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Mark Henry should wear World Title

I think he does deserve some kind of title run because we all know he's going to retire soon. I believe his contract is up in a year and he plans to retire. Smackdown lost its top maint event heel and they definitely need some good main event heels now. Give Mark the belt for a while and use him and the belt to push other younger stars. That would be a nice push right? Defeating the 'World's Strongest Man' for the Intercontinentel/World Heavyweight belt.

In my perfect world, since Del Rio is on Raw he can feud between Miz and Cena for the title, eventually turning Miz face. There's no point of Del Rio winning the WH belt if he's on Raw, then Smackdown wouldn't have a top championship belt. After what Mark Henry did to Cena and Christian during their match and the video WWE posted up, I'm hoping Christian wins the title then starts a feud with a heel Mark Henry
I want mark henry to have a least one more title before he retires, he makes a great monster heel and i was glad and shocked that he attcked john cena and turned heel. i mean, at the beginning of raw, he was hugging evan bourne and then at the end he clotheslined john cena and dropped christian. He has been in the company for a long time and deserves a title IMO.
Did you hear the reaction to when he came out for the tag match last night as well as when he turned heel


This guy has been buried for too long now to be considered for a title reign, IC possibly but World Title, come on that's just not going to happen unless he gets a HUGE, and i mean REALLY HUGE push as well as a character overhall.

In my eye's he would need a manager however, firstly WWE don't have managers anymore and secondly, he's had that sort of heel push before. That was for the World title and he had a horrendous match against Kurt Angle at Royal Rumble 2006 i believe.

I won't be surprised if he does get a shot somewhen this year however I would rather see the youth being pushed, guy's like Rhodes, McIntyre, Barrett and Swagger.

If anyone can think of a heel gimmick that he hasn't used before then please say it, Otherwise this guy should not become a WHC and instead be in the mid card where he belongs.
I think he mad a good heel when he was ECW Champion. I think in the right situation he could make a good transitional champion when moving the title from Christian to Randy Orton. I could see Mark Henry being the guy to hold the title for two or three months in there.
i would love to see henry as champ
i think he could pull it off
but he has to go back to being the worlds strongest man

i see him actually in quite a few good feuds and because of his size he could help put younger talent over

i dont see him being champion especially since wwe is having a youth movement
When i saw Henry in the main event i was very confused, he got little crowd reaction even when he turned heel, The Miz is a heel and got more positive reaction then Henry, the guy has no charisma, no ring skill, all he could do is knock people over and splash on them...... with that being said, i respect Henry alot for staying in the business knowing he wont be a main event person on a weekly basis, Henry does deserve some kind of title but not the wwe or world title. he wouldnt be able to carry a promo with the likes of Cena and Orton, the ECW title didnt mean much considering guys like Vince held it, they just wanted to give Henry a title as a show of respect, and at the time he had Tony Atlas backing him up on the mic, so yea no title for Mark Henry....but then again if Kahli had the gold then why cant Henry?:shrug:
I had this debate yesterday on a different forum. It was funny, the other poster couldn't come up with a single reason as to why Mark Henry should ever hold anything of more value then the United States or Intercontinental Championship...if that. Mark Henry is not over. He hasn't been over in nearly five or so years. There's is no doubt that his time as a jobber a severely damaged his chances of becoming anything important or relevant in the WWE, RAW or even Smackdown. When is the last time Mark Henry put anyone over? Go ahead I'll wait. Never. Not once has Mark Henry ever put anyone younger, older, better, worse, over.

I often hear people say he's done a lot for the WWE, ummm like what? Henry had a job. He faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22. That there is good enough to say he did something with his career. Just because you're with a company for a while doesn't mean you deserve a World Title reign. Especially when you've done shit during your career. Henry should be happy with recieivng a retirement match. As for a World Heavyweight Championship reign, he does not deserve it.
I would give a run with the i.c or u.s title but not the world title doesnt seem to me he could run with the tiltle not in a bad way as he has done alot for the company but na not a world champion in my opinion
Why does this guy deserve a run? Because he wants it? So does everyone else in the WWE, and there are dozens of guys more worthy.

