Meltdown 123

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As is the norm, the camera begins circling the arena, revealing all of the WZCW fans who have packed themselves inside the arena tonight. Mots of them have their home-made signs with them and hold them aloft as the camera passes them by. A cacophony of noise welcomes us to Meltdown 123.

Copeland: Welcome, once again, ladies and gentlemen to Meltdown 123! We are here in Edmonton, Alberta for what promises to be an amazing show in the Commonwealth Stadium. I am, of course, Sebastian Copeland and I am joined at ringside by Jack Cohen. And Jack, you have to admit, that there is a big night feel about tonight?

Cohen: I've got goosebumps, Seabass! What a huge ovation for WZCW in Edmonton and I am not surprised. After everything that went down two weeks ago in Vancouver, things can only heat up on the road to Kingdom Come!

With that, the camera settles on the two announcers at ringside. Both look pleased to be there and have massive smiles on their faces.

Copeland: You are absolutely right, Jacko. What a massive show we have in the offing for you. In our massive main event tonight, we will see Theron Daggershield and Dr Zeus come together for the first time in a wrestling ring since their high-profile wins at Lethal Lottery. They will be flanked by their respective supports in a massive 6-man Tag Match!

Cohen: Words cannot even describe how excited I am for that!

Copeland: And we are also set to be treated to some great wrestling action that will include the hotly anticipated match between Flex Mussel and Ramparte. Not to mention, we will have the announcement of who will join Ty Burna in this year's Hall of Fame ceremony. Truly, we have a massive night of entertainment heading your way. But before we get to that, let's take you back to last week. Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage have not exactly been on the same page since their win at Lethal Lottery and it all came to a head last week...

Harrys: The winners of the match, The Children of the Damned!

Doe rolls to the floor and meets his partner at the bottom of the ramp, evil smiles forming on both of their faces. Stormrage gathers both belts and rolls into the ring. Tastic is slowly sitting up, a trickle of blood flowing down his face. The crowd starts clapping and chanting for Matt, encouraging him to get up, with Mikey clapping along. He makes it to his feet, holding his head, and turns to his partner, who is holding out one of the titles. He stares at Mikey, and then at the title, and takes it, before tossing it to the mat. Stormrage starts to question Matt, but Tastic shoves his partner away and leaves the ring.

Cohen: Big surprise there, Mikey Stormrage looks to have ruined another tag team.

Copeland: Emotions are running high right now, but this may be something to keep an eye on. Matt Tastic did not look happy with his partner there.

Following the match, Matt and Mikey recompose themselves. Fallout and John Doe leave as the Tag Team Champions look on defeated and dejected. Matt shoots a glance at Mikey and then exits the ring. He grabs the Tag Team titles and a microphone. He tosses one to Mikey to grab his attention.

Matt: Mikey, I need to talk to you. Last year at All Or Nothing I defeated you for the Eurasian Championship. Then I won Lethal Lottery and the World Heavyweight Championship. I owe it all to you. Your friendship and your help. We vowed to someday meet up in the ring again for the World Heavyweight Championship. We made it our goal for Revolution. But at Kingdom Come, I won and you lost. It could've been at Gold Rush but we had a guest because at Revolution, I retained and you lost. We're a tag team now. And I'm very happy about being Tag Team Champions. But watching back Lethal Lottery last week, I saw what happened. I saw you were right there and capable of catching me like last year. Now I know you don't have to do that. You didn't have to last year, but you did. And it won me the World title. I'm grateful. This year though, you looked the other way. Mikey. I need to ask. Is this a case of you getting distracted? Or is it a case of you not wanting me to challenge for the World Championship again?

Mikey looks on with a shocked face by Matt's words. He stretches his arms out wondering "why" as Matt looks on. He too showing his own sadness.

You're my best friend. We've been close for well over a year now. I can tell something here is wrong. Is there a sense of jealousy, Mikey? Is there a belief in you that if you disassociate yourself from me, you would not be seen as the star you are now? I know something is up. And I want you to say it. Because whatever it is, cost me the opportunity to headline Kingdom Come again. And it may grind a gear between us if we don't work it now. I'll give you until next week. Please. Give me an answer.

As the video package ends, the filming returns to the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton; where Mikey Stormrage is already standing in the ring. Mikey looks pleased to be a part of the evening but looks to be troubled by something just beneath the surface. As his music ends, Mikey raises the microphone to his mouth.

Mikey: Wow! You guys really have been completely awesome in the North. Every single time we come up here, you always manage to surprise me. Even last week when we went down in a losing effort, you guys stuck behind us and made us feel amazing!

Mikey gets a warm round of applause from the Canadian fans; who do genuinely feel like they are getting a heartfelt message from one half of the Tag Team Champion.

Mikey: Honestly, you guys were an utter highlight throughout our whole time in Vancouver and the time we have been here. But speaking about last week, there was one thing that left a sour taste in my mouth. You guys all know what it is and I'm sure they've just shown it to everyone at home... Matt asked me for answers last week. Something had changed and he knew it. He told me that I had a week to think about it and it's all I've done in that week. I think I only played video games for around 40 hours this week; and that's a new record low!

Copeland: Well, it seems as though we are going to get some answers here tonight to kick off Meltdown.

Just as Mikey goes to continue his speech, the lights go out.

Mikey is cut off in his prime as the other half of the Tag Team Champions makes a sudden appearance on the stage. The crowd go wild for the emergence of 100% of Live Mas as Matt begins his walk down to the ring.

Cohen: Indeed we are, Seabass. And I think that Matt wants them face-to-face...

Matt continues down the ramp until he reaches the bottom. He gives Mikey a nod of his head before heading up the steps and into the ring. He removes the Tag Team Championship from around his waist and mounts the turn-buckle; holding his championship high in the air. He dismounts and walks over to Mikey. They two of them share a fist bump and then Matt heads off to grab a microphone of his own. Retrieving one finally, he moves back towards his tag team partner.

Matt: Hey listen, man... I might have been out of line last week. I know that things have been rough for you over the last few weeks and months and you feel as though you-

At that, Mikey interjects.

Mikey: Actually, man, if I could just talk this time, it would make this thing much easier in the end.

Matt is cut off in his prime but takes the microphone away from his face before giving a look of acceptance to his co-champion.

Mikey: Like I said, I've been thinking about us a lot over the last weeks. We have come so far from the two guys who appeared together in the Lethal Lottery a year ago. In the time that we've been together as a team, our careers have gone from one place to a wholly different place. Every night, we headline shows and pack out arenas. A year ago, was any of that really happening for us?

Matt reluctantly shakes his head as Mikey continues.

Mikey: Man, in the that time we have had such a good run. We have fought the very best of the best and we have had so many fun times. But something has been different about you since then. I don't know, it's like you feel as though your star is outshining mine and that I am dulling your sparkle or something?

Out of reach from the microphone, Matt tries to remonstrate with Mikey.

Mikey: You said last week that this year's Lethal Lottery had a different feel to it than the last and that's why you had to say what you said. And I guess you were right in that assumption. This year, I could have caught you and put you back in the match. Hell, you might even have went onto win that match and headlined the main event of Kingdom Come for the second successive year.

A huge roar of approval goes around the arena at thought of Matt Tastic headlining another Kingdom Come.

Mikey: But what would have happened to ol' Mikey if that were the case? You would be off fighting Theron Daggershield for the Heavyweight Championship and I would be the moral support once again. I just can't do that again, man. Now, you know that I have a lot of love for you; we're best friends after all. But I can't be the Doug Crashin of this stable. I can't be the guy that everyone looks at and thinks that he is being carried...

Mikey's words trail off as Matt tries to interject this time.

Matt: No one thinks tha-

Mikey: It doesn't matter what they think, Matt! What people think and what I know are two seperate things. And whilst you were too busy fighting for the biggest prize in the game, I don't think you realised that I was struggling a bit. But I know that I am better than what people think. I know that I have what it takes to be Heavyweight Champion. And I guess, I know that I can beat you...

Matt and Mikey stand silently in the middle of the ring for a moment, digesting the words of Mikey.

Matt: What are you saying?

Mikey thinks for a moment before bringing the microphone back to his mouth.

Mikey: Matt, you gotta know that I am so happy being the Tag Team Champion with you. Since we formed this alliance, I have been dreaming of the day that we would win them. But the Lottery really set something off in my brain; something that I can't seem to shake. Everyone looks at us like it is Matt & Mikey... Never Mikey & Matt. I need to prove to everyone what I already know. I need to face you, man. I need to get the monkey off of my back and prove to myself and to you that I deserve to hang here.

Copeland: Wow!

Matt once again tries to talk to Mikey without the microphone but Mikey brushes it off.

Mikey: Where do we go from here? Well, that's just another question. But you asked for answers and I gave them to you... I'm sorry!

With that, Mikey exits the ring and heads up the ramp; leaving Matt alone with his thoughts and his half of the Tag Team Championships strewn over his shoulder.

Copeland: I'm not sure that Matt wanted the answers that he thought he did last week, Jack.

Cohen: Well, he's got them now. But what could this mean for Live Mas and for the Tag Team Championships going forward? It seems like Matt and Mikey might have hit their first massive speed bump on the road.
Harrys: The following contest is a Three Way match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, already in the ring, from Silicon Valley, California, he is the X-Man! Kendrick Xavier!

Xavier stands on the top rope posing as his name is announced.

And welcome back to Meltdown, ladies and gentlemen. 3 Way match here tonight. The first of two with the second coming in Ascension involving the participants in King For A Day.


From Ise, Mie, Japan, she is Kagura Daikonran!!

Gray cherry blossoms fall from the ceiling as Kagura makes her way to the ring.

Cohen: Kagura has become so aggressive lately. I like it!

Copeland: Of course you do. Though I can't deny that attitude will help her at King For A Day.


