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Meltdown 42

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Apocalypse said:
Harrys: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship

Vengeance strolls forward in his white hood, with no Tarja by his side

Titus makes his way out onto the stage to a huge ovation, he reaches to the outside of the ring to watch the waiting Vengeance who has a fire burning in his eyes

Titus is quick with a clothesline on Vengeance

Titus dodges a clotheslines and then kicks Vengeance in the back, which only angers him

Titus heads to leap through the ropes but is met with a devastating chairshot from Vengeance which takes him down completely

Vengeance applies a modified triangle choke on the champion, using the ring post

Vengeance tries to choke out Titus with a camera cable

Connor: How Titus has managed to survive this onslaught is simply amazing!

Vengeance is busted wide open and sees the blood pouring down his forehead before screaming out loud

Suddenly out of nowhere comes Ty Burna appears, he grabs the belt and gets inside the ring, he stands ready in waiting and bashes Titus over the head with it, he stops for a moment, looks at Vengeance and then immediately hits the Consecrated Banishment, taking his partner down

Ty he looks on disgustingly and begins to leave, but he’s intercepted by Showtime Cougar who begins to unload rights on him

The brawling continues on the stage, moving dangerously to the end. Ty shoves Showtime away and then tries to kick him off with the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime dodges it and grabs him with the Final Act, taking them both off the stage onto electrical equipment with sparks flying as the fans look on in shock

Vengeance tries to go for the Sacrilegious Desecration but it’s countered and Titus hits the Tit Drop, he goes for the cover 1…….2……Tarja grabs the referee’s leg. Titus looks annoyed at this and rolls to the outside, pursuing after her

She dodges past Vengeance who grabs Titus with the Judge, Jury and Executioner straight onto the title belt that’s still in the ring, he goes for the cover 1……2……3.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, it appears a dark day has come for the WZCW…Vengeance…is the World Heavyweight Champion!

The referee picks up the belt to hand it to Vengeance but Tarja grabs it from him, she walks in front of Vengeance, gets down on her knees and presents the belt to him. Despite the blood pouring from his face, he takes the belt and raises it in the air with a sick smile. He sets himself in a trance as the arena goes dark and lightning flashes around the arena.

Copeland: Ladies and Gentleman, I don’t know what this means but we surely are about to wonder what it’s like to leave in shadow as Vengeance is now the champion, a sight I will never get use to…

Vengeance and Tarja have a dark spiritual connection with the championship belt as Titus lays out in a bloody mess.


*Pryos go off*

Copeland: Apocalypse came, saw and conquered the WZCW realm and has left us with some stunning consequences. Hello everyone, I'm Sebastian Copeland, alongside Jack Cohen, here at ringside, live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ready to present another fine episode of Meltdown, albeit under dark times.

Cohen: I wouldn't necessarily call it dark times, just changing times, along with a new World Champion, things have been certainly different since the fallout of Apocalypse.

Copeland: Injuries and disappearances occuring, some of the roster are still feeling the effects, but we won't aim to disappoint anyhow as Meltdown will begin with some focus on two competitors from the Mayhem Ladder match that ended inconclusively. Hopefully we'll have some development on the missing Mayhem belt as the night goes on! But let's get ourselves into the action!

Copeland: I guess I spoke too soon!

Everest comes out in his street clothes, ignoring the crowd boos, heading straight into the ring, he grabs a mic and paces around slowly before the music fades out.

Everest: It's funny what a year makes isn't it? The last time I entered the Meltdown arena after Apocalypse, I was your World Heavyweight Champion, defeating the overrated Manzo, a victory that will be always remembered in years to come and it is still being remembered today. A year on, despite not being in the title match, I still made myself the talking point of this company, bigger than Vengeance doing the same feat that I did a year earlier, Everest beating USA to a pulp was the most talked about thing of the night! He can talk about being out due to a "training injury" all he wants but he knows that he wasn't man enough to face the Pinnacle of Perfection.

The crowd boos heavily

Which brings me to my next point, since I got a vital victory at Apocalypse, it should be known that I am next in line for a title shot at Unscripted, while a PPV that I've had an interesting history with, this will be the one remembered where I reclaim the World Heavyweight Championship.


The crowd roars into a frenzy as Showtime Cougar emerges from the stage, still looking a bit battered from the effects of his night at Apocalypse. He makes his way down to the ring, and receives his own mic, he waits for the crowd to quieten down from a "Cougar" chant.

Cougar: ...Everest...it's interesting how you talk about being the highlight of Apocalypse when there was two things that were more important that your irrational beatdown of USA, a plumbing problem and the popcorn selling at $1.95. Outside of those, many have talked about Titus' problems since losing the Championship to Vengeance, not to mention the Final Act off the stage, let me just send your memory a recap.

Apocalypse said:
Ty begins to leave, as he’s heading up the ramp he’s intercepted by Showtime Cougar who begins to unload rights on him and slams him back first into the ring edge.

They continue brawling up the ramp as Titus and Vengeance are still laid out, they exchange rights and lefts up the ramp as the referees try to separate them but the brawling continues on the stage, moving dangerously to the end. Ty shoves Showtime away and then tries to kick him off with the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime dodges it and grabs him with the Final Act, taking them both off the stage onto electrical equipment with sparks flying as the fans look on in shock, the referees calling for EMTs to come out and help

Cougar: Now that tops anything you could possibly have done on the show itself. But this is the thing Everest, you use to be something. You use to be the man, the champ, now you're far from the man you were admired as...

