Matt Morgan Says He *MIGHT* Be WWE Bound


Yesterday, Matt Morgan gave an interview to Wade Keller at in which he discussed several things, most interesting of which are his potential career plans.

Morgan says that he signed a 5 year deal with TNA that expires this October and says that he might be interested in going to WWE. In the interview, Morgan mentions his start with WWE and that he feels that it was a mistake for them to release him. At the same time, he gives WWE credit for giving him a lot of good training and that he learned a lot. Morgan also states that TNA has been loyal good to him and that he's repaid that loyalty in kind. It's an interesting read:

By what Morgan says, it's seems obvious that he's definitely keeping his options open at this point in time. He doesn't say anything to put down either company and gives props to both for what he says they've done for him over the course of his career. It's obviously the smart thing to do and, ultimately, Morgan is going to do.

Do you think Matt Morgan is heading to WWE?

Do you think Matt Morgan should go to WWE if an offer is made?

For me, Morgan is one of the top bigger guys to come along in quite a while. He has a great look and is very athletic, especially for someone of his size. He doesn't lumber around the ring like a lot of wrestlers in his size range often do and he's shown that he's quite capable on the mic. I'm not sure if Morgan is heading that way, there's allegedly been interest in Morgan from WWE. If a serious offer heads his way, then I think maybe he should take it. At 35 years old, he's still young overall but he's also at an age where he's not going to be getting many more chances to head to WWE. A few more years and I don't think WWE will be all that interested in him. Morgan can offer a freshness to the "big man" scene and his overall ability would make him come off as someone that could be a potential challenger to any of the top guys on the roster.
Morgan might be interested in going back to WWE, but WWE won't be interested in him. WWE got rid of him seven years ago and he's hardly lit the world on fire in TNA. Obviously he's never been given a proper sustained push but in patches he's mostly failed to impress.

Naturally Morgan would be a fool to turn down any potential offer from WWE. TNA would likely welcome him back if things didn't work out.
Morgan might be interested in going back to WWE, but WWE won't be interested in him. WWE got rid of him seven years ago and he's hardly lit the world on fire in TNA. Obviously he's never been given a proper sustained push but in patches he's mostly failed to impress.

Naturally Morgan would be a fool to turn down any potential offer from WWE. TNA would likely welcome him back if things didn't work out.

Although he may not have blown up, hes done pretty well for himself. Considering he was the stuttering bodyguard to Carlito, hes had several good feuds in TNA and has been one of its biggest mid card peformers. Matt Morgan is a big dude too, chances are he's the type of guy WWE would love to bring in and considering he has became more seasoned than he was during his past WWE run I could see them taking a keen interest in "The Blueprint."

I'd like Matt Morgan in WWE, I think hes became a bit repetitive in TNA. His routine has became have a face singles run, turn heel, have a tag singles run as either alignment and then enter a feud with his former partner. If that is all they'll use him for then it's time for a change. WWE may be the answer.

If they brought him back and allowed him to be a legit big man, chances are he'd do well for himself. Depending on their perspective of Morgan he could rise beyond the midcard, but a midcard run in WWE is something I personally see as a very realistic possibility for Matt Morgan. As long as they never reference the stutter, again... ever.
Im getting sick of this.

Far too many returns, Far too little character progression of the stars they already have.

Additonally, where are they going to put all these tall, big muscled, very same looking and attribute people?

Matt Morgan, Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry, Lord Tensai, Big Show, Ryback, Kevin Nash.

They only have so many people they can squash before they are lost in the shuffle? (Speical case being Brock Lesnar, He wont be lost in the shuffle.)
He definitely has the look the E likes. No idea the circunstances of his leaving WWE earlier. Never a bad thing for a wrestler to get the call from WWE
I think Morgan would like to go to the WWE. I'm highly suspect of the idea that Morgan will ever reach the goal he set for himself in either of the two major companies. I think TNA would rather push Crimson over Morgan at the current time and that says a lot of how far he'll probably make it. In the WWE he won't get the title either, but he'll have the money and the recognition which he isn't getting in TNA.

If the WWE ever comes knocking for Morgan he should jump on it as fast as he can. Having said that, I doubt the WWE wants him. And that's big hangup on if he is WWE bound, I doubt they want him.