Gino appears on stage holding a box of pizza. He wiffs at the smell before kissing off its perfection. As he walks towards the ring he offers a kid a slice who promptly takes it. He leaves the pizza by the timekeeper's table as he enters the ring.

Copeland: He debuted a Lethal Lottery. And he's got a huge opportunity at Kingdom Come. Tonight he has a chance to make an impact. What do you think, Jack?

Cohen:I want a slice.....

*Ding Ding Ding*

Referee Keith Morse to start the contest between the three and instantly Kagura goes on the attack. She ambushes Gino with heavy strikes as Xavier looks on for some sort of opening. Gino retreats to the ropes where Keith Morse intervenes. As Kagura turns around, she quickly does the same for Xavier. She strikes him repeatedly, pushing to the corner. Keith once again admonishes her, but this time she chooses to disobey. She shrugs Keith off and charges at the prone Xavier. A high impact Wheel Kick hits him like a freight train. She shoves off Xavier who falls right by Gino. Almost on instict, Gino grabs Xavier and raises him to his shouders. Dat Finisher Dough connects! Gino drops Xavier from high above onto his knees with great force. Xavier crumbles on the impact as Gino goes for the cover.



3-But Kagura quickly breaks it up.

Copeland: My God, Gino almost had it there.

Cohen: Poor Xavier though. This seems like collusion to me.

Gino gets up as Xavier falls out of the ring as Kagura stares at him. Waiting for a move. They both extend their hands for a test of strength with neither willing to grip. Both fight it as Kagura tries to kick Gino's arm. Gino in turn tries a punch but seems out of reach. Kagura uses the chance to grip Gino from the back with a bear hug. She elbows Gino right on the neck but the scrappy pizza guy raises his legs and turns Kagura over for a Victory Roll.



3-NO! She gets out of it. The very second she gets to her feet, Kagura kicks Gino right in the side of his knee repeatedly with piston like rapid precision. She then kicks him right on the ribs to really put the pain on. Gino drops to one knee succumbing to the assault as Kagura presses on.

Cohen: I'll say that's karma for not giving me a slice. Kagura might literally chop the guy down tonight.

Copeland: You might be right. Kagura is just- Oh, wait a minute!

Gino finally manages to catch one of her kicks just before impact. And on that moment, he capitalizes. He begins to punch Kagura right in the thigh. Its clear the blows throw Kagura off balance as she teeters still trapped by Gino's grip. He continues to fire away with his fisticuffs as much as he can as Kagura now begins to succumb to the assault. She falls to one knee. The free knee as Gino gets to his feet gingerly. Not to be outdone, she barrel rolls forward and gets back on her own feet as well.

Copeland: Kagura wants to play this one out carefully. Not wanting to make mistakes against the relative newcomer.

The two stare each other down, waiting for the first to make their move. Kagura is the one to flinch and throws a mighty roundhouse, but it misses. Gino uses the opening and Ax Handle's Kagura right in the gut. Using that chance, Gino goes on the attack. He whips Kagura across the ring and catches her coming in with a Neckbreaker. Gino seems ready to capitalize but he spots Xavier about to re-enter the match. He gets in the ring but Gino is more than ready for him. Gino punches him several times in the corner and then begins to switch between punches and chops right to the chest. Xavier can't escape the offense and in the background, Kagura gets up. She sees what's going on and pulls away Gino. She shoves him off and delivers a thunderous knee right to the gut of Gino, causing him to drop to his knees. She turns to Xavier and provides the same treatment. Knees right to the gut, but because Xavier is on the corner, held up by the ropes, she continues the attack. Xavier has no answer as Keith Morse has to intervene to stop the illegal assault.

Cohen: Good grief, Xavier is just assaulted by this unfair double team. Ref, put some order!

Copeland: What double team? Gino is down too!

Xavier collapses and Kagura turns to Gino, but he's ready and leaps into the air to deliver his own knee right into Kagura's jaw. She staggers but Gino doesn't stop.

Copeland: Kagura can be considered one of the best strikers in WZCW. But Gino looks like he wants to keep up with her.

Cohen: She's not as soft as the pizza dough. He may wanna reconsider his plan.

He whips her across the ring but Kagura slides underneath. She pounces for the attack, but Gino catapults her for a Flapjack. She crumbles to the mat as Gino capitalizes with a pin.



3-No! Only 2 as Kagura gets the shoulder up. Gino then goes for the collapsed Xavier off on the side. He turns him over and covers him.



But Kagura pulls Gino out. They both get to their feet and exchange blows as they rise. Gino runs for momentum but just tosses him overhead with a Saito Suplex. She clutches at Gino's neck with a Trapezious Claw but the pizza guy gets up and Uppercuts Kagura. The pain sets in as Gino is forced to both clutch his shoulder and drop to one knee and Kagura is right on him. She clutches Gino's neck for the Fourth Dance of Toyouke Omikami and tries to bring him down for the scissors but Gino struggles to stay alive.

Cohen: This is it. Kagura has him right in the middle. There's no way out.

Copeland: Not quite. There's 3 people in this match.

Gino tries to reach the ropes but can't. Kagura manages to wrap a leg around him and drops to the mat, applying the finishing submission hold. Gino fights on to stay alive in the match as Keith Morse checks for a submission. It seems Gino is fading but Xavier gets up. He stomps on Kagura repeatedly, forcing her to relinquish the hold. He hoists her up but Kagura slaps him. Xavier staggers as Kagura seems annoyed. She kicks Xavier in the leg repeatedly trying to knock him off balance. He finds support in the ropes but he eventually succumbs to the punishments and drops to his knees. Kagura measures him and bows in a rather mocking sign of respect before delivering the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami. Xavier collapses and before Kagura can take advantage, Gino pulls her away. He punches her but Kagura kicks him in the already injured leg. She whips him across the ring and leaps for the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto but Gino holds on to the ropes. A mixture of the pain in the leg and being prepared. Kagura gets back to her feet but Gino has her measured and rushes ahead for the Sling Blade. He quickly shoves her out of the ring and grabs Xavier. Dat Finisher Dough! The cover!




Here is your winner, Gino Galucci!!

Kagura is shown frustrated outside of the ring clutching her neck as Gino has his arm raised. He celebrates throwing kisses to the crowd as Keith Morse goes to check on Xavier. Gino gets out of the ring and grabs his pizza box. He presents it to the crowd in celebration as Kagura walks away and Xavier is taken away.

Copeland: Gino needed that big win and he managed to get it here tonight. What an even fight he had with Kagura. Blow for blow, it was pretty impressive.

Cohen: You could almost say he needed to deliver here tonight. Like.... To this announce table. Like.... Right now. HEY! GIVE ME A SLICE!!

Gino celebrates as Stacey Madison approaches him for a mic. She asks him to turn for an interview as the music goes down.

Gino, you got a big win here tonight over participants of King For A Day. That's gotta feel great. But the King For A Day match is a totally different beast. Do you plan to keep the same strategy you did here going blow for blow or will you have to change it up going against 5 other people?

Gino: Well... you see-ah signore. I-ah plan to do the same as I-ah always do. And dats deliver the goods. Kingdom Come will be-ah my finest delivery yet and I will present the most marvelous-ah pizza yet. It will be magnifique!

Stacey: Isn't that french?

Gino: Have you not tasted Hawaiian pizza, my-ah dear? You must sample all possible flavors from all countries for perfection to be presented. And at Kingdom Come-ah, I will showcase my international menu for the world to taste in delight!

Stacey:Well, there you have it. Gino Galucci!
We cut backstage to where Brittany stands in front of the team known as the Men of Mayhem. Beside her, the imposing figure of Stacy Madison stands with a microphone in hand. Brittany has a huge smile on her face as she stands with her arms crossed patiently.

Stacey: Thanks for joining us backstage, everyone. What a massive match to kick off Meltdown 123 and I am pleased to say that things are just getting bigger and bigger around here. And speaking of things that have a growing reputation, I am now joined by one of the hottest Tag Teams in WZCW; The Men of Mayhem!

With that, the camera pans across towards the Men of Mayhem but they are quickly cut off by their new manager, Brittany.

Brittany: Thanks, Stacey! I know that you know that my Men have a huge match to prepare for. And, I guess, it's because of that they don't really want to waste their breath on giving their opinions to the unwashed masses of WZCW. But luckily for everyone here tonight, they have given me permission to speak for them. So that everyone in attendance gets to scurry home to tell everyone that they heard from the soon-to-be Tag Team Champions...

Stacey allows a look of confusion and derisory cross her features but appears to want to press ahead with the interview anyway. She withdraws the microphone to her own chin as she poses the questions.

Stacey: Sure, I guess. So, with you guys knocking off the former Tag Champions last week, the future is looking bright for you despite everything that everyone had to say prior to your first match. Just how far do you think you can go in the Tag Division?

Armando and Logan look angry at the straight to the point question from Stacey but Brittany is quick to quell the danger and answer the question.

Brittany: How far can they go, Stacey? Don't you realise that you are looking at the future of the Tag Team Division? Don't you realise that you are looking at the future of this great company? Sweetheart, listen, my men are closing in gold already. Cerberus underestimated them and they paid the price. Ty Burna is probably underestimating us and he'll pay the price too...

Stacey gives Brittany an incredulous look as she grabs the microphone from her hand and continues on.

Brittany: You fans doubted us; you never believed that we could go above and beyond and defeat Cerberus. But we did. And once Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon are soundly beaten too, our path to Kingdom Come is clear. Mayhem will reign and everyone will be sorry. We want the gold and we're coming for it!

Brittany shoves the microphone into the chest of Stacey before giving Armando and Logan a motivating slap on their respective chests. Armando and Logan give a wry smile as the three of them walk away.


Harrys: The following contest is a Tag Team Match, and it's scheduled for one fall!!!


