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Mark Henry should wear World Title

Of course WWE is still about wrestling. Gee, what are the stars of the show? Wrestlers. How do most things get decided? Wrestling. Here's one near and dear to Vince himself, who's faces sell the merchandise? That's right, wrestlers. You can go on about 'wrestling' being taken out of the name all you want, it is still a company based, and still revolving around wrestling.

Furthermore, as the other members have pointed out, point out one thing Mark Henry has done physically, in the WWE, that others have not. The most impressive display of strength I have seen in awhile in when Cena AA'd the Big Show and Edge together. What have I seen Mark Henry do? This.

Also, what makes him more deserving than Rhodes does? Rhodes has superior mic skills, is better in the ring, and most importantly, has connected with the crowd. What has Mark Henry done? Somehow, managed not to get future endevoured despite being one of the most unentertaining, imobile wrestlers in the WWE, right behind Khali.

I will give you merit where it is due, indeed there is a difference between a bodybuilder and powerlifter. However, it is you who is the fool if you believe Henry is still the world's strongest.

My final point is this, it doesn't matter if or if not WWE is a wrestling company. What it is, is a business. How much merchandise does Mark Henry sell now? I'm willing to guess, not a great deal. How much does he have the potential to sell? My guess is still not a great deal. He is a borderline jobber with a unique look that has never been very over, and there is no way in hell he should get priority over the current youth movement, which on Smackdown is chock full of promising young heels. Sheamus, Barrett and Rhodes, in my mind at least, should taste gold before and if Mark Henry ever does.

See again you are wrong Mark Henry was listed by Flex magazine as the second strongest man to ever live, only because he isnt active in strongman competition. Not because he isnt as strong as the current batch of top strongmen cause Henry is no doubt lift for lift as strong or stronger than any of them. You need to do some research on Mark Henry and find out just how strong that man is. He still does strength seminars and has an open challenge out to anyone who questions his strength you pay for his plane ticket and he will fly anywhere and prove you wrong.

Mark Henry was never released cause Vince McMahon loves guys like him. Big, Strong and drug free again he will take a drug test anytime anywhere as long as you pay for the test he'll piss for you. He has been with WWE for almost 20 years McMahon didn't keep him around cause he is the best in ring talent everyone knows that he kept him around cause he is legitamatley the strongest man in the world an amazing strength athlete and a Force in the ring if McMahon needs him to be.

You talk about Sheamus Barrett Rhodes none of them are even remotely impressive, not even a little bit. I never said Henry was a great wrestling talent but deserves another title run to end his long career befor he retires Cody Rhodes Sheamus and Barrett can wait their turn cause like it or not seniority means something there and Henry has more pull more say and everything else than anyone of those three or all of them together. Had you mentioned Justin Gabriel I'd say you knew something about talent in terms of Pro Wrestling. But you mentioned Sheamus who is garbage, Barrett should be in FCW still and Cody Rhodes who is only there cause his father is a road agent cause Cody Rhodes is nothing special for a guy his size he doesnt do anything that screams WOW to me. Henry doesnt do anything that screams WOW either but he is intimadating and POWERFUL and he is legit like Big Show. Daniel Bryan is a talent Barrett and Sheamus are 2 of the worst young Bigger guys the WWE has ever tried pushing down the throats of people watching TV. Skip Sheiffield was a talented big guy befor he got hurt more talented than Barrett is. Tyler Reks is a better bigman than Sheamus is. Getting back on topic though Henry will get his World Titles run befor he retires cause he has that good of a relationship with Vince so whether you like it or not Mark Henry will get the title and I will be happy for the Worlds strongest Man.
You talk about Sheamus Barrett Rhodes none of them are even remotely impressive, not even a little bit. I never said Henry was a great wrestling talent but deserves another title run to end his long career befor he retires Cody Rhodes Sheamus and Barrett can wait their turn cause like it or not seniority means something there and Henry has more pull more say and everything else than anyone of those three or all of them together. Had you mentioned Justin Gabriel I'd say you knew something about talent in terms of Pro Wrestling. But you mentioned Sheamus who is garbage, Barrett should be in FCW still and Cody Rhodes who is only there cause his father is a road agent cause Cody Rhodes is nothing special for a guy his size he doesnt do anything that screams WOW to me. Henry doesnt do anything that screams WOW either but he is intimadating and POWERFUL and he is legit like Big Show. Daniel Bryan is a talent Barrett and Sheamus are 2 of the worst young Bigger guys the WWE has ever tried pushing down the throats of people watching TV. Skip Sheiffield was a talented big guy befor he got hurt more talented than Barrett is. Tyler Reks is a better bigman than Sheamus is. Getting back on topic though Henry will get his World Titles run befor he retires cause he has that good of a relationship with Vince so whether you like it or not Mark Henry will get the title and I will be happy for the Worlds strongest Man.