Everest: In comparison to being far from the man you aspire to be, a man who actually held the World Heavyweight Championship!

Cougar: While that may be true, my time will come and I feel it's drawing near, since that victory over Ty Burna, being the first man to make him tap, that gives me enough to at least propose my cause to be the next in line for the title shot.

The crowd cheers in unison until the lights flicker for a moment.

Everest: Face it Cougar, compared to me, you're nothing. You had to try and make yourself known by doing something outrageous, in comparison to me who takes something so simple and carries it out with sophistication. That's the real difference between you and I, and that's how it will always be.

Cougar: That remains to be seen. But since you're so confident of your position to challenge the belt, how about you face me with the winner going on to Unscripted to face Vengeance, taking the belt back into the light.

Everest: Not tonight I'm afraid, I have to deal with Vengeance in person, proving my point without even wasting a breath on you. Plus don't you get to face your proven down hasbeen friend Titus? Oh yeah, you do don't you?

Showtime: Then how about next week?

'Falling On' hits as Chuck Myles appears on the stage, interrupting the commotion between Everest and Cougar.

Myles: Alright you two, it ends right now. Currently any case put forward regarding the World Heavyweight Championship will be taken into consideration, but it turns out that my partner Vance Bateman has already gone behind my back to set in motion the plans he has in mind for Vengeance at Unscripted. Hopefully we'll find out more as the week goes on but until the official word has been named, there is to be no more disputes about who gets a title shot, y'hear?

The crowd boos heavily at the news

Now get out of my ring as you're holding up the show!

Showtime and Everest look bemused but still exchange looks as they head out of the ring and up the ramp as we go to a commerical break.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Amaranth” by Nightwish plays as the lights go dim. Smoke appears on the stage as Chris Jones slowly emerges through it. Jones walks slowly down to the ring, ignoring all fans he passes.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 227 lbs, Chris Jones!

Jones climbs onto the apron and straddles through the ropes. He climbs the closest turnbuckle and stretches his arms to the side. His music stops and when “I’m in Ere” by Roll Deep fills the arena. Scott Hammond appears on stage to mild applause. He raises his hand and slowly makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from London, England, weighing in at 275 lbs, Scott Hammond.

Copeland: Hammond and Jones both coming off that destructive Mayhem Ladder match at Apocalypse, how will it affect both men here tonight Jack?

Cohen: It will definitely be a little slower, a little more sloppy, but expect the physicality to still be huge.

Hammond walks to ringside, climbs onto the apron and slowly makes his way into the ring. As he does, Jones rushes at him with knees and forearms. The ref calls for the bell as Jones continues to lay fists on Hammond against the ropes. Jones goes for an Irish Whip, Hammond reverses. Jones bounces back off the ropes. Hammond picks him up and slams him down with a Tiltawhirl Backbreaker. Hammond with the quick cover, gets only a 1 count. Hammond grabs Jones and Irish Whips him into the corner. Hammond follows close behind and nails Jones with a clothesline as he hits the turnbuckle. Hammond grabs Jones before he can fall over. He puts his head under his arm and hits a quick Snap Suplex on Jones. Hammond raises his hand and climbs up the turnbuckle. Hammond on top, goes for a Diving Headbutt. Jones rolls just out of the way. Hammond slowly gets to his knees. Jones bounces off the ropes and jumps onto Hammond, dropping him with a Shining Wizard. Jones with a pin attempt, gets a 2 count.

Copeland: Jones narrowly avoid a quick defeat and looks to keep the tables turned on Hammond.

Jones attempts a quick Fujiwara armbar. Hammond is able to get to his knees and eventually to his feet. Jones still applies the arm bar as they stand. Hammond with a burst of strength, flips Jones onto his back. Hammond goes to pick Jones up, Jones kicks him sharply in the head. Hammond stumbles and holds his head as Jones recovers. Hammond goes for a clothesline and misses. Jones hooks his arm and hits an STO Backbreaker. Jones with the cover, 1... 2... Hammond kicks out. Jones stands up quickly and jumps up high, hitting a knee drop on Hammond. Jones goes to grab the arm of Hammond. Hammond rolls over and tries to pull Jones to the mat. Jones kicks Hammond hard in the face and lets go. Jones picks Hammond up slowly. Hammond with two quick punches to the gut. He grabs Jones and sets him up for a suplex. Jones drives a knee to the gut of Hammond. He grabs Hammonds arm and hits a reverse STO. Jones quickly grabs Hammonds arm and locks in a Koji Clutch. Hammond is screaming out in pain.

Copeland: Jones has been very impressive so far, dominating most of the match.

Cohen: Hammond’s forgotten how to wrestle a normal match. The real Saviour is about to make his first big statement hear tonight.

