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Meltdown 31

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

Copeland: We have some great match ups tonight with both Mayhem and EurAsian titles on the line

Cohen: We also have a Lethal Lottery Qualifier tonight with Scott Hammond vs. Matt Royale,

Copeland: Plus Kyle Christiansen v Corey Bowen

Cohen: On top of that eight men fight for their WZCW contracts with those who impress getting a contract, the winner gets a Lethal Lottery place

Copeland: And lastly we have the rWo against Trevor Steel, Carmen Bratchny and Titus. The rWo had their first loss last week when Ace lost to Titus but Big Dave and Ricky held the numbers. How can they cope tonight?

Cohen: I think we're about to find out.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Ace David, Big Dave and the true world champion Steamboat Ricky...the Ricky World Order.

The crowds boos are ridiculously loud as the music continues to play.

Cohen: Ah these men know how to make an entrance, let the crowd wait for them.

Then we finally see three familiar men make their way to the ramp.

Copeland: AHAHAHA that's not the rWo

Cohen: Those imposters!

The three familiar men are not the rWo but in fact Carmen Bratchny dressed as Big Dave, Titus dressed as Ace David and Steel as Steamboat Ricky. Steel has a blow up parrot on his shoulders and a cardboard world title belt.

They enter the ring and Bratchny grabs the microphone.

Big Bratchny: My name is Big Bratchny and last week I beat the Elite X champion, I am the best! Now to Ricky, don't disappoint me!

Steelboat Ricky: My name is Steelboat Ricky, last week I beat the EurAsian champion, I am the best!

Big Bratchny: You're the Hawaiian guy who pretended he was from Japan?

Steelboat Ricky: No! I'm the fiercest pirate on these seas ARRR! So Ace me harties, how did you get on last week?

Ace Titus: My name's Ace Titus and last week I got my ass kicked all over.

The crowd cheer rather loud at this.

Big Bratchny: Whoa there Ace, that disappoints me, how can you lose?

Steelboat Ricky: Arr I bet he was up against a phenomenal opponent who holds gold arr!

Ace Titus: Erm no

Steelboat Ricky: No? That be a shocker, arr it's ok we're the Ricky World Order me harties and we're going to win tonight!

Big Bratchny: I'm sure we will, but Ace draw a card, we like that superstition don't we?

Steelboat Ricky: Aye, if ye draw a card with a number on we shall win!

Ace passes Bratchny the card.

Big Bratchny: That's a joker card!

Ace Titus: Sorry, sorry, sorry. I'll draw again....

Ace passes Ricky a card

Steelboat Ricky: How to play bridge. What in tarnation! Draw one more!

Ace draws another card.

Steelboat Ricky: Well what is is?

Ace Titus: Erm

Big Bratchny: Surely this is the amazing card we've waited for. What was it?

Steelboat grabs the card.

Steelboat Ricky: Mother Buns the bakers wife?!

The crowd erupt in laughter

Ace Titus: We're screwed.

Big Bratchny: That disappoints me.

You know what disappoints me? The fact that there's three punks running around with delusions of grandeur. Three people who think they're the bees knees, three people who claim they're taking over. Well Ace, Dave and Ricky you chose the wrong people to mess with. Ace found that out last week and with Steel and Bratchny with me this week we will show you that WZCW is a lot more classy than your so called "world order!"

"Pain for Pleasure" starts playing as Bratchny, Titus and Steel head back up the ramp as we go into a commercial break.
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is the first of the Lethal Lottery qualifying matches. The winner of this match will earn a spot in the Lethal Lottery match.

Copeland: A huge opportunity for both of these men here tonight. The Lethal Lottery is bearing down upon us at a rapid pace and one man will book his spot in the match right here.

Cohen: A great opportunity for some of the younger guys to get a chance in the Lottery, Seabass.

“Hello” by Brookroyal hits the arena as Matt Royale comes out on to the top of the ramp. The crowd boo loudly as he stares out into the vast amount of faces that flank the ramp. Shaking his head, he begins his descent down to the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 235 pounds, from St. Louis, Missouri. “Wrestling Royalty”, Matt Royale!

Copeland: These fans certainly are not too fond of the Wrestling Royalty but he certainly doesn’t care. He is focused on getting through this match.

Cohen: And so he should be, Seabass. This match could be his big break. He is taken it all in and is feeding off it.

Matt Royale continues his walk down the ramp as he crowd let their feeling be known. It does not seem to be affecting him though as he merely continues his intent walk towards the ring. As he reaches the ring, he slides under the bottom rope and waits for his opponent.

“When I’m Ere” by Roll Deep hits the arena as Scott Hammond appears on the stage. As he reaches the ramp, he stops and looks into the crowd in the same fashion as his opponent had done only a few moments ago.

Harrys: And now introducing his opponent. Weighing in at 275 pounds, from London, England. “The English Enigma”, Scott Hammond!

Cohen: Here comes another man who has a lot to prove tonight.

Copeland: With a win here tonight, Hammond will be mixing it with the big boys in the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: Exactly, another name for Karnage to toss to the floor below.

Hammond raises one hand in the air as a solitary shot of pyro shoots up from behind him. He begins his descent down to the ring and keeps his focus intent on Matt Royale. He gets to the bottom of the ramp and slides under the bottom rope. He mounts the far turnbuckle and hurls abuse at the fans.