There's simply no reason to push him to the world title right now. He's not interesting, he's not over, he's not even in the main event. Did he even get in the match with Cena and Christian last night, or did he just throw them around before he stormed out?

Like I said, there are many, MANY more people that could put on a good title feud on over on Smackdown besides Mark Henry. Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and even Kane are much more interesting prospects for a title feud than Mark Henry.
I had this debate yesterday on a different forum. It was funny, the other poster couldn't come up with a single reason as to why Mark Henry should ever hold anything of more value then the United States or Intercontinental Championship...if that. Mark Henry is not over. He hasn't been over in nearly five or so years. There's is no doubt that his time as a jobber a severely damaged his chances of becoming anything important or relevant in the WWE, RAW or even Smackdown. When is the last time Mark Henry put anyone over? Go ahead I'll wait. Never. Not once has Mark Henry ever put anyone younger, older, better, worse, over.

I often hear people say he's done a lot for the WWE, ummm like what? Henry had a job. He faced Undertaker at Wrestlemania 22. That there is good enough to say he did something with his career. Just because you're with a company for a while doesn't mean you deserve a World Title reign. Especially when you've done shit during your career. Henry should be happy with recieivng a retirement match. As for a World Heavyweight Championship reign, he does not deserve it.
I agree. Hes never been a good wrestler or mic worker. Very seldom has he been entertaining at all. People aren't going to call for the brooklyn brawler to get the title before he retires so why mark henry?
How can people sit here and say Mark Henry hasn't been over with the people??? People have been cheering him the last month or so on RAW when he comes out and I think people were shocked when he attacked Cena not a matter of people not caring about Mark Henry cause I think alot of people like him. Second of all I see no reason why he can't be a world champion... WWE doesnt even use he word wrestling anymore so it really doesnt matter if he is the best Worker or in ring wrestler cause WWE doesn't even acknowledge that they are a wrestling company anymore.

Being that is the case and Henry losing almost 60 pounds to get back to around 400 as strong as that man is and he is the strongest man in the World and by far the strongest in the WWE nobody there can hold a candle to Henry in the strength department. Henry should be given one last run as a World Champion not because he is the best worker or wrestler or even cause his mic skills are electric but because of his loyalty to the company for the last 15 years or more. The only active guys who have been there as long as Henry are Undertaker,HHH and I believe Kane. He deserves it and Vince does like Mark Henry if he didnt Henry would have been gone long ago. I'd like to see him get a World title run and be pushed as a monster champion who is unstoppable cause Henry is a Force regardless of what he has been used for recently.
sorry but i think mark henry sucks and always has. i can't believe he has never been "future endeavoured" the guy is talentless and there are far better candidates to get a push than him. but again just because he's "big" he always seems to get a push. he has never been over properly at all and they need to keep him away from the title that wouldn't draw or create any interest in my opinion.
i think he dose deserve one last shot.
he been there so long and never really got to the top.
maybe just let him have a quick run on the tag titles out of respect really,and the horrible story line he had with mae young back in the day poor man ..!!!
How can people sit here and say Mark Henry hasn't been over with the people??? People have been cheering him the last month or so on RAW when he comes out and I think people were shocked when he attacked Cena not a matter of people not caring about Mark Henry cause I think alot of people like him. Second of all I see no reason why he can't be a world champion... WWE doesnt even use he word wrestling anymore so it really doesnt matter if he is the best Worker or in ring wrestler cause WWE doesn't even acknowledge that they are a wrestling company anymore.

