Mark Madden Is Full of It


[This Space for Rent]
Milk sent me a link to a recent "Mark Madden: Mailbag Session", to which I still can't explain why I read the entire thing.. but out of this Q & A session, to which I have retitled B & S.. I'm going to give my own replies to selective replies Madden gave.

Let us begin.

Madden said:
Finally, some relatively intelligent e-mails. Did your parents write these for you?

Its like hes trying really hard to act cool, to a bunch of internet geeks and nerds. I suppose the same could be said for me, mocking Madden, on an internet just the same.. but Madden is something of a "big name" in the sport whereas I'm just some random fan.

Still, it just seems to me the majority of the Wrestling personalities that WZ brings in.. believe they're bigger than they really are and thus they think it gives them the right to act like a bunch of pricks, in purely stupid ways.

Madden said:
Q: As soon as a guy puts his spouse on the road, is their marriage doomed?

A: Pretty much. When both halves of a couple are involved in wrestling, invariably one is a bigger star than the other and trouble ensues. Case in point: Debra and Steve McMichael had problems because Steve was featured more than Debra. When Debra got a bigger role and became a bigger star, her attitude became, "What do I need him for?" Keep in mind these are often not the most stable relationships to begin with.

This entire reply to the question was completely opinion based, and the readers need to realize that Madden has no real clue on any relationship outside of what he, along with the rest of us for the most part, see through his/our own eyes.

Debra has largely been known as a cocky bitch. But the last comment/remark Madden made, that I bolded, is what I focused on the most.

You know, because he claims most of these relationships with Husband/Wife duos in Wrestling together.. aren't often stable. Yeah, cause.. Booker & his Wife seem to really be having a rough go of it.

And he even later said himself, Luger & Liz were a great couple. (not married, mind you, but its practically one in the same. What is a marriage compared to dating, except a piece of legal paper and a name change.)

Madden said:
Nash and Hall are two of the smartest guys I know when it comes to booking ideas. For example, here's how Sting's "Crow" persona came about: Ideas for recasting Sting were being discussed, and Hall remembered that one wrestler used to wear "Crow" makeup while banging one of WCW's ladies because she had a major "Crow" fetish. Scott, as a resident of the wrestling bubble, never saw "The Crow" and had no idea where the makeup scheme was from. So Scott said, "Hey, how 'bout we put Sting in that makeup [so-and-so] used to wear when he was ****ing [so-and-so]?" So we did, and it worked. Sorry, gang, no names.

Once again, Madden mixes in what we're suppose to believe to be the truth.. mixed with corny, sex-added humor.

It was never a secret that Hall was behind helping Sting get the Crow gimmick. But Madden added in that Hall brought it up, via addressing it by "so and so" fucking "so and so", yet he won't mention names.

Maybe, because if he did mention any names.. should any of those random names be reading.. and catch him in the lies he's likely spewing, they'd have his fat ass in a sling.

Madden said:
Q: What was the Macho Man like with Miss Elizabeth & then Gorgeous George?

A: Randy was never with Elizabeth during my time with WCW. I really liked Liz. She was as classy as she was presented to be. Her and Lex Luger were a really good couple, and I feel awful about the torment Lex undoubtedly carries around with him.

As for George, Randy was extremely jealous and possessive. George was never out of his sight. He treated her like an employee, not a girlfriend. Just domineering 24/7. Once George was wearing bib overalls with nothing else covering her considerable breasts. She stopped to talk to me, Hall and Nash. Randy didn't say anything, but he stared holes in her and evidently took notice of what she was (and wasn't) wearing because when I saw her again 20 minutes later, she was wearing a T-shirt under her overalls. That's how Randy was with women.

Once again, I'm not disagreeing with whether Savage was or wasn't like this with Women, but two things.

First, I love how Madden smoothly adds his own name into the mix of having a conversation w/ Hall and Nash, and thats how all this went down.

