AS9 - Titus/Carmen Bratchny vs. Second Coming (Challengers Battle)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Myles got the battle of the Champions, Bateman matched with a battle of the Challengers. Second Coming, Titus and Carmen Bratchny all earnt their places in their respective Kingdom Come title matches. Now they will face off to show which competing team is strong enough to make a statement against their champions as Kingdom Come draws near.

Deadline is Tuesday 5th January 2010 23:59 EST
*The scene opens within Silvers Gym. Karen McKenzie is in the manager’s office sorting paperwork. There is a radio sitting in the corner of the room playing “use somebody” by Kings of Leon, Karen doesn’t seem to be listening to it as she is heavily engrossed by the various forms, spreadsheets & papers that lay strewn across her desk. As Karen continues putting her name on countless white sheets of paper her concentration is suddenly broken by the sound of her door opening, Karen looks up and standing in front of her is Carmen Bratchny. Carmen is wearing baggy cargo pants and a white t-shirt. Underneath the T-shirt it is obvious Carmen’s Ribs are heavily bandaged*​

Carmen: Hi

Karen: Hey Carmen, What brings you here on your day off?

Carmen: ah I dunno, boredom mainly… What are you doing?

Karen: Currently?... Matching up your positions in the Molten 10 to viewing figures for your matches on Meltdown & Ascension to send to the head of marketing… Trying to get you a better allocation on the WZCW shop area of

Carmen: Oh… sounds interesting

*Karen looks up and grins*

Karen: As you can tell, I’m fit to burst with the amount of fun I’m having

Carmen: Hey, Do you know when my next match is??

*Karen drops her pen and logs in to her laptop, she clicks several times before continuing*

Karen: oh! Wait I’ll just check…. RIGHT! You’ve been taken off of the card for the house show in Jacksonville because of your ribs and you’re not on the card for meltdown… ah here… You’re on Ascension again this week… Oh interesting

Carmen: Who is it?

Karen: You’re in a tag match. It’s Second Coming vs. Yourself & Titus

Carmen: Second Coming that’s…

Karen: Phoenix & Garth Black

Carmen: I thought so… Aren’t those guys number 1 contenders for the tag team titles?

Karen: Yep… They have their match at Kingdom Come after winning the Tag Team Title Contenders Tournament

Carmen: I thought as much… This is going to be tough

Karen: Just because you lost cleanly to Frankie Smith last week doesn’t mean you can’t get yourself in to a good run in time for your match with Ricky at Kingdom Come. Frankie is the current elite X champion and is on fire at the moment. You were just unlucky. This week you have Titus in your corner and if there is anyone who you’d want to be teaming with it’s him

Carmen: Do you think about the rWo…. Honestly?

Karen: I think you have an almighty chance of doing something amazing at Kingdom Come. You are on your own out there against the leader of a pretty ruthless stable of guys who have each others backs. I think you have more then a good chance of wining the Real world championship and once you do… It’ll be enough to finally take it to the next level and do what Swindle intended… You’ll be the man that unifies the Real World Championship and the WZCW World Championship to become the Undisputed Champion of the world

*Carmen stops to think for a moment*

Carmen: Do you really think I could do that?

Karen: Think it? I know it! You know every superstar in the main event picture at the moment like the back of your hand. You’ve wrestled each man countless times but you’ve never had the chance to go at the title in a one on one match. Carmen! In one on one competition you have the ability to beat any of those guys in the ring. All you need is the belief that you can.

*There is a short pause*

Karen: Look… I was going to give you this when you needed it more but by the feeling I’m getting… you need it now…

*Karen searches through a drawer and pulls out a large brown leather bound book*

Carmen: I know what that is… it’s…

Karen: Swindle McKenzie’s journal. I suggest you read it… maybe you’ll start believing

Carmen: I… Ummm… Thank You… But… But I can’t read English!