Being that is the case and Henry losing almost 60 pounds to get back to around 400 as strong as that man is and he is the strongest man in the World and by far the strongest in the WWE nobody there can hold a candle to Henry in the strength department. Henry should be given one last run as a World Champion not because he is the best worker or wrestler or even cause his mic skills are electric but because of his loyalty to the company for the last 15 years or more. The only active guys who have been there as long as Henry are Undertaker,HHH and I believe Kane. He deserves it and Vince does like Mark Henry if he didnt Henry would have been gone long ago. I'd like to see him get a World title run and be pushed as a monster champion who is unstoppable cause Henry is a Force regardless of what he has been used for recently.

You're joking, right?

1. Just because 'wrestling' is no longer in the name makes it no less of a wrestling company. What are we tuning in to watch every week? Thats right, wrestling.

2. He has not been the worlds strongest man in reality in some time. Quite some time. Over 10 years.

3. No one matching him in strength? I'd like to see Ezekiel Jackson try...

4. His mic skills are electric? Please, give me ONE example of that.

Really, why should Mark Henry get a title before any of the new, young, up and comming and FAR superior talent? If I were working for the WWE, which admittley I aint, I'd see Ezekiel Jackson as Mark Henry but 10 years younger, with a better physique, and with at least an interesting accent to his name. Before that, I'd consider up and comming stars like Cody Rhodes who is every bit more deserving than Mark Henry is. Just becuase he's retiring does not mean he should get the title. By that logic, William Regal would be WHC by now.
I don't see Mark Henry ever holding a world title. He held the ECW Championship but even that push was a joke. I could not take him seriously and I know I'm not alone. He is not going to win the world title or feud with Christian because he is not believable as a champion. Henry will still be a jobber to the stars on Smackdown. All this move did for him was trade in his red shirt for a blue one. It doesn't matter how long he has been with the company, he is not good enough to be at the main event level even as a heel.
No, Mark Henry should not wear the World Title. He just hasn't done anything to warrant it. Being in the WWE for years and years, doesn't mean you should get a world title run before you retire. If you weren’t good enough during your career, then you don't deserve to be handed the World title just because you’re leaving. He’s boring, He can't do much in the ring besides throwing a few punches, a head butt, his finisher and he occasionally falls on top of people with a pathetic excuse for a splash, he's nothing much on the mic, and most importantly, the crowd don't give a damn about him. There are so many more guys who deserve a championship run over Mark Henry, so as far as I'm concerned, Mark needs to say away from the title scene, even if he is to retire soon. He can win a few matches for awhile, but nothing more should go his way.
Sometimes the WWE rewards long time loyal employees with a short title run even though that move isn't necessarily the smartest business-wise. If for any reason, that would be why he could have a short run as a transitional champion.
I know Mark Henry shouldn't get the title but some of u are too hard on him and he does what Vince tells him so at least show respect because he has been losing for years with no bitching or complaining and that's something most star do today when they aren't winning they cry wheres my push. He shouldn't get the title but i didn't know people hated him so bad that he should lose his job and older fans like myself from the 90s do respect him its you new young fans that cant' stand him.
I can't believe how many people think that Henry deserves a push. Dude has been consistently terrible for the past decade, forget wearing the title, he's lucky to still be employed. Shit in the ring, shit on the mic, and for all this 'world's strongest man' talk, I don't think I've ever seen him do anything that Cena couldn't do.

Aside from his loyalty, the guy is an absolute turd.
I don't believe Mark Henry should win the world title, but I'm alright with him getting what seems to be a heel push over on Smackdown. I know I'm certainly buying into it and most of my wrestling watch group is into it as well. I think he'll be a contender for a bit, but ultimately he'll just be there to make Christian (most likely) look better as a champion. Whether Henry is a jobber or not defeating him still is an accomplishment considering his pure power and strength advantages.
You're joking, right?

1. Just because 'wrestling' is no longer in the name makes it no less of a wrestling company. What are we tuning in to watch every week? Thats right, wrestling.

