MD/AS Megashow: Steamboat Ricky/Carmen Bratchny vs. Everest/Titus

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

With Kingdom Come just a short time away, the World Title match participants Everest and Titus are forced to team together to face against Steamboat Ricky and Carmen Bratchny. Will the rival turned partners keep their differences aside prior to their respective showdowns or will the tension blow wide open before reaching Kingdom Come?

Deadline is Tuesday February 2nd at 23:59 EST.
*The scene opens ringside at a WZCW house show. There are two virtually unknown wrestlers in the ring and the crowd seems somewhat bored. The larger of the two combatants has his opponent in a side headlock – The crowd seem disinterested at this and a “boring” chant begins in the arena*



*The scene opens in a medium sized office in the arena. Meltdown General Manager Chuck Myles is sitting behind a desk filling out paperwork when his attention is suddenly taken away from his laptop. Chuck freezes in the middle of the room and listens intently… Chuck then walks over to the door and opens it – suddenly his room is filled by the crowd’s chants from the arena “BOOORING BOOORRIINNNGG!!” – Chuck grabs his cellphone and begins to make a call*

Chuck: Hey, Can you hear that out there in the arena?
Chuck: I know, Do You have any ideas?
Chuck: Actually I have a better idea – is there anyone from the Megashow’s the main event in the arena tonight?
Chuck: excellent… get the guys in the gorilla position to get his entrance music ready – I think things may pick up soon

*Chuck laughs as he hangs up his phone, after a few moments Chuck pulls his cell from his pocket and writes a text – Chuck laughs louder as the scene fades*


*The scene re-opens in a communal locker room. There are various random lower/midcard wrestlers standing around talking in the background – in the forefront of the picture, on a bench sits Carmen Bratchny with his manager Karen McKenzie*

Carmen: So I’m not actually on tonight’s card?

Karen: No… You’re here for the VIP meet and greet afterwards

Carmen: Wow… Now I remember why I became a wrestler

*Carmen smirks as Karen sighs*

Carmen: So… Kingdom Come… What d-

*Carmen’s phone beeps – Carmen takes it before finishing his sentence*

Carmen: WHAT?!

Karen: What is it?

Carmen: What is this megashow?

Karen: Its… It was a proposal by Chuck Myles as a big warm up show before the PPV – I think it got blown out of the water by the writing committee as they didn’t like the idea of exhausting fans before “the big one”

Carmen: Well think again – its happening

*Carmen climbs to his feet*

Karen: OH?

Carmen: And its me & Ricky Vs. Titus & Everest… I’m teaming with the leader of the rWo?

Karen: Thats like putting the lamb in to the lions den

Carmen: I’m not having this

*Carmen storms out of the locker room and heads towards the entrance curtain – as if by magic “I just wanna be loved” by PaPa Roach explodes from the arena’s sound system. The two wrestlers in the ring stop their poor attempt at wrestling. The subdued crowd suddenly blows the roof off of the Arena. Flashbulbs light up the crowd as every fan in the front four rows rush to the guard rails

Carmen doesn’t react to begin with but soon can’t help but react and slaps hands with a few guys in the front before climbing up the ring steps. Carmen poses on the apron before stepping in to the ring – the larger of the two wrestlers tries to make a name for himself by taking a swing at Carmen. The wrestler connects but Carmen does not react. The bigger wrestler tries again with a haymaker but again to no reaction. Carmen tosses the man out of the ring and raises one arm in the air as the referee and the smaller wrestler flee from the ring. A mic is slid in to the ring*

Carmen: I’m sorry for interrupting that wrestling clinic back there

*The crowd cheers – A chant begins.. “CAR-MEN BRATCH-NY *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap*”

Carmen smirks*

Carmen: I just thought I’d let you guys out here in on a world exclusive – an event so big… Kingdom Come will be Kingdom Gone by the time you’re over it… WZCW is having a megashow

*The crowd cheers*

Carmen: And for your main event… in one corner… long time rival and all round short ass… EVEREST… and his partner…. Long time rival and all round… Friend… Titus

*The crowd give a mixed reaction – some questioning what they have just heard*

Carmen: AND THEIR OPPONENTS… Me, Carmen Bratchny – Long time Russian and all round future WZCW champion and my partner… The world most dangerous pirate – The man who put the ARRRGH in to LoseARRGH – Leader of the Ricky World Order Steamboat Ricky

