Redemption: Los Magnificos Dragones vs. The Sacrificial Altar

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the Frog

(Amber Warren & El Califa Dragon) vs. (Grand Mystique & Mason Westhoff)

Recently debuting tag team, known as the Magnificent Dragons, have exploded onto the tag team scene, not missing a victory ever since their inception. Amber Warren has developed a long-lasting winning streak and doesn't appear to see any signs of slowing down, especially with El Califa as her mentor.

However, it seems recent competition has caught themselves up in the mix of the Sacrificial Altar where Amber Warren & El Califa were assaulted by David Whitman, following his loss at Ascension against the aforementioned female competitor. Wanting revenge, Warren & Califa will team up to take on the two other remaining members of the Sacrificial Altar, the Grand Mystique & Mason Westhoff, in tag team action.

Deadline is Wednesday (October 2, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. Extensions available upon request.
“Dom, I need this gig. The work has dried up!” We see Austin Reynolds pacing up and down inside a deserted waiting room. Behind him we see a door with CASTING written across it. Austin is anxious and impatient as he stomps across the floor. “Get me something else OK. Just in case.”

Austin slams his phone down to the chair and ruffles his hair as he curses his luck. A large man wearing a cowboy hat and untidy clothes shuffles in and disturbs his thoughts. The room is quiet. Austin glances at the man with great unease.

“Life rarely goes as planned does it? No matter what you do, who you tread on or kick to the curb, you can’t guarantee successes.” Austin makes a hmph type noise, barely a grunt or a snort, just enough to register an acknowledgement. “You sacrifice everything and lose it to someone who just decided that he wanted it so that no one else could have it.”

Austin looks up, mystified at the man who looks more like a hobo than someone who would fit in at a place like this. He gives up and slides back into the chair, looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly the room transforms from a bright and airy space into a dark dungeon. The room is immediately claustrophobic and tight. Front and centre, is Austin Reynolds now trapped; paralysed and splayed out as if a tribute. He is familiar but barely recognisable as he is covered with scruffy facial hair and a podgy belly.

“This is on you Austin. Everything you had, you stole from others. All your opportunities, your victories, your legend is all based on a lie. Worst of all, you stole it from your own flesh and blood and then hid it from the world. Your success is the biggest lie in WZCW history and you’re a bigger fraud than all of them combined.” Austin tries to speak but no sounds leave his mouth. He is barely able to move his body in protest. “I see your face on every victim that the Sacrificial Altar claims. You are the sins that we aim to destroy. Now is your time to look into the mouth of the dragon and witness the wrath that will be brought upon what is left standing.”


Years before....

A much younger Austin Reynolds is sat in front of Chuck Myles and an older gentleman in a small office.

“So Austin, I would like to offer you and your brother a contract to wrestle for WZCW. We see you as a true double act, your speed combined with his size and power, you’re stars in the making.”

Austin wrinkles his nose. “Honestly...I don’t see it.” The older gentleman sits up to attention at the sheer audacity of the youngster. “Austin! Don't be an idiot! Mr Myles, the kid doesn’t know what he is talking about. Let’s get his brother in here to talk it over.”

“No boss! Chill out!” Reynolds addresses Myles once more. “Look Chucky, I guarantee you that if you bring him in then you will hold me down. I am the money guy; I am the one you can go to, to make others look good, the one who can become a star if you need it. And I’ll tell you one thing, I don’t need him.”

Myles looks at him bemused. “Wow, I’ve not seen anyone turn on their brother quite so quick.”

Austin sits back, totally impressed with himself. “What can I tell you chief? He’s fat, slow and adopted.”

“You know what, I don’t need the sibling issues. You’re hired. We’ll think about coming back for your brother, sometime in the future.”

Austin simply smiles his instant million peso smile. “I guess, if it’s meant to be.”


We return to the darkened room. The Grand Mystique stalks Austin and never lets the prone former star out of his gaze. He bends down, eye to eye with his sibling as he growls. “What’s left for you Austin is to live out your miserable life knowing that you can’t change a thing. You had your moment. Your decisions need to stand but they are crushed beneath the weight of your ego. The ego is what you the same as every other WZCW superstar, it drags you down beneath the weight of your sins. We are superior because we have nothing to weigh us down.”