Jones continues to pull hard on Hammonds neck. Hammond continues to cry out in pain as he reaches for the ropes. They are still a far way away. With one last burst of energy, Hammond rolls Jones onto his shoulders. The ref slides into position. 1... 2... Jones lets go of the hold. Hammond lies on the ground, holding his neck. Jones smiles and climbs onto the turnbuckle. Jones is on top facing the crowd. He points and yells at the crowd. Jones goes for a Moonsault, Hammond rolls just in a nick of time to avoid it. Both men are down as the ref starts a 10 count. At 5 Jones is on his knees, 7 Hammond is on his knees, by 9 Jones is standing and hits Hammond with a forearm. Jones grabs Hammonds arm and walks him to the turnbuckle. Jones hops onto the top rope, still holding Hammonds arm. Before he hits the Armdrag takedown, Hammond pulls him off the ropes and lifts him high over his head. Jones looks scared before Hammond drops him on his back, Military Press slam. Hammond rests against the ropes as Jones slowly recovers. Hammond waits and knocks him down with a clothesline. He picks Jones up and locks his arms around him. T-Bone suplex connects. Hammond with the cover, 1... 2... Jones kicks out. Hammond grabs Jones and takes him to the corner. He lifts him onto the top turnbuckle. Hammond climbs up after, but Jones knocks him down with kick. Jones grabs his head and drops him with a huge DDT. Jones grabs a leg and goes for the pin, 1... 2..... The ref stops and notices Hammonds leg on the rope. Jones is furious over the call and gets in the refs face about it. Hammond is recovering slowly and Jones goes to help him up. Jones looks to hit another DDT. Hammond with a quick burst of energy, lifts Jones onto his shoulders. Jones tries to fight out of it, but Hammond is too strong. London’s Calling connects. Hammond goes for the cover, 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Scott Hammond!

Copeland: An excellent bout by both wrestlers to start off Meltdown, wouldn’t you say Jack?

Cohen: Jones had this thing the whole way through. If it weren’t for a couple of minor mistakes, Jones would’ve easily taken this one.

Copeland: Well Jack, one mistake is all it takes to decide a match. Hammond knew how to capitalize and that is why he is the winner here tonight.

Hammond gets to his feet and the ref raises his hand. Hammond goes and posses on the turnbuckle. Hammond slowly exits the ring and Jones rolls to the side outside the ring. Hammond walks up the ramp and turns to look back at Jones. Jones is up against the guard rail and points and yells at Hammond. Hammonds shrugs and laughs as he heads behind the curtain.

We're backstage with Chuck Myles in his office, he is on his phone.

Myles: Look, I don't care if they agreed to it, you're not doing it on my show!


Look, while I understand you're on your way here, there's no point in doing this idea when he has a match tonight.

Look Vance, just make your call on your show, don't interfere with mine, y'hear?

Myles hangs up as there's a knock at the door


A Security guard enters


SG: Sir, I'm afraid we searched all bags and personal on entry, I'm afraid to report that we didn't find the Mayhem Championship with any of the people who came in.

Myles: Outrageous! And what about Steven Kurtesy?

SG: Nothing on him, if it is as you assume sir, he didn't bring the belt with him as a precaution.

Myles: Nonetheless, we must make an example out of him for stealing the belt

SG: Sir I...

Myles: I don't pay you to think, you're here to do what I tell you! Now go do some security stuff that doesn't involve doughnuts

Myles waves him off while he just glares at him

And here's me thinking Unscripted was meant to be within the next month...it's arrived early!
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall.

“Enya Stomp” by Gammar and Re-Con hits the arena and the crowd go wild as Chris Beckford comes out onto the ramp, holding his arms out wide and feeling the adulation of the fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds… Chris “Cross” Beckford!

Copeland: Although Chris Beckford couldn’t do the business against Reynolds at Apocalypse, he will be looking to get his momentum back tonight against Mr. Baller.

Cohen: My money is on Baller tonight, Seabass. At the end of the day, Beckford has been beaten recently and that has to play on his mind a little.

Beckford immediately runs down to the ring and mounts the turnbuckle. The fans cheer loudly as Beckford backflips off of the turnbuckle and lands on his feet. His music stops and he waits for his opponent.

“We Fly High” by Jim Jones hits the arena and the crowd begin to boo. Mr. Baller appears to the fans, holding his trademark basketball. He begins to jump up and down on the spot and begins to spin the ball on his finger.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Miami, Florida… Mr. Baller!

Copeland: Mr. Baller has been solid recently. Gone are the days of being the companies lackey. Mr. Baller is going places, Seabass. Mark my words.

Cohen: Well, we will see how he does against Beckford tonight before we make any assumptions although a win tonight could see him very much in the hunt for the Elite X Championship.

Baller continues down the ramp and leaves his basketball at the bottom of the steps before walking up the steel steps. He gets inside the ring and looks at Beckford. Tearing off of his tracksuit, Baller looks focused. The referee makes his final checks and calls for the bell.

Both men immediately run at each other and lock up in the middle of the ring. Beckford drops to the ground and pulls the legs from under his opponent causing Baller to fall to the canvas. Beckford immediately locks in the Boston Crab and Baller screams out in agony. However, Baller is too fresh and begins to make his way to the ropes. After somewhat of a struggle, Baller finally makes his destination. The referee calls for the clean break and Beckford doesn’t hesitate to give it to him. Beckford gets to his feet and signals to the crowd. The crowd go wild as Baller nurses his legs. Baller finally manages to get to his feet and rushes Beckford, looking for a clothesline. However, Beckford ducks under his arm and then hits him with a standing hurricarana out of nowhere. Baller again flies across the ring as the momentum of the hurricarana forces him. Beckford gets to his feet and mounts the turnbuckle with ease. Baller does the same and runs at Beckford as he begins to look frustrated by his lack of offence. As Baller attempts to make contact with Beckford, Beckford jumps over his on-rushing opponent and Baller crashes into the turnbuckles. Baller turns around and immediately hits him with a face-plant. Beckford mounts the turnbuckle once more and hits the Cross County and holds onto it for the pin. 1…2…3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Chris “Cross” Beckford!

