Melissa McCarthy

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
McCarthy's been around for a while. She was recognized on Gilmore Girls, and really started to make a name for herself on Mike & Molly. Her career took off after her role in Bridesmaids, a performance that snagged her an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Since then, she's had two high profiled co-starring roles in Identity Thief and The Heat.

I took in a late showing of The Heat last night (sorry LSN, I was curious :)), and while I laughed a few times, the movie overall didn't do anything to blow me away.

Maybe it's just me, but it feels like McCarthy's shtick as the rambunctious and outrageous fat woman is becoming stale already. There's no problem with sticking to the same comedic routine, because Adam Sandler has been living off his tired and boring act (That's My Boy was the same garbage. Sandler just took a more raunchy approach) for years. But McCarthy isn't Adam Sandler, and as much as I can't stand him, Sandler has built up a tremendous and loyal fanbase over the years. McCarthy doesn't have that luxury.

The release of McCarthy's two films this year created a good amount of buzz (Hangover III doesn't count), but can McCarthy keep it up without people losing a significant amount of interest in her? In the end, I've watched a handful of Mike & Molly episodes over the years, and I laugh at McCarthy every now and then, but I honestly don't understand the big fuss over her.

So with all that said, two questions for everyone:

What are your thoughts on Melissa McCarthy?

Are you a Melissa McCarthy fan?
I had to check her filmography to make sure, but I haven't seen anything she's ever been in except for Charlie's Angels. I didn't even know she was in that, and my only memory of that movie is feeling bad for Bill Murray. I kept hearing about Bridesmaids being hilarious but never got out to see it. I'm sure her routine will wear thin if it already hasn't. She seems like a nice lady, though.
I don't know why but the first time I ever saw her do anything was in identify thief an then last week I saw the heat and personally I thought she hilarious. I think she is quite a good actress actually, and although she seems to have her own set of jokes I think she has a future in other roles as well. She has to be careful as to not get castes just for the funny fat role and If she does that I think she'll go a lot further in her career. However, tons of talent from what I can tell and I actually want to see more of her oddly enough. I saw the Adam Sandler comparison but I think she's far greater than him in terms of acting ability. We shall see though, next movie I'm really hoping she tries to expand her character and if it is a comedy I need fresh jokes. Two movies two separate I'm fat but good dancer jokes third time would be the charm for me to say boring.
I had to check her filmography to make sure, but I haven't seen anything she's ever been in except for Charlie's Angels. I didn't even know she was in that, and my only memory of that movie is feeling bad for Bill Murray. I kept hearing about Bridesmaids being hilarious but never got out to see it. I'm sure her routine will wear thin if it already hasn't. She seems like a nice lady, though.

She was in Charlie's Angels? Huh. Must've been a bit part, because I don't remember her in it. Then again, I only watched Charlies Angels twice. Once in theaters, and a second time at home to make sure my initial reaction of it being an awful film wasn't a knee jerk reaction. Nothing changed.

I saw the Adam Sandler comparison but I think she's far greater than him in terms of acting ability.

Sandler showed he had some range in Spanglish and Reign Over Me, but both films (especially Spanglish) sucked. But yeah, he chooses to be lazy and stick to the same routine, and unfortunately, that won't change anytime soon.

McCarthy has showed glimpses of talent outside her usual act. It was an incredibly corny scene, but McCarthy giving Kristen Wiig a pep talk towards the end of Bridesmaids, and McCarthy occasionally opening up to Jason Bateman and doing the right thing in Identity Thief are a few good examples.
While I haven't seen any Melissa McCarthy films, I think that typecasting actors for comedic films/shows isn't something that is likely to change.

He's been mentioned already but Adam Sandler is one of the best examples of this. He seems like quite a nice guy but he's going to end up with more razzies than proper awards. He's also seen his films gross over $1 billion though, so why change something that is working for him and his bank account?

Jim Carrey of the 90s played up his rubber-faced goon schtick well enough to become one of (if not THE) highest paid actors at one time too.

The current generation of people like Ferrel, Rogen et al generally seem to play variations of the same kind of character, because the money says that people enjoy seeing it.

The comedic genre is one where if you can carve a niche for yourself, you're likely in for some big pay days as people like to be happy and entertained, so if an actor does that for many people then there's no need to fuck with the program.
I took in a late showing of The Heat last night (sorry LSN, I was curious :)), and while I laughed a few times, the movie overall didn't do anything to blow me away.
Thankfully you didn't like it, that's when we would have had a real problem. ;)

Maybe it's just me, but it feels like McCarthy's shtick as the rambunctious and outrageous fat woman is becoming stale already.
We've discussed this privately before, but as I told you, the only time I found her to even be remotely funny was in Bridesmaids, mostly in one scene. I've never seen Mike and Molly, but my wife is a fan, both of the show, and McCarthy's in general.

The release of McCarthy's two films this year created a good amount of buzz (Hangover III doesn't count), but can McCarthy keep it up without people losing a significant amount of interest in her?

Yes, and it's because of what you wrote below....

In the end, I've watched a handful of Mike & Molly episodes over the years, and I laugh at McCarthy every now and then, but I honestly don't understand the big fuss over her.
Not only does she have her own prime-time show, one that follows How I Met Your Mother, I believe, but she appeals to a certain demographic. Granted, it's insulting to think that all overweight women with personality are so over-the top, obnoxious, attention ****es, but she appeals to a certain demographic, and if I get lynched for this, so be it, but I mean no disrespect.

The overweight woman. When I saw the Heat w my wife, the theatre was mostly filled with teenage to mid-thirty year old women, half of which were on the plus side. I'm not one for making assumptions, but like Michael Bay once said:
"So I make movies where people shoot each other, sh*t blows up, and it appeals to teenagers. Who cares what critics think?"
McCarthy appeals to that plus-size woman, and shows that she can be successful. Her character in the Heat was a successful policewoman, despite being despised, and I doubt people went to see the movie for the comedic chops of Sandra Bullock.

It's a formula, like it or not, that may just appeal to a certain demographic. My wife doesn't fit that demographic, but she too finds her funny. Combine that w a hit TV show where she has an equally heavy husband, and there's going to be a demographic, stereotyping or not, that it appeals to.

It doesn't make her funny, however, but I do think she has staying power. Just like Adam Sandler, who you mentioned and has made a career out of being an idiot, and hasn't made a funny movie since Billy Madison.

But yeah, with the success of the Heat, and talks of a sequel already, I'd say that while her 'schtick' may get old and tiresome even to her most loyal fans, they're going to go in the same way people go to see Adam Sandler movies.

Out of loyalty.

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