Static lights flash throughout the arena as the music begins. Pillars of fire burst forth along the entrance stage as El Califa Dragon and Ty Burna slowly walk out among the fire. Both men flip their respective hoods back, Califa throws his hands out as Ty looks around the arena, nodding his head to the music. Califa jumps up and over the top rope as Ty slides under the bottom rope. The lights stop flashing once they're inside.

Harrys: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 415 pounds, El Califa Dragon and Ty Burna...they are the Phantoms Of Chaos!!!

Copeland: The days of The Armada and The Elite are over. Now the most enigmatic stars of yore have put aside their differences to become the Phantoms themselves. The division has picked up for sure.

Connor: But can they truly coincide? You'd be hard pressed to find a more unorthodox pairing even if you tried.


Lights go dark. Red and white lights flicker. The spotlights hit both men, with their manager Brittany O'Shea in front, arms wide showing off the two. The trio walks down the ramp, Logan sliding under the ropes while Armando poses on the outside turnbuckle. They stand center of the ring with Brittany in front, showing off her boys.

Harrys: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 525 pounds, they are Logan McAllister and Armando Paradyse...Men of Mayhem!!!

Connor: Opportunists. They decimated Cerberus last week, and now they're the new trio on the block. Truly living up to their name.

Copeland: Indeed. They picked off one of the better teams of WZCW. But ECD and Ty Burna are together now. This will get volatile.

* Ding Ding Ding *

Logan McAllister of MoM starts off first against El Califa Dragon. They circle the ring, looking for opportunities to attack. Logan locks up with Califa, using his body's weight to grapple him down to the ground. ECD fights back with elbows to the gut, but Logan clubs him across the back, sending him to the mat. There McAllister grounds and pounds him until referee Katie Shephard calls for the 5 count. Logan lets up, but goes right back after ECD. ECD springs up and lands a Leaping Tornado DDT! Now it's Califa on the ground and pound assault. Shephard pulls the Dragon off of Logan and the fans start clapping, waiting to see more aerial moves.

Copeland: Good balance of opposing fighting styles here. Brawler vs. Luchador.

Connor: Yeah, but look at Logan's face. He doesn't deal well with the high-flyer it seems.

They lock back up again, but Logan quickly pulls ECD into a T-Bone Suplex. He drops the Dragon and quickly runs after Ty Burna on the apron! He swipes at Burna, who out of sheer reflex dodged the slap. Pissed, Logan returns back to El Califa, just to be met with Rolling Fire. The kick sends Logan tumbling to the Phantoms of Chaos's side of the ring. El Califa tags in Ty Burna! Ty sprints to the other side and knocks Armando Paradyse off of the apron to Brittany's chagrin. Burna turns to Logan, remembering the attempted slap from moments ago. He runs the ropes while ECD climbs the top rope. Katie Shephard starts to count ECD's time in the ring down. Dragon Hurricanrana's Logan...and it's followed with a Big Boot from Ty Burna! Logan is down and Burna goes for the pin!

1 !

2 !

3 !

No Logan McAllister's arm goes up in the nick of time!

Connor: Do it for your boy, Logan!

Copeland: That's not cool, man. Bigger and more experienced men have fell at the hands of Ty Burna. He's powering through better than many have.

True to form, Logan stands right back up after the tag team maneuver. Burna puts him back down with a running knee. Logan pushes himself right back up. Burna comes at him again with Mo' Murda! The facebreaking DDT puts Logan back down. Burna slips away, grinning at Logan's fighting spirit. McAllister uses the ropes to pull himself up to face Burna. Logan mouths off and tags in Armando. Both men attempt to double team The Harbinger, but he wiggles through and slides out of the ring. Armando sits down, playing coy with Ty. Ty Burna laughs, rushes back in and Armanda is back up- Shuffle Side Kick from Armando! It catches Ty in the face and he staggers. Armando stays on the offense; landing a knee facebuster. Burna tries to power through, but Armando grabs him with one arm and makes the tag for Logan. Armando executes a Superkick and Burna goes straight into Logan's clutches with a Spinebuster! The double team is good. Logan wastes no time tagging Armando back in as he's still the fresher of the two.

Copeland: Men of Mayhem is learning quick with these constant tags.

Connor: All they're doing is pissing Ty off, though.

We Want Chaos! *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

We Need Mayhem! *Clap Clap ClapClapClap*

Armando Irish Whips Ty Burna into a corner. He goes for the running facewash, but Burna ducks and Armando's leg is trapped between the top and middle buckles! Burna tags El Califa in, but Ty goes right after the trapped Armando...he lifts him up on the top rope...Straight Jacket Suplex! Armando crumbles to the ground and the legal man ECD goes to finish off Chaos Reigns, but Logan intercepts him, knocking him down with a short arm clothesline! He breaks up the finishing move but Ty Burna sends him flying over the top rope with Consecrated Banishment! Ty slips out before the referee can penalize the Phantoms. Seeing Armando still down, El Califa starts climbing the top rope himself.

He slowly squares up....

He leaps...

...and connects with a moonsault! Armando goes limp and Katie Shephard goes for the pin count.

1 !

2 !

...MoM manager Brittany pulls ECD's leg onto the bottom rope and signals for Katie to stop!

3 -

Referee Katie does notice the leg, and breaks her count. The fans boo mercilessly.

Connor: Clever broad.

Copeland: This isn't fair to The Phantoms of Chaos at all.

El Califa and Armando wearily grapple one another to the center of the ring. Armando Irish Whips Califa, tries for the springboard crossbody, misses, and ECD grabs him from the back to attempt The Dragon Clutch! The Dragon Clutch almost bridges until Logan comes in for another save- kicking Dragon in the midsection. Ty has had enough and dashes across the ring----sending himself and Logan flying out of the ring into the unforgiving floor! Armando crawls to his team's side of the ring, but his partner isn't there. ECD gathers all of his energy and slaps The Dragon Clutch on Paradyse again...and it's bridged! WIth no one there for the tag, and they're back to the middle of the ring, the drained Paradyse nods his head at Katie Shephard to ring the bell.

Harrys: Here are your winners as a result of a submission...Ty Burna and El Califa Dragon...The Phantoms of Chaos!!!

Copeland: Hell of a struggle for our veterans. Logan broke up their tag team finisher, and probably even got in Ty's head there at the end, too. And that's no easy task. Men of Mayhem put up one heck of a fight!

Connor: Something tells me we haven't seen the last of these four gentlemen beating the crap out of one another. This has all the makings of a blood feud if ever there was one.

The Phantoms of Chaos pick themselves up and head to the locker room. Logan and Brittany tend to Armando, who even after the tap seemed strong enough for another round.

First of all, the rocks slid into place for Everest; the first man to be inducted into the glorious WZCW Hall of Fame. Chosen by a landslide, the Pinnacle of Perfection personified everything that was great about WZCW. Then, you had heard legend of the man but dreams came true for Titus in 2015, when he was announced as the second man to be placed into the Hall of Fame. The truest hero WZCW had ever seen took his place alongside his fiercest foe at Kingdom Come VI! Soon after, the spotlight shone on one of the most successful wrestlers to ever grace a WZCW ring, when “Showtime” David Cougar was announced as the third man to be inducted.

All three of these magnificent warriors have had Hall of Fame worthy careers and have lit the path for the wrestlers of tomorrow to break new ground and take this Federation to places it has never been before. These three men have stood atop the wrestling industry and have elevated it to heights that no one ever deemed imaginable.

The WZCW Hall of Fame was set up as a reminder to everyone about how far WZCW has come and to give imagination, direction and ambition to the future of the company. It is through the Hall of Fame that WZCW Superstars are gifted the highest honour that we have to bestow upon anyone. To join such illustrious company is not just a reward, but a measure of appreciation for the years of hard work and dedication to the Federation.

Last week, Ty Burna was announced to be the fourth man to enter the WZCW Hall of Fame and tonight, he will be joined by another WZCW Legend. A man who exemplified everything good about WZCW and the opportunities that could be explored within the scope of this massive organisation.



Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome... Showtime David Cougar!!

After a moment or two of the crowd waiting for Showtime to arrive, they suddenly burst into life when he appears from behind a curtain. Dressed in his trademark suit and tie, Showtime has a massive smile on his features as he stands on the stage and soaks in the reception from the crowd. The Canadian faithful welcome him warmly as he begins his swagger towards the ring.

Copeland: What a reception from the Canadian fans for one of their own. And in case you haven't guessed, Showtime has some pretty big news for us tonight.

Cohen: I just cannot wait to see who it's going to be, Seabass!

Finally, after slapping a few hands on the way down the ramp, Showtime reaches the ring. Up the steps and into the ring Showtime climbs until he is met with another huge reaction from the fans. He walks around the ring for a moment, dodging the TV that has been set up in the middle of two stools.

Showtime: Hello Edmonton!

Once again, Showtime is met by a huge cheer from the Canadian fans. Another smile appears on the face of Showtime as he paces around the ring.

Showtime: Now, I don't normally do something like this to get a cheap pop, but I've been away from the ring for a lot of months now so allow myself to enjoy this moment and stroke my ego for a minute. I just want to ask everybody, WHAT TIME IS IT?


Showtime: I can't hear you, I said, WHAT TIME IS IT?


Showtime: You damn right it is. Edmonton give yourselves a round of applause.

The crowd erupts loudly with chants of "We are awesome." Showtime smiles and lets the audience have their fun.

Showtime:It's been a long time coming for me to step back into a WZCW ring. The most charismatic superstar in wrestling history, the main event star, the most decorated wrestler ever in WZCW. To have the opportunity to return in the Great White North, the greatest country in the world, is just icing on the cake. It has been a bumpy road for The Show, but tonight is not about me. Tonight, I am honoured to be back in front of all of you and announcing something that is very close to my heart.