Copeland: What were you saying about Mr. Baller, Jack?

Cohen: Beckford was my pick all along.

Beckford gets up and looks at the damage he has caused. Baller begins to come to and begins to struggle to his feet. Beckford extends a hand to him bur Baller slaps him across the face. The crowd begin to boo and Beckford hits him with a clothesline for retribution. Baller gets to his knees and looks at Beckford, who stands across the ring. Beckford runs at Baller and punts him on the head, causing his head to seemingly detach from his body and fly high into the crowd. A lucky fan grabs the head and runs out of the arena with a great souvenir. The impact of the kick causes Baller’s body to turn to mulch as Beckford looks shocked at what has transpired. Beckford tumbles out of the ring and salutes the crowd before leaving. Some WZCW crew come down to the ring and start to pile Baller’s body into some bin bags and carry him out of the arena…

We cut backstage to Becky Serra who's in front of the Meltdown sign.

Serra: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my guest at this time, Steven Holmes!

The crowd boos as Holmes is wheeled into view by his assistant Lisa, still wearing his neck brace on, sling, and sunglasses.

Serra: So Steven...

Holmes: Becky, I thought I gave my views about my match on Ascension to Leon?

Serra: Actually I wanted to get your views regarding the Mayhem Title...

Holmes: And I gave my view on that as well.

Serra: But surely you'll be watching the match with the Crashin Movement against Baez and Gordito which takes place next?

Holmes: Becky if you think for one second that what those crazy Mayhemers or that silly Crashin Movement does, then clearly you need to do your research better.

He hesistates for a moment as he stiffly turns to find Doug Crashin and Dr. Steven Kurtesy, Crashin leans closely on Holmes who has an unsatisfied look on his face as Becky walks off.

Crashin: You may not be a believer now...but I can see you falling in line with the Crashin Movement and you will believe in Doug Crashin. If you ever fancy sponsoring our cause, you know where to find us.

He walks off as Kurtesy leans in.

Kurtesy: You seem to be suffering from the psychological distress from that Ladder match you had, something significant seems lost about you. I'm sure if you give my assistant Sandy a call she will happy to arrange an appointment for you. Don't worry everything will fall into place for you, but if there's one honest thing I could give you, is that I'm a doctor not a thief.

He pats Holmes' back and walks off as Holmes' expression hasn't changed since.
“Black Betty” starts playing as the crowd start booing when Doug Crashin and Dr. Steven Kurtesy both appear on the stage, both consult on the stage before heading down the ramp.

Harrys: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with no disqualification. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 475 pounds, Dr. Steven Kurtesy, Doug Crashin, the Crashin Movement!

Cohen: See right there Seabass, no Mayhem belt, meaning he’s innocent!

Copeland: I didn’t say anything…

Both Kurtesy and Crashin enter the ring right before suddenly out of the crowd emerges Baez and Gordito with steel chairs in hand, they head to the ring only to be met by baseball slides from their opponents and they exact fists as the bell sounds. Gordito gets Kurtesy down on the floor and starts stomping on him while Crashin has Baez against the apron, unloading rights before grabbing the steel chair and swinging it only to hit the ring edge as Baez ducked out of the way. Crashin then swings at Gordito’s back which stings him but before a second shot comes, Baez hits him with a reverse DDT on the outside, Kurtesy is up and rolls Gordito into the ring as Baez jumps up into his team corner, with Crashin getting to his feet and head to his corner. Kurtesy tries to lock in the Gannosuke Clutch but Gordito shuffles around to make it difficult for his opponent to lock in the move, Baez looks around before dropping to the floor outside to look under the ring and drags out a table.

Kurtesy stops his submission attempts and allows Gordito to get up before grabbing his leg and dropping him with the dragon screw, all this while Baez slides the table under the ropes. He looks under the ring and drags out garbage cans, a kendo stick and a road sign proceeding to throw them into the ring as Kurtesy is trying not to be put off by the weapons amassing in the ring. Gordito is back up and throws a back chop on Kurtesy’s chest which gets the crowd chanting into a woooo, only to receive a chop from Kurtesy, getting the same response. Both men continue to exchange chops before Gordito hits a right hand and quickly grabs the kendo stick as Kurtesy makes his way back up to find the stick hitting him hard in the stomach and then on his back. Gordito then takes the stick and forces it against Kurtesy’s neck which starts to choke him to the crowd’s enjoyment, while the ref is distracted with trying to get Gordito to stop his choke, Baez climbs in and sets the table up in one of the neutral corners which gets Crashin’s attention who tries to alert the ref but by then Baez is outside the ring protesting his innocence.

Copeland: You can definitely see that Baez and Gordito only want to inflict pain here!

Cohen: This is all unfair on poor Kurtesy and Crashin, surely the ref has to keep some order here!

Gordito releases the choke on Kurtesy and kicks him to roll towards Crashin who has no hesitation to tag himself in before dropping to the floor on the outside and looking underneath the ring to grab a steel chair, Gordito tries reaching through the ropes to grab him but is met with steel head on. As he holds his head in pain, Crashin slides back in and doesn’t hesitate to hit him again right before Baez runs in and hits a dropkick to knock the steel chair into Crashin’s face to knock him down to the mat. Baez then rolls out to the floor and then looks under the ring to pull out a ladder from underneath, he points towards Kurtesy, giving some indication that bad things are about to happen. He sets up the ladder on the outside as Kurtesy is still down from the choking earlier, laying on the ring edge as Baez heads over and grabs his leg, slamming it on the edge and then pulling it between the ropes, knotting it between the middle and bottom rope. Baez takes the ladder and folds it, pointing at Kurtesy again the crowd get excited as Baez ramps the ladder right into the chest of the trapped Kurtesy before raising it in front of the crowd and then throwing it at him.