Rofl, okay, I give you props on your knowlege of powerlifting, and your research into Henry. However the last paragraph that I have quoted. Puh-lease.

Sheamus is garbage? Really? Perhaps you do not notice how much heat he draws on any given occasion, his pretty decent mic skills despite his accent, or the fact that while he isnt stellar in the ring, he is good for his size. The same applies to Barrett. I have nothing agianst Reks, but nothing for him either. He's had little exposure, and when he has, he's drawn very little crowd reaction. Sheamus and Barrett have both proven themselves worthy of getting that reaction, worthy of getting the fans worked up, worthy of their current positions. Barret and Sheamus have it and their crowd reactions show it, their promos show it, and of course their titles show it.

As a little side note, many people forget that Sheamus is a good buddy of Tripple H. I'm willing to wager that does in fact give him a fair share of backstage pull. Probably more than Henry has.

Now Rhodes, he's an even more impresive display. After Legacy, hardly anyone, myself included, expected him to shine. He proved us wrong. His Dashing gimmick looked like one doomed to fail, but BAM, he pulled it off extremally well, we were forced to pay attention, and the crowd booed him like hell. Then he steps it up a notch and becomes his current masked gimmick, which is getting him atomic heat on occasions, which is damn entertaining, and which he is able to incorporate impressivley into crowd interaction. You want to talk about the WWE not being wrestling anymore? By that logic, Rhodes would be shooting up by now, as his promo abilities are fantastic.

Gabriel and Danielson, while both good in ring competitors, and seasoned vets, have lacked in their WWE careers any show of charisma. Whence this horrible Corre storyline ends, I'm willing to bet that Gabriel will go places, along with Barrett. However, what he has had a chance to do is get on the stick every now and then, and he hasn't been stellar. Daniel Bryan for all his in ring brilliance, has had much the same problem. I don't think that will stop his rise, but it certianlly will be a delaying factor, one which Barrett nor Sheamus have/will have to go through.

As for Sheffield, agian, I have no problems there. There have been rumors Vince wants him as a babyface, and well, any faces are needed about now. He brings his own problems however. The first is that, well, he's injured. Already. That does not bode well for how duriable his body is, and that is never a plus no matter which way you cut it. However, I do feel he is a good wrestler myself, but we will have to see how he performs in front of a real WWE crowd by himself, not a NXT one or with the Nexus.

Henry getting the title, well, he could do. I just don't see it happening. Again, I return to my argument that the WWE is a business first and foremost. Making Mark Henry a world champion just doesn't scream any business sense when you have this whole crop of up and comming heels, who are all much more over with the fans then Henry is or ever will be. No one can predict how the future will unfold, but I find it highly unlikley that Henry will get his world title. He is slow in the ring, has a limited move set, has been known to be prone to injuries, and has the personality of a wet sock. Then agian, this is the same company that made Khali champ, so perhaps. However, I don't think Henry's seniority will be enough to clinch him the championship, not at his age, with his history of injuries, not at this point in the WWE.

My bottom line is this. Mark Henry would be a terrible choice for champ. Out of all the people mentioned, Sheamus and Barrett are my picks for the next heel champs, they are over, alright in the ring, and good on the stick. Qualities which Mark Henry does not posses.
Mark Henry sucks he belongs no where near the world title. Just having a job with the wwe for all these years should be a good enough reward for somebody with below average talent.
Rofl, okay, I give you props on your knowlege of powerlifting, and your research into Henry. However the last paragraph that I have quoted. Puh-lease.

