MD 92: Amber Warren & ??? vs. Grand Mystique & David Whitman

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the Frog

Warren announced on the WZ Weekend show that she would be debuting a special tag team partner. The entire WZCW is curious as to who it will be. Meanwhile, Grand Mystique and David Whitman will bide their time after coming off a massive War Games victory as their stablemates, Westhoff and D.C., test the tournament waters. Who will be in TSA's cross-hairs next?

Deadline is Tuesday (August 20, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions are allowed via request.
It was a cold and chilly night. Rain was pouring down and could be heard bouncing off the windowsill. The cameras peek into the window for a few moments before taking us into the room. The walls are painted blue while we see a bunch of stuffed animals in one corner. Later on, we hear a groan as the cameras get a look at the bed. Tossing and turning, it’s revealed that we’re in Amber Warren’s room.

Amber: What should I do?

Amber said this in her head, clearly not getting any sleep. That question was in the mind of Amber throughout the entire night it seems as she sits up from her bed. With black spots around her eyes, it seems sleep has escaped Amber tonight.

Amber: What should I do? This is a big opportunity but then again it could all just be a trick. How foolish would I look if I actually went? Maybe I shouldn’t go. Should I? GAH! This is all so confusing.

Having a conversation in her head, Amber then begins to hold onto her head, probably giver herself a migrane. She lies back down and closes her eyes but again the conversation within herself continues.

Amber: On one hand, if I do go I believe whoever sent me this can help me. I mean, I could sure use all the help I can right? I’m a rookie. Sometimes it’s good just to sit back and learn. On the other hand, if this was all a joke, I just wasted all of this time when I could be training. Hell, I’m preventing myself from sleep, I need sleep!

Forcing herself to sleep, Amber stays still but sleep still won’t come.

Amber: Maybe I should ask Nate?

In her mind, Amber laughs out loud at what she just said.

Amber: Ask Nate, yeah right. Great idea Amber. He’ll just say no for sure. I know my brother. He’s a hard-ass and never lets me do anything fun. Not that this will be fun, it could be. But ahh, anyway. Why am I even thinking about this? Go to sleep Amber!

That was it, the conversation in her head ended. However…

Amber: Oh c’mon, you gotta be kidding me!

Amber’s alarm clock then goes ringing at exactly 7AM in the morning. With its constant ringing, a hand comes down to shut it off. The cameras zoom out to show that it’s Amber Warren who has done this deed. We see Amber fall back to bed going back to sleep. But five mintutes later…

This time, Amber cannot ignore her alarm clock as she sits up and bashes down on the ticker so that it’ll stop. Looking up, Amber saw herself in the mirror. Frizzy hair, the look of sleep escaping her, she then pulls open the drawer next to her bed to find a comb. Rifling through her drawer, she sees some plane tickets which catch her attention, eventually taking them out of the drawer to analyze. It’s clearly a plane ticket, but we see another one as well, the same exact one. Plane tickets for two it seems. She looks at them with a wondering look on her face before she puts it back in an envelope that simply says. “Amber”.

She then gets up and takes her luggage out from her closet and begins packing. She tries to do this very quietly picking up anything that she can grab and instantly jamming it into her luggage. A few moments have passed and her luggage is full, the only left to get is the plane tickets. Amber walks towards her drawer, grabbing the envelope which contains the plane tickets before…

Nate: Hey Amber, want some breakfast?

Nate enters the scene and sees Amber with the envelope in hand. Nate looks kind of confused and then spots Amber’s luggage all ready and packed but not zipped up.

Nate: Uhm, what’s going on?

Amber, almost frozen, has no idea what to say right now.

Amber: What do you mean?

Nate: What do you mean what do I mean?! Your luggage is all packed up outta nowhere. And what’s that in your hand?

Nate approaches Amber who “stealthily” tries to hide the envelope behind her but Nate is pretty serious right now. He takes Amber’s hand from behind her and snatches the envelope. He opens it up…

Nate: Tickets? What are these for?

Amber: I don’t know.

Nate: What do you mean you don’t know?

Amber: Nate, I don’t know okay? I just found them in my locker room after I won that tag match with Thrash and Angel.

Nate: And it doesn’t say who it’s from? This could be a scam you know? You can’t trust these things right away.

Nate is clearly upset with Amber and all Amber can do is look down, realizing that her brother may be right.