*The crowd give another mixed reaction – some laughing at Carmen’s introduction*

Carmen: With that announcement made I’d like to take this time to say something… Everest… Last week you managed to pull the wool over my eyes and grab the win but mark my words – if by some fluke you manage to topple Titus, I will be coming for you. Me and my real world title will be coming for you and when I unite the World Championships I will be known the world over as the greatest wrestler in the world. Titus… Everyone in this arena know’s our past… our rivalry… our friendship - but come the megashow I will not think twice about crippling you… like you did my dream of the main event at Kingdom Come. AND FINALLY… Ricky I will team with you, I will sweat for you and I will even bleed for you... but once we are crowned winners… I will be coming for you – straight after the referee raises our hands I will be baying for blood. Everest annoys me, I envy Titus and you Ricky… I hate you… and at Kingdom Come… I will defeat you

*Carmen drops the mic and exits the ring as the crowd once again blow the roof off of the arena as the scene fades*

*Scene Fades*

Our scene picks up just inside the “Mountain Top’ Gym in Ann Arbor, Michigan. As the camera gets closer to the entrance the cameraman is obviously running a little behind, since multiple news outlets and several other cameras are already stationed at the entrance to the gym. Reporters are lined up, some just waiting, some filming lead up pieces to air on their networks before this segment.

Several moments pass until we hear a buzz come about the crowd. Within minutes the WZCW World Champion comes strolling through the door. Everest is in workout pants, one of his very own “Who’s The Champ?” T-shirts and is carrying his World Title over his left shoulder. The champ steps to the podium for his interview.

EVEREST: Well, it’s good to see everyone here for this. I’ll make it short and sweet. What you see behind you is the latest, greatest addition to the World Class Fitness Center world. This is The Mountain Top, my latest investment in the Ann Arbor community.

REPORTER: Well what exactly is this gym bringing to the table that all those others don’t?

EVEREST: Well, besides the backing of the WZCW’s World Champion and single greatest specimen the wrestling world has ever seen, you’ll not only get state of the art equipment but also the most top notch personal trainers money can buy. We’ll train mind body and spirit. Anything you could ever need, you can get right here.

REPORTER: Well champ, speaking of WZCW, would you mind giving some thoughts on your match at WZCW’s Mega show?

EVEREST looks almost shocked not realizing he had been booked for such a show he immediately raises his ire.

EVEREST: What? What mega show?

REPORTER: I’m sorry, I figured you knew, being the champ and all. WZCW is throwing a Mega show combining Ascension and Meltdown Rosters. And you are headlining it.

EVEREST: Wha… well of course I’m headlining it you moron. Who else would they have? Titus? He’ll be lucky to make it to the show, he seems to have a hard time staying conscious before matches. Steamboat Ricky? My bet is he’s off sleeping with the fishes. Carmen Bratchney? Well let’s face it, after what I did to him in his last match, I wouldn’t be surprised if he hitchhiked his way all the way back to Russia with his tail between his legs.

REPORTER: Well actually, Titus, Bratchney and Ricky ARE all headlining the Mega show as well.

EVEREST: Ok Beavis, you just aren’t making any sense. Stop and think about what you’re saying. Titus? Myles is a moron sometimes but he’s still a very smart business man and he knows it would be useless to put Titus and the champ in the ring against each other for free right before the big pay per view match that you want to get people to pay 50 bucks for.

Ricky? I beat him senseless last time, and the time before that. What else do I have to do to prove I’m better than him.

Carmen? A rematch of our last meeting would just be another reminder of how far down the ladder the Russian still sits.

REPORTER: Well sir, actually it’s going to be Titus teaming with You to take on Steamboat Ricky and Carmen Bratchney.

Everest slams his hand down on the podium.

EVEREST: What the hell? This is bull! I can’t believe this crap. My agent is fired. My publicist is fired! Hey any of you people want a job?

Hands go up all through the crowd

EVEREST: Ha, to damn bad, I’m holding everyone responsible for this.

I’m teaming with Titus? The last time I did that I got slammed in the back of the head. Look this is simple. Titus, at this “Mega show”, I’m not going to beat around the bush or blow smoke up your tailpipe. I’m not going to stand here in front of these cameras and smile my million dollar smile and tell the world all that crap about for night only I’m putting my feelings aside and I’ve got your back.

Titus, I can’t stand you, I despise what you did, and I can’t wait for some payback. It makes no difference to me whether it comes at Meltdown, Kingdom Come or some Mega show. Your payback has been a long time coming, but believe me, it’s coming Titus. My point is simple. I’ll stand in your corner against that Neanderthal Bratchney and his nemesis turned teammate Steamboat Ricky. That’s all you are going to get from me Titus. I might find an interest in fighting the match, I might find it a good time to smack you in that melon you call a head with a steel chair. Hell, I might just pull out the classic villain move and hop off the apron and stroll to the back as you take a beating that would invoke memories of what you left me to endure.

And you know the best part? Titus, Bratchney, Ricky, the world, nobody will know what’s going to happen unless they tune in to the WZCW Mega show.