The referee makes his final preparations and signals for the bell. Immediately both men tie up in the middle of the ring. Hammond uses his weight advantage to push Royale back on to the ropes. Royale turns his round and both men reverse the hold until they are both in the corner. Hammond has the advantage as he begins to lay some vicious chops into the chest of Royale. Royale recoils out of the corner and Hammond goes after him immediately. Hammond outstretches an arm and goes to grab Royale, Royale has other ideas though and takes Hammond down with a drop-toe hold that takes him down to the mat. Royale takes this time to apply the figure-four leg lock. Hammond is struggling and his face is the picture of pain. He grimaces as he stretches for the nearest bottom rope. With one last stretch of his arm, Hammond reaches the rope and the referee breaks the hold by shoving off Royale who is taking his time in adhering to the ref’s wishes.

Copeland: Royale may have to be careful; not listening to the ref will be costly if he ends up getting disqualified.

Cohen: He knows that, Seabass. He is just maximising the impact to his opponent. Sheesh!

Hammond is nursing his leg as he begins to get to his feet. He slaps it twice to get some blood flowing again as Royale argues with the referee over in the corner. Upon noticing that Hammond has gotten to his vertical basis, Royale make a charge at him. Hammond, however, is wise to it and nails him with an impactful clothesline that sends him crashing to the mat. Hammond is still limping slightly and makes his way over to the fallen Royale on shaky legs. Picking him up, Hammond sends him bouncing off of the ropes and hits a T-Bone Suplex on his opponent. Hammond gets to his feet and looks slightly more sure on his feet now. Royale, who has been sent flying across the ring looks for his vertical basis but is struggling to get up. Hammond goes over to him and pounds his head with punch after punch.

Royale is looking very beaten and Hammond is standing tall above him. Hammond looks out into the crowd as they begin to boo him. A wry smile is evident on his face as he continues the assault of his opponent. He gets Royale to his feet and hits a tilt-a-whirl neckbreaker that sends Royale to the mat again. Hammond gets to his feet once more and taunts the crowd by signalling for the end of the match. He turns away to the crowd as the boos that surround him turn into a “you suck” chant. Hammond mounts the turnbuckle and shouts abuse at the crowd. He moves back over to Royale again who quickly rolls up Hammond into a school boy pin. 1….2…. Kick out.

Copeland: Hammond needs to get his head in the game, Jack. One more mistake like that and he can kiss his place in the Lethal Lottery match goodbye.

Cohen: No, what needs to happen is that these fans need to shut their mouths. Hammond had this in control until they piped up.

Hammond immediately gets to his feet and hits a quick DDT on Royale as his frustration takes over. He begins to lay into him with right hand after right hand as his emotions become clear. He gets to his feet and without hesitation goes over to the turnbuckle. He begins to climb and once he reaches the top of the turnbuckle, he motions to the crowd as he points his finger out to the crowd and begins to pan across. Almost instantly, he launches himself off of the mounted position and tries for a diving headbutt. However, Royale moves out of the way at the last second and thus, Hammond crashes into the mat, head first. Hammond is writhing around on the ground as Royale takes some time to recuperate. He rests himself in the corner and catches his breath for a second as Hammond begins to get to his feet.

Royale goes over to him and plants him into the ground with a German Suplex. Hammond once again crashes to the mat as Royale gets some more time to take stock of the situation. He looks at his opponent and begins to stalk him. Hammond is motionless on the mat and Royale begins to get agitated whilst having to wait for his opponent. After a few moments, Hammond is still not moving. The referee is showing concern and Royale is still awaiting some more offence. He has positioned himself in the corner and is looking as though he will be attempting the Spear of Royalty if his opponent gets to his feet. The referee goes over to check on Hammond and is quickly followed by Royale who is growing more and more frustrated by the circumstances. As Royale moves over to Hammond, Hammond springs to life and rolls Royale up this time. 1…2… Kick out!

Copeland: He was playing possum all along, Jack. Ha! Very clever technique from Hammond.

Royale gets to his feet once more and so does Hammond. Hammond turns around and gets nailed with a swinging neckbreaker. Royale gets to his feet and immediately picks up Hammond once more. He then plants his opponent with a DDT of his own. He immediately gets to his feet and walks over to the turnbuckle. He goes out on to the apron and begins to climb the turnbuckle. Waiting for Hammond to get up, Royale waits patiently. This time, Hammond does oblige and Royale throws himself off of the rope. However, Hammond has anticipated this and grabs him with both hands. He hoists his opponent onto his shoulders, looking for London’s Calling. However, Royale manages to wriggle off of his shoulders and lands on his feet. Hammond tries to land a heavy clothesline to his opponent but Royale ducks under the swinging arm and lands the Crowning Jewel. He quickly covers Hammond. 1…2…3.

Harrys: Here is your winner and qualifier for the Lethal Lottery match, Matt Royale!

Copeland: A great match from both of these guys that could have gone in any way.

Cohen: But it didn’t Seabass. Royale moves onto the Lethal Lottery and Hammond will warm the bench!


We cut to backstage in the rWo locker room, a television screen shows Matt Royale’s victory, and a steel chair comes flying out of nowhere, the camera pans to find Ricky extremely ticked off as the FHD try to calm him down.

Ace: Rick, Rick, calm down, we need to keep focused

Ricky: I want them taken out NOW!!!!

Dave: Easy, easy. Now think about this Rick, their taunting doesn’t match to what we did to them during the past week. I mean we got them all when they least suspected it, our plan was a success and you want their meaningless response to get the better of us?

Ricky calms down and listens

Ace: Dave’s got a point. I mean if they can’t even cope with one of us attacking, how do they expect the any of them to cope with all three of us together? The rWo teams up for the first time tonight and this where we set our mark for the Lottery!

