Meltdown 26 - Ty Burna vs Carmen Bratchny (Non Title)

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

At Civil Revolution, Ty Burna defeated a weakened Drake Callahan to win the Eurasian Championship Tournament and become the new title holder. Carmen Bratchny, meanwhile, lost his bid for the world championship. He looks to return to winning ways while Ty looks to make a big statement in the federation this week.

RP deadline is August 3rd 11:59 EST.
*The scene opens and its only moments after the winning bell has been struck at WZCW Civil revolution the crowd are blowing the roof of the Arena with cheers as “Paint it black” by the rolling stones blasts from the sound system. The referee turns on his feet with the WZCW World Championship in his arms after signalling the end of the match and pulls Carmen Bratchny to his feet.

The Referee then passes Carmen the world championship belt as the crowd pop once more, Carmen stares at the crowd, the signs and the absolute hysteria that surrounds him and does not know how to react…. Carmen then climbs up the corner buckle and hoists the title in to the air as the crowd roars and Camera’s flash like stars in the midnight sky.

Carmen then climbs a second turnbuckle to the same reaction before climbing out of the ring and through the fans to the backstage area.

Carmen then finds the dressing room and his thoughts are quickly interrupted by the sound of his phone ringing. Carmen Answers it…*

Carmen: He-Hello?..... Swindle?... You saw match? You are awake? How?... yes, I come see you straight away

*Carmen climbs to his feet but suddenly his phone rings again, Carmen answers it but the phone keeps ringing, the ringing gets louder and louder as the scene fades*

*Scene Fades*


*Scene Re-opens*

*The scene re-opens and Carmen is lying in the medical room half asleep, his slumber is disturbed by his phone ringing, Carmen sits up and mutters to himself “ugh…Dream” as he fins his phone*

Carmen: He-Hello?.... What? I be there now

*Carmen climbs to his feet as the company’s medical trainers try in vain to stop him from leaving the medical room; Carmen heads towards the exit with one thing on his mind… he must get to the hospital

Carmen goes out to the car lot and searches himself for his keys but does not find them, he then searches a small bag he has with him but fails to find them in there too*

Carmen: EUGH!!! DAMN IT!!

*Stress begins to cover Carmen’s face when he notices a Family about to leave the arena for the evening, he runs over to them and begins talking to the father of the family*

Carmen: Excuse me… I need to go to hospital

Father: You’re Carmen Bratchny!?!

Carmen: Yes…Can you take me to the hospital

Father: Err… yeah I suppose jump in

Teenage son: Awesome

*Everybody climbs in to the car as it pulls out of the parking lot and toward the medical facility*

*Scene Fades*

*Scene Re-opens*

*The scene re-opens in a hospital Corridor, suddenly the tranquillity of the scene is smashed as a door bursts open and Carmen Bratchny is seen sprinting down it, the camera follows Carmen as he continues to sprint down different corridors with one thing on his mind… to get to Swindle. Carmen soon finds himself on the private ICU ward, he then finds swindles room and goes in, Carmen goes over to the bed and finds it empty.

Before a thought can cross his mind he is disturbed, Carmen turns around to see a visibly shaken Karen McKenzie in the doorway*

Karen: Th… Th… They have taken him in to surgery

*Carmen waits for a moment and thinks before speaking, making sure nothing gets lost in translation*

Is he getting better?

*Karen shakes her head and runs toward Carmen, she then gives him a huge hug, desperately trying to find comfort in the former prison inmates arms she breaks down*

Karen: They say he had a brain hemorrhage …. They say he has less then 50-50 in theatre

*Carmen Gasps as realisation hits that Swindle may not make it out of surgery alive, Carmen holds Karen tightly but their grief filled embrace is disturbed by the Doctor*

Doctor: Mrs McKenzie… can I have a word?

Karen: Is it Swindle? Is he ok?

Doctor: Please… in private

*The doctor takes Karen in to a side room, Carmen waits outside for any news, the scene switches to inside the private room*

Doctor: Mrs. McKenzie, Tonight at 10:37pm your husband, Swindle McKenzie Died on our operating table after hemorrhaging from the brain. We tried everything we could but we could not save him. I’m sorry

*Karen stands and stares at the doctor for a moment not saying a word, she then looks at the floor… and then back at the doctor*

Karen: You’re not joking are you…. He’s dead

Doctor: I’m afraid so

*Karen turns and leaves the room without making a sound, she then walks over to Carmen*

Karen: He’s Dead

*Carmen does not say a word but his biceps go around Karen’s shoulders like a security blanket as he hugs her tightly, both of them begin to cry as the tragic news sets in*

*Scene Fades*
Static can be heard over the camera feed as a somber youthful female voice begins speaking as the static fades out.

