MD33 - Doug Crashin vs Ty Burna

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Doug Crashin is looking to make an impact on his first outing in WZCW, unfortunately he didn't expect to be facing Ty Burna! Ty will no doubt look to overcome the loss against Carmen Bratchny, but will Doug Crashin be an easy target or will he provide Ty with another loss this week?

Deadline is Monday 14th December 23:59 EST
We find ourselves hovering over Doug’s two-story Victorian mansion. The camera continues to pan over the horizon of the area which is 25 acres surrounded by woods. Doug values his privacy so we can barely see over the trees. The camera finally sees an opening as we are plummeted down to Doug’s backyard. As the camera pans to the left we see a Lazy River attached to an Olympic sized swimming pool & Jacuzzi that can fit 12 adult sized people. The camera pans over to the right we can see a 16*16 ring set up and mats as well as martial arts equipment. We finally see Doug in his ring attire with his personal assistant/bodyguard Jason. We can also see a table with two chairs and a laptop.

Voice from the laptop: YOU HAVE MAIL! YAY! YOU HAVE MAIL!

Doug: Fuck I was really starting to have fun too! Jason if you don’t mind please answerer that!

Jason: sure thing Mr. Crashin.

Jason then walks over to the laptop and opens up the mail. Jason’s eyes open really wide.

Jason: Sir you may want to see this!

Doug: what is it now? More lawyer nonsense? I swear these people are such bottom feeders

Doug then walks over to Jason as the camera follows him.

Doug: what in the hell is that Jay?

Jason: it seems to be an email in response to the feeders I sent.

Doug: feeders…feeders……. JASON YOU IDIOT I TOLD YOU I WAS RETIRED!

Jason: of course Mr. Crashin I knew that but with the world’s economy in the shitter we lost half a billion dollars this past fiscal year!

Doug ponders for a moment and then sighs

Doug: you’re right. And that’s why I hired you my friend. Now which promotion responded?

Jason: Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling. Shall I read the letter to you?

Doug: yes please

Jason: Dear Mr. Crashin….we have received your videos and would like to offer you a contract with us. Your tryout match is on Meltdown against one of our high-midcarders Ty Burma. Enclosed please find your contract that MUST be notated and signed no later than 24 hrs of receiving this email. Also enclosed is the biography page of Ty for your records so you can read about him.

Doug: very nice. I’m sure they have the money that I’m asking?

Jason: for a well known guy like you I’m sure they do. I’ll get right on the contract while you look at this guys bio.

Jason then goes inside to read the contract while Doug looks at Ty’s bio.

Doug: height is 6’3. Yadda yadda…… Ring attire blah blah blah. Ahh here we are. The guys gimmick! Time to pick it apar…. Wait a second look at this. This guy is nuts! A frickin Ouija scroll?!?!?! This guy takes the cake in weirdness… not counting my friend who thinks he leads the devil’s army now THAT is weird! But wait this is even more interesting. If I take this idiots scroll I can actually use that to my advantage? *scoffs* well now thank you very much my idiot friend. You have just made my debut very interesting! I’ve faced a lot of gimmicks before but this one takes the cake!

Doug notices the camera and shakes his head.

Doug: why in gods name do I let these people in my home? *Shakes head* anyway! Let me tell you something Tyler. Before you go around trying to convince me that your intimidating think again! I’ve faced guys who can literally take your head off with one punch! I’ve been in a fist of glass match. I’ve been in a glass graves match with an old rival of mine and I STILL came out unscathed! For the idiots in this fed who don’t know what a Glass Graves match is exactly what it implies. You gotta put your opponent through the glass into the grave. I lost the match but only received a few stitches due to my martial arts training. I am a submissions master as well as a martial arts expert so pal you think you can take me on? Heh don’t make me laugh! Son you may want to rethink your strategy coming into this match with me because I have 10 years of wrestling experience and I’m a master of the ring. Come Meltdown when all is said and done you will understand why everybody fears and respects The Incredible One. AND THAT IS A FACT!

