MD31 - Drake Callahan vs. David Cougar - EurAsian Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

A Lethal Lottery match arrives early as Chuck Myles gave in to Cougar's demands for an earlier title shot. Will Drake be able to hold on to his belt going into the pay per view, or will Cougar capture his second title in the WZCW?

RP Deadline is Monday November 2nd, 23:59 EST.
Scene opens with a shot of a flat desert highway at high noon. A busted up 83 Ford Plymouth is zooming down the highway. Camera zooms in on the car and sees Showtime David Cougar behind the wheel. Laying beside him on the passenger seat is a pocket tape recorder. He picks up the tape recorder brings it close to his mouth and pushes down the record button.

Cougar: Twelve O Six pm. I'm approaching the place I saw in the paper ad. Fortunately the smoke that was emitting from Klamour's car has stopped and this piece might actually make it. If Johnny hadn't made it so difficult, he could've warned me the car couldn't hit 55 without smoking. I told him twice after my match I needed to borrow it no questions and twice he asked why. After the third time, I had to sock him in the face, take the keys and run. It's better that I don't use my car, and that no one knows where I'm going. That way... He... won't be able to track me.

A cloud moves over the sun, creating a brief period of darkness, and the wind whirls faster. David takes a moment and looks out the window. The suns shines out from the cloud and David continue into the recorder.

This is a pretty big measure and I hope it doesn't have to come to this, but I have to be prepared in case it does happen. Peoples lives are at stake, including my own. I have arrived.

The car rolls up to a large old wooden shack with a huge steel door at the front. David steps out of the car and opens the door. He steps inside and up to a counter where he is greeted by a large man wearing a cowboy hat.

Afternoon there. Anything I can help you with?

Hello sir. I am interested in purchasing one of your many fire-arms. I'm looking for something in a hand-held or semi-automatic. A small weapon that's easy to carry around.

I got just the weapon. A Walther P22. It's under the legal barrel size limit in most countries, but it comes with a legal sized barrel sttachment. I'm just going to need to see some ID and papers and give you some papers to fill out.

David fills out the papers and hands the man his pieces of identification.

Alright, I'm just going to have to check the computer and look up your background. I'll just be a few minutes.


David Cougar

David's head snaps to attention at the familiar voice. A smile appears on his face as he removes his shades.

Chief Anoki. It's been a while. Why I haven't seen you since I last defeated you in the ring at our Civil Revolution and crushed your desire to ever step in the ring with a true ring performer like me again.

It is refreshing to see that in my time of soul searching and discovery that some things haven't changed and your brash confident attitude is still your strongest side.

Well when you are at the top of your game like I am, there is always reason to let everyone else know what it is they are in awe of. So Chief, what brings you down here to the middle of no where.

Well since I left WZCW I did some soul searching. I returned to my home and began doing what I could to rebuild the community and help the people there. Right now I am traveling town to town in search of donations to help rebuild the church in my community. I saw this building thinking I could get a quick refreshment but found it was just a gun shop. When I got out the bus had already pulled off and now I'm left to wait for the next one that comes along. So what it is that has brought our two paths together once again and led you to this very same spot.

Uh... I'm here... looking at antique pistols for my gun collection. The master den in my mansion I feel needs a little more character. That and... it's hunting season up north in Canada so I figured I'd look at some hunting rifles. I'm not as good of a hunter as I am a wrestler, but I still fire a pretty...

Mr. Cougar. Your papers have all checked out. Here is you hand gun and accessories and just between you and me, I hope you blast the sum bitch who has scared you stiff and brought you down here to my seedy gun shack. Have a good day.

David holds the gun in his hand and looks up slowly at Anoki, slightly embarrassed.

So want to talk about it there champ.

Look... it's not... this is something I need to do...

I've seen a lot of people hold guns in their hands and say they need to. So who is it your fighting this week.

Drake Callahan, but it's not him that this is about. There is this wrestler, Ty Burna, and he has made it his mission to destroy everything I have and ruin everything that I strive for. He is determined to end my life and make me one of his own in his Mansion family rip off cult. I don't plan on using this gun, but if he drives me to it with his sick obsession over me I will use it. Ty is a danger to everyone in WZCW and must be stopped.