Second, I love how Savage, as a 40-50 something yr old guy.. was seen as jealous and obsessive with his 20-maybe 30 something yr old girlfriend. NO FUCKING SHIT!

If Erin ever dies before me when we're old, and I land a fucking Lolita.. I'm gonna be obsessive and possessive too! Why the fuck not. 50 yr old guys, shouldn't be banging 20 yr old girls. This is coming from a future 50 yr old guy, likely considering it if I lose the love of my life. :lmao:

Madden said:
Q: What do you think of Randy Orton?

A: Overrated. But then, I'm not a fan of twink porn.

:rolleyes: Yet you love Twinkies, and porn, separately. See Madden, I can make stupid remarks that don't answer anything, too.

Madden said:
Q: Was Vince Russo correct to do what he did at Bash at the Beach 2000?

A: Judging by my color commentary at the time, you'd sure think I approved. But Hogan had creative control IN HIS CONTRACT. Legally, you had to let Hogan do what he wants. Same with Bret in Montreal. Contractual obligation takes precedence over what's best for the promotion. I'm still not sure how much of what happened at Bash at the Beach 2000 was a shoot, though. Looking back, I think it was a work gone bad.

I disagree with this entirely. This situation shouldn't of been compared to the Bret Hart situation.

On one hand, you have a guy who has tried controlling every bit of his character and direction. (Hogan) On the other, you have a situation where the guy (Hart) had done everything for the Company and simply put in a request (didn't demand, didn't forcefully say, but asked - nicely) if he could merely not drop the title, on that night, to that guy.

Hart didn't say he wouldn't. He just said he didn't want to, and wanted to work around it.

Hogan flat-out refused to job to Jarrett.

Two entirely different situations. And Russo (to my knowledge) didn't sign Hogan's contract, or agree to the terms and agreements withIN said contract. However, you (Madden) and I, both know.. every contract has loop holes and most of those loop holes will state 'said' Company you're employed by, has every given right to over-power anything and do as they wish.

If someone was stupid enough to give Hogan a contract, 100% allowing him to do whatever, whenever, however.. then that individual deserves to be fired, for allowing the Wrestler to control the Company.

Madden said:
Q: During the Monday Night Wars, who did WCW hold back that really had star potential?

A: Off the top of my head, there are two entities they could have used better. One was Raven, who was '90s wrestling's most compelling original character, the grunge loser who was moved to psychotic rage and grandiose manipulation by his own sense of self-loathing. More on that in a future column. The other, believe it or not, was Three Count. Boy bands were huge then, those guys all looked good, and Moore and Helms could really work. I'm not saying Raven and Three Count should have been top of the card. But they were apropos to the times, and WCW never took full advantage of that.

What the fuck is with the Raven love?

Hey, I liked the guy.. thought he was amazing in W.C.W.. just not amazing enough to be above, or anywhere near the league of the n.W.o, or Hulk Hogan.

And 3 Count = greatest boy team ever. They should've been pushed. But here's the thing.. THEY WERE, and you called the matches in which they were!! You fat fuck, did you not witness 'Sugar' Shane Helms become the top Cruiserweight when the Company folded? Did you not notice Shannon Moore become right under that, as another great star in that division?!

Madden said:
Q: What was the crazy/funniest/most distracting thing you've ever seen while broadcasting live?

A: That's easy. At a Spring Break Nitro, a bunch of kids just behind the broadcast location were smoking a ton of pot, and Schiavone and I caught a vicious contact buzz. Watch that show today, and you can hear me make several references to it. At one point, Nash got on the headset and said, "Madden, are you high?" I just laughed and he said, "I'm coming out."

I'm sure X might have put aside his loathing disdain for you, for a moment to notice you mentioned pot.. laughed, said "fuck yeah", then went back to disliking you again. Congrats on the slight mark out you may have gotten.

Madden said:
Q: Exactlly how ****ty were the Nitro Girls?

