MD36 - Garth Black vs. Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Kingdom Come saw two different outcomes for these two men, one left with a shot at the EurAsian or Elite X Title, the other came up short in a Tag Team Title Match. How will their first match out of Kingdom Come come across as both men will want to send a message across to the WZCW roster?

Deadline is Monday 8th March 2010 23:59 EST
Rebecca Serra is outside a locker room, preparing to interview with Blade.
She knocks on the door and waits. She suddenly looks confused then turns to the camera man.

Rebecca: Hey, did Blade ever pay me back for buying him all those plane tickets?

The camera man shrugs as the door is opened by Blade, who doesn’t acknowledge Becky upon opening the door. Instead he turns back around and walks to the other side of the room where a large TV is set up with an Xbox 360 connected. Blade sits down, unpauses the game and resumes playing. Rebecca walks into the room and over to Blade.

Rebecca: Hey, I’m here for an interview, don’t ignore me!

Blade: If I was ignoring you, the door would still be closed.

Rebecca: Yeah, but you’re playing the game...

Blade: Are you implying that I can’t multi-task because I’m a man?

Rebecca: What? I... No...

Blade: Huh, you just assume I can’t talk to you while playing!? That’s sexist, Becky!!

Rebecca: Oh, shut up!

Blade s******s.

Blade: You’re too easy to mess with. I need to keep up my practice for when I mess with my opponent’s heads you know.

Rebecca: Whatever. What game are you playing anyway?

Blade: Our one.

Rebecca picks up the game box and turns to the camera, beaming.

Rebecca: You mean the brand new WZCW Meltdown game, out now on Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii?

Blade takes his gaze off the TV screen and turns to Rebecca, looking venomous.

Blade: Are you plugging the fucking game during MY interview time?

She drops the box and quickly sits down.

Rebecca: ....sorry....

Blade shakes his head and turns back to the TV.

Blade: Actually, Becky, I want you to check this out. I’m playing a virtual version of my match with Rush from Kingdom Come.

Rebecca watches the TV screen, with Blade controlling his virtual self. The game shows Blade dominating Rush and taunting the crowd. Virtual Blade then hits the Blade Runner on Virtual Rush and pins him in the middle of the ring. The real Blade stands up with his arms raised, nodding.

Blade: And that’s how it’s done...

Rebecca: Excuse me, that is not how it happened!

Blade: What are you talking about? I beat Rush at Kingdom Come. And I did it by being the better wrestler.

Rebecca: He had a heart attack!!

Blade: That’s right, he had a heart attack. Yet I didn’t. Ergo, I’m the better wrestler.

Rebecca puts her head in her hands, shaking her head.

Rebecca: You’re just.... Unbelievable sometimes....

Blade smirks.

Blade: Why thank you, Becky!

Rebecca rolls her eyes.

Rebecca: Just say a few things about Garth Black so we end this train wreck, please...

Blade looks confused for a moment.

Blade: Who’s....? Oh, the Welsh lad! Oh yeah, ok, right.

Blade takes a deep breath

Blade: Oh Garth... You strived so hard to get to the top of the tag team ladder with your partner. You worked for months and months, getting into the Kingdom Come tag title match... Only to be bested by two rookies?

Blade shakes his head.

Blade: You couldn’t even make it to the top with someone you had chemistry with, but you think you can work your way up the singles ladder? And even funnier, you go for me first? Second coming failed! Your team crumbled! You... Are... Nothing now. Do you know who I am? I’m the guy who’s actually going somewhere! I’m the one who actually has a future! I am the Prodigal Son, I am destiny. And I.... Well, I’m better than you Garth.

Blade is about to turn back around, but he stops. He turns back to the camera.

Blade: Oh! And to Big Dave and... Whoever is Elite X champion at the end of the week, you might wanna keep an eye on me. Because I sure as hell am gonna be watching you.

Blade smirks, and turns around. He sits down, lights a cigarette and starts playing the Xbox again. Rebecca stands in a stunned silence for a moment, before realising the interview is over and finally leaving...
We're at the Kingdom Come aftershow, and Becky Serra is backstage looking for an interview. An orderly hands her a note, which she reads aloud.

