Mark Henry to ECW

With the match at Night of Champions just changed, this proves to me that Mark Hnery will probably win it. This move will probably be Henry's last chance to fully get over, and he'll have a better chance at that being a big fish in a small pond. An obvious choice for the first pick, but a good one for Henry.
I am not convinced that this will be his last chance at getting over, unless he has told the WWE that he plans on retiring at some point in the next year or two, but I do agree that his getting the win in this match should be obvious, as it would bring the ECW title back to ECW. I also think barring something really odd happening in the supplemental draft, should Mark Henry win the ECW belt, I would expect him to hold on to it for at least a few months, as there probably won't be anyone on ECW that can legitimately be expected to beat him for least not for a while.
This was a pretty obvious move. Mark Henry has been spending a lot more time on ECW than he has on SmackDown anyway, so why not move him. I hope he does win the ECW Title, because it needs to be on ECW, and seeing as how Big Show is on SmackDown, it just wouldn't make sense for him to win it. The match is probably going to be a trainwreck, but hopefully it will be an entertaining one (doubtful).
Welp. guess we got one finish for Sunday figured out. Mark Henry will be winning, and brnging home the ECW title. I expect to see "Chavo to SD!" thread any moment now.

Anyway. Good move. Ive always thought this would be the place for him. ECW is an easy place to have a monster champ, as its booked old school wrassln show style, and its very passable to have a monster defend the belt in no rules envornments and be dominant. I have NO doubt that there will be a Matt Hardy underdog Vs Mark Henry the monster ECW title feud coming up real soon. Which could be decent. Great move by ECW.
I have to say I expected this move. Mark Henry was never going to get anywhere on either of the bigger shows. By moving him to ECW and allowing him to win the ECW title at Night of champions it gives him the push thats the WWE has been trying to give him but never worked out. Henry is a monster of a man who if started using a few new moves could look like a decent champion over on ECW and garner a little bit of credibility which as of now he has very little. I knew he would be the guy to win it from Kane i just never knew when. I just hope by putting the title on him we start seeing him try a little bit more in the ring. We all know how strong he is lets see him use that strength in some cool new moves and a new work ethic in the ring.
This move has straight up confused me. Mark Henry IS NOT Heavyweight Championship material. Furthermore, allowing him to go over Kane or the Big Show, much less both of them in the same match, is downright ******ed.

I have no clue what Mark Henry did when he resigned his extention a year or so ago, when he then got a Main Event match against the Undertaker.. but clearly whatever he did, also seems to have included a Heavyweight Championship run. My only question is who the hell authorized this agreement? How, or better yet, WHO could possibly see talent in this guy?

My only hope is that Kane retains, and since Raw and E.C.W. would begin traveling together perhaps the title can go back and forth on Raw and E.C.W. with Kane still. I just don't want to see Mark Henry - Main Eventing my Tuesday night show.
Finlay to ECW makes complete sense, but Mark Henry only sort of makes sense. It gives them a secure, steady guy who can do his best to put over the young guys and help to provide the main event scence. now that they lost CM Punk, Kane, Shelton Benjamin, Striker, BDV and Kofi Kingston in the Draft. Vince must really hate ECW though, to pull it's big names and give it Mark Henry, Matt Hardy and Hornswoggle in exchange.
Downside, Mark Henry will not have anyone to really compete with, barring Kane (who moves) and Big Show. He's not a bad guy to get, there are worse, but there a lot better out there that i'd rather have on my main event level

Aside from gaining an experienced veteran, ECW got royally shafted in this draft,
Honestly, I'm sure other people are in the same boat, but, why the hell did Kane get drafted to Raw anyway?

Kane helps out ECW much more than he will Raw. On Raw, he will go back to being buried by everyone who has a much bigger ego than his own. On ECW, you had the best of both worlds, because Kane was champion, he was getting the wins when he HAS to get the wins and he was still managing to put superstars over in singles action such as Chavo and John Morrison when there was not all that much on the line.

So Kane returns to Raw and will likely job in his first feud there.

Mark Henry comes to ECW, predictable, but, come on? Mark Henry has been treated like a joke for a while now. Why make him a champion?

To me, the insertion of Mark Henry into this triple threat match killed it.

ECW had their first MAIN EVENT level feud for the belt going in a long time between two guys who can main event on the two main brands. Sure, wasn't much of a feud, as Big Show and Kane have only interracted a few times since it was announced, but even though the match woulda been the same as always, I, and I know others, were looking forward to a true main event ECW match and the clash of Kane and Show.

Now, WWE cops out, Mark Henry to ECW, to bring the title back.

Next thing you know, Cena is beating HHH to bring the WWE title back to Raw.


