Meltdown 155

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free


Pyro erupts on stage and the camera pans around sold out Madison Square Garden as the WZCW faithful are packed to the rafters and showing their love of wrestling. The camera settles ringside where Sebastian Copeland and Jack Cohen are standing by.

Copeland: Ladies and gentlemen we are live at the historic Madison Square Garden in New York City, and Jack, we have some big matches to kick off a new era in WZCW.

Cohen: Right you are Seabass! We kick off both the EurAsian tournament and the Gold Rush tournament tonight. Plus Hall of Famer Matt Tastic will be in action.

Copeland: But first, we have Becky Serra due out for a chat any minute!

The crowd is a mixture of boos and cheers, but mostly boos, as Becky Serra makes her way to the ring, mic in hand.

Serra: A warm welcome as always. Haha, but regardless I'm glad this arena is packed to watch WZCW Meltdown, the leading brand in professional wrestling!

The crowd cheers.

Now sadly I wasn't able to book your new WZCW World Heavyweight Champion this week, but I don't mind letting Chuck have him this week because Meltdown will still be the superior show. I guarantee this because we have three tournament matches here tonight. We have the first match of the Gold Rush tournament as former World Champion Eve Taylor will be taking on the newly christened Xander! We also have one of the best women in the business, Callie Clark taking on a fan backed pick in Keith Kole! Plus we kick off the EurAsian Tournament, the superior branded title, with a match between Stevie Broon and Garth Black!

The fans are cheering as Becky claps along.

I'd like to ask all the Gold Rush competitors to come to the ring right now.

Callie, Kole, Eve, and Xander all make their way to the ring and are given mics.

Tonight is a big night for all four of you. Keith, Xander, Callie, winning would mean a World Title shot and your name cemented in history. Eve, winning would give you a another shot at becoming the first two time female champion. Do you have any last words?

Garth Black doesn't say anything, he simply takes a chair and sets it on stage to take in the proceedings. Keith Kole breaks the silence.

Kole: I'm going to be serving up a super sized beating tonight Callie. With a side of extra pain!

The fans mostly boo Kole, who looks perplexed. Some laugh.

Callie: This is my city, and I plan on showing everyone why I run this town. I will win Gold Rush and prove I'm the best woman in this business.

Callie glares directly at Eve as she says this.

Eve: I'm an icon for a reason, and I will prove it by reclaiming the title I should have never lost. The world will know my name when all is done.

Xander doesn't speak, instead he spreads his arms wide and lets the audience boo him as he smiles and closes his eyes. Suddenly he is jumped from behind by Keith Kole. Kole pounds away as Becky bails from the ring. Callie then throws herself at Eve and a brawl between all four is on. As security rush the ring, Stevie Broon sneaks up and attacks Garth Black and all the tournament members are involved in a massive brawl as security struggles to separate them as we go to commercial.
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Stacey Madison is standing by backstage when Matt Tastic walks in for an interview.

Stacey: I'm here with Matt Tastic. Matt, you have been on a run of bad luck lately and find yourself out of the Gold Rush tournament. Did your recent back injury play into your decision to stay out of the tournament?

Tastic glares at her.

Tastic: It wasn't my decision. Management didn't feel I deserved a spot this year.

Stacey: As a former winner of Gold Rush, do you feel you deserved a spot despite your recent lack of success?

Tastic: Not my place to decide that.

Stacey: What about your status as an active Hall of Famer? Doesn't that at least warrant a main event spot?

Tastic: Do you ever ask anything relevant or do you just stand there with your tits out?

Both Tastic and Stacey look mad at this point.

Stacey: Are you ever not a dick?

Tastic laughs.

Tastic: You already know the answer to that.
Harrys: This contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Triple Threat Match!

Alice slowly and seductively walks forward, wearing a burlesque robe with bubblegum pink feather trim. She makes an innocent face,stops at the beginning of the runway, and slowly rotates her hips, teasing the audience and treating the entrance like she would at her burlesque performances. She slowly unties the front of her robe and lets it slip off of her shoulders, and as soon as it hits the floor her whole innocent demeanor changes from innocent to seductive arrogance, she walks towards the ring with a look of determination and climbs in.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Palm Springs, California, weighing 175 pounds, Alice "Baby Doll" Adams!

Copeland: Cover your eyes kids, because here comes trouble. She is definitely the wicked wildcard in this bout. Alice Adams was recently in a Triple Threat Match at R-Awakening so she has experience on her side right now. She didn't win but neither was she pinned. She's been impressive since debuting here at WZCW and a victory could really launch her career to a new echelon.

Cohen: Indeed, and she's not above using dirty tricks to do it either. My kinda woman.

The music hits and the crowd starts booing. Tony smirks at the fans as some go so far as to throw trash at him. As they walk to the ring, Tony ignores everyone and casually climbs inside. Once in the ring the ref checks Tony for weapons.

Harrys: From Little Italy, New York City, New York, weighing 275 pounds, "The Don" Tony Mancini!

Copeland: Speaking of fighting dirty, Mancini goes above and beyond the call of duty. He has a chip on his shoulders but needs the focus and drive to achieve the success he craves.

Cohen: He let Keaton get to him at the pay per view, but I know he has what it takes to be a gold standard here just as long as he remembers his training.

Matt strolls down the aisle with his hands in pockets. He pauses midway through and observes his surroundings. Tastic nods, climbs the apron, and ascends the top turnbuckle. Her perches himself near the top rope for a moment before leaping back down. Tastic removes his mask and picks a corner to lean against.

Harrys: And their opponent, from Southwestern, Puerto Rico, weighing 235 pounds, Matt Tastic!

Copeland: A Hall of Famer right here and the odds-on favorite among bookies. World Champion, Eurasian Champion, Record-Setting Mayhem Champion and the list goes on and on. You name it, and it's likely Tastic has done it.

Cohen: Well I agree he shouldn't be taken lightly, he's not exactly setting the world on fire right now coming off a loss to Vega. But he's up against the young and impressionable so who the hell knows what he does here tonight. You wanna talk about wildcards with experience, you're looking at him.