Baez then grabs sets up the ladder once again, noticing that Crashin and Gordito are getting back up again, once it’s set, he quickly ascends the ladder on the outside with his eyes on Crashin, who’s using the ropes to get himself up. Once Crashin is on his feet he takes a moment before he turns to see Baez on the ladder who says something to him before leaping off and using the momentum to take Crashin by a hurricanrana, only to be countered by a powerbomb right onto the trash can that lies sitting in the ring. Crashin is relieved in his counter but Gordito grabs him by the head and drags him to the corner with the table next to it, he bashes Crashin’s head against the turnbuckle to daze him before forcing him up onto the turnbuckle. Gordito climbs up to have him facing inwards, face to face with Crashin.

Copeland: I hope Gordito isn’t going to do what I think he’s…

He locks Crashin’s arms behind him and drags him to the full height of the turnbuckle, he looks around at the crowd before looking directly at the table. Without any concern he takes Crashin up in the air with a Meteor of War right off the turnbuckle through the table which has the crowd in a frenzy, applauding what’s happening. Despite the impact, Gordito slowly pushes Crashin over onto his back before falling on top of him, 1……..2……..3.

Harrys: Here are your winners, Baez and Gordito!

Somehow I don’t think this is over, the match might be but the situation isn’t!

Cohen: Can you really expect with those Mayhem twits there?

With all four men more or less out of it, except for Gordito who is moving as ‘End on 9’ is playing, only to be cut out as the titantron shows something going on. The screen is showing the Mayhem Championship being held by some woman in a dress, the sound of her heels clicking indicate that she’s in the car park. She heads to a car that has the engine running, she opens the passenger door and places the belt on the passenger seat. The driver can’t be seen except for a hand that caresses the belt until the door is shut, the camera pans down to read the license plate saying J0N3S before it drives off out of the car park. The scene cuts back to the ring where a more awakened Gordito sees what’s just occurred and mouths something to himself.

I told you so!

But it can’t be him surely?!


We cut backstage to Chuck Myles’ offside who’s been watching what just occurred

Dammit! While we had a great match, it was the wrong guy! It was a setup! The belt was within distance, hiding right under my nose.

He turns to a random security guy

You! Make certain that Kurtesy and Crashin are attended to, as a token of my goodwill and apology for being mislead. But I will make Chris Jones suffer for pulling this!

The security guy heads off as Myles looks on angrily.


Harrys: Ladies & Gentlemen, please welcome at this time.....the Elite X Champion.....Austin Reynolds!!!!

Headstrong by Trapt booms out around the arena as Austin strolls out to the Meltdown stage. Confidence flowing and smiling happily, he makes his way down to the ring which has been specially laid out for him.

We see two large armchairs set up in the ring. Austin picks up a mic as he enters the ring.

Reynolds: Alright!!! This is more like it! As if I needed to tell you, I am the Ratings Winner and your Elite X champion Austin Reynolds! This is going to the highest rated part of WZCW TV from now on. This is what’s going to cause a power cut when it’s over, this is The Ratings Spike!!

The fans pop mildly.

Now I can confirm that I will be defending this brilliant Elite X title at Unscripted in a match that will have a stipulation attached to it. So I could be taking part in a five man Scramble match with me versus the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It could be me versus King Kong in an Iron Man match. He chuckles. Or the Elite X title could be defended in a Ladder match! Who wants to see me in a Ladder match???

The fans pop again, louder this time.

Exactly, that would be a must see match. Heck, any match with me in it is going to be exceptionally entertaining. And I promise you all now, even though I don’t know what type of match it will be, I promise that you will not want to blink, just in case you miss a bit of the action. It will be an incredible ride.

Austin flashes a trademark smile.

Now as much I would love to spend the evening here with you all, you may notice that I have a second chair here. This chair is for someone very special. He is a big name, looking to make a splash in WZCW and he will make his debut against me at Ascension.

The crowd boo a little.

Now while we all know he has got a background in politics and a history of nefarious activities in the public eye, don’t hold that against him. He is here in WZCW and we should absolutely welcome him with open arms because he knows nothing about what awaits him.

Guys and girls, this is John Constantine.

Constantine’s music starts, booming loudly through the arena and the crowd boo in response. He emerges in a sharp suit, clearly enjoying the moment. He stops on the ramp and poses before stepping down and making his way to the ring. Both men are wary of each other and Austin tentatively hands him a mic. Constantine takes up the offer quite tentatively and shakes the hand of Austin Reynolds.

Welcome to The Ratings Spike, Mr. Constantine.

Constantine: Reynolds, I need you to do something for me, something really simple. Do you think you are up to the challenge?

Austin throws a look at him, questioning what he is talking about. He nods his head and waits tentatively to see what unfolds.

Reynolds: What I need from you, Mr. Reynolds, is your utmost sincere word that you will allow me to say my piece on here without opening your mouth. I know for someone like you with your verbal diarrhoea that may be pretty hard but I trust that you will allow me to speak, you know, as your guest?

Reynolds looks annoyed and rolls his eyes but decides to motion to Constantine to continue.

