Matt Morgan: Time To Move?

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Now I may not be a really big Matt Morgan mark, but week by week and now after his stellar match with Crimson at Turning Point, though the finish was none too pleasing, is it time when Morgan thinks about a crack at the big time with the E?

Before the Impacters bludgeon me with their inferiority complex, all I mean here is he it is at a point where he seriously considers to try his luck in the big waters of up north and to me he really has a chance to get to that upper mid-card level. Thoughts? I'm alone
because WWE is so superior to TNA? no.

Morgan already was with WWE. according to wikiedpia from 2003 to 2005.

Morgan can be on the upper mid card level at WWE? or how about the main event level in TNA. he could do that too. he's already had world title matches. at the time he was face, and still currently is. IMO he would be better used as a big heel.

I never saw Morgan with WWE or in TNA until I started watching in 2010. IMO he was at his best soon after the split with Hernandez when he had both tag team title belts. he was a heel then.
he was a heel until the time as when he was the enforcer with Flair and Fortune and he turned on them. he went on and on and on with his talk about concussions and helping Anderson who had a concussion because of Hardy. I think TNA rushed him then because he was one of the few who could have been used while Anderson was out. if I remember everyone else at the time was already in story lines.

I had wondered before Turning Point if Morgan could have turned heel then against Crimson, but it didn't happen.
So h-h-he can go back to being some bodyguard la-la-lackey who stu-stu-stutters his way through every pr-pr-promo? He's tried that already, last I checked, and it failed. It's what took him to TNA in the first place.

Morgan, like many TNA stars, is actually very happy in the company as he's said on numerous occasions. I know that's an incredibly difficult concept for so many of WrestleZone's WWE fanboys to grasp/understand, but it's fact nonetheless.

Morgan's time is coming, IMO. He's in his mid-thirties so I know a lot of people are upset that he hasn't been vaulted to the main event just yet, but he'll get there. In fact, he was probably pencilled in to be there through the BFG series but ended up on the shelf with a torn muscle that knocked him down a few rungs.
I thought his match with Crimson was awful, I mean those punches at the end looked pathetic and it just did nothing for me in any way. At the same time there's no space for him in the WWE at the moment. Sheamus is better and is on a roll at the moment and I don't think you could fit the two of them on the same roster and push them both since their so similar.
Now now IDR, all I mean to say is that since at the mo' WWE is the bigger, more global brand he really should try again, why would they stick him with the stuttering gimmick again, c'mon. Even if he is the TNA champ, I'd still think an upper midcarder in WWE is better for sheer amount of popularity and fame that it brings, is someone disputing that. More people in the world know Sheamus than Morgan, is someone disputing that. Big fish, little pond.
Morgan is a talented guy in my view. He's often solid to really good on promos and his work inside the ring is also really solid. It's hard to ultimately say in Morgan's situation what's going on.

There've been several occassions where Morgan looks like he's been about to just break on through to the main event scene as permanent fixture or regular visitor but it's just never happened. During these occassions, TNA has slowly and steadily built him up over a period of time before he's ultimately gotten shots at the TNA WHC. He'd ultimately wind up having 1 or 2 matches against the champ for the title, he'd fail to capture the title and then would start off right back at or near the bottom of the card for the whole thing to start over again. It reminds me of what WCW did with Lex Luger back in the very late 80s to very early 90s during his feuds with Ric Flair. He'd get close, sometimes extremely close, but it just never really came about. By the time Luger finally did capture a World Championship, he just wasn't that good. In Morgan's case, the bloom might be off the rose. Timing can be an important factor sometimes. For instance, Roode did ultimately win the title but it didn't have the HUGE feeling that it would have if he'd won at BFG. Maybe if TNA waits too long, some fans just won't be as invested in Morgan.

Now that I think on it, Morgan could be stuck in something of a rut with little or nothing to do. There's little to no mid-card or tag team scene in TNA at this point. The TNA Television Championship is worthless and winning it won't do a single thing for Morgan. He's not 225 pounds or less, so he can't work in the X Division, he doesn't have a tag team partner so the tag title picture is out. Morgan & Hernandez winning the tag titles in the first place seemed to be the beginning of a slowly declining tag team situation to begin with.