Amber: But wait, there was something else. I got a note that told me to go because they can help me become better, help me become better for WZCW. Also that, there’s two tickets because it said that one is for me and one is for you.

Nate listens in, not really persuaded by Amber at this point.

Nate: But why would anyone do this? I mean, you’re doing fine. You won your WZ Weekend match. That was totally a big win.

Amber: I know, but. I just think I can do much better. C’mon Nate, it even says you can go. At least you’ll be there with me.

Nate: I don’t think this is such a good idea. Who could this possibly be? There are just so many factors to consider. And well, it just doesn’t look good. If whoever sent you these has good intentions, don’t you think they would’ve at least left their name or even a contact number where we could reach them?

Amber looks down probably realizing that her brother may be right.

Nate: Seriously, think about it. Hell, if I hadn’t come in here, you were just going to leave on your own. Don’t you think you should’ve told me about it first so I didn’t need to find out like this?

Amber’s still looking down, not quite sure what to reply to Nate.

Amber: You’re right, I’m sorry about that. It’s just that…what if this was someone who really wanted to help me? Nate, I don’t know about you, but I’m a rookie in this business. I could sure use some tips on some stuff I’ve been wondering about. Plus, the tickets look pretty legit. Not only that, but they sent two tickets, one for you and one for me. You’ll at least be there. C’mon Nate, we gotta go. Have some faith.

Nate: Have some faith? Amber, I’m just looking out for you. I know you’re a rookie in the wrestling business but I’m sure there are other ways to gain advice, just not this way.

Amber looks down frowning. Nate lets out a big sigh before…

Amber: Nate, please! Don’t you think if there was a chance for me to be better, you’d do it? If there was even just a one percent chance that all of this could work out, that you’d consider going? Look Nate, I know I’ve been pretty decent in WZCW right now but you don’t know how hard it’s actually been to stay this consistent. I bust my ass every day to continue this dream of mine. Don’t take a chance for me to improve my dream away from me. C’mon Nate.

Nate looks at his little sister who looks intent on going. He has his hands on his hips letting out a big sigh and rolls his eyes as well.

Nate: Fine, let’s go.

Amber: Really?!

Amber’s face turns into a joyous one as she hugs her brother.

Nate: Yeah, really. Okay sis, too tight.

It seems Amber’s hug may have been a little too tight around the neck for her brother.

Nate: What, you trying to kill me?

Amber: (with a smile on her face) No, I’m sorry. What are you waiting for, let’s go!

Nate: Hey hey, can we at least have some breakfast first and take a shower, geez.

With that, Amber runs out of her room, skipping. Seems as though she’ll be the one getting breakfast ready. The scene then focuses on Nate who seems a little hesitant with the decision he just made, but he smiles and shrugs it off before exiting Amber’s room.
Most men would be satisfied with a win at Kingdom Come, happy even but David Whitman’s cabin saw no such emotion.

“David, we will not be stopped. We must take the next step in our destinies. We have already orchestrated the destruction of Strikeforce. I have no fear or concern over what Amber Warren and her mystery is hardly worthwhile considering. We were victorious in the most brutal match in WZCW history. We can end her destiny before it even gets any traction. Her career simply doesn’t compare to what achieved on one night” The Grand Mystique was not holding court to his army but he held the focus of his one man audience no matter what. “There is no mystery behind what will happen on Meltdown and Warren thinks she can surprise us. She will be left disappointed. She thinks she is important and relevant but she will be left barely able to comprehend what remains of her insignificant life. She will be left broken and empty, another victim.”

“And you are not worried about the mystery partner?” David pondered quietly.

“We should not be scared of anyone David. Besides that would require you to feel something and it has been a long time since that has happened isn’t it?”

"I suppose what's going to happen will happen no matter what."

"Exactly David. Exactly."

The unmistakable, authoritative confidence voice of The Grand Mystique continued to demand respect as two members of The Sacrificial Altar discussed their future plans.

That was a different time. Another company, an event not even on the same scale but it was their biggest show of the year.

This match is your main event of the event and is for the MWE World Heavyweight Championship!

This was the night when the next members of The Sacrificial Altar revealed themselves to The Grand Mystique. The mask, the name was familiar to those in MWE but WZCW’s Grand Mystique was not hiding behind a mask that night. In MWE the Grand Mystique was a small man, weak in spirit and unsure of anything, much less his own destiny. The mask was not a sign of fear, he did not lead an army to war, much less see them out of the other side. But they had one thing in common; he was not a man who could be trusted.

