Meltdown 27 - Full House Daves & Everest vs Second Coming & Steamboat Ricky

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

It's WZCW's gold versus the top challengers, as World Champion Everest teams with the tag team champions, the Full House Daves, against former champion Steamboat Ricky and his partners, the number one contenders to the tag team championship, Second Coming.

RP deadline is August 24 at 11:59 PM.
We open inside the FHD locker room they’re having a discussion between each other

Ace: I’m not sure, are you sure we should do this?

Big Dave: Trust me, it’s just for one night, we got to make him feel welcomed into the team

Ace: I suppose, but this isn’t going to distract just from our plan…

Knock on the door

Come in!

The man who enters the room is none other than the World Heavyweight Champion, Everest

Dave: Well I’ll be, welcome to the FHD locker room, Everest, glad to have you among us!

Everest: Yeah, that’s all fine and swell. Now I want to talk about the match we got. My aim tonight is get Ricky away from MY championship belt, the rest of the contenders can destroy each other, but I want Ricky out of the way, he’s getting too close for comfort and I want him out of the picture! In return, I’ll do what I can to assist your cause, I mean it’s not easy to climb a ladder with broken legs right?

Ace and Dave look nervously at each other

Ace: Yeah…you got it. Anyway, we’ve been having a talk about tonight as well

E: Yeah?

A: Yeah, I mean this is a big night for us, you got THE World Heavyweight…

D: No no no, you got THE GREATEST World Heavyweight Champion of all time, Everest, teaming up with the GREATEST Tag Team in the history of the WZCW, the FHD, for the first time ever! And we want to commemorate this special occasion.
(Looks at Ace) Shirt…shirt, get the shirt!

Ace grabs a shirt from behind Dave. It’s an FHD T-Shirt with the D crossed out with a C and a picture of Everest stapled on top of it

D: Tonight, for one night only, we’re going to be the FHC! The Full House Champions!

Everest raises an eyebrow

A: I thought it was stupid too!

Dave glares at Ace

D: I mean, cause we are the best at what we do. Look at us compared to our opponents, and better yet, compare it to the rest of the card!

A: Look at Ascension, all they could do is an Elite X match for the main event. I mean, Bateman can’t even book the World Heavyweight Champion on “his” show!

D: Much less both Tag Team Champions!

A: Now as much as we don’t want to cause problems for you as the top guy…

D: You know we backed you!

E: What?

D: We’ve supported you from the beginning, if there’s one guy we wanted to be the World Champion, it was you! When we debuted, you were the champ and today you’re still the champ!

Ace rolls his eyes

A: Anyway, you’re ok with seeing us as a stable for just one night? How about it?

Everest has a think

E: I guess…but I’m not wearing that shirt!

A: No problem! (Ace throws the shirt out of view) Shirt's gone!

E: Good, now I’m going to get ready, I’ll see you guys out there. Remember what we agreed!

A: Sure! We’ll see you out there

Everest leaves. As soon as he does Ace slaps the back of Dave’s head

A: FHC, what were you thinking?!

D: It seemed a good idea at the time.

A: Lets just go do our thing. Chicken shit!

Dave smirks for a moment, then realises what Ace said

D: Hey!

Fade out
The camera pans to Ace David walking down a corridor backstage with his title around his waist. It looks like he’s looking for something… or someone.

Ace checks behind a crate and behind a vending machine. He opens a couple of doors and peers in. He doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for as he continues his search.

Ace spot’s the camera and grins ear to ear.

A: Hi there. You don’t know where Black and Phoenix are do you? I’ve been looking for them everywhere but I think they’ve gone into hiding! I guess they caught that tape of Dave and I extending out hands to Everest for out main event tonight. I get it though, they’re scared.

Big Dave comes out from behind the camera grinning.

D: Hahaha. The second coming, that’s a joke. There is no second coming or third or fourth! There is only now. And as of right now, we are a part of the FHC. We’re all champions you see. You have the WZCW Tag Team Champions in us…

Ace and Dave smile and pose briefly with their belts.

