Matt Morgan needs Valium... BADLY.


Gone but never forgotten.
There is no doubt that Matt Morgan has star power. He's a huge man, he's in great shape, he's young, very athletic, and seems to take the sport of professional wrestling very seriously. I have no problem in stating that he is bound to wear the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in the near future.

However, he might be one of the most annoying microphone workers I've heard in a long time.

Whenever Matt Morgan is handed a microphone, it's almost as if he just drank about 19 Red Bulls. He speaks too quickly, is too vocally aggressive, and just says the most ridiculous shit. He really needs to put his ego in check and begin to act the part of a professional wrestler. Instead, he rambles on and on and speaks condescendingly to everyone that he comes in contact with. It's almost as if he's trying to play an evolved version of The Rock (i.e. the lovable heel).

Honestly, I can never tell if he's acting like a babyface or heel most of the time, and this is a BIG problem. He has all of these tools, but TNA constantly wants him to cut promos. Even when he was a monster babyface during the time when he was feuding with Kurt Angle, his promos always made me feel like he was playing the heel.

He just seems to get too hyper and eager to get his point across. Its almost as if he's trying too hard. And all of this is annoying me to high hell. All of his condescention and speaking down to the commentators is wearing very thin. I have seen no improvement or change in the character that he portrays when he has a microphone in hand, no matter whether he's been a heel or a face. If I'm unable to determine the role he's playing, he's clearly not doing his job correctly.

I think Matt needs to chill the fuck out during his promos and eat a nice slice of humble pie, otherwise he'll never reach the level that he's more than capable of attaining. Maybe he should work backstage with guys like Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson, or some of the other gifted promo guys.

Does anyone else agree or disagree with me?
See, now here I actually don't agree. Morgan's work on the mic is actually a high-spot for me when he comes out, because his ring attire (can those trunks get any smaller?!) and his entrance music are grating on the eyes & ears to say the very least.

While I do agree he's a bit of a tweener in terms of being able to tell which route he's going, I think that's a testament to the fact that he works best as a heel because of how well he can fulfill that cocky role with his MVP-like catch phrases ("The DNA of TNA", and "The MVP of SpikeTV"). The real issue for me here is his inability to get over as a face outside of the smarks, who IMO are his only fans regardless of how he's being booked simply because of the immense amount of potential he owns.

AJ Styles v. Matt Morgan in that best-of-three series in late 2009 is exactly the Morgan that needs to be booked week-in and week-out in order to push his growth in a positive direction if you ask me.

Can he tone it down a bit? Sure, but does he need to? Not so sure I agree there.
Yeah, Morgan can become way too hyped when cutting promos sometimes. Although, He is the most "Genetically stacked, athletically jacked giant walking today!"........Sorry, I just had to get that one in. Anyway, I think Morgan should tone it down sometimes because there are times when his excitement and arrogance really aren't needed. This can be a problem when he's a face because It makes him look like a dick, and that can confuse the audience when it comes to cheering or booing him. This would be okay if Morgan was great on the mic, but he's not. I don't think he's bad, but I also don't think he's that good either. I would say his mic skills are passable.

So yeah, I do think Morgan needs to tone it down a little bit.
Ever since hearing Matt Morgan speak i got this weird feeling in my gut like something wasnt right. After weeks and weeks of listening to his promos and what not i figured it out!

He talks way to much and too fast IMO. His mannerisms in the ring remind me of a man called Goldberg, and like Goldberg, with Morgans physical stature, he should cut short, intimidating promos just like Goldberg used to do back in the day. To me, if he does that he will reach his full potential on the mic.
Now this is the flip side of the coin. I agree ONLY on some of your points.

He does cut his promos somewhat quick, but at least he knows what he's saying. Like I said, he was terrible on the mic before but now he's got more experience on the mic and with his character. I mean doesn't his arrogance play an important role with his "I'm better than you" character and since he's becoming a tweener? I think it does.

At least he's carrying the group of him and Hernandez. If you ask me of who's better between the two, It's Matt Morgan.
I personally think his promos when he was trying to get into the Mafia were his best. He was playing that laid back character and you had that feeling that he knew he was the shit and was actually telling the guys liek Angle that the Mafia would be better with himinvolved. Now it almost comes off as he's trying to convince himself. I enjoy his laid back, cocky heel that is similarto high school quarterbacks who have all the talent int he world but you want to smack simply cause he is so smug.
I like his promos and everything. What I don't like is the fact that he just looks goofy. I might be alone in this one but it's so silly when he flexes, he's just tall and his arms are relatively skinny. Very weird. And his thong-like trunks are awkward too. Not a huge fan of his in-ring ability though. But at least he's one of these big guys that have the "it". I think all he needs is to go heel and just be more aggressive and build a character, be believable. I like him, got nothing against him and would love to see him with the strap one day.
There is no doubt that Matt Morgan has star power. He's a huge man, he's in great shape, he's young, very athletic, and seems to take the sport of professional wrestling very seriously. I have no problem in stating that he is bound to wear the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in the near future.

However, he might be one of the most annoying microphone workers I've heard in a long time.

Whenever Matt Morgan is handed a microphone, it's almost as if he just drank about 19 Red Bulls. He speaks too quickly, is too vocally aggressive, and just says the most ridiculous shit. He really needs to put his ego in check and begin to act the part of a professional wrestler. Instead, he rambles on and on and speaks condescendingly to everyone that he comes in contact with. It's almost as if he's trying to play an evolved version of The Rock (i.e. the lovable heel).

Honestly, I can never tell if he's acting like a babyface or heel most of the time, and this is a BIG problem. He has all of these tools, but TNA constantly wants him to cut promos. Even when he was a monster babyface during the time when he was feuding with Kurt Angle, his promos always made me feel like he was playing the heel.

