Maryse Returns .... Disguised as the Gobbledy Gooker!


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
Maryse made her return tonight under the guise of the Gobbledy Gooker and ambushed Melina. She looked as sexy as ever, and was oozing of charisma and confidence. She is one of the few women on the roster with an actual character, and is capable of bringing some sense of credibility to the division along with a Beth title run over on Smackdown.

What do you think they have in store for Maryse? Do you think a Diva's title run will come right away, or will Melina go over once or twice before dropping. What do you think of the character and its impact on the Diva's division?

I think she is one of the few diva's who is actually entertaining, and I expect her to limit bathroom breaks somewhat (depending on her opponent). Maybe she can link up with the Miz again to get some more heat and together they can be a pretty decent duo (much better than the Ziggler/Maria failed experiment on the blue show).
its great to see Maryse back, she is the most charismatic diva in wwe at the moment and i don't think it'll be long until she gets the belt back.

And WOW, she still looked hot even dressed as the gobbledy gooker
As soon as I saw the Gobbledy Gooker, I was like, "I don't remember GG having puppies!!!"

And yes, I am excited to have her back. She truely is one of the best divas to have on the mic, and one of the few divas that can actually get heat. I mean, "BOO!!!" heat, not "yawn" heat.

This is because she has CHARISMA. In my opinion you cannot get over with the fans without charisma, because they won't believe the character.
I was glad to see her return. Before she went out with an injury, she was becoming one of my favorite current divas. She had a pretty good character and she wasn’t half bad in the ring. Yeah, she could use some work with her in-ring ability, but overall I thought she was entertaining.

Anyways, when I saw the Gooker come out and suspected nothing. I just thought they were bringing it out just because it’s almost Thanksgiving. However, when Lawler interviewed Melina I thought something was up. Why would he interview her? They haven’t done it with other matches like this so why this one? And then Maryse attacked.

However, there was one problem I saw. She was getting cheered by the horny males but other than that…she had no heat. I hope they work hard to put heat back on her…even thought she didn’t have much on Raw when she went with the injury,
It was pretty neat how they sneaked Maryse in their tonight. I'm glad too because after that horrible pilgrims vs. Indians match, I thought we were going to see the Gooker dance around with the divas and hornswoggle. She didn't do anything to get a reaction though besides a few cheers. All she did was hit Melina a few times with the costume head which probably only weighs 2 pounds. Then she took a few minutes just to take off the rest of the costume which was akward. At least she is back on TV, now we wait to see how long it is before she is injured again.
Glad to see my girl Maryse back in the WWE ring. She is by far my favorite diva, so I had a mini diva mark out when Maryse took the head of the Gooker off and attacked Melina. Hopefully she continues to develop and improve her skill and once again become champion. Plus I made a lovely sig for myself to celebrate her return.
Good to see Maryse back in my opinion.

She's one of a very limited amount, that can actually compete in ring, and back it up on the mic... and generate fan interest.

The Diva picture needs a serious shake up and hopefully with Maryse's return, we'll see that...similar to the WWE Title picture
Oh my goodness, I am pumped about Maryse coming back!

She simply oozes sex appeal, and is a unique and awesome character to have in the Divas division. Plus, she has some solid in-ring work in my opinion. I think the matches with her and Melina could be pretty competitive and have a lot of flexibility involved, if you know what I mean...

Glad she is back, because she is a damn fine woman.
Errr...Umm Yay!!!! I'm glad to see Maryse back. Vince seems to really like her and with her back hopefully that means more time, longer focus, and more matches that actually mean something for the division.

Maryse is one of the few with a great character and she's very fierce so having her back makes me happy. Her return was interesting and I love that they gave her something a little special(instead of letting her return in a match with Kelly Kelly or someone). The crowd was pretty dead(minus a few cheers)but that's to be expected.