Karen: Luckily for you he has written it in Russian. This book contains observations he has made about most of the wrestlers on the WZCW roster, words of encouragement and most of all… it has his true thoughts regarding you and his ideas about where he see’s your future

*Carmen is smiling from ear to ear, a tear is in his eye*

Karen: I suggest you go off and read it now as by the sounds of it. I’ll have Titus on the phone to me later worried about having to carry you at ascension

Carmen: HA! With this I have a feeling I might be carrying him

Karen: Well go off and read it then… I have paperwork to do

Carmen: Yes.. Yes

*Carmen leaves the room as the scene fades*
We see a black screen

Ok, it's on. Though I cannot see anything on the screen.

You can here some mild banging.

Obviously it's that you silly man!

Suddenly we see light and an out of focused Titus.

Lens cap. Focus. I am an actor not a cameraman. We are go.

We see Titus sat on a chair via clearly amateur footage.

The life of a challenger, it's what I've known for my entire life. It was a challenge to win an Oscar for my first movie. It was a challenge to win four in four years. It was a challenge.

Titus then picks up a glass of water and takes a sip. He puts it down and looks back at the camera.

It was a challenge to give that up to give me dream a shot. My dream of being the best man in one of the best wrestling companies. It was a challenge. How about the time I took on Vengeance and came out the victor? That was a challenge. Becoming the longest reigning Elite X champion. Challenge. Entering the Lethal Lottery at unlucky 13 and winning? MASSIVE challenge. 1983 - 2009 Titus was a challenger. Things are about to change.

Titus leans forward towards the camera as we cut to black.

We cut to a massive crowd zoomed in from quite a distance.

Keystone City, my home from home. Getting these people to love me. It was a challenge. Things are about to change.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR

Happy new year WZCW Universe! A new year brings new things for so many people. People want to lose their fat, get a new job or move and get a big house, find a wife or even have a kid. My resolution? Have you been listening? From this moment on I, Titus, the four time Oscar Winner, the longest reigning Elite X champion, the second ever Lethal Lottery winner...will not be a challenger. 2010 starts with Titus getting ready to face Everest for that gold. That's not my concern right now, you all know who will win that match.

The camera pans back to the crowds who are clearly enjoying themselves.

On Ascension I team with Carmen against the former tag champs, the number one contenders for the Tag belts. Carmen number one contender for the real world title. I myself number one contender for the World championship belt.

Three great guys, Second coming what can I say? We've had our spats in the past, you're a formidable team. Good things happen when you're in the ring, you fight like you want this. You fight like....

Titus goes quiet for about 10 seconds.

Then we have my partner, Carmen Bratchny. I spoke to Karen, I assured her that this is a team effort. This is not Titus showing himself better than he is, nor Bratchny the same. This is Carmen Bratchny and I working together. For we are the same, we were challengers in 09 and we are challengers right now, both of us set to be champions once again. While our aims for gold both have World in the title, we will show that we can be on the same page against a team that have been a proven domination in the tag division. Challengers or Champions, it doesn't matter because it brings us one step closer to Kingdom Come, where the best are showcased in immortality.

Titus pauses again.

2010 marks the year that I fulfill that destiny. That a legacy is cemented. The challenger becomes the champion. Ladies and Gents....Happy new year!
We open backstage with the camera following a clearly frustrated Becky Serra. She has a crumbled up piece of paper in her left hand, and her microphone for interviews in her right. She keeps stopping everyone she passes, but doesn't seem to be satisfied with what she is hearing from any of them. Finally, the camera gets close enough to hear an exchange between Becky and a random backstage worker.

Have you seen Phoenix? I was supposed to interview him, but when I went to his locker room all I found was this note.

She opens the note a shows it to the backstage worker, and the camera zooms in so we can read it:

Like I told your producer last week, I don't want to talk to you. If you want to interview me, you'll soon find out that my will is as strong as Steel.


I have no clue what the last part means. I was told not to come back unless I had some kind of comments from Phoenix. There's no way we can use this!

Becky looks to be near tears, while the backstage worker re-reads the note. Suddenly, he looks up with an excited look on his face.

I've got it! Steel is capitalized because he is talking about Trevor Steel! We saw him wandering around the concourse earlier, and their is a poster of Trevor up there. Look behind that.

Becky gives the worker a huge hug, and runs off camera as the screen goes black.