As far as Morgan going to WWE, probably not gonna happen. Morgan seems to be happy where he is and, plus, what makes anyone sure that WWE is or would be interested? Comparatively speaking with a lot of talents on the TNA roster, Morgan's a 35 year old nobody whose biggest accomplishment was a very lousy run as one half of the TNA tag champs. Still, I'd take him over Mason Ryan any day of the week.
Now now IDR, all I mean to say is that since at the mo' WWE is the bigger, more global brand he really should try again, why would they stick him with the stuttering gimmick again, c'mon. Even if he is the TNA champ, I'd still think an upper midcarder in WWE is better for sheer amount of popularity and fame that it brings, is someone disputing that. More people in the world know Sheamus than Morgan, is someone disputing that. Big fish, little pond.

Granted, but not all wrestlers value fame and popularity over loyalty and comfort. Sting is the greatest example of that. He's had every opportunity in the world to head to WWE and have the red carpet laid out for him in the process but never did and he's stated on numerous occasions he has no intentions ever to do so because like WCW was his "brand", TNA is now his "brand". In fact, and not to derail this thread too much, but I'd imagine when Sting does retire (which will happen in TNA, just like Kurt Angle's, much to the chagrin of many of WrestleZone's WWE fanboys) he'll be offered a spot within the organization to remain with the company as an out-of-ring talent or a backstage talent.

Morgan has cited on numerous occasions his love for TNA, his appreciation for Dixie Carter giving him a chance to prove he was more than what the WWE made him out to be, and like Sting and others in TNA, I just don't think he cares as much about fame and popularity as fans seem to think wrestlers like him should.
Like IDR as already noted Matt Morgan was already with WWE and it diddn't work out he went to TNA and he has done good for himself no he hasn't been World Champ or anything yet but I could see Morgan being a World Champ in the future he has the look his promos are vastly improved and for a man his size he is pretty good in the ring. Morgan has said that he loves it in TNA and he loves working for Dixie Carter I don't see any reason for Matt Morgan to leave for WWE. Matt Morgan is perfectly fine where he is.
I don't see WWE doing much with him while TNA is poised to push him into the main event it would seem. When you factor in the amount of dates you have to work I am not even sure WWE pays that much more for talent that isn't upper mid card or better. For a big guy like Morgan the WWE schedule might break him down before he was around long enough to get a chance to break through the politics etc. WWE is kind of catch 22 in some ways because while you have more exposure you have significantly less time to do outside projects. As long as Morgan has a chance to be one of the people that does get paid pretty good to be in TNA then I think it would be a bad choice for him to throw that away just to hope WWE treats him better this time.
Doesn't it really depend upon the individual wrestler and where his priorities and perspectives lie? It all depends upon how Morgan himself feels about where he is versus where he could be.

The TNA marks will no doubt be defensive about all of this but it's the truth. If Matt Morgan's goal is to be as high profile as he possibly could be, to make as much money as he possibly can, or to perform in front of as large as audience as possible, then he would be better served to jump to WWE as let's face it, a good mid carder in WWE probably does better in all of these areas than a main eventer in TNA. I'm not saying this is how he feels, in fact it would appear that he doesn't feel this way at all, and that's fine, it's his prerogative.

However, if he is happier in TNA, if he prefers it there, if he likes the lighter schedule, the smaller venues, the cozier crowds, the lack of travel, and the general anonymity that accompanies a TNA wrestler, then he should stay put and more power to him.

As IDR said, guys like Sting, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Gail Kim and others have had the option to be affiliated with WWE, yet they have chosen TNA for their own personal reasons. Good for them, you have to respect them for remaining true to their feelings and beliefs. And that is something that Matt Morgan will have to decide on as well. WWE certainly does not need him, but probably would use him if he expressed an interest in coming. Personally, I would expect he will stay exactly where he is, and that's likely just fine with all parties involved.
Not sure what to make of this in all honesty. I think Matt Morgan needs WWE more than WWE needs Matt Morgan. Sure, it is always refreshing and nice to see new talent but Morgan would never be anything more than upper mid card. He aint gunna increase buy rates.