ECW is going to be working with Raw in the future, just have Teddy Long announce that he now has a talent exchange with Raw because he wanted to shake things up, and have Kane appear on both shows. Not too hard at all.
I’m not surprised by this move. A month or so ago he made his ECW title intentions known and with the Smackdown-ECW talent exchange ending in a couple weeks he couldn’t continue to challenge for the ECW title if he remained a member of the Smackdown roster.

Mark Henry needed a fresh start seeing as how he's jobbed to everybody who’s anybody on Smackdown and Raw. On ECW, he should be able to quickly restore his monster status after going over Kane and Show at NOC then dominating the ‘little’ guys (Delaney, Bourne, Super Crazy, et al) on a weekly basis.

Now having said that, I’m not looking forward Mark Henry in the main event on Tuesday nights nor as the ECW Champion. The squashes will grow old fast and I don't think that even Finlay, Hardy, or Morrison will be able to carry him to good matches. Sure he has size and strength, but his matches are laborious. He’s slow, lacks charisma, has only has passable mic skills, and is injury-prone. The most exciting thing about him is his entrance music.

Well if this move accomplishes nothing else, at least it gets Henry away from the recently-reinstated SmackDown head writer Michael Hayes. His current push and foreseeable ECW reign may even be WWE’s way of making ammends for Hayes’ treatment of Henry in the past.
I don't need to point out how ECW got totally screwed and fucked with in this Draft, even though it was the Brand that needed help the most to begin with. Mark Henry is a good addition, I think, and its definitely good for him personally because other than Matt Hardy and possibly (and I say possibly) Finlay, Mark Henry is ECW"s biggest star right now. Do I think he's World Title material? No. Do I think he's the best option at this exact moment on the actual ECW roster to hold the title? At this very moment, yes.

But if Finlay can move away from Hornswoggle and be a bad ass again, then I think Finlay will be a more than decent ECW Champion.

Anyway, the point is, that with all of the tough shit ECW got in this draft, at least they got one decent acquistion in Mark Henry.

Though I'm hoping that NoFate's prediction, which I've read in other threads, comes true. His prediction is that Chavo wins the U.S. Title and Big Show wins the ECW title, and that Vickie and Teddy trade Show and the title for Chavo and the title. I doubt that will happen, but I sure as hell hope it does. It makes sense in every way, to me.
Please please please bring back Sexual Chocolate!!! Can't you just hear Adamale after Henry wins the title? "Sexual Chocolate has been wrapped with Gold". Classic.

Although, I honestly don't know why Henry was drafter to ECW from Smackdown!. There's a "talent exchange" what was the point?

If Henry does win the title, which I'm assuming is pretty much a will be his first singles title in.....jesus, almost a decade. Remember, Jarrett "awarded" Henry the title after Summerslam of '99.

The only problem I see is that there's really not much in the way of competition for Henry on ECW. Technically, there's Big Daddy V, but I doubt he'd be turning face upon his return. Other than that, it's downright unfathomable that anyone would be able to wrest the gold off Henry.

Tazz vs Henry in a Tazz/Bam Bam flashback, anyone?
I really like this move. With Big Daddy V going to Smackdown, ECW was in need of a monster. Plus this could also give an out for the ECW title picture. This could be what Henry needs as his career draws to a close. Be a dominant force on a brand and win a title whle your at it. Good career move for Mark Henry and a good move for ECW.
Well I guess it is a good move since Henry was doing nothing on Smackdown. However, the fact is, Mark Henry sucks. There is simply nothing to like about the guy. He can't wrestle a good match so what use is he to the younger talent on ECW??

The only reason he was drafted is because he was hardly being used on Smackdown and needed to get away from the brand. He would have got squashed on Raw so WWE had two options in my opinion: Send him to ECW or release him altogether. Unfortunately, he is not released.
This is the last big thing for Henry. While I do see Henry getting the title, not now at NOC.

The guy is pretty good and while I dont have a big problem with him he just isn't Main Eventer material, even by ECW standards. The guy will get a title eventually, which he deserves for his work.

Eveh though Mark Henry doesn't bring that much to the table, he has worked for the WWE so he deserves it big time. Even just as a token of appreciation from the WWE.

I dont think that he will win NOC, he won't get the belt just yet.
Mark Henry as ECW champion is far more credible than somebody like Chavo or Punk. At least Henry finally got over, albeit after 10 years. He's also been allowed to hang with the big boys. He's feuded with Angle, Undertaker & Batista. Even though the matches suck, they elevated him. He's not worthy of being a proper world champion. Nor really is he worthy of being an ECW champion. But neither have some of the previos champs. But as a challenger he's more than adequate.

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