MD/AS Megashow: Ten Man Elimination Tag

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Feuds and fates intertwine in this huge ten man elimination tag match. The rWo being represented by Big Dave, Ace David, and Karnage team up with Lars Reidar and Matt Royale to take on the unlikely team of EurAsian Champion Showtime Cougar, Ty Burna, Corey Payne, Elite X Champion Frankie Smith, and the New Mayhem Champion The Killjoy.

Deadline is Tuesday, February 2nd at 23:59 EST.
The screen is shown on a dark room with only the light of the moon shining through the window illuminating. It looks like an office. You can see two figures in the dark. One seems to resemble a male holding a long, glowing object laying down in a couch. The other silhouette looks like a female sitting in what appears to be a big office chair next to a desk. The camera is very mal-positioned, as if the cameraman was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

Male: Its about time you got here. What took you so long?

Female: I needed certification. They wanted proof that I was a certified psychiatric assistant.

The male figure moves and a glimpse of the object he holds can be seen as well as what seems to be a red mask. He holds the WZCW Mayhem Championship. The cameraman can be heard gasping after the realization but nobody noticed.

The KillJoy: Wow. How stupid. Since when is a psychiatric assistant allowed to treat a patient?

Female: I know. But we should be on our toes. I heard there's a real psychiatric doctor here.

The KillJoy: Sounds like fun. Anyway, where's everyone else.

Female: They weren't allowed. The roster is too full to admit anymore male competitors.

The KillJoy: WHAT!? Why didn't anyone tell me!?

Female: You don't have a cell phone with you.

The KillJoy: A carrier pigeon would've been equally useful. But never mind that now. You say you were told some things about my schedule. Tell me, because apparently the fact that I'm a champion now seems to be ignored.

Female: *sigh* Well, before you head for Kingdom Come, you have a match scheduled for an upcoming "Megashow".

The KillJoy: A match. The kind that lights barbecues? Or the kind with people competing?

There is a brief moment of silence. It seems the female wasn't pleased with The KillJoy's comments as you can hear her breathing heavily.

The KillJoy: Don't give me that look, Alisha. You know you can't behave that way with me.

Alisha: Yes... Well.. You are scheduled for a 5 on 5 elimination Tag Team match. Your opponents will be Big Dave, Ace David and Karnage of the RWO Lars Reidar and Matt Royale.

Your partners are the Euro Asian Champion Showtime Cougar, Ty Burna, Corey Payne and the Elite X Champion Frankie Smith.

The KillJoy: The RWO? Really? Those morons don't know the first thing about establishing any kind of order. They can't even tell their leader is a crackpot! Ha ha!

Alisha: Um, sir...

The KillJoy: Oh... Yeah, but thats what brings us together, unlike them, is that our flaws are turned into advantages. You know this, Alisha.

A pirate. What the hell?

Alisha: What about Reidar and Royale?

The KillJoy: Screw them. They're normal. They aren't worth it.

Alisha: I was expecting your thoughts on them regarding the match. I know they won't among us.

The KillJoy: Oh! I thought you meant bringing them in. Never mind. Who'd you say are my partners?

Alisha: The Euro Asian Champion, Showtime Cougar, Ty Burna, Corey Payne and the Elite X Champion, Frankie Smith.

The KillJoy: Hmm. 2 champs on my side, huh? Cool. I'm not gonna wrestle.

Alisha: WHAT!!?? YOU CAN'T DO THAT!?

The KillJoy: AND WHY NOT!? I'm the Mayhem Champ already! If its not a title defense, why should I care?

Alisha: Because if you happen to be eliminated, the man who does that may very well end up being another challenger at the Mayhem Scramble!

The KillJoy: SH*T!!

The KillJoy's sudden yell made the cameraman flinch and he accidentally hits the door. The door can be heard making a small screech as the room falls into a deep silence.


The KillJoy gets up and turns on the lights. He then angrily heads towards the cameraman. The cameraman shakes the camera, however, oddly enough, the women The KillJoy was talking to is nowhere to be seen.

The KillJoy: How cute. A rat! You've got 5 seconds to tell me whatcha heard or else you'll wish you were a mouse instead of a rat!

The KillJoy pulls the cameraman up, camera still at hand. However as the cameraman is about to speak, something can be heard breaking close by. The KillJoy can be seen looking forward in disbelieve as the camera fall to the ground. The feed isn't lost and a thud can be heard as the camera fall off against the wall. Nothing can be seen.

