Mcmahon wants more..

^Couldn't have said it better myself. I watched my Bret Hart DVD set the other day and noticed that the speed, creativity, pacing, and crispness of the average WWE match these days pales in comparison to a great majority of what was done in the past. There is a lot of fat that needs to be trimmed from the shows and only the credible workers should be given the pushes. I'm also with you on the oversaturation of the PPVs. I honestly wouldn't mind having the original circuit of WWE PPVs thrown back into play. RR, WM, KOTR, SS, S.Series. And then give ECW one of their own like Barely Legal...if they can fix that lousy show.
I agree with getting back to pure wrestling. I remember Gordie Solie used to say the name on the marquee is wrestling and the word wrestling in WWE does come BEFORE entertainment. The product they put on should reflect that.

Personally, I am against the rosters coming back together. Before the brand extension, you saw the same few guys dominate most of the TV time for Raw and Smackdown. If the rosters were rejoined, there are certain guys that ou would never see.

I don't feel cutting down on PPVs is a necessity either. Considering each show has PPVs exclusive to their brand, they are spaced far enough apart. The problem is how the shows are put together, how wrestlers are used, and the presentation of each brand.

I'd like to see more cruiserweights and that division given some real attention. I'd like to see real women wrestlers. Why on earth would you fire the legit ones and then put people like Torrie in the ring? McMahon could learn a lesson from Paul Heyman in accentuating the positives and hiding the negatives. If you have these pretty faces, that have little to no athletic ability or can't wrestle a lick, why would you put them in the ring? Do those bra and panty matches really sell tickets? Use them as valets, managers, with actual personalities, to get their guys over.

I can't stand Batista or John Cena as much as the next person. However they are pretty popular. With that being said, they also, aren't that great in the ring to put it nicely. Wth these two being so popular, is it necessary that they are the champions of their brand? Granted the champion is supposed to draw, but you would also hope that your champion can actually put on a good match. The only exception to this rule should be someone like a Hulk Hogan, and although Cena and Batista are popular, they are not Hogan. And even in Hogan's case, his matches were entertaining. Keep the both of those guys in the main event picture, but they should never (or at least for any real length of time) be the champion. Acentuate the positives (their popularity, keep them in the main event picture), but hide the negatives (don't push them down the fans throats so that their flaws become more apparent). I'l end my rant here.
Yes I agree..But don't expect to see Cena lose his title anytime soon..

His replica belt and all the rest of his merchandise have been WWE's topsellers for months. The kids love him.

And I agree on the Cutting back on PPVs would make PPV's seem more special..rather than having one every couple of weeks. But, cutting back on PPVs would also be cutting back on don't expect that to happen
^Cena is only a product of them marketing him down everyone's throats. He was reviled for the longest time by the fans as they pretty much thought he sucked...but after a while, the clueless masses just gave up and started cheering for him. McMahon's machine can sell ice to Eskimos, so there is no reason he couldn't market a number of other athletes in Cena's place, and do it almost instantly. They've pushed the WWF/E marketing machine in a great many directions since the birth of Hulkamania, and they can get anyone over they really WANT to, it's just too bad they choose talentless nitwits to do it with. Whether it's Warrior, Luger, Hart, Diesel, Michaels, HHH, Austin, Rock, Foley, Taker, or a large number of other stars, they've made bank off of all of them at one time or another. This is because of McMahon's marketing know-how. They pay attention to sales and tie-ins like a Hollywood movie company these days. Pretty much to the point where it usurps any positive creative directions within the company because heaven forbid the WWE compromises the merchandise for better wrestling.
Talking of cutting down in ring promo time and such.. when was the last time you saw a good promo??? lol.

Theres been a few DX ones that made me laugh, but thats about it. The only real good, sounded like a shoot/spontanious one, that i've seen in a while was Joey Styles one when he kicked off big time and really let rip. To be brutally honest, it almost looked real..

If i was a casual watcher of WWE and didnt know that ECW was reviving soon and that they'd cut the mic if it wasn't planned, I'd have believed he genuinly was f00ked off!

Also, a new big heel boss. Last time that happened was Bishoffs appearance right after the brand split!

I honestly think the best thing for WWE ( and i am not kidding) would be to take a month off.

Just scrap it all, have a stop gap for one month and the programming can just be a best of WWE package show for 4 weeks. then re-emerge with more focused less outlandish storylines, a cut off the roster ridding of tat like "the spirit squad" Batista" etc push some of the talented performers that are been held down. and just basically take a look in the mirror and realise that they have been taking themselves far too seriously, the attitude era was never about edgier storylines, it was about how they could use those storylines to have fun and put on a great show, Raw used to be a 2 hour adrenaline rush filled with story,plot, character and solid wrestling, but now i get bored watching the highlights on

BTW I dont really mean they should take a month off, just metaphorically, they do need to take some time out to look at there product.

Now dont get me wrong WWE is a great wrestling organisation that has just trailed off in the past two and a bit years, and it is now....stale...and boring, i still watch and hope it will get better. TNA and ROH fill me up when i am in need of Wrestling, but i still look for WWE to put me on the edge of my seat at the end of an Episode of raw whilst i wait patiently to find out what the hell is going to happen next week.
I don't believe that "everything has been done" because "everything" had been done before "everything" had been done... what I'm syaing is: they need better writters... hiring a bunch of old wrestlers to write is like asking a 1st grader to reinvent the alphabet, it's gonna be the same damn thing... over and over again... you need a set of fresh writers who are willing to work with one another instead of having that one guy trying to out write another... there are hundreds upon hundreds of good ideas left... it's up to the writers to find them... if the writers are burnt, then bring in new ones...
They have been sort of at a loss since Austin and The Rock went.. Now i totally hate Austin. BUT unlike most people i tuned in and hoped he would get pwnt really badly. HHH did that a lot of the time <333 HHH! Lol guys. IT may get worse.

The majority watch raw because HHH, John Cena, Edge and HBK... I believe HBK is going for surgery. Cena MAY go and play with movies that leaves HHH? and Edge?

They need more talent. A roster rejoin would be great. RVD, CM Punk, Mr Kennedy, The Undertaker, Kane, Beniot and I'm totally forgetting that Ashley is certainly picking up quite a bit of ring skills. and Jillian has been totally underused until now. So they could also fix that decaying womens division they have of two wrestlers. YES i said wrestlers NOT Divas that are actually worth a crap in ring. Also there are a number of people who need to be put back with thier partners, - Rob Conway And Sylvain, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Hass and Benja.. NVM they already did that. =) put all this together. You have a singles division, a tag division and a womens division with adiqute challengers for the IC, World, Womens and Tag Titles.

It all sounds like the right thing to do there are too many people gathering up dust on the other shows and aren't really getting the recognition they deserve

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