Ricky: You know, you’ve made me realise you’re right. Lets finished what we started and send a message to show these guys have no idea who they’re messing with. They won’t even reach the Lottery after tonight! So lets sort out our strategy and put this issue to rest tonight!

The FHD nod in agreement
Copeland: Coming up next Ladies and Gentleman is the Battle Royale where 8 random newcomers in our development scheme will have a chance to gain a spot in the 20 man Lethal Lottery. This is effectively a preview to the Lottery itself, only we have no idea who are the competitors tonight.

Cohen: I saw a glimpse of them earlier and there was some potential our there, and some real freaks too!

Copeland: As we just saw with Matt Royale, this is the second qualifier out of four. The third is on Ascension between Mr. Baller and Excellency, the other is for the No. 20 spot between Blade and Karnage which will open the pay per view itself.

Cohen: And end on Karnage winning the Lottery itself!

Harrys: The following contest is a Battle Royale, where the winner will be granted a spot in the Lethal Lottery Match!

“Lucifer’s Angel” starts playing as the first competitor enters the arena and heads down the ramp

Harrys: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illnois, Christan Battlez!

Copeland: A young man who has been impressing our trainers, he weighs around 240 pounds and we have been told his Battlegrounds Finisher is quite deadly

Cohen: I like him, expect him to be the last man standing

“Sabotage” cuts over as the second competitor heads down the ramp with his arms raised in the air

Harrys: From Jacksonville, Florida, Duke Miles!

Copeland: Standing at nearly seven feet, I would imagine this guy will be the hardest to eliminate as he is the heaviest man in this match

Cohen: The bigger they come, the harder they fall to the mat!

“Enya Stomp” plays as competitor number three starts off slow and then bolts down the ramp

Harrys: From Leeds, England, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: The British Invasion continues as the young Chris Beckford will look to make an impact like Big Dave, Garth Black and Scott Hammond in this match

Cohen: So much for our independence, can’t get rid of them!

“No Quitter, Go Getter” kicks in as an energetic competitor comes out who throws his red bandana out to the crowd

Harrys: From The Southside, JKO!

Copeland: JKO is very pumped for this match. He has quite a history in fighting on the streets and I wonder how this will transcend into wrestling with the WZCW

Cohen: In a short way, Seabass, terribly!

“Suicide Messiah” blares out as the next competitor comes out pounding his chest and walking with a fast pace down the ramp

Harrys: From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jordan Lights!

Copeland: Another man with a background of growing up in the rough neighbourhood, standing up to bullies, which is how he earnt his nickname “The Justice”

Cohen: Expect the only justice to be served here is his elimination!

"Hero's Come Back" plays over as a mysterious masked Japanese looking wrestler appears on the ramp

Harrys: From Mount Fiji, Byakko!

Cohen: Thought Chief Anoki has just come back!

Copeland: Far from the truth. Byakko comes all the way from the Far East, there’s a lot of mystery to this man, he’s quick, fast and agile. No doubt he would be make a great addition to the roster

Cohen: And he’ll be quick and fast enough to get over the top rope, haha!

“Feed My Frankenstein” plays as a bizarre looking character appears on the stage in facepaint and a silver and black outfit

Harrys: From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Max Karzai!

Cohen: Seabass, thought your mother just arrived!

Copeland: No, that’s Max Karzai, he was a well known rocker before he became a wrestler

Cohen: Could someone tell him the 70s called and that they want their dignity back!

“Onion Head” starts playing as the last competitor comes out, waving his hands to the crowd

Harrys: And from B-Town City, Sydney, Australia, J-Dogg

Cohen: Another Aussie? JKO, J-Dogg, Jordan, clearly the same mother has no originality with naming their kids!

Copeland: A young wrestler, he started around the age of nineteen

Cohen: And still acts like one! Jeez!

J-Dogg slides into the ring as the bell sounds and is caught by Christian Battlez who immediately throws him over the top rope to the floor. The other six are brawling in the different corners as Battlez taughts J-Dogg until Byakko elbows Jordan Lights into the corner and Spinning Heel Kick to the back of Battlez’s head and sends him over as well.

Cohen: What?! He was my choice, that can’t happen!

Battlez is livid but is told to go to the back as Byakko resumes his attacks on Jordan as Max Karzai and Chris Beckford exchange chops with each other while JKO tries to hold a sleeper on Duke Miles who just slams him straight down to the mat. Suddenly Beckford turns and goes for a dropkick which makes Duke stand a few paces backwards, Byakko then goes for a Yakuza Kick which gives the same effect as Beckford’s dropkick. Karzai goes for an attack but Miles hits a big boot on him. Jordan then goes for a flying forearm but is caught with the spinebuster.

JKO is back up and asks to double team with Beckford who stand poised behind Miles, when he turns around they hit a double dropkick to send Miles back against the ropes. Beckford then goes for a hurricanrana on Miles but he catches him in the powerbomb position. He starts running at the opposite ropes looking to eliminate one of his opponents but Karzai trips him and he goes flying over the ropes as Beckford finishes his hurricanrana while holding onto the ropes as Miles is now eliminated.

Copeland: The big man is out

Cohen: Soon to be followed by Beckford

Jordan hits a forearm on Beckford who looks a bit dazed but holds on, Jordan then goes for another right but Beckford blocks it and shoves his shoulder into Jordan’s abs through the second and third rope. He leaps over Jordan and is met with a clothesline from JKO while Karzai hits a Full Nelson Suplex on Jordan. Byakko climbs to the top ropes and hits a crossbody on JKO, leaving just him and Karzai standing tall in the ring.

