Meltdown 156: Callie Clark vs Kagura - Gold Rush Tournament

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Deadline is Wednesday, November, 21st, 11:59PM PST

It's ladies night on Meltdown as Callie and Kagura will square off for a spot in the Gold Rush final. Callie rebounded from her R-Awakening loss with a dominant victory in the opening round, while Kagura took the first step toward regaining the World Title with an impressive victory of her own. History will be repeated as the winner will join Eve Taylor as the second female to fight for the Gold Rush crown, though these gals will hope for better fortune as Eve eventually lost to John Constantine.

Four Days After Meltdown 155: The Hilton Hotel In New York City

I had done it, I finally put the whole Gabi drama behind me, and look what happened? I dominated Keith Kole, and was onto round 2 of the Gold Rush Tournament! I was two matches away from a World Title opportunity, and now I knew who the next person standing in my way was going to be, Kagura, aka the worst tag team partner ever. But I knew she wasn't going to be easy to beat, after all she was a former World Champ herself, a level I had yet to reach. But I was confident, after all why wouldn't I be when I've seen first hand exactly what to expect from her? But for now, Kagura was the farthest thing from my mind, I had gotten a message on twitter the day after my match with Kole from Chris Hardwick. He was in New York and wanted to interview me for his podcast. The guy who's interviewed some of the biggest names in Hollywood for his podcast wanted to talk to me! I knew he was a big wrestling fan, but I never knew he had such good taste in his wrestlers! If this wasn't a sign that I was an even bigger name than I already knew I was, I don't know what is.

Luckily for him I was still in New York, so I made the trip over to his hotel and met him in the lobby, before heading up to his suite to do the interview. This man must have expensive taste like me, I respect it. Since this was a big time interview I knew I'd have to at least play a little nice, after all playing nice for the chance to expand my empire even further and gain thousands more followers would be well worth it. After getting set up, we began.

Hey there and welcome back to the ID10T podcast, episode number 969 and today I'm here in New York today with WZCW wrestler and professional cosplayer, Callie Clark. Callie how are you doing today?

I'm good Chris, and you?

Good. So Callie, for the people who don't know you, why don't you tell us a little something about yourself?

Oh good my favorite subject, me.

Well as you said I'm a professional wrestler in WZCW and a professional cosplayer, which I've been doing for about 10 years now and professionally for 5 of those. As for wrestling, I'm a record setting 3 time WZCW Elite Openweight Champion. As for me personally, I'm 24 years old, I've lived in New York City my entire life, and I've liked wrestling my whole life, so you know the fact I get to do it for a living is pretty cool.

I chuckled a little, as Chris nodded his head before speaking up.

Well that's pretty cool, so what got you into wrestling to begin with? What made you a fan?

Ah that's a good question, you know honestly I think it was something as simple as my friends were into it, and I started watching with them. I knew I was hooked from the first time I watched it.

I totally get that, I was the same way. As a kid I saw all these over the top characters and the action and it was just so entertaining for me as a kid you know? I grew up watching it with my family and I just never lost interest like some did.

Well hey the ones who lost interest and stopped watching wrestling are just losers right?

I laughed and so did he, it's a good thing he finds me funny, because this was going to be a loooong day if not.

Ohh I like that! So you mentioned cosplaying, tell me how that works, like what exactly is a professional cosplayer?

I didn't think I'd have to explain that to him, you'd think he'd know that. But then again maybe he's thinking about the idiots listening who won't know. Let's go with that, I'd like to think he's not that ignorant.

I'll break it down as simple as possible, I get paid to wear my costumes at comic cons and sign autographs. Because of how good my costumes are, companies pay me to represent them and promote their product at their booths.

I smiled a bit of a smug smile, I've gotten the sense before people are jealous that I get paid doing something I love, and that I get paid to basically dress up and travel around the country, and even the world. But I guess that just sucks for them that they don't have as good a life as me.

I see, that sounds like it could be pretty interesting.

