Mark Henry: What's the angle?

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
So as we've seen of late. Mark Henry has been going on a rampage against Kane and Big Show. My question is.....

Where is this all leading up to?
What do you want to see come out of it?
Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?

Let me feel what you feel.......
So as we've seen of late. Mark Henry has been going on a rampage against Kane and Big Show. My question is.....

Where is this all leading up to?
What do you want to see come out of it?
Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?

Let me feel what you feel.......

1) I think that the Mark Henry vs Big Show feud is leading up to him becoming a World Champion. He isn't the most talented wrestler however he is big and can handle himelf on mic. At one point he was so dominant he even feuded with Undertaker and had a match at Wrestlemania, which I feel is exactly what we are seeing here. He will be dominant until someone comes in to shut him up henceforth making them look like a very strong champion.

2) I see him being a transitonal champion. After the aftermath of MITB I think you slot Henry to hold onto the championship for a little bit. Then whoever you want to give a major push going into Mania, have him beat Henry and give him the moniker of "Giant Slayer" or something like that.

3) I am liking what I am seeing actually. Whether he be destroying something from ringside like a table or putting people through a Cage, he has been interesting. Not as interesting as R-Truth's heel turn but still good television. Nothing M.V.P worthy.;)
Where is this all leading up to?

Mark Henry is getting a #1 Contender push for the World Championship. That much is clear. Whether or not he wins is still a hot topic for debate, but so far everything is pointing towards a possible matchup between him and Randy Orton, if Orton retains the title like I think he will.

What do you want to see come out of it?

One last hoo-rah for Henry. Mark Henry has been with the company for a very, very long time. He should be retiring soon. What's better than retiring on top of your game?

Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?

May get heat for this, but I've always liked heel Mark Henry. This is someone that gets noticed- a face Henry is laughable, heel Henry is watchable. I enjoy seeing Henry take it to Big Show just like I did when he was taking it to Batista; just goes to show there is a place for a big guy like Henry.

Let me feel what you feel.......

I've seen you start quite a few topics, and I enjoy how discussable they are, but you should start giving your own opinions on things too, man. How do you feel about all this? You gotta have a stance.
Mark Henry has been very good actually, and I'm very impressed but not that long time ago he said that he was going to retire from pro-wrestling in a year and this is the way that WWE is paying him for his loyalty to them.

Where is this all leading up to?
I think he is going to be World Champion, or at least he is going to be close to that scenario and if you make him big, you can use him in the end to make some other superstar big.

What do you want to see come out of it?
I don't know yet, WWE is making a good storyline and I want to see where is that thing going to.
He will be close to the World Championship, and if he wins he will be a believable holder.

Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?
Like I said in the beginning this has been a good storyline and he is acting very well.
He was the 2# best thing last Raw (yes, by a landslide) and he has been on a role and he his going to be one-one with Randy Orton this week, at least is what the main WWE Website site says.
Mark Henry is getting a #1 Contender push for the World Championship.

It's hard to be sure. I'm not certain it's a contender's push, it might just be a last moment in the spotlight before he retires. Early in his career, he was a heel and was featured as a monster, but the major pushes never led anywhere because he would get injured as soon as the program reached it's apex. It had to be frustrating for the company to invest all that time and effort in Mark, only to have his injuries be so severe they would keep him out for the better part of a year.....thus, negating all the hard work.

In the past few years, Mark has stayed healthy and been a fine asset for WWE. Now, I believe they're going to let him finish in style. I doubt it will culminate in a title reign for him, but if it does, it will of extremely short duration.

Kinda glad to see all this, though. He's a good man.
Well, I think we've all been waiting for Mark Henry vs. the steel cage door round II for a very long time...

I have to say, i'm loving the intensity that Mark Henry has shown as of late, but it makes me wonder... Where was that intensity for the past decade? Why does he show up for work for about 2 months, than randomly disappear into the locker room abyss for years at a time? I just don't understand how a veteran of his status could still be trying to climb his way to the top. It makes me question how long this program with him will actually last...