Katie Shepard checks the combatants and signals for the bell.

All three shuffle around the ring in a large circle, eyeing one another at the ready to see who it is that will make the first move. Alice Adams casts her sights on Tony, who in turn stares daggers at Tastic. The trio enclose the ring they are making, inching closer and closer as their patience wears thin. Mancini turns his attention to Baby Doll, and the two share a mutual understanding as the mafioso points to the threat - Matt Tastic. Matt beckons for them to make a move, and they do; Double Clothesline drops Tastic onto his backside. They continue to stomp at him feverishly as the referee tries to break up the assault. She tries in vain as Mancini lifts Tastic onto his shoulders. Alice mirrors Mancini as they execute a Double Fireman's sends Tastic crashing outside of the ring! The dancer and the mob boss give each other a high five before Alice kicks him in the shins and plants him with a DDT. As she goes for the cover, he kicks out before one.

Cohen: No honor among thieves. You can only work together for so long before the dagger finds itself in your back. We've seen it time and time again here in our fabled tag team division.

Copeland: Too early for betrayals. Cooperation is the key to beating someone like Tastic. He is down but not out.

True to Sebastian's words, Matt stirs from ringside. Adams continues to work on Mancini's neck with a swinging neckbreaker. She grabs his head again and applies a sleeperhold but Tony shoves her off with relative ease. She turns around and eats a forearm to the face. He executes a neckbreaker himself, planting Alice into the mat. Tony take a moment to catch his breath and claps mockingly at the crowd. They jeer the gesture. Matt Tastic is back up and silently rolls back in. Tony sees him and kicks him while he is down. Katie Shepard is successful in stopping the illegal maneuver, and Tony audibly yells "It's a Triple Threat, I can do what I want!". Tastic lunges, and leaps - a standing Hurricanrana brings Mancini to the canvas and the crowd voice their approval. Adams is back on her feet, Tastic runs and jumps again - another Hurricanrana! Tastic chews the scenery as Tony and Alice gather themselves up.

Copeland: It's Hurricanrana Season in Madison Square Garden!

Did you come up with that all on your own?

The three stand at an impasse again, sizing each other up before going on the attack - Tony beats Alice down right as Tastic comes across his face with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Tony somersaults across the ring near a turnbuckle and Alice shrieks; She delivers a Mule Kick to the back of Tastic's neck and he stumbles into the ropes. Tony rushes over and climbs an adjacent ring post. Adams sees what he is doing, and backs away. Guillotine Leg Drop...Tastic pulls away from the ropes! The Don nearly breaks his own leg on the ring apron before tumbling out of the ring. The burlesque dancer and the Hall of Famer get into each other's face as the arena comes unglued for the rookie vs. veteran pairing.

No fear in her eyes whatsoever. Pure determination in the path of adversity!

Someone ought to check on Mancini. That looked painful.

A collar tie-up brings Baby Doll's back into a turnbuckle. Tastic elbows her jawline and backs away. Adams is furious and beckons him to hit her again. Perplexed, Matt sprints and smacks her chest with a Corner Dropkick. Alice staggers, but grins toothily at her opponent. Tastic mouths "the fuck?" before performing his Standing Enzuigiri. Adams is flat on the mat as the veteran hooks a leg. Katie Shepard counts one...two..Doll with a kickout. Tastic shakes his head and lifts Adams back to her feet. Alice spits in his face! Disgusted and dismayed, Matt Irish Whips her across the ring, and on the rebound catches her in a Pop-Up Gutbuster...Outlaw Star! Not finished, Tastic points to the ring post, signalling for the end. He proceeds to climb up to the top rope slowly. Adams doesn't move. He is at the top and the crowd are on their feet. Tastic jumps...and it's a Frog Splash!!! The aerial finisher connects and Tastic rests on top of the fallen enemy with Katie Shepard kneeling down for the 1...2...3-

Tony breaks the cover! Tony Mancini threw himself against Tastic with barely a second to spare. Alice Adams has only enough energy to roll herself out of the ring while the two Mayhem champions exchange stiff right chops back and forth. Tony gets the upperhand by twirling around and hitting Tastic with a Hard Hitting Lariat! The mob boss limps over into a corner, desperation setting in as he calls for an Il Siluro Italiano (Gore). Right as his opponent gets back to a standing position, Mancini bumrushes towards him - Tastic maneuvers around him, grabbing his arm and pulling his other arm by the wrist between his legs. Matt Tastic carries Tony to the center of the ring, and nails the Seismic Toss (Pumphandle Cutter)! Matt favors his back but drapes his arm over the kingpin for the cover. 1...2...3! Tastic pushes himself off and lets Katie Shepard raise his arm for the victory.

Harrys: Here is your winner...Matt Tastic!!!

Cohen: Took every trick of his to get him the win, but Tastic pulls it off here in New York City. Gotta hand it to the wily veteran.

Copeland: Trick? This was as clean as it gets, barring Alice hocking loogies of course. Matt Tastic looks to hike that golden mountaintop once again but I'm not selling his opponents short here. They brought out some of the best in him, and that's what makes wrestling the greatest sport known to man. Good showing from everyone, though I still think Tony should get that leg checked.

Matt is still in the ring with sweat dripping from his forehead and a hand against his back as Meltdown goes to commercial break.
Eve Taylor is standing in front of the embossed GoldRush sign, she sighs before speaking.

Eve: You know these little tests WZCW likes to put in front of me, like GoldRush, are pathetic. There is not one soul out in the WZCW Universe right now who doesn't think that I'm the REAL number one contender to the Heavyweight Championship. This little tournament is just the latest obstacle I'll have to overcome just to get my next shot. It's really a shame that we'll have to wait this long for my eventual championship win. The wrestling world already knows the name Eve Taylor, after I destroy everyone in this tournament and easily win my Championship again, they'll call me Eve Taylor, greatest of all time.

Eve remains motionless as she stares straight at the camera, WZCW cuts to the arena as the crowds anxiously await the next match.
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Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! And it is a Round 1 Match in the Eurasian Championship tournament!

