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Meltdown 21

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!

WZCW: Meltdown 21 takes place in The American Airlines Center arena, Dallas Texas. The show is a full sell out.

TM & Cougar v Big Dave & Ace David

Bloodmeat by Protest The Herohits the PA system as TM walks out with David Cougar.

The LeavingSong Pt2 by AFI hits the PA system as Ace David comes out grinning and waits ass Big Dave comes out to ‘Perfect Insanity’ by Disturbed hits the PA system. After thedrum intro, Dave comes out in his hoodie and sunglasses, walking down with authority.

TM and Big Dave start the match as they lock up in the center of the ring. Big Dave uses his size advantage and throws TM across the ring. TM goes to get up but Big Dave is right on top of him and hits him with a huge DDT. He picks him up and hits a standing dropkick sending TM back down to the mat. Big Dave picks him up one more time but TM traps his arms and hits him with vicious headbutts. TM Irish Whips Big Dave into the corner, when he walks out from the corner he Irish whips him into the opposite corner and then hits him with a drop kick of his own. TM drags Big Dave by his hair and tags in Showtime.

Showtime gets in to the ring and grabs Big Dave and sets him up for a reverse DDT. Big Dave gets out of it and hits Showtime with a Big Boot. Both men fall to the ring as they both try to tag in their partners. Big Dave gets to Ace David who in turn runs across the ring and keeps Showtime from tagging in TM. Ace David picks up Showtime and hits him with a spinning back fist sending him to the mat again.

Shwotime slowly gets to his feet as Ace David circles him waiting for him to get up. When Shjowtime finally gets up Ace David hits him with an Enzuigiri. Ace David Then climbs the top rope and hits the Rock Out (Corkscrew Moonsault) and goes for the pin. 1...2...3. Your winners Ace David & Big Dave!
Baker v USA

Hail Mary by 2Pac hits the PA system as black & white lights flicker while he walks to the ring. Once he is in the ring he does some hip-hop dancing as he waits for his opponent. USA makes his way out to quite a decent reaction, you can tell he's getting more over as the weeks go on.

After USA is done Baker stares at him for a bit before the start to circle each other, each looking for an opening. They tie up in the center of the ring but USA is able to throw baker off of him using his size and weight advantage to throw him across the ring and into the corner. he goes over to the corner and stomps a mudhole in James Baker. When hie is done he picks Baker up and hits an Impaler DDT. USA goes for a quick pin 1...2 kickout by Baker.

USA gets up and puts Baker in position for an Inverted Twist of Fate but Baker gets out of hit and hits a big boot sending USA down to the mat. Baker then locks in the South Central (Camel Clutch) in a bid to get USA to tap out. After about 2 minutes without him tapping out Baker lets go.

Then Baker lands a few punches befor climbing to the top rope and hitting USA with the All Eyez On Me (Shooting Star Press) and going for the pin. 1...2...3. Here is your winner James Baker!
Kyle Christiansen v Chief Anoki.

The soft beat of war drums is heard as Chief Anoki strides confidently through the curtain. Chanting is heard over the escalating drum beat.
Reaching the ring, Anoki ascents the steps, and climbs onto the middle ]turnbuckle
As the drum beat reaches its crescendo, Aniko spreads his arms wide like a bird in flight, then leapfrogs the top rope into the ring.

Put On by Young Jeezy is heard over the PA system. After the words Put On hit he walks out slowly while looking down. He slowly looks up and looks around the arena. He shakes his head and walks down the ramp. When he gets in ring he does a standing backflip to show he is better than everyone followed by one handed pushups.They lock up in the middle of the ring and Christiansen uses his weight advantage to throw Anoki across the ring. As Anoki gets up he gets hit with a Running Knee bash from Christiansen. Then Christiansen picksAnoki up and hits a standing vertical suplex. Christiansen then goes for a standing arm bar but Anoki gets out of it by doing a One Handed Cartwheel.

