Mark Madden and the Hardy situation.

Vintage Nick

Climbin' in your windows...

I just got done reading Mark Madden's article on the WZ homepage, and all I have to say to him is this:

Mark Madden, you are an asshat.

I haven't thought that way now, I always had found him to be a huge asshat. He doesn't truly understand what the business is about, and he's scolding Hardy for leaving the company and makes it look like he's not coming back, which I find bullshit.

Jeff has put his life and body on the line for many years in the 'E now, and I'm sure his body's screaming at him for a rest, so he's going to take that rest. Mark doesn't understand that. He blindly rants that Hardy is leaving WWE for good and is being selfish for all that WWE and the fans have given him, which I also find bullshit. Hardy isn't/won't be leaving just to shut up the fans or something, he's trying to rest up. Everyone needs a rest when you're in the business.

But the question is, what if Hardy did leave for a while? Would his merchandise still sell as good? Would his return be met with an arena-shaking pop? Would he team back up with Matt and go back to being part of the Hardy Boyz and go for the Unified titles?

With what those guys go through, I sure as hell don't fault anyone for asking for some time off. And yes, Madden is a total asshat. I've never been a fan but that particular article kinda cemented it for me, and I don't even really like Jeff Hardy that much. Madden just came off as such a little bitch about it that I found it very distasteful.
I didn't read the article, I don't read Mark Madden, I tried reading him for a bit, and like you guys say, total and complete asshat. So if I'm right your saying he trashed Hardy for leaving and saying that he will never come back and ripping him for it, if thats the case, then yes he is a complete asshat.

Jeff Hardy just needs a break period. Hes not leaving for good, we all know that, In my opinion he will be back before WM 27. He might come back with Matt, although I think that because hes leaving with so much love and at Main Event position in a Singles role that he will be back as Main Event Singles guy.

So I say this with what you have said, If what you say is right, then Mark Madden is an Asshat.
I wonder if Madden would say that to Jeff's face. I think not.

Like someone else said here, Madden doesnt even have an idea of what these guys go through. Not every superstar has to be in the business for 25 to 30 years, when did that become a law?

I personally dont enjoy seeing some worn out 55-60 year old wrestle, I dont even call it wrestling, it would be called "just trying to make it through the next 8 to 10 minutes"

I have never-ending respect for Flair, and I dont mean to go off topic, but for the last few years this guy was wrestling in WWE, it was painful to watch. I know wrestling is a work and blah blah but we know there's risks of getting injured, I felt like any moment this guy would have a heart attack in the ring or something.

Same thing with Michaels, I love and respect the guy to death but like Flair, its starting to get a bit painful watching Michaels perform stunts he's not capable of doing like he did a decade ago.

Jeff has been with WWE just over 10 years, (and yes, I know its not 10 years straight because he left for a while for one reason or another just like everyone else does) but in my opinion if I guy like Jeff who's done it all, decides to go for other interests, I say go.

He's given us enough.
Madden writes to incite ... so keep that in mind when he does his columns.

In response to his criticism of Jeff Hardy, one can come down on Hardy for all they want to for not being a career-minded wrestler .... however at the same time, who is the one who knows that full-well, yet pushes Jeff Hardy to the Main Event?? Vince McMahon.

Madden shouldn't be coming down on Jeff. Jeff is free to do whatever he wants to do. It's not like Vince and the rest of WWE weren't aware of the type of employee that Jeff was, when they brought him back. So I'm not really sure why Madden is giving Hardy static, when he should be ridiculing McMahon continuing to push Hardy.

If Jeff can get by doing what he's doing, and can afford to take the periodic time off that he's looking for ... and if WWE is willing to take him back, then more power to Jeff.
I have never hidden from the fact that I dislike Mark Madden and do not respect his opinions. But what you are saying he has done is completely false.

To quote an excerpt from Madden's latest:

Hardy will almost certainly return to wrestling at some point. But when he does, there’s no guarantee fans will see him in the same light. There’s also no guarantee WWE will restore him to the same level.

This is Mark Madden believing that Jeff Hardy will return. Not only that but in WWE.