Showtime allows another smile to cross his features and allows the sentiment of the moment to sink into the fans.

Showtime: First of all, I want to congratulate one of my fiercest foes, Ty Burna, on his induction into the WZCW Hall of Fame. No one deserves it more than you, brother. It really is amazing to share the honour with you, and I wish you well on your quest for the tag team titles. Just two more for you to go before you can catch me. All jokes aside, it is indeed time to announce to all of you great fans, the second man who will enter the WZCW Hall of Fame in 2015, and the fifth man overall. He is a former WZCW champion, a former King For A Day winner, he...

Cohen: John Constantine!?! What a shocker, but it's a good call.

Copeland: Judging by the look on Showtime's face, I don't think Constantine was the person Showtime was going to announce.

Cohen: He must be. He is a former WZCW champion, former KFAD. He's the longest Elite X champion in history. In fact, I'd say this honour is long overdue.

After a moment of stunned silence around the arena, Constantine finally wonders out from behind the curtain; the burlap sack that he has come to be known by held in his right hand. In his left, a microphone can be seen. The crowd seem utterly stunned at the revelation, Showtime too looks on with confusion.

Constantine: Surprised to see me David? You shouldn't be. All of you people here tonight should ask yourselves if this Hall of Fame is even really complete without me? A name that has become synonymous with success... Left out of contention for another year. A former World Heavyweight Champion, a former King For A Day winner... The longest reigning Elite X Champion in the history of this business... And yet!

The Power Trip makes his way down the ramp towards the ring as Showtime looks furiously towards him; trying his best to burn a hole through him.

Constantine: I watched you last week, David. I've kept a very close eye on you since you returned to this company. And with the announcement that Ty Burna would be inducted into the Hall of Fame last week, I have kept my sights firmly fixed on you. Your glorious return last week...

Constantine laughs maniacally.

Constantine: Ruined by a former Tag Team Champion. Maybe you've lost a step in your time away from the ring, David? Or maybe WZCW has just outgrown people like you. You see, whilst you were away on your little holiday, I was rising to the top of this business. I am the best in the world today but you are merely the second best of yesterday. Face it, David, you're a memory.

Showtime laughs at Constantine from afar.

Constantine: And no matter what Superstar you parade out here tonight, I can assure you that no one is going to come close to my successes.

With that, Constantine finally makes his way down the ramp and to the outside of the ring. Showtime looks ready to fight but keeps his cool; completely uncaring about the words of Constantine.

Constantine: For a while now, I have been adrift. I have lacked direction and proper motivation. But seeing what the Hall of Fame has to offer last week made me realise my ideal goal. I need to reach higher than mere Championships in this business, I've been there and did that. But now, I have a new target...

Constantine looks around the arena and then stares back at Showtime.

Constantine: You!

The crowd pops loudly at the announcement. Showtime looks around the arena and then back at Constantine. Without so much as a word, he places his mic down on the stool and removes his suit jacket. Constantine licks his lips and heads over to the steel stairs. Showtime rolls up his sleeves and heads over to the ropes, lowering the middle one to invite him in. Constantine is standing at the top of the stairs, the two foes are mere feet apart now. The crowd buzzes with excitement, yet Constantine slowly backs down the stairs. Boos rain down on him, but that doesn't phase him at all. Constantine seems to allow a massive smile to cross his features. He pulls the burlap sack to his face and puts it over his head gently. A laugh from Constantine goes around the arena as the lights go out. Confusion reigns for what seems like forever and when the lights do come back on, the set has been destroyed. The stools have been flipped over and on the TV, the words “EXPECT ME” are written on the screen as Showtime stands motionless.
Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from London, England, weighing 223lbs pounds, The WZCW EurAsian Champion, "The Sadistic" Johnny Scumm!

The WZCW EurAsian champion makes his way onto the stage and to the ramp. He spits before he makes his way to the ring. He flips the finger at the heavily booing fans, before he rolls into the ring and holds his title high.

Copeland: Not a warm welcome for the EurAsian champion here tonight.

Cohen: Because these ignorant fans don't know a quality wrestler when they see one.


And his opponent, from Mechanical Mecca, weighing 230 pounds, S.H.I.T.!

The fans cheer as the lights go dim and then turn blue. S.H.I.T. emerges on top of the ramp and scans the arena, taking in the applause of the audience. Slowly it makes its way down to ring, ignoring everything now, it walks up the steps and climbs in through the middle rope, before turning its analyzing gaze on Scumm.

Cohen: See, this proves my point. They are cheering a man in a robot costume.

Copeland: The fans are attracted to S.H.I.T. and his never say die style.

The referee calls for the bell and the match is underway.


S.H.I.T. advances upon Scumm. The robot gives an inquisitive look at the champ. Scumm spits in the face of the robot, who proceeds to Piston Chop Scumm. With the champ dazed, S.H.I.T. Piston Chops him a second time. This puts Scumm on the mat. S.H.I.T. then locks in the Industrial Strength Vice. Scumm quickly taps to alleviate the pain, but S.H.I.T. keeps the hold locked in well after the bell.

Harrys: Here is your winner, S.H.I.T.!

Copeland: So the mechanical man picks up an easy W here tonight, and shows he is nothing to be trifled with.

Cohen: And he shows his true colors by holding onto the hold long after the bell.

S.H.I.T. finally releases the hold and stands. The ref raises the hand of S.H.I.T. who doesn't appear to show any emotion. He simply stands over the body of Scumm, before he walks out of the ring and up the ramp as Scumm finally begins to stir as we go to commercial.


As we return from commercial, Scumm is sitting in the ring, alone.


Copeland: It looks like we are about to be treated a visit from Titus.

Titus: I told you Johnny. I told you that your actions would catch up to you eventually. Looks like you had a rather...S.H.I.T.T.Y. time. All jokes aside, you shouldn't fret. I talked to Vance Bateman, and he and I both agree that you need a stern test at Kingdom Come. You need a former champion in his own right. You need a hero. A WZCW Hall of Famer. So at Kingdom Come, you will be facing off against none other than...ME!

Scumm looks furious from the ring as Titus flashes a million dollar smile before he walks back behind the curtain.

Cohen: So it looks like Titus will be facing off against Johnny Scumm at Kingdom Come, with the EurAsian Title on the line. A fine match if I ever saw one.

Copeland: Other than the fact Titus booked himself into the match, I agree.
Harrys: The following contest is set for one fall!


Flex emerges on stage in his newly designed signature Flex Fitness track suit and his duffle bag in hand. He begins chanting "We Will Rock You" along with the fans to the beat of his theme music. He chugs a few protein shakes from his bag and hands a few out this time only to fans who ask for them. At the bottom of the ramp, Flex stands for a moment; motionless.

Harrys: Introducing first, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Paris, France... Flex Mussel!!

Copeland: Well, this match is going to be one for the ages, for sure. Cerberus, the same team who absolutely ruled this company for a long time, seem to have completely erupted.

Cohen: It was bound to happen, Seabass. When you are so used to winning everything you put an effort into, when you lose it can have dramatic repercussions.

Copeland: Well, last week we seen what looked like the end of the road for Cerberus. But looking at Flex here tonight, he looks a little concerned about this match. I don't think he is too keen to take on his former ally.

He enters the ring and poses on the top turn-buckle flexing his biceps before disrobing from his tracksuit to reveal body weights on his his arms legs which he takes off and puts into his duffle bag for safe keeping.

After a few moments, the second head of Cerberus appears on the stage; a look of aggression on his features. But his trademarked entrance is nowhere to be seen tonight. Standing on the stage, Ramparte seems just as concerned about the upcoming match. But with a defiant shake of his head, he begins making his way down the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 190 pounds and hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas... Ramparte!!

Copeland: This match promises to be as personal as it is brutal, Jack.

Cohen: Well, WZCW has seen it's fair share of Tag Team bust-ups. But I don't think that any of the ones that have gone before will be as personal as this one. We seen how gold can corrupt anyone and now it's all about being better than the other two. I have to say, Ramparte looks really focussed tonight.

Ramparte reaches the bottom of the ramp and stares at his former stable mate in the ring. Ramparte looks stoic but a flurry of emotions. Slowly, Ramparte circles the ring before reluctantly walking up the steps and into the ring. Ramparte heads over to one corner as Flex stays in the other.

Copeland: Well, this is it. These two men have shared a ring so many times before but never like this. Time to see who is the better man.

Both men look over to each other, refusing to come out of their respective corners. The referee signals for the bell and the match is technically underway. But neither man really wants to bring themselves to hurting the other. Slowly, Ramparte leaves his corner, walking slowly towards the middle of the ring. Taking his lead from his former tag partner, Flex begins to move out of the corner, too. Finally, both men stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring; nose to nose. Giving Ramparte a piece of his mind, Flex seems to be remonstrating with his former partner. Whilst what Flex is saying can't be heard, he does seem to be passionate about what he is saying; shaking his head with gusto and adopting a pleading look on his face. Seemingly moved by the words of his former tag team partner, Ramparte dips his chin to his chest; trying not to make eye contact with Flex. Flex continues his impassioned speech, hoping to somehow reach out to his former partner and stop this match from really happening. Suddenly, Flex pushes Ramparte away with both hands, trying to knock some sense into him. Ramparte stumbles backwards but quickly finds his footing again. He immediately moves forward again until both men are nose to nose once again. Flex continues shouting at Ramparte and then shoves him again. This time, Ramparte doesn't want to move back towards his former partner; perhaps Flex might have gotten his wish. Flex seems to soften his approach now as he moves towards Ramparte. Suddenly, Ramparte kicks out at Flex and lands a blow to the gut; doubling over his former partner. THE DENOUEMENT connects! Ramparte gets back to his feet and stumbles backwards into the corner from which he came. With a stunned look on his face, Ramparte look down at the motionless body of Flex. The crowd can hardly believe what they are seeing but Ramparte doesn't seem to want to put the match away; perhaps even he is stunned by the early developments of the match. Slowly, he gets down onto his knees and begins crawling towards Flex; never breaking eye contact with the former Tag Champion. He rolls Flex onto his back and reluctantly covers his opponent. The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... Kick out with no time to spare!