Karzai goes for another clotheslines on Byakko but it is countered Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Armbar, taking him down to a huge ovation from the crowd. Byakko runs at the ropes as he spotted JKO getting back up but JKO ducks out of the way and hits a bitch slap on Byakko’s chest. He repeats the chop effects, backing Byakko into the corner, only for Jordan Lights to get back up and hit a forearm into the back of his head. He grabs JKO and tries to pull him over the top rope, he does so but JKO is struggling out of the situation and holding onto the ropes. Jordan stops for a moment to give Chris Beckford a kick in the head, to which JKO uses the time to get back on his feet on the apron and hit an elbow into Jordan’s face.

Cohen: JKO’s going out any time now.

Copeland: It certainly looks that way, Jack.

Karzai gets back up and knocks Jordan in the back of the head. He Irish Whips Jordan against the ropes opposite to JKO, on the rebound, Karzai moves out the way and JKO pulls the ropes down, sending Jordan over and onto the floor, eliminating him. JKO gives a pose on the apron in celebration but is interrupted with a shuffle side kick from Karzai, which sends JKO to the mat and eliminates him from the match, leaving it down to Karzai, Byakko and Beckford.

Karzai turns around to find Byakko has recovered out the corner as well as Beckford, with all three standing, trying to decide who to attack first. Beckford goes for an attack on Karzai who counters with a Fireman’s Carry and is then met with the shining wizard from Byakko. Byakko’s getting a big ovation from the crowd as he goes to climb the turnbuckle, he looks back when he reaches the top and goes for a corkscrew moonsault onto Beckford, but he rolls out of the way. Beckford gets back up and stands behind Karzai who is slowly reviving, he turns around and Beckford hits his finisher the Cross Drop onto his opponent.

Cohen: That was a dumb move Beckford, you now got to get him up and over the top rope!

Byakko has rolled onto the apron and goes up to climb the top rope again, he has Karzai measured for his Closing the West Gate, he jumps and connects as Beckford watches in appreciation. Byakko communications with Beckford to double team on Karzai, and they both pick up and try to carry him over the top rope but he elbows both of them in the face to break their attempts. Karzai then grabs Byakko by the head and throws him over the top rope to the floor which gives a huge boo from the crowd which Karzai looks puzzled at.

Karzai then goes over to Beckford and hits the Crazy Train, taking out Beckford. He picks up Beckford by the head and drags him to the top rope, he then grabs Beckford in the Full Nelson hold and lifts up high over the top rope but on the descent down, Beckford locks his feet in the ropes and rolls forward, sending Karzai flying over and down to the floor. The bell sounds as Beckford holds his head in disbelief that he’s just won!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: You got to give it all eight men, they really went out there but Chris Beckford has shone above them all and is now on his way to the Lethal Lottery. But give a round of applause because they all impressed me.

Cohen: Only one of them impressed me and he was cheated out of the match. But I will admit, Karzai would have made a great addition, just was rather unfortunate as he tripped on his way out.

Copeland: No doubt Bateman and Myles were watching this and no doubt both will have to agree that we will be seeing more of these guys very soon.

Beckford climbs the top rope in celebration, raising his arm the air and backflips off of it, he gives then applauds to Byakko and Karzai who are still on the outside of the ring, getting slowly back up. Beckford then gets out and heads up the ramp shaking his fist with happiness as he’s going to the Lethal Lottery.
The bell rings as we see a lone figure standing inside the ring.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the EurAsian Championship match. This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be crowned WZCW EurAsian Champion.

Copeland: What a match we are about to see. These two men have a very long and fabled history. The have wowed us on Meltdown’s and pay-per-views alike and tonight, we get to see that again.

Cohen: This is it, Seabass! This is the day that Showtime takes the EurAsian Championship from that drunken imbecile Drake Callahan.

Copeland: Well, this is as good a time as any, Jack. We will have to see how he fares against a more than ample competitor.

“Ladies and Gentlemen” by Saliva hits the arena as the titantron that hangs over the entrance atop the ramp shows a lone figure walking towards us. As the intro finishes, Showtime comes through the screen as a large shot of pyro goes off behind him. He poses on top of the ramp for a few seconds with his arms outstretched wide.

Harrys: Introducing first, the challenger. He weighs in at 213 pounds and is from Winnipeg, Canada. “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: As you have pointed out, Jack. This is a huge opportunity for Showtime to get some gold back around his waist tonight. With that being said, what do you think is a good strategy for him tonight?

Cohen: Strategy? Please, Showtime doesn’t need a strategy. He will go in the ring and take away Drake’s Championship. That’s what his strategy should be.

A solitary spotlight follows Showtime down the ramp as he makes his way to the ring. He is smiling cockily and upon arriving at the ring, mounts the turnbuckle on the outside. He does his signature taunt and then gets inside the ring. The crowd boo loudly as he stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for his opponent.

“Cocaine” by Eric Clapton hits the arena as Drake comes out to a muted applause. He looks far out into the crowd and gives a smile, the EurAsian Championship wrapped tightly around his waist.

Harrys: Now introducing his opponent. He weighs in at 215 pounds from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the EurAsian Champion. Drake Callahan!

Copeland: This man is going to have his hands full tonight, Jack. What do you think Drake’s strategy should be?

Cohen: Not to get beat! Come on Seabass, use your head!

Drake continues his descent down the ramp towards the ring and upon arriving there, slides under the bottom rope into the ring. With his trademark beer bottle in hand, Drake gets to the top of the turnbuckle and salutes the crowd before chugging down what is left of the contents.