The giant man who would be known as The Grand Mystique in WZCW watched in the crowd that night as DC & Whitman tore each other apart.

DC kicks out of Whitman’s signature reverse frankensteiner.

Whitman goes for the Final Flight but DC gets the knees up

Whitman goes for the straight jacket but DC counters, he tries to hit the Chemikill but Whitman blocks that. He goes for the Burning Hammer but DC floats over, lands on his feet and hits the Chemikill!

But it gets a long two count as Whitman kicks out at the last second!

At this point in their storied careers, both men were battered and broken with nothing left but the dream of championships holding them together. With every close two count, with every reversal, their energy drained. Thirty minutes in, having reversed or survived everything that had been attempted, the crowd were being held at fever pitch by these two masters.

But one man would not be swayed by the emotion of the encounter. He saw through that, viewing it for it truly was; a battle of wills and survival instinct. It was not a case of who wanted it more, but who was truly unaffected by the fact that they would have nothing left once they left the ring.

For both men were nothing but damaged goods at this point. Champion or not, they could not continue to carry the front of fan favouritism. The passion that was rained down was wasted on them. When they spoke of determination and enthusiasm, their words were as empty as their very souls.

It was because of the pressure put upon them by the fans. The Grand Mystique could agree with them, Whitman & DC are remarkable talents but he was able to see what they were all blind to. The Grand Mystique was the one person who could see that there was an opportunity to take these men in a different direction, away from the pressure of the fans, away from the very environment that damaged them beyond recognition.

And soon enough The Sacrificial Altar was the last remaining pillar of support. There was no abuse them for their name value for a quick buck or a nostalgia run. They would be repaired. Kingdom Come saw exactly why The Grand Mystique was right. Questions were asked and they had been left unanswered. The destruction wreaked by both men, the examples that had been made of Ricky Runn and Strikeforce was the most satisfying act that the Grand Mystique had overseen.

David Whitman won that final encounter and when MWE folded a couple of weeks later, he was the man holding the championship. But what came of it? Mayhem? Wrestling? Entertainment? No. It was in WZCW where David Whitman & DC would manage to expand on their amazing legacies. Their destinies were at stake - the Grand Mystique was behind it all and it was only just beginning.

The Sacrificial Altar would continue to succeed no matter what.

"How are you, David?"

"Bad. Sad. Just... Not good."

"That's a remarkable improvement."

David took a deep breath. A mere five weeks before this moment, something terrible had happened to him. The month before that was the happiest he'd been in his life. Ten weeks before that, it was 1998.

The sixteen year old Whitman, dressed in khakis and a plain white shirt, was sitting on a couch with his head in his hands.

David: "She's dead. If we'd never met, she might still be alive. But I don't know that. Nobody knows that."

David's eyes filled with pain as he sat up. He stared at the woman sitting across from him. She sat still in her chair, staring back at him with not much emotion. David slouched back. A tear escaped his eye.

David: "I just don't see the f-

"...king point."

Salt Lake City in August is cold. Not necessarily always, but in 2013 it is. The sheer energy from the random wind bursts hits you without warning or mercy.

James: "The point is, that nobody knows you. This is new territory, new times. You know how this works. You can expect the road to be much harder if at least a few people in WZCW don't embrace you."

David: "But that doesn't mean I have to put up a front. I don't see the point in staring at a camera and telling people what they already know I intend to do."

James: "Leave the promos to the pros."

The elevator ride is silent and quick, and once they enter Thomas Williams' office, the silence grows.

Silence seems... fitting for the occasion.

The room feels heavy. Dark, sullen, and very...

...Vibrant. Her smile, radiant. On the picture, she seemed very happy.

"It was her choice. Nobody else's."

Which was probably because when they took that picture, she had been high on MDMA.

David: "I know."

The therapist put the frame onto the table, face down. David shot her a look.

Edison: "But you have to feel something. If not guilt, what?"

David: "... Annoyance?"

Edison: "It's been a month. Considering you were the one who found her, and given your relationship with her, you would be allowed to grieve for a slightly longer period of time if this were a normal case."

David: "...If this were a normal case...?"

