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MD32 - Chris Beckford vs. Karnage (League Two Pointer Match)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Since coming to the WZCW, Chris Beckford has been on a roll. Now in his first ever singles match, he takes on the might of Criminal Karnage in a two point league match. Despite being in opposite leagues, this match will be the most important if they want to have a shot for gold at Kingdom Come. Will Beckford's momentum continue or will he be another victim of Karnage's wrath?

Deadline is Monday 30th November 23:59 EST
As the promo begins we see a busy mall, packed with Christmas shoppers. They are scurrying around in an attempt to reach the front of an ever expanding queue of people. The mall is packed and the noise levels that are emanating from the queue of people is something to behold. Excitement fills the air as the camera pans up the crowd, getting closer to the front as it goes You can see the excitement on the children’s faces as the camera eventually reaches the front, where two young boys are accompanied by their mothers.

Boy 1: I bet he wont show. Some of the kids at school said that they had met him before and that he was the coolest character to ever appear in WZCW.

Boy 2: Yeah, I heard that too. Brian Morris saw him about three weeks ago and he said that he gave out free posters to all of the kids that had come. He had even signed them and gave some of them VIP tickets to Lethal Lottery.

Woman: Now, Alex. Don’t get your hopes up of getting tickets to anything. He is a busy man and he can’t afford tickets for 300 kids to go and see him.

Alex: Yeah, I know. Hopefully he gives us some posters though. Hey Matt, what do you think about his match at Lethal Lottery?

Matt: Yeah, it was amazing. I have never seen him so angry before. He really showed me that anything is possible.

The camera pans once again and it shows a picture of Blade in all of his glory against Karnage. Another picture shows him with his head rested on the backs of his hands as he smiles towards the camera. The last sign that can be seen says “WZCW’s Blade signs autographs – Here today!” as it hangs above a desk with an empty chair behind it.

A sharp-suited gentleman steps out from behind the curtain and taps his mic to make sure that it is working. The taps echo around the mall and it is clear that the mic is working.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, today we have a special treat for all of you. Here at Clearwater Mall, we aim to please and we love to see the faces of our shoppers full of excitement and promise as the shop. We love it so much that we managed to get one of the finest new superstars to come to our mall and sign some autographs for your children.

Firstly though, let me take you back to Lethal Lottery. It was held this Sunday in an arena only 20 miles away from here and Blade was at his finest as he wrestled a monster in the shape of Karnage. Karnage is a man who has no shame and showed no mercy. Luckily, Blade was able to overcome this beast and secured his place in the Lethal Lottery ahead of his opponent. He also secured the number 20 spot but was unable to get to the finish line. However, he had just wrestled a hectic match against one of the most monstrous men in WZCW. So without any further ado, let me introduce to you, “The Zero Hunter”, Blade!

“Bliss” by Muse hits the music system as the excitement in the fans features reaches a crescendo as the all stand on their tip-toes to catch a glimpse of the man himself. After a few seconds, no one has appeared through the curtain. The announcer looks slightly worried but keeps the smile pasted across his face. Moving across the stage, he sticks his head through a curtain to investigate what is happening. Suddenly he falls to the floor as he had just been hit with the collective force of a train. Suddenly, the music that was once prevalent is stopped. The faces of the people who are standing in line is a mixture of shock and worry. Suddenly, “Monster” by Skillet hits the sound system and it becomes all too evident that Blade will not be coming.

As the main art of the song begins, Karnage comes storming out from behind the curtain. A loud gasp fills the air as parents near the end of the queue begin to rush away, taking their children with them as fast as they can. Karnage looks out onto the diminishing crowd and sees the terror on the faces of Matt and Alex, who stand at the front of the queue with their jaws dropping and terror in their eyes. He smiles widely and grabs the mic from the announcers limp hand.

Karnage: How does it feel? Hoe does is feel to be embarrassed by someone? How does it feel to not get what you want? Now, you all know what I felt only days ago. All of you know that I was embarrassed by someone who is inferior to me in everyway and now you all know what the feeling of crushing disappointment feels like.

Karnage paces around and eventually sits in the chair behind the desk, covered with pictures of Blade. He point a finger towatds the two children that occupy the first places in the line. Slowly, they begin to make their way across the floor, their faces unflinching from a look of terror and still clutching a poster of Blade with both hands. As the boys reach the desk, Karnage begins to speak to them.

Karnage: You saw Lethal Lottery huh?

Both of the boys give feint nods as Karnage speaks once again.

Karnage: You saw your favourite superstar beat me in the middle of the ring, didn’t you?

Again, both of the boys give nods.

Karnage: How did you feel?