Mark Madden generally gets everything insanely wrong. He is clearly a Glass is Half Empty guy and views everything as devastating and wrong. He also rants in the same editorial about how Dixie Carter is crap at her job and doesn't have the balls to sack those that deserve it. The truth is that Dixie isn't crap at her job and TNA is going through no more of a rough patch than WWE. It's just more obvious because their popularity isn't moving upward and as the second tier promotion, that is kinda necessary. But Mark isn't happy about it so he gets to piss and moan about how he is right and how he knows exactly how to fix everything. He uses general bullshit and regular name dropping to force people into listening to him. Recent examples, Ric Flair, Triple H and now Paul Heyman. His arguments and points are based on mindless speculation and his own personal (and warped) understanding of the wrestling world and he presents it all in both his columns and his show on VOW in an agressive, faux intellectual way. He is a bitter man. Bitter that his sharp tongue got him fired and subsequently away from WCW just before WWE bought them and he never got chance to work with Vince McMahon... a man he claims to despise yet it's pretty clear that Vince doesn't really know who he is other than 'That guy who fixed Ric Flair's book.'

Madden is that guy at a party who just rambles on so loud so that everyone HAS TO hear him despite everyone else giving each other the eye to say "Who the fuck IS this guy?" whilst he comes out with an insanely offensive joke and laughs to himself and then at you and your obvious lack of a sense of humour. The man has the look of a stereotype asshole. Think of John Goodman's character in The Big Lebowski... That's his role model. An idiot who's ideas are best saved for someone who's on an acid trip, that way, it doesn't matter when everyone forgets all about them. This guy deserves his spotlight less than Perez Hilton.

Despite all that. His opinion actually makes sense here. Hardy is younger than most guys at the top in WWE right now yet he takes time of far too regular. I opine that he occasionally will fail a drugs test intentionally in order to procure some time off. My opinion. I do not present that as fact. Madden is right here. Hardy is at his prime. He is better than his elder brother (which as a younger brother, it's something you really want to happen) and he has the WWE as a fan. He's most likely leaving yet he still gets the belt. That is a big deal and that is where I think Madden falls this week.

When Hardy does return... it'll be a huge deal. He will return and immediately get his spot back. No, his merchandise won't sell as well while he's away. That's because it won't be being sold. Nothing new anyway.

Speculation is all we have right now. Hardy is going away. This is not fact but very close to it. He needs a break? Ok. Fine. If he gets it then cool, go Jeff. I'd love a break from my job. Will this break be for a significant amount of time? Ah... there we go. Who knows? Maybe Jeff is getting married or moving house after that fire last year. Maybe there is a load of legal shit to get through with the insurance over that. perhaps he's not spent too much time with his family lately. Perhaps he needs to go have an affair with Amy Dumas. Who knows really but for some reason Jeff is having a holiday and that could last a year, 6 months or he could be back in time for Survivor Series... who knows.

I personally don't believe the Hardyz will ever be a tag team again. At least, not in WWE. Maybe when they reach their 40's and are released from the WWE they'll work some indy's together. Perhaps in WWE they'll occasionally pair up... for a night or one month only to battle a team of significance, similar to Triple H and Legacy with DX coming back. But they're gonna be singles from now on. Especially if Matt pulls his finger out and seeks out a push.
Madden is a tool that loves to stir the pot. He goes against the majority and loves to piss people off, because it generates interest, whether good or bad, it gets his columns read. Yeah he is usually wrong, but people talk about his columns and most go back to read what other bullshit he has posted. So it works for him.

However he was way off on Hardy, Hardy deserves a break, this guy had dealt with so much personal crap in his life in the past few years that he really hasn't had the break he deserves. So he wants a little time off to rebuild his house and pursue other interests, there is nothing wrong with that at all. Also as we all know, wrestling isn't his real passion, so it doesn't bother him at all to walk away from it for a few months or a year or two at all, he's fine with it.

It's obviously Vince is also fine with it, as he is not releasing him, and he gave him the title, knowing that likely Hardy would still take some time off. So yeah Hardy will be back, he just needs a break. I know most on here support Hardy, but what pisses me off is when people bash him, but not guys like Taker and Michaels when they take their sebaticals. This is one story Madden to back off on and leave alone.
I think Mark took it a little too far, even though I like him.

I can certainly understand if Jeff wants a break, or needs it for that matter. I think the fault lies with Jeff and the E with not coming up with a better solution then what they have. Of course, there is still the bad luck of Edge getting injured, but that aside, this whole issue with the two not having a compromise has been known for months.

