MD 91: Titus vs. Grand Mystique

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the Frog
A familiar match comes to us from a few weeks ago as the biggest fan favourite and superhero of WZCW Titus takes on the leader of the sacrificial Altar and super villain of WZCW Grand Mystique in singles action despite neither having any real hatred for each other like Chris K.O and Mikey Stormrage have, respectively. Hopefully, this match goes off without a hitch and possible interferences stay away to see a clean finish to allow one men to gain some credible momentum as they get closer to the biggest event in WZCW history.

Deadline is Wednesday, June 26th 2013, at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time Zone) Soft Extensions Only.

The programme is TMZ TV and we have four presenters stood. Well three stood and one sat down. Harvey Levin is stood holding a big drinks container, Kelly Berning is sat playing with her hair and also with us are the wonderful Max Hodges and Shevonne Sullivan.

Harvey: Welcome to TMZ TV, I'm Harvey Levin and today we're looking at one of the hottest celebrities on the planet. I'm not talking about baby South East or Paula Deen. We're talking about Titus Avison. I set the team with the challenge of getting an exclusive on the four time Oscar winner turned wrestler. Shevonne what do you have?

Harvey turns to her and she has a grin on her face.

Shevonne: Well I managed to catch him coming out of a restaurant, he had this to say.

The screen cuts to your typical TMZ video capture, it has the TMZ logo in the bottom left hand corner it's slightly dark and a few paparazzi are about.

Shevonne: Titus! Titus!

Titus stops and looks at the camera, he shakes Shevonne's hand.

Titus: Miss Sullivan, how are you today?

Shevonne: I'm fine, yourself?

Titus: Couldn't be happier. I assume you're after a worldwide exclusive for TMZ?

Shevonne giggles in a flirty way.

Shevonne: You're always nice to us, unlike most people.

Titus: Hey, you're just doing your job. Besides you're not the first to speak to me this week. I've spoken to Max as well.

Shevonne: Max?

The video cuts back to the studio where Max is laughing as Shevonne and Kelly give him a dirty look. Harvey looks pleased with himself, the video cuts back to Titus.

Titus: Yeah he was asking me about wrestling.

Shevonne: Well I won't ask about that. You seem to have been enjoying yourself the last few weeks. What's the best and worst thing about fame?

Titus: Fame's an odd thing. There are different levels of fame. For example you're famous enough to the point that there's some British guy who loves writing fake wrestling stories who knows who you are. Would you get mobbed in the street? Course not.

Shevonne: I guess I never thought of it like that.

Titus: Ultimately the best thing is the people. I love being stopped in the street and being told how I changed some ones life. I remember just last week a 15 year old kid approached me in the street and said “Hey Titus, you visited me when I was 10 in hospital and had cancer. I pulled through and now I'm a Grade-A student”.

Titus pauses.

Shevonne: Pulls at the heart strings.

Titus: Indeed it does, if a man from a council estate in England can have an impact on a 15 year old kid in Boston, then anything is possible. Though it does have its disadvantages. I miss things like being able to wander round a shop and decide what I want to buy without any extra helpfulness. That's why I love Keystone City, it lets me do normal things. Like I said though, being famous does have its perks.

Shevonne: Oh yes, the perks. Any truth to the rumour that you're dating actress Emma Rock?

Titus chuckles out loud.

Titus: A gentleman never tells.

Titus winks at Shevonne as the video now cuts back to the studio. Kelly gives an 'oooo' noise.

Harvey: Well done Shevonne. We know what you have Max so lets see what Kelly has. Kelly?

Kelly adjusts her glasses and leans forward whilst brushing her hands through her hair.

Kelly: Thanks Harvey. I was able to speak to my friend Carly at Celeb News Now who has allowed us to show this exclusive clip.

Max: Exclusive? How is that an exclusive?

Harvey: Good point Max, and whilst we're on it since when has she been your friend?

Kelly takes her glasses off in anger.

Kelly: She's been my friend for years and it's an exclusive because the full interview hasn't aired yet. We're the first to show this clip therefore it's an exclusive. Remember though this was shot before he made his return to WZCW.

She sits back in her chair as the other three laugh. The video then cuts to a talk show studio where Titus is sat on a couch and host Carly is behind a desk. It cuts to Titus mid chuckle.

Titus: Megan Sly? A gentleman never tells.

Carly: Moving on from that, you're out for a while wrestling wise. What are you planning on doing?

Titus: Free time?

Titus looks rather perplexed at this.

Titus: I never thought of it like that. I've been home briefly to see my parents, sisters and nephews but I'm back in L.A. now. I'm just enjoying myself, making the most of the glitz and glam. That and just relaxing a bit back in Keystone. Oh I'm also working on getting medically clear.

