordito raises his fist to the crowd and then limbs slightly towards the turnbuckle. He climbs onto the top rope. He lets Dave get to his feet and then goes for a Crossbody Block as he turns to face him. He connects with it. Gordito with the cover. 1... 2.... Dave kicks out. Gordito with a tired look on his face, lifts himself onto his feet and claps his hands. He gets the crowd into a frenzy and turns to Dave. He lifts him to his feet and underhooks his arms. Gordito goes for the Meteor of War. Dave breaks his arms free and lifts Gordito onto his shoulders. Dave wastes little time and quickly hits the Stamp of Authority. Both men lie out on the mat. Dave moves and drapes an arm over Gordito. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Copeland: What a match there Jack. Gordito tried to pull out all the stops at the end, but it was too late and Dave wins here tonight.

Cohen: Like there was ever any doubt. Dave was... I mean is the most dominant champion ever and now he’s one win closer to winning the WZCW World Title.

The ref raises Dave's arm as he holds his head. Dave gets to his feet and smiles as he stands over Gordito until his music is phased out by "Falling On" as Chuck Myles enters the arena at the top of the stage with a mic in hand.

Myles: Congratulations Dave! No doubt you've shown us what you've got and could go far in this Tournament...

Dave looks on with suspicion.

...had you not decided to vacate the EurAsian Championship at your own free will!

Copeland: What's Myles up to here?

Dave is looking unimpressed at what's just been said as the crowd cheers it.

Myles: You heard me right. You disrespect me, my brand and my championship that I own the rights to, why should you reap in the benefits? Let it be known that because Big Dave chose to vacate the EurAsian Championship at his own free will, he has voided his entry into this tournament! So regardless of this result, Gordito is officially in the semi-finals of this Gold Rush Tournament!

Cohen: What?! He can't do that!

The crowd roars in a frenzy as Dave is looking extreme angry and ready to snap.

Furthermore, it is with great pleasure that I announce this next statement. In addition to Dave being kicked out of this tournament because he backed out of his Championship contract, he is officially banned from challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship until after the Leathal Lottery!

Dave explodes in disbelief and starts shaking the ropes and pointing towards Myles in a threatening manner.

Have a nice night...Dave!

Myles walks off as Dave grabs his hair and grits his teeth while breathing heavily. He spots Gordito who's just coming to, he grabs him and gets right in his face, lifting him up onto his shoulders and slams him down to the mat with a very aggressive Stamp of Authority. The referees come down to try and get Gordito away from Dave, keeping at an arm's length, only for Dave to shove them over and even gives one of them a Checking Out before he drops to his knees in disbelief. He looks up and gets to his feet before leaving and heading up the ramp at a pace, the camera follows but Dave shoves it to one side as he shouts "You will regret this Myles. You. Will. Regret. This!"

Copeland: I can't believe what we just witnessed. In case you just missed it, Big Dave just defeated Gordito in a Gold Rush Tournament Match. But as Big Dave chose to vacate his EurAsian Championship earlier in the night, Chuck Myles has deemed it necessary to void Dave's entry into the tournament, meaning that Gordito progresses to the semi-finals now, but also that Big Dave is banned from challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship for the next two months, which just triggered Dave to snap. What in the world has Chuck Myles done? He's taken Big Dave to a more dangerous place and I for one would not want to be in the way of the former EurAsian Champion.

Cohen: While I have no problems with Myles' booking, I can't believe he's done this. Dave won the match fair and square. Myles is bitter because he can't get Dave the competition he deserves, he should be challenging for the World Championship. But for Myles to deny that after Dave defeated Titus and dropping the belt so he can progress? Like you Seabass, I'm scared of what's going to come out of this.

Copeland: Only time will tell. But Ladies and Gentleman, we have to move on with the show, and while we have two of the final four men selected for tonight, we get to see the World Heavyweight Champion in action next. It's Ty Burna's first night as the new champion, he faces a returning Jordan Lights in our Main Event which is up next!
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Suicide Messiah hits and Jordan Lights makes his way out, and runs to the right, pounding his fists. He runs to the left and does the same before going down the ramp.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Philadelphia PA, Jordan Lights!

He slides under the bottom rope and goes up to each turnbuckle before turning to the stage and taking deep breaths. The music stops and an excited atmosphere can be felt in the arena as the crowd awaits the world heavyweight champion. The lights go down and Blackened the Sun hits to a huge, but mixed reaction from the crowd. Ty Burna appears on stage, world title fastened securely around his waist as he slowly makes his way down the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, the NEW WZCW World Heavyweight champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: There he is, Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of Hell in a Cell, the man who made Vengeance tap out, the World Champion, Ty Burna!