Both of the boys stay silent as the imposing figure of Karnage looms in front of them. He leans forward in his seat and looks both of the boys in the eyes and he turns his head from one side to the other.

Karnage: WELL!?

The boys both jump as Karnage’s voice booms around the mall, causing people to turn and see what the problem is.

Matt: I felt… happy.

He swallows hard as Alex follows up.

Alex: You’re a bully and Blade showed you that you are not all you say you are. Now Chris Beckford will show you that you are nowhere near as good as you say you are.

Karnage looks shocked but his face soon turns to a picture of amusement as he takes in what the children are saying.

Karnage: You know, you just may be onto something their, kids. Now, you want some souvenir, yes?

The kids shake their head in denial as Karnage gets to his feet. He goes over to the announcer, who is slowly getting to his feet following the crushing blow that came earlier. Karnage picks him up and moves him across to the desk. Karnage positions him and hits him with the Solitary Confinement through the table, causing it to collapse and the poster that once filled it, go flying across the mall. Karnage takes two posters from under the limp body of the announcer and gives it to the kids.

Karnage: There you go boys, enjoy.

He picks up the mic from the floor once more as the boys begin to back away slowly towards their mothers. Upon arrival, the boys are smothered by welcoming arms and torn away from the fray.

Karnage: Last week, I was embarrassed. Last week, I said I was going to do something and I never did it. Do you know why? It’s because I was weak. Not in body but in mind. Blade got the better of me because I had some history with him. This wee, Chris Beckford will not be so lucky. This rookie will not have the same fortune that Blade did. He will not be the third person to pin me in my WZCW career and I will promise you that the animal that lurks within me will be unstoppable.

Recently, people have been thinking that I am not the most dominant force in WZCW and seem to think that Chris Beckford will better me in his first singles match. Well, you people are in need of an education. Chris Beckford may be on a roll but I am going to win the WZCW Elite X Championship and Beckford is the first roadblock in the way. Luckily, I am a juggernaut and I just don’t care who I go through to get what I want.
Scene opens at a car park and its a beautiful day, the sun is shining, there is a light breeze, just enough of a breeze to not make people too hot. As the camera pans round we see a huge gathering of people all wearing T-Shirts of their favourite member of WZCW. We see a young boy with light brown hair, he looks to be about 6-8 years old wearing a Titus T-Shirt, his eyes full of excitement. Next we see a young teenage girl she has Everest memorabilia on her again her eyes full of excitement. We see hundreds of other men, women and children most in WZCW memorabilia as the camera scrolls round the car park. The camera positions itself facing a stage, the stage has a podium on it with WZCW written on the front and five chairs. We see a big banner at the top of the stage, it says:

'Ohio Welcomes WZCW's Newest Member Chris Beckford'

Down at the podium a gathering of men are fiddling around with the PA system, the camera starts to pan round again. This time we see open tents with activities inside and stalls selling products. A group of fans notice the camera and start waving and chanting towards it, a lot of it is incoherent stuff due to the many voices but we can hear some 'WZCW' chants. As the camera pans back to the podium we see Trueman Harrys with a mic going over some last minute checks.

When the checks are complete Harrys puts the mic to his mouth.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman of Ohio please welcome to the stage Meltdown General Manager Chuck Myles.

The Crowd boo heavily as Myles walks towards Harrys and grabs the mic off of him. A 'You Suck' chant starts up it takes a minute to die down as Myles try’s to speak

Myles: Let me just get this over with so I can get out of this second rate state

The Crowd again boo heavily

Myles: WZCW today comes to Ohio, for some insane reason, to give you a question and answer session with one of WZCW's newest members Chris Beckford. In this Q and A session five people will be chosen to come onto the stage with Beckford and each ask one question to him.

A Cheer goes round the crowd

Myles: Beckford has been in WZCW since he won the Developmental Battle Royal match up on last weeks Meltdown and I think its fair to say I made the right decision in awarding him his contract, after all I am a good judge of character which is why none of you idiots will ever be in WZCW.

The Crowd boo again and an Asshole chant rings round the parking lot.

Myles: Well its true, look at you all, do you think for one minute that we would ever sign anybody from this city, look at you all with your little T-Shirts on - I digress.

The Boo's continue

Myles: Due to Beckford winning the Developmental Battle Royal he got thrust into the big league straight away, he qualified for The Lethal Lottery 2 match and although he didn’t come out victorious he made some people take notice. As you may have seen on WZCW.com, next week on Meltdown the Elite X and Eurasian Leagues kick off with a two point match up Chris Beckford will be taking on the man who has only been pinned twice in his WZCW career Criminal Karnage. So to get me off this stage and out of this disgrace you call a state please welcome to the stage Chrissss Beckforrrrrrdddd.