“I’m glad that I played the ultimate role in the end of your career because you are the biggest disappointment WZCW have ever seen. I might have been able to respect you if you had kept some degree of principle but now I can barely stomach looking at you.” The tone of satisfaction in his voice is clear. The masked villain is clearly revelling in his superiority. “Destiny came back to bite just like I knew it would and it has been a pleasure to watch the downfall of this great man who has amounted to less than nothing.”

With those words the surrounding transform once more. Suddenly the room is more open. It is quickly recognisable as the Bridge to Salvation Church in Texarkana or at least the skeleton of it as it mostly resembles a building site but the space is familiar. In the middle of the room, is the Grand Mystique in the same position that we saw Austin in a few seconds before but he is barely visible in the near-darkness of the building, only the moonlight is seeping through the partly built roof. He struggles as he can barely mouth the words:
“What we have built was ready to take over the company and what are we reduced to? The Sacrificial Altar came from the ashes of this very building, we broke superstars, we rewrote the legends that run around this place and we destroyed champions. We have destroyed the warriors who tried to defend the kingdom and where is our redemption?”

Suddenly the trapping paralysis is lifted and the Grand Mystique is able to bring himself to an upright position. When he stands upright, his mask catches the light, sparking up in his eyes. “It matters not who the victims are; they are lined up and will suffer like every soul that thinks they can escape the ritual of sacrifice. The very concept of sacrifice is unavoidable as is the darkness that The Sacrifical Altar will bring about. That is destiny.”

In another instant, we are in the church that is all but finished. Standing next to the Grand Mystique is his lieutenant Mason Westhoff.

“Together, we are unbeatable. We have faced the best and they have fallen. When the Sacrificial Altar are united, completed.... its’ magnificence is unparalleled.”
The cameras come up and immediately open up to a locker room backstage. As the cameras zoom out, we see Amber Warren, dressed in some denim shorts and a black t-shirt that says Los Magnificos Dragones on it along with herself and El Califa plastered on the image. Amber is getting ready to leave as she zips up her Nike gym bag and places it on her shoulder. She exits her locker room and the cameras follow her. With a smile on her face, the cameras continue following the young dragon.

Amber: I just picked up the biggest victory in my WZCW career. I’m not sure how I feel about it. It feels good that I won and it feels good that my partner won in his match too. So this is what success feels like. Boy, is it a good feeling.

While walking through the backstage corridors, Amber hi-fives the backstage crew who are heard congratulating her on her win. As she approaches the parking lot, she re-adjusts her gym bag on her shoulder, getting a good grip on it.

Amber: This is just the beginning. This is just the beginning for Amber Warren. Soon, everyone will see just how hard I’ve worked, the struggles I’ve gone through to get to this point.

Amber finally reaches her destination in the parking lot. She takes out her car keys from her back pocket and begins rifling through her big bundle of keys and other knick knacks before finding the buzzer which opens her car. Her suave gray colored Mazda CX-5 lets out a hearty beep, opening the door locks. Amber opens the door and pulls the button to open the trunk. She puts her stuff in the spacious trunk of her CX-5 but instead of closing it, she jumps onto the trunk and just sits there. She then notices that her shoelaces are untied and lifts her right leg to tie her right shoe. As she ties her shoelace in a knot, she hears some footsteps and immediately looks up to spot her tag team partner, El Califa Dragon. El Califa is dressed in some dark jeans and the same shirt that Amber is wearing, approaching her as they prepare to exit the arena.

Amber: Ah El Califa, there you are. I see you got the new shirts, don’t they look good? What took you so long to get here?

El Califa: El Califa apologizes. He was just getting some stuff ready for our next training session. And yes, this t-shirt is among the best I’ve ever seen myself on. El Califa will wear it with pride. But enough of that, have you heard?

Amber looks at El Califa with one eyebrow raised, pondering what El Califa knows and what she doesn’t.