The conquest has begun, and our messenger has now become a champion. Not a champion of the people, but a champion..of the darkness he surrounds himself in. The first step is complete, and our champion will soon start the beginning of the end....

The camera soon fades into a rather large hall in what seems to appear a run down mansion. Ty Burna stands at the end of the hall, behind a rather large dark oak altar. The Eurasian title is propped up, glowing from the light that emits from the corners of the room, and the candles lit sitting upon the altar. The Ouija Scroll also is propped up, blood dripping down off the scroll onto the altar. Ty has his hood pulled up over his face, his arms extended out, palms up.

I have accomplished the first goal for my master. I am now the Eurasian Champion. Praise the dark lord for this glorious event. Callahan was no match for what the dark power has provided me. Now it is time to begin the initiation of those too weak to stand up for themselves, those that are looking for direction, and for those that the Ouija has chosen personally.

He reaches forward and slowly lifts up the Eurasian Championship above his head and pulls the hood back off his head. His eyes burn red, and a sick twisted grin spreads across his face.

Now is the time to begin my reign of punishment, and at Meltdown, it will all begin with Carmen Bratchny. A man who despite the need to win, failed miserably at the task he was given. It is a shame that he could nothing to save his manager, but I am not here to offer my condolences. No, I am here to make it perfectly clear that Bratchny will not walk out of Meltdown under his own power. Bratchny, I know you feel pain right now, everything has not gone your way, but I am here to offer you a release from that pain, and to gain a new beginning, of course under my leadership. I can lead you to heights that Swindle could never come close to accomplishing.

He lowers his Eurasian title and looks over at the Ouija, his grin disappearing and a look anger crosses his face.

What is it master? You want me to destroy Bratchny, not save him? Fine, if that is your wish, then so be it. Bratchny, I will make you suffer far more than the loss of your mentor, I will show you the error of your ways, that mere strength and physicality is not enough. Your mentality is not in right place for battle Bratchny, and I assure you that will be your downfall. Perhaps you can run away from your troubles, and not even bother showing up for Meltdown, I will not blame you. If that is what you decide, then I will decide your fate at a later date.

He grins and walks out from behind the altar, walking down the stairs from the altar, jumping on top of the large table in the hall. He lowers his head and raises his arms up.

My dominance will only continue to grow at Meltdown, whether Bratchny bothers to show up or not, I will show why I am the beginning of a revolution of despair. I will make Meltdown my personal playground as the exclusive champion of the brand. After the destruction of Bratchny, and all those that believe they can defeat me on Meldown, I will reign supreme, and with those that , and eventually, everyone will follow the message my master has spoken to me.

A low frequency laugh emits from him as he raises his head once more, staring dead into the camera. He raises his arm out to the camera as he begins speaking his deeper voice.

My time has arrived, and I will not let someone as weak as you Bratchny derail me from my plans of total dominance. The winds of change have blown through the entire WZCW, and they know that I am the future. It all begins at Meltdown Bratchny, as I destroy the old guard, and take my proper place, as the most destructive force WZCW has to offer. This is not pointed to just you Bratchny, but to all warriors here, you have been put on notice, none of you are safe from the darkness of the Ouija. Either you will be destroyed, or you will chosen as one of the elite few to join me in my glorious following.

He laughs once more, throwing his head back as he continues laughing. Lifting his head back up his eyes look glazed over. He begins speaking softly.

The revolution is coming Bratchny, and you are the first to feel it's power. I will make you feel pain, a pain so intense that your thoughts on Swindle will disappear. Consider it a gift before I put your lights out, I will give you a chance to get your mind off Swindle, as you consider your own failures and your eventual career and life fading to the darkness. If you wish at that time Bratchny, perhaps I will consider you for my great following. Until Meltdown Bratchny, prepare yourself and get your mind in the proper state for battle, because I will shatter whatever psyche you have left.

The camera slowly fades to black with Ty Burna chanting in the background

Ouija are you with me, dear Master Ouija, I want to know my future, will I cause a murder, a bloody murder.
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