Jeff will come back that's for sure. He will still be just as popular, and the merch will skyrocket again. Hell, look at every time Matt Hardy comes back, he is still more over than half the upper-midcard.

I think it depends on how long he is away to determine what kind of push he is going to get, because he WILL get one. He just won the world title shortly before leaving, he's going to get a push no matter what.
How can Hardy taking time off at 31 be compared to Undertaker and Michaels, both in their 40's? Both with huge injuries? Hardy has done this before and that was in his 20's. Michaels and Undertaker never took time off when they were that age and when they did it was strictly due to injury.

All wrestlers have personal lives. None of them get it easy. But they stick at it.
I know most on here support Hardy, but what pisses me off is when people bash him, but not guys like Taker and Michaels when they take their sebaticals. This is one story Madden to back off on and leave alone.

I'm not going against this statement, I get were your coming from, I know as well as anyone that Jeff Hardy needs a break to do personal stuff (House, Family, Paint) and just kinda rehydrate himself for a another run for WWE, but don't compare him leaving for a break and criticizing him for it and not 'Taker and Michaels, because those are two very, very,very different stories.

'Taker and Michaels are both 44 respectively and have been wrestling since the begining of Monday Night Raw.(I'm not quite sure how long that is.) And after that much time and at that age, to wrestle the way they do they deserve, and have gained the right to take brakes here and there.

Now I'm not saying Jeff doesn't deserve a break, or I'm bashing him for taking one, I'm just saying that you cant really get pissed off at people not bashing 'Taker and Michaels when they've been around double the time Hardy Has.
All wrestlers have personal lives. None of them get it easy. But they stick at it.

Maybe they shouldn't? Maybe they should all be taking some personal time every other year or so, just to reconnect with the family, heal up, and ... ya know. Relax.

I think it's crazy to expect these guys to do what they do full on fucking high gear for more than a couple of years at a stretch. The E has a big enough roster to rotate people in and out as necessary. Jeff goes, everyone below him takes a step up, things keep running smoothly.

Really the only valid complaint that I see here is Jeff bailing just when they put the strap on him, but as I understand it, Jeff was just as surprised as everyone else when they gave him gold. He'd made no secret of taking time off and they did it anyway, so it's hard to even blame him for that.

For Madden, who presents himself as omniscient about the wrestling business, to suggest that these guys don't deserve their time off, no matter their age, is just pretty fucking lame.

*edit* And one more thing. Fuck Madden for making me defend Hardy. I don't even LIKE Hardy. What a fucking asshat.
I'm not going against this statement, I get were your coming from, I know as well as anyone that Jeff Hardy needs a break to do personal stuff (House, Family, Paint) and just kinda rehydrate himself for a another run for WWE, but don't compare him leaving for a break and criticizing him for it and not 'Taker and Michaels, because those are two very, very,very different stories.

'Taker and Michaels are both 44 respectively and have been wrestling since the begining of Monday Night Raw.(I'm not quite sure how long that is.) And after that much time and at that age, to wrestle the way they do they deserve, and have gained the right to take brakes here and there.

Now I'm not saying Jeff doesn't deserve a break, or I'm bashing him for taking one, I'm just saying that you cant really get pissed off at people not bashing 'Taker and Michaels when they've been around double the time Hardy Has.

Well yeah ya can, it doesn't matter if you've been around for 30 years or 3 years, if you're banged up, sore or just burned out you need a break. Has Hardy been around as long as those two, hell no, but he doesn't deserved to get reemed more than just because he needs a break. I'm bashing Taker or Michaels at all, I understand they need breaks too, I'm just saying they shouldn't be pissed at Jeff if they aren't pissed at Taker and Michaels. They all deserve breaks, no one should be pissed at all by it, especially come 'asshat' like Madden. I prefer assclown though.
Maybe they shouldn't? Maybe they should all be taking some personal time every other year or so, just to reconnect with the family, heal up, and ... ya know. Relax.

I think it's crazy to expect these guys to do what they do full on fucking high gear for more than a couple of years at a stretch. The E has a big enough roster to rotate people in and out as necessary. Jeff goes, everyone below him takes a step up, things keep running smoothly.