Oh yeah it totes can, and it can be pretty fun getting to travel to different places too. Of course I get that now with WZCW too.

That's true, so what do you like better? Being a professional wrestler, or being a professional cosplayer?

Easy, wrestler. I get to wrestle in my costumes, and I get to beat people up. I don't get to beat people up at comic cons.

We both started laughing again, the interview was going well so far, not that I was worried to begin with. Everybody loves me, at least everybody who's smart.

So I see you've cosplayed as a lot of superheroes and supervillians since you started wrestling. Who are some of your favorite characters?

Oh man there's a lot.

I laughed a little, and thought for a couple moments about the question.

Just to name a few, I'd say Thor, Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Captain America, Scarlett Witch, and Spiderman.

A nice mix of Marvel and DC there, which do you prefer?

If I had to pick one, probably Marvel. At least for movies, DC has better shows.

Gotta avoid picking one side huh?

Obvi, I gotta keep my options open in case they need someone to play a new badass superhero right?

I winked and smirked as Chris laughed again, before changing the topic of discussion.

I got you, gotta keep those options open, smart. So let's get back to wrestling, currently you're part of the Gold Rush Tournament where the winner gets a shot at the World Title, that's pretty huge. How do you like your odds of winning the tournament?

Well of course I'm gonna win the tournament, what kind of silly question is that Chris?

I shook my head.

The first round was a breeze, I destroyed Keith Kole so badly that he ran off to be a lackey for the person keeping that World Title warm for me. This round I face Kagura, and sure she's had more success than me, but I know her, I know exactly what to expect with her, and I'll use her weaknesses against her. This tournament is my destiny Chris, and one way or another I will win all my matches in it and get to that World Title.

Well what makes you so confident? I mean she's a former World Champion that's pretty impressive.

Yeah, but look how quick she lost it. She had to take advantage of a down and out Constantine to even win it in the first place, and then as soon as she had to defend it in a fair fight look what happened, she lost. I mean I give her props for being smart enough to cash in when the champ was down, I'd do the same thing, but unlike her I wouldn't lose my title the very next show.

I shook my head with arrogance and continued to talk.

As for why I'm so confident, I think my skill speaks for itself. I'm the fastest rising superstar in WZCW and I dominated the Elite division so much that they needed to send a hall of famer to beat me, and even then it took him being about five times my weight, over a foot taller than me, and he needed the help of a steel cage because he couldn't even pin me! I'm not over looking her, I know she's an excellent striker, and I respect the fact she's not afraid to cheat to win, unlike most of the losers on this roster with their precious "honor".

I rolled my eyes.

But her time has come and gone. It's time for a new face to rise to the top, nobody wants Kagura back on top, fighting for the World Title again, and the people might not want me either, at least not most of them, but the fact is they NEED me. They need Callie Clark weather they wanna admit it or not.

I stopped my mini rant, I have a bad habit of going on those don't I? I looked over at Chris, who looked slightly confused and very unsure of what to say. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I do have a habit of leaving men speechless. After about thirty seconds or so of silence, finally he spoke up.

Well...I guess I'll have to take your word for that. That's certainly an interesting way of looking at things though.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Chris regained his composure as he looked down at a piece of paper in front of him, notes of things to ask me about if I had to guess. He then nodded his head at my comment as he spoke again.

So let's say you do beat Kagura, that'd be one of the bigger wins on your already impressive resume. Who would you rather face in the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament? Vega or Xander?

I thought for a second, I hadn't really considered which one would be easier to beat, as obvi I'd rather face that one. For once there was a question I didn't have a true answer to.

I can't say I really have a preference. Neither would be exactly easy to beat, and both are as hungry as I am to reach that next level, so all I can say is if I win, whoever wins from that match better bring their best to the finals, because they'll need it. They might be rising to the top, but nobody is rising to the top before me. I'm not worried about the finals just yet though, if I wanna beat Kagura I need to be focused on her and only her. And I can't get to the finals if I don't win the semi finals.