Carly: To return? Why? You've achieved everything you've wanted to achieve in that avenue surely?

Titus: Have I?

Carly pulls out a piece of paper and reads it closely.

Carly: It says here you are one of five people to win the Lethal Lottery. You're a former Elite X champion and it says you've held the World Championship...

Titus: Twice.

Carly: ...Twice!

Titus: There's still plenty to go on. I've haven't won King for a Day. I still need to prove something to Chris K.O. Consistency eludes me and I've never held the EurAsian championship. I still have a lot of ammunition left.

Carly: I suppose you have. What about your acting career?

Titus: If Oscars are all an actor should strive for then we would never have had Leonardo DiCaprio!

Carly laughs as it cuts back to the studio. Harvey is drinking from his large drink and stops.

Harvey: Nice find Kelly.

Kelly delivers a smug grin.

Kelly: Thanks Harvey. Shall we see what Max has got then?

Harvey: Yeah Max, what do you have?

Max: Thanks Harvey. Well as you know, I'm a huge wrestling fan and have been since I was a kid. I was able to catch an interview with Titus.

The camera cuts to Titus and Max sat in a bar.

Max: Oh come on man, the camera's not even on. You and Jessica Scotland, that true? You can tell me all.

Titus: Dude. You work for TMZ! I can see the camera light is on and...a gentleman never tells.

The camera cuts back to the studio as the girls throw stuff at Max, Harvey takes a sip of his drink. Back to the bar and Titus is looking at Max.

Titus: You seem quite nervous.

Max: Well it's not every day you get to interview a star...

Titus: You do. That's your job, interviewing stars every day!

Max: I was going to say who you admire.

Back in the studio.

Harvey: Good save.

Max: Thanks.

Back to the bar.

Max: I mean there's only so many Octomoms and Farrah Abrahams you can interview before you get a bit down. You're Titus Avison, you're the man who once destroyed Carmen Bratchny in a cage match. You're the man who took Everest to the limit and conquered him. No one can say a bad thing about you.

Titus: Thanks, it's appreciated.

Max: So you made your much anticipated return to the ring last week, and you lost. What are your thoughts on that?

Titus: My thoughts? My thoughts are that I was stopped a victory by a belt to the head by the man who I will not discuss today. My thoughts are that I took the Lethal Lottery winner to the edge. My thoughts are that I let the world know that Titus Avison is back in the ring and he still has a ton of fight. Drake deserved the win, however so congratulations to him.

Max: Indeed he does. Kingdom Come is coming very quickly and everyone wants to know how you will cope with K.O.

Titus: As I said, I won't be discussing my Kingdom Come opponent until the time is right.

Max: Meltdown 91, and you're facing Grand Mystique.

Titus: Think about that, 91 Meltdowns. Crazy, I remember my first show and getting destroyed in a 6 man tag match. It was Meltdown 1. Bonus points if you can tell me my partners?

Max shakes his head.

Max: Not a clue bro.

Titus: 'The Paramount' Joe T.

Max: Yeah I honestly can't remember him, sorry.

Titus: The other man is called D.C.

Max: Which means...

Titus: Yes, he's part of the sacrificial altar which is lead by GM who is my opponent this week. What does this mean? A lot, there's the potential that anything can happen. D.C. could turn up with Westhoff. You could then have Jacobs turn up and that's not including Stormrage or my opponent at Kingdom Come. You have that potential for interference and all I want to do is fight in the ring against Grand Mystique. Is that too much to ask?

Titus bangs his fist in mild frustration.

Titus: I'm sorry. It's just hard to keep focus. Here's a man who is opposite to me in every-way. He has that blue/black mask, I wore Red. I stood for truth and justice yet he is the universal evil. Everyone knew that Keystone City, Kansas was my town yet no one knows where he's from. He moves left, I move right. I'm a shorter faster man, he's a larger more powerful one. He rules the roost of his coup yet I generally do it alone. This may seem like a thrown together match that no one really cares about but to me it means a lot.

Titus sighs.

Titus: The man who leads a group that has someone I first teamed with? The man who embodies everything I'm not? We're fighting this week on Meltdown and the focus is on Chris K.O? Not at all, this week I shall take on The Grand Mystique and good will once again prevail over evil.

Max: Sounds exciting.

Titus: I've a question for you. Random I know but I want to see which of us has the longest hair.

Max: I bet I do.

Both men undo their ponytails.

Max: Seems like I'm the winner.

Back in the studio and Harvey is finishing off another drink.

Harvey: Great work guys. I'm proud of you all.

Shevonne: Did you get anything at all?

Harvey: No, I didn't even try because I knew you would all come up trumps?

Shevonne: Ah sweet.

The screen cuts to another TMZ video, logo in the bottom and Titus is walking along.