Copeland: What a start to this match! Maybe Flex was getting to close to the truth of the fact. Or maybe he just pushed Ramparte over the edge. One thing is for sure, however, the former Tag Team Champions are no longer on the same page.

Cohen: I think it is finally time to say that Cerberus is dead! Like a dog with rabies, it has finally been put down!

Copeland: All of the work that went into making Cerberus one of the greatest Tag Teams that WZCW has ever seen has been completely undone with just one Denouement from Ramparte. But honestly, this has been coming for a while now...

Ramparte gets to his knees, looking down at Flex with a look of shock on his face. Slowly but surely, Ramparte backs away from the toiling Flex and uses the ropes to help him back to his feet. Still looking down at Flex in horror, Ramparte allows a look of anger to cross his features. Ramparte moves towards Flex, grabbing at his head and pulling him back to his feet. Ramparte puts his hand under the chin of his opponent and looks him dead in the eye before nailing him with another stiff kick. Once again, Flex bends over double and the end looks to be nigh as Ramparte sets up for THE DENOUEMENT! But Flex knows that he has to make some moves in this match and, in desperation more than anything, flips Ramparte over his shoulder and onto the canvas for the first time. The crowd explodes into life with rapturous cheering as Flex finally makes his presence felt in this match. He crawls over towards Ramparte and grabs him by the hair and begins yelling at him. Flex slowly gets back to his feet and allows Ramparte to reclaim his senses. Ramparte rolls onto his stomach and looks up at Flex who is still holding a look of remorse and disappointment on his features. Ramparte allows a look of anger and humiliation to cross his features before getting back to his feet once again. Both men stare through one another as they reclaim their vertical basis and know what one another is capable of. The crowd sound their appreciation as both men start to circle the ring; not daring to take their eyes off of the other.

Copeland: This match could have been in the books already if Ramparte had hit his second finish of the match. But let me make this clear, the formalities of this match are well out of the way.

Cohen: Flex shouldn't have been stupid enough to try and talk Ramparte out of this match. Has he already forgotten then Ramparte was part of the most successful tag team in WZCW history? He's a wrestler at heart and he likes nothing better than destroying those who come before him.

Copeland: I don't think he'll be making that mistake again, Jack.

After a moment or two of taking in the crowd reaction, both men tie up for the first time in the match. But it is Ramparte who gets the better of the taller and heavier man initially; landing a heavy knee to the gut of Flex. Flex doubles over in pain and is quickly hit with a snap suplex that rattles the canvas with impact. Both men get back to their feet but Ramparte lands a hip toss that sends Flex sprawling across the ring. Once more, both men spring back to their feet and Ramparte nails Flex with a second hip toss. This time, however, Ramparte holds onto the arm and locks in an arm-lock behind the back of his opponent. Flex struggles against the move as the crowd try to get him back to his feet. But Ramparte knows that he has to ground the bigger man and lands a stiff knee to the back of his opponent. Flex lets out a guttural roar of pain as Ramparte levers in the hold and the crowd begin to lose hope.

Copeland: I have to give it to Ramparte here. He's been very good straight out of the gate; seemingly not fussed about putting the screws to his former tag partner.

Cohen: Let me tell you something, Seabass. If Flex doesn't get his act together soon, he's going to be in a world of trouble. Ramparte has proved that he is past Cerberus and he has the motivation to be a singles wrestler. If Flex is stuck in tag team mode, then it's going to be a long night.

Copeland: It does seem as though Flex is a little hesitant here tonight.




A huge crowd reaction begins to go around the arena as Ramparte continues to lever down on the hold. Flex seems to be taking some support from the crowd to heart, however, as he begins to find some power from somewhere. Slowly but surely, Flex battles against the hold, slowly getting to his feet and bringing a look of anger to the face of Ramparte once again. Finally, Ramparte lands an elbow to the gut of his opponent and then another. Realising that this is his opportunity to put the match back in his control, Flex somehow finds the energy to hit the far ropes and look to press home an advantage. But Ramparte is ready and waiting for him as he does; nailing him a beautiful Thesz Press. Once again, Ramparte steals the advantage away from his former partner. This time, however, Ramparte shows no mercy; nailing Flex with some heavy clubbing blows and punches from above. The crowd boo loudly as the referee tries to intervene and has to use his full 5 count before Ramparte springs off of his opponent. But this is not the end of punishment for Flex, it soon becomes clear. Ramparte hits the ropes and then lands a running stomp to the gut of his opponent as the crowd take a sharp intake of breath as it connects. Flex rolls around the canvas in agony but Ramparte shows no mercy; rolling him over and covering him for the second time in the match. The referee shoots into position and counts the fall. This is surely it! 1... 2... Flex just manages to get a shoulder off of the canvas!

Copeland: Wow! So close once again.

Cohen: Last week, Ramparte showed to the world that he is past the world of Cerberus. And tonight, he has showed the entire world that he means it. Looking at Flex, he seems to be a step behind his opponent at every turn.

Copeland: Truth be told, you have to feel back fro Flex. He might not have been as ready as Ramparte was to end Cerberus. But perhaps he has had some trouble transitioning from a tag persona. But you are right, ultimately. If he doesn't start to realise it soon, Ramparte might put a beating on him and teach him a lesson here.

Ramparte gets back to his knees and runs his hands through his hair; staring a hole through the referee. The referee tells Ramparte that it was just a two count but Ramparte continues to shake his head in anger and frustration. Getting back to his feet, Ramparte walks across the ring before giving a taunt to the Canadian fans. The gesture, however, is met with some serious hatred as people begin willing Flex back to his feet. But Ramparte has made sure that Flex is in no hurry to get back to his feet. Instead, Ramparte steps outside of the ring and, once again, taunts the crowd. On the inside of the ring, Flex is somehow managing to move towards the bottom rope but seems to be struggling to catch a breath after the merciless stomp to the chest that went previously. He grabs at the bottom rope and tugs at it to help pull him back to one knee. Slowly but surely, he grabs at the higher ropes until he is wearily back on his feet. On the outside of the ring, Ramparte lies in wait, knowing that one good move could really put the screws to his former ally and put this match away. As Flex turns around, Ramparte springs into action and off of the top rope. But Flex is ready for him and Ramparte is at his mercy! Flex catches him in mid-air and nails him with a stunning powerbomb at serious velocity. He doesn't sop there though, hoisting Ramparte all the way back up and nailing him with the second powerbomb! Mussel Bomb! The crowd burst into life once again as Flex claims some momentum and covers his opponent! The referee counts the fall! 1... 2... Kick out!! Ramparte just manages to roll out the shoulder!

Copeland: I don't believe it! Just when we were in the middle of writing Flex Mussel out of this running here, he explodes back into life. He needs to show real heart right now and capitalise on this momentum.

Cohen: I have to give it to him, Seabass. I really didn't think he had it in him tonight. But was sublime. That's what makes Champions.

Flex falls onto his back as the referee tells him that it was just a two count. But even he has to realise that this match is now in his favour and he needs to make the most of it. Slowly, he pulls himself away from Ramparte; who is beginning to reclaim his senses on the canvas once again. Flex moves towards the ropes and, once again, uses them to pull himself back to a vertical base. He is soon joined, however, by his former Tag Team Champion cohort. Ramparte looks utterly pissed off by allowing the match to slip away from his grasp and immediately runs at Flex. But Flex seems to be a lot wiser to his former ally's attack and ducks out of the way of the clothesline. As Ramparte turns back around, he finds himself in a world of hurt after being nailed with a glorious German suplex that sends him sprawling across the ring this time. But before you know it, Ramparte springs back to his feet and is immediately nailed with a belly to belly suplex this time. The crowd bursts into life once more as Flex seems to be making the most of his offence for the first time in the contest. One final time, Ramparte slowly gets back to his feet as Flex signals for THE BOWFLEX! The crowd cannot believe what they are witnessing as Flex stalks his prey and looks utterly focussed. This is the end for Ramparte! But for some reason, when the opportunity arises and Ramparte turns to his former partner, Flex stalls; a look of disappointment and sadness in his eyes. Ramparte stumbles backwards for a moment as he gets a fright from Flex waiting for him. Ramparte stumbles backwards into the corner as Flex lies in wait but not doing much of anything. The look on the face of Ramparte suggests that he thinks he was lucky to survive on that occasion.

Flex: What happened to us, man? We could have been the best! We could have had it all! Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Cohen: What is this?! This is wrestling, you two! Hit him!

Copeland: I think we were right, Jack. Of the two, Flex seems like the one who cannot move on past Cerberus and I don't think he has given up on convincing Ramparte that all is not lost. Maybe he has just cost himself the match here but something's are worth sacrificing for.

Cohen: This isn't Jerry Springer, Seabass! This is WZCW!

Flex continues to remonstrate with Ramparte as the match continues. Suddenly, Ramparte appears to walk towards his former partner, nodding his head and sporting a look of shame on his face. Flex seems to soften his demeanour as Ramparte walks towards him and seems willing to offer a bro-hug to his former stable mate. And, rather unexpectedly, Ramparte agrees to it! The two men get a huge ovation from the crowd as they embrace in the middle of the ring. But perhaps all is not well really, as Ramparte sticks a thumb in the eye of Flex! What's more, the referee seems to miss it! Flex recoils back in pain as Ramparte looks to reclaim the advantage. He runs at Flex, looking to nail him with another clothesline. But once again, Flex manages to duck under the arm of his opponent. As Ramparte hits the ropes behind Flex, it is anyone's game! But in a massive turn of events, both men go for a flying splash but inadvertently clash in mid-air; taking both men to the canvas and blowing this match wide open once again!