Of course Morgan didn't say he might be WWE bound, he said he was open to the idea if TNA wasn't loyal to him. Since TNA is still marginally loyal to him, he'll stay with TNA until he realizes they aren't going to push him to the top like he'd hoped.
If Morgan wants to go back to WWE they will, without question, chomp at the bit. WWE AS A WHOLE over the last 3 years has been absolutely awful. Morgan brings personality, size, and actually looks normal with a belt over his shoulder unlike a lot of other guys who have held gold in recent years. He cannot SAVE the WWE, but it would be a very smart move to sign him. Bringing guys like Lesnar, Tensai, potentially Morgan and maybe 4 or 5 more guys who have left would actually make WWE bearable again. I actually might be able to sit through a full night of Raw without changing the channel. Hell, I might even be able to watch at least 30 mins of Smackdown.
My feeling is kinda whatever. He may be this special talent, but the best thing he has done in TNA to me was when he was the tag team champions and he was doing that heel run. His promos to me always sound the same. It seems like he has just one emotion and tone when he speaks if that makes any sense.

I don't see a big loss or even a minor one. He has been in throw away feuds about 80 percent of the time in the past 2-3 years.
I think WWE might take an offer up in him, and I'm sure if he gets the chance he will take it.. he is a bigger guy and even though I don't watch a lot of TNA, I like what I see from the guy when I do and he makes the most of the chances he gets
I fucking despise Matt Morgan. I think he is awful in every aspect of pro wrestling. The only time I have ever found him entertaining was during his stuttering gimmick with the WWE and that was a gimmick made simply to mock him and his inabilities. Morgan may want to go to the WWE but hopefully the WWE wants nothing to do with Morgan. With the look he has and the amount of time he has had in TNA, he should have been able to accomplish a lot more then he has.
Morgan has IT, you can see from his build, promo flow and ring work, he has the potential to be big if he's given a chance, I think he'll resign TNA, but I'd definitely look forward to him in the E

He would only need a good debut to be slingshotted up the roster, his build alone is enough to push him upper midcard without much introduction.
in this day and age when WWE is the only real option, Matt Morgan would be a complete imbecile if he was to come out in an interview and state he would not be interested to go back to WWE. Of course he's interested, hes an individual contractor and he will go to the company that offers him the best deal. He could make more in 3 months in WWE then he makes in a year in TNA.
If WWE want Morgan, they will sign him, pure and simple. Now he hasnt had guys like Helmsley burying him behind the scenes to elevate his mates Orton and Batista, Morgan has had the opportunity to show what he can do over the past 4 years in TNA. Now they would have some idea how to book an agile 6ft 10 guy who isnt 50 odd years old.
Im not sure how WWE would sue him, but definitely as a heel. But this is ober a year away, all he did was state he was 4 years through a 5 year contract and gave respect to the guys in WWE who trained him. This is not even an issue, might look at this thread in 9-10 months time though.
Morgan absolutley belongs in the WWE!!!!! He is the future of the Giant type wrestler. Guys like Big Show and Kahli are on their way out. Morgan is athletic BIG,STRONG and a very good in ring worker for a 7fter. He would fit in perfect in the Main Event scene and honestly would be my vote as the guy for Undertaker to pass the torch to if he were to comeback to the WWE. Just my opinion.
I would love Matt in the E i dont think the E would love him unfortunately! It sucks hes a big dude with a pretty good set of moves. Back in the day that stupid stuttering gimmick the E had him do was disrespectful to him!! He has overcome that in real life and for the E to exploit that seven years ago that was down right pathetic on there part.

I just dont think the E likes him adn Morgan should stay wheres he is at. At least he has a job has done pretty well for himself and if he did jump ship to the E i really dont think they would have any idea what to do with him. I have always liked Morgan i think TNA is the best place for him
I believe he has another year on his contract with TNA. And I feel guys like Big Show, Henry, Kane, Khali all only have a year maybe two left. Id like to see Morgan, I was always a fan of his. He is athletic and quick and powerful. He would be a nice addition in my opinion. He's not bad in the ring imo better than any of the guys i mentioned above. He could be a huge force and could take on guys like Sheamus, Super Cena & Orton. He would be a fresh face for WWE on the SD brand which is where i think he should be. As long as they don't give him some god awful gimmick like they did with A-Train. Just have him come in as Matt Morgan the guy we all remember from his time with WWE. Maybe give him a manager if he is heel, wouldn't mind Armando Alejandro Estrada making a return!!!
hmm i musta read a different interview, he said if WWE offered he would consider it, he never said i "might" or "will" go back.

he also said he was happy with his position in TNA.