A: … And you have the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion in the mountain Everest! How can you compare a pirate and a couple of fruit loops to us!? Granted we will only be teaming up tonight but at All or Nothing it will just be the FHD and the Second Coming in a ladder match for our tag titles. You do realise Second Coming, that we have been champions for a while now and that no one has been able to take them away from us? What makes you think you even have a chance? Especially in my domain. Ladder matches are what makes me shine as an athlete.

D: And I’ll be swinging that ladder around like a toothpick. Be prepared for a hard steel object impaling your abdomen guys… because it’s going to hurt!

A: Oh, and as for you Ricky. You may be teaming with the Second Coming tonight but you better make sure you keep you abnormally large face out of our business. Everest will be on our side and you couldn’t get him last time and you won’t get him this time. The FHC is a special thing boys, don’t miss it.

Ace and Dave grin and high five each other before laughing and moving out of shot behind the camera.

Fade out.
We go backstage, we see Garth Black waiting to be interviewed with Leon Kensworthy

Good evening, I'm here with one half of the tag team number one contenders, Garth Black.

Before you begin, I would just like to tell you that it is an honour to be interviewed by you for the first time.

Well, shucks, I really appreciate that it's great to be interviewing you.

I wasn't being serious, you're the only option. Stacey is busy telling everyone who';ll listen how important she is, Klamor is probably on dialysis somewhere, and Becky, well, I think we all know where she is.


I wouldn't want to damage your virgin ears.

Anyway, I've got a few questions about your match this weekend with Ricky and Phoenix against Everest and the Daves.

Go ahead.

Well, for the first time you are teaming with somebody other than Phoenix, and you had a lot ofteething issues getting into the ring with him, will that be an issue?

No. You see myself and Steamboat Ricky have a lot in common. He is a pirate. I am not afraid to get my feet wet. I of course mean that in the metaphorical sense of being unafraid to try something, and not the literal wet feet that you are encountered with on a regular basis when you don't quite make it.

Right. What about Everest? This is the first time you will face him, what does that mean?

Well, Everest has been around here a long time, and there is certainly a degree of caution that has to be taken. However, there are certain disadvantages that come with that. I've had the oppurtunity to scout him a lot more than he has had to scout me. His left knee is about as strong as yours, and that is something that I will look to exploit. Most importantly though, he has a serious handicap in that he will be in the ring with the two Daves, who are more of a hindrance than a help.

Ah yes, this match will see the continuation of your feud with Full House Daves, what are your views on that and the Daves themselves?

Well, it's simple really. The Daves robbed us of our title, and we're going to get what is rightfully ours. Jesus and Moses both had to wander in the desert before they got to their destinations, and that's what we find ourselves doing now. However, we're headed for a destiny more like Moses'. The Daves are a plague, their constant cheating is a test, but one we can overcome. We will win this week, and we will beat them when it matters, I guarantee it.

Some observers have said that the reason they beat you is that they are more cohesive than yourself and Phoenix. After all, we rarely see you out of the ring together. Why is that?

The Second Coming of wrestling isn't something that you can take lightly. We have to spread the word and that is done much more efficiently if we split up. The 11 disciples that spread Christianity didn't stick together, they split up, they spread out, and it worked. Why change a winning formula?

The Daves hang around together because they lack self esteem. They need someone to hold their hand and tell each other how good they are. I know how great I am, and Phoenix knows how good he is, we don't need to hold each others hand and tell each other.

We are independently strong and we are greater than the sum of our parts. The Daves are pathetic when they are on their own, and they know that somebody will attack them, because nobody likes them.

Right, well that was some fighting talk, as you prepare to come out with an advantage this week. Good luck.

I won't need it.

Black walks off, and we return to the action.
The scene opens in a dimly lit room. Sitting at a desk near the last rays of light is Phoenix, with a large book sitting on the desk in front of him. The lack of light combined with his dark face paint makes it nearly impossible to see his face. Out of the near darkness, Phoenix begins to read to us from the book in front of him.

‘The phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird, which originated in the ancient mythologies mentioned in Phoenician, Egyptian, and later Greek mythology. It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.’

Phoenix looks up from the book, and leans forward into the light. He pauses for one more moment, then begins to speak again.