The camera comes back on with Becky holding another piece of paper. She reads it, frowns a bit, and shows it to the camera:

If you found this, you are either the luckiest idiot on the face of the earth, or got help. Either one is okay, however, because you are about to receive some comments that you and your bosses so desperately desire. Go to the top of the entrance ramp and stand there. Make sure you have your notebook ready.


Becky again rushes off, as the screen goes black due to the crew following her.


We return inside the arena. Becky is making her way to the stage at the top of the ramp with the camera a few steps behind her. Becky looks around, until flames shoot out from all over the stage with no warning. She is physically unharmed, but screaming in terror. A few seconds later, a booming voice is heard throughout the arena as the flames die down. The voice is not one that anyone has heard before.

The following is a reading from the Gospel of John, First Chapter.

"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him."

WZCW is shrouded in darkness. An evil trio reeks havoc, a violent force leads the company as it's champion, and the Second Coming don't hold their Tag Team Championships. Soon Phoenix, The Eternal One, The Light, will once again reign as one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, taking another step on his path to greatness. This week, Titus and Bratchny will stand and fight for the darkness. What they do not realize is that Phoenix has been reborn to save us from the darkness. This week, not only will Phoenix and Garth Black take one step closer to regaining the titles that they deserve, but all will bear witness to the beginning of the salvation of WZCW by The Light himself, The Eternal One, Phoenix.

The pyro explodes again as the voice disappears. The last image we see is the camera crew checking on Becky Serra as she sits on the stage with tears rolling down her face, clutching her notebook to her chest.
We're in a production meeting headed by Bateman. An assortment of WZCW people are there, including all of the announcers. Becky Serra is being berrated.

For weeks now you have failed to conduct an onscreen interview with Garth Black, despite the fact that he has been at the arena. What's wrong with you?


Don't answer that. Anyway, this week I am sure that you cannot fail. I happen to know that Garth Black will be guest teaching an amateur poetry class as part of the WZCW community outreach programme today. He is in the adult learning centre down the street, room 4. I am expressly telling you to get down there now and to interview him. Break up the class if you need to, I don't care, we just need exposure for one of our actual wrestlers as opposed to you scratching your head trying to read. NOW GO!

Becky leaves the meeting briskly and Jonny Klamour slams the door behind her, shaking his head. And the meeting continues


Becky has entered the college, and is looking for Room 4. She sees a crowd of people standing outside a door, which has the number 4 on it.

Becky enters the room, and closes the door behind her. The crowd move away, and it is revealed that they were covering a second number 4. It is in fact room 44.

We cut to the inside and it appears that she has barged into a cookery class. The Teacher is a woman in her fifties

Hello, young lady, can we help you?

Err, is this the poetry class?

No. But you're welcome to stay, you've disrupted my lesson, it's the least you can do

Err... ok.

Right, so let us begin. I shall read the recipe, and if you could follow it, that would be perfect

First, take a pinch of world title contender,
Add a dollop of Russian pretender,
Mix them in with the Second Coming,
Get the microwave oven humming,
Put them in for ten minutes on full power,
Until Titus and Bratchny begin to cower,
Then this weeks Coming will be complete,
Take it out, and you're ready to eat.

Not again!!!

Becky leaves the room and slams the door. We cut to the outside, and she sees the number 44 on the door

Oh, it was the wrong room. Maybe there's hope yet. Black must be here, he wouldn't ignore his duties, room 4 must be downstairs.


We are in the learning centre corridor, outside room 14. A youth is unscrewing the number 1 from the door. He gets distracted by Becky, and he drops the 1 on the floor and flees. Becky doesn't see it, and enters the room.

Upon entering the room, Becky is met by a group of people sitting in a circle one of them stands up as she enters.

Is this the poetry class?

No, but I think you knew that. It's ok, we won't judge you, come and join us

I'm really just looking for the poetry class.

It's ok, take a seat

Becky reluctantly sits down, the man continues to stand

Hello, my name is Geoff, and I have a problem.

The camera pans to the front of the room, and a small Alcoholics Anonymous poster is visible. Becky realises this.

I'm sorry, but I'm, really not an alcoholic.

That's ok, I'm sorry what is your name?