Edison: "You were inconsolable for a few days, then you shut down. Now is the first time in weeks you've shown any sort of emotion. You can't force yourself not to feel anything. She was your girlfriend for two years, David. Your close friend for more. Feelings of guilt are natural, if misguided. But I'd be happy to see you feel. Anything."

David: "Don't you f-"

Edison: "Listen to me. This. Is. Bad. For you."

David stared at the thick, worn-out book in his hands.

David: "She made me happier than I had any right to be, you know. I knew I was no catch, but I let my greed get the best of me. She deserved someone who could make her as happy as she made me. Instead..."

Edison: "David. Do you think you are the reason she took her life?"

David: "No. Maybe. I mean, not the whole reason. I..."

He stopped. He tried to take a deep breath, but the shallowness surprised him somewhat. His mind was spinning and wildly careening with thoughts, each one filled to the brim with nothingness.

David: "When I walked in, that day, I... I was expecting her to be writing, you know. Always writing. Heh."

He dropped the book in his lap and looked up at the therapist.

David: "It doesn't matter. She's gone. I'm not. Moving on and all that, right? I feel the pain. That means I'm fine, doesn't it? It'll pass."

Edison: "It may seem like nothing to you right now, but you're just forcing yourself to shut down at a time when you need to open up the most. If somewhere down the line any other sort of potentially traumatic event presents itself, you might not be able to handle it. If you take the time now and allow yourself to properly heal, to feel something-"

David stood up, offended at the statement.

David: "Feel something?! I feel like hell!"

Edison: "Yes, but you're trying very hard not to. You have to let this run its course. And you need to talk about it. "

David stared at the unmoving book on the ground.

David: "Talking won't raise the dead, doc."

"Well look who's back from the dead!"

Thomas Williams remembers when he and James Whitman used to wrestle together. His life almost flashes before him; meeting David for the first time, helping James teach David how to wrestle, becoming friends. Then losing touch; simply, without incident.

Seeing David, however, has triggered intense emotion again.

Thomas: "Well if it isn't Jack Shepard himself."

James: "It's a little early in the morning for Lost references, T."

Thomas slams his fist on the desk, almost tumbling his glass of orange juice over and hovering sheets of paper a few inches above their original placement.

Thomas: "HEY!"

He stands up, almost dramatically.

Thomas: "It is NEVER too early for a Lost reference, you hear me?"

David and James shoot each other a look, then look back at Thomas.

James: "Look, you're the undisputed master of unorthodox match preparations. I was thinking maybe you could skip work today and help us get David ready for his tag match with Mystique against Amber Warren and some secret mystery guy."

Thomas raises an eyebrow.

Thomas: "So Davey here needs my help because he doesn't know how to handle a hot woman? Some things never change huh."

He chuckles as he turns around.

Thomas: "You know I've got responsibilities now. Things aren't the way they were back then. If I'm not here, and someone messes up, our company could potentially go under. People's lives could be ruined." He walks over to the Tobiasi painting and removes it from the wall, exposing a safe.

Thomas: "Racing against wild ferrets, stealing eggs from supermarkets to make the world's largest omelet, crashing birthday parties- James, you know how long it's been since we've done anything like that."

He pulls a big folder out of the safe and tosses it onto the table. It thumps loudly.

Thomas: "So we better make this one count."


David opened his eyes. Everything felt smoother, more relaxed, slower.

"Follow my voice..."

He was aware, he was there; yet he was also elsewhere.

"... kitchen, finishing the dishes..."

His old house was... foggier... than he remembered.

Disorientation drifted in and out of his consciousness, and he felt a sudden panic.

He knew what was going to happen.

He has no idea what is happening.

Baseball bats, hockey sticks, basketball rims and soccer shoes litter the enclosed school gym. in the middle of it all, David Whitman is standing, perplexed.

David: "I forgot how much I disliked being in the dark about your methods until the moment they start."

Thomas: "From what I hear, you disliking things is a step up, right?"

Thomas and James are standing 10 feet away from David, picking some of the stuff up off the floor. Thomas clears his throat and begins talking in a loud voice.

Thomas: "Amber Warren. Fatty turned hotty through sports and Karate."

David: "I don't believe she ever did K-"

Thomas: "Since you're pretty much dead inside, I doubt we have to worry about you getting a hard on in the middle of the match, you freaking disgusting pervert."

James stares at Thomas, confused.