I think there are 4/5 who would be of more interest to WWE and the fans before Matt Morgan (who is a WWE reject). Roode and Samoa Joe for starters.
I'm sure he would earn more money if he went to the WWE but I doubt if he would be higher up the card. I mean Morgan is an upper midcarder in TNA. That fact is obscured by the fact that there isn't really any strong upper midcard or even midcard belt in TNA like the IC or US title in WWE. The TV title should have been that but that is not the case since it is being booked like a joke. And Morgan cannot exactly compete for the X-Division belt. Not because he is big but because I have not really seen him perform many risque moves. Also I guess it would damage the novelty of the X-Division title if every single guy started to compete for it.

The other thing to be considered is if WWE even wants him. Sure Matt Morgan is good but there are quite a few others as good as him who are loitering around in the midcard in the WWE. Why would WWE want him?

Matt's place is TNA and he would be World Champion there one day whenever a vacancy arises. It's not always about talent and hardwork always, sometimes it's just about plain luck and I guess Matt needs some of it to shine his way.
Morgan could go back to WWE if he was offered the opportunity and he really wanted to. But he's better fitted for TNA. Vince McMahon has been known to jump at the chance to pick up big men, and he did have Morgan years ago. Was it a case of not knowing how to use him? Possibly, especially if you consider the stuttering gimmick he used. Eventually Matt will hit his peak and get the long awaited TNA championship. I can see him with the TV title right now if they actually spent time making it seem like its as good a prize as the heavyweight or KO title. At this point in his career though, Morgan doesn't need to make an unnecessary move to WWE just to be in the same position he's in now and possibly make the same amount of pay with a heavier schedule. There is the possibility of a push right from the start if he jumped, but I doubt it.
because WWE is so superior to TNA? no.

Morgan already was with WWE. according to wikiedpia from 2003 to 2005.

Morgan can be on the upper mid card level at WWE? or how about the main event level in TNA. he could do that too. he's already had world title matches. at the time he was face, and still currently is. IMO he would be better used as a big heel.

I never saw Morgan with WWE or in TNA until I started watching in 2010. IMO he was at his best soon after the split with Hernandez when he had both tag team title belts. he was a heel then.
he was a heel until the time as when he was the enforcer with Flair and Fortune and he turned on them. he went on and on and on with his talk about concussions and helping Anderson who had a concussion because of Hardy. I think TNA rushed him then because he was one of the few who could have been used while Anderson was out. if I remember everyone else at the time was already in story lines.

I had wondered before Turning Point if Morgan could have turned heel then against Crimson, but it didn't happen.

I thought Morgan had potential during his WWE run, but there was just too much going on with other guys and Morgan was pretty green at the time. It would make perfect sense for Morgan to aspire to return to the WWE now that he has had a few years to work on his craft. And to answer the first thing you said... yes the WWE is superior to TNA with superior pay and exposure. I can't imagine anyone not wanting to go to the WWE if they honestly believed in themselves. The guys who want to stay in TNA are the guys who couldn't handle the work load, couldn't stay clean or have already convined themselves that they would fail. There's no other reason not to want to make more money and have a chance to become a bigger star.
Morgan has already had a WWE run before. He had the potential to go far there, but they ruined it by sticking him with a bad gimmick. If he ever returned it would depend on if they bring him back with that same gimmick or if he got one that actually can succeed. It's not too late because he has not won a world title yet so if he returned they might push him. I think he is better off in TNA though. He could become one of their top guys if booked right. The main problem there is that it's TNA and they don't always book their guys properly or even in ways that make sense.