The KillJoy: Damn, girl! Some things about you will never change.

Alisha: You know I can't control it.

The KillJoy grabs the camera and places it on the desk and focuses it on himself. At that moment, Leon Kensworth enters the office. He looks at the downed cameraman for a bit, before nodding in disapproval and facing KillJoy.

Leon Kensworth: First things first, congratulations on becoming the Mayhem Champion.

The KillJoy:'I m so glad you're doing this now... Days..after my big win... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?

Leon Kensworth: I just wanted to get your thoughts on a few comments I've heard today. They are directed at you.

Leon, using his phone plays several recording of other wrestlers.

Mr. Baller:...You let The KillJoy of all people to pick up the scraps for your screw ups...

Mr. Baller:...I will go to Kingdom Come and KillJoy I recommend you pay close attention and you pay attention closely. At Kingdom Come, I will win that scramble match and become the NEWWWWWWWW WZCW Mayhem Champion...

Leon: And what of Kurtesy’s assertion that the only championship you’ll be getting near is the Mayhem Championship?

Karzai: Not a bad idea…
The KillJoy: I can expect this kind of stupidity from that ball hugging freak, but what exactly is that doctor dude trying to say? Does he think I'm some fluke? And that Karzai guy ha'd better not get any funny ideas. If he thinks he can walk, he'd better be ready to run.

The KillJoy slams his fist on the desk angrily and the snorts loudly.

The KillJoy: RAHHGG! Whether its Kingdom Come or the Megashow, it doesn't matter! I'll put down anyone who stands in MY WAY!!

Alisha, who can be seen in the corner of the the screen starts to roll her eyes back and clenches her fists.

Alisha: AARGGHH!!

Alisha suddenly grabs a phone book from the desk and hits Leon on the head. Leon tumbles down but seems conscious as he grunts in pain on the floor.

Leon Kensworth: ...ouch...what did...I do...?

The KillJoy grabs the camera and focuses on himself as Alisha snaps back to normal. She then places her hand on KillJoys shoulder and holds up the Mayhem Championship.

The KillJoy: RWO, Karnage, Reidar, Royale, Baller, Baker, Smith and everybody else... Get ready... Because soon enough... REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED!!

The feed is suddenly lost...
Scene opens backstage at WZCW studios. Showtime David Cougar is seen looking himself over in a mirror. He has the EurAsian title hung proudly over his shoulder as he shines it up. He turns and exits the room. As he steps out he turns to his left and bumbs into Leon Kensworth.

Cougar: Leon, again you little creeper, were you looking under the door crack or something?

Leon: What no.

Don’t lie to me Leon. You’re really starting to piss me off, and I want nothing to ruin my awesome mood. Now get out of my way. I have a show to do in 15 minutes.

Showtime begins to walk away. Leon stands briefly, then follows in hot pursuit.

Showtime I’m simply doing my job as an interviewer. Management has demanded that I get an interview with you. As highly rated as your show is, you're still required in your contract to participate in at least one interview a month.

I don’t do interviews.

Yes we know, you are notorious for ducking interveiws. Klamour thinks it’s the easiest job in the world since you do all the talking. Still management is not happy. They feel that you are losing a connection with the common fan.

Losing connection with the..., do they not realize that I am the highest rated superstar in this company.

Maybe, but management feels you are distancing yourself from them. The stirring speech you gave the other week about survival and growing up was touching, but it doesn’t match the character. You act as though you’re better than all of them.

Because I am Leon. That’s right Leon. The millions of fans that watch me compete in the ring, I am better than each and everyone of them. I stand here proudly still the EurAsian champion after giving Lars more than a sound beating. And come Kingdom Come, the biggest PPV of the year, the biggest star of this company will fight someone who is only ‘just’ big, that would be the cleverly named Big Dave.

Yes and what are your thoughts on Big Dave after he finished perfect in the EurAsian league.

That Leon is to be revealed on The Show.

David for godsake my job is on the line. I need to bring Chuck Myles something that remotely looks like an interview. Isn’t there anything I can ask you about. Your match at Kingdom Come.


Anything you’d like to say about Lars?


How about your 10 man tag match at the Megashow. There must be something you want to comment on about your partners or your opponents, one of which is your Kingdom Come opponent.

As a matter of fact Leon yes there is one thing I want to say.

Yes Showtime. What is it?



Nothing Leon.

Showtime’s phone rings and he looks down to see who it is.

But what does that mean Showtime?