James: "That makes no sen-"

Thomas: "WHICH MEANS YOUR BIGGEST THREAT WILL BE! Her stamina. Her skill. Her sporty Spice inner child. What you need to do, is FACE YOUR FEAR! FACE THE SPORTS THREAT THAT WILL ATTACK YOU AT MELTDOWN!"

David: "Ok now you're just rambl-"

Thomas starts rapidly throwing the objects on the floor at David. James panics and does the same.


"... I can't face her..."

David walked slowly, purposefully and unwillingly. His footsteps in rhythm with his rapidly accelerating heartbeat, an uncertain hum filled his ears.

"... You will walk up the stairs, and you will face what you've been trying to forget."

As he slowly walked up the foggy stairs, a deep dread gripped his heart.

"I'm afraid that did absolutely nothing to help me."

David Whitman is bruised and battered. He has a splinter in his neck from where a bat hit him, and an uncountable amount of black and blue spots on his aching body.

Thomas: "I was sure that would work."

David: "Well it didn't."

David walks off.

James: "Where you going?!"

David: "To someone I know can help me."

"Help... me..."

His pleas went unheard as his body involuntarily moved from the top of the stairs to his bedroom door. As his hand grabbed it, he felt his heart tightening even more. With a singular creak, the door swung open, and he saw her there again, for the second time, for the first time.

David, looking out at the Twin Peaks, lets out a sigh. He is uncertain, but he believes he feels something. At another time, he might have found comfort in the real and metaphorical two unknown mountains before him, but now, uncertainty is all he has. He wishes he could let himself feel.

Edison: "Remember, David. We made good progress today, but you HAVE to let yourself feel. You-"

David: "Yeah yeah I run the risk of risking my emotional health in the future if a risky second trauma occurs yada yada risk risk." David managed to sound surprisingly belligerent through his tears as he walks away from the therapist's front door. "I live on the edge, doc. I know all about risks."

He enters the car, not looking up at his older cousin, who does the same as he just begins driving.

James: "So I've got someone I want you to meet. We've been talking, and we think the healthiest thing is for you to start wrestling."

David scoffs.

James: "His name is Thomas Williams. He's got a way with little punks like you. Knows how to whip'em into shape."

David lets out a soft chuckle, and his cousin does the same as he finally turns to him. He ruffles the younger Whitman's hair and pushes his head.

James: "You're gonna be fine."


The light of the Salt Lake City morning sun gently coats the streets with a warm glow. Bright and calm, the serene surroundings feel peaceful. The storm has passed, so to speak, and the world is collecting itself.

Weeks after Kingdom Come and the climactic ending to The Sacrificial Altar's successfully waged war against Strikeforce, it is a new day. For most people, in a very literal sense. For David Whitman, in more ways than one.

Grand Mystique: "I need you to understand something."

David: "Okay."

GM: "We both know how easy it is sometimes to get blinded by truth. To believe we know what is good, or what is evil."

David: "Correct."

GM: "... I need you to do something for me. But it'll require your total trust. I can't give you the details, and you might not fully understand. And even if you could, you would probably not like it."

David: "You're... You're being a terrible salesman."

GM: "When I came to you at your cabin, I asked you to follow me. I handed you an envelope. Do you remember?"

David: "...yes."

Gm: "What was on it?"

David: "Come on, Mystique. This is redundant. Both of us kn-"

GM: "Acknowledge it."

David sighs, deeply.

David: "It was the scrap of paper I wrote "SAVED" on, some two years ago."

Gm simply waits. David sighs again and continues, reluctantly.

David: "I wrote it without knowing. It was my weird way of telling myself I didn't need anyone else to save me from my insanity. That I could- that I WAS already saved. Because... I had myself."

GM: "Can you tell me why I gave it to you?"

David: "Honestly, I don't even know how you got it."

GM: "When I came to you, I told you this was your way out. Your return. So far... Have I given you any reason to doubt me?"

David: "Your methods... Are unorthodox."

GM waits.

David: "But... You're right. Ever since my debut, I've been... I constantly feel like there's something tapping at my consciousness."

GM: "The real you."

David nods.

David: "I don't know if that's purely from being back in the wrestling world, or what. But... If you hadn't approached me, I wouldn't be here. So... No. You haven't given me any reason to doubt you."

GM: "Good."

David: "...Are you at least going to tell me something? Anything?"

GM: "The Altar is going to evolve very, very soon. This transformation is going to be... Risky. You are going to be key in making sure we don't crumble."

