McMahon or Heyman?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Last night on Raw, we heard Vince McMahon tell Paul Heyman that he was coming back "to fight you (Heyman)". This means that next week, just 4 weeks after his hip surgery, Vince will be back on our screens, ready to beat the living life out of Paul. It's probably going to look bad, there's no real doubt about that, HOWEVER, what are we really looking to happen here?

An interference.

Obviously, somebody is going to get involved in this. We're just not going to get to see Vince beat down Paul without something happening, so who? Could it be CM Punk? The man we usually see with Paul Heyman backing him up, could back up Heyman by taking down the boss. Or maybe, it could be The Shield. We know that Heyman has previously paid off both The Shield and Brad Maddox, but with Maddox now a face, working for Vince, maybe Heyman wants The Shield to come back down & help get the boss off his back for good? Then again, it could be the more likely option, Brock Lesnar. Lesnar attacked Vince McMahon around a month ago, which was the reason for Vince's surgery (kayfabe) and he could be wanting to get some more of McMahon. We could then see Triple H come out and give his father in law a helping hand in his battles, leading up to HHH-Lesnar 2.

What do you think?
It's obvious what will happen. Vince will be beating the crap out of Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar's music will hit, he will come down to the ring to beat up McMahon. After McMahon takes a little bit of a beating from Lesnar, Triple H's music will hit and he'll run down to the ring with a sledge hammer. Heyman and McMahon will clear out of the ring and there will be a stare down between Trips and Lesnar. Then we'll go to commercial and they'll come back and show us 50 replays of it.
When I first heard the announcement of Vince McMahon vs. Paul Heyman on Raw, I immediately thought of one thing…at WrestleMania, in this very ring, it will be Team McMahon / Team WWE / the New Corporate Ministry vs. Team Heyman / Team ECFNW / the New Dangerous Alliance. Then I thought, who would make up these teams?? Considering that Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long was a 12 Man Tag Team match, I’d just stick to that formula.

Paul Levesque Guys – Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Ryaback

Paul Heyman Guys – CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and a mystery partner.

Yes, that sounds like a money match for WM XXIX. The main positives here are we don’t get Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar II. We have something light for Undertaker to do. We feature 12 great Stars in one match, which opens up space on the card for others. Now, unless CM Punk gets included into the WWE Championship match with The Rock and John Cena, I think this is the best place for Punk.
Senerio number 1- I believe this is the obvious choice and the most likely choice. Vince McMahon will be destroying Heyman in the ring. Brock Lesnar will come out (since he is scheduled for next week in Dallas.) and maybe put Vince in the camora lock break his arm (haha right...) and HHH will either return that night or the next week on RAW.

Senerio number 2- The Shield interferes then Brock acts as if he will save McMahon then attack Vince anyways. Maybe forming an alliance between Heyman, Shield, Brock Lesnar and possibly Punk. But I highly doubt this will happen if it does, I will mark out and piss my pants.
So there's no one expecting a solid match and a clean finish? Yeah, me either. This is essentially another way of saying "tune in next week to see Brock Lesnar!" I'm really looking forward to this interaction, though. Whatever fight, interference, etc. there may be, it'll likely be one of the most entertaining segments next week.

When I first heard the announcement of Vince McMahon vs. Paul Heyman on Raw, I immediately thought of one thing…at WrestleMania, in this very ring, it will be Team McMahon / Team WWE / the New Corporate Ministry vs. Team Heyman / Team ECFNW / the New Dangerous Alliance. Then I thought, who would make up these teams?? Considering that Team Laurinaitis vs. Team Long was a 12 Man Tag Team match, I’d just stick to that formula.

Paul Levesque Guys – Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Ryaback

Paul Heyman Guys – CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and a mystery partner.

Yes, that sounds like a money match for WM XXIX. The main positives here are we don’t get Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar II. We have something light for Undertaker to do. We feature 12 great Stars in one match, which opens up space on the card for others. Now, unless CM Punk gets included into the WWE Championship match with The Rock and John Cena, I think this is the best place for Punk.

I've been an advocate of this idea for a while now, because, as you pointed out, it prevents Triple H vs. Lesnar II. About a month ago this was my take:

My preferred version of this would be an 8-man tag match: Brock and The Shield vs. Triple H, Ryback, and two of the others that The Shield has victimized. That gives Triple H a chance to get at Brock, Ryback and their partners a chance to get at The Shield, and The Shield a chance to look strong and get a bump even in defeat. Hell, Trips could even get a nice, clean, ego-replenishing pinfall on Lesnar. If Lesnar doesn't want to do a deal with WWE, The Shield can say they booted him after costing them the match. Storylines get tied up, everybody moves on to fresh programs, and I don't have to watch Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar II.
It will be a build toward HHH and Lesnar. Lesnar will try to get involved, and HHH will stop him/ or try to at least. It will either start the build for HHH vs Lesnar 2 at WM or maybe a potential HHH & Vince vs Lesnar & Heyman
Vince will come out on his crutches. Heyman will try to weasel out of things/reason with him. Vince will probably deliver a few shots to Heyman across the back with his crutches an Heyman will go down like a $5 hooker.

Brock Lesnar's music will hit and he'll come storming down to the ring with Vince looking intimidated. Lesnar will climb in the ring but before he reaches Vince, Triple H's music will hit. Trips will come storming to the ring, he & Lesnar will mix it up a bit before Trips clotheslines Lesnar over the top. Trips will stand in the ring looking intense and still ready to fight. Heyman will be trying to push Lesnar back and the crowd will be going wild the whole time.

Trips might get on the stick after things have calmed down just a bit and challenge Lesnar to the match at WM.

