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Mason Ryan and Eziekial Jackson Reportedly Being Pushed Soon


I'm about to DROP A PIPE BOMB!
So according to www.wrestlenewz.com, Jackson and Mason Ryan will be recicinving huge ass pushes! This is my opinion is complete bull! Mason is greener than grass and Jackson well he just is big thats about it...
What are your guys thoughts on all this?!
They've been around for a long time as two guys with a huge build and lacking in just about everything else needed for prowrestling. They are boring to the crowd and they will continue to get booed and out shined by the truly talented.
I'm by no means an etymologist, but I'm pretty sure that recicinving a push is not quite the same as receiving a push.

Regarding Mason and Big Zeke, yeah sure, put them in a tag team and call them Vince's Hunks, make them the new Billy and Chuck.
GOOD! Bout time Big Zek got something going. Though I can't say that Ryan could use one, he is in dire need of something too. Haven't seen him wrestle lately so I don't know if he is any better.

I've said this already...I think a tag team would be good. They could be a new version of a powerhouse team like The Natural Disasters were back in the day or like the APA. I just hope that either of them aren't made out to be monsters dominating everyone in their path. They can be face monsters in the sense of taking out the heels.

I'm not ready to write either of them off yet. I still believe there is hope for these guys. If they could just find the right thing to set them up. Back in the day Ahmed Johnson wasn't the greatest, but he was still over and had some pretty good feuds.
I read something about this on another site last night. It might be true, it might be complete bull, it might be an idea that someone tossed out at a creative meeting that the source may have mistakenly taken the wrong way, etc.

Ryan didn't make an appearance in the Rumble match and Big Zeke's appearance wasn't exactly memorable. I read where, allegedly, creative didn't put Ryan in the Rumble match because they felt it would do nothing for him. To me, that sounds extremely suspicious and makes me want to doubt the validity of the whole situation. It seems to me that putting Ryan in the Rumble, making him look dominant and keeping him in the match for a long time are factors that could do a whole lot for him. People are talking about Kingston's performance in the Rumble, people still talk about John Morrison's performance in the 2011 Rumble match, people are talking about The Miz & Cody Rhodes staying in the Rumble for more than 40 minutes each and Rhodes eliminating a respectable number of competitors.

I might be wrong but it just seems to me that giving Ryan & Big Zeke dominant, memorable performances in the Royal Rumble match would do a lot for both men and would be indicative that they're both going to be heavily pushed. Since Ryan didn't appear in the match at all and Zeke didn't do anything memorable, I'm not going to believe it until I see it.
I remember when Chris Masters was supposed to get a big push after WrestleMania...

I don't really mind Mason Ryan getting a big push. I thought that he looked better in the ring, the last time we saw him, and he certainly has a good look. I mean, hey, it worked for Batista.

As far as Ezekiel Jackson is concerned, though, haven't we already tried with him? He's the, "last ECW World Champion," and I put that in quotes because the real last champion was Rhino, but he's also been Intercontinental Champion and he won it in a fairly large way, beating future main eventer/probable World Champion Wade Barrett on PPV. Big Zeke has kind of already given us all he has to give.

There's nothing Mason Ryan can do that I feel Sheamus can't do better, but I'll at least wait and see what happens with him.

Big Zeke has played out. The guy doesn't bring anything better to the table. Sure, if he's lifting Mark Henry over his head, then that's pretty entertaining. But, he's a one trick pony that doesn't have good storytelling abilities and we've already seen what his best work is.

I don't feel like Mason Ryan has been given much of a chance to shine, yet. He's been on TV and put on PPV, sure, but he's never had a chance to break out of his shell. Big Zeke has been a midcard champion; he's had chances. If he beats Cody for the Intercontinental belt, I think it'll just go to waste. They could raise better midcard babyfaces than Zeke. I think DiBiase would be a better fit, as would Justin Gabriel. Hell, you could move Kofi over to Smackdown and another one of his runs would still at least give you better matches and a veteran to work with the youngsters, IMO.

Mason Ryan = bleh
Big Zeke = eww
They should push them both, preferably off a cliff with parachute's and pocket change for a bus ride to Orlando, once at TNA they could team with Gunner as a faction of guys who have nothing to offer.
In all honesty big zeke and mason ryan and psychically powerhouses *coughs* steroids*coughs* but their wrestling skills and mic skills sucks they are dead to the crowd and will be out talented though if any talent needs a push its drew mcintyre who has more talent than both combined also cody rhodes needs a better feud hopefully goldust start a feud with him soon
Last year, I remember CM Punk talking about how the WWE has always been about pushing the giants and muscleheads. With news of Ryan and Jackson allegedly getting new pushes after failing to catch on before, I think this is what Punk meant by that.

