Melina Better Than Victoria? What?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Due to the incredible lack of depth on the heel side of Raw's women division, it kind of forces Melina to be focused on because they don't really have any other options. Also, Melina has a better personality and gets more heat from the audience than Victoria, which explains why she gets the nod over her. Melina is kind of like the female version of Randy Orton in a way because the depth issue forces her to be focused on.

Please. For one Victoria could hand in a proper womens federation, Melina could not. That is one of the stupidest things I've heard all hour. Victoria has plenty of personality. Do WWE not remember when she was Stratus' stalker? She did a better job of it than Mickie James ever did. Victoria was far creepier. And as for wrestling skills it's no contest.

Melina might be considered more attractive than Victoria. That's the only reason I can see for WWE giving her a superior push.
Melina is the one being pushed and not Victoria. If WWE made Victoria be the bitch she was before as they make Melina to be then ya Victoria be the top womens heel. But no Melina is becuase creative pushes her more.

Victoria is way far the best womens wrestler WWE has and sad thing is she is know Melina's lackey and is used to get women like Candice over. victoria got great heat earlier this year when she destoying the womens division and got a shot against Micke at NYR. Then WWE just stopped her push and gave Melina the limelight. Melina can wrestle if you seen her in the past as Kyra but for her to be better than Victoria is stretching IMO.

Right now the womens division in WWE is a joke as they let go of the real wrestlers they have had in the past. And i find both victoria and melina attractive though Victoria seems rough lol
I agree, Melina is not better than Victoria. Victoria boasts superior ring skills, superior acting skills (she played the psycho angle brilliantly) he only real reason as to why I could see WWE making this claim is that since Victoria as been out of the Main event for so long, and hasn't had the time to improve her mic skills or promo skills. Plus I just don't see it in Victoria's nature, or character, to be a woman of alot of words, where Melina is a manipulative chatterbox. I'm not saying that Vickys character has gotten stale, but I love to see her snap and go on another rampage, even if she's not 100% because of her knee. And the knee shouldn't even matter, as she was wrestling with it in her last title run 2 or 3 years ago.
I think that both women are attractive, and that Victoria is the better wrestler.

But, Victoria did get a mini-push not so long ago, when she had that "list" in which she crossed people's names off and such. And, she couldn't draw heat with that mini-push at all.

Now, I'm not saying she wasn't over as a heel, before, but right now, Melina is certainly more over.
melina is more over because she has the better gimmick, a manipulative heel. That list thing that WWE did for Victoria, while it was an effort, it was mediocre. If WWE had let her go back to her ark twisted psycho heel roots, as WWE lacks a genuine psycho right now, then IMO, Victoria would be more over than Melina.
I think that both women are attractive, and that Victoria is the better wrestler.

But, Victoria did get a mini-push not so long ago, when she had that "list" in which she crossed people's names off and such. And, she couldn't draw heat with that mini-push at all.

Now, I'm not saying she wasn't over as a heel, before, but right now, Melina is certainly more over.

The reason why she didn't get much of a push at all is because the wwe did little to help her to getting over as a heel. I'm so pissed right now because victoria is one of my favorite people in the wrestling biz and she is getting treated like crap for no reason at all. She has been in the WWE for almost 6 years and only has like 2 title reigns when she should have way more. She has way more personality then what we see from her right now. As for her vs micky when it comes down to the psycho thing, victoria was WAY better than mickie. Mickie character wasn't even psycho, she was just an obsessed trish stratus fan.
I can also agree tht Victoria is a better worker in the ring than Melina but i also think tht Melina is better on the mic. So i think both have their spots where each is better than the other and as for crowd reaction towards them and IMO i haven't seen Victoria get a reaction from crowds in ova 3 years when she was last a face and im not saying she was a good one but im just sayin thts when ive seen the crowd either cheer or even boo her. The crowd jus doesn' seem to care about her any more on the other side Melina is a little more new than Victoria still and i think Melina does have more of a personality than Victoria so thts why the crowd either boos her or she might even get a few cheers which i have heard ova the past couple of weeks for her. My last thought is tht the way for Melina to be more successful than Victoria is make a successful face turn what Victoria could not do IMO then we will see if the crowd gives a reaction like a Mickie Trish or Lita.
as far as in ring skills it's no contest, Victoria is far far ahead of everybody right now, Melina just get alot more heat though. See why not make Victoria crazy again and just fight who ever heel or face. She did this before, hell if she is as psycho as they want us to believe why in the world would she have any friends? heel or face. She should just be kicking ass and taking names
as far as in ring skills it's no contest, Victoria is far far ahead of everybody right now, Melina just get alot more heat though. See why not make Victoria crazy again and just fight who ever heel or face. She did this before, hell if she is as psycho as they want us to believe why in the world would she have any friends? heel or face. She should just be kicking ass and taking names