Harrys: Introducing first from Easterhoose, Scotland. Weighing 221 pounds... PC Stevie Broon!

Stevie comes out on stage, screaming and yelling in motivated fashion. He surveys the crowd before making his down the aisle.

Copeland: The troubled police officer has had many a big wins since his debut months earlier. However he's been unable to translate it to a string of success quite yet. This match however could turn things around, sending him to Gold Rush to challenge for the Eurasian Championship.

Cohen: Plus a win over a former World Champion doesn't hurt either.

Harrys: And his opponent, he is the current reigning WZCW Mayhem Champion, Garth Black!!

Garth Black appears on stage and poses with his Championship on the stage. He drapes it over his shoulder before making his way down the aisle.

Copeland: Bouncing back after losing to Titus at R-Awakening, Garth Black celebrated Halloween by winning the Mayhem Championship!

*A recap of what happened plays through the screen.*
It was Saturday night and the soon to be three time Mayhem Champion Randy Studd was on a mission. He was prepared. He knew he had to get down to the ComicCon, and he knew that he was going to need a disguise.

Batman? Too gloomy. Spiderman? Too young. Iron Man? Too nerdy. He came upon the best secret costume of all. Superman.

Studd eased himself into a superman t-shirt he bought online and his little sisters electric blue workout leggings before pulling a pair of red speedos over the top that he had picked up at the second hand shop. He opened up his XL size pot of wet look hair gel, and poured the entire contents on his hair, before combing it into a side parting.

Grabbing his cape, which had until this moment been the towel that his mother used to dry the cat when it came in from the rain, he made his way to the bus stop.

At the bus stop, Studd got the same stares he was used to by now. It wasn’t easy being this much of a ladies man. A thousand looks asking “Why are you dressed like that?”, though nobody wanted to engage him in conversation. Studd was sure it was because he was intimidatingly handsome.

He got off the bus near the convention centre. Stepping off the bus he was immediately confronted by a youtuber filming interviews with the various cosplayers.

“Aren’t you Randy Studd?”

Studd didn’t understand how anyone could have possibly seen through his ingenious outfit. He affected a gruff, Christian Balesque voice.

“Err… No. I’m Superman”

The youtuber was not convinced.

“Yeah, I can see what your costume is, but you’re actually Randy Studd. I know because I watch all the preshows to WZCW events, but not the events themselves as they’re too mainstream.”

Studd was shocked at how good this guy’s detective skills were.

“No, my real name is… Andy.. Rudd”

The youtuber remained unconvinced.

“Look, I take it you’re here for the Mayhem championship. That would be a real scoop for my channel if I could get the turn over, do you mind if I film it?”

“Only if you get my good side”

“Which side is that?”

“Both of them”


Studd knew by now he was looking for Spidergwen. Trouble was, he didn’t know who that was. Fortunately there was still a crowd gathered around from the previous effort and he could see the Mayhem Championship in the melee, and he knew this was his chance.

Near the champion stood four people dressed as 70s teenagers and someone in a huge Great Dane costume, with head.

Studd addressed the youtuber “Four kids and a huge bitch, guess they must be the Beckhams. I wonder where David is?”

“I think they’re the Scooby gang, they even have a Mystery Machine.”

“Whatever, are you ready?”

“Yep. Rolling”

Studd charged at the group, sending Scooby Snax flying everywhere, and knocking Velma over, who lost her glasses in the process. Studd speared Spidergwen into the side of the Mystery Machine before opening the back of it. He started to empty its contents, before using them as weapons on the dazed champ.

He broke a witch’s broom over her back, choked her with a ghost shaped sheet and finally crashed a Jackolantern over her head. He then picked her up for a Hey Ladies, and delivered it straight down onto the concrete.

Studd couldn’t believe he was about to become a three time champion. Getting ahead of himself, he pulled his phone out of his speedos and dialled the only woman in his phone book, his mother.

“Hey mom, just wanted to let you know that you can tell Kevin that he’s still not my real dad and I am not a total loser and I do have a real job, I’m the next Mayhem Champion. I have pulled it off and tricked everyone, or nearly everyone anyway, with this genius costu..”

Before he had chance to finish his phonecall, Scooby Doo jumped with a flying axe handle off the top of the Mystery Machine, clubbing Studd and sending the phone flying. He lifted him onto his shoulders, and dropped his head to his knee. Taking his costume head off, Scooby Doo revealed himself to be Garth Black. Black uttered “and you would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for this meddling kid”, before moving over to the still downed Spidergwen and making a pin.

McRae covers. 1...2...3! New champion.

Cohen: So given the title is active 24/7, doesn't that mean this is a title defense?

And just like that, referee Michael McRae appears on the stage. The crowd seems surprised but also pleased as the buff referee downs a bottle of what looks like some sort of Irish IPA and tosses it away. He enters the ring and asks for the Championship, then raises it up.

Copeland: Now hold on. This is a standard one on one match in the Eurasian Tournament. Does that make this a Mayhem title defense outside of Mayhem rules?!

Cohen: I have no clue.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The two contestants circle the ring and pat their chests, as if to motivate themselves. They waste no time locking up and try to push one another to a corner or the ropes. Garth Armdrags Broon to the canvas but Broon quickly gets back to his feet quickly. The lock up again and this time it's Broon Armdragging Garth to the canvas. He holds Garth down with an Armbar however Garth does not stay down. He rolls over and gets out of the hold and gets back to his feet. He quickly takes down Broon with a Headlock Takedown and tries to hold him down but Broon manages to wrap his legs around Garth's head and pulls his way out of the hold. He tries to hold Garth down with a Headscissor but the Mayhem Champion again doesn't stay down. He rolls over with a Jacknife. 1.......... 2.......... - But Broon pulls himself with Garth on top of him with an impressive show of core strenght. Broon turns him around and tries to pull down Garth for a Backslide but Garth fights back and pulls over. Broon flips over and lands on his feet in front of Garth. He tries a Clothesline but Garth avoids it and knocks Broon down with an Enzuigiri.

Copeland: These two are starting hot tonight. Move for move right off the get-go.