From nowhere, Showtime appears behind him and the C4 from the top rope. The referee stands in the middle of ring stunned as Showtime covers Drake. He looks at the referee who is still standing questioning what has just happened.

Copeland: What the Hell!?

Cougar: Count it, you son of a bitch! Count it!

The referee springs into action begins his count. 1…2…3

Cohen: Hahaha! I told you, Seabass! I told you.

The bell rings almost cautiously.

Harrys: Here is your winner and new EurAsian Champion, “Showtime” David Cougar!

Copeland: Are you serious!? Drake Callahan has just been robbed of his championship.

Cohen: He should have known something like that would have happened. It’s all of that alcohol that clouded his judgement. Showtime took advantage when he could and shows again why he is the Champion.

The crowd are stunned as David Cougar gets to his feet and is awarded the EurAsian Championship. He throws his arms around it and celebrates wildly as he mounts all four turnbuckles, clutching it. As he dismounts from the final turnbuckle, Drake begins to stir. He is getting to his feet and Showtime notices this. With a glint of an idea appearing in his eyes, Drake begins to stalk the already beaten Drake. As Drake turns around, Showtime nails him with the EurAsian Championship belt. This knocks Drake to the floor and upon closer inspection, we can see that Drake has been busted open. Cougar looks almost demonic as he begins to stomp the head and torso of his fallen opponent. It is as though he is a completely different person. He is punching the head of Drake and making the cut that much wider.

Copeland: Oh, come on! This is ridiculous. Get some one out here…

Suddenly, “Broken Soul” by Original Sin hits as Lars Reidar appears on top of the ramp, wheeling a casket in front of him as he goes. He looks very focused and intense as he solemnly makes his way towards the ring. Showtime gets to his feet as Lars gets increasingly closer. Lars sets the casket beside the ring and slides underneath the bottom rope. He looks Showtime in the eye as he towers above Drake. Showtime gives an understanding nod and immediately falls to the floor and rolls under the bottom rope. He makes his way up the ramp and exits.

Cohen: I assume you didn’t mean Reidar, Seabass?

Without hesitation, Lars picks up the broken body of Drake Callahan and places it intently on the edge of the apron. Lars slides under the bottom rope and opens the casket lid. Drake is still not moving and with a huge push, Lars puts Drake into the ever-welcoming casket. He slams the lid down and begins to make his way up the ramp once more as the crowd stare at the proceedings questioningly. He gets to the top of the ramp and disappears from sight.


We’re backstage in Chuck Myles’ office and standing in a straight line are Chris Beckford, Max Karzai, Byakko and Jordan Lights. Chuck Myles is pacing up and down before finally stopping

Myles: Firstly, I wanted to congratulate you all on a splendid Battle Royale, you all took it to the limit and I was highly impressed. Now naturally, as agreed, Chris, you have earned your spot in the Lethal Lottery Match. As for you men, well, I was impressed that I’m not going to give you a Lottery number, but rather, much like Chris, you three will all receive full time contracts. Congratulations for making the big time gentleman! You have your first official matches made on Meltdown after the Lottery, but who knows what surprises may come between now and then! You may leave now

They all leave as David Cougar strolls past them with his newly won EurAsian Championship.

Myles: David, congratulations on earning what I think is an even quicker capture of the EurAsian title. I saw what happened…

Cougar: And I have nothing to do with what Lars just did. But given it looks like we won’t be seeing Drake any time soon, I need a new challenger for the Lottery.

There’s a knock at the door and enters Mr. Baller and Scott Hammond

Baller: Mr. Myles, I saw what just happened and I think I’m next in line for an EurAsian title shot!

Hammond: No, I am! I got screwed out of my place by Royale! I deserve it more than this joke!

Myles: Gentleman, at this time, neither of you will get a shot. Firstly, Baller, you got a qualifying match at Ascension, you may even get into the Lottery, making you ineligible to face Cougar for the title. Hammond, you just lost your match and I need a good reason why you should be given…

Cougar: Hang on, I got an idea. Can you guys leave?

Baller and Hammond reluctantly exit as Cougar whispers something into Myles’ ear

Myles: That’s a brilliant idea, I love it! That will actually add to the plan I have in mind for the next month which I will announce at the Lottery. I’m going to confirm this idea with the Board of Directors

Myles picks up the phone as we fade out
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is scheduled for one fall.

“Woke Up This Morning” by Alabama 3 hits the PA system as Cory Bowen comes out to a warm reception from the crowd. He looks out onto the fans and smiles widely. Bowen begins to make his way down the ramp as the fans cheer loudly.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Atlantic City, New Jersey. Weighing in at 200 pounds, He is “The One Man Dynasty”, Cory Bowen!

Copeland: A good match we have on the cards for you next, folks. Cory Bowen to take on Kyle Christiansen in what promises to be a cracker of a match.

Cohen: Listen to these fans, Seabass. They are so up and down, it’s ridiculous.

Bowen continues his saunter down towards the ring when suddenly Kyle Christiansen comes running down the ramp behind him. The crowd is so loud that Bowen does not hear the impending footsteps of his opponent as they get closer to his. As Christiansen reaches him, he lands a running double axe handle to the back of Bowen’s head. Bowen jerks forward and tumbles onto the ground. Christiansen is quick to get on top of his advantage though and follows Bowen as he tumbles down the ramp towards the ring. Bowen is helpless as Christiansen continues his assault on his disorientated opponent. Bowen is quickly mounted by Christiansen as he tries to cover up. Christiansen is swinging wild lunges at Bowen who suddenly grabs the arm of Christiansen and applies a kick to the head of the unsuspecting Christiansen. The referee is signalling for the competitors to take the match inside of the ropes and Bowen obliges.