Hopefully her and Melina have a good feud and put on some good matches, but I won't hold my breath. Melina has been sloppy lately, and Maryse has always been a clutzy mess in the ring, so I'm not confident they will have any really great matches, but at least Maryse brings alittle spark back to the division.
I'm glad she's back because now she will hopefully become divas champion again. I don't really like Melina even as a face (HATED her when she was a heel) and would rather Maryse be champion. Her return was rather amusing, but it would have been better in my opinion without being disguised as the Gobbledy Gooker, and if the other divas weren't dressed up as indians and pilgrims.... that was kind of lame and something that chavo/santino/etc should have been doing, not the divas. Oh well, at least Maryse is back!
Maryse is a breath of fresh air to a completely stale division. The divas in the pilgrims vs indians match needed something to make it watchable. It was a bathroom break match, but luckily my bathroom is a couple of steps away from my couch and I was still able to hear what was happening. She was never really in the BS gimmick matches, so maybe they will take things a little more serious in her programs.

Her in disguise is just a blip on the radar due to the fact that she was gone for a couple of months.
Maryse is the sexiest Diva in the WWE. Yes, even more than Kelly Kelly. The reason is that she's actually a good wrestler and she's incredibly charismatic. And to use her as the Gobbeldy Gooker was hilarious and unexpected to most of us.

Look for the Diva's division to take a step up in quality and feuds now that she's back. Melina's a good wrestler, but she nearly squashes everyone, which is boring. At least she can have some competition, and hey...why not turn Beth Phoenix face and have them feud? All good possibilities with Maryse back in the fold.
I thought it was great. I was cheering like crazy. I love Maryse. She has everything, she's got the charisma, she's damn good in the ring, she's pretty decent on the microphone, and she's got the looks. Jesus Christ does she ever have the looks.. I thought it was a fun little way to introduce her back into the fray, I didn't see it coming.
Why do they still do dumbass shit like the Indian/Pilgrim shit if they're pg? Like to me thats still just as demeaning as a straight up Bra and Panties Match or Lingerie match(not that I care, they get paid well, here's to them, I miss the smut)

Anyway Maryse is super hot and all but she looked like an idiot taking that Gobbledy Gooker outfit off, the only payoff was that her shorts were riding up her ass. I've never seen her wrestle but I haven't heard much good. She did look charismatic, seems to me she'd make a great manager/valet w/e(if she can't wrestle).
Maryse is the Wrestling Goddess... and in my opinion... she's the answer to Trish's departure.

Think about it for a second. Maryse has the look, she is gaining the in-ring work, and her mic skills are fantastic. I think it helps even more when she KNOWS she's as hot as she thinks she is. Not to mention the way she pulls off the "You can look but don't touch" routine is just perfection.

As for Melina & Maryse... I'm hoping that they build the rivalry to go up to Royal Rumble and make the match at the PPV. I actually think the Diva's division is shaping up in the right direction.
Maryse's return was the main reason I've been tuning in to raw. She'll show that there's still some life in the divas division. She's has the most charisma of all the divas and probably more than a lot of the male wrestlers. I had it figured out as soon as they started interviewing Melina. It did take her a little too long to get out of that costume.
Finally, Maryse returns to RAW. This is a great thing to happen to the division on the brand as they are in desperate need of heels as well as people who have some sort of character for the crowd to get into. With her coming back, she can be featured in multiple feuds with Kelly, Melina and Kim (the three top faces) and make for some interesting television.

With the stacked face roster, there is a good chance that Maryse will become the Diva's champion to force the matches between her and the faces to happen. I wouldn't mind though, she has a solid enough character to entertain.
IMO, the wwe diva's division would not have lasted to long without maryse. Michelle gets boring, and mickie would need to beat Michelle in order to be diva's champ. But maryse made a great feud, and unfortuneteley, lost. but now she's back, hotter then ever, and ready to be champ again. Now dat the division is failing, we need maryse and her appeal, charisma, and of course, accent
With the stacked face roster, there is a good chance that Maryse will become the Diva's champion to force the matches between her and the faces to happen. I wouldn't mind though, she has a solid enough character to entertain.

I would really enjoy that! Maryse as Divas Champion would give us a good long feud between her and Melina.... which I hope Maryse would win. Then, she could move on to feud with Kelly! They could have Maryse win two matches in a row, but with Kelly looking strong, then her finally winning in a third match. Then we would have Kelly for our Divas Champion! Even if that doesn't happen though, Maryse VS anybody makes for an entertaining match.... as far as the divas go anyway.... I'm glad she's back and am looking forward to her upcoming matches no matter who she feuds with because Maryse is one of the best divas.

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