Cohen: No, seriously. What are the rules for this match? Is it standard? The Mayhem title is on the line, right?

Garth sees Broon standing and grabs him with a Reverse Bearhug. He takes down Stevie and rolls over for a front chancery. He holds the Scotsman down as Broon struggles for a way out. He can't find it. He tries to hold still and calm down before steadily making his way to the ropes. Garth however rolls him over by shooting the half and as the two get their feet, Garth wraps his arm behind Broons neck and drags him down with a Russian Leg Sweep. Garth floats over for a cover. 1......... 2..........-But Broon kicks out as McRae indicates the shoulder went up. Garth decides to go to the ring apron and goes up the corner, measuring but Broon gets back to his feet. Garth leaps attempting an Ax-Handle but Broon gets out of the way. He bounces off the ropes and hits back with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Broon starts stomping on him over and over with Garth trying to cover up. He grabs a foot and pushes away to make his way back to his feet and grabs Broon, hitting him with an STO. Not wasting time, he hooks the leg for a cover. 1.......... 2........-But he kicks out.

Cohen: So we had a rope break.

Copeland: It's a standard match, Jack.

Garth whips Broon towards the corner and goes for Getting Of The Wagon, but Broon lifts himself up with the corner and kicks back. He hits Garth with the 'Glesga Kiss,' making Garth collapse straight down. He gets back on one knee as Broon measures. He attempts the Clean Up but Garth Armdrags his way out of it as Broon ends up going to the outside due to the momentum. Broon holds himself with the barricade at ringside as Garth recomposes himself, holding his forehead. Broon slowly gets back into the ring as Garth awaits. They measure each other again with another Collar & Elbow Tie-up. Garth whips Broon chest first against the corner and hits him with a knee to the back. Broon bounces off, wincing in pain and as he turns around, Garth tosses him overhead with a Northern Lights Suplex. He bridges and pins Broon’s shoulders to the mat. 1......... 2..........- It’s not enough. Black lifts Broon to his feet, but the street brawler comes to life, and starts throwing straight right haymakers. The former world champion fires back with forearm shots of his own, and we’ve got a slugfest! Broon looks to be getting the better of the exchange, and start pushing Garth back. The Welshman attempts a short arm lariat, but the form Mayhem champion ducks underneath, and drills Black with another ‘Glesga Kiss!’ He picks up the smaller man, and throws him over his head with a fallaway slam. Broon calls for the end, and lifts Black up into the air, looking for the Olympic slam, but Black reverses! The “Clean Up in Aisle 9’ fails to hit home, as Black rams Broon into turnbuckle. He applies a hammerlock on his larger foe, and rams Broon shoulder first through the middle ropes and into the steel post!

Copeland: We’re seeing the vicious side of Garth Black now, Broon tried to finish this one early, but the former world champion countered.

Cohen: That was a veteran play by Black there.

Black grabs Broon around the waist, and pulls him away from the turnbuckle. He lifts him up and takes him over, slamming with to the mat with a German suplex! He bridges and pins Broon’s shoulders to the mat. 1......... 2..........- Again, Broon finds the will to survive. Black looks a little frustrated, as he lifts Broon to his feet. He whips the Scotsman into the turnbuckle, and climbs to the second rope. Black begins punching Broon in the head with straight punches, trying to complete the ‘12 Step Program,’ when suddenly, he’s grabbed from underneath. Broon charges forwards with Garth in his arms and hits a running powerbomb out of the corner! He folds Black like an accordion, and pins his shoulders to the mat. The referee counts. 1......... 2..........- Black barely kicks out! Broon lifts Garth to his feet, and tries to whip him across the ring, but Black counters and sends Stevie crashing into the turnbuckle instead. The former world champion charges across the ring, and crushes Stevie into the corner with a flying body splash! He climbs to the middle ropes, and then time completes the '12 Step Program.' He kicks Broon in the gut, before monkey flipping him across the ring. Broon holds his back, as he gingerly gets to his feet.

Copeland: That was a great counter by Stevie Broon into that running powerbomb. Too bad it only got him a two counter.

Cohen: It’ll take more than that to beat Garth. The man can feel it; he can sense it. Victory is near!

Black eyes him from the corner, and delivers a bulldog, which sends Broon crashing to the mat face first. Black immediately grabs his legs, and applies his ‘Black Death’ submission hold! Stevie screams in pain, and immediately begins to crawl towards the ropes before Garth can really cinch in the hold. Black breaks his maneuver, and pulls Stevie away from the ropes. He grabs the larger man’s legs, and lifts them up before slamming Broon’s body into the mat. Garth applies the ‘Black Death’ once more. Stevie tries to break free, but Garth has the hold cinched in deeper this time. Stevie can feel the former world champ’s body weight pressed into his shoulder blade. With nowhere to go, the former Mayhem champion has no choice but to tap out!

Harrys: Here is your winner by submission, and moving onto the second round of the Eurasian Gold Rush tournament, Garth Black!

So it looks like it's going to be Garth Black in the Eurasian Gold Rush finals. He should be a force to whomever faces him.

Cohen: It's back to the showers for Stevie Broon, though. Maybe next time kid.

The referee raises Garth's hand in victory, as the former world champion eyes his fallen opponent. Broon rolls out of the ring, and starts to make his way up the ramp. Black smirks, and eyes the Gold Rush logo. He points at it, and then makes a gesture with his hands around his waist of an imaginary title that he might soon be winning.
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Callie Clark is busy doing her nails in front of a large GoldRush embossed print on the wall behind her. She sighs and flicks her nail file away.

Callie: You know what's really annoying? Is when these neckbeards in the WZCW universe remind you over and over again that you're not Elite Champion anymore. Like, get a life losers. Somebody needs to shut down their Twitter feeds. The fact of the matter is, this GoldRush tournament is perfect for my career. Why you ask? Because after I defeat everyone in it, I'll be taking on the Heavyweight Champion and winning THAT championship belt whoever is holding it, I don't care if it's Flex, I don't care if it's Tony Mancini, Kagura, Eve, it really doesn't matter, they're keeping it warm for ME. It will totally replace my precious Elite Title. A title that's in the hands of that fat, greasy lard Stormrage.