Exactly. Remember that bikini contest a couple years back with christy hemme and the other divas? When Victoria just snapped and kicked everyones ass the crowd loved it.
I agree with the bikini contest heel turn shanti07, and the thing about it was that WWE was expecting her to get heat but instead she gets cheered. Victoria has been bounced around from gimmick to gimmick ever since WWE stripped her of the psycho gimmick. And Mickie's gimmick wasn't even that of a psychopath, if anything she was a manic depressive fan who just wanted some attention. Like I said, the WWE is lacking a real womens psychopath and Victoria plays an awesome Psycho. Melina plays the manipulative heel almost, if not better than Stratus (almost an opportunistic heel, like Edge, where as Stratus was a dominate manipulative heel, like HHH)
they should just give her back her psycho gimmick and have her freak out melina. Yes, she will be face but it would still be cool.
No, Victoria's psycho gimmick would only work as a heel, otherwise whats the point? Its kind of like Kane's gimmick. If Victoria were to face Melina for the title, they could both be heels, but they could also add in a face Mickie James. If WWE works the fued right, then I can see it paralleling the HHH, Goldberg, Kane fued back in 04. As Mickie is the Over face, Vicky is the Heel psycho, and Melina is the manipulative heel
oh shut the fuck up everyone. you all know that victoria is by far better than he simply said talent wise better and in all honestly victoria to me is way better looking people
oh shut the fuck up everyone. you all know that victoria is by far better than he simply said talent wise better and in all honestly victoria to me is way better looking people

I think that the general feeling here is that most people will take Victoria over Melina, but I will say that Melina is a better talker than Victoria, as Victoria never really had strong mic skills, but she never really needed to be strong on the mic as she let her actions do the talking for her.
Are we surprised??? I mean really. The WWE had like 10 of the best female wrestlers who put on decent matches with eachother at worse. Jazz, Trish Stratus, Lita, Molly, Ivory, Jaquine, Chirsty Hemme (she showed promise), Victoria, and Gail Kim. They all had pretty decent mic skills, witht he excepttion of a few. But they had some really good matches with eachother, exspecially Trish, Jazz, Lita and Victoria. They put on some top quality fueds. But, the WWE wanted more ditsy TNA with a pretty face type divas. Why is the womens division lacking, because it takes more then TNA to make a story line work. Melina isn't bad, but having her champion over Victoria is like having Batista Chmapion over Chris Benoit. It deals with looks and not skills.
It can also deal with potential.

Remember Trish Stratus was an average wrestler at best when she first started in the ring, and by the time she left, she was one who actually made me appreciate women's wrestling.

And, Christy Hemme was never a good wrestler.

So, while Victoria may be a good wrestler now, there's no reason to think that Melina can't be as well.
oh shut the fuck up everyone. you all know that victoria is by far better than he simply said talent wise better and in all honestly victoria to me is way better looking people

This guy made my day, thats the funniest shit I've heard all day.