Really the only valid complaint that I see here is Jeff bailing just when they put the strap on him, but as I understand it, Jeff was just as surprised as everyone else when they gave him gold. He'd made no secret of taking time off and they did it anyway, so it's hard to even blame him for that.

For Madden, who presents himself as omniscient about the wrestling business, to suggest that these guys don't deserve their time off, no matter their age, is just pretty fucking lame.

Valid point, everyone gets time off respective of how hard they work in all areas. Major Sports people have off season breaks. But the fact is that wrestlers don't generally do it. They never have and they don't to this day.

This is pretty much the first time I have ever heard of a big name not signing a new contract strictly for a break but with a clear intention and expectation to return at a later date. Most wrestlers take a tumble or get hit by a steel chair and act hurt for a month, do a satellite link interview and then come back with a cast and a note of clearance at the next ppv. The acting hurt part is for breaks and rehab. Finding oneself.

The only other time I can remember something like this was with The Rock.

The difference there was that Rock's other passion was acting... and he was getting big roles and a big paycheck. Jeff has his mediocre band which will never make it further than the 5% edge fame gives you and his painting. I paint. I can do it anywhere. Hotels, garages, Train stations. I don't quit my job for it.
I love Madden's columns, they're usually funny, but I agree with general consensus here. If Jeff wants a break, has the end of his contract coming up, and is financially able to take a break (all of which are true) then I see no reason not to take a break. He'll be leaving on good terms, fresh off his biggest push ever, so they'll take him back ina heartbeat if/when he decides to return. Really, he's not doing anything wrong, and truth be told, more wrestlers should probably take these breaks as the matches, and being on the road all the time must take an unfathomable physical, mental and emotional toll.
If it sounds like I don’t respect Hardy, good guess. He’s 31. These are his prime years in terms of earning and performance, and he’s getting a big push. He is, inexplicably, one of the biggest stars in WWE right now despite being a babyface who, it is heavily implied, takes drugs. For Jeff Hardy to walk away from that is unfair to the company, himself, and the whole concept of SummerFest.

So you're saying you don't respect someone who for the past 10 years has put their body/life on the line in order to entertain and is finally decided that they need a little break, just because the person is a big player in the WWE despite his background. You're an idiot.

But not only is Hardy over with the fans, he’s over with WWE. To wit: Even though WWE knows Hardy is probably leaving, and under circumstances they can’t be thrilled by, they put the world title on him anyway. Most guys get buried if WWE feels they’re chumping out. Hardy got a big gold belt.
Did you ever think there may be a reason behind them putting the title on him, other than the fact that they are probably pushing for him to stay? WWE most likely knows that this isn't the end of the Jeff Hardy story and this is a reward for the hard years he has put in. 3rdly this will also be used as a way to heavy cement CM Punk as a true Heel if he obliterates Jeff Hardy at Slam.
Hardy gets an AMAZING crowd response. Look around the stands: So many kids are wearing Jeff Hardy merch. If their parents only knew.
But Hardy is a lousy employee. His current popularity and usual ring excellence aside, his past is fraught with drug abuse, no-shows and false starts. He frequently cites “burnout” as a reason for needing time off.
This is a job, not a hobby. You’re an adult, not a kid. All the great stars have experienced burnout but work through it because that’s what the profession requires. Sure, it’s demanding. You want to work a part-time schedule? Go to TNA. Oh, I forgot, you did, and you couldn’t even handle that.
Really, do you think you could handle what Jeff Hardy has to handle. Do you think you could jump off a Titantron onto someone else without squashing them. Doubtful, however it'd be funny because everyone in attendance would be able to should "FLY FATASS FLY" (GET IT!?) Speaking of jobs though, did someone say the same thing to you "You're an adult, not a kid" when you were fired from WCW for badmouthing the company? Hypocrite.
The demands of wrestling are part of what makes it great. Hardy is walking away from the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance mid-card guys would kill for.

Hardy will almost certainly return to wrestling at some point. But when he does, there’s no guarantee fans will see him in the same light. There’s also no guarantee WWE will restore him to the same level.

If Jeff Hardy walks after SummerFest, he’ll regret it.

If Dr. Ken is at SummerFest, we’ll all regret it.
If Dr. Ken is at Summerslam, I may regret watching it, but not as much as I regret reading the trash that you spew.