The two men, still sitting on the bench and staring ahead of themselves, let the silence seep in.

David: "...Good times."
El Califa: In the streets. Fighting at makeshift wrestling events all through Mexico. Scratching and clawing enough money together to simply get a short training session in at the gym. El Califa has experienced all of these things. El Califa, however, has never experienced hitting rock bottom. That is, until Lethal Lottery.

The scene opens to the familiar gym in Mexico, various men can be seen working out throughout the gym, some with masks on, most without. Those with masks carry no distinguishable masks. These are the ones carving out their own legacy, their own time in the lights. These are the men El Califa had sought out, and recruited. Regardless of how great lucha libre is looked upon in Mexico, there has never been that hand out to the ones without. The Mystery Kings, The Warriors, they all had a legacy to fall back upon, family members that could teach them the trade. They had everything given to them, yet here El Califa stands, a legend in his homeland built from the ground up by his own two hands. It was his time to pass it off to the next generation, to be that hand being held out to the less fortunate. And so they have gathered here, to become the disciples of The Dragon. They were his clay, and he was their sculptor. He would shape them into the new generation of luchadors, those that would bring pride to Mexico.

El Califa: Again!

The scene shifts from the weight lifting stations to the two rings off to the left. One is six sided in the vein of current Lucha Libre, and a standard four sided ring. Inside the six sided ring two men grapple, whipping each other across the ropes over and over again, finishing in a back body drop. Outside the ring stands El Califa Dragon, his usual mask covering his face, colored white, green, and red, a white tank top and black tearaway pants. His arms are crossed as he studies the two trainees in the ring, a group of others standing behind El Califa. As the two continue the exercise, El Califa lowers his head as one of the men deviates from El Califa's instructions and attempts a flip over his opponent. It fails miserably and the two fall over in a heap after their heads collide.

El Califa: ¡Suficiente! Los dos, golpear los pesos! (Enough! Both of you hit the weights!)

El Califa turns towards his remaining students who have lined up and suddenly have gained proper posture as their teacher walks back and forth in front of them.

El Califa: Cinco vueltas alrededor de la pista. Hemos avanzado hoy, pero El Califa todavía no está satisfecho con los resultados! Cuando esté todo terminado, puede ir por el día. (Five laps around the track. We have made progress today but El Califa is still not satisfied with the results! When you are all finished, you can go for the day.)

Well, he may be holding that hand of opportunity out to those that were like him, but that certainly wasn't going to mean he was going to go easy on them. As his students disperse, El Califa walks towards a door towards the back, leading to a very small office. Paper is strewn everywhere as he takes a seat at the desk, sighing as he folds his arms behind his head. He leans his head up as the scene slowly fades to black and El Califa's thoughts begin.

El Califa: It had been months since that night at Lethal Lottery. El Califa had crossed lines he had no business crossing. It became clear that he was merely a distraction for the Demonio del Caos (Demon of Chaos) to take advantage of against Chris K.O. and Drake Callahan. El Califa was used, and yet all he could do was fall further down into the abyss he had found himself. It wasn't what El Califa had signed up for when joining WZCW. He was to be fighting for championships, facing the best. He was not to be a pawn in this whole story, yet this is exactly where he put himself.

The scene fades back in as El Califa leans his chair back as he looks up at the time. The gym would soon be closing, another day completed in this existence he had forced himself to create. Soon after his mind was overtaken and his own mask disgraced by that man, Ty Burna, he returned home. With the darkness shrouding his mind and his eyes, he walked blindly through Mexico. All the major leagues wanted El Califa back. It would have been so easy to just go through the motions and collect a check. But as it has been said, in our darkest and lowest moments, comes our greatest triumphs. El Califa had his gym. A new focus and vigor arose, a new goal to accomplish. And so day in and day out he went about his teachings. It was difficult, in the world of Lucha Libre all anyone ever wanted to do was jump and do the flashy moves. El Califa knew better. But even as they slowly progressed, and some of his students even received their first masks, he knew there was something missing. Unfinished business...... Just then a commotion can be heard outside the office and El Califa is pulled from his thoughts. He leaps out of the chair, probably another fight of machismo that he has taught relentlessly to get over. As he opens the door however, he is greeted to the site of two newcomers, a young woman and a man with her. His students had taken notice, one had come up and tried to speak with the younger woman, only for the man with her to take offense. As the two men argue back and forth a crowd had grown. El Califa walks towards the crowd, his hands behind his back as his students part ways around him.