Copeland: This is nothing more than a savage attack on an unsuspecting competitor. How low can you go?

Cohen: Oh come on, Seabass! You are really surprised!? Anything can happen in WZCW/ You look out for yourself and that is all.

Christiansen follows Bowen into the ring and attempts to start his assault again as the referee takes this opportunity to signal for the bell. The bell sounds and the match is officially underway. Bowen anticipates the rush of the Christiansen and ducks under his running clothesline. As Christiansen turns back around, Bowen hits the Hell’s Pit. He does not go for the cover though and picks up the incapacitated Christiansen. He moves over to the turnbuckle and mounts it himself. He set up the Tempest and hits it to the already beaten up Christiansen. He quickly climbs on top of Christiansen and covers him. 1…2…3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, “The One Man Dynasty” Cory Bowen!

Copeland: Good! Bowen picks up the win and it is justice that has been served to Kyle Christiansen.


We’re backstage with Bratchny who’s on his mobile

Bratchny: I know Karen, but after what happened with Ricky earlier this week and also the possible danger, I don’t trust myself if you’re out there tonight.

I know, but you’re safer there than you are here.

I’ll see you later and we’ll plan how to win the Lottery. Will talk later

Bratchny hangs up as Titus comes in with some rockers sunglasses on

Titus: Come on Carmen, suit up!

Titus shoves an eighties rocker outfit into Bratchny’s chest
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Mayhem Championship!

Hail Mary by 2pac hits the sound system as James Baker and Malik Jones make their way out to a large pop. He slaps hands with the fans down the aisle before sliding into the ring and jumping to the second turnbuckle, pointing and posing for the crowd.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Compton, California, he weighs 232 lbs. and stands 6'0", James Baker!

10,000 fists by Disturbed begins playing as Rush makes his way out to the entrance area to another large pop. He does his signature pose before making his way down the ramp. He enters the ring and stands on the second turnbuckle, again doing his signature pose.

Harrys: And introducing next, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, he weighs 361 lbs, and stands 6'7", Rush!

The arena goes black except for the flickering static light. Mr. Ouija 2 by Bone Thugs-n-Harmony begins as Ty Burna and Serafina make their way from the back. The boos are deafening as Ty raises his head slowly, staring dead ahead as they make their way to the ring. He enters the ring and raises his Mayhem Championship up in the air as well as his Ouija Scroll.

Harrys: Finally, from Parts Unknown, he weighs 235 lbs, and stands 6'3", your Mayhem Champion, Ty Burna!

Copeland: We're in store for a bloodbath Cohen, last week Rush took Ty to the limit, nearly securing the Mayhem Championship before Ty came back and defeated him with a Spinebuster through a table.

Cohen: And why is it Ty came ahead Seabass? Because he kept his focus instead of pandering to these idiots we call fans. Rush wasn't prepared for the carnage, and he paid for it.

Copeland: He looks to avenge that loss, meanwhile we have the returning James Baker who looks to quickly gain championship gold in his first match in a few months.

The ref signals for the bell as Ty and Rush go right at each other throwing bombs. Ty gains the upper hand as he hits a kick to the gut and bounces off the ropes, only to get hit by a dropkick by Baker. Ty quickly rolls to the outside as Rush and Baker face off. Baker begins kicking at Rush's knees but Rush simply grabs Baker by the throat and tosses him across the ring. Baker stands up in the corner, only to be hit by a huge splash by Rush. Rush whips Baker to the opposite corner and goes for another splash, only for Baker to roll out of the way at the last second, causing Rush to hit the the turnbuckle and bounce back to the middle of the ring. Baker sneaks behind Rush and goes for a roll up, a two count. Meanwhile Ty slide back into the ring, chair in hand. He winds up and smashes it across Baker's head, knocking him down to the mat. Rush gets up and Ty goes to hit him with the chair, but Rush kicks Ty in the gut and hits a powerslam on Ty, causing Ty's head to smack against the chair he was holding.

Copeland: That did not look good for Ty. That has to hurt.

Cohen: Well obviously that chair backfired on Ty. Rush suddenly has control of this match, with both opponents taking vicious chair shots.

Rush picks up the chair and smashes it across Ty's chest, causing the chair to fold slightly. Ty rolls around in pain clutching his chest. As Rush looks to go for the pin, Baker comes from behind and hits a drop kick to the back of Rush's knee, causing him to stumble into the corner. Baker lines up and hits a running knee lift to Rush, following up with a bulldog attempt. Rush shoves Baker off, sending him careening into the mat. Baker gets to his feet as Rush begins cornering him. Ty struggles to his feet and runs at Rush from behind, clipping his leg as Baker hits another dropkick, knocking Rush right onto his back, bouncing his head off the mat. Baker climbs the top turnbuckle as Ty climbs to the second turnbuckle on the other side. Ty jumps off and hits a spinning wheel kick and Baker jumps off the top turnbuckle with a diving splash. Baker hooks the leg quickly on Rush, getting a two count as Ty breaks it up. Rush slides out of the ring as Ty kicks away at Baker before whipping him into the rope, lifting him up and hitting a spinebuster. Ty bounces off the ropes and hits a running knee drop.

Cohen: There is a familiar site, Ty taking full control of the situation. He teamed with Baker to take the bigger man down and now Ty has dominated less physical Baker.

Copeland: A very smart move, but he can't forget about Rush on the outside. It could come back to haunt him.

