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Mark Henry's Push......


Over the last several weeks, we have seen Mark Henry being pushed as a dominating monster, injuring Kane and Big Show. Personally, I have been really enjoying this push, and it has finally made Henry relevent again.

However, this morning a thought crossed my mind that made me fear for the future of a completley different WWE wrestler........... Skip Sheffield.........

Allow me to explain, before you laugh me out of the forum.

There were lots of reports that Vince was very high on Skip before he suffered his broken ankle that ruled him out for six months. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but this means he should be due to return fairly soon. I started thinking that the push Henry is currently recieving was meant to be given for Skip when he returned.

I've seen Henry pushed like this before, a few times, and it always ends up fizzling out to nothing, but Skip could have used this to build himself upto main event level (if that is where Vince truely sees him in the future).

Skip was the enforcer for Nexus, so he can play a dominating monster type role. And, according to reports, there is no real reason for Show or Kane to be off TV (no movie filming/real injuries/suspensions etc), they are simply staying away to sell the kayfabe injuries from Henry's attacks. WWE could have easily held on until Skip's return and have him put them on the shelf.

All of this got me thinking.......
Does this mean Skip's return has been delayed? (possibly due to injury comlications/being sent back to FCW etc)

Who do you think would have been the better person to give this push to?

Or could Skip return as the person who stops Mark Henry's domination?
I don't know if Skip could have pulled this off as well. Mark is such a pro. There are little things the vets do that the young guys miss at times. The vets just seem to never have that deer in a headlights look. I've seen Sheamus get it before. The crowd sees it, but it doesn't come across as "he forgot his spots" it's "he lacks confidence" which is the worst thing for a monster heel to do.

I think Mark Henry is more intimidating. He's bigger, has more credibility, and has the veteran mind to get everything right. I think Skip would have been okay, but I think he would have fizzled out by now. Mark is doing a fantastic job.
Your raise some interesting questions about Skip Sheffield but I honestly don't really think this Mark Henry push has anything to do with him. I actually kind of like the Mark Henry storyline and it appears they're using it for a Sheamus face turn.

I am even starting to wonder, and don't laugh, if they might give MH a run with the belt?
Your raise some interesting questions about Skip Sheffield but I honestly don't really think this Mark Henry push has anything to do with him. I actually kind of like the Mark Henry storyline and it appears they're using it for a Sheamus face turn.

I am even starting to wonder, and don't laugh, if they might give MH a run with the belt?
It's very possible. He's pretty over and carries credibility with him by being so big and athletic. Wouldn't be the first time Attitude Era midcarders eventually got their push and ran with it (JBL, Edge, Christian, shit Jericho was a midcarder for a long time).

I wouldn't mind. I'd kind of like to see Mark Henry vs Orton at HIAC. I think there's something to having your babyface against a monstrous heel in a cage. It's a feeling of complete hopelessness as a mark. I remember when I was 6, WCW Superbrawl 6 was Hogan vs Giant (Big Show) in a cage. I was legitimately afraid for Hulk even though I didn't like him. I put myself in his shoes and thought it'd be scary to be Hulk. The Cell is a way more ominous structure than the cage they used and Henry is probably more intimidating than Giant was then. I think it'd be a good match.
I've never been a fan of Henry really. I hate how he keeps getting a push only to return to being a jobber quickly after. He has never been good in the ring and is awful on the mic. The only thing that carries him is his look and his menace factor. I actually respect him for how much work he put into losing weight (he really is in much better shape than he was a year ago) and also how he is a respected veteran who has been very loyal to WWE. I hope they use him to put over Sheamus in this feud and allow Sheamus to develop his bad ass face character.

Speaking of Skip, is there any word on when we will see him again? He could do with a push when he comes back.
I am really liking Mark Henry at the moment and I think he has worked hard in making this push work. I don't think Sheffield could've pulled this of as good as Henry because as someone else said the veterans do little things that have alot of effect that the newer guys seem to miss out on a lot. I think Sheffield could've been the guy to look like he's going to end Henry's dominance but it seems as Sheamus is going to take up that role.
I kind of liken Henry's push to the one Kane got out of nowhere this time last year. You can only job out your monsters for so long before everyone sees it coming, so at some point you have to reestablish them. Kane had been relegated to strictly putting over talent for years, so they give him a run in the main event, make him look like a legit monster, and Wa-La, he's a credible star and a victory over him means something again.