Callie puts her finger close to her mouth and mocks throwing up.

Callie: So get ready, plan the parade routes, because your heroine is stepping up to the plate.

A hand appears to her left, giving her another nail file. She goes back to doing her nails as the camera fades to black.
Backstage somewhere, the camera is zoomed right in on Kole's face and it dominates the frame.

Kole: Everyone from commentators, fans, refs....they all underestimate me. Keith Kole, the new guy, the underdog, the step on. Well, I'm going to prove EVERY SINGLE ONE of them wrong in this tournament. This will stamp my legacy in WZCW for the ages! When people look back on this event they'll say "Remember the time when Kole ran through the GoldRush Tournament and won easily? Man he looked good, like really good. He turns me on." That's what they'll say.

Kole looks sharply to one side off the frame, he smirks then nods.

Kole: Enough talking, time to show the world some action.
Harrys: The following is a Round 1 match in the 2018 Gold Rush Tournament!

Introducing first from San Diego,CA, weighing 235 pounds, Keith Kole!

Keith Kole appears on stage as the lights begin to flicker. He poses at the entrance and seems to have a bottle on his hand which he drinks out of before making his way down the ramp.

Copeland: Keith Kole gained entrance into the tournament via an online poll, winning fans over via his speech. It seems Keith has been trying to work, not just on his promo ability, but also on his diet. Also, being a tournament, his usual manager is not allowed at ringside.

Cohen: Can't say I blame him. What with working in a fast food and constantly drinking soda. That kind of diet will slow you down greatly.

Introducing first from New York, New York, weighing 100 pounds, Callie Clark!

Callie Clark appears to a MASSIVE reaction from the fans. The reaction even takes her aback. She pauses for a moment in her Polaris cosplay outfit, complete with dark green Magneto styled helmet and green hair. She feigns a tear then blows a raspberry and rolls her eyes, she walks with attitude to the ring, giving nearby fans the hand, as if they had some infection and she didn't want to touch them. She carefully walks up the steel steps, careful not to step on her green cape. She steps in the ring and walks to the turnbuckle, she fakes out climbing them and a large section of fans react. She decides on a different turnbuckle across the ring, she climbs and starts mouthing something to them.

Copeland: Callie Clark has been growing in this business over the course of the past year. The first ever 3 time Elite Champion has just lost said title as well as the Mayhem Championship after winning it under the 24/7 rule.

Cohen: This is Callie Clark's moment to step up where she belongs. On top.

Referee Elizabeth Prince checks for the two participants to be ready and has the bell rung to start the match.

*Ding Ding Ding*
Callie is ready for a collar and elbow tie-up but Kole just stands tall as if he's trying to intimidate her with his stature. Callie goes for the legs, attempting a Double-Leg Takedown, but Kole doesn't budge. Callie backs off with Kole almost mockingly shrugging at her. Annoyed, Callie comes in and just straight up slaps him in the face. The crowd reacts big to it with the hometown girl showing that feisty New York attitude. Kole chases after her but Callie gets between the ropes, ordering Elizabeth Prince to call him away. They slowly begin to circle the ring with Kole this time taking things seriously now. They lock up and Kole tries to overpower Callie, but using her lower center of gravity, drops and Double Armdrags Keith overhead. She starts to stomp on Keith over and over with the referee trying to call her off. She stops and backs off with her hands up as if she was innocent. Keith gets back up again but as soon as he does, Callie drags him back to the ground with the Drop Toehold. Keith slaps the canvas in anger as Callie floats over him and applies a Crossface headlock. She cranks on the face of Kole as the referee asks Kole if he gives up. He says no. He tries to get back up, looking for a way to get up. He tries to power himself back to his feet and manages to get to his knees before Callie lets go. She tries a standing Headlock but Keith has enough of it. He goes for a Back Suplex but Callie flips backward to land on her feet. She dashes across the ropes but coming in, she's caught with a Spinebuster. Keith goes for the cover with a lateral press. 1........... 2.......... But Callie kicks out of it.

Cohen: I hate to say it, but Callie was not focusing on finishing off Kole like she should've.

Copeland: Well, she can't just win right away. She has to wear Kole down somehow.

Keith grabs Callie with a Headlock and starts to hits several punches to the crown of Callie's head as referee Elizabeth Prince tries to intervene. Keith pulls Callie away from sight and uses the opportunity to rake the eyes as he lets go with his arms up in the air feigning inoscence. The crowd lets him have it though with the hatred to the point that Kole stops just to look at the crown in amazement. Callie tries to pull herself up but Keith doesn't give her an inch. He goes back on the offensive with a Full Nelson. He tries to ragdoll the former Elite Champion around but Callie manages to kick herself slightly free and once again uses her shortness to Armdrag Kole. She kicks him in the face and tries a Bulldog, but Kole circles around her and throws her with a Full Nelson Slam. Once again, he goes for the cover, pressing his weight over Callie's. 1.......... 2......... But that's all he gets out of it. Callie is the first to her feet and she Backfists Keith across the face. He tries a Spinning Neckbreaker but she doesn't allow it and pushes him away. Callie retaliates, attempting a Slingblade, but now it's her who gets cut off as Keith puts the breaks on her swing and plants her back on the ground, immediately hitting her with a Neckbreaker.

Cohen: Callie Clark is still having a hard time here. And in front of her hometown too.

Kole goes to grab Callie but she kicks him over and over from the canvas to get him to back away. He charges in with a Jumping Knee but she ducks it and counters with a Pele Kick, knocking Kole down. Seeing the opportunity, she leaps onto Kole for a cover. 1......... 2........ But he powers out of it. It doesn't slow Callie down though as she follows up with a pair of Slingblades, Kole tries to get back up after them, but after the second one, Kole falls to his knees unable to keep his composure. With him on his knees, Callie follows up with the Bulldog she was looking for earlier. Kole lands close to the ropes and Callie uses those to elevate herself for a Springboard Knee Smash. Kole rolls to the outside of the ring, looking for space but Callie is in hot pursuit. She whips him across ringside, tripping him over the ring steps. She keeps going after Kole who is trying to drag himself across ringside. He stops to hit a pair of chops to slow Callie down. She tries her own, but Kole backs away to avoid it. He grabs Callie and whips her, with her ending up seated on the ring apron where Kole hits a big Superkick. He then asks "May I Take Your Order?!" as Callie collapses, he poses and the crowd boos loudly. He picks her up rather easily and rolls her into the ring where he makes a cover and hooks the leg. 1........ 2.........-But She manages to kick out with Kole smacking the canvas in frustration.