It means... that you’ll have to watch The Show to see. Now if you’ll excuss me, my new executive Trent Stonewall is calling me. Trent what’s the good news... uh huh... trial of the decade eh?

Showtime walks behind the curtain leaving Leon stunned and flustered.

God I hope I have enough.


Scene opens on the set of The Show. Showtime David Cougar is already out on stage, sitting comfortably in his chair.

Yes thank you all for being here tonight. Welcome to what will be a monumental episode of The Show. I am still your EurAsian champion, Showtime David Cougar, and fresh off of doing what I said from the very beginning I was going to do, and that was beat the man who took Everest to the wire, beat Lars Raidar, I am now heading to Kingdom Come where I will defend my belt against the man who earned the right to face me, Big Dave. Big, we go back a long way, from the contract match where we won our contracts to now, but our careers have gone on two totally different paths to get to where we are today. I stand before you a champion, 2 times champion, and hold an almost unmatched record in singles competition. You on the other hand have rode a huge wave of fluke momentum after your title win and have since nesltled with a herd of underacheivers that have held you back and account for half of your success.

Dave be proud of what you have done so far, you have beaten all the competition in your league, but that does not mean that you are even close to being in the same league as me. I am a competition like no other, and at Kingdome Come when you get your deserved title shot, you will see why I am the Show and why I will still be champion.

Now this week I hear I am in a 10 man elimination tag match. While the thought of inflicting some pre PPV pain on my opponent is entertaing, I’ve decided that my participation in this match is not necessary. I have nothing to gain at all in this match, except possible injury before the biggest show of the year. I have no beef with the rWo aside from Big D, but I know there will be some foul play in that match from them. Lars I’m done with and have no need to ever fight again, and Matt Royale is just too unimportant to care about. My team is filled with the most obscure oddities and knuckleheads that I would want no part of being near or around. So I’m just going to stand on the stage and hope that Big Dave pulls up lame and hurts himself and let my team win it or lose it. And if anyone has a problem with that.....

The lights suddely begin to flicker and the crowd comes to a hush.

Well... I figured he would have something to say, and I did say it would be a memorable show. Ladies and Gentleman, for the first time ever on The Show, my guest will be... Ty Burna.

The lights go completely out. They come back on and Ty is standing to the left of Showtime. Showtime is looking to the right expecting Ty to be seated on the couch. Ty slowly puts a hand on Showtime which causes him to jump to his feet startled. Both men stare a each other. Ty moves slowly and takes a seat behind Showtimes desk. Showtime looks stunned and angry at Ty sitting in his seat, but then smirks and agrees to let Ty have it and sits down.

Ty: I knew exactly why you sit behind here and lavish yourself around here with expensive material possessions. It gives off the illusion of power. Something you crave and only think you have.

Ty, I know I am powerful. The most powerful champion in WZCW today.

Regardless of your hallucinations and despite all of your accomplishments there is still one that you have been unable to acheive. And that is you have never beaten me and never will I allow you to.

There is a long pause as both men stare each other down.

Now you and I have a lot in common Showtime. We are cut of the same cloth, our stories follow the same storyboard except for one critical turn of events for both of us.

You and I are nothing alike Ty.

Oh but we are. You and I, we survived in each our own way. And we both seek absolute power and control. The rWo power lies in their numbers. You and I have done it all without anybody else but ourselves. We can be the most powerful duo in WZCW, but you have your admiration for singular success and I’m content to let you dance in the wind before I break you in two. And that is exactly what will be the case if you decide to become another weak minded fool in our match. I promise you Cougar, if you fail to show for our match, after Kingdom Come I will become your worst nightmare. If you are able to cling to your precious Eurasian Title, MY Eurasian title, I will rip it from your cold dead hands.

Ty, your physical threats don't intimidate me. For months you have tried to torture and manipulate me and while early on it worked, I have since looked beyond your tricks and games and see that you are nothing more than a masquerader. For all we know, you could be the next rWo member, you and your cult loving ways, and attack me unsuspectingly. Anyone could be and I do not need to risk getting jumped or injured. Whether I get myself DQ'd, counted out, or don't show, I will not be in that match at all. I went through hell with Lars and I am giving myself a well deserved break before Kingdom Come. This interview is officially over.

Showtime stands up to leave. Ty is quick to his feet and quickly grabs the throat of Showtime.

Oh it's not over yet. There is still so much more to tell.