As for this idea:

Paul Levesque Guys – Triple H, Undertaker, Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Ryaback

Paul Heyman Guys – CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and a mystery partner

I just don't see it happening. The Undertaker has never lost at WrestleMania. The streak has become synonymous with Taker now. Having him as part of a team at WM may very well all but signify that Trips' team would win the match. Technically, even if Trips' team did lose & Taker wasn't the guy who took the fall, the streak really would no longer be there. Taker has never lost at WM period, so having him be part of a tag match & come out on the losing end still takes a huge amount of shine from the streak. If the streak is ever ended, it'll end in a one on one match rather than a massive tag match. With Kane & Daniel Bryan at each other's throats right now, they'd more than likely cost their team the match somehow and such an ending to the streak, something that's been so hugely successful, would be MASSIVELY anti-climactic. Would it draw money? Probably so, but the outcome would generate more complaints & criticisms towards WWE since Daniel Bryan was fired back in 2010.
So how did Vince manage to walk unaided at the Wrestlemania press conference, yet on Raw, he has crutches? Whats going on here. Couldnt Vince use the crutches to further enhance the storyline, or are the WWE just very interested in only promoting 30??
A 70 year old who has just had a hip operation shouldn't be able to deliver any offense, but Vince will, he'll be slapping Heyman around and Brock will show up, but I actually wouldn't be surprised if Steph is the one that runs down to beg for Vince's health, there is a long way to Mania and they may want too pad things out before Triple H comes back.

The big question is whether WWE would allow Brock to do anything to Steph, I'm thinking not, so maybe Heyman can just spit on her or something, even though that doesn't fit what they've been doing with him as regards his constant fear of Vince.

Personally I'd love The Shield to come out followed by Sheamus and Roidback making the save and then Brock showing up and taking them out, leading towards a big 8 man tag at Mania with Triple H leading a team against Lesnar and The Shield in a street fight.
So how did Vince manage to walk unaided at the Wrestlemania press conference, yet on Raw, he has crutches? Whats going on here. Couldnt Vince use the crutches to further enhance the storyline, or are the WWE just very interested in only promoting 30??

The press conference happened in reality, Vince's "injury" happened in kayfabe. I have no problem with WWE acting in reality when promoting next year's wrestlemania. They'd be ridiculed by the mainstream media if it turned into a circus with the actual storylines crossing over into the press conference.
Kayfabe or not, I can't help but laugh that a few weeks ago, Vince was blatently firing Paul. "You're fiiiiiiiiiii," and then out comes Lesner and attacks Vince. Then all of the sudden, all is forgotten and Heyman is still on the payroll.

I guess that if you work for WWE and you think you're about to be fired just have you're buddy attack your boss from behind; just make sure he gets there before the boss finishes his sentence.
Kayfabe or not, I can't help but laugh that a few weeks ago, Vince was blatently firing Paul. "You're fiiiiiiiiiii," and then out comes Lesner and attacks Vince. Then all of the sudden, all is forgotten and Heyman is still on the payroll.

I guess that if you work for WWE and you think you're about to be fired just have you're buddy attack your boss from behind; just make sure he gets there before the boss finishes his sentence.

Since Heyman only was there as Punk and Brock's representatives I was never sure how Vince could fire him to begin with, surely he works for them not WWE in the storyline.
I like the team idea I really do, but as Jack Hammer said, The Undertaker has become the streak. If Taker isn't well enough to defend the streak I doubt he will go at all. That being said I think it will go down as others have said. Vince slaps Heyman around for a bit and Lesner's music hits and as he gets in the ring about to attack Vince HHH's music will hit and he will come down attacking Brock prevent the attack on Vince. After the dust settles HHH will challenge Brock for Mania and the rematch will be set. This isn't ideally how I would want it to go down, but I think that is what we are going to get.
I see this a little differently then everyone else. People are assuming HHH/Lesnar 2, but I don't think so. Here's what I see happening:

Same part as everyone else for the beginning. Vince starts out attacking Paul, probably with the crutches, until Lesnar comes down to make the save. Brock gets in the ring, but before he gets to Vince, the lights go out. Everyone is assuming it's the Shield, of course, but when the lights come back up Vince is gone and Undertaker is standing there in his place. Brock is surprised, not scared, but it makes him stop advancing and wait to see what happens next. UT stares him down for a minute, then does his whole "point at the Wrestlemania sign" thing. Brock is sneering and making light of the situation, but looks a little uncertain at the same time. Trademark logo to end the show.

They've been building to a Brock/Taker match for years now, this would give them a way to make that happen. Brock more than anyone else would be the one to make people think Taker's streak was truly in jeopardy. As far as who goes over? With the right booking and the right stipulations Taker could credibly keep the streak alive while still protecting Brock.
Actually I don't see Vince beating down Heyman at all. I see Heyman getting a pep talk from Punk or someone back stage and coming out all fired up to take on Vince. I see Vince making a show of coming down to the ring injured with his crutches while Heyman is acting all ready to go on him. Vince gets in the ring Heyman get's ready to go just for Triple H's music to hit as Vince backs away into a corner smiling Triple H comes down to the ring, lays out Paul Heyman with a Pedagree.

At which point Lesner comes out, Vince leaves the ring and Triple H and Lesner either brawl, or perhaps Triple H walks out of the ring while Lesner checks on Heyman. Something like this seems more reasonable to me as it would also have a sense of poetic justice to it and lead well into a Lesner vs Triple H 2 with Vince in Triple H's corner and Heyman in Lesner's.
Here is what I see happening Vince will be beating the hell out of Heyman he then goes for the pin and Brock Lesnar appears out of the crowd and breaks the pin and starts to beat down McMahon, Then Triple H comes running down to the ring and starts fighting with Lesnar, he hits the Pedigree then challenges Lesnar to a Match at WrestleMania

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