Sheamus is garbage? Really? Perhaps you do not notice how much heat he draws on any given occasion, his pretty decent mic skills despite his accent, or the fact that while he isnt stellar in the ring, he is good for his size. The same applies to Barrett. I have nothing agianst Reks, but nothing for him either. He's had little exposure, and when he has, he's drawn very little crowd reaction. Sheamus and Barrett have both proven themselves worthy of getting that reaction, worthy of getting the fans worked up, worthy of their current positions. Barret and Sheamus have it and their crowd reactions show it, their promos show it, and of course their titles show it.

As a little side note, many people forget that Sheamus is a good buddy of Tripple H. I'm willing to wager that does in fact give him a fair share of backstage pull. Probably more than Henry has.

Now Rhodes, he's an even more impresive display. After Legacy, hardly anyone, myself included, expected him to shine. He proved us wrong. His Dashing gimmick looked like one doomed to fail, but BAM, he pulled it off extremally well, we were forced to pay attention, and the crowd booed him like hell. Then he steps it up a notch and becomes his current masked gimmick, which is getting him atomic heat on occasions, which is damn entertaining, and which he is able to incorporate impressivley into crowd interaction. You want to talk about the WWE not being wrestling anymore? By that logic, Rhodes would be shooting up by now, as his promo abilities are fantastic.

Gabriel and Danielson, while both good in ring competitors, and seasoned vets, have lacked in their WWE careers any show of charisma. Whence this horrible Corre storyline ends, I'm willing to bet that Gabriel will go places, along with Barrett. However, what he has had a chance to do is get on the stick every now and then, and he hasn't been stellar. Daniel Bryan for all his in ring brilliance, has had much the same problem. I don't think that will stop his rise, but it certianlly will be a delaying factor, one which Barrett nor Sheamus have/will have to go through.

As for Sheffield, agian, I have no problems there. There have been rumors Vince wants him as a babyface, and well, any faces are needed about now. He brings his own problems however. The first is that, well, he's injured. Already. That does not bode well for how duriable his body is, and that is never a plus no matter which way you cut it. However, I do feel he is a good wrestler myself, but we will have to see how he performs in front of a real WWE crowd by himself, not a NXT one or with the Nexus.

Henry getting the title, well, he could do. I just don't see it happening. Again, I return to my argument that the WWE is a business first and foremost. Making Mark Henry a world champion just doesn't scream any business sense when you have this whole crop of up and comming heels, who are all much more over with the fans then Henry is or ever will be. No one can predict how the future will unfold, but I find it highly unlikley that Henry will get his world title. He is slow in the ring, has a limited move set, has been known to be prone to injuries, and has the personality of a wet sock. Then agian, this is the same company that made Khali champ, so perhaps. However, I don't think Henry's seniority will be enough to clinch him the championship, not at his age, with his history of injuries, not at this point in the WWE.

My bottom line is this. Mark Henry would be a terrible choice for champ. Out of all the people mentioned, Sheamus and Barrett are my picks for the next heel champs, they are over, alright in the ring, and good on the stick. Qualities which Mark Henry does not posses.

Sheamus is close with HHH and thats why he was given the title so quickly and he DROPPED the ball as champion. HHH did everything he could for that guy even put him over and he still wasnt able to carry the strap and hold the line for his life.He draws heat well I hope so they make so its impossible that he wouldnt.

What exactly do you want Mark Henry to do in the ring to show his strength?? He is PURE POWER!!! You are talking about a guy who can squat nearly 1000lbs RAW Cena cannot do that. Ezekiel Jackson cannot do that. Henry just over powers people nothing fancy he doesnt have the agility of guys like Cena or Lesnar thats obvious. Big Show is capable of amazing things as well but big men like Henry and Show use their size and strength to maul not do the showmen type stunts that Cena or Lesnar would.

Barrett you talk about Skip Sheffield and question his ability to perform in the ring by himself without Nexus ummm 95 percent of the time when you see Barrett you see the entire Nexus. I have seen his in ring work and its not impressive at all.