The lights go out again and then come on. Showtime Cougar and Ty Burna are both gone, but the title belt remains, falling on the desk. The camera zooms in on the title as the faint laugh of Ty is heard, before going to black.
Becky: ...Johnny's still refusing to go anywhere near him right now after what happened a few weeks ago, Leon isn't exactly on great terms with the guy, and he terrifies me.

Chuck Myles: Becky, babe, I understand that completely. Lars is a big scary dude and he's not exactly going to be in the best of moods after what happened. However, Becky, someone has to interview the guy.

Leave it with me though, sweetie. I promise you that you won't have to go anywhere near him in that mood.

Becky leaves the office, as Chuck spins around in his chair, laughing menacingly.


The door is kicked open, and Lars bursts into Vance Bateman's office. Vance barely gets to his feet before Lars has him by the lapels of his suit and has dragged him to his feet.

Lars: You dare to ORDER me to your office and tell me you have banned Tarja from ringside, and you didn’t have the guts to do so to my face.

Vance: How about we start by you getting your hands OFF me Reidar!

Reider lets him drop back into his chair

Vance: That’s better. Now, first of all, I don’t remember inviting you in here. Secondly, you think she is welcome at ringside after the havoc she has caused?!? That stupid little girl ruined the last two matches with her incessant meddling. Personally I’m glad she cost you the series in the end!

Strangely, Lars smiles at this response, sitting down on the chair on the other side of Vance’s desk and putting his feet on the table, knocking over one of Vance’s decorations in the process, much to the man’s disgust.

Lars: You know Vance, up until your superior made it that I’m the number four entrant into the King for a Day match, I’d would not have hesitated to destroy your office for that comment.

Maybe it’s a mild case of concussion talking, but in that moment when the metal of the chair connected with my skull, I saw the future. I heard Tarja’s voice prophesy victory. Make no mistake Vance, the powers that be have showed the road to gold. The road requires me to sacrifice to such a point that my very soul will cry out and be seared.

She has shown me that Lars Reidar as he is now must become something else. This last year, I have backed down from no-one, I have been ruthless, but never undeservedly. Now it is time for fury to be unleashed. She has shown that I will take vengeance on my adversaries, and mete out wrath to those who stand in my way.

It starts this week Vance. For I am tired of being told I can’t beat the champions. Well... I will show three of them this week EXACTLY what the Broken Soul is capable of. Gold cannot deliver them from the day of my wrath.

Vance: Did you seriously destroy my door, just so you could go off on another rant about what you’re capable of? That shrink, Courtesy, at least gets paid to do that!

Maybe you don’t realise this Lars, but you’re not the threat you were last year. You’re not the guy who kicked through a chamber and beat Murfish, you’re not even as intimidating as Ty Burna anymore.


Perhaps that caught your attention a little! Do you know why you’re in this match? Really?

You’re in this match because I wanted to show people exactly why you dropped from number 1 contender to the Heavyweight title, to having a woman cost you the EurAsian belt. Because I want to show people the future of this company.

Hell, just to make it more interesting, I even gave you decent partners. Former tag champions, an up and comer, and a criminally insane future champion.

But make no mistake, Reidar, you will not be the last one standing at this show, nor at Kingdom Come. And after that, I will personally see to it that your career is...

Leans forward into his face before spitting out the last word


Now, get out of my office.

A silent Lars stands to his feet and walks to the door. He rests both hands on the door frame, before turning round, and in a sinister whisper says

Lars: You know Vance...Jealousy is the rage of a man. I think you need to understand the meaning of that

Sinister laugh as he walks out, leaving a confused Vance behind
The camera pans around the backstage area of an arena. It is the day of the WZCW Meltdown/Ascension Megashow and various stagehands and superstars are wandering the area. The camera closes in on Leon Kensworth. Leon walks down several hallways and corridors until he find what he is looking for. He approaches a door that has a name plate on it: Corey Payne. Leon knocks on the door. Suddenly a voice is heard from within the room.

Voice: Come in!

Leon hesitantly opens the door and walks into the room. It is clearly the locker room of “Prototype” Corey Payne and sitting on the floor of this room, stretching his right knee with a resistance band, is The Prototype himself. He is wearing a black and red Tapout shirt and Tapout MMA shorts.

Kensworth: Corey….. I’m here for our interview.

Corey nods and switches the band to his left leg, not looking up at Leon.

Kensworth: Um….. I guess I’ll start. On Meltdown last week, you were narrowly defeated by Ty Burna. What...

Payne: (finally looking up at Leon, abruptly cutting him off) You said narrowly defeated?