Way to overdramatise

"But speaking right now, I'm happy for the most part with how TNA has been treating me and they've done a really good job with me the last four years"

did u miss that bit or just go with the titles again that say TNA star contract ending soon, heading back to WWE.
I am not sure if he will end up there or not, but I gotta say I was never a fan of the guy until just recently. He started to grow on me in the team and feud with Crimson. He moves around well for a big guy, and even though his first run failed (not all his fault, they made him stutter for God's sake), I would be excited to see what he can do this time around. If WWE would make an offer I think he should take it. He has done pretty well for himself in TNA, and I think he could have a better run this time. Besides that he may not get another offer again, and I am sure he would enjoy the money. All in all I hope to see him in WWE one more time.
Should of gone for Morgan instead of Lord Tensai. Tensai may have quite an interesting gimmick but he is still as awful in the ring as he was in his other 2 stints in WWE.

Morgan could also replace big guys like Henry or Show who arn't getting any younger.
Matt Morgan is the most talented big man in wrestling
and WWE gave him a stupid ass stuttering gimmick.
If he goes there, no bullshit........let him be himself!
Should of gone for Morgan instead of Lord Tensai. Tensai may have quite an interesting gimmick but he is still as awful in the ring as he was in his other 2 stints in WWE.

Morgan could also replace big guys like Henry or Show who arn't getting any younger.

That is such bullshit and not even remotely close to true
thats intersting to see i hope matt morgan stays with TNA i fear if he goes to wwe he will get a push at first then a few monthes later start jobbing to everybody sense hes made a semi big name for himself in the rival company i think overall it would be better for morgan to stay in tna and hope for a main event push
Why do people think that Morgan could go to the WWE and all of the sudden become a top big man and have great success against main event talent? Last time I checked Matt Morgan hasn't really accomplished shit in TNA and he's only going to do worse if he were to somehow find himself back in the WWE. The guy has been in TNA around 4 or 5 years and all he has in terms of title reigns is 2 runs with the tag belts. When it comes to the top competition TNA has to offer, Morgan hasn't beaten much of anybody worth mentioning. He has had one on one encounters with the likes of AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Mr Anderson, Kurt Angle, and you want to no how many victories he holds in those matches? ZERO. The guy is overrated as fuck, hasn't really beaten anyone worth a damn, and has failed to cement himself in TNA's main event despite numerous opportunities.
If WWE make an offer he will take it, it's just common business sense at 35.

As to whether WWE want him, it's not impossible that they'd be interested given his size and mobility. I think sometimes his agility causes him to forget to work like the giant he is and he can still improve on that, but I'd be interested to see what WWE did with him as there's potential.
I would be delighted if Matt Morgan returned to the WWE, but only because I feel that Matt Morgan is hugely overrated by TNA and a pretty poor wrestler in the ring. In the WWE he could be easily lost in the midcard instead of appearing on many of the monthly PPV's.

In TNA Matt Morgan has had very few matches wortth watching, and those worth watching have been down to his opponant doing the lions share of the work (Kurt Angle). Matt has undeservedly won the TNA tag title belts and each time his reign has been pretty awful. When it was announced he'd been given a 5 year contract with TNA I had nightmares that he'd be given the world title, as it was he had two horrible shots at the belt in PPV main events in 2010 against a downward spirraling Jeff hardy.

In my opinion Matt Morgan has done very little to up his game in all the years he's been in wrestling. He's just a very generic big man wrestler with very little to offer, which makes me think he's the perfect wrestler for Vince McMahon to try and push to main event before losing him in the midcard for the rest of his contract, but that would be a better place for him than anywehere in TNA where he'll be given a more prominant position he doesn't deserve.

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