May Sweep Series, Round One, Match Three


  • Ty Burna

  • Thriller

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
This poll will be open for twenty four hours. Introducing first, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, a proud father, and the master of at least one but no more than four loyal dogs, Ty Burna. His opponent is fighting out of Chicago, Illinois, and used sports fanaticism to defeat his crippling depression and social anxiety. Tthis is the fat chick Thriller. The power is in your hands. Is commitment to fatherhood a sign of weakness in battle or is proneness to depression the real deal breaker?
Hard call, but I went with Ty. You don't get much more chill than Ty Burna. Wish he was around more.
I was going to make a facetious comment about jobbing for the next fifteen months, but then I remembered Thriller is also on Creative.

You're taking my unserious comment seriously, while possibly also not being serious.

You have failed me, brain!
I was going to try and think up a way to use the fact that Ty is a Vikings fan against him, but that just gives him the sympathy vote. I've got nothing Michael Bolton going for me.

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