Finally Henry is going to get the WHC befor he retires whether you think he should or not. His push started monday night. You say its not good for business well I dont believe giving the belt to Barrett or Rhodes is good for business as both of them bore me to no end. The WWE is doing this for Henrys loyalty to the company. Oh as as far as Sheamus having more pull than Henry well it didnt seem that way when Henry went over him twice in 3 weeks on Raw a month or so ago.
I'll give that Sheamus' previous reigns were terrible. However, that was due to him being pushed way too fast, way too soon. Much like Swagger's reign, he came from fucking nowherre to champ. Unlike Swagger, he did so agianst Cena. It was unfortuante and lazy booking that tainted those reigns, not Sheamus himself.

What do I want Henry to do? Anyting bash a cage in, lift two wrestlers at once, flatten a ring. Something to show me and everyone else "woah, this guy really IS that strong".

The difference between Barrett and Sheffield though is that Barrett was/is the leader. Naturally, he's had more matches and ring time. Naturally, he's been able to show that he is impressive. I really don't feel I'm in the minority when I say that, and he is able to draw heat. I mean, it sure as hell isnt any of the other members cutting the promos that are doing it.

We'll have to agree to disagree then. Rhodes and Sheamus I feel would be good for business becuase they are young, over and have plenty more potential for future development. Henry is over the hill, aging, prone to injury and near retirement. I mean, he could put someone over, but Christian or Orton would do a way better job. (As for the pull backstage thing, Sheamus was on that whole losing streak thing JUST before he won another title, something Henry hasn't done in awhile.)
No thank you. The guy has been NOTHING for the better part of two years and suddenly he becomes champion?
If there were ever a time for him to win the title, it would have been in 2006 during his return. But he was putting on bad matches then and he's putting even worse matches on now. In my eyes, he's had his pseudo championship reign as ECW Champ, and it sucked. His mic work is average at best(he sounds out of shape when he talks). I don't think anyone could believe, or more importantly, care about Mark Henry as a big deal anymore. He's too far gone. It's time for others to win the strap.
Hmm, I've never been a fan of Mark Henry, but I have admire his dedication to the WWE and in recent times I admire how he took it upon himself to lose a considerable amount of weight to improve in the ring. Now many of you will say he's far too slow and boring in the ring, his mic skills are poor and he's been jobbing for too long to become relevant and your not far off. But I always find it that big framed wrestlers, especially monster heels, can bounce back and look credible if given the chance. I mean Kane has done it on numerous occasions.

Now I'm not 100% certain whether Henry should be given his first ever World title or not but I mean for someone who has spent so much time with the business, someone who has stayed loyal for so long despite the plethora of bad booking and angles he has been in, he does deserve some kind of pay off. He's only ever held two titles...the ECW title and the European title (correct me if I am wrong), so perhaps Henry should have a one and only World Title reign before his contract expires.

Or at least a well booked feud with a top face(Christian? :D).
I am negatively biased about Henry anyway. I will always associate him with the 2006 Royal Rumble. I happened to live in Miami at the time and it was the only PPV I ever attended live. And I was immensely disappointed by Mysterio winning the Rumble (and that the Rumble wasn't the main event), then I got pissed when Cena took the title back from Edge.
And then the main event was WHC Kurt Angle against Mark Henry. I dare you to list me one main event in WWE history that was more anticlimatic.

And after the show I returned to my car to discover that someone had broken in.

Mark Henry has left a bad taste in my mouth ever since.

I acknowledge that it makes sense to give him a job at the WWE because he looks so different. But the main event he is not. If they want to reward him for his loyalty with a short run, please make it as quick and painless as humanly possible.
Ok I'll say it... Can he wear the World Title? I have no idea what kind of range the straps have but I'm not so sure he could fit it on.

But yeah, no. I don't want Henry to hold the strap. However, I wouldn't mind seeing him get a main event run challenging for the WHC. Say if Christian won the strap at Extreme Rules, I would have no problem with Mark Henry being his first challenger. Not only would it give Christian a credible title defense, but Christian is one of the best in the business at pulling off successful Big vs Little Man matches. I have seen him pull decent matches out of Brodus Clay and Ezekiel Jackson so there's little doubt in my mind that he could do the same with Mark Henry.