Kensworth: (hesitantly) Yeah…

Payne: Narrowly defeated….. There is no “narrowly defeated” to me. You either win or you lose. You know that movie Talladega Nights? (Leon nods) As funny as it may be, it had a quote in there that struck a chord with me. “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” Now that line was used for comedy, but that sums up my philosophy. There is no middle ground. I need to win. And against Ty, I’ll admit it, I lost. I underestimated him, took my eye off the ball, to figuratively speak, and he beat me. Ty is a very talented wrestler, and he took advantage of me underestimating him. People have told me all week that I did a good job, but I didn’t win. So to me, that’s not a good job.

And Ty, if you think that I am easy to defeat, you are dead wrong. Next time we wrestle, at Kingdom Come, I will be at the top of my game. And I’m gonna beat you.

Kensworth: Tonight, at the WZCW Meltdown/Ascension Megashow, you will participate in a ten man tag team elimination match. You will team with EurAsian champion “Showtime” David Cougar, Elite X champ Frankie Smith, Mayhem champ The KillJoy, and your opponent from last week, Ty Burna. You will face Lars Reidar, Matt Royale, and the rWo, Karnage, Ace David, and Big Dave. What are your thoughts going into this match?

Payne: I have many things to think about going into this match. But I’m gonna go over them as best as I can.

Another thing people have been asking me all week is how I’m gonna trust my partners at the Megashow. My partners are some of the best wrestlers WZCW has to offer. They are also some of the biggest assholes WZCW has to offer. (smiles) But I am willing to work with them. If they are able to get their egos out of the way for this match, I will be their partner. But let’s get this straight: if one of you gets in my way, (puts on a serious face) you will get hurt.

Now to my opponents. First, Matt Royale. A few weeks ago, I defeated Matt Royale by the skin of my teeth. Tonight, he’s not gonna be so lucky. Matt, I’m comin’ after you first tonight. I don’t like you and you don’t like me. I want to settle this before Kingdom Come. (takes a deep breath) Lars Reidar. A very tough wrestler and one with experience. We have never wrestled before and I am looking forward to facing him. And finally the rWo. (smiles faintly) This is my first match against the rWo. But I have been looking forward to facing them since the day they were conceived. Karnage, Ace, and Dave, they have run roughshod over WZCW for way too long. I haven’t done anything to stop them, even when they beat up some of my best friends in the business. That ends now. rWo, when I get my hands on any of you, I will unleash hell.

Kensworth: Any final thoughts?

Payne: Yeah. If anyone, be it the rWo, Reidar, Royale, any of my partners, one of my opponents for the King For A Day match, Jack Cohen, hell even Myles or Bateman. If they try to stop me, they will FEEL THE PAIN!!

With that Payne gets up from his stretching position and starts to do other random pre-match exercises while Leon leaves as the camera fades……… to……… black.
The video feed opens with Serafina sitting on top of a wooden desk. She wears a purple robe, the hood pulled over her face and her raven locks hanging down under the hood. Her legs are crossed and her hands clasped in her lap. She begins softly in a melodic voice.

Two demons, who have waged an unholy war against each other, are now forced to be a cohesive unit against a much larger threat. An alliance of unprecedented odds, what shall become of these age old foes?

The screen fades to black before coming zooming into focus on a blackened room. In the middle of the room, Showtime Cougar sits on a wooden chair, a small candle by his feet creating the only illumination.

Showtime: Ty! Where the hell have you taken me! I swear if you are trying to force me into your little cult again, I will threaten to sue you as well! I am not scared of your fear tactics anymore!

The only response is silence but a barely visible shadow can be seen circling around the chair. Showtime suddenly shudders as he quickly snaps his head back to look behind him. A low laughter suddenly becomes audible.

Showtime, Showtime, Showtime. This is not about brainwashing you or forcing you to do my bidding. There is no enjoyment to gain from that anymore. You are far more interesting as my foil, the oil to my water if you will. No, I have brought you here to reveal to you, why we must work together against the rWo and Lars Reidar.

That's where you're wrong Ty. I've already told you I'm not taking part in that match at the Megashow. What do I have to gain by taking part in a nonsense match where I can be injured before my match at Kingdom Come? Why should I give Big Dave the opportunity to gain an advantage on me like that with Little John and Much the Tweakers son in his corner from the Merry awful World Order?

Because you lack the one thing that can make you even more dangerous. You lack the ability to play mind games. You only concentrate on the physical aspects of a battle, never fully strategizing against your opponent. It was the same mistake you made when we first fought, and it appears you have yet to learn your lesson!