He gets into the ring and removes his hood and the belt. He slowly raises the belt above his head with a twisted smile on his face. He hands the belt to the ref and turns suddenly towards Lights. The referee goes for the bell and Ty instantly goes for Lights, laying into him with right hands causing Lights to back into the corner. Ty Irish Whips Lights into the opposite turnbuckle and Lights bounces off them with force, stumbling forward into Ty who delivers a Spine Buster. Ty stands up and gives a dark smirk again, with the crowd giving a mixed reaction. He starts to pick up Lights, but Lights catches him off guard with a European Uppercut. Ty stumbles backwards, dazed slightly and Lights quickly follows up with a Big Boot. Lights goes for a quick pin, 1... Ty powers out. Lights picks Ty up and Irish Whips him into the ropes. Ty returns and Lights for a clothesline, but Ty ducks under it and attempts to get Lights from behind with a Russian Leg Sweep, but Lights elbows out of it. Lights dropkicks Ty, who falls back into the ropes. Lights runs at Ty, but Ty leans forward, sending Lights over the top rope onto the apron. Lights gets up, dazed and Ty hits him with a big kick to the back of the head, sending Lights to the floor. Ty walks around the ring, taking a breather.

Cohen: There’s something about Ty tonight, he’s even better than usual.

Copeland: Perhaps that world title has finally made him complete.

Ty rolls out of the ring and picks up Lights before smashing his face on the ring steps. He goes to Irish whip Lights into the barricade, but Lights reverses. But Ty manages to counter by jumping up onto the barricade. He jumps off, twisting in mid-air, going for a flying kick on Lights, but Lights is slightly quicker and catches Ty in mid-air with a dropkick. Lights rolls Ty back into the ring just as the referee reaches 9 in the count. Lights goes for a pin, 1... 2.... Ty kicks out. Lights gets up and climbs the nearest turnbuckle, waiting for Ty to get up. Ty gets to his feet and Lights leaps off the top rope and connects with a Crossbody, pinning Ty, 1... 2... Ty kicks out. Lights gets up and quickly starts stomping away at Ty’s head. Ty gets to his feet and Lights Irish Whips him into the corner. Lights goes for a running Shoulder Thrust but Ty pushes himself up using the top rope and goes over Lights before rolling him up with a Sunset Flip, 1... 2... Lights kicks out. Both men get up quickly and Lights swings his right hand wildly but Ty ducks under it and kicks him in the gut before hitting a Double Underhook Backbreaker. Ty goes for a pin, 1... 2... Lights kicks out. Ty goes for the Final Séance, but Lights manages to wriggle free and gets to his feet before going behind Ty, trying to lock on the Sleeperhold, but Ty quickly delivers a Snapmare, rolling Lights forward before delivering a big kick to the back of his head. Ty goes for another pin, 1... 2... Lights kicks out. Ty smirks, as if he was hoping Lights would kick out before getting up and signalling for the Consecrated Banishment. Lights slowly starts getting to his feet, using the ropes for balance. He turns around and Ty goes for his Bicycle Kick, but Lights just about manages to dodge it, before quickly hitting Ty with a Neckbreaker. With a look of sheer relief on his face, Lights goes for a quick pin, 1... 2... Ty kicks out.

Copeland: Looks like Lights isn’t quite ready to give up this fight!

Cohen: Yawn. Just lie down for the 3 count already kid, Ty has more important things to do.

Lights measures up Ty, who is getting to his feet. He kicks Ty in the gut and goes for the C.Y.A, but Ty pushes Lights back into the corner and follows up with a running knee to Lights’ chest. Ty then lifts up Lights, sitting him on the top rope before going up to the second rope himself. He gets Lights in a Front Facelock and tries to wrench Lights off the top rope for the Superplex, but Lights won’t budge. Suddenly, Lights kicks Ty in the jaw, sending Ty off the second rope, but Ty manages to land on his feet, clutching his jaw. Lights stands up straight and jumps off the turnbuckle at Ty, but Ty catches him in mid-air with the Consecrated Banishment and Lights crumbles to the mat. Ty goes for the pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW world heavyweight champion, Ty Burna!

Ty is handed his belt and he walks over to the turnbuckle and gets on the second rope, holding up his title as the crowd cheer and jeer loudly. He gets off the second rope and just stands in the middle of the ring, looking at his title for a few moments before leaving the ring and making his way up the ramp.

Cohen: A dominant win for the new champ!

Copeland: With Ty Burna as top dog, we’ve certainly got an interesting few months ahead in the WZCW. But who will be his first challenger for the belt? So far we've seen Everest and Gordito progress, and we got to see how the likes of Constantine, Chris Beckford, Phoenix and Showtime Cougar do tomorrow night on Ascension, things are certainly heating up here for what seems to be a new era for the WZCW. Until next time, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen, we'll see you next time.
Who wrote what:

Ty- Opening Segment
Blade- Ty/Lights Hammond/Holmes
Show- Big Dave/Gordito
Falkon- Contract Battle Royale
Thriller- Baez/Jones
Phoenix- Everest/Kurtesy, Backstage

Special thanks to Numbers for the Ratings Spike. Rep the men involved if you feel like a nice guy today. If not, you're a jackass.
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