I'd agree with the general consensus here, IMO Victoria is the far superiorer wrestler, in the ring and on the mic. Melina is just getting her time to shine though and I don't have any problem with that since I've looked into her past wrestling in OVW and shit, and she's grown on me. She's got the talent to put on a good program, and she's getting that time now. Hopefully we see Victoria come back into the picture in a way like was said before, a feud with two heel and one face, Victoria vs. Melina vs. Candice. It'd atleast be interesting, moreso then the current scene.
Are we surprised??? I mean really. The WWE had like 10 of the best female wrestlers who put on decent matches with eachother at worse. Jazz, Trish Stratus, Lita, Molly, Ivory, Jaquine, Chirsty Hemme (she showed promise), Victoria, and Gail Kim. They all had pretty decent mic skills, witht he excepttion of a few. But they had some really good matches with eachother, exspecially Trish, Jazz, Lita and Victoria. They put on some top quality fueds. But, the WWE wanted more ditsy TNA with a pretty face type divas. Why is the womens division lacking, because it takes more then TNA to make a story line work. Melina isn't bad, but having her champion over Victoria is like having Batista Chmapion over Chris Benoit. It deals with looks and not skills.

I just said that Melina has better mic skills than Victoria and she also has more charisma than Victoria and IMO is easier to hate than Victoria. Melina is the type of bitch that you can't stand and her ranting and raving justs wants to make you hit her in the face with a shovel. If you can feel that way towards Melina, then Melina has done her job as a heel. IMO, Melina has a more hatable character than Vicky right now, thats why WWE wants to push her and if they push Victoria as a psycho right now it would steal some of the thunder away from Melina, and they don't want to do that just yet.
To me, Melina just seems like WWE's strongest developed female character at this point, so that's what they're going with. Victoria may be better in the ring, but Melina's character does come off pretty well in her matches. Personality is more than just work on the mic, it's in tactics and body language too, and I think Melina is pretty good in that respect.
I don't know. I think that Victoria looks better as Melina has this whole trashy dirty look to her. I don't like it. But when it comes down to it, it's not ability that gets you over. It's mic skills. Melina has em, Victoria doesn't. Plus, if you ever notice, Victoria only gets to use a quarter of the moves that she used to use back when she first came into the WWE. And all of those are power moves.

Plus another factor is that the Ladies division sux for talent. Victoria has to hold back to keep from outclassing the ladies she wrestles. I think Victoria would be better served in a fed where the women's divisions isn't all about bikini contests and shakin ass. And unfortunately Victoria is a serious wrestler in the land of bikini models. But I do seem to notice one thing about her. Has anybody noticed that they are starting to patern her gimmick more after the Planet Stasiak gimiick that Shawn had when he was jobbed out of existance? lol
*twitch* Please don't mention Gail Kim. It makes the soft parts of my brain ache all over again.

That woman is part of the reason I think Victoria's character was crushed.

They had Gail Kim come out on her very first night, take the Women's Title, and then gag us with her.

Then, to add further insult... we watch Victoria, arguable the strongest woman on the roster, submit to Gail's silly arm/shoulder finisher. Gail is so thin and frail, I would be surprised if she brings in her own groceries from the car, let alone make Victoria submit.

I spent that entire finish watching my TV screen asking myself "Why doesn't Victoria just FALL backwards and crush Gail onto the mat like a bug?"
Again what are you talking about? The Christo was an ingenious maneuver that none of the other ladies, including Molly, had a clue how to do. In that era, Gail was the closest, besides Molly that the WWE womens division came to actual good talent. Vicky had her moments in WWE but by the time Gail debuted Victoria was past her expiration date.

Also the largest i've heard Victoria's weight to be was 155, the smallest 136. Gail has always weighed 130 lbs, not much of a difference if you ask me.

And even if that wasn't the case, how would Vicky submitting to Gail be any different than Kane or Undertaker submitting to Kurt Angle or Beniot? It woundn't, enough with this frail women BS
I'm not a huge Melina fan but shes doing her job well, getting people to hate her and really being in character just right (not to much and not to little), I kinda thought Victoria might be getting a push because her appearence has changed....shes looking less bulky and athletic, more sterotypically girly and sexy (for WWE anyway). Victoria is better technically but over all Id have to go with Melina because her character development is hot right now and shes more varied in the ring.

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