Garth Black is on the roof, he would like to speak to you.

She stops reading.

Sigh, not this again, still I'll go and check

She goes up the stairwell to the roof of the building and sees that the fire escape door is being held open by a large rock. She looks outside, and sees Garth Black sitting on an air vent in the middle of the building. Sheapproaches him.

Hello, thanks for coming, I just wanted to get a few things off my chest.

There's not going to be any poetry is there?

No. I'm tired of the poetry. I'm tired of the jokes. I'm tired of haing to do everything myself. More tired than your bedsprings.

Your obviously not too tired of the jokes.

Obviously not. But I am tired of having to do everything myself. The Second Coming, well it's come and gone, and where am I? Still here. Still talking to you.

So there's no more Second Coming?

I just don't see it. Phoenix has let me down too many times. Look up at the sky, what do you see?

Err.. The moon, and a weird kind of yellowish glow.

Exactly, there's no stars. Look down at the street. All you see are these horrible street lights functional, but essentially eyesores. What are they even lighting up? Streets nobody goes down. Corners you stand on. That's it really.

What's your point?

My point is, is that Phoenix is like those street lights. There's nothing wrong about him, but being around him made me invisible. I was held back. If you go to Wales, where I'm from, you know what you see?


Yes, Wales

No, I mean you see whales, you know big fish.

He stares at her for a moment in disbelief

No there aren't any whales in Wales.

Why is it called that then?

He shakes his head

The sky. What do you see when you look at the night sky?


Finally! Yes, you see, that's me. I am a star. And without Phoenix's light pollution, people are going to see that. You look at my record with and without him, and you'll see.

Ok, so you're looking to go forward alone? Aren't you worried about the difference in styles?

Look, I've been here long enough to know that very few tag teams break up with both men prospering. I mean, look at where Big Dave is and look at where Ace David isn't. Even Titus took a long time away before coming back. I'm not going to be the Ace David. I'm not going to be Kyle Christiensen, I'm not going to be NorCal. Or Anthony Michaels. Phoenix can be like them if he wants. I'm going to be Garth Black and I will be better than that.

As for the difference in styles, I've had singles matches before, and I've won. I've had to do pretty much everything on my own in my life to this point, and I don't see why I can't do it in wrestling. This is my wrestling resurrection, and I will rise higher than I did before.

Ok. Well your first match is against Blade, who is riding high after his big win at Kingdom Come, what are your thoughts on him?

Well, medically I'm fine, and I won't suffer a heart attack, so he can't beat me.

But can you beat him?

Yes. He is swanning about this company like this business owes him something just because his dad said he had what it took. Well like father like son, I say. I had to work my way up to this company, and nobody has ever given me anything.

Every opportunity he has ever had has been handed to him on a silver platter, and now he's got another one. Now he's got a shot at some titles, that he got by fluke. Well, the chips are down now, and nobody, not medical mysteries, not your washed up father, not WZCW's powers that be are going to give him the winning hand. I'm not going to get given it either, I know a man high on his luck will be difficult.

But you know what, so was getting here. And I did it. So was becoming the tag team champion. And I did it. So is looking at your fae week in week out, but I do it. I don't fail because from every set back I come back stronger.

I want to win more titles in WZCW, of course I do. But I'd sooner earn mine, and work my way up the ranks by good, honest, hard work than to get my chance served up on a silver platter. He got his opportunity from a cardiac arrest. It's time for me to arrest his development.

Are you going back to the party?

In due course, Becky, in due course. If I return with you, people will think that I've joined the world's least exclusive band of buksvågers

What's a buksvåger?

Look it up.

She leaves him and returns down the stairwell. Garth waits a while, then looks up at the sky, before thoughtfully walking to the door. He picks the rock that was holding the door open and hurls it off the roof, hitting and smashing a streetlight. He looks up at the sky again before walking through the door and allowing it to slam behind him.
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