El Califa: Ah well then this should be some good news El Califa thinks. El Califa has just received word from the higher ups that at the Redemption pay-per-view, it’ll be Los Magnificos Dragones vs. The Sacrifical Alter members, Grand Mystique and Mason Westhoff.

Amber: What, really? Awesome! We’ve been getting the better of The Sacrificial Altar and I don’t see us slowing down, right partner?

El Califa is silent for a bit, seeing the excitement in Amber Warren’s eyes. He begins nodding his head at the direction of his partner as he puts his hand on her shoulder.

El Califa: You know what Amber, El Califa is thankful he has you as a tag team partner. El Califa knew he made a good decision in making you his partner. As a team, Los Magnificos Dragones have been hitting our strides and you have been learning quickly all the things that El Califa has taught you. El Califa will not be surprised if Los Magnificos Dragones holds the tag team titles soon.

A smile creeps up on Amber’s face, grinning from ear to ear. She hops off the trunk so that El Califa can put his bags in the back. She motions with her hands that El Califa can now put away his bags which El Califa does so. El Califa then grabs the top of the trunk and slams it down, closing the trunk. The partners then share a nod before Amber walks to the driver’s seat and El Califa walks to the passenger seat.

Just then, it goes all hazy, the pain is excruciating. What was going on? Suddenly, my back begins to hurt like hell. My legs are being stomped on, ahh the pain. I open my eyes and I see that there’s just one of them, maybe I can fight him off. But wait, if there’s just one of them, surely El Califa wouldn’t be getting attacked right now and he’d help me. No wait, there’s two of them, maybe even three, I don’t know. I have to go help El Califa, ouch! My ribs are throbbing, ouch. Eww, that was disgusting. I’m spitting out my own blood. I think I know who’s attacking us but I can’t bring myself to open my eyes. All I can do is groan at the pain and hold the areas that are hurting. Hmm, so this is how the floor tastes like. Oh what the hell am I thinking about right now? I’m fading.....fading.....fading to black.....


Fast-forward a couple days, the cameras open to a familiar scene inside of El Califa’s villa. The villa seems lifeless as there is no activity going on. However, the bright colors of beige and the green plants that are in the villa give it that elegant feeling. The cameras pan around the house seeing many images of Mexican wrestling legends plastered on the walls along with some decorative figurines that dazzle this fine afternoon.

The shot arrives at the kitchen where we see Amber Warren holding onto her ribs, clearly still bothered by that sneak attack that occurred at Ascension. She slowly makes her way to the kitchen, breathing heavily with every step. Before reaching the kitchen, she sees El Califa limping his way to the kitchen as well from his room. The two partners see each other, disappointed and frustrated at the injuries they have just days before their big Redemption match. We see that Califa isn’t doing any better as his limp seems to be getting worse than before.

The struggle is clear in Amber’s walk but she powers through every step and finally reaches the refrigerator. She opens the refrigerator door and scans the contents of it. Before long, she grabs the carton of milk along with a small glass to pour it in. Without closing the refrigerator door, she pours milk into the glass and gulps down all in one go. The young dragon is not satisfied with just one glass so she pours herself another glass which empties the carton of milk.

On the other hand, El Califa approaches the counter looking to get some fruit to which he does. The fruit basket had a myriad of fruits available such as apples, oranges, grapes, pears, and many more. The masked luchador decides to go with a bright red, juicy apple. He limps to the faucet and gives the apple a wash before making his way to the living room as well.

Nate: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you guys doing? You should be getting some rest.

Nate comes from his room and immediately spots Amber and El Califa. He quickly goes over to each one and takes the glass of milk and apple that both Amber and El Califa were holding. He places them on the coffee table in the living room before going to his sister. Since she’s closes to the couch, Nate helps walk her there and places her gently on the couch. He then goes to El Califa and aids him to sit on the same couch as Amber.

Nate: Now, the medical staff in WZCW said you guys should be getting some rest and that maybe it isn’t a good idea to pull through with the match with The Sacrificial Altar at Redemption.

