MD38 - Heavy Artillery vs. The Ghetto Stars - Tag Team Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Within only two weeks of winning the Tag Team Championship, Heavy Artillery must face the tough challenge of the up and rising Ghetto Stars. Will their first defence bode well given that a potential greater challenge may occur at Redemption?

Deadline is Monday 5th April 23:59 EST
The setting is at a WZCW fan axxess event in Los Angeles, California where James Baker is dressed up in the new Ghetto Stars t-shirt, Baggy Jeans, a Black Skull Cap on his head. He is currently meeting, greeting and signing autographs with lots of WZCW Fans. After James gets done interracting with the fans, he then grabs a microphone and hops onto the stage.

James: "What's happenin' Los Angeles?"

The crowd then goes insane and cheers wildly.

James: "Now as you all know at this upcomin' Meltdown, The Ghetto Stars get to go up against Heavy Artillery with the WZCW World Tag Team Championships on the line."

The crowd then gives off a huge ovation for both teams.

James: "I know, I for one am really ecstatic that we get this opportunity against a really good team. Now since we are here after all, do any of you great fans have any questions towards me?"

Fan #1 comes up.

Fan #1: "Oooh, I have a question that I want to ask."

James: "Ight, what's your question?"

Fan #1: "What do you think will happen at Meltdown and Ascension this week?"

James: "Well let's see here. Hammond will more than likely escape with the Mayhem Title in tact, Doug Crashin will FINALLY be fired, my old foe USA will win against Frankie Smith, Titus will beat Everest and the other matches can go either way, but one thing is for certain though, The Ghetto Stars will prove to all the doubters, that we are indeed one of the greatest forces in WZCW history."

Fan #1: "I hope you guys win."

James: "Thanks. Yo anybody else got any questions?"

Fan #2 comes up.

Fan #2: "I have a question if you don't mind."

James: "Ight man what's your question."

Fan #2: "If you and Baller do infact defeat Heavy Artillery to win the belts, what's next for you guys?"

James: "Well if we defeat Heavy Artillery for the belts, we then go into Redemption to await our next set of challengers. Anybody else got a question?"

As another fan was about to speak up, the stage manager then comes up to James and whispers something into his ear.

James: "Yo, my bad everybody. The manager of this place has told me that the fan interraction event is closed until 5 PM. If you want to sign autographs with me, then i'll be back at 5. I am "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker and I bid you all a farewell, believe that."

James then hops off of the stage and starts to walk to the outside of the event. As he gets there, he notices Mr. Baller standing beside of his White Lamborgini drinking a bottle of Gatorade.

James: "What brings you buy Baller?"

Mr. Baller: "You know why i'm here. We've got to cut our promo for our match against that tag team that we're facing."

James: "You mean Heavy Artillery."

Mr. Baller: "Yeah, that's the team and they have our WZCW World Tag Team Championship."

James: "Correction. It's not our belts... yet that is."

Mr. Baller: "Hey, don't go soft on me now."

James: "HA! I'm not goin' soft. I just don't wanna be too cocky here."

Mr. Baller: "I get that, but we need confidence if we're going to win."

James: "Don't worry, i'm confident in my own abilities. Anyways, you got the equipment?"

Mr. Baller: "Yeah, give me a little bit. It's in the trunk of the car."

Baller then pops open the trunk of the car and then gets some equipment out. He then sets it all up as both him and James proceed to cut their promo.

James: "Ah, the big opportunity is almost here and I for one am excited about it because this is a big opportunity for The Ghetto Stars as we get an opportunity at redemption as we go up against Heavy Artillery for the WZCW World Tag Team Titles. Now, all of our viewers are probably askin' us, just what are we tryin' to get redemption for, exactly? Well, it's quite simple actually. See, we've done alot of things in this company and sure we've had some ups and downs, but the thing that the others haven't come to realize is that Baller and I are a well-oiled machine. We're like chicken and gravy, chips and hotsauce, but the point here is that we are not a team that should be taken lightly and we plan on avengin' the debacle at Kingdom Come by takin' the WZCW World Tag Team Titles. Baller, do you have anything to say?"

Mr. Baller: "Yeah, I do. Now Heavy Artillery, you guys maybe the champions right now, but you didn't truly gain those titles in a straight up match. No, instead you two capitalized on Kurtesy's drunknes and won the titles, just like that, but this week however is gonna be totally different as not only are James and I not drunk off our asses, but this is a two on two match, something that you didn't have last week when y'all had a two on one advantage over Blade."

James: "The conclusion to all of that is that even though you're a good team, the odds of you guys retainin' the tag team titles is pretty much at slim to none, because Meltdown is The Ghetto Stars time to shine and we will do that by becomin' the new WZCW World Tag Team Champions and there's not really a thing that anybody can do to stop that from happenin' and that's that and nothin' more."