The shadow suddenly moves in front of Showtime and the illumination from the candle reveals Ty finally. A look of anger and fury is spread across his face, and Showtime jumps back just slightly.

Mind games? My presence alone is enough to scare off my opposition. I have done just fine without using your tactics Ty, why in the hell would I bother with them now? If I recall you have lost both of your titles to a lack of focus yourself. Who are you to give me wrestling advice?

I am the one that has your number Showtime. And it is true that my title defenses have been lackluster, it is not for a lack of focus, but the instinctive need to absolutely destroy my opponents. I am ruthless and if you would just listen for once in your miserable life, I can help us overcome the odds at the Megashow. Do you think the rWo would give you the opportunity to rest or that Lars Reidar would forget about that chair shot you gave him last week on Meltdown? They won't, and they will make you suffer for your past sins and to take advantage of your arrogance!.

Ty leans down and gets mere inches away from Showtime's face, staring him dead in the eye. Showtime suddenly stands up and faces off with Ty, sweat dripping down his forehead.

All the more reason for me to not even show up for our tag match. I'd rather watch you hang out to dry against them, while the rest of our team flails like paper in the wind. I'm not falling for your tricks Ty, I refuse to show up.

Ty stares down Showtime for a moment more before bursting out laughing, his head falling back as he does so. He takes a step back from Showtime and begins speaking again.

They will hunt you down regardless if you appear at the match. And they will damage you enough where you will be marginalized against Big Dave. Drop your cowardice and face this threat like a true warrior. If they get you alone, what chance will you have? I am a man of my word Showtime, and I will have your back against the rWo and Lars Reidar.

Showtime turns around and kicks the candle right into the wooden chair, starting it ablaze and lighting the room up more. It reveals them standing in the middle of a jail cell, the cold steel bars locking them both in. Showtime turns around and gets back into Ty's face.

Coward?!?! You dare call me a coward Ty when all you do is hide in shadows and take advantage of weakened opponents? No, you are the coward and you have no where else to turn to. You don't have control in this match and you can't rely on anyone else. Take your pathetic attempts to get me to help you. Well Ty I refuse to help you now when you've done nothing to help me. Take your tag match and shove it, I will never be an ally of yours! I will deal with the rWo when I defeat Big Dave at Kingdom Come, and Lars Reidar will be a footnote in that insane match you are in.

I am perfectly in control of this match. And it is true I cannot rely on that weakling Corey Payne, or that laughable joke of a Mayhem Champion Killjoy. At least Frankie Smith is formidable enough and more of a warrior than you. I don' t have to worry about him. It is about taking our brand of pain and destruction right to our enemies and forcing them into shock. The rWo are nothing but underlings sucking the little amount of success out of Ricky's teet. They rely on numbers, so let's take them out with our abilities as one. As far as Lars Reidar, he is my biggest threat in the KFAD match, and I know you want to tear into him once more. This is not the time to act the coward Showtime. Quit running and hiding and stand tall and help me take down Lars and the rWo!

Ty suddenly connects with a left hook, knocking Showtime to the ground. Showtime gets to one knee, rubbing the side of his face. He looks up and Ty suddenly has his hand out to help him up.

You son of a bitch, you and I have unfinished business when this is all said and done, I hope you know that. I hate to admit this, but you are right. The rWo and Lars are too lethal as a group for either one of us to take care of on our own. So yes Ty... I will help you defeat the LarWo. They won't know what hit them at the Megashow when the two most powerful single forces in WZCW band together.

Showtime grabs Ty's hand and is pulled to his feet. The two shake hands as Showtime suddenly gets a devious grin across his face.

I wouldn't have it any other way. I look forward to beating you down once more. But at the Megashow, we will prove to the rWo, Lars Reidar, and everyone else, that we are dangerous people individually, but as a tandem, we are the true Demigods of WZCW.

The screen goes black but in the background, some final words can be heard.

You know, since we are a team now, I thought up a ratings clinching name for us, the ShowTyme Express.

I think you better shut your mouth Showtime before I break your jaw like I will to that blowhard Lars Reidar.

The feed cuts out.
As we fade from black, we see a very sharp-suited Karnage walking up a plush hallway. An exhibit lines the corridor and as Karnage nears the camera, his head swivels off to the left. A small, wry smile appears in the corner of his mouth as he passes an exhibit of some war memorabilia.