At All or Nothing, my transformation will be complete. I will finally become Phoenix. I have been reborn and given up all outside intoxicants that could hinder my progress. I will finally take flight, and my plumage will arrive, but first, I should talk about this week.

Garth and I get our first shot at softening up Mary-Kate and Ashley this week, and we even have the number 1 contender to the World Title to help us! While I can’t deny that Ricky is nowhere near as smart as Garth and I, he is more that capable of beating the Dave’s to a pulp along with us. As for Everest, a guy who has to use a chair to become champion is no champion as far as I’m concerned. Him and his chair may have beaten Steamboat and Bratchney, but he stands no chance against the Second Coming, especially if his only back-up are an oversized idiot and an undersized mouth.

As for All or Nothing, you will see my last two goals accomplished. First, the Phoenix will take flight. I plan on climbing up that ladder to get those belts, and if you guys think I’m afraid to jump from there to hurt you, you better think again. My other goal is to complete my plumage, which you guys will help me out with.

Phoenix looks back down at the book, and reads to us again.

‘A phoenix has a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet.’ Daves, I plan on wearing the scarlet, so don’t forget to bring my gold.

The room goes dark, and the scene ends.
*The camera fades in and we see EVEREST just leaving the FULL HOUSE DAVE’S locker room. We’re not really sure if Everest notices the camera or not as he continues walking. He’s shaking his head in disbelief.*

EVEREST: I’m the World Champion. I’m the best the WZCW has to offer. Next thing I know I find out I’m headlining Meltdown, with…….those two?

*Everest is still shaking his head as he continues his walk*

EVEREST: I go in there and get bombarded with a shirt? A shirt? An ugly shirt at that. I’m teaming up with the WZCW Tag Team Champions and you’d think that would be a good thing, but……

*At this time Everest’s walk is interrupted by none other than Becky Serra*

BECKY: Well, if it isn’t our esteemed World Champion.

EVEREST: Wow Becky, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you weren’t all that thrilled to be here.

BECKY: Let’s just say I liked the old Everest much bet…….

EVEREST: Honey, Everest has never changed. From day one I told you my ultimate goal. I told everyone that I was destine to be the World Champion, to be the greatest wrestler this organization has ever known. And looking at the fact that on my shoulder sits the World Title, I’d have to say I’ve kept my promise.

BECKY: Well since I can’t argue that, let’s move on to Meltdown where you and the Full House Dave’s team up to take on Steamboat Ricky and the Second Coming.

EVEREST: At Meltdown it’s simple: In one corner you’ve got three, count them, THREE World Champions and in the other you have a team that goes by the name Second Coming and a Pirate that I’ve had to talk about so much I’ve actually ran out of insults for the guy.

Look I’ve heard the Second Coming chirping about scouting and bad knees and the use of chairs to win titles and the fact still remains that all the scouting and good knees and lack of chairs have gotten them what exactly?

*Everest holds the silence for a moment*

That’s right nothing, Nada, zilch. I’m not sure how you can call yourself the Second Coming when no one remembers the First Coming.

BECKY: Well they are the number one contenders to the Tag Team Titles.

EVEREST: You know Becky after all we’ve been through I’d have thought by now you would remember what I’ve said before. All a number one contender is, is the first loser. The guy who “hopes” to someday be champion. Fact is The Full House Dave’s own the gold. I’m not sure how sometimes, but they’ve held on to it for some time. I’m not really sure how they open the locker room door sometimes but hey once they make it to the ring they know what they are doing.

So Meltdown’s Main Event will feature a once and a lifetime, dream come true event for wrestling fans. You’ve got the Full House of Champions against the Second Coming and Steamboat Ricky.

I can tell you one thing Becky, after the last Meltdown, revenge is coming, I don’t care who it is? Ricky Steamboat, Garth Black it doesn’t matter, I’m going to drop a Rock Slide on someone, if they are lucky, they might get up and walk away from it. You see I may have gotten a beating last Meltdown, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I can see Lars and the chair, interrupting my beating of Ricky. I can see Chucky Myles out on the ramp and I can still hear him giving into Reidar’s demands like a scared little kid running from a bully.