Constantine: Excellent! Now ladies and gentlemen, I am not the kind of person who enjoys these little forays into the public eye. However, when Austin Reynolds offered me the opportunity to be the first ever guest on The Ratings Spike, who was I to turn that offer down? You see, John Constantine is all about being number one. I am the first guest of this show and at Ascension, I will have my number one match in WZCW. It will also be the first victory in my wrestling career as Mr. Reynolds and I clash in a WZCW ring for the first time.

You see, at Ascension, I won’t be hanging my hat on a weekly primetime show with a clichéd name much like Mr. Reynolds is doing right now. Rather, I will focus on doing what I do best and that is winning. You only have to look as far as my campaign for Senate for an illustration of how determined I am. People say that I was in the number one spot for the Senate seat before distractions set in. Nevertheless, people have warned me about Mr. Reynolds. They have told me about his win over Karnage and they have told me about his run as Elite X Champion but I stand unafraid.

Austin goes to interrupt but Constantine snatches the mic out of his hand and throws it to ringside. There are murmurs of disapproval from the sell out crowd but Austin doesn’t react beyond a firm stare.

I am urging you, the great unwashed masses of this shit-hole state, to get behind a true political and moral hero in John Constantine. No longer do you have to lap up what Reynolds says. He is a phony and at Ascension he will get what is coming to him.

You see, although people have told me of who good he can be, they have also told me that he hasn’t faced someone as good as me. He has had lacklustre competition so far and at Ascension that all changes. He will get the best of John Constantine and he wont be able to cope. He is weak and pathetic, just like every single one of you. He will feel my wrath and will believe in the message that I preach.

“Yes, I am John Constantine and I am better than you. I am better than he is and in time, I will show that. Ascension cannot come soon enough.”

Austin laughs at Constantine. Reynolds gets given another mic from ringside.

Reynolds: First of all let me get something off my chest.

He takes off his jacket to reveal the Elite X title around his waist which draws a big pop.

Wow, that was really bothering me. But now that’s out of the way, where the hell do you get off criticising these fans. People like this allow us into their homes and give us the privilege to entertain them but you get on your high horse and criticise them.

Constantine: These people are nothing but spongers and loafers. You are nothing.

Reynolds: This title begs to differ.

Austin moves nose to nose with Constantine. The crowd cheers.

And these people don’t seem to agree with you either.

Constantine backs out and edges out of the ring. Austin backs away and climbs a turnbuckle to pose to the crowd. Austin’s music hits as he reaches out to the fans, signalling the end of the segment. As he comes back, Constantine is back in the ring and crushes Austin with his Collateral Damage finisher! He stands over Austin without a hint of remorse on his face.

Security, officials and referees sprint from the back to escort Constantine out of the ring and help Austin who appears to be in severe pain. Constantine has a sick grin on his face as he is pushed away from ringside.

The arena goes dark and a silent tension falls across the WZCW crowd as this new, mysterious music hits. The song reaches the chrous, as the words 'Always, Always, Always' are sung, the EurAsian Champion Big Dave emerges, his title on his shoulder.

Cohen: Well, look who's got himself some music...

Copeland: I thought that was the theme song for the next Pay Per View!

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from London, England, The EurAsian champion, Big Dave!

Big Dave slowly makes his way down to the ring, a single spotlight shining on him. He gets to the ring and waits for his opponent. PCP hits and the crowd let out a pop for Garth Black, who emerges with 7 stitches visible on his forehead. He does his signature taunt and runs down to the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Wales, Garth Black!

Copeland: It’s been a tough week for Garth Black, with the brutal Last Man Standing Match at Apocalypse.

Cohen: Black couldn’t get the job done against Phoenix when he was 100%, so I doubt he’ll be able to stop Big Dave tonight!

Dave gets into the ring and holds his title above his head as Garth’s eyes drift over the belt for a moment. The referee takes the belt and calls for the bell and the two men measure each other up, neither wanting to make the first move. They quickly lock up and Garth gets the advantage, getting Big Dave in a headlock. Dave pushes Garth off and they back off from each other. They circle each other for a moment, before Big Dave goes for Garth’s legs, getting him with a takedown and quickly trapping his arm in an armbar as Garth falls to the mat. Garth is able to kick Dave’s arm away, freeing his own arm, before rolling backwards back onto his feet, and again both men back off, realising they’re in a stalemate. Once again they lock up in the middle of the ring, this time Big Dave uses his strength to push Garth back into the corner. The referee starts to count, with Dave releasing the lock up at 4. He takes a step back before quickly attempting to clothesline Garth in the corner, but Garth ducks under it and Dave’s own momentum sends him into the corner. Garth goes to give Dave a right hand, but Dave blocks it and throws Garth back into the corner, before quickly unleashing a series of right hands before Garth can react. Dave Irish whips Garth into the opposite corner and runs after him, but Garth floats over and lands behind Dave. Dave crashes into the corner and turns around into a slap from Garth. Dave seems to be in shock for a moment from the slap before shaking himself back into reality. He shakes his head and drops to the mat, rolling out of the ring. He grabs his belt off the time keeper and goes to leave, but Garth gets in his way. Garth goes to give Dave a right hand, but Dave ducks and gives Garth a quick thumb to the eye without the referee seeing it.

Copeland: These guys were able to completely match each other...

Cohen: ....Until Dave used his superior intelligence!