Copeland: This match has been so back and forth throughout, I don't even know what to say anymore. These guys know each other so well, that it's obvious that they are on the same page... Even when they shouldn't be!

Cohen: This match is up for grabs and I can tell you that a win here will make some waves in WZCW. They want to be singles competitors, then this is what it takes. No tagging out, no being saved at the last minute. This is the grind; this is where Champions are made!

Both men look utterly spent as they lie on the canvas but they both must surely know that the time is now to make their move and win this match. Similarities are not too hidden between the two as they seem to mirror each other, crawling towards the bottom ropes and using them to pull themselves back to their feet. But what is left of these two great warriors in this match? Ramparte stumbles towards Flex but Flex shoots around his back and looks for THE BOWFLEX once again!The crowd cannot believe the turn of events as Flex seems keen to put this match to bed. But as he hoists his former partner onto his shoulders, the same look of disappointment crosses his features. Allowing Ramparte to drop from his shoulders, Flex looks him dead in the eye; one more chance to convince him that there is another way for them to go forward. One more chance to prove that Cerberus are the best team in the world and one more chance to stop this match from happening and their brotherhood from being torn to shreds. But his pleading and actions falls on deaf ears as Ramparte nails him with a swift kick and then hits THE DENOUEMENT!

Cohen: Get it into your head, Flex, CERBERUS IS OVER!

Copeland: Damn it! I had hope there, just for that moment. But you're right, Jack! Ramparte has given up on Flex and he has given up on Cerberus. This match is as good as done!

Ramparte stands over the motionless body of Flex with a look of disgust on his face. But there is a stunned silence as he moves across the ring rather than immediately covering his opponent. Instead, Flex moves across the ring and crouches down in the corner; choosing not to take his eyes off of his opponent as he continues to lie motionless.

Cohen: What the Hell is going on here tonight?!

Copeland: Oh no!

Suddenly, the Elite X Champion makes her presence known to everyone as she appears on the stage with a huge grin stretched onto the beautiful face. Slowly, she walks down the ramp to the ring, the Elite X Championship thrown over his shoulder like an accessory. Ramparte doesn't seem to move other than to turn his head in disgust as Eve makes her way down the ramp. Once at the bottom of the ramp, she makes her way around the ring, flicking her gaze between Flex and Ramparte in the ring. The crowd boo loudly and without mercy but Eve seems completely nonchalant. Finally, Eve begins to mount the steps to the ring and goes through the ropes. By this time, Ramparte has gotten back to his feet and is staring a hole through Eve. But Eve seems completely nonplussed by his gaze. Taking off her Championship and handing it off to someone on the outside, Eve begins talking quietly to Ramparte and motioning towards Flex; who is only just starting to regain any sort of consciousness. Over and over again, Eve motions towards Flex as her intentions become clear.

Cohen: I see what's going on here!

Copeland: I think we all do, Seabass! Eve is here to try to convince Ramparte to take her side and pick the bones of the man who seems most keen to save the stable. And judging by the look on his face, I'd say that Ramparte seems keen on the idea.

With that, Ramparte nods his head in agreement. Eve gives him a massive smile and turns back towards Flex on the canvas. Suddenly, Ramparte grabs her by the ponytail and pulls her back towards him, looking to nail her with THE DENOUEMENT! Fortunately for Eve, she manages to struggle out of the grasp of her former ally and shoots around his back. As Ramparte turns around, she nails him with the High Heel Kick! Ramparte hits the canvas as the referee signals for the bell! Not quite done though, Eve follows up with THE FASHION STATEMENT! She quickly moves across the ring and grabs her Championship from the stage hand and waits for Flex to turn around. Without any mercy whatsoever, Eve nails him with the Championship; cementing the death of the stable and leaving a lasting gash on the forehead of Flex.

Copeland: We have just been robbed, ladies and gentlemen. This is what this was. A robbery!

Cohen: Oh please, Seabass. Flex and Ramparte needed to realise that Cerberus is well and truly over. Eve just gave them the motivation that they needed to get to that conclusion.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match has been ruled as a no-contest on account of outside interference!

With her work seemingly done, Eve turns on her heels and fixes her hair before exiting the ring. She tosses the Championship over her shoulder before polishing it with one hand. Smiling widely and looking into the ring; Eve has shown everyone how dangerous she can be.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled is a Six Man Tag Team match scheduled for one fall!


The lights go dim as Dr. Zeus walks out behind his devout follower Chastity who winds up a music box and sings out incantations. Zeus pushes his hospital bed with his face once again hidden behind a disturbing mask.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds, The Good Doctor Zeus...

Copeland: Ever since his return, Zeus has unleashed nothing but terror and fear amongst the WZCW locker room. With his win at the Lottery and his chance to capture the World title, we've seen a new level of focus & aggression.

Cohen: As if the old Zeus wasn't scary enough! Now he's got a mask and even more followers than last time walking alongside him. I don't know Theron is going to manage.

Zeus places the hospital bed at ringside under the care of Chastity who places the music box on the bed, caressing the bed with a smirk.


The lights stay dim as Constantine slowly shuffles out with a burlap sack over his head. He stops at the top of the ramp and directly stares at Zeus before slowly heading down the ramp, putting his hands to his head.

Harrys: His tag team partner, first, from The Depths of Despair, weighing 265 pounds, Constantine!

Cohen: Two strange bed-fellows, don't you think Seabass? Both two dominating men wearing masks over their faces and speak of nothing but destruction?

Copeland: There seems to be a lot of that going around yet I find it funny this is the first time these two are teaming together. WZCW might fall should these two find a common ground and join forces permanently.

Constantine enters the ring and removes his burlap sack in front of Zeus who does nothing but snicker at the sight. Constantine isn't affected by Zeus' reaction.


The boos for the two previous competitors were very audible amongst the chilling darkness but as the legend walks out, the boos grow even louder (drowning out whatever loyal fans are left) as Titus walks out. He is really excited to be there and tries to get the fans fired up, telling them to stand up and cheer.

Harrys: And their tag team partner, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, 2014 Hall of Fame inductee... This is........Titus!

Copeland: And to complete the delusional trio is the legend himself, Titus. There must be something in the water supply if Titus has been affected by this weird phenomena.

Cohen: If anyone is delusional Seabass, it's you. All this talk of poisoned water and weird phenomena makes you sound like a conspiracy theorist. Titus is a legend who is getting shown disrespect by this crowd despite his happy attitude and care-free lifestyle.

Copeland: I didn't know care-free lifestyle meant kicking people in the groin.

Titus enters the ring and ascends the turnbuckles, imploring the fans to stand on their feet to cheer but they do the opposite. Titus still has a smile on his face as he jumps down, a little hesitant at approaching his partners and stares them down.


The crowd cheers louder for the second legend who appears on the stage, forming a diamond in the air with his hands. He lowers them and a shot of pyro happens behind him before walking down the ramp, interacting with the fans.

Harrys: And their opponents, first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, weighing 219 lbs pounds, 2014 Hall of Fame inductee, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Cohen: I don't understand the WZCW Universe. Titus has been the epitome of the word hero whilst Showtime has done nothing but villainous crimes his entire career and Showtime is the one shown nothing but cheers. What does he deserve?

Copeland: Despite all he has done, Showtime is a legend and with the change of music going back to his original theme, one could say Showtime has gone back to basics and is competing for the fans. Plus, he doesn't kick people in the gro- HEY! What's Constantine doing!?

As Showtime enters the ring, Constantine breaks away from his team and begins beating up on Showtime. No matter how much Showtime tries to struggle, Constantine is focused and beats the crap out of Showtime. Dr. Zeus stares on, snickering to himself. Senior official Jurou Akiyama tries to get involved but Zeus is quick to block the path as Constantine continues his assault, leaving Titus to watch.

Copeland: Oh c'mon! Someone do something!


The crowd explodes as the World Heavyweight champion runs out from the entrance way at full speed! However, it is too late as Constantine manages to hit the Cabin in the Woods on Showtime, laying him out on the canvas. Theron slides into the ring and looks to go after Constantine, jumping on him. They throw punches at each other...

Cohen: The match hasn't started and a huge brawl is already happening!

... until Titus gets in-between the two and separates them, pushing Theron back in the corner and telling him that it is not appropriate. As Titus is pre-occupied with keeping Theron at bay, Constantine stomps on Showtime a couple of times. The crowd boos heavily as Titus ignores Constantine and keeps Theron away.

Copeland: What the hell is Titus doing? He pulls away Theron after one punch but Constantine can attack Showtime with ease and he gets no reprimand?


Copeland: Here comes the cavalry!

Tastic takes a couple of seconds to run through the curtain and makes a b-line to the ring. As he enters the ring, he pushes back Titus and the two get in each others' faces. Theron then goes over to the fallen body of Showtime, protecting him from another Constantine attack. Zeus - who is still blocking Akiyama from doing anything - snickers at the sight and lets Akiyama pass, getting the participants in order before the match begins.

Copeland: So much history between all six members in this match and so much more being written as we progress through to Kingdom Come!

Cohen: No wonder Akiyama has had a lot of trouble getting everyone under control! They should've made this a Mayhem Rules match; no way we get a decisive victory here tonight.

Copeland: With the brutal ambush by Constantine on Showtime, we might be having ourselves a handicap match instead!

Zeus, Constantine & Titus go to their own respective corner with Titus informing the others that he will be starting. Zeus & Constantine oblige and get on the apron as senior official Jurou Akiyama + Tastic & Theron check on the status of Showtime. As they do, Titus tells Tastic & Theron to get on the apron as he will start with Showtime.