El Califa: Hector! Sus cinco vueltas se han convertido en los quince años. Muévete. Ahora! (Hector! Your five laps have now become fifteen. Get moving. Now!)

The man suddenly freezes as he hears his teacher's voice and looks towards him. He looks to begin pleading but realizes it is useless and jogs off, muttering under his breath as El Califa looks at the other students. He nods his head towards them and they quickly take off to avoid the same fate as their brethren. With the situation handled El Califa studies the two that have walked in. He nods his head to them and holds his hand out to the man.

El Califa: El Califa apologizes. They are young and do not know proper manners. El working on it.

The young man in front of El Califa looks furious but a sharp look from the woman settles him down and he slowly extends his hand out and the two shake hands. The young woman hasn't said a word, though seems like she is soaking in everything that is happening.

El Califa: El Califa welcomes you to his gym.

Nate: Thank you, I suppose. I'm Nate, and this is my sister.

El Califa: Ah yes, Amber Warren correct? El Califa has been watching your last few matches. He is every impressed with what you have accomplished.

Amber nods her head and a smile forms on her face as El Califa holds his hand out and she reciprocates, shaking his head as they nod to each other.

Amber: Th..thank you Mr. Califa.

El Califa: Please, El Califa or Califa is fine. Come, we have much to discuss.

El Califa turns and motions for the two to follow him, and after a moment they oblige, stepping behind the masked man as they make their way towards the two rings. El Califa hops up onto the ring apron and folds his arms in front of him. Amber and Nate stand next to each other. Amber looks at El Califa before looking back up at Nate. Nate shakes his head as he looks around at all the men running and working out.

Nate: Look man, what is this all about? You leave a mysterious note and two plane tickets for my sister here without any explanation. What's really going on here?

El Califa tilts his head to the side at the questions, a look of concern forming on Amber's face as well. El Califa chuckles to himself as he unfolds his arms and braces his arms down on the ring apron.

El Califa: El Califa means exactly what he wrote in the note Nate. Your sister has great potential in this business. Her speed and high flying abilities are her strengths, but she can become so much more. You see Amber, El Califa sees raw talent in you.

El Califa motions towards everyone else in the gym.

El Califa: These men, El Califa's pupils, they train every day in his gym. Most have little to no natural ability, some have so much untapped potential that they could rival anyone in WZCW. El Califa sees that in you Amber Warren. He sees someone that can stand toe to toe with the greatest warriors in this business! Let El Califa help you reach your maximum ability!

Nate interrupts as Amber is suddenly beaming at the compliment El Califa has given her. He stands in front of his sister as El Califa tilts his head once more, studying the young man and his facial expressions.

Nate: So what is this? You're no longer in WZCW so you just bring us down here to give us a sales pitch? All you want is to cling onto Amber's success and take claim of it? We're done here. Let's go Amber.

Nate turns and grabs Amber's hand and tries to lead her away as El Califa hops off the apron and crosses his arms. Amber turns and tries to plead with Nate as she pulls back against him.

Amber: No Nate! You need to let me make these decisions too!

El Califa: She is right Nate. This is her decision to make, not yours. You see, El Califa has far more than just a sales pitch. He has a favor to ask. His contract with WZCW is still active, and El Califa is welcome back at any time. However, there is one thing El Califa has never done in his career, and that is participate in a full fledged tag team.

Nate stops and Amber is able to pull away, and she turns towards El Califa before turning back to Nate, who's head has lowered and appears to be fuming at the situation. Amber's eyes plead with Nate briefly before turning towards El Califa and nodding her head.

Amber: Califa, I want to get better. I want to become the best I can be when it comes to wrestling. I want to learn as much as I can, and I will do anything to succeed.

El Califa: That is the will of a dragon Amber Warren! El Califa has been where you are at Amber. He wishes to take you to that next level. So, do you accept El Califa's offer to train here in his gym, and become his tag team partner?

Amber turns towards Nate and grabs his hands, looking up at him as the two have a quiet conversation. El Califa leans back against the ring, his arms crossed again as he watches the exchange take place. Finally Nate sighs and nods his head as Amber gives him a hug before turning towards El Califa.

Amber: It's a deal Califa!