That's a very good point. Well I think we're starting to run low on time here, so is there anything else you wanna mention while we have you here?

Actually there is, as everybody knows Stan Lee sadly passed away recently and in tribute to him, I'll be cosplaying as Thor this week for my match. Thor was always one of my favorite characters and I realized recently I haven't done that cosplay for one of my matches yet. So I figured this was the perfect time for it.

That's great, I'm sure we'll all be looking forward to seeing that this week. And where can we see you besides in WZCW? Anything coming up?

Well there's always comic cons of course, but other than that sadly no. But everybody should be watching WZCW anyway because there's no better place to see me than where I do what I do best, kick ass and win matches.

I winked and grinned at Chris, who laughed even though I wasn't sure why. That wasn't a joke, that was simply the truth. I let it go though since he doesn't know me that well, and I could use someone like him on my side, there was plenty for me to gain there.

Well I think that about wraps it up then, it was great getting to talk to you today Callie and I'm sure we'll see more from you in the future in wrestling and other places. I look forward to seeing your match on Meltdown this week, I'm sure it'll be a great one.

Oh it will. it'll be even better if I win though.

Haha I'm sure, where can people find you on social media?

On twitter and instagram I'm @CallieClark, I'm very active on both of those.

Well there you go everybody go follow Callie, and maybe you'll get a response from her. Anyway this has been Chris Hardwick with the ID10T podcast and I'll see you guys next week with another episode and another guest.

After signing off, Chris stopped recording as we both took off our headphones. I was happy with how that went, and felt like that would do nothing but help me become an even bigger name in the world. I stood up, as did Chris who shook my hand and thanked me again for taking time out of my busy schedule to do his podcast. I took a selfie with him before leaving, and thanked him for having me. It was a pretty cool moment for me to do his show, but now it was time to refocus on my match and taking one step closer to taking my rightful spot on top of the WZCW mountain. Kagura was standing in my way, and I'd be dammed if I'd let her stop me.
Standing on the balcony, dressed in casual attire, WZCW veteran wrestler Kagura stared out into the sea of empty chairs. They were filled with people not even a week before. This was Madison Square Garden, the most famous arena in the world. While wrestling in Japan, she often heard many of the veterans express a desire to work there one day. MSG was the crown jewel of the industry. From the lights, to the atmosphere, to the way the roar of the crowd was amplified, swelling up into a chorus of harmonious cheers, permeating her bones whenever she stepped onto the stage. It was an experience like nothing else, and a week ago, Kagura received a standing ovation for the match she had with Mark Keaton.

“I saw online where Keaton couldn’t reach an agreement on his contract with management, and he’s gone. We spent many years as adversaries and rivals, but I had respect for him. I never thought that I’d be his last opponent. If that was a disappointment to him, then I suppose I must apologize for being underwhelming.”

She mused to herself. There was no one around to hear her, except for the ghosts that filled this place. The resting place for all the blood, sweat, and grit of so many generations of wrestlers that just wanted to prove that they were worth something.

“When I first came to America after signing with WZCW, I didn’t know anything about this country, or its culture,” Kagura said.

She looked down at the ring below. Images of her match with Keaton flashed before her, and filled her mind. Keaton had attempted a shooting star press, but overshot it, allowing her to nail him with the heart punch for the win. She had tweaked her knee in the match, and it still hurt. She was going to have to wear a brace for her next match. Staring down at the ring, the images began to fade away.

“Sayonara, Keaton-san. I won’t apologize for the happiness that I felt when the referee raised my hand in victory. That was a weight lifted off my shoulders for a change. Perhaps we were fated to face off again in the Gold Rush first round. You were always the exact opposite of me; loud, abrasive, and obnoxious. Though, you knew how to have fun, which was something I forgot about a long time ago. I hope I absorbed some of that untamable spirit of yours. I’m sure that I’ll need it.”

Her mind flashed back to a conversation that she and her advocate had shared earlier on in the evening. It was Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.