Amber: Are you kidding me right now Nate? Of course the match will push through me and El Califa will be ready by then.

With a concerned look on his face, Nate sits between the two partners on the couch. Clearly concerned that they may be too hurt to wrestle, Nate continues on his tirade.

Nate: You don’t know that Amber. Just look at yourselves. You have a little over a week until your match with Grand Mystique and Mason Westhoff and you guys can’t even move. It’s no secret that it was The Sacrificial Altar who jumped you guys in the parking lot, but we have no proof of that. Plus, you guys have really made them angry, now tell me, do you guys really think you’re in a condition to fight against those savages?

El Califa: Nate, El Califa appreciates the concern you have but not wrestling this match would be a crime. Yes, it’s not certain that The Sacrificial Altar were the ones responsible for this attack, but who else would’ve done this?

Amber: He’s right Nate. Look, I know you’re concerned and you have every right to be worried but c’mon, this won’t be the last hurdle that Los Magnificos Dragones go through. In fact, this may be the very first one and it’s an important one. We’ll bounce back from this don’t you worry. And like you said, we have over a week to prepare, that’s plenty of time!

El Califa nods his head in approval at the zeal Amber has just shown. The partners look at each other with Nate still between them as they share a fist bump.

Amber: Hey El Califa, what do you say we hit the gym tomorrow? I gotta get in that ring, if I don’t, I don’t know what I’ll do. I already miss being in the ring. It’s my place of tranquility.

Nate: Oh no you don’t. Your ribs are still swollen after that beat down and you want to get in the ring already? I don’t know Amber, sounds pretty stupid to me.

Amber: Well hey, it may be stupid to you, but this isn’t the first time I’ll be training hurt and I know you know that. You of all people should know that I fight through the pain Nate.

El Califa: Amber, Nate’s right.

Amber immediately looks over at El Califa and Nate does the same thing, shocked that El Califa has agreed with him for once.

El Califa: He’s right that we are not well right now which is why El Califa suggests we take the next two days off and after that, Los Magnificos Dragones will be back in the gym, doing what we do best. Nate, El Califa knows you’re going to disagree with this, but you can’t stop the fire, the drive, the desire that El Califa and Amber has. So either you help us get ready for our match at Redemption or shut up and stay here because El Califa is angry. You won’t like it when El Califa is angry, El Califa can guarantees you that.

Amber and Nate look dumbfounded after what El Califa just said but they know he means business. Nate scoffs at El Califa, not liking the way El Califa just talked to him right now but not being entirely mad since Nate knows what this means to both Amber and El Califa.

Nate: Fine, do what you want. But guys, c’mon. Be careful. If you need anything, just let me know, hell, I’m angry that The Sacrificial Altar did this to you but what can we do? Only one way to shut them up now.

Amber: That’s right! The Sacrificial Altar made a big mistake jumping us from behind. Cowards, that’s what they are. But I’m kind of glad that they did what they did, they just lit a fire under us and well, they better bring their A-game at Redemption because anything less and Los Magnificos Dragones will get this win. We’ll show them that you don’t mess with a dragon.

With that, the next few days will be all about work as the Dragons will embark to pay The Sacrificial Altar back for what they’ve done, the fire in the eyes of the Dragons as clear as day.
Note: Ty's not sure when he'll get home so I got permission from creative to post his RP for him. Thanks JGlass!

El Califa: A few days have passed, the pain still lingers slightly but El Cailfa has gone through far worse in his career. He was healing nicely and would be prepared for Redemption. Amber Warren's ribs had healed as well, much faster than El Califa would have, but she was young and could take a thrashing like that before bouncing back quickly. The same right knee, of course they targeted him there. They wanted to end El Califa's career, but they forget the resilience of the Dragons! Amber was eager to get back to the gym, being stuck in the villa was not what she had in mind, but El Califa knew better. He is back to near full strength, and with Amber ready to prove herself, it was time for El Califa to test her before our biggest battle since forming Los Magnificos Dragones. El Califa shall see if she is ready to truly become a Dragon.