It seems to me that guys like Jackson and Ryan will get more opportunities to succeed than guys like Low Ki and Colt Cabana, who could easily put on good matches, just because of their size. With guys like Jackson and Ryan, it's like the WWE brass goes "Damn, they're not getting over...oh well, just take them off TV for a while and try again." Whereas with Ki and Cabana, it was like "They're not catching on so let's get rid of them."

The same thing happened with Bobby Lashley. According to "Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story of ECW," Vince McMahon was determined to push Lashley as the next superhero of the brand, much like Cena on RAW and Batista on SmackDown, at the expense of Rob Van Dam, CM Punk and everyone else on ECW. As history showed us, it never really worked out. The same thing happened with Snitsky, as the WWE tried to get him over as this monstrous heel and he never really lived up to it.

If there is any lesson that the WWE should learn really hard, it is if the giant they're trying to push doesn't catch on after so many tries, they never will.
Seems like a good move for Jackson but not for Ryan.

Mason Ryan debuted a little over a year ago now and has only recently started to show me something during his brief feud with Ziggler/Swagger. With how much time he spent in FCW it shocked me how green he was and still is. I doubt a push will be coming to him anytime soon.

Jackson on the other hand been in the company for almost 4 years now and deserves his run. I remember 2 years ago when ECW ended and he was supposed to be the next big thing. It never happened and he was just a Corre lackey until he became intercontinental champion and still hasn't gone anywhere . While his rumble performance was nothing special he still caught my eye. His push has long been overdue and I really want to see another power guy in the high middle card.

If WWE wants to this, I say do it Jackson and keep Ryan down in FCW.
I wouldn't mind an Eziekial Jackson push, Ryan really hasnt impressed me much because he just seems like a generic muscle head.
Neither deserve a push, neither of them get a crowd reaction. Ezekial Jackson has a push as the IC champion last year and no one cared about him then, he blew his chance, hell he was even the ECW champion and no one cared. Mason Ryan maybe would be better as a heel but he can't be taken seriously as a face, the crowd goes silent when he comes out, and people cheered for heel cody rhodes when he eliminated ryan at SS ppv. Both should be fired, not given a push. Give a push to someone deserving like drew mcintyre or tyler reks or alex riley
Meh, receiving a big push and succeeding with a big push are two very different things.

Look at Big Zeke's last 'big push', when he won the IC gold...didn't last long at all. The problem with Zeke is no matter how big he is, and how intense he tries to be, his move set and overall in ring performance is crap. Same can be said for Mason Ryan.

It's no secret Vince and HHH are fans of the huge, sterotypical 80's build wrestlers, but fans these days just don't buy in to size alone. In the era of Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, Rhodes....etc, it takes a lot more for a big guy to get over in WWE.

If you look at the big men in WWE that have gotten over in WWE, it's guys that have been in the business and in the WWE for a very long time. Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Mark Henry...guys that spent years improving their talents and characters, and winning over the fans. It took Henry practically his entire career to get to the point he is at now, and Kane's relevance is typically the product of character re-invention.

