Mark Madden hate thread

Next Jericho

Robbie E's number one fan BRO
This has been done before in the TNA section but you really cant call him what you want (I am not sure saying Fuck off Madden is allow in those places so I am not trying it)

This guy basically rips TNA for no reason read this if you think different
We all know TNA has bad story lines, not that good wrestling from all, not that good show etc but there are good things about TNA like it's different to WWE and others.

So Mark Madden basically fuck off you unemployed worthless piece of shit if you put the right email on your bash blog you would personally get this in your face. I hate you make me want to hurt you and if you are man enough come here and bash TNA in front of my face.:banghead::banghead::banghead:
I would rep him green if he wrote that article on this forum as the OP. Not because I'm a TNA hater, but because I agree with the majority of his article.
Oh yeah, Madden will totally come in here, specially since you called him outAre you fucking kidding me? Another Madden hate thread, yeah he's a douche but for fucks sake, TNA sucks just as bad if not worse than he says atm so stop getting butthurt
You see he says those things hoping TNA might take the hint and improve, but they don't
By the way, I like how you say that you are the new "Heel of the Forum" even though we had one just last week. Everyone that matters is indifferent to you. So you aren't even hated, just not cared for in any regard.
While I usually find Madden to be somewhat annoying, he is spot on when talking about TNA.

By the way, I like how you say that you are the new "Heel of the Forum" even though we had one just last week. Everyone that matters is indifferent to you. So you aren't even hated, just not cared for in any regard.

The heel of a wrestling forum? He'll last long...
Erm, when did having one of the top-rated sport talk radio broadcasts in Pittsburgh become equivelant to unemployment?
Morris Dewey and the Times sorry I thought he was bloging on his internet constantly because I thought he would already be fired for being a total Douche bag like he is all ways acts like is when he is typing.

Another call out to Mark Madden why don't you just change the channel if you don't like TNA?

Madden is knob but he deserves someone credible to call him. Not some fucktard.

And I doubt he cares anyway.
Another call out to Mark Madden why don't you just change the channel if you don't like TNA?

Pretty sure it's part his job to stay updated in most areas of this business no?

Ratings would indicate that the viewers at home would never need to turn the channel due to the fact that they were never watching Impact at all.
I've pointed out the crappiness of Madden's articles on one or two occasions. Could someone be so kind as to link me to the article in question? Is there an article in question?
This has been done before in the TNA section but you really cant call him what you want (I am not sure saying Fuck off Madden is allow in those places so I am not trying it)

You claim that you are the heel of Wrestlezone, yet you don't want to break a rule. :weird:

Although the misspelling of your is a bit heelish, I guess.

From this moment on, you will now be recognized as the fail of Wrestlezone.
Next Jericho is a broken condom.


This is what happens when you spend 25 cents on a contraceptive.

Than an Next Jericho

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