The scene opens to El Califa lacing his boots up in his gym, a few of his students had come in for extra workouts, however the gym was far quieter than usual, though it seemed he enjoyed the serene quiet aside from the random clanging of equipment. Placing his right leg up onto the apron of the four sided ring, he stretches it deeply, placing his head to his knee before dropping his leg to the ground. Amber comes walking out from the locker room in her usual work out attire, a bottle of water in hand. Califa looks up and nods his head to his mentee.

El Califa: Amber Warren. How are your ribs?

Amber: They're fine Califa. Nothing a few days of rest didn't fix up.

El Califa: El Califa wants you to tape them still. They may not hurt today, but we want to ensure no risks are taken.

Amber: I'm fine Califa, they weren't broken or anything.

Califa shakes his head and kneels down to his gym bag, grabbing a roll of tape before motioning for Amber to turn around. Amber sighs and does as he asks, and soon Califa begins wrapping the tape around her midsection.

El Califa: Where has Nate gone to? El Califa expected to see him here today. By the way he has been acting El Califa assumed he would hold the ropes for us.

Amber: He left this morning to head home for a little while. Says he had some things to take care of in Vegas. Ow!

Califa suddenly pulls the tape tight and secures it properly, causing Amber to wince in slight pain. Califa chuckles as he tosses the tape to the side before sliding into the ring. He runs the ropes for a bit before doing a few flips off of the ropes, testing his knee out properly. He motions for Amber to enter the ring.

El Califa: Come, it is time for us to begin.

Amber climbs onto the apron and flips over into the ring, and the two circle each other in the center of the ring, both taking their respective boxing stances.

Amber: What are we working on today? Should we grab Demon and Boulder to mimic TSA again?

Amber motions to the two larger luchadores off in the weightlifting area, two large bruisers who certainly don't look like high flyers. El Califa looks towards the two before shaking his head.

El Califa: No, Los Magnificos Dragones has already defeated the real thing, we do not need to face puppets anymore. Today, you face me.

Amber's smile disappears as a serious look forms on her face as Califa stops bouncing back and forth and stares down his partner.

El Califa: Para ser socio de El Califa, debe demostrar que lo entiende mejor que lo hace a sí mismo! (To be El Califa's partner, you must show that you understand him better then he does himself!)

With that Califa rushes towards Amber and backs her into the corner. Califa immediately goes for his Violent Flurry sequence, but Amber covers up well before rolling out of the way. Califa goes for his roundhouse kick but it's blocked and Amber counters with a well placed kick of her own. Califa stumbles back but doesn't let up, throwing blinding fast punches and kicks of his own, connecting finally with a knee to the upper stomach. Amber yelps in pain as she holds her midsection, leaning against the ropes.

El Califa: You said your ribs are fine Amber Warren. TSA will test this weakness at Redemption!

Amber breathes heavily as she tries to regain her senses. Califa doesn't allow it as he pulls her from the ropes and tosses her into the corner. This time the Violent Flurry is successful, only instead of a roundhouse to the head he delivers another shot to the midsection. She drops to the ground and soon a gathering has formed from the few students in the gym around the ring. There are no cheers or hollering though, they watch with an intense focus, knowing the importance of this duel. Califa stands over Amber, who pulls herself up by Califa's tights. Califa suddenly whips her across the ring and delivers a leg lariat, dropping Amber straight to the mat. Califa rolls over to the corner and hops up to the top rope, delivering a picture perfect moonsault but Amber gets her knees up, sending Califa over across the ring. She struggles to her feet but connects with a spinning heel kick, dropping her mentor to his knees before a quick enziguri knocks him down as well. She springs up to the top turnbuckle herself now, flying off and connecting with a headscissors take down. Califa flies across the ring and slides to the outside. Amber looks pumped as she lifts her arm up before bouncing off the ropes and going for a tope suicidia to the outside. However as soon as she gets to the ropes Califa stops her momentum dead with a well timed jumping roundhouse, knocking her back with force.

El Califa: Too predictable Amber Warren! El Califa knew what was coming before sliding out of the ring. Forget every pattern you know. Flow like water, do not let your opponent seize upon your tendencies!