He just seems to get too hyper and eager to get his point across. Its almost as if he's trying too hard. And all of this is annoying me to high hell. All of his condescention and speaking down to the commentators is wearing very thin. I have seen no improvement or change in the character that he portrays when he has a microphone in hand, no matter whether he's been a heel or a face. If I'm unable to determine the role he's playing, he's clearly not doing his job correctly.

I think Matt needs to chill the fuck out during his promos and eat a nice slice of humble pie, otherwise he'll never reach the level that he's more than capable of attaining. Maybe he should work backstage with guys like Kurt Angle, Ric Flair, Mr. Anderson, or some of the other gifted promo guys.

Does anyone else agree or disagree with me?

i was just thinking about that when watching morgan at the anounce table this week. He talks so fast that you have no idea what the fuck he is talking about. All i heard was he was the dna of tna. He said something about hernadez deserving the beating and after that ????
I think thats why WWE gave him a stutter. To slow him down.
to be honest i think his promos are so ridiculous that their entertaining [to a point]. I would love it if he ran with this adhd character. lmao
This is coming from a guy who doesn't like tna that much.
OK, let me start by saying that I agree with the premise of this post. I have thought for a long time that Morgan has the potential to be the top heel in TNA. To me I think that the less Morgan talks the better. I wrote a blog on another site, where I laid out the ground work for a Morgan vs Styles feud (when styles was a babyface) where Morgan would play more of a Sid Justice type heel. I suggested it might not be a bad idea to give him a manager like Big Van Vader had with Harley Race. The less coherent speech and the more yelling and spitting for Morgan the better.

That being said, I think that most people who have posted so far have completely missed the point of Morgan talking on commentary this past Monday. The reason that he is coming off "like a dick" and a tweener, is because he is exactly that. Morgan is beginning a heel turn and is going to turn on Hernandez as they drop the straps to Beer Money at Destination X. He is being booked like a dick to lay the ground work for a monster feud between Morgan and Hernandez.

That being said, yes you are correct, Morgan really does need to tone it down. Maybe they can have him travel with RVD for awhile. That might do the trick....
I gotta be honest...this thread made me laugh. Not because of anything that was written but I guess I never really noticed Morgan's mic work before. Usually when he's talking, I take whatever he's saying and send it through my mental paper shredder. Not to say that I'm not a Matt Morgan fan. I'm not really into the big/power wrestlers but Morgan as one I can at least tollerate. If you've ever seen an interview with Matt Morgan, he's the same way. He's very hyper but hey, give the guy credit. He's really excited to be him. I wish I were really excited to be me but unfortunately, I'm sitting at my PC eating a bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch. Nothing to be excited about.
That being said, I think that most people who have posted so far have completely missed the point of Morgan talking on commentary this past Monday. The reason that he is coming off "like a dick" and a tweener, is because he is exactly that. Morgan is beginning a heel turn and is going to turn on Hernandez as they drop the straps to Beer Money at Destination X. He is being booked like a dick to lay the ground work for a monster feud between Morgan and Hernandez.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he's turning heel against Hernandez. But my observation didn't have to do with his commentating on Monday night ONLY... it had to do with his character for the past few years. I've been following him closely, and deep inside, I'm secretly rooting for Morgan to take that final step into a believable main eventer. But in today's pro-wrestling world, you can't be validated as a champion unless you have the proper microphone skills. If you are the holder of the world championship and you cannot make a clear distinction to the audience between whether you're a heel or babyface, it is a MAJOR problem.

There aren't many "tweener" world champions out there. Normally, a world champion is black or white without a shade of a grey area. This is for the purpose of building the proper feuds and properly manipulating the audience's emotions so they give a shit about a main event match for the title. Matt Morgan is WAYYY to conceited and arrogant during his promos, whether he's playing a babyface OR a heel. Arrogance and conceit are direct signs of heel work. Unless Morgan can draw the line in the sand, calm down when he's handed a microphone, slow down, concentrate, and only speak for the purpose of directing his character down the right path, once they actually GIVE him the world title belt, he will be an utter failure. Mark my words.
I also agree that Morgan needs to cut down on his promos. To the regular TNA fan, you know he is a face and has been for a while. However, if you're just tuning in for the first time you seen Morgan be conceited and arrogant and you automatically assume he is a heel which isn't true. I always believed Morgan is a better heel than a face so his promos would more naturally fit for his persona. He can cut a decent promo but what's within the promo that is the main problem.
He needs to calm down when do promo's. He speaks to quickly and its as if he is hyper all the time. He just acts like a total asshole when speaking and seems like a heel which I guess he is meant to at the moment but he sounded the same when he was a full on face. He isn't exactly terrible on the mic and has shown he can cut decent ones as shown when feuding with Angle, if he can slow down and stop being such an ass I think they'll improve quite a bit.
I do not know what people are talking about saying Morgan has been a face for a while. That is simply not true. He had a babyface run at the beginning but ever since he turned on Abyss he has been doing this cocky character, this is not some new thing (they realized a long time ago he was going to need to be heel). I also do not get the person that said he is too cocky and arrogant even to be a heel, makes little sense to me. What happened was he had the Kurt Angle matches and like Morgan has said Kurt is so good at being the heel that he got some cheers. Then came transition period with the starmaking and hogan coming in, so he was kind of in tweener purgatory. Hogan/Bischoff hit the reset button on some guys to start fresh setting the stories up like they wanted to and that is where some confusion on Morgan comes from. His mic work surely could use some focus with a less is more approach but it is not too bad IMO. I just think "confusion" over heel/face is the fault of the bookers not his mic skills.

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