It’s amazing how I can keep everyone hanging on my every move. That’s why at the Mega show when they introduce me, they won’t call me the “Russian Rocket” or “The Real World Champion” or “The Number One Contender” -- nope they’ll introduce me the same way that they are going to announce me after the Kingdom Come Main Event is over, AS WZCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

Titus, I’ll see you soon!

Everest abruptly grabs his Belt, his workout bag and storms off through the thong of reporters and straight out the front door as the camera shot fades to black.
*Steamboat Ricky stands in front of a camera with a microphone.*

Ricky: I'm going to win this match. I'm going to win because both Everest AND Titus suck, and Bratchny will likely fall down on his way to the ring.

*Ricky then drops the microphone, trips a guy as he's walking by, then promptly reminds him who the REAL World Champion is.*
Forgot to mention that Lee/Titus has an extension of 12 hours. Reason being is because he asked on Friday and wasn't sure on his schedule, so he has 12 hours after deadline still.
Backstage we see Titus sat down with a chess board. He's looking very puzzled as he has his fingers on a chess piece moving it and bringing it back.

We see Becky Serra appear holding a microphone.

Becky: What are you doing?

Titus: Playing chess.

Becky: I can see that but you have no opponent.

Titus: Oh I do, we've been playing this game for a long time, and we know the move the other has done. I just want this over and done with.

Becky: Let me take a look

Titus: As if you know chess

Becky: I was state champ during high school you know!

Titus: Well I never!

Becky: You can finish this off in five moves depending on what the other guy does.

Titus: See Garth Black reckons I can do it in two no matter what the other guy does. I guess I have to really strategise.

Becky: Well speaking of strategy...what's your strategy for Kingdom Come?

Titus: That is under lock and key, however this week an important part of the research takes part.

Becky: Care to share?

Titus: Sun Tzu is attributed it with the quotation "'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." This week I get into the mind of Everest. A lot has changed since we last teamed up. A lot! He's no longer on the justice, truth and the good old American way side, oh no. He's now turned into the complete opposite, so I need to find out his flaws and what makes him tick to turn these against him. However this week isn't Kingdom Come, it's the MegaShow!

Becky: OK I'll start with the question everyone wants to ask. Your attackers have been unveiled as Blade and Karnage...what do you have in store for them?

Titus: People see Titus; they see him working his way up the ranks. They realise that he's already hit peak in Hollywood: Best supporting actor: 'Tommy Gunn' in 'Gangs of Chicago' and 'Flightwing' in 'Twatmon the Park Fight' then best actor as my portrayal as the gay pope Boniface XXX in the movie of the same name. Then my award for best Documentary in 'Farce of the Polar Bears.' That's Four Oscars, plus the cult classic role of Chris Lions in the Belta Force series. A famous guy then? Imagine that then mixed with being one of the biggest wrestlers in WZCW history! Blade and Karnage took me out because they wanted to make a name for themselves. Take out a guy at the top, you go there yourself.

Becky: I guess you're right with that there

Titus: WRONG. Blade, Karnage, rWo anyone else who decides to come for me I don't care. I have a focus, it's that belt. At Kingdom Come it's mine and this week I continue my mission.

Becky: Your mission is?

Titus: To be the WZCW world heavyweight champion! As I said though, my focus this week is on the tag team match. Firstly my friend becomes my opponent: Carmen Bratchny, it's always an honour to fight with or against him, it should be fun. You never know what’s going to happen with him but you do know he’s going to lay the smack down on whoever gets in his way. Then there’s my adversary, the alleged real world champion. He gave himself said title after being pinned illegally. BIG DEAL, he got pinned as the referee deemed fit yet becomes a world champion? He seems to forget that in that match someone wasn’t pinned. Six people went in four were pinned, one person won, yet there was one person who was not. So who should be the real world champion? Exactly, he needs to get rid of his delusions of grandeur and realise he’s aboard a sinking ship, pun fully intended meharties.

Becky: You and Everest have had beef for sometime, can you coexist as partners?

Titus: Everest claims the last time we teamed up I hit him over the head. He seems to have forgotten a lot. Firstly when I hit him it was in a world title match against Joseph Rios, not a tag team match. He also seems to forget that since this we have teamed up since my return. Meltdown 19 with Everest as Red Mask v Bratchny and Manzo…we won, I pinned Bratchny. We were beaten the week before when we ironically teamed up with Steamboat Ricky. I unmask and we teamed up again with Ricky at Meltdown 23 where we were beaten again. So do the math: We can coexist WITHOUT Ricky but WITH Ricky it’s a no go. Good job really as we’re against him this week. Everest is one bad ass, that’s why he’s champion, but this is all part of the plan. I have two moves to win the game.

Titus moves a pawn forward on the chess board.

Titus: Check
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