I'm going to go now Mark Madden, call my dad and tell him I love him, you can do the same if you can find yours.

Jeff Hardy's a child. Only an idiot would want to take a break as the WWE Heavyweight belt's on them. He's 31 and only has a few more years of taking ******ed bumps and getting teenager pops from the crowd. And now, he needs some 'time off'. Guess this is his way of saying, "Look if I keep wrestling like this, I WILL do drugs. I like ice, boom, pow, zips, and meth. I WILL do them if I don't get a break."

Mark Madden never steers me wrong and this is one of those instances. He's 100 percent accurate about Jeff and mark my words. Somehow, Jeff Hardy will come back to bite the WWE on the ass with something going on. Has to.
Jeff Hardy's a child. Only an idiot would want to take a break as the WWE Heavyweight belt's on them. He's 31 and only has a few more years of taking ******ed bumps and getting teenager pops from the crowd. And now, he needs some 'time off'. Guess this is his way of saying, "Look if I keep wrestling like this, I WILL do drugs. I like ice, boom, pow, zips, and meth. I WILL do them if I don't get a break."

Mark Madden never steers me wrong and this is one of those instances. He's 100 percent accurate about Jeff and mark my words. Somehow, Jeff Hardy will come back to bite the WWE on the ass with something going on. Has to.

I disagree with part of what you said. He's been putting his body on the line for over ten years and I think he deserves some kind of break. I don't think he's going to quit wrestling entirely but he needs a rest. I don't see the criticism of him because he thinking about leaving when he's a world champion. If Vince knew Hardy was planning to leave and they gave him the belt anyway, then that is on Vince. They know he'll be gone and they are trying to get every last bit out of him. If he keeps up his current pace of wrestling, who knows how his body will be damaged in a couple of years. He's only 31 and a break wouldn't hurt him. If he wasn't the champion, we probably wouldn't be having this discussion.
Jeff Hardy's a child. Only an idiot would want to take a break as the WWE Heavyweight belt's on them. He's 31 and only has a few more years of taking ******ed bumps and getting teenager pops from the crowd. And now, he needs some 'time off'. Guess this is his way of saying, "Look if I keep wrestling like this, I WILL do drugs. I like ice, boom, pow, zips, and meth. I WILL do them if I don't get a break."

Mark Madden never steers me wrong and this is one of those instances. He's 100 percent accurate about Jeff and mark my words. Somehow, Jeff Hardy will come back to bite the WWE on the ass with something going on. Has to.

I respect your opinion but I'm going to have to disagree with you. When you've been in this business for as long as he as,(not just WWE but wrestling itself), your body is damaged from all of those bumps you've taken. Especially for Hardy who has done some crazy stuff, like jumping off a ladder and landing through a table; no matter what thats going to hurt your body. Now he's been doing this since the early 90's; Now I don't get why people always bring up his past drug issues. He messed up, people make mistakes. I should know from experience, drugs are hard to kick. Yes he was abusing drugs but he's been sober now for like a year; if anything people should be happy for him for kicking his addiction. He hasn't been doing drugs lately otherwise he would've been released. He's taking a break from wrestling because he has other projects he wants to work on such as his reality show, his art, and his band.
Like the guy or not, i tend to find Madden speaks quite a bit of sense and i think some people may have missed the point of his article (or i may have completely read it wrong!)

Jeff Hardy has got a sweet deal. Here's a guy who is on his last strike on the wellness policy, has zero charisma on the mic and is rewarded with a third world title reign. I have read countless posts on these forums bashing how people like MVP, Swagger and Morrison are 'owed' pushes to the big leagues and yet Hardy is given the biggest push of his career (at the time of writing he has held the belt for longer than 4 minutes) and decides to walk away.

Walk away and do what? Smoke meth in his treehouse? The guy is being pushed as a major face on SD! as having openly taken drugs yet gets the belt. I would call that a major peice of luck on Hardy's part but he still chooses to walk away. He's 31 and in his prime.

I hear a lot of people saying Jeff is owed time off and i agree that all guys in the business need time off. But i think Jeff got an awful lot of down time in his two suspensions, don't ya think? Prime example? A nice 2 months off at WM 24 which killed another potential push of his. Since coming back in May 08, Hardy has been wrestling roughly a year and a half. He's given ANOTHER push which in my opinion is a push too far as i just don't get his gimmick and he's decided he's had enough.