Copeland: It seems Kole is letting his frustration get to him.

Cohen: He's underestimated Callie Clark. If he's not careful, he might end up paying for it.

Cole pulls Callie by the hair and tries to whip her across the ring but she doesn't let herself. She tries to counter it but Keith doesn't budge. Instead, Callie tries to drop for another Armdrag but this time, Kole doesn't fall for it again. He carries her over his shoulder and drops her backfirst onto his knee for a Backbreaker. He stretches her on his knee as Callie tries to reach for anything to get out. She grabs Keith's face and gouges on the eyes forcing him to let go. She kicks at his shin and applies a front chancery for a DDT. Keith lifts her up, trying to get out of it. She knees him right under the jaw and being close to the ropes, she uses them to push herself and tornado, they fall with Callie hitting the DDT she was looking for, Tornado style. Not wasting time, but looking to end things, Callie dashes over and climbs the ropes. She measures and leaps quickly for the Calliesault but Kole gets out of the way as Callie crashes and burns. She clutches her chest in pain as now Kole goes up to the top rope. He measures and quickly leaps with Airborne Arrogance but Callie gets her knees up and Kole lands on them. He clutches his elbow as Callie rolls out of the ring to the ring apron to catch her breath. Kole grabs his elbow in his pain as he tries to get up but falls on his knees at the opposite side of the ring. He tries to get up and go to Callie but when he does, she snaps his neck on the ropes. She leaps over Keith and attempts a Sunset Flip but Kole holds on. He waves his arms dramatically. You'd think he was doing some sort of Aloha salute. He eventually stops and gouges her eyes.

Copeland: Just how many eye rakes are we going to get in this match?!

Cohen: Whatever it takes to win! I love it, Seabass.

Kole pulls Callie to her feet and whips her into the corner. He signals for his "I Am Great" Clothesline, but Callie see's it coming and kicks away the arm. She still covers her eyes afterwards though because of the eye gouging. Keith again tries it but Callie this time climbs the ropes and leaps off. She attempts another DDT but gets stopped and once again whipped onto the corner. Right away, Kole hits the I Am Great clothesline. He quickly tries to wrap things up with a Told You DDT but Callie fights it off. She pushes off with a Dropkick and rolls to the apron and leaps off it, hitting the Springboard DDT. She once again goes to the top rope and measures. Yet again she leaps for the Calliesault. But yet again, Kole manages to get out of dodge. Kole quickly Schoolboys Callie! 1.............. 2..........- He grabs the tights! 3-But referee Elizabeth Prince waves it off, seeing what he's doing. Kole argues with the ref about it, angry that his idea didn't work but that gives Callie a chance to get back up. She sees Kole arguing and decides to do what he did. She dashes across the ring, barrel rolls through the canvas, tripping Kole down. With him down, she cradles him. 1........... 2..--She grabs the tights......... 3!! The referee did not see it!

Harrys: Here is your winner! Callie Clark!!

Elizabeth Prince raises Clarks arm up as she cheerfully leaps happily. The crowd is more than pleased with the result despite Callie's antics. Kole argues with Elizabeth as Callie celebrates in the corner. She mocks Kole as she leaves and he continues to argue to the point that some ringside assistants have to intervene.

Copeland: It was a game of who could get away with it. And Callie Clark got away with it. In her hometown, she secures a Quarterfinal win in the Gold Rush tournament.

Cohen: What a heartfelt performance, scratching and clawing her way to such a victory. It warms my heart.
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We cut to the backstage area where we find Leon Kensworth standing by with a mic in hand.

Leon: Hey guys, Leon Kensworth here with a special interview for you guys. I have with me the former Mayhem Champion, Vega.

The camera pans back to reveal Vega standing next to Leon ready to be interviewed. The crowd can be heard cheering for the hometown superstar, who smiles at the reaction.

Leon: Thanks for taking the time to speak with me tonight, Vega.

Vega: No problem, Leon. I'm not too busy tonight, anyways.

Leon: That's why I was hoping you'd grant me this interview. You're not scheduled to wrestle tonight, and you're obviously not dressed to compete either... so I've gotta ask, what brings you to Meltdown?

Vega: You're right, I don't have a match tonight. I'm scheduled to face Harald Var Krigare tomorrow night at Ascension, but it's no regular match. This is the opening round of the Gold Rush Tournament, and I'm focused unlike ever before. It's why I'm here, Leon. I wanted to get a close and personal look at the competitors on the opposite side of the Gold Rush Tournament bracket.

Leon: Ah, I see. You're here to scout your prospective opponent, should you advance to the finals.

Vega: That's exactly right, Leon. I'm done coasting on raw skill. I'm here on Meltdown to show that I'm ready to finally put in the work. I'm here because I-

???: Blah, blah blah, blah, blah...

Vega is cut off by a voice off screen. The camera pans back to reveal Xander, dressed in his wrestling gear and ready for combat. He has a look of disdain plastered across his face as he approaches Vega and crashes his interview.

Leon: Excuse me, I'm trying to interview Vega right n-

Xander: Do yourself a favor and shut the hell up, Kensworth. Take advantage of the fact that I'm being nice right now. Thank me for the fact that I'm choosing not to hurt you right now.

Vega: That won't be happening, tonight.

Xander breaks his death stare from Leon and looks towards Vega, sickened by the sight.

Xander: You and me, Vega... we've never been on the same wave length. 5 years ago while you were at your most evil, I was the silly flip floppin' Triple X, willing to do anything to please those fools out there. But not you... not Vega. You didn't give a damn about them. Now the roles are reversed. You're out here worrying about being "good" while I'm wreaking havoc on this company, not giving a damn about them.