Hmm, David, does this not sound familiar. Remember back to our first match. Five terrific athletes striving for one common goal and in the end you and I put on a hell of a fight. But fate decided that that night was my night to win, and since that match you were damed determined to fight back and end my career and embarrass me in ways you felt I had embarrassed you.

But Anok, I didn't abduct you, show you death and illusions of the future. I didn't ruin your title matches.

Yes, but the feeling was the same. David, you were determined to end my career and ruin my life. I was your obsession. I had heard all the things you said and I would've gladly given you a chance for the redemption you seeked, but fate kept us apart. I am a wrestler and my focus is on only the matches that lay before me. You were determined to destroy me, exactly like Ty is determined to destroy you. I've fought Ty before. He was a hell of a performer and took me to my limit and beyond it in our match. But Ty's focus in all his matches is to extract fear out of his opponents. He wants them to not just be afraid of them inside that ring, he wants them to want to die in that ring. That is his strength and look at what your doing now. Are you handling this problem like I did, or are you acting scared?

David looks down at the gun in his hand with a look of disgust. The sound of a shotgun loading can be heard and the camera turns to see the store owner holding a shotgun

If you boys ain't planning on buying anything else I'm gunna have to ask you to leave.

David and Anoki quietly leave the building and stand out in the parking lot.

I was torn not by what you said, but how much anger I had brought upon a person. I didn't come to WZCW to make others angry and jealous over me and you defeating me lift that guilt off me and led me to the dreams I now have that lie before me. Ty didn't destroy me, but you freed me and I thank you for that. I know that deep in you you have the strength to defeat Ty, but you must not let him destroy your hope. Hope is the one thing a person can never lose unless he choses to and with hope anything can happen. Without it, you're lost. This gun is exactly what Ty wants you to have to use and it won't save you or anybody. The only thing you can do is what your trained to do. That is train and prepare for the next match and wait. Cause one day you and Ty will finally have your match and I know that two things will happen, one it will be an amazing match, and two, that two great fighters will walk into that match and both will still leave as great fighters. As for now, I think your focus should be on Drake instead of Ty. From what I remember Drake is a heck of a wrestler and went undefeated during my time in WZCW.

Chief, didn't you watch the rest of the Civil Revolution PPV. Drake was defeated by Ty later that night.

Really? Drake is a tough and honorable fighter. Although I remember that we had two matches that night so fatigue played its role. So you'll be fighting for the Mayhem belt then?

No, the EurAsian belt actually. Ty now holds the Mayhem belt... It's complicated the whole process that happened.

Huh, it is also nice to things that somethings change a lot. So that means that Drake also probably defeated Ty. You'll have your hands full with Drake then.

Actually I defeated Drake for his Mayhem title before. And this time inside a match where the rules of the ring apply I should have no problem going 2-0 verse him.

True, but if you remember I defeated you once before. Anything can happen.

David looks at the gun and hands it over to Anoki.

Here Chief, for your donations. It's never been used and you should be able to get almost as much for it as I paid for.

With my bargaining skills, I'll probably get more for it. Farewell David Cougar.

Farewell my old rival.

The two shake hands and David climbs back in Johnny's car. As he is about to drive away. He sticks his head out the window.

Anoki. You didn't leave WZCW because of me did you?

No. I went to Vance Bateman about donating to my charity and he refused. I couldn't work for such a dishonorable selfish person.

David nods and pulls the Plymouth on the highway. He grabs the tape recorder and begin recording.

Hope. The one constant in life and the thing that's going to keep me sane. I don't know where and when me and Ty will settle the score, but till then the only thing that I can do is wait and prepare. Me and him will fight and there will be an end. For now my focus is all on Drake and getting back what is mine and what he stole, the EurAsian belt. Drake I'm coming for you with all my will and might. I've been given a gift to not have to wait till Lethal Lottery to win my title and I plan to make good on it..... Oh man, this car smells. Fucking Johnny. End Tape.
Mourning of Meltdown 31​

We see Johnny Klamour walking around backstage stapling pieces of paper to walls. On the papers are a picture of his car, a picture of Showtime David Cougar, and a reward of $100,000, scratched out and beneath it a reward of $50 for its return. Becky Serra comes into view and reads one of the pictures and frowns.