Well, he's had a good run there so far and was a main eventer for a while. I don't get why they did not go through with a world title run for Morgan at that time, he looked ready. Give him a couple of high profile feuds and then try main eventing him again. I think Morgan will be alright. He's bound to get pushed up the card again eventually, why go to WWE and risk getting that old gimmick from his last run there and fail AGAIN when he's doing ok in TNA?
TNA is utilizing Matt Morgan better than WWE did even though he still hasn't won the world title yet, in my opinion. However, if Morgan were to go back to WWE, it's not as if he would find himself with that ridiculous stuttering gimmick again. While this certainly hasn't been the case with a lot of former TNA talent, some of those who have gone back to WWE have found themselves being more prominent than ever before. Good examples now would be R-Truth and Christian. Morgan has a great look, is competent in the ring, and is decent enough on the mic. Should he jump ship, I'm sure creative would know how to better utilize Morgan the second time around.

However, when it comes to whether or not Morgan should jump ship, it really comes down to Morgan. As some posters have said already, Morgan seems more than happy working for Dixie Carter despite the fact that it means less mainstream exposure and performing in front of a smaller audience. It's really his prerogative. Personally, I'd like to see what Morgan can do this time around should he make the decision to jump ship. Otherwise, I'm content with him in TNA as he's been utilized rather well. Sure, I'm a bit upset that he hasn't won the world title yet (personally, I think it's two or three years overdue but whatever) but he'll get there in the foreseeable future.
Yeah he already had a run in WWE and they dis not use him well at all, and on top of that if he went there now he would get lost in the commotion with everything that's going on. WWE has more superstars than they know what to do with and Morgan is way better off sticking with TNA, especially since I see him breaking through to the main event soon. He's been somewhat of the perennial gatekeeper as of late but his stock is grown, he is a great performer and a real treat to have watched grow up in the last few years. I think that he'll be in the main spotlight soon enough and even if he wasn't I believe that TNA is the place for him and not the WWE, never again.
Now now IDR, all I mean to say is that since at the mo' WWE is the bigger, more global brand he really should try again, why would they stick him with the stuttering gimmick again, c'mon. Even if he is the TNA champ, I'd still think an upper midcarder in WWE is better for sheer amount of popularity and fame that it brings, is someone disputing that. More people in the world know Sheamus than Morgan, is someone disputing that. Big fish, little pond.

I'll say this once and that is it....If you buy a mansion, does it make it a home? No.

Why would they stick him with a stuttering gimmick again? Because it's WWE. The company that would probably dig up Mr. Rogers as a ratings grabber. The company who had Pee Wee Herman and The Muppets apart of their product.

And what fame does it bring? There is currently a majority of WWE wrestlers that preform for 12 people on

Morgan is watched by millions in the US, UK, Australia, Ireland and other countries. That is enough fame. If he is asked to appear at high schools to discuss ADHD, I'm sure he has build a name for himself. He got booked for a FOX sitcom, I'm sure that is enough fame.

And I honestly think he could careless who people know more than him. He's 34. Not some 19 year old wanting a popularity contest. These are grown men, they work and do what they love for a living and they entertain fans. Period. If Morgan signed a long term deal, he knows what he wants and where he want it.

WWE draws a total of 3 to 4 million viewers a week. TNA draws about 2 million or close to that. I'm sure none of them are losing sleep over 2 less million viewers watching them wrestle. It's pretty stupid.

If Gail Kim became more popular in TNA, Awesome Kong became more popular in TNA, Beer Money became popular to the point where WWE fans know who they are that is enough of a hint that these guys are known. People watch and know of TNA but because it's not WWE they will not support it.

Then what happens if he gets used like Gail Kim, Vance Archer or even Braden Walker? Sitting on their ass seen by nobody because they thought the grass was greener? Please, do not make career choices for people who do not want it or asked for it.

He's locked into a contract until 2014 therefore, this is a null and void question.
HA! The very idea of Matt Morgan being a big enough deal to be snapped up by the WWE makes me laugh out loud!

His match with Crimson at Turning Point was abominable. Hell, his entire TNA career up until this point has been pretty dire. I vaguely remember Kurt Angle carrying a few of their matches and deeming him the next big thing, but other than that he's toiled in the midcard in a neverending feud with Hernandez.
I think Notorious raised a great point. When Morgan was in WWE previously, he was quite green and still learning the ropes. If he were to go back to them tomorrow, I highly doubt they would lump him with his stuttering gimmick again as he has had a lot of experience and time in TNA to grow as a competitor and as a character. He's had some misfortune with injuries which has led to a lot of stop/start pushes, but injuries happen. It's not as if he has spoken out against TNA or backstage politicked his way out of a push in any way, his lack of sustained pushed has been down to bad luck, yet he is a very over character.