But no, no actual title reign please. That would be most unpleasant.
Your right Henry hasn't had the title in a while but I will say this Henry's ECW title reign was far better than Sheamus's WWE title reign. Henry was folding frying pans in half during his ECW titles reign actually he was rolling them up literally and doing other strength feats. The fact that you are still questioning Henry's strength tells me you know very little about the subject. Mark Henry if he wanted to could go back into strongman and win the title he is that strong of a man,and it's actually quite scary. The only reason he doesnt still do it is because there isn't a whole lot of money in it. He is making alot more money wrestling than he could ever make doing strongman. But make no mistake nobody else in that company could come close to doing what henry could do on a strongman stage or powerlifting platform, flipside is Henry is not as talented as many of the Superstars in the WWE in terms of in ring ability. I am not arguing that Henry is a great wrestler cause he isnt but he's been loyal and has done everything ever asked of him and is very well liked backstage and I believe he will get one last title reign befor he retires.

I am just going to say that their are guys in the WWE that in my opinion are far better than the stars you have named just cause they are being pushed doesn't mean they are the best ones. Tyler reks has more talent than Sheamus,Barrett and Rhodes together. Hell even green Mason Ryan is better than Sheamus and Barrett. Alberto Del Rio exudes more talent and charisma just walking down the ramp than those three. The fact that WWE is so high on Sheamus Barrett and Rhodes is half the reason their ratings are as low as they are.
Sheamus and Barrett have both proven themselves worthy of getting that reaction, worthy of getting the fans worked up, worthy of their current positions. Barret and Sheamus have it and their crowd reactions show it, their promos show it, and of course their titles show it.
What are you talking about? The only reason why they've gotten that much of a reaction is because they both were given massive pushes pretty much straight into the main event. They also both went after John Cena, making them get INSTANT heel heat.

Yeah, they can work up a crowd. However, they wouldn't of gotten anywhere near that much heat if they weren't given monster pushes.

Oh and, Mark Henry in my opinion deserves a shot at it atleast. Just his loyalty and dedication to the company makes him worthy, similar to Kane. Yes, it might seem strange at first, but same with Sheamus when he first won it. Henry will get a monster push.
Why? Seriously he just turned heel on the biggest freaking star in the WWE and even that didn't get him a reaction. If that doesn't get you at least some sort of heat then short of actually killing/attempting to kill Cena nothing will.

Apart from the blatantly obvious fact that he isn't over there are other problems. The lack of any kind of charisma or microphone skills for one. Oh and there is that little issue of him being absolutely fucking atrocious in the ring. Can anyone here name one genuinely good match that Mark Henry has had ever because I sure as hell can't think of one.

Finally there is also that issue of this has already happened before. Henry was pushed as a heel on SD in 2006, he had a Mania match with Taker for fucks sake and look where that got him. He feuded with the likes of Rey, Taker and (I think) Batista and he still wasn't over. Why would this time when he is older and even shitter than ever be any different?

The be brutally honest Mark Henry is lucky to still have a job. There is no way he should be pushed anywhere above jobber used to enhance young guys who actually are talanted because outside of that role he is utterly useless.
No, he shouldnt get a title shot. There's no denying his accomplishments with the company, but by now, he's really nothing more than a filler. Not a jobber because he still does win, but hes that guy you throw in when you need to fill a spot. The absolute best example I can give of this was just this past RAW with the 6 man tag match.

I dont know about the rest of you, but when they announced Mark Henry was going to be teaming up with Cena and Orton, my reaction was "why?". Of all 6 men that were out there, Mark Henry was the one guy that just didnt belong.