Dave grabs Garth’s head and smashes it into the announce table, then Irish Whips Garth into the crowd barricade. With the referee almost at 10 in his count, Dave rolls Garth back into the ring and goes for a pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Garth. Big Dave stands over Garth and delivers a vicious stomp to the head. He picks up Garth and delivers a lightning quick Snap Suplex. Dave goes for another pin, 1... 2... Kick out again. Dave now starts to focus on Garth’s legs, lifting up one of his legs and kicking him behind the knee, causing Garth to let out a shout of pain. Dave leans forward to pick up Garth’s other leg, but Garth quickly grabs Dave and rolls him up, 1... 2... Dave kicks out. Both men quickly get to their feet, and Dave runs at Garth, but Garth goes for a quick step-up Enziguiri. Dave ducks under, but Garth manages to land on his feet. Dave turns around and Garth nails him with a Spinning Heel Kick. The crowd let out a loud round of applause out of appreciation, as Garth picks Dave and Irish whips him into the ropes. Dave returns and Garth jumps onto his shoulders, going for a Hurricanrana, but Dave reverses it, powerbombing Garth to the mat. Dave catches his breath for a moment before going for the cover, 1... 2... Garth kicks out! Again, the crowd are cheering loudly. Dave goes for a Leg Drop on Garth, but Garth is just about able to roll out of the way, causing Dave to smash his tailbone on the mat. With both men on the mat, the referee begins to count. They both make it up by 5, and start to exchange right hands. Dave goes for a Big Boot, but Garth ducks under it, and takes advantage of Dave’s momentary loss of balance by hitting him with a big STO. Garth goes for a weak cover, 1... 2... Kick out by Dave.

Copeland: Both men are starting to get worn down! Something’s gotta give here!

Garth slowly walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the top rope. Dave throws himself into the ropes, causing Garth to crotch himself on the top rope before Dave climbs up after him. Dave gets Garth in a Front Facelock, going for a Superplex. Garth is able to resist it, and gives Dave a few right hands. Dave starts to wobble slightly on the top rope, looking like he’s going to fall backwards. Garth suddenly gives Dave a huge kick to the head, and Dave starts to fall backwards, but he’s able to hold on to the top rope to stop himself falling. Garth gets Dave in a headlock, going for a bulldog off the top, but Dave powers out of it, suddenly grabbing Garth by the throat and jumping off, giving him a chokeslam off the top rope as both men crash to the mat. Neither man moves for a moment until Dave crawls over to Garth and covers him, 1... 2... Garth gets a shoulder up! Dave lets out a shout of frustration. He uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet before measuring Garth for the Stamp of Authority. Garth starts to very slowly get up. He finally makes it to his feet and Dave kicks him in the gut and lifts him up. But Garth pushes off Dave and lands behind him before quickly hitting the Black Out. Garth slowly goes to cover Dave, 1... 2...Dave gets a shoulder up! Garth slowly flips Dave over and attempts to go for the Black Death, but Dave kicks him in the face. Garth stumbles back, clutching his jaw. He turns around and is hit with a kick to the gut, followed by Big Dave hitting the Stamp of Authority. Dave goes for the pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the EurAsian Champion, Big Dave!

Dave slowly rolls out of the ring, falling off the apron and hitting the floor with a thud. He uses the crowd barricade to get to his feet as the referee gives him his title.

Cohen: Another fantastic showing by the EurAsian champion! Is he on a roll or what?

Copeland: Indeed, but Garth showed that he himself can roll with the best in the company.

Cohen: That was so cheesy, Seabass...
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Supernova Goes Pop begins playing as Everest makes his way out to the entrance ramp. He stands at the top looking out the booing crowd before making his way down the ramp and into the ring. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and looks out at the crowd once more before raising his arm up.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California. He stands 6'0" and weighs 205 lbs, Everest!

O' Fortuna hits the sound system and slowly Vengeance makes his way out, the WZCW World Title strapped around his waist. He walks down the ramp slowly, his head held down as the crowd boos him mercilessly. He reaches the ring and looks up as a bright flash of light goes off. He enters the ring and straps the WZCW World Title and holds it up to another round of boos.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Ragnarog. He stands 6'6" and weighs 275 lbs. He is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, this is Vengeance!

Copeland: There's no surprise that these two men have had a history together, including that brutal Buried Alive match where Everest retained the very title Vengeance himself now holds.

Cohen: You forget though Seabass, that was against Lars Reidar. Vengeance is clearly a much more serious threat.

Copeland: With this animosity between Vengeance and Bateman, I can't help but feel Everest may take advantage of any distraction Vengeance may have.

Cohen: If Everest can pin the World Champion tonight, he'll be a favorite to be the next contender for the title.

The referee signals for the bell and the two men walk towards each other. Vengeance goes for a quick punch but Everest ducks and quickly applies an armbar. He pushes Vengeance into the corner and the ref counts to 4 and Everest breaks the hold. He holds his hands up before kicking Vengeance in the midsection. Everest punches away at him before whipping him into the opposite corner. Everest rushes towards him but Vengeance moves out of way of Everest's clothesline. He quickly grabs Everest by the back of the head and slams him down to the mat. Everest sits up but quickly gets kicked in the chest by Vengeance who goes for a quick pin, getting a one count.

Copeland: As expected Vengeance looks to impose his will on Everest, while Everest will look to use his technical advantage to keep Vengeance at an arm's length.

Cohen: Clearly Seabass you've failed to notice Vengeance just brutalizing Everest with two simple moves. He's going to need to pick up the pace if he wants to take down the champion.