James and Mr. Baller: "Believe that."

James then flips off the uplink and then puts the equipment back into the trunk of the car. As that happened, he and Baller start speaking to each other again.

Mr. Baller: "Hey, i'd love to be at the fan axxess event with you, but I gotta go to Ireland."

James: "Oh, what for man?"

Mr. Baller: "You know, to spead our name towards a more broader audience."

James: "That's cool man. I'll meet you there once I get done with the Axxess event."

The camera then goes to a black screen as James heads back into the Fan Axxess Event, while Baller leaves for Ireland.
The scene opens up in Belfast, Ireland, where we Mr. Baller sitting by a tree, with a pot of gold in his hands, he is looking like he is waiting for somebody.

Baller (talking to himself): Damn James, where are you? You and Becky should’ve been here by now.

As Baller says that, a limo pulls in with a WZCW cameraman, Becky Serra, and James Baker inside. Out the three of them come.

Becky: Hey Baller.

Baller: Sup Becky, before we begin can I have a quick chat with James.

Becky: Sure go ahead.

Baller grabs Baker and pulls him to the side.

Baller: Success?

Baker: Nah bro, I really couldn’t. The cameraman was a cock blocker.

Baller: Shit dude, did she want it?

Baker: Who doesn’t want me?

Baller: About 95% of all women.

Baker: Whatever dude, it is all good. Lets get this interview over with, so I can head back home.

Baller: True that.

Baker: Alright Becky, ready when you are.

Becky flips her hair then gives the cameraman the signal. The camera man counts down from 3 to 1.

Becky: Hey all you WZCW fans out there, this is Becky Serra here in Belfast, Ireland, with the number one contenders for the WZCW Tag Team Championships, Mr. Baller and James Baker, The Ghetto Stars. Now guys, first off congrats on your huge win, against the former champions, Teach N Kurtesy.

Baller and Baker (unison): Thanks Becky.

Becky: Now Mr. Baller, why did you schedule this interview here in Ireland?

Baller: Ahh Becky, well Saint Patricks Day just occurred, and the luck of the Irish has been spreading around WZCW lately. The luck hit a tag team called Heavy Artillery, and are now WZCW tag team champions. Now to me this is a disgrace to all of WZCW. This team has no right to be even in a title match, yet they are champions, because the Board of Directors felt bad for this team and kept giving them title opportunity after opportunity, just to help out with ratings because it was a title match on free television. But now, Saint Patricks Day has come and gone, and so has the luck of Heavy Artillery, as The Ghetto Stars are here and will become Tag Team Champions!

Becky: Now James onto you, what is the gameplan as Mr. Baller would say, for Heavy Artillery.

Baker: Our gameplan is quite simple. Mr. Baller and I have been around WZCW for a very long time, and we know what it is like to be in big matches, and winning big matches. Heavy Artillery is still young and inexperienced and we will capitalize on that. We are going to be patient in that match, doing what The Ghetto Stars do, and that is raising hell on our opponents, and when they make that one mistake this match will be over, and you better believe that.

Becky: Shouldn’t you guys give these guys a little more credit then that, I mean they are still holding the gold that you guys don’t have.

Baker: Let me take this one dude.

Baller: Fine.

Baker: Now trust me, we are not taking these guys lightly, they are a good team, a very good team, but we feel even though we just began as a team, we are the best team in WZCW, due to our experience in title matches, plus our history against each other. We know each other from facing each other, and that’s what makes us stronger, all those times we fought, we learned from each other. Now we know each other by heart, and Heavy Artillery, they are a team where opposites attract. They don’t completely know each other yet, and like I said before, that one miscommunication error, and bam, the match is over. Just like that.

Becky: Whoa what is that?!?!

Baller: That big pot right there?

Becky: Yup.

Baller: Thank you for mentioning that, please I will show you.

The Ghetto Stars and Becky head over to the pot, and it says Heavy Artillery on the front, and there is nothing inside of it.

Baller: I came to Ireland a few weeks ago, to get some beer, and have a little fun, and I found this here. It had one big piece of gold. I couldn’t get the gold as Heavy Artillery had some protection on it and I didn’t think anything of it at the time. And now that I came here for this interview, James, I told you I had something to do here before the interview, and this was it. I came back and I found that one big piece of gold was gone. I knew something was up, and then I realized, they spent their one piece of gold, on beating Teach N Kurtesy because they knew they couldn’t beat them on their own, that is why they failed so many times. But guess what guys? You are going to need another piece of gold because to beat us you will need all the luck you can get, there is a reason we are undefeated and you are under .500, the odds are in our favor, and without your gold, you can’t win.