The other problem lies in the fact that since both are so green in the ring, and are so damn big, the roster doesn't have a depth of talent to really put them over. With Zeke on Smackdown, the only other people that match his size are Henry and Show, and both are too far up the ladder right now to have any sort of program with him. Leaving him to feud with smaller mid card talent, many of which, with the exception of Rhodes and a few others, aren't going to carry him very well. As for Ryan, I don't really see where he fits in to the picture at all, especially if he stays on the Raw side of things. If I were creative, I'd put him in an enforcer role, maybe add him in to the Ziggler/Swagger/Vickie stable, just to get him some exposure and heat, before trying to re shove him down the audience throat again.
They're both missing a lot but I do agree that they may be able to do something with Jackson but Ryan? Na.... The guy can barely move. Its like he has ankle weights on or something. Jackson MAY be able to do something but not Ryan. I thought Ryan would have been good for Vickies stable but they didn't do that so... Yeah Ryan doesnt have it, neither does Jackson but at least Jackson has something... Dont know what it is but yeah....
I agree Zeke has a few things wrong to say the least. His move-set is crap, his theme music is crap, his name is crap, he has no business trying to be a face, and he lost to many times to people he has no business losing to. So WWE basically killed any shot at Zeke ever being relevant. As far as Ryan he has no business trying to be a face either, his music is also crap, and he hasn't been around long enough. So they shouldn't be pushed because WWE killed their chances of being relevant.
Personally i want Mason Ryan to be teamed with Drew "And you thought Melina hurt her boy toys carrer" McIntrye and give them Regal as a manager. Maybe give them a name like Regal's Squires and make them a good tag team. Regal can handle the mic skills while the others improve into full characters. Hey it worked for guys like Cody Rhodes and the Rock
I say throw em together in a tag team, give them some sort of power gimmick. Would be a good contrast to all two teams we have now in the Uso's and Primo & Epico.
1st things first, I for 1 would love to see these 2 get a major push. Lets face it as of right now Ryan and Zeke aren't looked upon to become great technical wrestlers who can put on a great storytelling match these 2 are the Goliaths that David has 2 overcome. The IWC is so down on these 2 when in all honesty what they both need is a gud mouthpiece, somebody who already has heat with the crowd, someone who can lead and point them in the right direction, someone named The Miz. Miz would be a perfect leader for them becuz his character is a natural leader and much like with A Ri his star power instantly gives the team of Ryan and Zeke crowd attention. Another thing that a lot of ppl hate to admit but Miz isn't really all that great as a stand alone character so pairing up with these 3( I would throw Drew Mc in this group 2 becuz he's another guy who would benefit from having some type of purpose) would also aid Miz's character in becoming the next great heel or at the very least with the right feud they could all keep each other revelent for a while.
They already did try to give them pushes. They went absolutely nowhere.

Since then they've either never been on TV (Ryan) or just used as jobbers (Jackson).

I don't care. Both are terrible in the ring and have zero personality.
Personally i want Mason Ryan to be teamed with Drew "And you thought Melina hurt her boy toys carrer" McIntrye and give them Regal as a manager. Maybe give them a name like Regal's Squires and make them a good tag team. Regal can handle the mic skills while the others improve into full characters. Hey it worked for guys like Cody Rhodes and the Rock

I wouldn't be against something like this.

There is a lack of tag-teams as always right now, and Drew just keeps losing week after week. I think a good way for this to occur would be for Ryan to interfere in a McIntyre match, helping Drew to end the streak and then the 2 of them to team up the following week. Regal would definitely be a perfect mouthpiece. I hope he sticks around as a manager after he retires as he can get a hell of a lot of heat, is a great example for young up-and-coming talent and could definitely help Mason Ryan build some kind of personality.

Good idea.
Jackson's last push went no where. The fans weren't behind him and Cody Rhodes made him is personal B....well let's just say he lost clean to Cody a lot. Since the end of his IC title run he has been used as a jobber. It will take a good bit of revamping before I will be able to take him seriously as a threat. Ryan on the other hand hasn't been jobbed out. His lack of tv time shouldn't hurt him. Actually it will help him because he'll seem fresh. He'll never be an IWC favorite because as Batista has proven, no matter how much you improve the IWC will A: never support a power wrestler and B: Change their minds about someone once they've decided early on that they can't wrestle.
What are your guys thoughts on all this?!
They both suck in the ring

I don't think anyone knows what Ryan is saying on the mic

Big Zeke is okay on the mic, but his lack of talent in the ring hinders him.

Their are other people in the WWE who are well rounded and more deserving of a push that these two.
I say throw em together in a tag team, give them some sort of power gimmick. Would be a good contrast to all two teams we have now in the Uso's and Primo & Epico.

That's what I think is the best way to utilize them at this point. Give them a gimmick similar to the APA and maybe they'll take off.
I hope it isn't true, neither guy really deserves a push and I don't think they'd be able to do anything with it if they were given the oppertunity. Ryan is a big idiot who can't get a reaction and Zeke is a likable guy but not enough to care about him being pushed or staying in irrelevant land. The only thing that could be enjoyable is those two as a tag team because it's always fun to have a big man team, that would be entertaining.
Zeke is in need of some MAJOR re-tooling to make a push stick. Ryan is too green for anything right now. Pushed as a tag team maybe?

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