I see the same thing happening here with Henry. He had been relegated to jobber duty for years, to the point where beating Henry meant as much as beating JTG. So now, they give him a mean streak and have him take out some big guys and once again, Wa-La.

I don't think this was meant for Skip Sheffield. If anything, this random Henry push could be a good thing for him. Someone is going to benefit from this because at some point, someone is going to have to beat him.

Wishful thing though because truthfully, I think it's going to be Sheamus that gets the rub going into his face turn. Nothing about his character seems to be changing much except that now he's just beating up heels instead of faces. What better way to get that over then have him take out the heel on the biggest mean streak at the moment?

Another option would be Daniel Bryan. They seem to be building him up lately, what with the Money in the Bank briefcase and having him declare that he's waiting until Mania to cash it in. He has to gain some credibility somehow and Henry would be the perfect option.

Say what you will about Henry and his in ring ability or whatever, but there is a lot of good that can come from this push.
I don't know about Skip Sheffield. We haven't seen that much from him so far and he will come back with little steam. A "former Nexus guy" - that's almost a stigmata these days.

Mark Henry is getting another big push, and I have a feeling that this time there is championship gold in his future. He will join the likes of Christian and Kane in the club of those who "sure waited long enough to have their moment on top." Personally I can't say I'm looking forward to it. Never liked his wrestling, his promos, his charismatic appeal. I can see why a big unique guy like him has a long term job with the WWE, but I don't think he is ever deserving of a top spot. Compare his appeal with, say Vader or Bam Bam Bigelow and tell me Henry is not vanilla. (...or chocolate, I guess.)
But whatever. Just get it over with already, make him and his 12 fans happy. Besides, (almost) all champions besides Cena and Orton should be welcome.
The thing with mark henry is every couple of years they decide to start to give him a push, like against angle, taker and batista and then once he has been beaten he's thrown away again for another few years until they get some other great ideas for him and don't follow it through. The main reason for this is simple he is not good enough to be a proper monster or to be a big champion. Answer this when was the last time he was a champion ?
The last time they gave him a big push he got derailed by injuries... Twice. That may have been a big factor in his last big push ending up going nowhere.
He eventually got one main event match (at Royal Rumble 2006) and it pretty much was a candidate for the worst Kurt Angle Title defense of all time. (The only PPV I ever attended live and THAT closed the show?? :disappointed: ) Needless to say Henry lost and deservedly disappeared back into lower card limbo.

I have a feeling that the WWE is hellbent on giving him a short run on top this time. Can't be short enough, if you ask me. If he wins it one day and loses it the next I, for one, won't throw a fit as I did when they did that to Christian.
I think it's just a final horah, b4 he goes for good, WWE'swa of saying thanx for jobbing for so long and sticking around.

Plus with Big Show and Kane winding down they need a powerhouse person atm

He's definately not world champ material and should never be considered for anything other than being a few shot challenger to make others look tough
but a mid card title wouldn't be too bad.

Gotta feel somewhat bad for him, he's battled weight and motivation issues his entire WWE run.
and really only had two good runs, one as a member of the Nation of Domination and one as Sexual Chocolate.
Everything else is forgettable, mostly his fault