Anoki then hits Christiansen with Rapid Slaps to Neck and Chest backing him into a corner. Anoki then hits a Tiger Kick/Rising Eagle combo sending Christiansen down to the mat. Anoki waits while Christiansen slowly gets to his knees and hits the Swallow Kick (Japanese Buzz-saw Kick) and goes for the pin. 1...2...3 here is your winner Chief Anoki!
Ricky v. Downward Spiral

*"Over the Seas" - Alestorm hits and Ricky comes out to a loud ovation in anticipation for his match with Downward Spiral. Ricky high fives kids, giving babies toy steamboats, and non-alcoholic grog to all.*

Vance Bateman: Woah woah woah. Hold on a second. Before this goes any further, I must announce that a change in the card has been made. Seeing as Will has been arrested and cannot compete tonight, Celeste Crimson is without a match. Therefore, this match has been changed to a handicap match...Downward Spiral and Celeste Crimson v. Steamboat Ricky. Good luck!

*The crowd boos as Celeste and DS head down the ramp slowly giving evil glances to the crowd. The rush into the ring and the match gets under way.*

Ricky meets the two of them as they enter with a barrage of right hands and clotheslines Celeste outside of the ring...then Ricky turns around and hits the Blunderbuss on DS! Ricky then turns around to a re-entered Celeste and gets NAILED in the head with a lead pipe.

*ding ding ding*

Ricky is out on his feet, and Celeste hits him with a Spirit Crusher to knock him down. DS struggles to his feet and watches. Celeste then goes to apply the Meltdown, but as she does, down comes Everest to the ring and nails Celeste with a steel chair! Everest then hits the Rock Slide on Downward Spiral, laying him out. Celeste struggles to her feet where she is met by a recovered Steamboat Ricky, and a thunderous Blunderbuss! Both Celeste and DS are able to roll out of the ring and struggle up the ramp. Meanwhile, Ricky and Everest are still in the ring, and a stare down ensues. Both glare into each other's eyes as if they know that Sunday will be one epic clash.
Red Mask Vs Garth Black
The Red Mask theme hits the PA system as Red Mask comes out to the stage. He points to the crowd to his left to cheers. Turns to the right to cheers, not as loud as previous weeks, but still cheers. He walks down the ramp and does a lap round the ring giving high fives to the fans. He walks up the steps and climbs the turn-buckle to give a thumbs up.

Archives of Pain by Manic Street Preachers hits the PA system as Garth Black and Phoenix slowly walk to the ring. Phoenix stays at ring side as Black steps into the ring and takes off his poncho and stares at Red Mask.

Black and Red Mask go to lock up in the center of the ring but black kicks red Mask in the gut dropping him with a DDT to start the match. Instead of going for a cover Black picks him up and hits a spinning heel kick sending Red Mask back ot the mat before going to the top rope. When Red Mask finally gets ot his feet Black goes for a missile dropkick but Red mask moves away at the last second causing Black to crash to the mat, tweaking his left ankle.

Red Mask gets to his feet and picks up Black and hits him with 3 European Uppercuts one right after the other. While Black is still reeling Red Mask hits him with a Northern Lights Suplex. Red Mask then goes behind him and puts his left ankle in an Ankle Lock. Black is screaming and writhing in pain as Phoenix is on the outside begging him to get to the ropes. Black tries and tries but he can't make it and he has no choice but to tap out. Here is your winner by Submission Red Mask!

Milenko v Bratchny
Woke up this Morning by Alabama 3 hits the PA system and Milenko walks on to the stage with a cocky look on his face and his Mayhem Championship around his waist. He struts to the ring as the fans boo him as loud as they can. When he gets to the ring he throws his arms out to his sides (ala Orton) and he gets a cocky smile as he waits for his opponent.

"Paint it Black" by The Rolling Stones hits the PA system as Carmen walks out with his Elite-X Championship over his shoulder and Swindle McKenzie by his side. They slowly walk down the isle with Swindle mouthing off at fans, Carmen then steps on the the apron and steps into the ring through the ropes.

Milenko and Bratchny lock up in the center of the ring. Bratchny gets the upper hand and throws Milenko across the ring and into the corner. Bratchny goes after him and climbs onto the second rope and starts punching him, After 10 punches Bratchny gets off. Milenko stumbles out of the corner and Bratchny hits a Big Boot sending Milenko down to the mat hard. Then Bratchny goes to the top rope and jumps off looking to hit a Flying Headbutt, at the last second Milenko moves out of the way causing Bratchny to hit his head on the mat.