When she first came to America after signing with WZCW, Kagura hadn’t known anything about the culture or the customs. She had to rely on Sasuke, who was then her manager, for so much back in her rookie days. She arrived in WZCW during the summer, and she could still remember the first time the older man had asked her “What are you thankful for?” The Japanese Labor Thanksgiving didn’t have the same concept of the American Thanksgiving. Falling a day later than the US holiday, it was a time to appreciate those in the working class. Kagura could remember being a child in grade school, and writing letters and decorating cards to give to the postal workers, and the teachers, and the police and firefighters. She was from a culture that didn’t value idiocentric values. She had long since viewed herself as just another cog in the machine, even after coming to WZCW.

“Hey, Sasuke,” she asked in her native tongue, turning towards the older man.

They had caught a cab, and were on their way to get some dinner. No immense turkey feast awaited them, unfortunately.

“Many years ago, you asked me what I was thankful for, do you remember?”

He shook his head, “I can’t even remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone something from years ago. I do remember you being proud to be able to work here, since it was away from Japan, but you were such a traditionalist in everything that you approached, that it was difficult breaking you out of your shell.”

Kagura sneered, remembering the first time she had been asked to cut a promo in front of thousands of people, and she couldn’t do it. She was awestruck watching all the other performers. They were all so audacious, bold, and daring that it made her feel weak.

“Besides,” he continued. “We went back to Japan that year, I think.”

She nodded, remembering visiting her grandfather that year. He didn’t like her decision to become a pro wrestler, but supported her nonetheless.

“That’s right, I remember my grandfather comparing me to the great hero Mitsuhiro Showa. He said that I had something to prove.”

Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, “Well did you?”

“I was the first woman from Japan to compete in WZCW, I had the pride of an entire country on my back. You know what that’s like.”

He laughed, and nodded, “I hated it.”

“I was just thankful for the opportunity to compete here,” she said.

That changed a year later. Kagura would come to possess the book of the onryo, and master its power. Sasuke had fallen into a coma. She was working with John Constantine’s group, ‘The Elite.’ It was around that time that she started to think about of her own self-worth. No one had asked that year what Kagura had been thankful for, but if she had to give an answer, it was the right to fight for opportunities that she wanted, and the ability to crush those that got in her way.

“I watch some of my older matches, from before I started traveling with Derrick, and I can’t believe that was once me,” Kagura said.

“I changed my identity so many times back then, that even to this day I am convinced that I was possessed.”

“I’ve seen some of those matches too,” replied Sasuke. “You were ruthless, savage even. You aren’t like that now, but you are a lot more cynical than you used to be.”


“Oh yeah,” he nodded. “Especially when it comes to trusting others. Even if you were possessed, you still stabbed quite a few people in the back, and now years later, you’re terrified that it’s going to happen to you.”

Kagura looked at the older man like he had a screw lose, but deep down, she knew he was right.

“Am I wrong?”

She sighed, and shook her head.

“Look, Kagura, I’m not going to leave you. Derrick’s not going to betray you, but you’ll have to get over that fear sometime. When I wrestled, I did awful stuff too. I had partners turn on me, allies betray me, it’s a learning experience.”

“I was the one that betrayed him, Sasuke” she said. “I pushed Derrick away from me in the first place.”

“He came back, right? He did that because he loves you, and you trust him, correct?” he responded.

Kagura rubbed her fingers over her engagement ring, “Of course I trust him, I wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if I didn’t.”

“Then why can’t you let go of all that insecurity whenever you step into the ring?”

“I don’t know,” she said, raising her voice. “I’m worried that the monster that I used to be after I stole Rmaparte’s voice, was the person that I’ve always been! That ghost couldn’t have latched onto me so tightly if I wasn’t such a compatible host. Why did it take me so long to free myself from that curse? Derrick said I nearly died in an alleyway after overdosing, but I don’t remember any of that. I tried to forget about whole ordeal, but deep down, I’m scared. I’m scared that laughing, maniacal, lunatic was me all along.”