I think by this point the best he could hope for is a shot at the US title, maybe the IC belt, but certainly not the Heavyweight belt.
Mark Henry on his own, could I see him with the world title? No, I couldn't. His character is too far gone, no one would even take it seriously anymore. BUT

What if Michael Cole were to ''Manage'' Mark Henry for his last few months. This would systematically overhaul his character, he could be Cole's battering Ram, taking out anyone in the WWE who doesn't think he is ''The True Voice'' of WWE. I think we all know Jack Swagger is going to Leave Cole and Turn face. We could have Swagger fail at Extream Rules to make king tap out, Cole loses the match and blames it on Swagger being a failer, he slaps Swagger and in return gets the ankle lock put on him, but out comes Coles ''Secret Weapon'' The Worlds Strongest Man, Mark Henry, he comes out and Destroys Swagger, King, (Vince would probably have him humiliate JR too unfortunatly)

The Next night on raw, the WWE Champion The Miz is celebrating in the ring with another excellent promo, when out hits some new hard hitting generic rock music which Michael Cole comes out to, he strides to the ring with Mark Henry waddeling behind him in new attire. Michael Cole goes on to trash The Miz, to say how all the time he spent idolizing and cheering him, and in return he gave Cole nothing, he was never there for him when COLE needed him, he goes on to say the only reason he has his WWE title is because of Cole damnit (Ladder Match)

He then says how he's got someone new in his corner, someone who is come to change the entire WWE, and he's going to take the WWE title back where it belongs, home to smackdown. Mark Henry then decimates The Miz with Cole screaming commands at Mark, Alex Riley runs out for the save but get's 1hit KO'd by Mark. <Random Jobber Team> also runs out to try and save their WWE Champion but are also just tossed aside like fodder. Mark Henry picks up the WWE championship and puts it around the waist of Michael Cole as Cole smiles in the ring, then leaves.

Could imagin how much heat this would draw? I think people would actually be legitimatly interesting in Mark Henry is this were to happen, obviously this is assuming ADR wins on Sunday.

I've never actually thought of any story lines before, this is my first so any feedback would be nice.

I'll tell you what Mark Henry is, and that is a Royal Rumble title defence type of guy - someone who can challenge when its not the main event, but who will ultimately fall short. He's got enough attributes to be a believable threat, but at the same time lacks any of the fundamental skills that prepares someone for the World Championship. Henry now is putting in a good effort, and he can work the crowd better than he's ever been able to before, without the need of ridiculous gimmicks or granny shagging antics. However, his knees have taken the toll of his years of being overweight and static and as a result he's not capable of getting over on physical presence and mobility anymore, and he's not charasmatic enough to make up for it.
I'm sorry, I like the guy and all, but he cries in an interview about how he thinks he should be world champ and all of a sudden you all want him to become one? I respec the guy for all he's done for the business; after all he has been in the business for a long, long time. But he simply doesn't have what it takes. He's out of shape, is nearly 40 years old, and just because he's about to retire doesn't mean he has to get the world title.
Yeah I'm just gonna have to say no on this. An emphatic NO at that.

I do agree that Mark Henry has been very loyal to the WWE. He's always done what's been asked of him and I've rarely read anything negative about him backstage. However, simple loyalty isn't a good enough reason to make someone a World Champion. If it was, Jerry Lawler would have been given at least a brief run with the WWE Championship during his feud with The Miz. Loyalty is a wonderful thing in any business no matter what it is, but being a loyal worker doesn't mean the same thing as an exceptional worker. And Mark Henry simply is not an exceptional worker.

Now this next part is just pure speculation, just an opinion I have based on how things have gone over the course of Henry's career. I think that Mark Henry knows, and has known for a very long time, that he's not World Championship material. I think he's long since accepted it. I think he knows that he doesn't have the in-ring ability, the charisma, the promo skills, the personality, etc. to be a main eventer. I think he's content in his role doing what he's doing and make a lot of money doing it. That's just the best you can hope for sometimes and, for some guys, it's enough.
I don't think Mark Henry is world championship material. He has been an impressive enforcer type. Much like the position Brodus Clay is/was now. His personalty comes off a happy go lucky, ignoramus. Trying to turn Mark Henry heel turned out to be a flop considering Mark didn't get any air time on SmackDown this week.