Akiyama: He cannot compete!

Titus: He's just playing possum, ref! He is fine!

Titus goes over to Showtime to try and pick him up but Theron steps up and tells the legend he wants a piece of him. Titus puts his hands in the air and backs off.

Copeland: Can't Titus see Showtime is in no shape to wrestle right now?

Cohen: Didn't you hear Titus? Showtime is a master manipulator! He's even got his own team-mates believing he is actually hurt!

Some EMT's run out from the ramp and enter the ring, helping Showtime to the outside. They help Showtime walk up the ramp as Titus shakes his head. Senior official Akiyama checks his ear piece, listening to something before he goes over to ring announcer Truman Harrys and says for him to announce something.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, I've been informed that General Manager Vance Bateman has decreed the following match will become a Handicap match!

The crowd boos as Theron & Tastic look at each other.

Harrys: Should "Showtime" Cougar be cleared to compete, he may come down to the ring and match will resume as a six-man tag team.

Theron & Tastic begin planning as Titus does some last-minute warm-up exercises with a big smile on his face.

Copeland: The odds are stacked against the current and former World champion, thanks to our esteemed General Manager.

Cohen: What else could Vance do? The fans paid good money to see this match. Plus, don't you think it is ironic that Tastic & Theron are relying on Showtime to even the odds? Since when has Showtime been a reliable hand to others in his career? Good luck, guys!

Tastic decides to start things off as Theron gets on the apron. Akiyama asks both men if they are ready to compete and they give a yes. Akiyama looks at Titus with a concerned look and asks him again. Titus gets annoyed, yelling YES at the referee again. Akiyama signals for the bell.


Tastic goes straight for Titus who backs up into the ropes, demanding the referee back Tastic away. Akiyama reluctantly obliges and pulls Tastic away as Titus yells at Tastic to start the match properly. As Titus gets out of the ropes, Tastic goes straight for Titus again but Titus once again utilises the ropes for a break. Akiyama tells Tastic to wait for Titus and he backs off, annoyed at Titus' tactics. Titus runs on the spot for a couple of seconds before running a circle around Tastic who stands perfectly still in the ring. Titus pretends to circle the ring, looking to start the match traditionally but sees Tastic isn't playing by Titus' rules. So, Titus continues circling the ring around Tastic, waiting for him to start off with a collar-elbow tie-up.

Copeland: What the hell is Titus doing?

Cohen: He wants to start this match-up in the traditional way but Tastic is too arrogant to follow a simple request from the legend. I don't know what is up Tastic's arse but he should take this match seriously.

Tastic eventually breaks from his position and goes after Titus but the legend delivers a thumb to the eye as soon as Tastic gets close. The crowd boos as Akiyama warns Titus but he pleads innocent. Tastic holds his eyes as Titus quickly slips for a schoolboy pin...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Tastic.

Tastic eventually recovers from the eye shot and darts at Titus but the legend is quick to retreat into his corner and blind tags in Constantine, quickly exiting the ring. The crowd boos as Titus' cowardice as Constantine looks at Titus, questioning the decision. Tastic, however, doesn't wait for Constantine and brings him in the hard way. Tastic stares at Zeus, daring him to do something but Zeus just remains on the apron snickering. Constantine gets up and Tastic just lays in the punches & chops, one after the other in a non-stop fury, backing Constantine into the corner.

Cohen: How impatient is this guy? He can't even wait for Constantine to enter the ring! It takes like two seconds!

Copeland: I think Tastic is just pissed from his exchange between his tag team partner Mikey Stormrage earlier on tonight... add the fact that Constantine attack Showtime & Titus was acting like a dick, I'd say Tastic is rightfully angry.

Akiyama gets to a count of four before Tastic backs out of the corner with steaming blood running through his veins. He whips Constantine to the other corner and runs after, delivering a huge running chop to Constantine in the corner. Tastic throws Constantine back into the original corner and hits another running chop. Constantine staggers out into Tastic who delivers a beautiful Northern Lights suplex with a bridge...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Constantine.

Tastic puts Constantine in a headlock and brings him into his corner, allowing Theron to tag himself into the match. The two men grab an arm of Constantine and deliver a double suplex. Tastic slides out and Theron goes for the cover...

... 1
... 2
... count interrupted by Zeus.

Zeus snickers as he looks at Theron before turning his back and slowly walking back to his corner. Theron watches Zeus, wanting to attack Zeus but keeps his focus on the match. Zeus looks on with disappointment as Theron brings Constantine back to their corner, tagging Tastic back in. The two perform a double snapmare with Tastic following up with a dropkick. Tastic slaps a chinlock on Constantine, looking to tap out the burlap man.

Copeland: Despite being a man down, Theron & Tastic are completely dominating the other team with some great tag team wrestling. I guess this is why they say not to piss off a cornered animal.

Cohen: Tastic & Theron aren't animals, Seabass; they're people. Those two people have to work over three opponents whereas if one of them goes down, the other has to take on three. The team of three can afford losing one man if it comes down to that.

Constantine manages to get to the ropes, breaking the hold of the chin-lock and slips outside the ring. Akiyama tells Tastic to back off as Constantine catches his breath on the outside. Tastic obliges until Akiyama turns around, slipping outside himself. He goes after Constantine but the former politician throws a stiff lariat at Tastic, knocking him down. Constantine takes a second or two of the referee's count to recover before picking up Tastic and driving his back into the barricade. Constantine then enters the ring and gets a few words from senior official Akiyama. With the referee distracted, Zeus drops down and delivers a throat thrust to Tastic before running back to his corner. Theron drops down off the apron and approaches Tastic, looking to protect him but Akiyama catches Theron, telling him to get back on the apron. Constantine exits to the outside and brings Tastic into the ring, sliding in himself and goes for a cover...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Tastic.

Constantine brings Tastic into his corner and where Titus has his arm outstretched, ready for a tag. Constantine reluctantly tags him in (still a bit sour from being tagged in before) and puts him in the corner for Titus. Titus comes in and delivers a few choice European uppercuts before Akiyama gets to a count of four. Titus backs off as Zeus chokes Tastic whilst in the corner, looking directly at Theron on the other side of the ring. Theron looks to get involved but Akiyama sees this, reprimanding Theron. Meanwhile, Zeus & Constantine hold Tastic hostage as the legend delivers a couple of uncontested European uppercuts.

As the referee turns around, Titus sees this and yells at his team-mates for breaking the rules. He says they should model themselves after Titus who brings Tastic out of the corner and locks in a very clean sleeper hold on Tastic. Tastic looks to lose consciousness as he tries fighting but slowly drops down from a standing position down to a kneeling one.

Cohen: And this is what happens when the team of two expends their energy quickly against a team of three. It's just a war of attrition for Titus and his team.

Copeland: Yes, the legendary Titus who takes cheap shots when the referee isn't looking but when they are, he is squeaky clean.

Cohen: It took Titus long enough to learn the tricks of the trade but he is quickly become a master of it! If you don't get caught by the referee, it didn't happen.

The crowd cheers on Tastic as he is fading away. Akiyama goes over to Tastic and lifts up his arm, letting it go. It is limp as Akiyama counts 1! He lifts up the arm again and again, it just drops. Akiyama counts 2 as he raises the arm for a third time, ready to ring the bell. It drops... but Tastic keeps his arm afloat! Akiyama waves off the submission as Tastic starts getting blood flowing back in his body. Titus looks worried and concerned as Tastic looks to slowly get to his feet, fighting out of the hold. Titus desperately adds more pressure but it is no use as Tastic gets to his feet, delivering a few elbows to the stomach of Titus. He grabs hold of Titus' waste and delivers an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Titus clutches his back as Tastic is almost spent. The crowd cheers on Tastic as he does his best to crawl over to Theron who has his arm outstretched. Titus sees this and is quick to tag in Constantine whilst Theron receives the tag as well!

Theron jumps over the ropes as Constantine enters, coming in with a flurry of elbow smashes for both Constantine and Titus. Theron knocks Titus out of the ring with an elbow as Constantine comes for the surprise attack. Theron evades and grabs Constantine for an Atomic Drop. Constantine holds his groin as Theron pushes Constantine into the ropes, making him rebound towards Theron with momentum so he can hit a sidebuster! He goes for the cover...

... 1
... 2
... Zeus breaks up the pinfall again!

Instead of exiting, Zeus grabs the neck of Theron and looks to choke the life out of Theron! Akiyama tries getting involved but the grip is too tight!

Copeland: As soon as Theron & Tastic catch a break, Zeus is there to ruin it! He's not even the legal man nor has he tagged into the match yet!

Cohen: Basic tag team wrestling; always have that ace in the hole.

Akiyama gets to a count of four when Zeus lets go and slides out of the ring. Theron splutters but gets to his feet and looks to go after Zeus, raising his hand. However, he looks to focus on the match instead. Zeus doesn't manage to break Theron's mentality - much to his disappointment - but Constantine uses whatever energy he has left to rip Theron away from Zeus and deliver a nasty swinging backbreaker! Theron clutches his back as Constantine crawls to the corner, tagging in Zeus for the first time in the match. Constantine rolls to the outside as Titus recovers on the apron. Tastic is still recovering on the outside, watching on.

Zeus enters the ring and sits down next to Theron, snickering as he caresses the head of Theron as he recovers. Realising what is happening, Theron goes to retaliate but Zeus grabs the swinging arm of Theron and locks in a cobra clutch, becoming really aggressive as he forces Theron to his feet. Zeus applies tight pressure to Theron before performing a cobra clutch suplex, planting Theron into the canvas. Zeus literally crawls to the cover, snickering...

... 1
... Zeus decides to stop the count pre-maturely.

Akiyama asks him what's wrong but Zeus just snickers, locking in a dragon sleeper on Theron. He wrenches back on the neck of Theron, enjoying delivering the pain to the World champion. Theron is having some trouble fighting out.