Kagura laid her head against the glass of the window, as Sasuke took a deep breath.

“I’ve been around a lot of crazy people,” he answered. This business has a way of attracting sociopathic A-types, that don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. People that want to watch the world burn just because it’s funny, or people that would throw their own families under the bus if it could buy them an advantage. I was an asshole, I had to be in order to survive. My antics cost me my marriage. I’m not proud of that, but you don’t strike me as the kind of person. However, I do think that you need to do you, Kagura.”

She turned, and sat up, pushing herself away from the window. Kagura tilted her head, and gazed at her advocate.

“What do you mean?”

Sasuke laughed, “You’ve been limiting yourself, living off tradition, forcing yourself to be kind and polite all the time. You only do that to hide your shame. It sucks that Japanese culture has to be the way that it is, and I’m sure you’ve noticed it, all the years that you’ve been here. Being an individual isn’t celebrated like it is here. Be honest, Kagura, you still haven’t grasped the concept of idiocentrism, have you?”

The younger woman pondered his words for a bit. What did individuality mean to her? She supposed it reflected her morals and values, coupled with her abilities, in addition to her personality traits, but Sasuke shook his head, even when she stated that she had a goal.

“Why do you want to be world champion again?” he asked.

“Weren’t you treated like a conquering hero when you won the title in Tokyo? They practically threw a fucking parade in your honor. Your name’s in the history books now. WZCW could close its doors tomorrow, and you’d still be recognized as one of the 27 individuals to reach the top of the mountain.”

Kagura opened her mouth to speak, but Sasuke interrupted her, “Don’t tell me you’re doing this for more money. Management already offered you a huge deal, I was there. You and Derrick have plenty of money to throw your dream wedding, plus a honeymoon to the damn moon if that’s where you want to go. If you’re thinking that you’re going to shoot for the stars, win the belt a second time, and reign longer than anyone else in history, I have bad news for you kid. That goal is unrealistic. Life has a way of kicking us in the ass, even when we’re trying our best.”

She pouted, and crossed her arms at her advocates logic. He groaned, feeling like he was lecturing a child.

“Look, Kagura, I told you before Gold Rush started that you needed to learn how to have fun. You can’t do that if you’re trying to live your dreams for the sake of someone else. You have to live for yourself, that’s what being an individual is all about.”

Kagura unfolded her arms, and leaned back in her seat. She let out a sigh, as she stared at the ceiling.

“I still don’t get it.”

He chuckled, “Maybe in time, you will.”

She sat up, and flashed the older man a smile, “This year, there’s one thing that I am thankful for, and that’s to have you by my side, Sasuke.”

He laughed, heartily this time. “That’s a very allocentric answer, but I’ll take it.”


Kagura’s mind snapped back into place, as she found herself back on the balcony inside an empty Madison Square Garden. She stared down at the empty ring below. In just a few more days, this place would be packed once more, as the Gold Rush tournament continued on into the second round. Kagura shook her head, remembering what happened the previous year when she made it to the second round, and lost to Lynx. While she wasn’t planning on reliving that shame, there had been a silver lining to that defeat. She went on to qualify for that years KFAD at Gold Rush; a match that she won. Ever the optimistic one, Kagura knew she might recieve another chance to scale the mountain if she lost her upcoming match, but she hadn’t won a match on PPV since Gold Rush of last year. Kami be damned if she was going to lick her wounds one more time! She was tired of losing.

“My next opponent is Callie Clark,” Kagura stated out loud. “She’s wasn’t an opponent that I was expecting to face, but when life throws you curveballs, you just have to learn to swing for the fences.”

In her mind, she imagined all the people in the audience. Callie had the hometown advantage. Would the raucous New York crowd cheer the home town girl over her? Maybe, it was a possibility. They had given her a warm reception in her previous match. She wondered how many foreigners had stepped foot into that ring? Wait, wasn’t the hero that sold out this arena more times than anyone an Italian? She shook her head, it definitely wasn’t Mancini.