Vengeance pulls Everest up and pounds away at him before whipping him into the ropes. Vengeance looks to lift Everest up for a spinebuster but Everest floats over and hits a reverse DDT. Everest begins stomping away before locking in a reverse chin lock. He cinches in the hold tight while Vengeance begins to seemingly fade. Vengeance suddenly comes to life and gets to his feet, elbowing Everest in the midsection before hitting a Russian Legsweep variation. Both men struggle to get up and Vengeance goes for a roundhouse kick. Everest ducks and connects with an enziguri kick right to the temple. He covers Vengeance and gets a two count.

Cohen: That is what Everest has to do Seabass, wear Vengeance down while out maneuvering him.

Copeland: Everest has control, but he has to keep this up in order to get the victory.

Everest pulls Vengeance up and connects with a few knees before connecting with a short arm clothesline. He looks around at the crowd who begins booing him. He goes to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He poses for the crowd momentarily before coming off the top rope with a flying headbutt. Vengeance moves out of the way at the last second and Everest crashes hard to the mat. Everest grasps his shoulder as he slowly makes his way to his feet. He turns around and right into a standing Vengeance who promptly drops him with a big boot. Vengeance stands over Everest before picking him up and dropping him down hard shoulder first across his knee with a shoulderbreaker. He goes for the pin and gets a two count on Everest. Vengeance gets a frustrated look as he grabs Everest and lifts him up before sending him shoulder first into the ring post. Everest slowly slides out of the ring and falls to the ground.

Copeland: Vengeance is just delivering a beating in there. Everest has been favoring his shoulder since he missed that headbutt, and Vengeance has obviously capitalized.

Cohen: This is why Vengeance is the champion. He takes advantage of every opportunity and doesn't mess it up. I won't be surprised if Everest's shoulder is completely separated by the time this match is over Seabass.

Vengeance exits the ring and kicks at Everest's shoulder, driving it down into the ground. He punches away at Everest before lifting him up. He whips Everest shoulder first into the ring post, and Everest yells out in pain. Vengeance goes for another boot to the shoulder across the ring post but Everest moves out of the way and hits a spinning heel kick. The referee meanwhile is in the ring counting, up to a 4 count. Everest gets up and pulls Vengeance up, whipping him hard into the steel steps. Everest slides into the ring to break the count and exits it once more to continue the offensive. He rams Vengeance's head on the steel steps and then against the ring post. Everest presses his foot against Vengeance's head, sandwiching it between the post. Finally he lets go and rolls Vengeance back into the ring, following right behind him. He goes for the cover but gets a two count as Vengeance kicks out.

Cohen: Everest showed his ring smarts there Seabass, he delivered some punishing blows to Vengeance before getting back into the ring.

Copeland: But how long will that injured shoulder last Cohen? Vengeance has done considerable damage and may actually prevent Everest from hitting The Rock Slide.

Everest pulls Vengeance up and kicks him in the midsection before delivering a standing neckbreaker. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a legdrop, but misses as Vengeance rolls out of the way. Vengeance slowly gets to his feet as does Everest. Everest rushes forward going for a clothesline but Vengeance counters with a thunderous powerslam. Both men lay on the ground prone as the ref begins the ten count.

Copeland: These two have been giving it their all in this match. Who's going to get up first?

Cohen: Maybe they'll both give up Copeland and just accept a simple double ten count?

Copeland: That doesn't make any sense Cohen.

Cohen: Exactly, so why do you continue with these nonsensical commentary cliches?

At the count of 6, Vengeance begins pulling himself up by the ropes, as does Everest across the ring. Suddenly Vance Bateman strolls out to the top of the entrance ramp, looking down at Vengeance intently.

Copeland: What's Bateman doing here?

Cohen: I think he's finally given up on making Ascension a better show then Meltdown and has finally grown to accept it. What do you think he's here for Copeland? You've seen the intense conversations him and Vengeance have had.

Vengeance gets to his feet and stares out at Bateman when suddenly Everest grabs Vengeance and lifts him over with a German Suplex. He bridges it and nearly gets a three count as Vengeance kicks out at the last second. Everest gets up and signals for The Rock Slide. He readies himself as Vengeance gets up. Everest drapes his arm across Vengeance's chest but Vengeance chops down directly on Everest's shoulder, causing him to let go. Vengeance quickly lifts Everest up and hits the Judge, Jury, and Executioner! He covers Everest and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Vengeance!

Copeland: Everest's shoulder injury came back to haunt him there Cohen, but what of this situation with Vengeance and Bateman?

Cohen: I love it! Bateman hasn't done anything truly diabolical in sometime. You can cut the tension with a knife!

Vengeance gets up and stares up at Bateman and Bateman returns the favor. Vengeance is handed the WZCW World Title and holds it up high in the air as Bateman begins making his way to the back.

Copeland: We're out of time here on Meltdo.....

Suddenly the lights in the arena begin flickering off and on and a familiar static light begins flashing at different ends of the arena. Vengeance looks up at the lights as a sickening grin forms on his face as the feed cuts out.
Who wrote what:
Garth Black vs. Big Dave - Blade
Vengeance vs. Everest - Ty
Crash Klinic vs. Baez/Gordito, Opening, Backstage - Phoenix
Chris Beckford vs. Mr. Baller, The Ratings Spike (with Numbers) - Dave
Scott Hammond vs. Chris Jones - Showtime

Rep them for their efforts, and if you can spare some time, please provide feedback on the show here:
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