Vega: Them?

Xander: The fans. The damn fans.

Vega: This isn't about the fans, Xander. This is just me trying to do something right for the first time in my life.

Xander: Right!? Who gives a damn about whats right and wrong? We live in a world that only cares about 1 thing Vega... and that's Wins and Losses. You're wasting your time here, you naive has been. There is no way in hell you, of all people, are making it to the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament. And if by any chance you do, I'll be sure to bring an end to your recent run myself as I win this entire thing.

Vega: Is that what you really think?

Xander: This is what I know, Vega. You used to embrace the darkness... it's when you were at your best. It's when you were most dangerous. But this? This is just a neutered version of what you used to be. Honestly, it's just sad.

Xander shakes his head in disgust before delivering his final message.

Xander: Watch how it's done, Vega... it might help wake up that killer instinct in you.

He walks away and off screen. Leon holds the mic up towards Vega, who looks off in the distance. He seems to be seriously contemplating what Xander said as he stands there in silence.
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Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event! This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a first round match in the World Championship Gold Rush!

Xander slowly walks out onto the stage as his music kicks in. A single spotlight follows him down the ramp. The audience boos him mercilessly, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He stops at the foot of the ramp, and gives the fans a double finger salute. He slides into the ring, climbs the turnbuckle and stares out into the sea of New Yorkers, smirking and holding his arms up, while pointing to the sky.

Harrys: Introducing first, he is from Phoenix, Arizona. He weighs in tonight at 210 lbs. Please welcome Xander!

Copeland: This young man has been on a hot streak lately. He’s coming into Gold Rush following a controversial victory over former world champion, Kagura. Now thrown into the deep end, he’s considered to be a dark horse by many to win this tournament if he can survive this match tonight.

Cohen: That’s a big “If,” Seabass. I like Xander, but he must have really pissed off someone backstage to get this lousy of a draw.

The entire arena goes dim. All that’s left is a single spotlight shining at the top of the entrance ramp. Eve steps in it, with her head looking down. She slowly glances up, and looks around the entire arena, before staring blankly towards the ring. The New York crowd is booing her even worse than they did her opponent. She struts towards the ring, but in a careless manner. Once at the end of the ramp, she jumps onto the apron, and heads over to the closest turnbuckle. She climbs it, and once again the arena goes dim. The spotlight returns. Eve takes a deep breath, and soaks up all the noise from the crowd. She opens her eyes before climbing down from the turnbuckle, and preparing herself for the match. She takes off her entrance attire, and leans back against the ropes.

Harrys: And his opponent, she is from Berlin, Germany. She weighs in at 145 lbs. She is, “The Alternate” Eve Taylor!

Copeland: Despite coming up short in her match for the world title at R-Awakening, the most accomplished woman in WZCW history looks to be the early favorite to win the Gold Rush this year.

Cohen: Of course she’s the favorite. Eve wasn’t pinned in that triple threat. She should be given a rematch and main-event the next PPV, but she graciously chose to work her way up from ground zero in Gold Rush.

Eve and Xander stand nose to nose with each other, as the crowd starts booing them both. Xander is just a little bit taller, stockier, and more muscular. Eve starts talking trash, and shoves Xander hard enough to send him stumbling backwards a few steps. He doesn’t look happy, and pie faces her, and shoves her backwards as well. Eve loses her balance, and falls to one knee. She stares up at Xander, whose laughing at her, while still holding her cheek. She stands, and slaps the cockiness right off his face! Xander glares at her, eyes wide, and rubs his jaw.

*Ding! Ding ! Ding!*

They lock up in collar and elbow tie up, Xander gets behind her, and blasts Eve in the back of the head with a forearm shot! She whirls around, holding the back of her head, as he taunts her. Xander tries to lock up with her again, but Eve kicks him in the leg. She kicks him again in the ribs, and finishes with a spin kick to his abdomen. Xander holds his gut, and backs away. Now Eve is the one taunting him, as she holds her fists up. He circles the girl, trying to get close, but she throws a couple of mock kicks in his direction to keep him at bay. Suddenly, he feigns a takedown that catches her off guard, and shoots in for the real one. He wrestles Eve to the ground, and mounts her, delivering a volley of punches as she tries to cover up. Xander grabs her arms and pins them behind her back to the canvas. The referee begins to count her shoulders down: 1…2… but Eve pops her hips and arches her back, throwing Xander off her just long enough to raise her shoulders off the mat. Eve counters, and manages to flip Xander onto his back using her legs, the referee counts the pin: 1…2… but Xander gets his shoulders up. He rolls himself backwards, and gets to his feet. He stands, and drills Eve in the face with a front dropkick. Xander covers her again: 1…2… but it’s not enough.

Copeland: Lots of trash talking here at the opening bell, as both competitors have a lot to prove here tonight. They have little respect for each other, and the fans don’t like either one.

Cohen: I don’t know who I want to root for either, Seabass. Eve is nasty, but Xander has proven in recent weeks that he’ll do anything to win. I guess this’ll be a battle of attrition to the end.

Copeland: Back and forth near-falls now. Xander may have the edge in grappling, but Eve is a much better striker. If she lands a well-placed kick, or a knee, this match could be over quick.

Cohen: That’s IF she lands a kick or a knee. Xander’s not a clown anymore; the longer this match stays on the ground, the less of a chance Eve’s gonna have.

Xander lifts Eve to her feet, but she slaps his hands away and rocks him with a jumping knee strike straight to the jaw. She begins to pummel him with knife-edged chops to the chests, each one sending Xander sprawling, forcing him to take a step back. He steps forward, and tries to hit her with a forearm smash, but Eve ducks underneath and nails him with an inverted backbreaker. She hoists him to his feet, and takes him over with a northern lights suplex. She bridges, and pins him to the mat: 1… but it’s only a fast count. Xander quickly sweeps her leg out from underneath her, as Eve falls onto her back. He mounts her again, and begins to pummel her with elbow strikes until she goes limp. He drags her to her feet, hooks both of her arms behind her, and drives her into the mat with a tiger suplex. Normally he releases this throw, but Xander bridges high this time, pinning Eve’s shoulders to the mat. The referee counts: 1…2… but Eve kicks out.