“Callie has always been her own person, so it’s funny to me that she chooses to cosplay. She doesn’t dress up in all these different outfits out of habit, or for necessity. She does it, because it’s part of her identity. Of course in Japan, she’d be ostracized as complete weirdo, as otaku’s are the bane of society, but I’m not going to knock her preferences. She’s out there having fun, every single match.”

For that reason, maybe Kagura did respect her a little. Callie, despite being an obnoxious and loathsome woman, possessed a cult of personality that the shrine maiden could not explain. She was selfish and hateful, so how could anyone like a person like that?

“Come to think of it, Callie has an even larger male fanbase than I do,” she said, scratching her chin. “Yet she doesn’t think of them as much more than pigs and idiots. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the lonelier members of her fanbase were paying her to kick them in the balls at autograph signings, but I don’t check social media that much anymore.”

Social media was garbage anyways. Everyday she would wake up to read something new, like Titus had tweeted out “RIP Stan Lee. Even though JACK KIRBY did most of the work #NEVERFORGETTOAA.” World champion Flex Mussel raged, “Some land whale just tried to ask for my autograph >: ( No fatties allowed in #FLEXAMERICA.” Mikey Stormrage had sent out that morning, “Don’t eat the burrito at the MSG Taco Bell #EXPLOSIVEDIARRHEA.”

“I’m sure she’s had a lot to say about me, either online or publicly, but I don’t care. I’ve had to listen to all my opponents, year after year, say to me “You suck,” and “I’m better than you,” or “I deserve this more,” my favorite being “Kagura used to be good, but she’s on a downward spiral now,” or the classic, “she’s a hack that never deserved anything.” I let those words get under my skin for a long time, but I’m tired of it. My pride has been broken so many times by opponents that were never close to my level of talent or skill enough times that I seriously believed that I was trash. Callie Clark, you can pump yourself up with all the hot air that you want, but the reality is you’re nowhere close to my league when I choose to give a damn. Girl, winning Gold Rush this year, and earning that world title shot is something that I am OBSESSED with.”

Kagura smirked, she could hear the imaginary crowd that was soon to be filled by thousands of New Yorkers booing her already. The riot police better be standing by, because not one single Callie fan was going home happy.

“Callie, what exactly do you have that makes you better than me? Is it guts? Nope. Determination? Nah. Speed, technique, power, grappling skill? No to all four. You think you’re better than me because I fell from the top so quickly? Get over yourself! You haven’t been close enough to see the summit. You’ve never fought me one on one, so you have no idea what I am capable of. “

Kagura gripped the railing, and glanced down at the ring, as a vision of her and Callie on the mat came to life in her mind.

“You’re a striker, so you’ll probably try and kick me, or hit me with some forearm shots or a jab. Instead of wasting your time trying to figure out which costume to wear next, you should be watching old clips of what happens when a striker tries to fight a grappler. It’s not pretty, and it’s over fast. Once you’re on the ground, I’m not letting you back up. The moves in your arsenal, your tornado DDT, your running bull dog, that corkscrew plancha, the tornado double stomp, the spiral tap, and especially your beloved Calliesault, are just filler moves. They won’t be of any use to you when I have you tied up like a short, cute blonde pretzel. I am going to salt you with continuous armlocks, headlocks, leg scissors, and hammerlocks. Then, I am going to feed you to a loss curtsey of my sleeper hold. You’ll fall into a deep sleep, dreaming that you’re still the Elite champion, when in reality you’ll be the one having to pick up the pieces to your career. Don’t worry though, girlfriend. I’ll buy you a ticket, and you can watch me compete in the third round.”

Kagura stopped, and pondered Sasuke’s advice from earlier, and shook her head, “Wanting to shoot for the stars is not an unrealistic goal. I’ve had my ass kicked by reality so many times, and I’ve never given up. Not once. If I do win the Gold Rush, then I’m doing it for myself, and only for myself. I’m more driven now than I ever have been, and dammit all if I don’t give this my best shot.”

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