The scene fades to black
The camera feed fades into a shot outside a jail cell. The lights are dimmed by a slightly swinging light. The light swings to the right and reveals Ty sitting behind the bars, his arms wrapped around his frame and his head lowered to his chest. He begins laughing frenetically and rocks back and forth on the old wooden chair he sits on.

How do I describe the pain inside my soul? It just rains and rains, filling the dark pools of hatred and anger that fills inside me. While my human side was able to sneak through last week, it has been properly dealt with. My focus is now fixated properly on my goals and am now prepared to properly dispose of you weaklings. I am fully willing to dole out violence never yet before seen in WZCW. I have put people through tables, nearly decapitated Rush, and have haunted Showtime to the brink of joining the ranks of the insane. And yet, I do not have the respect that I deserve. That will end, starting at Meltdown.

He raises his head and leans forward, resting his arms on the jail cell bars. He stares into the camera and smiles sadistically. The light above continues swinging back and forth. Ty's face disappears into the shadows once more.

And yet at Meltdown, they roll out another cocky arrogant fool who cherishes his precious worldly possessions. I have dealt with such idiots in the past, and yet again Myles force feeds another pathetic opponent in my wake. This, Doug Crashin, yet another one of "God's gifts to wrestling". Why is that the holy spirits are the ones that send all these supposed wrestling greats that fail? Yet the dark souls of the Ouija have sent only one? Because I will do what I promise to do. I will not allow your stay in WZCW to last very long Doug Crashin. No, rather I will feast upon your weak and pathetic soul.

Ty suddenly jumps to his feet and presses his face to the bars, his hair falling over one half of his face. He grips the cell bars so hard blood begins dripping down them. His face contorts to one of anger as his eyes narrow.

You sit in your flashy mansion amongst your worldy possessions and feel as if they complete your life. While you believe you are above everyone, the streets and the darkness that are in my blood will have you against a brick wall. I will take away all that you believe in and shatter the mirages that surround your pathetic existence. And when you rot away in the psych ward I escaped from years ago, you will see my blood soak writings on the wall, torturing your mental to the point you will never awaken from your nightmare.

Ty lowers his head and presses his whole body against the cell bars. He laughs once more before speaking again, his voice deepened.

I have the blood of thousands of sins upon my hands and my soul. I am destined to either be Exalted in darkness, or languished in eternal torment. What makes any of you think one bit of mercy upon your wretched souls will saved my damned one? God wouldn't accept me so I asked the devilish ones to help me in this mission of tarnished salvation. As for you Mr. Crashin, you will be nothing more than another victim left on the wayside of my blood soaked path. Your broken carcass will be a feast for the vultures, and your spirit the nourishment the Ouija craves. I am not here to simply pick up victories. I am here to panic those that crave order and the chance to bask in light. I will blacken the sun and overflow the rivers red with the life force of the weak. Your worst nightmares will become my world of lavishness. Your pain is my luxury, and your destruction my ultimate high.

Ty lifts his head once more and stares into the camera. His eyes begin glowing red and his mouth forms a snarl. He lifts his blood covered hands and holds them up, the blood dripping down to the ground.

None of you understand the fallacies this world appears to offer. The fallacy of light, the fallacy of wealth, the fallacy of hope, and the fallacy of happiness. There is nothing but suffering and decay, and I am the messenger of these truths. I am the foreboding catalyst of ruin and despair. So sit upon your golden chairs, keep your diamonds and your precious metals. Because that is all they are, elements pressed together to give them the false shine of value. When judgment comes upon you all, you will cling and kiss my feet, asking for forgiveness and mercy. There will be none, I assure you.

Ty steps back from the cell bars and into the shadows. The wooden chair suddenly flies towards the camera and shatters against the cell bars as Ty can be heard laughing manically as the camera fades to black. Quickened chanting begins over the blackened screen.

Murda, mo murda, mo murda
mo murdered 'em all, kill 'em all
I don't want a little bit of flame to ashes
You know I'm really truly insane to madness

The chanting ends as the chaos symbol flashes across the screen and the feed ends.
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