Matt Hardy the Evil Genius


Getting Noticed By Management
I only use wrestle zone to get my wrestling information and within the last week I swear I have seen Matt Hardy in the titles about 6-10 times. I remember when Matt Hardy was trying to get fired from the WWE back then he was all over the "Dirt sheets". Then he begins to wrestle for TNA and his name disappears, but his brother Jeff keeps his name in because of 1 court case. Now we fast forward to the last few weeks no ONE superstar has more name drops on wrestle zone website than Matt Hardy, now he has a court case and that means his name will be all over the website until he let go or thrown in jail.

I think Matt Hardy is a genius, he understands that the normal population like to hear about famous people doing dumb things, if this wasn't true tabloids would go away, Paparazzi would not be a huge thing.

What do you think? Matt Hardy evil genius or Moron feed by the tabloids and dirt sheets?
matt hardy has bern doing this for attention from the very begginig. people think that someone who was once a big face in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world would be stupid enough to actually get himself arrested twice for DWI.

mattitude is indeed a caniving lifestyle.
I only use wrestle zone to get my wrestling information and within the last week I swear I have seen Matt Hardy in the titles about 6-10 times. I remember when Matt Hardy was trying to get fired from the WWE back then he was all over the "Dirt sheets". Then he begins to wrestle for TNA and his name disappears, but his brother Jeff keeps his name in because of 1 court case. Now we fast forward to the last few weeks no ONE superstar has more name drops on wrestle zone website than Matt Hardy, now he has a court case and that means his name will be all over the website until he let go or thrown in jail.

I think Matt Hardy is a genius, he understands that the normal population like to hear about famous people doing dumb things, if this wasn't true tabloids would go away, Paparazzi would not be a huge thing.

What do you think? Matt Hardy evil genius or Moron feed by the tabloids and dirt sheets?

Neither... A bloke that needs fucking help. Matt's obviously in a horrible place right now and the best thing I've heard in the last while was that he was finally accepting that and going into rehab.
I only use wrestle zone to get my wrestling information and within the last week I swear I have seen Matt Hardy in the titles about 6-10 times. I remember when Matt Hardy was trying to get fired from the WWE back then he was all over the "Dirt sheets". Then he begins to wrestle for TNA and his name disappears, but his brother Jeff keeps his name in because of 1 court case. Now we fast forward to the last few weeks no ONE superstar has more name drops on wrestle zone website than Matt Hardy, now he has a court case and that means his name will be all over the website until he let go or thrown in jail.

I think Matt Hardy is a genius, he understands that the normal population like to hear about famous people doing dumb things, if this wasn't true tabloids would go away, Paparazzi would not be a huge thing.

What do you think? Matt Hardy evil genius or Moron feed by the tabloids and dirt sheets?

Yeah he's so smart that he is now jobless and on the verge of going to prison. I hope I never get as smart as Matt Hardy.
Yeah he's so smart that he is now jobless and on the verge of going to prison. I hope I never get as smart as Matt Hardy.

Yep guy goes to prison, get clean, comes back to wrestling. People love a sob story.
Matt Hardy is anything but a genius. Normal publicity seeking wrestlers send out feelers to companies, or do some sort of charity or even outrageous interviews. Matt Hardy, on the other hand, uses lame twitter or facebook fake suicide notes and is always in trouble with the law. Not exactly my definition of a genius, be it an evil genius or any other context of the word.

In short, Matt Hardy needs rehab and possibly even professional mental help for his problems. Otherwise, his fake suicide "attempt" may become a reality more sooner than later. I believe JBL said it best when he said,"Matt Hardy could've been the next HBK, but he turned into Marty Jannety". Sad, but true unfortunately.

There is a reason why Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle have similar problems, yet are still with the company while Matt was let go. If a wrestler is good, people WANT to read about them. If a wrestler is...Matt just becomes pathetic.
The last time I checked, Matt Hardy is not on the WWE anymore. He is on TNA so this thread should be located in the TNA section not in the WWE.

Well nevertheless, Matt Hardy is one wrestler that is a forever jobber.
Yep guy goes to prison, get clean, comes back to wrestling. People love a sob story.

defiantly jerry springer shit,

his best friend bangs his woman,

his best friends kicks his ass and steals his woman and ruins his life,

drug addiction takes over and he ends up losing another hottie that clearly doesn't deserve.