Califa slides in as Amber reaches her feet again. and the two Dragons stare each other down. Califa crosses his arms as Amber grits her teeth, letting her frustration get the best of her. She rushes at Califa and begins throwing punches but Califa deftly moves his head back and forth, dodging each attempted strike with ease. Califa ducks under one move and runs to the ropes. He bounces off and goes for Rolling Fire but Amber suddenly moves out of the way! Califa crashes into the corner, his right knee hitting the turnbuckle hard. He grasps his knee in pain while sitting up in the corner but Amber doesn't wait, hitting a low dropkick and sending Califa's head back. Amber backs up and motions for Califa to stand up. He struggles to his feet but as Amber rushes forward he moves and lifts her straight up. Amber pushes off of Califa's shoulders and lands on the top rope. Califa turns around as Amber moonsaults off the top rope, her legs wrapping around Califa's neck and sending him down before locking in The Livewire Stretch! The students around the ring buzz loudly as Califa is trapped in the submission hold, looking for a way out. He looks up at Amber and nods his head before tapping once on the mat. As soon as he does however he rolls over and bends his arm, slipping smoothly out of the hold and helping Amber Warren up, who is grinning from ear to ear.

El Califa: You have done well Amber Warren. You did not allow your frustrations to cloud your judgement, and you caught El Califa off guard. You improvised right when you should have. El Califa has something for you, wait here one moment.

Califa drops down and rolls out of the ring, making his way to the office off in the corner. Amber crouches down and holds her midsection but not before slapping hands with a few of the students at ringside. Soon El Califa emerges from his office, now donning his signature robe with his hands behind his back. He walks to the ring and climbs the apron, keeping one arm behind him as Amber stands straight and tall, beaming proudly. Califa pulls the hood away from his head and nods to his pupil.

El Califa: Amber Warren. You have proven to El Califa that you are no longer my student, you have become my equal as a Dragon. In the tradition of my gym, El Califa presents to you, your first mask.

Califa pulls his hand forward and presents the mask, a plain black and white mask, similar to the one Califa himselfs wears though not nearly as ornate. Amber reaches out and takes it, running her hand along the designs before smiling wide and hugging Califa tightly.

Amber: I don't know what to say Califa, thank you!

El Califa: It is El Califa's honor to be your partner Amber Warren. And together we will take down The Sacrificial Altar at Redemption.

The students finally break their silence and begin cheering as Amber pulls away from El Califa, staring down at the mask for a long time as Califa steps back and claps his hands. Amber suddenly looks up at Califa with a determined look on her face.

Amber: Califa, I accept the mask, but I am not worthy of wearing it yet.

Califa tilts his head slightly as the students quiet down. He crosses his arms and tilts his head back up.

El Califa: What do you mean Amber Warren?

Amber: We haven't accomplished our goal yet of being Tag Team Champions. I don't wanna dishonor this gift you have given me Califa, so please take care of it until I am ready to wear the mask and honor what it represents.

She walks to Califa and gently places the mask in his hands. Califa looks down at the mask then back to Amber Warren and nods his head with resolve.

El Califa: Of course Amber, El Califa will be happy to hold onto the mask until you are ready. But his statement still stands, you are his equal and as such he has new responsibilities for you.

Amber: Responsibilities? Like what?

Califa motions to the students standing around the ring, their eyes and focus squarely on Amber. Amber looks around, suddenly unsure of what is going on.

El Califa: They are El Califa's students. They are also yours as well Amber Warren. From here on out, we are partners not only in WZCW, but we are partners here at this gym. El Califa will not pretend that his gym makes him a fortune, but whatever profits he makes, will be split evenly with you.

Before Amber can even respond the students begin chanting in unison.

Students: Maestro Warren! Maestro Warren! Maestro Warren!

They all suddenly slide into the ring and one by one they bow to Amber, who still looks slightly confused and a little freaked out but soon accepts the situation. She smiles as she runs over to the corner and hops up onto the turnbuckle and raises her arm into the air.

Amber: To Los Magnificos Dragones!