Milenko gets off the mat and waits for Bratchny to get up. When he does Milenko bounces off the rope and hits Bratchny with a Bicycle Kick. Not even waiting for him to get up Milenko picks him up and puts him on the top rope. Milenko climbs up after him and hits him with The Tempest and going for the pin. 1...2...3 here is your winner Milenko!
Veng v Stokes v Callahan
O Fortuna by Orff hits the PA System and Vengeance does a slow paced, ominous walk down to the ring, wearing hooded cloak, arms linked in front (similar to a monk). Enters the ring by sliding under the bottom rope. Stands facing turnbuckle and pulls back the hood, raising his head toward the sky, as though looking for divine inspiration. Removes his cloak and drapes it over a ringpost.

The sound of thunder echoes through the arena. The music "Down Under" hits and the lights flicker like lightning. Daniel "The Thunder" Stokes appears and raises his arms in the arm. He starts walking down the entrance 5-Fiving a few people, as well as pulling his arm away from a few. He enters the ring and gets on the turnbuckle and raises his arms.

Be Free by Papa Roach is heard as Drake comes out to the ring with a huge grin and a beer bottle in hand, as he staggers to the ring, slapping the hands of fans on the road. In the ring, he lifts the beer to the crowd in a toast, and chugs it down before beginning the match.

All three men stand in different corners and stare at each other for a little bit. All of a sudden Vengeance and Stokes go after Callahan backing him into the corner and punching him repeatedly. Callahan tried to get out of the corner but instead Stokes throws him out of the ring and turns to Vengeance. They lock up and Stokes gets the upper hand hitting Vengeance with hard Knife Edge Chops before hitting a Scoop Slam. With Vengeance still on the mat Stokes goes to the top rope and looks to hit a kangaroo Kick but Vengeance moves out of the way. Vengeance then picks stokes up and throws him to the outside, leaving him standing alone in the ring.

Vengeance is staring at Stokes on the outside so he doesn't see Callahan coming up behind him until it's to late as he spins him around and hits a snap DDT. With Vengeance still on the ground Callahan looks to lock in an armbar. Vengeance fights him off and gets to his feet and he hits European Uppercuts. While Callahan is still reeling Vengeance picks him up and hit the Judge, Jury and Executioner on Callahan. Before he can get the pin Stokes comes in and throws Vengeance to the outside and goes for the pin himself. 1...2...3, here is your winner Daniel "The Thunder" Stokes!
Everest Vs Manzo
Sumo hits the PA system as Manzo and Magnus Maximillion walk down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the fans.

Supernova goes Pop by Powerman 5000 hits the PA system as Everest walks down the ramp with the WZCW World Championship around his waist. Orange laser lights shoot back and forth across the blank big screen that then flashes the words “Are you Ready to Go” The lights go out for a second and when they kick back on Everest stands in the middle of the ramp soaking up the cheers. He makes his way to the ring rather hastily but always stops along the way to eye up a pretty lady at ringside or to say hello to some fans.

As soon as the bell ring Manzo lunges at Everst but he moves out of the way. Everst runs at Manzo but gets caught in a huge Belly to Belly Suplex. Manzo drags him to the corner and climbs to the second rope and cruses Everest's chest with a Second Rope Seated Senton. Lookingto finish it Manzo climbs to the top rope and goes for a Big Splash but Everst movesa out of the way at the last second.

Everst slowly gets to his feet and waits for Manzo to get to his feet, When he does Everest hits him with an Enziguiri. Everst then slowly pulls Manzo to his feet and hits a Fallaway Reverse DDT. With Manzo down on the mat Everst goes to the top rope and connects with a Flying Headbutt. Groggy, they both get toh their feet. Manzo turns to face Everst and gets hit with The Rock Slide. Everest falls on top of him and the ref counts the pin. 1...2...3, here is your winner WZCW World Champion Everest!
Apologies for the delay guys...also a very well done to Milenko who wrote most of the show, Ricky wrote the other match.

This was one hard card to call, the RPs were fantastic. If you're not in the PPV I recommend you make an RP thread in the RP boards, that gives you two weeks worth of character development there.
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