Enya Stomp by Re-Con and Gammer plays over the PA system as Chris Beckford walks out to the podium a cheer goes round the crowd, Beckford is wearing blue jeans black trainers and a WZCW Meltdown T-Shirt. He takes the mic.

Beckford: I'd just like to say the views of Chuck Myles do not represent the views of Chris Beckford and I’m sure the rest of WZCW. I am really stoked to be here in Ohio baby. I'd just like to thank each and every one of you for coming out today and I would like to add that I WILL be staying to sign autographs with Trueman Harrys and Rebecca Serra after the Q and A is over. With that said I would like to introduce the lovely Rebecca Serra who will be choosing the 5 people who will ask me questions, you know I would love to answer each and everyone of your questions but for that to happen I would be here till doomsday. So Becky over to you.

The camera pans to see Becky disappear into the crowd she comes back 30 seconds later with a middle aged man who gets let on to the stage. she disappears again and comes back with a teenage boy and girl. a young child with his mother and a young man. Beckford greets them all and shakes their hands.

Beckford: So lets get this underway (He motions to the middle aged man) Hello sir whats your name?

Man: My names George Perry from Kansas and I would just like to know how your life has changed since you started in WZCW.

Beckford: Okay George thanks for your question. My life has really accelerated, it’s like a whirlwind. Everything has happened so fast, I had my first match last week, in only my second match I was in The Lethal Lottery and now I'm in the Eurasian League. It’s a long way from where I came from. I grew up in a city called Leeds in the UK, I didn't have the best upbringing due to my Dad dying when I was young so I had no male authority figure in my life until I met my trainer Sam Remmington. My Mum was never a big fan of the business, she was always worried that I would get hurt and always tried to dissuade me from wrestling at all. My friends were few and far between, I kind of shut myself off from them after what happened to my Dad and never really got them back after that, so to get away from all that and be here in the big leagues is truly an honer. Thank you George for your question.

Beckford asks the Teenage Boy and Girl for their names and questions

Boy: My names Chris Addles and this is my Girlfriend Sarah I would like to know how you prepared for your debut match on Meltdown?

Sarah: And I would like to know what It was like competing in The Lethal Lottery?

Beckford: In both instances I was nervous. In the Battle Royal on Meltdown I had no clue what to expect, I was in there with seven other guys who I'd never seen wrestle before, I didn't know what they would bring at me and to tell you the truth I was lucky to get out of that match a victor as It could have gone to any of the other men in there. Karzai, Lights and Byakko are tough guys and deserve their spots in WZCW. As for The Lethal Lottery I was scared as hell. Drawing number 5 didn't give me much of a chance of winning and I may have been the second man out of the match but hey at least I didn't try and pin somebody. How funny was that.... anyway It was an honer, I gave it my all and for a brief moment got to hang with some of WZCW's finest. I'll tell you one thing though standing face to face with Carmen Bratchny is not something I want to be doing again anytime soon. Thanks for your questions.

The young boy is next he looks about 6 or 7 years of age. Beckford asks him for his name.

Young Boy: My nwame is David, My fwave wrestler is Garth Bwack, he’s awesome. Will you be wrestling him soon, and can you tell him I like him.

Beckford: Unfortunately I don't think I will be wrestling Garth Black anytime soon but your right he is awesome, When I see him I will pass on your message. Thank you for your question David.

Last up is the young man. He looks about 24 years of age

Beckford: Last up we have this young man, what’s your name?

Young Man: my names Stephen Richardson and I just wanted to know how it will feel to get your butt kicked by Karnage on Meltdown next week?

Beckford: Ahhh a Karnage fan. I guess I have my work cut out for me considering he’s only been pinned twice in WZCW history. But let me tell you something Stephen, I like being the underdog. I'm sure a lot of people around the world aren’t giving me much of a chance against Karnage and they are right to do so..... The man is a beast. But I'm going to do what I always do. I'm going to hit that ring and give Karnage one hell of a fight, Maybe I will get my ass kicked and if that happens I can go home with my head held high knowing that I gave it my all but there is a good chance that I can come out of this match making Karnage's 2 pinfall defeats become 3.

This is a huge opportunity for me to get those two points and get a great start on my quest to become a champion here in WZCW. Let me finish with this. When I beat Karnage and get those two points and go top of the Eurasian league. David Cougar better take notice because nothing.....absolutely nothing is stopping me from becoming the next WZCW Eurasian Champion. Thank you for your question Stephen and again I'd like to thank you all for coming out today. I will be signing autographs for the next couple of hours over in the Meltdown tent, feel free to stop by.

Enya Stomp hits again as Beckford poses for the crowd at the edge of the stage, the crowd cheer and chant his name. The camera pans again to view the crowd before fading out.
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