Karnage: History is the elimination of the unnecessary. Future is the vision of being eliminated. Now is the time of reckoning. You see just like the armies of the past, two sides with differing ideals have lined up against each other. One side has an idea of how they would like it to go and the aggression that they have shown is matched by the other.

Karnage carefully picks up a dagger from an exhibit and turns it around in his hand. Looking at it as a shimmer of light passes along his face. Setting it down again, Karnage begins to walk down the corridor.

Karnage: As has been the case of all the wars that have dogged this planet, people have lined up behind the strong. They have lined up behind the ones who can get them what they want and those who have the strongest faith in the ideals that they are fighting for. However, as with all of the wars, one side will lose and be confined to the annals of history. They will be no more than a footnote on the blazing success of the glorious winner. At the WZCW megashow, a war will wage. A war of epic proportions as those who fight for what they want and cherish meet in the middle of the ring.

Karnage stops suddenly and looks off to the right. Something catches his eye and as he goes over to it, a large, wooden-framed picture of Napoleon is prevalent. Karnage looks up to the picture and meets the glare of the past French ruler.

Karnage: Napoleon… This was a man who knew what he was doing. How funny it is that I stand on French ground as I look at one of the men who could teach us so much about how to defeat amassed armies. He was a man who knew what he wanted and would try anything to achieve that goal. I, myself, could draw a lot of similarities between Napoleon and myself. You see, like Napoleon, I have a goal that I must achieve. I have a goal that will be achieved and at Kingdom Come, history will be prevalent once more.

Karnage breaks his glare and begins to walk once more.

Karnage: They say that if you do not know where you are from, you will never arrive at your future destination. At Kingdom Come, Frankie Smith will realise that history is not on his side. However, before then, we have the small matter of a 10 man-tag match to get through. As history has shown us, those who are unneeded will de disposed of and those who stand in the way of the armies of quantity and power will be defeated. The rWo have lined up against the team of rag-tag champions and assorted others who find comfort in the fact that they can compete with us. However, they cannot. They never will and they never have been. History has shown us that we are better. That we are dominant and that we will have what we want.

Karnage continues up the corridor until it widens out. There, Ace and Big Dave are waiting for him.
Leon Kensworth, followed by a camerman, approach the door of Frankie Smiths apartment and knock. Anto answers the door.

Anto: Leon, how are ya? C'mon in.

He beckons for him to come in.

Leon: Is Frankie here?

He's a little indisposed at the minute.

He looks over at his bedroom door.
With a ladyfriend. At least I hope

Just as he finishes, Frankie walks out of the room, pulling his shirt over his head.

Ah leon. Long Time, don't care. How long have you been here?

Just a few seconds. Anto let me in.

Frankie stares at Anto.

What the fuck were you doing here? I was busy

A voice calls from inside the room.

Frankie come back!

Shut up you stupid bitch.

I hope you weren't watching you little perv Anto. And you brought the camera as well. Sick.

So anyway leon, what do you want?

As you know, the Elite X league winner was announced as none other than Criminal Karnage, and I'd like your thoughts on facing him at Kingdom Come.

It's funny, I didn't even realise I'd faced Karnage before, untill I saw it on one of those confounded interweb forums. That's how little he affected me, how little I cared. He's not even a threat. So little that I couldn't even remember I'd faced him before.

But Frankie, you, err, lost.

That's beside the point. I'm a different man now. Back then I was having trouble against the likes of Zander. And now look at the both of us, the difference in our careers. I'm the Elite X champion, the most feared man in all of WZCW. And Zander. Well, he's in line to collect his unemployment benefits alongside Danny the local druggy. The gap is like the grand canyon-

He smirks

Like karnages head. It's huge.

Enough about Karnage, I want to talk about the 10 man tag match coming up at the megashow. What are your thoughts on your team mates?

My team mates. Well, firstly, who the fuck is Killjoy? I've never even heard of the lad. Same with Corey Payne. As for the Others, Ty and Showtime, well, I have a feeling, deep within my gut, that I can't trust these guys. Ty Burna's into all that paranormal and supernatural shit. I don't like it, that shit don't float with me. If he tries any of that, I'll drop him right there. As for Showtime, well, we've had our differences, and I just plain hate the guy. He's cocky, brash, and just a straight up cunt. So to answer your question Leon, I'm not keen on my team, at all. But It's not like I plan on doing much with them. I can't trust them, I'm going to fight for myself and noone else. I'll go in, smack karnage around, and then walk out unharmed, ready for Kingdom Come.