Should he move? No, not really. As a fan of both WWE and TNA, it's good to see both companies pushing certain talent towards the coveted Main Event spots, and in that respect both companies are fairly evenly matched. In TNA there is Roode, Storm and Morgan who are guys who could now be in a Main Event match without much of a bitchfit from fans, and in WWE there is Ziggler, Rhodes and Sheamus, who in a year or so I think will be fairly permanent fixtures in the ME scene without much of a fuss. Given that the effort and pushes from both companies have taken time and effort over a lot of months and years, I would think it foolish of Morgan to abandon TNA to jump ship at this point to try and crack the same position in a bigger company.
To address everyone here, especialli this cat called Dizzy; No matter how many people watch Impact, more people around the world watch WWE. Do NOT drag this into a TNA is so big too discussion. Morgan should take a crack at the WWE for the fact, as a company that does push big guys, even when they're shit. The man can talk, is on par with any of the other big guys up north, I do think Morgan would get a stellar push. If he is happy in there, well and good, but if there is a time to bank, it's now.
I remember Matt Morgan when he was back in the WWE. His gimmick was entertaining, sure, but I don't want him anywhere near the WWE again. Yes, I like him a lot, but that's exactly why I want him to stay in TNA. Somewhere where they actually value and appreciate what they got.
To address everyone here, especialli this cat called Dizzy; No matter how many people watch Impact, more people around the world watch WWE. Do NOT drag this into a TNA is so big too discussion. Morgan should take a crack at the WWE for the fact, as a company that does push big guys, even when they're shit. The man can talk, is on par with any of the other big guys up north, I do think Morgan would get a stellar push. If he is happy in there, well and good, but if there is a time to bank, it's now.

Don't bother arguing with Dizzy. Logic doesn't apply in his world and he bought his own facts on ebay. Of course everyone would rather make more money, perform infront of larger crowds and become a bigger star. There of course are those TNA fans who've convinced themselves that TNA is every bit as recognizable as WWE and a far better place to work. Of course we're talking about a place that pays the bulk of their roster so little that they still have to take on indy bookings and then are told what indy bookings they can and can't take. Morgan isn't the green rookie that got stuck with a stuttering gimmick because he couldn't cut it in the ring or on the mic. Any TNA fan who says he's better off in TNA is simply saying they don't believe he's improved enough to become a star on a bigger stage.
Christian went to TNA and came back to be a bigger, way bigger star in the WWE. So why is this a forbidden practise for WWE to do?

Let people go and hone their skills, get better, get some more ring work under their belt and then try and re sign them. I don't wanna call Impact a developmental or a feeder, they won't be if they keep improving. But if someone who wants the money and fame, and is in Morgan's situation, should consider moving.

If he's happy there, godspeed. Nothing wrong.
Vince loves his big guys to represent his company. He loves them even more when they have star qualities like mike ability, a look etc. Morgan has come along way since I saw him in WWE. His more comfortable on the mike, good in the ring.

If Morgan leaves to go to WWE, I think he has all the tools to be a big player there. The problem is, I seriously doubt he'll get the chance. Let's be fair here, he can get more money, tour more, help build a larger fanbase for himself, but the way WWE treats people from TNA, is just too lousy to actually believe he'll get a reasonable shot at being anything significant. I'll say this to the day I die, the backstage politics in WWE is bullshit and it just halts too many careers. I mean the amount of time, he'll have to spend to kiss ass there before he even gets a decent match, he'd probably be a ten time champion in TNA. I know there's politics in TNA too, but I still like it better for Morgan there than in WWE.

Besides TNA won't be small forever. It might never reach anything close to a bona fide competitor to WWE, but imo, it is growing and will continue to grow its fanbase and become a platform where wrestlers have an alternative to enjoy a fine career in the wrestling business.

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