Yeah sob story.
I think (and this isn't any form of medical expertise just my opinion) Matt Hardy, in his head, uses the publicity as an excuse to continue his antics. However, Matt is just a mess and needs medical help. What it comes down to is no matter what, he is going to make up an excuse in his mind for a reason to why he needs to continue doing drugs. Right now the reason is he needs to do drugs for the publicity. Once the publicity is gone he would just move onto another reason why he needs to do drugs, until he gets help.
Hang on, hang on.

Alright, so Matt isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and he does appear to be a couple of aces short of a full deck, but wasn't that kind of the deal with Eddie Guerrerro for the longest time after WCW, too?

He got himself cleaned up and went on to become a legend, after suffering through endless mid card angles that built him up one week and then tore him down the other. Sure, Matt threw up a veritable shitstorm when he left the E, but if he got clean... who knows?
Hang on, hang on.

Alright, so Matt isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and he does appear to be a couple of aces short of a full deck, but wasn't that kind of the deal with Eddie Guerrerro for the longest time after WCW, too?

He got himself cleaned up and went on to become a legend, after suffering through endless mid card angles that built him up one week and then tore him down the other. Sure, Matt threw up a veritable shitstorm when he left the E, but if he got clean... who knows?

Agreed, only difference though is Matt Hardy is already 36 years old. I just can't see WWE taking a risk with him again. Maybe TNA, but not WWE.
Agreed, only difference though is Matt Hardy is already 36 years old. I just can't see WWE taking a risk with him again. Maybe TNA, but not WWE.

Matt is just not as exciting as jeff can be, with jeff's high flying, risk taking moves.
The last time I checked, Matt Hardy is not on the WWE anymore. He is on TNA so this thread should be located in the TNA section not in the WWE.

Well nevertheless, Matt Hardy is one wrestler that is a forever jobber.

Well was the "last time you checked" a few months ago? Because he's not on TNA's roster either.
I think (and this isn't any form of medical expertise just my opinion) Matt Hardy, in his head, uses the publicity as an excuse to continue his antics. However, Matt is just a mess and needs medical help. What it comes down to is no matter what, he is going to make up an excuse in his mind for a reason to why he needs to continue doing drugs. Right now the reason is he needs to do drugs for the publicity. Once the publicity is gone he would just move onto another reason why he needs to do drugs, until he gets help.

You hit the nail on the head. I just wanted someone at wrestlezone to check out the comments and realized that they are fueling the fire that is the burn out Matt Hardy. The point is they are giving him tons of space on the website about his personal failures as a human and as a wrestler. I came for wrestling information and Matt is not even an indy wrestler. Their are plenty of actually wrestling to report on example PWO, ROH, TNA, WWE, Indies, anything is better than giving TMZ reports about what used to be a wrestler and now is Amy whinehouse version of Matt Hardy. Part of me wants him in jail forever so we never hear his name again, Jail offers him rehab and he can go away.
You hit the nail on the head. I just wanted someone at wrestlezone to check out the comments and realized that they are fueling the fire that is the burn out Matt Hardy. The point is they are giving him tons of space on the website about his personal failures as a human and as a wrestler. I came for wrestling information and Matt is not even an indy wrestler. Their are plenty of actually wrestling to report on example PWO, ROH, TNA, WWE, Indies, anything is better than giving TMZ reports about what used to be a wrestler and now is Amy whinehouse version of Matt Hardy. Part of me wants him in jail forever so we never hear his name again, Jail offers him rehab and he can go away.

I honestly think it's borderline morbid that sites like continue to cover the fall of Matt Hardy. It's not wrestling related, it's just a bunch of sad stuff the average person doesn't need to know. I'm sure in some sick way Matt Hardy is enjoying this. Watching the IWC eat up his home made drama with a fork and knife probably has him feeling like pro wrestling's Charlie Sheen, when he's really more like pro-wrestlings Dana Plato. As for WZ, I'd rather they not cover anything Hardy does until one of two things happen... he gets another gig in the biz or he dies. Only those two things would be news worthy.
The fact he's gone to a WWE sponsored rehab centre shows they have no animosity.

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