Students: Los Magnificos Dragones!

The students lift her onto their shoulders and parade around the ring as Califa leans back into the corner with his arms crossed, watching silently as Amber enjoys her moment. The scene fades away to later on that night, with Amber and El Califa sitting on the roof of the gym, staring out at the city lights.

El Califa: The Sacrificial Altar will not fight us without a plan Amber. Just because Chuck Myles told them it's 2 on 2, El Califa knows they have something up their sleeve.

Amber lowers her head a bit before reaching over and patting Califa on the shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face.

Amber: And we will prevail over anything they throw at us Califa. After all we're Dragons, and Dragons show no fear.

Califa nods his head in response, his arms crossing as he looks out at the sky once more. Amber suddenly yawns and leans her head in against Califa's shoulder, who puts his arm around her as she closes her eyes.

El Califa: El Califa believes you should get some rest Amber Warren.

Amber yawns again as if in agreement before responding.

Amber: I should, but just staring out at the city lights reminds me of home.

El Califa: El Califa concurs. However, we must fly out for Redemption tomorrow, El Califa is sure they'll have us running to every promotional spot they can.

Amber: I suppose you're right, but let's just enjoy the lights for just a little longer.

Califa nods his head and the two go silent for several moments, each just watching the hustle and bustle of Culiacan take place before their eyes. For though Culiacan had a dark shadowy part, it was always the lights that hung above the streets that dispersed those shadows. Just like Los Magnificos Dragones would bring light to those cowering in darkness, just like they would shatter Grand Mystique's own world. They would be triumphant and it would be glorious. No....

El Califa: It will be magnificent!

The scene fades to black.
Together, we are unbeatable. We have faced the best and they have fallen. When The Sacrificial Altar are united, completed.... its’ magnificence is unparalleled.

The words of The Grand Mystique echoed throughout the mostly finished church while Brother Mason Westhoff seems unable to stop scanning every nook and cranny of the space.

I still am in awe of all of this.

Brother Westhoff was partially referring to the new home of his ministry, but mostly, he was speaking of his time in WZCW thus far. The New Church, The Sacrificial Altar, Bridge to Salvation, this new building, Steamboat Ricky, Strikeforce, Saxoteur, Drake, the Dragons; all in one year. He accomplished more than most expected, but not as much as he wanted. True to his nature, however, Brother Westhoff is already looking forward to the next year and what it will hold for him.

I’ve come to believe everything is cyclical, and building this church only reinforced that notion. Despite many years passing since Bridge to Salvation was built, many of the issues I’ve come across in building the new church were the same. Every beginning is just the beginning to and end just as every ending is the last step before a new beginning. Most people are either unable to see the cycles or never allow them to be completed. The hardest part of ending is starting again.

Brother Westhoff snaps out of the nearly hypnotic trance he’s in and begins speaking directly to Mystique.

Sorry about the reminiscing, I’ve been feeling oddly reflective lately. Let’s talk about Califa and Warren.

That’s quite alright. We’ve seen how good Califa can be in person now and Warren stole a victory from Whitman.

I think we need to single out Warren. Califa is more dangerous, but, if nothing else, it’ll be easier to keep the smaller person from flying around.

I was thinking the same.

The two men look at each other, unable to admit what they both knew to be true. The scene fades out.


The scene comes back to Brother Westhoff sitting alone at the front of the church; the only light coming from a couple lit candles.

Redemption marks the completion of my first year in WZCW. An occasion worth a celebration, certainly, and I’m sure Califa and Warren will be most capable dance partners.

Year 1 had its ups and downs. Strikeforce and Steamboat Ricky, among others, were destroyed, while Bridge to Salvation Church and Derek Jacobs were lost. It is time now to focus on Year 2. A year in which Brother Mason Westhoff becomes the unstoppable force he is capable of being and finally brings gold to the altar of The Almighty.

I’m proud of what I accomplished thus far but at Redemption, it is time to show everyone what Brother Mason Westhoff is truly capable of. That will be the first day of the rest of my career. May The Almighty have mercy on all of you.

The scene fades to black.
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