Cohen: Theron is in a desperate situation. Tastic is still recovering and not ready for the tag. Showtime is out and despite the submission draining his energy, Theron is the freshest man in the match. He needs to fight out of it now if he stands any chance of putting up a tough contest.

As Zeus continues the pressure, Theron looks to fade... but loud cheers suddenly fill the arena. Zeus looks around, noticing nothing until he looks at the ramp.

Copeland: It's Showtime! He's not down and out yet, Jack!

Showtime is staggering down the ramp with medical personal warning him about competing. Showtime ignores all their advices and heads down the ramp. Constantine drops down from the apron and looks to finish what he started but Showtime is ready for the fight! He blocks all of Constantine's shots and delivers his own pain towards Constantine!

Cohen: This is a handicap match! Showtime has been ruled out so this is a disqualification! Where is the referee's ruling!

Copeland: Remember what Vance said, Jack? If Showtime was able to make it, he would be inserted back into the match! They aren't the legal men but this is no DQ! Showtime is back for vengeance!

Constantine goes for a lariat but Showtime evades, hitting the Ratings Crash on Constantine on the outside! Showtime locks in the commercial break on Constantine on the outside, giving him some payback! Akiyama ignores the action in the ring momentarily to go to the outside, telling Showtime to let go and go to his corner. Showtime obliges and climbs on the apron, looking for a tag. Reinvigorated by the return of his partner, Theron powers out of the Dragon Sleeper submission from Zeus and gets to his feet, switching behind Zeus and delivering a back suplex, drilling Zeus' head hard into the canvas.

Theron & Zeus are on the canvas and look to crawl to their corners... but it is Zeus who is without someone to tag as Titus doesn't look ready for the tag. Theron crawls over to his corner and tags in Showtime to a big cheer! Zeus has no choice but to fight as Showtime comes in, firing on all cylinders as he hits multiple knife edge chops on Zeus before sending him across the ring. Showtime runs the ropes as well, connecting with a running spinning back elbow to Zeus, knocking him down. Zeus finds solace in his own corner as Showtime seems fired up despite being still hurt. He delivers stomp after stomp of the mudhole variety to the cornered Zeus until Akiyama warns Showtime of a possible disqualification. Showtime backs into his own corner, looking to do a running attack. As this happens, Titus jumps up on the apron and tags himself in quickly before dropping down. Akiyama sees this and acknowledges the tag but Showtime doesn't see it. Showtime runs and connects with a running knee, dragging Zeus' body to the middle of the ring looking for a pin... but Akiyama waves it off!

Showtime asks what's wrong as Akiyama explains. When Showtime understands what happens, it is too late as Titus is already perched on the top rope and dives off at Showtime, hitting his patent flying clothesline. Titus rolls through and stands up, pointing to his head. He runs a lap around the ring as if he just started the match and taunts for the fans, signalling for the end. The fans boo as Showtime slowly gets to his feet.

Cohen: Excellent catch by Akiyama there to see that Titus tagged himself into the match and Zeus is no longer the legal man. One precision shot takes down an injured Showtime and with Theron/Tastic out of energy, he has this in the bag.

Copeland: With Zeus & Constantine out of contention as well, it is still fifty-fifty. Showtime is getting up and still has some fight left. If Titus doesn't put away Showtime soon, he'll get a rude awakening.

Titus continues to taunt and waste time until Showtime gets to his feet. Titus kicks Showtime squarely in the stomach, takes his time and sets up the Tit Drop... but Showtime reverses, grabbing Titus' legs and tries applying the Commercial Break! Titus struggles, making it difficult for him to lock it in.

At this time, Dr. Zeus' follower Chastity - who has been silent all match - gets up on the apron and begins arguing with the referee! Akiyama is distracted and tells Chastity to get down but she refuses. With the ref's back turned, Titus manages to slip a leg free and punt Showtime right in the balls! The crowd boos heavily as Showtime lets go, holding his groin region. Titus slips out and looks to get to his feet. With the referee distracted, Tastic tries getting involved but a recovered Zeus grabs hold of Tastics' feet. Titus rolls up Showtime as Chastity gets off the apron. Akiyama turns around and sees Titus pinning Showtime and slides in for the cover...

... 1
... 2
... 3!

Showtime kicks out after the three put Akiyama declares a successful pinfall, signalling for the bell. Titus gets to his feet and is absolutely ecstatic with the victory!

Harrys: Here are your winners... Dr. Zeus, Constantine & Titus!

Copeland: Once again, Titus steals a victory by using underhanded tactics even when he his team had the advantage of numbers throughout the entire match. If you thought this was a phase or a misunderstanding, you are now proven wrong by his actions tonight.

Cohen: Don't be sour, Seabass. Titus is a great legend who has wrestled many matches with many people. His ring psychology is through the roof and is showing us a newer, improved Titus and I, for one, cannot be happier for Titus in finding this niche.

As Titus celebrates his victory, Tastic kicks Zeus in the head (who was still holding him down by the leg) and enters the ring, confronting Titus. He questions Titus' tactics and points at him, driving his index finger into Titus' chest to further his point.

Tastic: What happened to the proud Titus I fought and made me humble?

Titus: He found himself, sport. Next time, huh?

Titus pats Tastic on the head a little too hard, pissing off Tastic. Titus quickly exits the ring and celebrates his victory, leaving Tastic in the middle of the ring seething. He looks like he is about to burst. Theron enters the ring, almost recovered and goes over to Tastic to console him about the loss but Tastic just puts a shoulder into Theron and exits the ring. Theron has no idea what happens as Tastic looks frustrated as hell walking up the ramp.

Cohen: What's gotten into Tastic? No need to be a bad sport about the loss.

Copeland: It's a variety of reasons, Jack. I really think Mikey's words did a number on Tastic's psyche. What happened in this match and seeing old rivals like Titus act the way they have seemed to trigger off something.

Theron looks to help Showtime to his feet but Dr. Zeus slides in from the outside and attacks Theron from behind, dropping him to the canvas. Champion and challenger duke it out in the middle of the ring. Showtime, still holding his groin, gets to his feet to try and take out Zeus but Constantine slides in from the outside. He grabs Showtime and throws him to the outside. Constantine ignores Zeus/Theron and follows Showtime to the outside. Both Showtime & Constantine fight each other with Constantine winning the exchange, forcing Showtime up the ramp with shot after shot. Eventually, Constantine & Showtime fight their way back into the entrance area, leaving only Theron & Zeus fighting it out with Chastity watching on from the outside. Theron pushes Zeus away and both of them get to their feet. Zeus goes for a swing but Theron manages an elbow smash, making Zeus stagger into the corner. Theron hits a running clothesline into the corner, knocking down Zeus.

Cohen: Somebody stop Theron before he does something extremely dangerous!

Copeland: With what Zeus has done to Theron and everyone before him, Zeus deserves a little danger coming his way.

Chastity enters the ring and gets in-between Theron & Zeus, looking to save her leader from any further pain. The gentleman Theron cannot hurt the woman and backs off, sliding to the outside. The crowd boos for a second at Theron but realises what is he doing as he grabs a buster sword from underneath the ring. He slides back in and Chastity scurries away. Zeus slowly recovers as Theron looks to smack Zeus... but the Children of the Damned (John Doe & Fallout) jump through the crowd and look to save Zeus! Theron sees them coming and takes a swing, smacking John Doe in the face. The buster breaks as Doe falls to the canvas, allowing Fallout to take down Theron. A recovered Zeus sees the sacrifice made by Doe and smirks before helping Fallout destroy Theron in the middle of the ring.

Chastity re-enters the ring and goes over to the fallen Doe, singing to him as she holds his head slightly elevated whilst Fallout picks up the World champion, keeping his arms behind his back to allow Zeus free shots at Theron. Zeus delivers headbutts and throat thrusts, unrelenting in his assault. Each shot makes Theron weaker and weaker at the knees but Zeus does not stop. Fallout is having trouble keep Theron on his feet but Zeus delivers a couple more shots. On the final blow, Fallout lets go of Theron who drops the ground. The crowd boos heavily as Zeus goes to the outside and snatches a microphone before re-entering.

Zeus: Theron the noble warrior of Mystra, is what you claim.
I intend to hurt you, break you and maim.
My victory in the Lethal Lottery is not what led me to you.
It is the words of a false idol you preach and spew.

There is only one God Theron and he chose me,
To destroy those who oppose him like you, you see.
I might be fighting for the World championship at Kingdom Come.
But it is my mission to end you and make your life undone!

Zeus drops the microphone on Theron's body and snickers. Fallout stands behind Zeus and makes sure Theron doesn't move any more. Chastity helps Doe slowly get to his feet, who eventually stands behind Zeus too. Zeus lifts his hands into the air and looks to the skies, talking to the God's above.

Copeland: What an extremely scary sight. No matter what that man does or the things he says, there are disciples always ready to follow: the ever-loyal Chastity & Fallout as well as new follower John Doe brainwashed by Zeus' words. I don't know how Theron is going to contend with Zeus at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: The simple answer is that he can't. Unless he can find people willing to stand by and receive a beating from the Children, he's got to do this by himself. If he truly earned that World championship, Theron will find a way to contend... if he even makes it to Kingdom Come.

The show ends with all four standing tall over the fallen Theron Daggershield.

Opening - Dave

Gino Galucci vs Kendrick Xavier vs Kagura Daikonran + post-match promo - Some slow bastard

Men Of Mayhem promo - Dave

Ty Burna/Califa Dragon vs Men Of Mayhem - Spidey

The Show - Dave

SHIT vs Johnny Scumm - Yaz

Ramparte vs Flex Mussel - Dave

Main Event - Falkon

Show delay is on me. Apologies for that.
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