2. He has not been the worlds strongest man in reality in some time. Quite some time. Over 10 years.

3. No one matching him in strength? I'd like to see Ezekiel Jackson try...

4. His mic skills are electric? Please, give me ONE example of that.

Really, why should Mark Henry get a title before any of the new, young, up and comming and FAR superior talent? If I were working for the WWE, which admittley I aint, I'd see Ezekiel Jackson as Mark Henry but 10 years younger, with a better physique, and with at least an interesting accent to his name. Before that, I'd consider up and comming stars like Cody Rhodes who is every bit more deserving than Mark Henry is. Just becuase he's retiring does not mean he should get the title. By that logic, William Regal would be WHC by now.

First of all he is still even without competing in strongman right there with the strongest men in the World and NO Ezekial Jackson is no where near Mark Henry in strength if you think so you are a fool who knows nothing about strength. Jackson was a bodybuilder he might look strong but can not hold a candle to Henry. Henry does deserve the title in everyway he has done more for the company than jackson or rhodes has he has been there almost 20 years long than Regal. I said he doesnt have elecric mic skills but then again it doesn't matter anymore cause WWE no longer stands for wrestling. It doesnt matter why we tune in... you haven't gotten that yet. If the actual wrestling part meant something to Vince he wouldnt have taken wrestling out of the company name.

You tune in to watch an action soap opera thats what you are watching. WWE isn't about the "wrestling" which is why that is no longer in the name and the match quality is sub par at best.
Name me one physically impressive thing Henry has done in wrestling that someone like Zeke, Kane (in his prime), Brock or even Cena wouldn't be able to do.
Well if the Great Kahli can win the world title why not Mark Henry, i could see him having a short little title riegn as a heel, but he would never get over as a face champion
First of all he is still even without competing in strongman right there with the strongest men in the World and NO Ezekial Jackson is no where near Mark Henry in strength if you think so you are a fool who knows nothing about strength. Jackson was a bodybuilder he might look strong but can not hold a candle to Henry. Henry does deserve the title in everyway he has done more for the company than jackson or rhodes has he has been there almost 20 years long than Regal. I said he doesnt have elecric mic skills but then again it doesn't matter anymore cause WWE no longer stands for wrestling. It doesnt matter why we tune in... you haven't gotten that yet. If the actual wrestling part meant something to Vince he wouldnt have taken wrestling out of the company name.

You tune in to watch an action soap opera thats what you are watching. WWE isn't about the "wrestling" which is why that is no longer in the name and the match quality is sub par at best.

Of course WWE is still about wrestling. Gee, what are the stars of the show? Wrestlers. How do most things get decided? Wrestling. Here's one near and dear to Vince himself, who's faces sell the merchandise? That's right, wrestlers. You can go on about 'wrestling' being taken out of the name all you want, it is still a company based, and still revolving around wrestling.

Furthermore, as the other members have pointed out, point out one thing Mark Henry has done physically, in the WWE, that others have not. The most impressive display of strength I have seen in awhile in when Cena AA'd the Big Show and Edge together. What have I seen Mark Henry do? This.

Also, what makes him more deserving than Rhodes does? Rhodes has superior mic skills, is better in the ring, and most importantly, has connected with the crowd. What has Mark Henry done? Somehow, managed not to get future endevoured despite being one of the most unentertaining, imobile wrestlers in the WWE, right behind Khali.

I will give you merit where it is due, indeed there is a difference between a bodybuilder and powerlifter. However, it is you who is the fool if you believe Henry is still the world's strongest.

My final point is this, it doesn't matter if or if not WWE is a wrestling company. What it is, is a business. How much merchandise does Mark Henry sell now? I'm willing to guess, not a great deal. How much does he have the potential to sell? My guess is still not a great deal. He is a borderline jobber with a unique look that has never been very over, and there is no way in hell he should get priority over the current youth movement, which on Smackdown is chock full of promising young heels. Sheamus, Barrett and Rhodes, in my mind at least, should taste gold before and if Mark Henry ever does.

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