Harvey: Hey Titus are the rumour of you and...

Titus: A gentleman never tells.

Titus turns to Harvey.

Titus: Out of curiosity who?

Harvey: Cameron.

Titus: Which one?

Harvey: Dagger.

Titus shakes his head and walks off as the screen cuts to black.
“This match happened already!”


The reluctant tag team partners DC and Mason Westhoff sits around a table in a darkened room. Their faces are barely visibly but their general dissatisfaction is clear.

“This match happened a couple of months ago and he beat him; comfortably actually. Titus got injured at All or Nothing and left.”

“So are they so dry for talent that they had to pull the crock in off the sidelines?”

“Titus came back because he craves the rotting stench of spotlight and celebrity. Oh and the guy who put him on the shelf happens to be the new Eurasian champion so he comfortably slots into facing KO at Kingdom Come.”

“Well....that stinks. He only came back because he got a guaranteed title shot?”

“Tsk, that wouldn’t surprise me. The lack of disrespect is astounding but His time will come. He is far too strong to be held back from His destiny.” Mason continues to treat his partner with uncertainty. “It is our duty to ensure that he achieves everything and more.”

DC sits silently and he considers more of Mason’s sickly sweet praise. He pulls out his phone, glances at it for a second and stands up. “I need to go. Gotta take care of some business...I’ll....see you later.” His distraction is clear. Mason nods and DC leaves quickly.

“So much attitude, I’ve never seen one with so much room for growth yet gives no reason to accept it.”

“Let him fight it Mason.” A voice emerges from a dark corner. “It’ll make it easier in the end.”

“I still can’t say I trust him.”

“I haven’t asked that of you. I need you to be a bastion of support, be there for him like you have been there for the Altar. He may reject it but he will need it eventually now.”

“I am amazed by your belief Sire.”

“DC will come around, he will understand shortly because he will see something very familiar treading a different path but heading in the same direction.”

Mason is quiet, no agreement or concession. The silence speaks volumes.

“Mason, it is OK to doubt me.” This catches Mason off guard. “I’m willing to prove you wrong in time.”


Four weeks ago

“David, you have to accept this.” The unmistakable growl of The Grand Mystique is heard clearly but we do not see his face. Instead the scruffy face of David Whitman is in full view.

“Except I don’t have to do I? You came to me.” The man we see look anything but a man of legendary stature but this is why The Grand Mystique is here. “I don’t expect you to understand David. There are bigger reasons at play here. Even my closest ally isn’t aware of how things will pan out.”

Whitman is completely unimpressed; bored of wondering why the man in front of him is even here. Him being unmasked, showing his face did offer some interest.


In the darkness, GM toys with his crystal ball as he considers the events of recent weeks. The orb provides a small source of light that casts shadows over around the face of the masked man.

“An army is destined to rise up in the face of oppression yet when the battle lines are drawn, their blood will be spilt. In the face of an immense power, their desperate anger and furious spirit will see them fall short of their ambition. That is their destiny.”

“The so-called heroes seek their fortunes by aspiring to be better than they are. It’s cute to see these plucky idols try their luck. Titus is the poster boy for dumb luck and a weak heart.”

His face is barely visible though the whites of his eyes are framed perfectly as they pick up the light. The voice, a familiar growl that is deliciously evil.

“I have crushed him once and it will happen again. Just like before All or Nothing, Titus will be punished for his sins of ego and greed. The man who always wants more and demands something for nothing will endure pain and suffering like few can hand out.”

“Titus feels like the richest man alive because he feels the support of the fans, their love and adulation. The sheep need a shepherd to pray for and support but they will witness massacres as their hero fails once more when they need him the most. The hero will be laid bare, with his weaknesses exposed to the world. He will then be replaced by the endless cycle of would-be legends. What will come of him then?”

Suddenly the orb begins to shine much brighter. The mask of The Grand Mystique begins to show its colours and we see the hints of the shadows in the background.

“Chris KO will defend his Eurasian title in the most shameful of circumstances because Titus will have nothing left. It will be a shell of a man who appears at Kingdom Come and KO should be grateful that Titus has been worn down to nothing twice before they have faced each other, just like Triple X was.”

“Not unlike Strikeforce and Jacobs, there will be no heart and soul left. After we maul them on the grandest stage like a pride of lions in a torturous manner, we will lay their lifeless bones on our Sacrificial Altar for the world to see.”

Mason Westhoff enters the picture with a wide beaming smile, the smile of a man who stand united, seemingly in total agreement with his comrades. Beside him is David Whitman, whose solemn features paint a very different picture.

“We need to rid WZCW of their corrupt false idols. For now, we feast on an ample starter. There are legends of this man but they mean nothing to us.”
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