I think Vince gambled in putting the belt on him even though he knew he was leaving and it's backfired and i understand why a lot of guys are ragging on Vince. But at the end of the day, he's leaving a sweet gig (temporarily) and knowing Jeff's luck, he'll come back and beat Punk or Morrison or some other guy on the roster who worked his ass off to get there which i think is wrong.

Christian comes back from TNA even though he put in his notice and saw out his contract in WWE and they put him on ECW as punishment. Jericho comes back off a 2 year hiatus to recharge his batteries, just like Hardy is and is put in the mid card for a couple months until his feud with HBK showed everyone how talented he is.

What are the odds Hardy comes back and jumps straight into his cushy main event spot?
Jeff is actually making a BRILLIANT move, both personally and career wise. Personally, it gives him time to recharge his batteries, take a little time off and do something else he's passionate about. Career wise-absence makes the heart grow fonder. He will leave at the height of his popularity, and will come back EVEN BIGGER. Fans are not going to forget about Jeff Hardy in a year's time. They are going to be clamoring for him to come back, and if/when he does, it better be an outdoor stadium because the roof will absolutely come OFF. I just hope that if/when he does return that they don't telegraph it weeks in advance. It needs to be sudden and a surprise to maximize the impact, which pretty much no matter what, is going to be electric.
I have mixed reviews for this one. I agree with most of you, and agree with Madden some too. I guess I just understand both points of view. I am going to quote the things I agreed with Madden on below, then critique that. Also I am going to try and be fair to both opinions while giving my own,so here it goes.

For Jeff Hardy to walk away from that is unfair to the company, himself, and the whole concept of SummerFest.

In a way he is right here. It is no small act for the WWE to put so much stock in one guy. They have pushed and pushed and pushed him through all the excuses in his personal life and his folly in his professional life. They backed him 100% and he's just ending it. He is right now at the top of his game, and the height of his career, why would you seriously want out right now? I know what it's like, it is tough, but I could sure as hell deal with it if I were him.

Even though WWE knows Hardy is probably leaving, and under circumstances they can’t be thrilled by, they put the world title on him anyway. Most guys get buried if WWE feels they’re chumping out. Hardy got a big gold belt.

He is right here too. Most guys would get buried on their way out. Look at what they did with Brian Kendrick recently. It's not like he was up there in Hardy's league but still, this guy got smoked, and that's proof. The WWE probably are not happy with the circumstances either as Madden mentioned. I agree with all of you that he may deserve it to some degree, but he could have chosen better timing and I think that is the point of what Madden is getting at here. Your explanations of their placing the gold on him are sensible enough as well. If I were trying to make him stay, and build Punk as a heel it would make sense to give him the title, let him warm it up around his waist and hope he likes it enough to stick around

This is a job, not a hobby. You’re an adult, not a kid. All the great stars have experienced burnout but work through it because that’s what the profession requires.
I can't argue against that, and he is right here as well. All the greats have experienced the burnt out feeling, and worked through it as it is apart of the business. Once again I am not disagreeing that he is ineligible for a break or necessarily that he shouldn't take one, but I can understand being upset about it, and how it would look bad to a lot of people in and out of the business.

The demands of wrestling are part of what makes it great. Hardy is walking away from the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance mid-card guys would kill for.

What was so wrong with what Madden says here either? The struggle one has to work through is apart of what makes it great, it takes true grit to gut it out on the road, and keep going despite anything else. As I mentioned earlier, he is at the pinnacle of his career, and if he decided to strike a deal could probably get the best contract agreement he ever dreamed of. In a lot of ways he is walking away from great opportunity, and I think what Madden was getting at is that he is taking for granted what so many other guys desire so greatly. It's like he doesn't appreciate it, or at least that's the message it sends to some people. Now, is that the truth, who knows, maybe he appreciates it a great deal, I can't speak for Jeff Hardy. But, you should understand how it looks to some before you go too far with your criticism.

Hardy will almost certainly return to wrestling at some point. But when he does, there’s no guarantee fans will see him in the same light. There’s also no guarantee WWE will restore him to the same level.