BECKY: So then you’ve heard of the match up that was proposed by Lars…..

EVEREST: OH YEAH, I heard. And I’ll tell you what Becky, contrary to what some might think, I’m all for this thing. Lars you want to be the number one contender? That’s fine, but you know that means you’ll have to actually get into the ring with me face to face. No jumping from behind next time. Titus? I still owe that worthless pile of horse crap for his treachery a couple years ago. That’s right Titus, I haven’t forgotten. Ricky? I’ve got nothing more to say to you. I’m running out of ideas on ways to beat you. You bore me. Then there’s Bratchney? Quite simply I showed him what it takes to be champion and sadly he ain’t got it. I thought he might but then he went soft. Sad really. There was a lot of talent and potential there. None of them will be scaling the Championship Mountain. Not while I’m there to throw Rock Slides their way.

BECKY: Well what about Myles’ mystery guest?

EVEREST: Look Becky, don’t you get it. Do I have to draw you a picture? The guy could bring in the buffet squashing Manzo back to WZCW and it wouldn’t matter. I AM going to walk out of that elimination match the same way I’m going In……..AS CHAMPION.

But that’s not the priority just yet. Meltdown, Full House Champions vs. Second Coming and Steamboat Ricky.

*With that we can hear the Full House Dave’s in the background*

ACE: Dude, I think he just mentioned us in his interview

DAVE: Yeah and he called us the Full House Champions! Sweet.

*With that Everest turns around*

EVEREST: What the hell? Don’t you two have anything better to do. Why don’t you go design another shirt or something? I hear they keep the crayons and the construction paper down the hall.

*With that we hear footsteps taking off as Everest turns his attention back to the camera as he shakes his head in disbelief.*

EVEREST: Alright Becky I’ve given you enough of greatness for today, have a great night and don’t forget to be watching when I beat Steamboat Ricky yet again. I’ll be the one with the WORLD TITLE hoisted over my head, as my adoring public cheers the very mention of my name.

*With that Everest turns and walks away still shaking his head in disbelief as the camera fades out we can still hear the champion talking to himself*

EVEREST: Lord what have I gotten into this time, at least they can wrestle, at least they can wrestle.

*With that the camera fades to black*
*Steamboat Ricky is shown frantically packing things up while on his ship, as it appears that he is moving to a new location.*

Yarrrrr!!!! I be hating relocating (yarrr that rhymed)! Tis one of the more foul things to ever come upon me! I be likin to find a nice spot and droppin anchor!

*Ricky moves around...packs some more things...then decides that he is REALLY bored.*

Yarrrr...I need to be putting in some Carl Winslow...he be making this more entertaining!

*Ricky fishes out his Family Matters DVD and pops it in his DVD player.


Yarrr!!! "It be rarrrrrrrre conditions...this read any...yarrrrr, wait...pirates don't read. Ah crap!

*Suddenly, a blue-glowing undead figure enters the room carrying a different DVD. It's El Guerrero.* are watching the WRONG Friday night sitcom, homes! I got just what you need to get the edge in your match at Meltdown!


Yeah, homes. Here, watch this:


Yarrrrr!!!! Why you be taking it off Carl Winslow for this! Carrrrrrl Winslow > John Stamos!

You don't get it, homes! You have a tag match against Everest and Full House Daves! Watching Full House while you pack will help you to totally get the edge on the Daves!

Yarrr...but what about Everest?

You've faced him and beat him, homes. And you'd be a 2-time WZCW Champ if it wasn't for that Lars character!

LARRRRRRRRRRRS! But who shall be on me crew?

Some fellas called "Second Coming" know them, essa?

Yarrrr! I know them from their first time around!


Yarrr! Ok, I be trying out this Full House deal while I finish me packing...but marrrrrrrk me words...Carl Winslow will not be forgotten!

*El Guerrero leaves as Ricky finishes packing.*

Sorry for the lateness, guys. I got the delay OKed...but I'm under a HUGE life transition at the moment and do not have solid internet. So, my availability will be weird for a week or so. I hope it was still an entertaining piece.
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