But seriously how many people here are really interested (storyline wise) in what's happening on Smackdown atm? seems like a lame duck for the past 3 months.
other then the R-Truth bizarre comedy and Daniel Bryan sorta coming out of his shell, everything else seems meh!!!.
I for one like the direction they are going with Mark Henry because it makes sense. I'm a fan of his monster heel work and I think he is one of the few on the roster who could pull it off the way it should be. He has great timing and his power can't be questioned by anyone. I don't know how far they are trying to go, but I guess we will find out at the end of this program with Sheamus. I hope he gets a legit championship run, but maybe it's more of a pipe dream than anything. Either way he's doing some great work and I hope he keeps it up.
Mark Henry's monster heel work has been awesome. His mic skills have improved vastly! His presence is always felt now on Smackdown. Mark Henry has improved alot this has been the longest time he has went without an injury. As for ring skills I don't blame him he's too powerful in the ring that's why people think he isn't to good of an in ring wrestler. I for one hope he beats Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell if they have a match and if Randy wins the World title.
Skip could have done a great job in the push Henry currently has. He would have been the better option because he is still young and would have been perfect for a heel monster role. His face role on NXT was not funny and we saw what he could do as a heel enforcer in Nexus. Henry will never be world title material due to no one taking him seriously unless it is a battle royal when he suddenly is A THREAT TO WIN and everyone works together to eliminate him. That always makes me laugh. Even in this type of role Henry is a joke and Skip would have thrived in such a push had he gotten it. It makes you wonder who he made angry, he should have been back LONG ago. I do not see him returning as the one to stop Henry because he is not that good as a face. Henry will get squashed by Orton or Christian and that will be the end of the push.
Could henry's push not be just fir him but to push someone else? The man is destroying every giant-sized wrestler so who'll be strong/ powerful enough to top him? I could see this being when mason ryan starts his big push. Who else could do it? I don't see it leading to a ME match for the title so it seems the only choice IMO
I personally think what Mark Henry is doing at the moment is the second best angle in WWE behind the CM Punk storylines. Finally Henry is getting the monster Push he should have gotten a long time ago. His mic work has been very good and his attitude fits him perfect. I hope WWE keeps pushing like this and having him go thru all the other monster type guys in WWE.

I dont see Mason Ryan coming back and ending Henry's push. As great a look as Mason Ryan has his personality lacks big time. His in ring skills arent bad but he cant talk and thats a big part of things. I see big things for Ryan in the future as well as Skip Sheffield but neither of them are going to be the ones to finally stop Henry. I really think Henry is a runaway train right now with nobody in sight to stop him. As long as he keeps up the good work he's been doing in the ring and on the mic I see WWE continuing Henry's push and possibly a world titles run befor he retires.
The last time they gave him a big push he got derailed by injuries... Twice. That may have been a big factor in his last big push ending up going nowhere.
He eventually got one main event match (at Royal Rumble 2006) and it pretty much was a candidate for the worst Kurt Angle Title defense of all time. (The only PPV I ever attended live and THAT closed the show?? :disappointed: ) Needless to say Henry lost and deservedly disappeared back into lower card limbo.

I have a feeling that the WWE is hellbent on giving him a short run on top this time. Can't be short enough, if you ask me. If he wins it one day and loses it the next I, for one, won't throw a fit as I did when they did that to Christian.

The whole match with angle was due to the injury to Batista.
Thats how angle got the title in the 1st place and when they tried to do that angle again he was the one that got injured.

Next month will be 15 years for Henry in the wwe as a wrestler, and very few ppl can say that they've been there that long. Vince usually throws guys like that a title run or a great feud and/or angle (not sexual chocolate even tho that theme was classic) which is what he is in right now.
I hope that they don't screw this up with Henry I love the push he is getting and the matches with him so far are actually watchable when can you ever say that bout him before?
I like the push a lot. He draws more heat than most of the heels on the roster, and I think he's got a great look. He's limited in the ring, obviously, but not everyone needs to be a fantastic wrestler. Henry's gimmick is his strength and now, his ruthlessness. As he mows through more powerhouses (read: while Show and Kane take time off), it will only increase his value; he'll be the tallest mountain standing.

At this point, they might have pushed him too hard for anything other than a WWE Championship match. Not necessarily a title run, but a shot. But I think his current gimmick and momentum could really help elevate the Intercontinental or even United States title.
I think we are gonna see a really good fued between Henry and Orton. I expect them to fued over a few PPV's. I can see Henry beating Orton by disqualification due to sheamus interfering. I see this fued really being a good one. One thing is for sure Orton is usually the more ruthless in the ring compared to his opponent but this Mark Henry we are seeing is everybit as ruthless and mean as Orton on top of being the World strongest Man and 400lbs this is an uphill battle for Orton.

I said this in my last post but Mark Henry's push and new demeanor is the second best thing going on right now in WWE. Henry has great heat with the crowd his ring work is what you want from a 400 pound World strongest Man and that is Dominating. His work on the mic and attitiude have been perfect for this push and is maintaining it great. At some point I expect to see Henry win the title but it probably wont be in a one on one match with Orton but maybe a triple Threat match or fatal Fourway where Orton doesnt have to be pinned to lose the title.

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