If Mark Henry wants wanted to win the title before he retired, I am sure Vince and creative will give him a small run. He has done enough for the company and far more than most of the superstars that have been given the strap. But Henry really doesn't fit in the main event scene(He doesn't fit in most spaces very well[Zing!])

He could feud with Christian after Extreme Rules. Smackdown does need a monster heel and who knows. Maybe Henry can fill that role nicely.
F4WOnline.com is reporting that Mark Henry is expected to be the first challenger for Christian's new World Heavyweight Championship.

Looks like Henry might be getting what he wished for. I think it's a terrible idea. I love Christian, but he needs to feud with someone that can bring some credibility to his first (and probably only) title reign. Mark Henry is not that guy. Worse, if Henry actually wins it, Christian's reign really will have looked like a joke. People will wonder when this once prestigious title became something midcarders fought over.
Mark Henry = Dominant Monster Heel if pushed that way. I know we have all viewed him as a jobber for quite some time now, but wrestling fans have short memory spans. You have him come out and demolish the current World Champion (which would be Christian in this case). Over the next few weeks he uses his supreme strength to try to injure the champ. Pay Per View comes he gets disqualified for not getting off Christian when the ref asks for a rope break. Christian keeps the title, Henry keeps his monster credibility. Henry can then spend the next month doing weight lifting and other acts of supreme strength to wow the crowd and further his World's Strongest Man character. Rematch at the next ppv. Henry demolishes an injured Christian to win the title. Henry has now been re-established as a credible monster heel and everyone forgets he was a jobber a few months ago, including a few people on here who suddenly become huge Henry marks because he is a heel despite hating his guts and saying he doesn't deserve a title a few weeks prior. Prompting me to return to this thread and dig up their comments to make them look bad :)
I've got no problem with having Mark Henry feud with Christian for the WHC as long as he doesn't win it. Christian is someone that can have a good match with just about anyone and I think he'll be able to pull some out of Mark Henry.

This could be a good "warm up" feud for Christian as champ that can potentially do a great job of telling the story of the athletic face vs. the powerful monster heel. Christian's got the talent to carry Mark Henry to honestly pretty good matches so I'm not too worried about this.
I've got no problem with having Mark Henry feud with Christian for the WHC as long as he doesn't win it. Christian is someone that can have a good match with just about anyone and I think he'll be able to pull some out of Mark Henry.

This could be a good "warm up" feud for Christian as champ that can potentially do a great job of telling the story of the athletic face vs. the powerful monster heel. Christian's got the talent to carry Mark Henry to honestly pretty good matches so I'm not too worried about this.

Exactly. Like I've said, we're talking about Over The Limit here - one of the least notable PPVs of the year and May is almost WWE's dead period. If you want Christian's first feud and title defense be against Mark Henry at OTL, fine. No big deal, assuming he wins.

Assuming Christian holds the title until at least the end of summer, a 3 week feud with The World's Strongest Man will be a blip on the radar in retrospect.

As for whether or not Mark deserves a title run, I say no simply because he's been buried for too long. Give him an intercontinental title run if you want, but the idea of him holding SmackDown's crown jewel, even if it's briefly sounds like a disaster.
I like Mark Henry, but I can't see him ever wearing gold. He can credibly squash just about anyone, but he just doesn't quite have what it takes to be any kind of champion. Henry would have worked best in some sort of stable, as an "enforcer". I just don't think that WWE creative have ever really known what to do with the man. It's a shame, because his size and stature alone = huge potential.
I was hoping Mark Henry would win the triple threat match, since I consider him better than Sheamus and Christian. I think a feud between Orton and Henry could be pretty good, and Henry is very underrated on the mic, I'd rather listen to him talk than Orton's slow monotone voice. And yes, it would be nice to see Henry with the WHC, I'd really like to see a feud between him and The Great Khali culminating in a 1 hour, last man standing match between them for the WHC at WM.
^Please tell me you're joking?

I have nothing against your idea of having Mark Henry feuding with Randy Orton (though I thought their match a week ago was boring). But Mark Henry feuding with Khali would be a disaster, and I don't want to think about them having an hour-long match with each other. Kane can't get a good match out of Khali, and I consider Kane better than Khali.

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