A: Then, as now, the girls are put on the road to sleep with the boys. Several Nitro Girls were "road wives" to wrestlers. On the road, they were monogamous. At home, they were monogamous, too -- just with other people. Hey, when you put young, good-looking, athletic guys and girls on the road together, nature takes its course. Nothing wrong with that.

This is the biggest piece of shit I've ever read. I 100% entirely disagree and doubt wholeheartedly that this happened.

As Wrestling fans, or "marks/smarks" what-have-you, the Company wants to believe we think the Divas/Knockouts/Women of the Business.. are fucking the Males every single moment.

Truth is, I doubt this is even remotely true. Relationships form, never said they didn't. Sometimes, the off situation (Adam/Amy/Matt, John/Melina) happen.. but to say an entire "branch" of females (Nitro girls) were solely brought in to FUCK and SATISFY the guys on the road.. is a crock of shit, that you need to cook quite a bit longer before you expect me to swallow it, willingly.

Oh, I'm sure if Shawn ever reads this and passes this note on to Rebecca.. she'll be more than happy to put you in your place.
I'm probably going to get bashed for saying this, but I really, really like Mark Madden.

Back in 2001, I did an internship for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers during my senior year of college (it was actually in the sports department at KDKA, but all I did was cover baseball and football). Mark was doing a radio show in the city for ESPN Radio and he constantly showed up at Pirate games (now he works for WXDX).

At the time, I had no idea who he was aside from the sports talkshow, but we really hit it off.

Yes, he was a big dude (being kind here), but he really commanded a prescence with other members of the media. He was never afraid to voice his opinion out loud and always, always asked the hard questions no matter how controversial they may have been.

The other thing I truly appreciated about him was that everyone knew he was a former wrestling commentator an lets be honest, wrestling isn't exactly mainstream cool. But Mark didn't care. He was extremely proud of his time spent with WCW and was / is a genuine wrestling fan.

Do I agree with everything he writes - no. But am I glad to see that a guy who makes quite a bit of loot for doing his radio show (he has the highest rated show in Pittsburgh) still continues to follow a business that most people turn their noses up at - yes.

Love him or hate him - Mark Madden does know what he's talking about. But whenever a person voices their opinion and thoughts, not everyone is going to like them. I don't like a lot of stuff Madden says or writes, but I have an asshole just like everyone else - and sometime's mine stinks too !!
I have never respected Mark Madden. The only funny thing I saw from him, was him getting his fatass knocked out by Mean Gene. Sure, everyone has their right to opinions. But I'm going to belittle them for now. Why does wrestlezone give two shits about the guy? Does he do it for free, hoping the fans will remember him? He thinks he knows wrestling better than anyone, and it's bullshit. He's the kind of guy, who sounds like an A-hole politician. (Either party) Who get pissed if you don't agree with them on the smallest little thing. Yea Madden, all the girls were ****s who were hired to suck and screw. Maybe some of them, but how about ones like Rebecca? Shawn saw her on TV, and when they met, he said she was very religious, and she was the one who got Shawn back on track. Maybe people need to make money? You know, to pay the bills and such.

Randy Orton overrated? Yea, that's why they have him job to Batista, Triple H, and John Cena on a weekly basis. Screw you Mark.

Not all wrestling relationships are bad either. As you said, Booker T and Sharmell are doing just fine. If I'm correct, John Morrison and Melina are dating again. But it's a relationship to young to tell. Oh, here's one. How about one of the biggest, if not the biggest in wrestling? Triple H, and Stephanie Mcmahon! He said two wrestlers involved in the business. Well, Triple H is one of the biggest inside the ring, and Stephanie is one of the biggest outside of it.

Mark Madden, here's some advice. Lost some weight fat ass, shut your mouth, and go back to your lover Schiavone, he says his ass is getting tight again, he needs your help. (Hey, I can make childish sex jokes too can't I?) Go away, your better seen unheard.

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