El Califa: Excellent. We have no time to waste. El Califa has already booked our first match together. As El Califa had done in his first match in WZCW, so too shall we take the competition head on! We face two members of The Sacrificial Altar. Grand Mystique and David Whitman.

Nate: So soon? They dominated Team Strike Force at Kingdom Come. Surely you couldn't have had a warm up match set up first?

El Califa: Your sister has had her warm up matches. If we are to succeed in becoming Tag Team Champions, then we are to start now. El Califa has never shied away from the difficult parts in life, and he will not start now!

Amber: I agree Nate.

Nate suddenly looks away from El Califa and back at Amber, an eyebrow raised towards his sister as she takes a deep breath.

Amber: I can't just sit back and wait for my opportunities to come. Just like at Wrestle Zone Weekend, I have to go out and take them for myself. The Sacrificial Altar is a difficult team. We've seen what they are capable of Nate, but someone must stand up to them and show them that they can't just walk over everyone! With El Califa at my side, we can't lose!

El Califa nods his head towards the two and walks towards them, placing a hand on Amber's shoulder as he tilts his head towards her.

El Califa: You have learned well enough so far Amber Warren. Grand Mystique is a destructive force, but he has never faced the Wrath of the Dragon that we will bring down upon him and David Whitman. Now tell me, what is Grand Mystique's weakness? What do you know about The Sacrifical Altar?

Amber blinks a few times as she tries to recall what she had studied. She shrugged her shoulders before speaking.

Amber: Mind games. Outnumbering their opponents. Sneak attacks. They put Mikey and James through hell. They always try to have the numbers advantage and it's worked in their favor.

El Califa: Good. And what do we have as an advantage against them?

Amber: They don't know about you, and we'll fly higher and faster than them!

El Califa: Grand Mystique will be gloating about his victory at Kingdom Come. We will pick them off while their focus is off. With the other two DC and Mason Westhoff contending in the tournament, we will not be at the numbers disadvantage. We're going to hit them hard and fast Amber Warren, and we will end up victorious!

El Califa pats her on the shoulder and walks past the two before whistling loudly towards the others in the gym.

El Califa: El gimnasio está cerrando! El Califa le recibirá todas las seis de la mañana en punto! (The gym is closing! El Califa will see you all at six in the morning sharp!)

As the clanging of steel intermixes with the slowing down of feet pounding the concrete, El Califa turns towards Nate and Amber and nods his head.

El Califa: That goes for you two as well. El Califa expects you here at six o'clock sharp! Follow me though, you will stay at El Califa's place. It is nothing fancy, but it certainly will meet all your needs.

El Calfia begins walking towards his office as the students file out of the gym. Amber looks up at Nate and smiles before a thought crosses her mind. She runs up to El Califa and grabs his arm.

Amber: Wait, Califa. If we're a tag team, what will our team name be?

El Califa ponders this for a moment before looking back to Amber and nodding his head. She had the Soul of the Dragon inside her. Her determination was equal to his when he first started. It was clear she was the right choice for what was about to come.

El Califa: Los Magnificos Dragones. The Magnificent Dragons!

Amber thinks about this for a moment before grinning and nodding her head.

Amber: I like it! So much better than all the names I came up with on the flight here. The best one I could come up with was The Livewire Dragons.

El Califa chuckles and crosses his arms as Amber laughs as well. He looks over Amber's shoulder as Nate is staring a hole through El Califa's mask.

El Califa: Amber, we must be prepared for this match against The Sacrifical Altar. El Califa is ready to do what is necessary to gain victory. Alongside you, he is ready to show Grand Mystique who the best masked wrestler in WZCW is. He must know that you are ready to show the effort needed to make yourself the absolute best. El Califa will not take it easy on you, he expects you to follow his instructions during training. El Califa has ensured that we have enough time to hone your skills to perfection. Are you ready?

Amber: I'm more than ready, let's do this Califa!

She holds her hand up for a high five and El Califa tilts his head for a moment before slapping hands with her. He motions for her to rejoin her brother as he walks back towards his office to close up. As he enters he grabs his bag and looks towards the wall at a picture, one of El Califa and his younger sister. He runs a hand along the picture before speaking out loud to himself.

El Califa: Shaylina, I hope you are proud of me. A new journey has come, only this time I will not travel it alone.

He stares at the picture for one more moment before hitting the light switch, and the feed goes completely black before fading out.

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