As for my opponents. The rWo, I have no qualms with you, beside Criminal Garbage of course. So just don't get in my way, or you will pay a hefty price. Royale, he's a pushover. i disposed of him easily last week. And I'll do the same again. And Lars. You're scary to guys like Royale and Showtime, but I'm not worried about you. You think you're going to make me fear you. You don't know what real fear is. The fear of coming home to be beaten by your drunk Dad. Now that's fear. Fear I have experienced.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my friend ordered seconds. And, like in wrestling, I always deliver.
We open to find Big Dave standing at the end of the Dinosaur section of the Esperaza Museum in France. He stands looking admired at the remains of a Tyrannosaurus Rex before bowing his head down.

History is the elimination of the unnecessary
Future is the vision of being eliminated
Now is the time of reckoning!

For the first time in a good long while, the rWo will be in full strength, ready to set the mark for Kingdom Come as we aim for a clean sweep of gold from the True World Title to the Mayhem Championship, picking off each of our opponents and eliminating them from the equation…

Dave turns towards the camera and starts pacing forwards towards to opposite end of the display hall.

Elimination…I talk about how the elimination will take place at Kingdom Come, when it will happen more presently at the Megashow, why make our task difficult when our strength in numbers could just give us the titles practically gift wrapt and ready to be presented? It’s not like we haven’t worked hard enough to earn those championships, having destroyed the competition in our paths. They were eliminated like the unnecessary beings that they were, carrying only what is left of their pride, knowing they get the consolation prize at Kingdom Come.

I could linger on about how I should have faced Steel and ended his chances of going in the King For A Day Match. I could go on about how that whiney Hammond, the treacherous Blade, the worn out Rush and the overrated Beckford were just proven to be nothing more than mere mortals, far from the elite that is myself. But it is not worth saving any breath on them as they are much the past for me. I could easily get my views and thoughts about my Kingdom Come opponent, Showtime Cougar, but I rather let my fists get the first shot in so he doesn’t have to bore us with another word from his mouth. The vision of his elimination will come to me sooner than people will expect!

Which brings me to the present, the time of reckoning, the reunification of the rWo and acquiring two allies in the form of Lars Reidar and Matt Royale. Now I will admit, I don’t trust these men, Lars is a man who fell short of Showtime’s expected fate at Kingdom Come and I would expect him to feel bitter that I will do in one night, what he failed to do over the course of three bouts. As for Royale, he’ll be overlooking his shoulder because he’ll enter the Chamber with Lars, and won’t make it out because his royal subjects won’t protect his tiara from getting broken. If Royale expects me to bow down, kiss his feet or let him get an easy pin after the rWo’s combined effort, he’s got another thing coming!

Dave heads out through some double doors, meeting Ace along the way and they both head up the stairs to the main foyer.

As for our opponents, they’re quite possibly the most pathetic collection of champions and challengers that I’ve ever had to see! Showtime, enough said. Frankie, a champion who had to beat Zander and USA to win the belt…not exactly hard given the opponents there! The Killjoy, pity that the Mayhem Title is not in my attention right now because you wouldn’t have been able to even smell the leather had I been in that match last week. As for Corey Payne, my experience of him comes only in the Lethal Lottery, but if he fancies his chances at the rWo, then I would expect him to have an ambulance ready because where he is Payne by name, he will feel pain by nature! And finally Ty Burna…he has held championships in lesser times than I’ve had for my cereal in the morning, he’s sent disgrace to all the belts that have been around his waist, collecting and trading them like Football Stickers or Pogs. It will certainly give me great pleasure that he will be destroyed at the Megashow and what is left of his carcass will be used to paint the Chamber red!

Dave and Ace stand in the main foyer where they await Karnage who comes out of a corridor in a very sharp suit. All three men stand side by side and stare into camera.

You see, where I took out each member of the EurAsian League week after week, I can now team up with my colleagues Karnage and Ace to eliminate more of the unnecessary members of the WZCW locker room in one night. The time of reckoning comes ahead of schedule because we, the rWo, will be swift, deadly and most importantly, ready! All we can do is apologise to Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman that Kingdom Come’s run time will be a lot shorter than they planned, but given the hard work they put us through for the past five weeks…it’s justified.

Dave looks at Karnage and Ace before all look back to the camera

Dave: Reality
Ace: Will
Karnage: Obliterate
Dave: All!
Everyone: The rWo are coming!
Dave: And are ready to do our part in eliminating the worthless as our time arrives…at Kingdom Come!

All three walk off as the scene fades to black.
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