This is the most accurate statement made by Madden. There are no guarantees in wrestling. If he takes a long break, say 2 years or more. Those kids who were all cheering for him are going to be into someone else, or out of wrestling period. And, looking back at the last time they invested greatly in him, the WWE might decide not to do much with him as a result of this hiatus as well. That is very possible. I can see how one would think he could come back on top of the same wave, but by then the surf will have changed enough for it to be much more difficult.

In my personal opinion I don't think this is the right time. I think that because right now he is truly at the top of his game, and the pinnacle of his career, to waste any time of it would be a shame. It is his life and career and he can do what he pleases, but I think he will be loosing out on the best years of his career if he quits now. There is also no guarantee he will be back. He might decide permanent vacation is good for him, or his pursuit of other interests is more interesting. I think that no matter what if and when he comes back it will be harder to get back to the top as a result of the actions he is about to take, and that he just might regret it down the road if he is unsuccessful in reclaiming the status and so on he has now. Career wise, bad move. Personally, probably the right thing for him. Also, I hate Mark Madden. Sometimes his points are valid, and sometimes he is misunderstood as well. Because he is a class A assface, the shit he says comes out the wrong way I think, and his points are misrepresented by his brash and sometimes ridiculous demeanor. In this sense I think the man is a detriment to himself, and in turn pity him for his bitterness, and lack of class. I however will point out the truth and error in anyone's work including my own if necessary. I happened to think some of what Madden said had some truth to it, and I liked most of your takes on it as well. I just think he is making a poor career decision, and hope that whatever he is leaving the WWE for is worth it.
I think Vince putting the belt on Jeff is Vince's way of saying "c'mon man, dont leave, I just made you champion, stick around"

Im all for taking time off and whatever, but Jeff should have rode this champion wave farther more than just for a few weeks.

Jeff apparently forgot how much he had to bust his ass and pay his dues before getting to this position.

And then what, he comes back after a year, and Vince is going to do a "Christian" on him and put him in ECW?

I like Jeff's work, but being on one year and off the next doesnt do it for me.

It makes me just care less about him.

Its like, I'll see you when I see you pal.
I'm not sure that there is any guarantee that Jeff Hardy is leaving any time soon, but the push he is getting makes perfect sense, even if he is. Last time Jeff got disillusioned with wrestling he almost killed himself with addiction. By getting out now, he is guaranteeing himself a better life for the next few years.

As for the WWE booking him so strongly, that is simple. Firstly, if he finds himself on top, then there is a chance that if he is undecided on whether or not to stay, he will be more inclined to stay in WWE. Secondly, if he is treated well by the company, then there is a good chance that he will be more inclined to come back to the company, soething that has obvious financial and drawing benefits for the WWE.
Madden made some valid points but basically it's Jeff decision at the end of the day. Jeff is a mega star now and I feel WWE needs Jeff more then he needs them. I do think if he does take time off I'm sure WWE will welcome him back with open arms. Unless he burns out, or burns any bridges. I think Jeff can benefit with time off since he has been with the company since 1994, becoming the Hardy Boys in 1998. Of course there was a brief hiatus to TNA from 2004 to 2006. I feel he's been given a great opportunity and many chances and probably should take it all in. However, if you are financially comfortable and wrestling isn't your true love anymore why not take a break? I'm sure many of us couldn't handled traveling 300 plus days a year, regardless of the fame or fortune. Whether he stays or goes, WWE always has an open door for returns.
I don't care for Maddens stuff. Regarding Jeff Hardy, he's in a position to do what he wants to do. I'm sure at this point he's going some money saved and I'm not sure he was ever in wrestling to be win titles of be the top guy anyway. This isn't like a pro sports player who has a multi-million dollar contract but refuses to play unless he gets more. Jeff worked his contract (possibly agreed to a short extension) and now wants to take time off. He's in a position to do so and will surely be welcomed back. If WWE doesn't want him back TNA will surely offer him a deal.

Sure, it's not a great business decision. Right now is probably his highest potential for earing in his career. But it seems he's not in it for the good for him.

As for Madden, when I read his articles, he comes off as someone who's angry that he's not in the ring or something. I know he would disagree with this and say he's "been in the business long enough" but the fact is that Mark Madden is just an outside observer, I don't think most fans agree with him or take all his stuff as fact.

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