Copeland: Eve and Xander trading some near falls with suplexes now. It seems like he got a little more off those elbows to the face, though.

Cohen: They’re just testing each other, Seabass. The bombs are coming, just you watch.

Eve flips herself over and stands, but Xander is up and waiting for her. He gets behind her, and applies a sleeper hold. Eve begins to thrash around wildly in an attempt to break the hold. She tries to throw him off like a bucking bronco, but he slowly begins to subdue her. He cinches in the hold, as she drops to one knee. The former world champion is fading fast! The crowd really doesn’t like either performer, but they’ve decided that they dislike the German model more, letting patriotism win out. Xander doesn’t seem to care either way, but smiles as chants of “USA!” and “Choke her out Xander!” fill the arena. All this manages to do is fill Eve with rage. With one last burst of adrenaline, she flips Xander off of her, sending him back onto the mat. He gets to his feet, but she kicks him in the knee. She runs, bounces off the ropes, and chop blocks his knee for good measure, sending him crumbling to the mat. Eve taunts the crowd, as they boo her mercilessly. She approaches her fallen opponent and pushes him, taunting him. “Where’s all that gusto now, huh?” she shouts. “You’re nothing, Xander!” She pulls him to his feet, and delivers a headbutt strike straight to the temple. The ‘Eight-By-Ten’ connects, as Xander stumbles backwards, and falls against the ropes. He growls, suddenly seeing red. Not many people can successfully get under his skin, but Eve was one of the few that could. He charges forward and takes a swing at her, but Eve ducks underneath him and hits the ropes. Instead of bouncing off of them, she rebounds through them like a pendulum, using her weight to propel her forward even faster. She tears through Xander with the ‘Designer Clothesline,’ knocking him loopy. The force of the blow sends him straight down to the canvas. Eve goes for the win: 1…2… but Xander kicks out!

Copeland: What a rebound clothesline from Eve! Seems like the fans have picked Xander as the lesser of two evils here, and Eve doesn’t seem to care one bit.

Cohen: Xander may act like he doesn’t care, but she’s the one getting into his head here. Maybe I was wrong about him, and he’s still just some punk kid that isn’t ready for the big time just yet.

Eve runs a hand through her hair, thinking she had the match won. She drags Xander to his feet, and promptly plants him with a DDT, driving his head straight into the mat. She climbs to the top turnbuckle, gazing down at her still lifeless foe. She leaps off the top, and drives both her feet into Xander’s chest. She flips forward and stands, having decided that her ‘Stiletto Stomp’ has done enough damage. She covers Xander once again for the win: 1…2… but it’s still not enough! Xander kicks out. Eve is beside herself this time. She stands and begins to argue with the referee. Chants of “Xander! Xander! Xander!” begin to fill the arena. For one night only, fans in New York cheer the former Eurasian and Elite X champion, simply because of their hatred for his opponent. Eve frowns, and gives the fans a double finger salute of her own. Distracted by the thunderous boos that fill the arena, she fails to notice Xander getting back to his feet. Eve turns, and gets floored with an ‘X-Rated Superkick!’ Instead of going for the cover, he grabs her, and applies a guillotine choke! The ‘Fade Away’ is locked in!

Copeland: Oh my god, Eve got cocky and she just might have cost herself the match! The Fade Away is locked in, will she tap? A Gold Rush second round spot is on the line here.

Cohen: It was a conspiracy by these fans here tonight who don’t like her just because she’s foreign. New Yorkers are completely disgusting!

Eve is fading fast, as Xander wraps his legs around her body. She tries muscle her way free, but doesn’t have anywhere near enough power to lift the bigger man. Xander has the hold cinched in deep, as Eve struggles against his grasp. With one last defiant act, she reaches over and buries her thumb into Xander’s eye. The former champion screams in pain, and relinquishes the hold. He curses and grabs his eye, as Eve slumps against the match. She has almost nothing left. Xander screams, and slams the mat in rage. He yells at the referee to get away from him, as he gets to his feet. He has a crazed look in his eye, as he stalks the exhausted former world champion. He half drags, half lifts her to her feet, and connects with the ‘Afterthought!’ The swinging STO connects, followed swiftly by a DDT of his own. Eve looks to be almost lifeless. Like a mad bull ready to charge, Xander squats down as she makes one final effort to get back to her feet using the ropes. Cries of “Make her tap!” fill the arena, as Xander leaps to his feet, dashes across the ring, grabs her and pulls her away from the ropes, and applies the ‘Fade Away’ once more. Eve cries out in defiance, refusing to tap, refusing to give Xander that satisfaction. Xander begins counting down from fifteen mentally in his head. When he gets to ten, Eve has stopped moving. When he gets to five, the referee is checking her responsiveness. When he gets to zero, that’s it. She’s out. The referee stops the match, and Xander releases the hold.

Harrys: Here is your winner via TKO, Xander!

Copeland: What a finish! Eve managed to free herself from the ‘Fade Away,’ only to get trapped by it a second time. Xander was relentless, and didn’t let her breathe for a second. What a huge first round upset this was.

Cohen: I’m glad to see Xander refusing to kowtow to these idiot fans! I wish him luck in the second round, though he completely destroyed my bracket.

The referee lifts his hand into the air, as the crowd gives him a standing ovation. Xander doesn’t bask in their cheers, nor does he relish their chants for him, because he knows that this was all a farce. If it had been anyone else but Eve, he would have been booed out the arena. They weren’t cheering for him, but rather they were spiting his opponent. Next round, they weren’t gonna care about him at all. He tears his hand away from the official, and gives his signature double finger salute to the fans. Their cheers for him immediately turn to boos, as Xander stomps away and exits the ring. The referee and another official are still checking on Eve, who has regained consciousness, but remains motionless on the mat as the WZCW logo appears in the corner.

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