What I don't want to see is 200 Mark Henry vs. Kane/Big Show/Great Kahli/Mason Ryan matches. The superheavyweight bouts are just the same boring crap over and over again. You see more ingenuity on Tough Enough, and they're learning those moves for the first time! I usually cut them a break, because being a big guy and doing what they do is rough... There's no a whole lot of things they can do in the ring. But then I remember when Big Show used to moonsault, and I get bored again.
So as we've seen of late. Mark Henry has been going on a rampage against Kane and Big Show. My question is.....

Where is this all leading up to?
What do you want to see come out of it?
Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?

Let me feel what you feel.......

It's ironic he's been facing the man who was getting a similar push around this time last year, Kane. I personally don't really have a problem with either guy's respective push because despite the crap they've both had to put up with over the years (Katie Vick, Hand) they have stuck with the company despite not really doing anything substantial in years.

Kane's run gave him a stage to deliver some of not only his best promos, but even Smackdown's great promos which I don't think anyone was really expecting. This isn't to say Henry is going to lay down some epic 5+ minute promos complete with mood lighting and music, but it does give him a stage to surprise the audience in some capacity.

Henry is a huge imposing figure, and now he's pissed off, what more does anyone need to believe he could decimate opponents? It's a simple formula that is effective and that's all that's needed.

He could indeed just be a transitional champion and be the guy that gets the MitB briefcase cashed in on him, but depending who it is that cashes it in then it could do wonders for them if booked right.
I think it's too early to assume he's going to be a contender for the title. I think that right now, his push is accomplishing two things: 1. It reestablishes him as a monster heel, which is necessary after his most recent stint on raw as a face; and 2. Gives him and big show something to do, while keeping him out of the title picture. For the latter, to be honest, there's really no reason Big Show couldn't always be a legitimate contender for the title, but he hasn't actually held the championship as much as you'd think someone of his stature would (in the real world). Usually they get around that by keeping him in a feud with someone else or making him a tag champion instead.
For now, Mark Henry will fit that role very well.
Where is this all leading up to?

Not really sure, but it'll almost certainly involve Henry getting a title shot in the next three months.

What do you want to see come out of it?

Hopefully a memorable retirement for a man who I've frequently slated over the years. To quote Old Hat...

One last hoo-rah for Henry. Mark Henry has been with the company for a very, very long time. He should be retiring soon. What's better than retiring on top of your game?

Are you liking what you're seeing so far from Mark Henry?

Yes. This is the first time in a long time that I've enjoyed a segment featuring Mark Henry. Usually I tend to groan a bit when he shows up, but lately, well, lately I've started to take notice. Again to quote Old Hat...

May get heat for this, but I've always liked heel Mark Henry. This is someone that gets noticed- a face Henry is laughable, heel Henry is watchable.
I do not see this leading anywhere for Henry or anyone else involved. They are just trying to revert him back to his old heel monster self and undo al the damage that his face push did to his credibility. He will continue beating people up and get a possible world title push only to get squashed by Orton o Christian or whoever is champion by that point. It will not lead to anything significant because Henry will never be a true main eventer. I do like this more than his face run on Raw though.
A feud between him and Big Show.

This has been the best I've seen out of Henry in long, long time.

This feud with Big Show is good so then Del Rio doesn't get bogged down feuding with Big Show and Henry gets some good TV time before his eventual retirement. Hopefully this feud doesn't last too long though.
I'd like to see him go back to the old "Silverback" routine during his second feud with Taker. With that aside, he's been pretty impressive. Him slamming Big Show through the cage brought back the good'ol 'holy sh!t" chants, which I was a fan of.
Generally speaking, I'm not sure that it's gonna lead anywhere other than really just making Henry look like a dominant, badass monster heel. And I have to say that I think they've done a damn good job with that thus far. Mark Henry is someone that has a legit intimidation factor and I've enjoyed the smack talk he shouts after he lays someone.

There'll no doubt be a Big Show vs. Mark Henry match, maybe a series of matches, that honestly might wind up being some really good big man encounters. Mark Henry is someone that legitimately has the strength to dominate Big Show and it's always impressive seeing someone the size of Show get manhandled in the way Henry's done thus far.

I just don't see Mark Henry being World Heavyweight Champion. He just doesn't have the overall talent in my view. I can believe him as someone being a potentially consistent and strong challenger for the title, but I don't quite buy into him as champ. I could buy him as someone hunting down the champ but was never able to quite make the kill.

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