MD40: Big Dave vs. Steven Holmes

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Steven Holmes impressed Chuck Myles during the Contract Battle Royale last week, this week under his first contracted match, he takes on the reigning EurAsian Champion Big Dave. Will Holmes cause a shock on his debut or will Dave continue his dominance?

Deadline is Monday 24th May 23:59 EST
We open with several shots of the New York skyline. It is night, the streets are busy and hundreds of people are on the street either going to or coming from somewhere. We soon find ourselves at the American Museum of Natural History. Inside, there is a charity event. Several celebrities are around. We soon move into the Hall of African Peoples. ‘The Elite’ Steven Homes is stood in front of one of the exhibits. He is wearing a tuxedo. An interviewer, Tanya from Rising Star Magazine, approaches Holmes.

Tanya: Mr. Holmes?

Holmes turns around and notices her.

Tanya: Steven Holmes, I’m Tanya from Rising Star Magazine. I was wondering if we could get a few words from you?

Holmes’ face has a wide grin on it.

Holmes: But of course my dear.

She pulls out a tape recorder and presses record.

Tanya: Mr. Holmes, as a member of the museum trust, what would you say is the aim of this event?

Holmes: Well Tanya, it’s to help those less fortunate than you or I and make them feel better about their lives.

Tanya: You of course are a professional wrestler; you just came off of earning a contract this past week with WZCW did you not?

Holmes: Why yes, yes I did.

Tanya: Are you up against some pretty tough competition this week?

Holmes politely smiles and laughs.

Holmes: I’m facing the EurAsian champion, Big Dave, a fellow Brit. My trainer told me about Dave once. He told me that he was a hard worker who would do anything to get to the top. He told me that Dave was someone who was determined to make it to the big leagues, and here we are. Big Dave has my respect for managing to pick himself out of the dirt and come to this country and climb up to the top of the mountain. The only problem that he has now is that I await him atop the mountain and I’m going to throw him down to the bottom. I’ll send him back to the dirt from whence he came. You see, Big Dave is no different to these African’s behind me.

Holmes motions to the Hall of African Peoples.

Holmes: He was born into the dirt, it’s what he inherited and it’s where his grave shall be.

Tanya is listening with great intrigue at this point, hanging on Holmes’ every word.

Holmes: Fact is this is the beginning of the end for Dave. We’re hurtling towards a Pay Per View, Apocalypse, and it’s only fitting that at the end of the world that I be the one to start the fall of Dave, and very soon, I will take his championship. Dave is nothing more than a steward to my throne, and a king must take his place upon the throne. Gold deserves to be worn by elites like myself and not by those like Dave.

A member of the Rising Star team hands Tanya a piece of paper. She looks at it as Holmes attempts to get a peek. She looks at him with an uncertain face.

Tanya: Mr. Holmes, I’ve just been handed a note that says that you lost the Contract Battle Royale last week to a man named Gordito. Is this true?

Holmes is alarmed, as if concerned about his image.

Holmes: W-Well, you s-see, you don’t understand, there was a man, a 550 pound former sumo-wrestler named Wasabi Toyota, myself and Gordito had to use a vast amount of our energy to eliminate him. I of course used more than he did and so it was easier for him to eliminate me. I earned my contract through impressing the right people though.

Holmes continues to grow in confidence the more he talks.

Holmes: Tanya, the fact is this. WZCW will soon be nothing more than my kingdom. I mentioned previously that I am the heir to the throne; well I’m also going to soon claim gold for myself. No one is safe from me. While I stand atop the heavens, I shall watch them and strike them mercilessly and take that gold and they’ll know that Aristocracy Reigns!

Tanya is impressed. She retracts the tape recorder.

Tanya: Thank you Mr. Holmes.

Holmes: No, thank you Tanya.

Holmes waves goodbye to her and the screen fades to black.
We open to the scene of wrestlers training in a gym, the camera looms over watching as it slowly moves back to find the EurAsian Champion Big Dave standing there, arms crossed, watching over with a stern look on his face. Leon Kensworth enters the room he’s in with a mic at hand.

Leon: Excuse me Dave, this week we have decisions being decided where Blade will finally reveal what championship he’ll go after, whether it is the Elite X or your EurAsian belt, you must be feeling sceptical about that?

And this week you’re facing newcomer Steven Holmes who had some pretty strong words to say about you…


Dave: I heard what you said…I’ve seen what’s been said by both of them and frankly, they seem that they would like to bite off more than they can chew.

Dave slowly turns around to face Leon

Blade is a man who relishes on half worked effort, he takes pleasure in the goals that he achieves when there is so much more he could have done if he made more of an effort. He makes his claims about beating Karnage to get into the Lottery only to last about ten minutes, or winning a title shot because his opponent couldn’t actually move. Blade is an opportunist, which I can’t decide if that should be a thing to be aware of or just a set of smoke and mirrors to hide what he truly is. In the end, what I think of Blade doesn’t matter at this time, because he will want the easiest path to getting remotely close to championship gold and going through me is not worth going through hell for, Abandon all hope who ye face Dave. But I must admit, I’m getting tired of having to show Showtime that I am the only one who has rights to this championship that I hold. Fresh victims are always good, much like this Steven Holmes.

When I see Holmes, I think of something truly disgusting. Someone who’s overconfident, arrogant, fresh minded and thinking he’ll have gold handed to him on a silver platter. He reminds me of….myself. Twenty Meltdowns ago, I was ready to go into my own Contract Battle Royale and survive to get myself to where I am today, but seeing what Holmes said just reminded me of how self-deluded I lead myself to believe when I first came to WZCW. But then I realised quickly that within that time I took to win the Tag Team Championships, this company isn’t about holding hands and sharing baking goods, you realise the darkest elements of what truly lies within this company, let alone this industry. The lies, deceit, backstabbing, betrayal, it changes you completely, while I had the likes of Ace as my partner, I took it upon myself to get the best possibilities and not fall into the traps of this company. Over a year later, I stand as the EurAsian Champion, I have sweated blood and tears to get to where I am and would I change anything about it? There’s nothing I would change. I don’t fall into politics or make myself to be too big for my boots, I simply have done what I need to do and it has got me to this point.

Dave turns towards the camera

Holmes, you speak about how you plan to end my time, that it’s time for me to be taken off the perch so the likes of you can fill that spot. There’s nothing about you that I haven’t seen in this company before, not to mention beaten. I don’t plan on underestimating you because this is your first contracted match, I simply plan to go out there, destroy any self respect you have and win, just like I have with Vengeance, Showtime, Second Coming, Blade, Beckford, to name a few. You will begin to realise that WZCW is full of monsters and I am not one of them, I’m simply a man who survives by taking out the true monsters of this company, keeping what is pure and right. This company has changed me for the better, and I can call myself the best and the greatest part about it…I’m not even done.

Blade, I don’t plan on waiting for your decision to be made, I plan to use Holmes to show you what making me your choice will result in. Best keep watch because you won’t want to sleep after Meltdown this week.

Dave gets up in Leon's face before he heads out of the room with Leon looking rather worried.
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