Ty pulls Baker up and throws him into the corner. He picks up the chair and sets it up in front of Baker and backs up into the opposite corner. He runs forward and springs off the chair, splashing Baker in the corner but simultaneously getting drilled in the head by a trash can by the risen Rush. Ty stumbles backwards, as Baker collapses to the ground. Rush gets into the ring and smashes the trash can over Ty once more, knocking him to the ground. Rush let's out a feral roar as he picks up Ty and signals for the Rushing Powerbomb. He lifts Ty up but Baker hits a loud chair shot to the back of Rush, causing him to drop Ty right on his neck. Rush turns around to eat yet another chair shot. Rush stumbles backwards and Baker throws the chair at him, only for Rush to catch it. Baker follows up quickly by dropkicking the chair right into Rush's face, busting him open. Meanwhile Ty has rolled out of the ring and is lying on the floor holding his neck, with Serafina kneeling over him.

Cohen: I think he needs medical attention!

Copeland: Ty took a nasty bump there, he is in serious danger of losing his title now.

In the ring Baker goes to the apron and springboards off the rope and hits an elbow right into Rush's face. Rush falls to one knee as Rush quickly bounces off the ropes and delivers a boot to Rush, knocking him to the ground. Baker looks out at the crowd as they cheer him on. He hops up to the turnbuckle and signals for All Eyez on Me. He jumps off and connects on Rush! He goes for the cover, but Ty suddenly pulls Baker to the outside and drops Baker with a Reverse STO. Ty goes under the ring and grabs another chair. He slides into the ring, and stands over a slowly rising Rush. He lines up and drops the edge of the chair across the back of Rush's neck, and begins furiously slamming the chair edge into Rush's neck.

Copeland: I think that may be revenge for dropping Ty on his neck earlier.

Cohen: And what gives you the idea Ty would be even interested in revenge Seabass? Other than the fact he makes anyone's life a living hell if they even annoy him.

Finally Ty slams the chair across the back of Rush's head before throwing the chair aside. He rolls Rush over and begins yelling at him. He stomps away at him before going outside once more. He goes under the ring and begins pulling a table out. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring, Baker slides back in and grabs Rush's legs and flips over into a pin, getting the three count on the unconscious Rush!

Harrys: Here is your winner, and the new Mayhem Champion, James Baker!

Copeland: Baker did it! He got the three count!

Cohen: Stunning, absolutely stunning Seabass, Ty was in the driver seat and Baker was able to steal a victory here tonight.

Copeland: Regardless, Baker is able to claim the Mayhem Championship in his first match back from injury here in WZCW.

Ty looks on stunned as he throws the table to the side and quickly enters the ring. The ref hands Baker the Mayhem Championship and quickly exits the ring as Malik raises his hand in victory. Ty grabs the ref in anger and begins screaming at him before pushing to the side. Baker and Malik walk up the entrance ramp before stopping at the top. Baker raises the Mayhem Championship up as the crowd goes nuts.

The crowd boos heavily as Ace David and Big Dave head out first in their special hoodies, looking very annoyed, Ricky then walks in between them with his championship belt raised in the air and the FHD follow pursuit.

Harrys: The following contest is a six man tag team, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Ace David, Big Dave and the true World Heavyweight Champion, Steamboat Ricky, the Ricky World Order!

Copeland: The rWo doesn’t look happy after what Titus, Bratchny and Steel…well it was pretty funny!

Cohen: Have you no respect Seabass? It was NOT funny and it’s only going to lead to more pain after what the rWo did to them. They did it individually, so imagine what it’s going to be like after the unison beats the hell out of them jokers right now!

All three men enter the ring, Ricky stands in the middle of the ring, holding his belt high as his partners stand on the ring posts, refusing to taunt as they stand annoyed. The FHD climb down as Ricky claims the mic from Truman Harrys, he waits hesitantly for the boos to drown out.

Ricky: If there’s one thing to say about the “parody” earlier tonight, you have to find a better sense of humour, simply because you didn’t parody any of us three, you only conveyed what you all truly are; simple minded, stupid and self delusional. I mean, I know Titus can’t count beyond two, but letting him handle a deck of cards? Boy he thinks he’s in the big league!

The crowd boos heavily as Big Dave takes the microphone from him.

Dave: Not only that, but you tried to get Bratchny to understand more than the four words he only knows in the English language “I…do…not…understand”. I don’t know what’s more of a disgrace, the fact he’s a former Elite X Champion who lost to Titus of all people, or the fact that he’s accepted in this country as one of your own, surely a guy with his record would be deported by now?

The crowd boos even more as Ace takes up the mike

Ace: As for Trevor Steel, I hope Damien is watching because…

The lights cut out as a spotlight goes to the top of the stage as we see Titus dressed in rocker gear with a guitar. The crowd go nuts.


The rWo all stare at the rampway as two more spotlights join them, Steel in his regular attire with Bratchny dressed as metal rock fan from the eighties.

Harrys: Their opponents, the team of Titus, Carmen Bratchny and their team captain Trevor Steel!

Cohen: It’s one thing to try and give a promo and not get interrupted, but to interrupt the response to their awful humour is just disrespectful!

Copeland: Come on, Jack. After the past week the rWo gave them, this does not make things even!