Johnny your not really going through with this are you. David is a bit of an egotistical jerk, but I know he wouldn't just steal something and plan on getting away with it.

That man stole my car and has reduced me to have to ride the bus with the poor beer swelling fans of WZCW. Chuck Myers may have told me that I was not aloud to call the cops on one of his star performers till after this weeks taping, but I will not wait any longer. I'm seeking vigilante help, and the cash reward I've posted will surely get some dog type bounty hunters barking up a storm.

What does that even mean?

Suddenly Johnny's 83 Ford Plymouth rolls up. It has been completely rebuilt brand new and shines as if it just got off the lot. Johnny's mouth is wide open as David Cougar gets out of the driver side door, dressed to wrestle but still sporting a pair of shades. He smiles and tosses the keys over to Kalmour who almost drops them, still staring at the car.

How's the eye Johnny

Oh... it's just fine Show. Is... is this my car?

Yes Johnny it is. You see I felt so bad for having to borrow your car since last Ascension that I would do you a favour and fix your car.


No, actually it was because it was a piece of shit car that I was too embarrassed to be seen driving in anymore, and the smell, god Johnny. And the bills, they're in the glove box. I expect to be reimbursed for them..... Ahh I'm just kidding Johnny. But seriously, the body has been completely restored. The inside redone. Massage seating, speakers, subs, mini bar. And a brand new custom engine. Oh just one bit of warning. There's a couple of cum stained marks on the back seat so you might not want to seat in the back.

Johnny hears this, but he is still crying in tears of joy over his rebuilt car.

Showtime, sniff, you can cum on anything of mine as long as you bring it back looking this beautiful.

David gives Johnny a weird-ed out look and then decides to leave, but not without one last parting shot.

Alright, just send your daughter over to my place. Thanks again Klamour.

David begins to head inside and Becky follows close behind.

David where have you been?

Soul searching. Ran into an old foe. And left with a new lease on life. I don't need to live in fear of Ty or anybody. I am my own man and I make my own choices in life, nobody decides my fate but me. And as long as I go out there in that ring and give my all, then win or lose it doesn't matter because I know I gave my best.

And since I am already the best there is, then I will win most if not all of my matches. And to continue being the best, all I have to do is train hard and prepare, and that's what I've been doing all week long. I hooked up with my old partner Trademark at one of his gyms. A little dark and gloomy dungeon looking gym, with some of his departed former students corpses hanging on walls, but a great place to train. Drake, I'm going to make sure that none of the screw jobs and cheap shots don't happen in our match, cause I'm going to beat you before they even have a chance to. I've trained hard and I plan on wearing that gold belt that you stole from me.

Yes but David, what about last week. Why did you attack Drake?

Drake's a pretty hardcore individual. Yes I took a shot at Drake that his body heard for days later. I wanted to make sure he knew how serious it was. The pain that he inflicts on others in his barbaric Mayhem rules, that's the last thing he'll feel before we step inside the ring tonight and in a straight rules match to see who the better wrestler is, he'll hear the bell ring after his shoulders are down three counts, and he'll feel a pain of disappointment and sadness greater than the pain he put his opponents through. Drake, I am the better wrestler, and tonight I am going to prove it and win MY EurAsian belt, and then at Lethal Lottery, I will cash in my ticket, show it to the teller when I punch out, 3 wins and no loses... verse Drake Callahan.

Very confident David, but don't you think...

Suddenly a light above them begins to flicker. David shakes his head and grabs a nearby steel chair and hurls is at the light, shattering it.

Just do it already. I don't have time to worry and wait. Right now I'm going to win what's mine, the EurAsian title. Just sit and watch me. The Show begins now.

David turns and exits and leaves Becky speechless with bits of glass are all over her hair.
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