Baker: And that's that and nothin' more.

Baller and Baker (unison): Believe that.

Becky: Well you guys heard it here, has Heavy Artillery’s luck run out, will the Ghetto Stars win their first ever tag team championship, or will the champs retain? Find out only on Meltdown this week, this is Becky Serra signing off.

Cameraman: And were out.

Becky: Thanks guys, now lets go to the pub before we head home.

Baker: Lets do it!

The Ghetto Stars and Becky then walk off as the camera fades out.
The scene is a darkened room. Only the beam of a flashlight is there to break the darkness. The beam illuminates a dusty rack of film, and a gloved hand grabs a reel. The reel is loaded into a dusty projector, which is switched on. It crackles as the film spins. The fabric screen is dark for a moment, before displaying some words.

Active Enterprises, Ltd. Presents:

Max Karzai
“One Good King”
Slow Boat to Hades
Akashic Records, Inc.

The camera opens onto a completely black scene, with the exception of a small spotlight in the distance. The light shines down on a lone figure, who is sitting in a chair and playing an electric guitar. You can hear a small breeze blowing as the guitarist’s fingers dance on the strings, causing a soft, lilting melody to fill the air. The camera focuses on the hands, as suddenly they perform a complicated movement and play a fast chord progression as the area surrounding Max Karzai is illuminated by a rising sun. The camera pulls out to fully view him.

He is sitting on a wooden platform in the middle of a desert bathed in red sunlight, strumming the guitar, playing a tune with a Western feel to it. As the sun rises higher in the sky, Karzai plays slightly faster, and he opens his mouth, delivering his words in a style that is a combination of singing and spoken word.

Karzai: My father worked the mines, until the day it took his life.
Stole him from his only son, and it stole him from his wife.
And I swore upon his grave…
Someday, I would make things right.

The clouds are moving very quickly in the sky above.

Karzai: So I learned how to play guitar
I learned how to make it sing.
And I watched as it
Brought me everything.
Fame and fortune
Money, girls, and diamond rings.

He stands up. In the distance, we can see machines starting to build in the desert.

Karzai: I’ve waited so long for this day,
For someone to take the death away,
No longer will they have to say
“Your father worked into his grave”…

The machines have built a small foundation. They are laying roads down in a rhythmic fashion, adding a persistent beat to Karzai’s guitar playing. Some have moved closer to Karzai. Suddenly, a cloud of dust swirls up behind him, and forms into a figure.

A figure that looks very similar to Karzai.

There are differences; the new figure is leaner, tidier. The face looks sharper, and the expression on it is one of perverse glee.

It is his dark side.

It is Fear.

As Karzai continues to play, Fear starts to speak.

Karzai: Max, listen to yourself
Then listen carefully to me.
You may be two working parts
But they are a different machine.
There is a man who turns the wheel…
And he will follow where the man leads.

As the machines continue their slow work, building a town around Karzai, a small group of people congregate in front of the platform. Fear’s smile grows wider as he surveys them.

Karzai: You’ve spent your whole life searching
For a way to make it in this world.
Giving everything to them
Asking nothing in return…
It is time
To take back
Everything you’ve earned.

The guitar has vanished, but the music continues. The machines have built a small, modern city around Karzai’s plattform, which seems to be located in the city center. People start to flood the streets as Karzai turns to face his Fear. His eyes stare upwards, towards the sky.

I’ve waited so long for this day
You’ve waited so long for this day!

For someone to take the death away…
There is no price you would not pay!

No longer will I have to say
Just let me lead you…

”My father worked into his grave…
Don‘t turn your back on me!

Karzai turns away from Fear, staring at the streets below, for as this exchange has been going on, the machines have created a thriving, shining city. Karzai’s platform stands at the top of a skyscraper, overlooking the whole thing. The wind blows hard as the camera cuts to a shadowy figure in a bar, who is downing a drink. You cannot make anything out clearly; the whole thing is in silhouette.

Karzai: What will happen to him
If I choose to follow you?
I do not want to take this path
I will not do the things you do.
I only want what’s best.

The figure downs another beer.

Karzai: He is my friend,
He works so hard
He works his fingers until they bleed.
Some of the pain that he endures
Would bring a god to their knees.
And I only want to help…

The camera cuts back to Karzai, focusing on his face. Slowly, Fear appears in the background, out-of-focus.

Karzai: You are a fool…

Karzai: You underestimate the character of man.

Karzai: Your soul is weaker than you think.

Karzai: You think that I’ll surrender if you bind my working hands,
But I am strong.