The rWo stand inside the ring by the ropes facing their opponents in a line as they line up on floor outside, they all stare each other down until the rockers confer with each other and walk around the ring to get to their corner while Ace and Dave remove their hoodies and Ricky gives the ref his custom belt. The three menacing rWo members stand tall watching their opponents as they have the hard task of deciding who’s going to go first. Steel decides it will be him as Ricky gets out and Ace backs in the corner. Dave signals to wait a moment as he gets on his knee to tie up his boot lace to which Steel raises his hands going “What the hell?” Suddenly Ace runs up Dave’s back and spears Steel and goes for the instant cover but Steel powers out before the 1 can be hit as the bell signals to get under way

Dave gets out of the ring as Ace and Steel lock up in the middle with Ace holding onto Steels head but Steel lifts him up and hits a backbreaker, he immediately gets up and runs at the ropes, jumping onto Ace with a seated senton, taking some wind out of his opponent. Steel gets Ace up and Irish Whips him and catches him with the Lou Thesz Press, followed by some rights, he gets up again and goes for another seated senton but Ace rolls out of the way and gets to his corner to tag Dave in. The two heaviest men in the match stand staring with criminal intentions, they pace a few steps forward and stare each other down, Dave then goes for a right but Steel catches it, he tries with the left but Steel catches that, he turns to look at the crowd and starts nailing some headbutts onto his opponent, backing him into a corner until the ref starts his 5 count to release the hold, to which Steel does.

Copeland: Steel doing some great leadership here, by setting the pace of the match

Cohen: You’ll always find an Ace in the hold with the rWo!

Steel takes a few paces back and goes to run at Dave who lifts both feet in the air to catch Steel in the face. Dave uses this chance to buy himself some time and goes for some rights on Steel’s head, he then Irish Whips him into the corner and goes for a spear into the turnbuckle and connects. He holds onto the ropes and continues with some shoulder thrusts into Steel’s abs until the ref tells him to break it up and Dave starts arguing with the ref. He turns to the rocker’s corner and taunts them until Steel runs and hits the bulldog on the distracted Dave, Steel uses the chance to tag Bratchny in to the cheers of the crowd. He picks up Dave and Irish Whips him and catches him with sidewalk slam but Dave uses the momentum to swing out of it and hit a mighty DDT, he goes for a cover 1…..2..kickout by Bratchny.

Dave gets up to his feet first and drags Bratchny by the head to the rWo corner, knocking his head against the turnbuckle. He tags Ricky in but Ace climbs inside as they slams Bratchny to the mat while Ricky climbs onto the turnbuckle, he leaps and hits the elbow on Bratchny followed by a double elbow from the FHD who slide out and stand back in their corner as Ricky takes control of the match. Ricky runs at the ropes and goes for a running diving headbutt and connects, he goes for the cover 1..….2…kickout again. Ricky gets up and taunts the rockers corner, to which Titus tries to get in but the ref stops him, while he is distracted, Dave and Ace grab Bratchny’s legs and pull him back with full force into the corner which causes him to scream from the pain.

Cohen: Haha, there will be no more little Bratchnies in the future, right Mrs. McKenzie?

Copeland: Jack, please! They should be DQed right now!

Cohen: The ref hasn’t seen anything, so it still goes on.

Ricky pulls Bratchny out of the corner and gets him onto his feet, he hits a few elbows to the stomach and then follows with a belly-to-belly over his head. He stands a few paces back in the corner, staring at Bratchny who slowly stirs into an upright position, he starts walking slowly out of the corner and goes to run at Bratchny who catches him with the sidewalk slam, knocking both men down. Bratchny uses the chance to crawl to his corner as Ricky gets back up, Bratchny tags Titus in which causes the crowd to scream in cheers and Ricky stands there in disbelief that Bratchny tagged out, then goes nah, and walks to his corner but Titus runs and hits a swinging neckbreaker on Ricky and starts unleashing some unholy fists onto his opponent until the FHD come in and start stomping onto Titus and in response Steel and Bratchny get in and it breaks down with the ref having no choice but to left chaos ensume.

Steel catches Ace with the side effect as Big Dave spears Bratchny, causing him to roll out of the ring. While the ref is trying to get Ace out of the ring, Ricky low blows Steel and Big Dave kicks him out of the ring. Ricky and Dave turn around to receive a double clothesline from Titus. The ref finally gets Ace out of the ring as Titus sees a chance to go for the Tit Drop, he runs at the ropes but Ace grabs him by the leg, and Titus turns to face him and kick him in the chest. He faces around to Ricky again and is met with a Blunderbass out of nowhere, cover 1..….2……..3.

Harrys: Here are your winners, the Ricky World Order!

Copeland: Well this was a fast paced and well matched bout, but it’s the rWo who have the final say and serious momentum going into the Lethal Lottery. No doubt the rest of the locker room are watching and hoping their number is lucky enough to take them to Kingdom Come

Cohen: Or lucky enough that they get eliminated before the rWo even enter the ring, they will be the picks, regardless of which one, an rWo member will it. And we will be there to see it.

Ace and Dave get back in the ring, bringing Ricky’s belt back in and they huddle and raise their hands in unison over the victory. They pick up Titus and all three throw him over the top rope to the floor as they start shouting “It’s our for the winning!”

Cohen: And Titus has just been shown how his elimination will occur!

Well Ladies and Gentleman, catch me at the Lethal Lottery and you can see Jack with CC tomorrow night as have more places to decide and another great match event that will get everything boiling come the Lottery. Until then, I’m Sebastian Copeland, goodnight!
Who wrote what

rWo vs. Titus, Trevor Steel, Carmen Bratchny (Phoenix)
Drake Callahan vs. David Cougar (Dave)
Ty Burna vs. Rush vs. James Baker (Ty)
Kyle Christensen vs. Bowen (Dave)
Lethal Lottery Qualifying Battle Royale (Phoenix)
Scott Hammond vs. Matt Royale (Dave)
Intro/rWo spoof (Lee)
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