Right, Rebecca, the first step is admitting you have a problem. That's the stage we all began on. I'll help you along.

I have a problem and my name is Geoff,
And the problem is tough to admit,
But life's applying the Black Death,
And drinking is making me submit,

Still thinks could be worse for me,
I could be in as deep as Teach,
And his partner Doctor Kurtesy,
With Garth Black waiting for each

Because though my senses are numbed
I will win this battle with the evil booze,
But in two weeks at Kingdom Come,
They have a battle they can only lose.

The group claps Geoff.


She leaves the room, stumbling over a foreign handyman reattatching the number to the door.

Arghhh. Oh wait, this wasn't room 4 either. Could you tell me where room 4 is please

The room for what?

No, no, room number 4

The room number for what

NO! Where is room 4?!

Room for?

Room 4.

Room for roofer?

Yes, room 4.

Top floor, only door


We are on the top floor, Becky comes from the stairwell and is visibly tired out, panting and breathing heavily. She opens the only door and is met by a chorus of wolf wistles.

She goes into the room, and the camera follows her in. We see a stereotypical group of builders, working on model roofs. One of them is close to Becky

Darling, I'll get you even more breathless if you want

Ugh, no thanks. Is this room four?

Nah, it's roofers, dunno where room four is, but I'll get a room with you sweetheart.

No thanks.

Aren't you that girl off WZCW?


I love that show

He gives her a piece of paper

Now you've got my telephone number,
Why not give me a ring?
And while Black makes Bratchny slumber,
I'll make you're little face sing.

The first time I ever watched meltdown,
I fell for your sizeable rack,
But you weren't the greatest thing in town,
Because that honour belongs to Black

So when Black is beating the Russian,
And making him look a farce,
I'll be treating you like percussion,
As I bang you up the...

ENOUGH! Why is everyone rhyming? Where is Garth Black? Why isn't this room four? Where is room four?

Becky sees the handyman from before outside the room and storms over to him through the open door

You told me this was room four!!

Yes, this roofer

I don't want roofers, I want room four! Poetry

Ahhh, downstairs, basement.

Becky heads to the stairwell and goes down the stairs, muttering to herself.


We are in the basement, and Becky enters the room. The room is filled with sculptures and a Lone man is sitting by a potters wheel

Hello, you're a little early. This is an evening class

Of poetry?

Well, I suppose it is like physical poetry in a way, yes. But the name on the prospectus is ceramics for beginners.


Yeah, you know, pottery.

Dear God, this is getting ridiculous. I suppose you're going to recite some poetry now too?

No, I told you this is ceramics. I let my hands do the talking. You look tense, come here and I'll show you.

You've just got to sit behind the wheel,
Then touch the clay, see how it feels,
And once it's all fallen into shape,
Use this tool here, and give it a scrape


Sorry, I didn't even realise, that's actually what you have to do.

Forget it. Do you know where the poetry class is?

I thought you hated poetry?

Just tell me.

Anyway, it's upstairs, third on the left; room 4.


Becky goes into the room as instructed, bur sees no-one in there except for a young woman dilligently working.

Oh hello, I'll be out of your hair in a minute. I'm just finishing this poem


Yes, I was just in a poetry class. We had a great teacher today, wrestler apparantly.

Where is he now?

Oh, the class finished ten minutes ago, everyone went home. The lesson really was great though. He told us how anyone can find the poet inside of themselves, and how he had taught some of the other teachers here in the staff room earlier how it could be used to communicate effectively.

You don't say

Yeah, and he told us all about his wrestling career too, which seemed very interesting. Inspirational, even, so I wrote this poem

So Garth had spoken to the masses,
And taught them the right way to live,
He taught us with these sublime classes,
And gave us all he had to give

Now he continues on his journey,
To remove WZCW of its detritus,
He's the judge, jury and attorney,
And today's convicted is Titus

Both men used to fight in masks,
And both are noble in their quest,
But Garth is superior at all his tasks,
And he'll show Titus who is best.

What did you think?

It was... great. So I've missed Garth then have I?

Yes, he's gone to wrestle I believe. Why, who are you, his girlfriend?

No, no I'm not.

Becky leaves the room, and then the building dejected.
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