Karzai: Just wait and see…

We will build cities in a day!
You will cower at the sight…

I will build towers to the heavens!
Man was not built for such a height…

We will be heroes!
There are no heroes!

The camera cuts to the real Max Karzai, who is standing in the projection room, illuminated by the light coming from the projector. As the music swells, you can see him start to mouth the words of the onscreen Karzai, who has turned to face Fear once again, and is staring directly into its eyes.

Karzai: I’ve waited so long for this day
For someone to take the death away
No son will ever have to say
“My father worked into his grave”.

I sleep tonight with hope destroyed
I will awake with all doubt killed
And with my hands I will destroy
And with my hands I will rebuild

We will stand above this city
Rising high above the streets
From the tops of building we will look
At all that lies beneath our feet!

Both onscreen and real life Karzai’s are singing at this point, the real one staring at the screen with furious intensity.

We will raise our hands above us
Our gold shining in the sun!
With these hands that will not bleed,
My father’s battle will be won!

The onscreen Karzai shoves Fear off of the edge of the skyscraper. Fear disintegrates.

And the projector’s bulb explodes, leaving the scene in complete darkness once more.
The scene is an art gallery. It is the 3rd annual WZCW Humanitarian Art Show. Hundreds of people have gathered at this venue All kinds of people are there, including some of the WZCW staff. Different kinds of art scatter the walls including photographs, paintings, and the floors are covered with various sculptures. The camera finds Becky Serra walking around, looking at the various works of art.

Becky : This is a beautiful piece, I love the different colors.

She wanders from picture to painting, sculpture to sculpture.

Becky : I really love this piece here. Whoever did this really knows what they are doing.

Suddenly a man walks up behind her.

Man : A real nice piece, isn't it?

Becky turns around to realize this man is Jordan Lights, who apparently has arrived late.

Becky : You're late Jordan, I've been waiting for over an hour now. You're the one that told me to come here.

Jordan : My apologies Becky, the traffic getting here was pretty bad.

Becky : I forgive you this time. So why'd you bring me here?

Jordan and Becky begin to wander from room to room, now looking at the works of various artists.

Jordan : You see Becky, the reason I brought you here is that WZCW is a lot like this gallery. Hundreds of artists have work here, similar to how many men have stepped into the ring of WZCW. Some paintings are newer then others, just like how some teams are new and some have been around the block the a few times.

Becky : You're referring to the Ghetto Stars aren't you?

Jordan : I certainly am. You see Becky, many people have been calling our tag team title win a fluke, many people have no faith in us.

Becky and Jordan stumble into a room with a cathedral ceiling. The ceiling is painted with a beautiful picture with many various colors.

Jordan : You see Becky, like the different colors in this painting, many different wrestlers in WZCW come together to attempt to work together in the tag team division. Some succeed and some fail, it all depends on the chemistry and how well they work together. Like the colors in this painting, Max and I work very well together. In fact you could say we are like brothers. If I remember correctly, it was just a few short weeks ago that Baller and Baker were at each other's throats, wanting to stand a top the Mayhem division. Now, I have all the respect in the world for James Baker. Him and I have similar backgrounds, we come from similar neighborhoods. His upbringing has made him a very humble person. However, Baller on the other hand, is too cocky for his own good. He says that our victories are flukes, and we win due to our opponents being at a disadvantage.

Jordan takes off his tie and stuffs it in his jacket pocket. He undoes a few buttons on his shirt.

Jordan : Sorry Becky, this is just hard for me, I don't normally wear suits. Now back to Baller and his opinion. Just like every artist in here, we've been busting our asses trying to make a name for ourselves. We've worked hard to get where we are now, and we are certainly not afraid to admit it took us a few attempts to get us here. The old saying goes, " If you don't succeed, try , try again. " Now, I have but one final statement to say, before you can talk like a champion, get cocky like a champion, you need to be a champion. You want talk about gold and luck, well we aren't the ones that need it. Max and I welcome all challengers, and we'll gladly shut The Ghetto Stars up. They are the ones who need the luck, because we put up a hard fight, and we aren't about to back down.

Becky : Those are some strong words Jordan. Are you two ready for the match?

Jordan : Becky, we are more then ready. And you know, I have no doubt that they will bring the fight to us, but we will bring the fight more then they ever expect. On Meltdown we will walk in as champions, and we will also leave as champions.

Becky : Jordan, you know, I really wish that Baker guy would get over himself though, he should realize by now that staff cannot date.

Becky suddenly runs up to a painting , looking very happy.

Becky : Jordan, what do you think?

Jordan : This is a really nice painting actually. Hopefully someone picks it to take it home with them.

Becky : I do too. You know, I painted this one myself.

Jordan and Becky continue to walk around and check out the rest of the gallery as the scene fades out.
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