Maria, she has earned it.

Maria is perfect at what she does, and what she does is not win titles. Its not in her role. Just because she is a woman does not mean she should ever be in the running for the womens' titles.

She is the good friend of the faces, the person who interacts with the fans, the person who can connect with the kids and the young males. She can go on the road for the company and get people interested in the product.

But she is nowhere near the level of many of the other divas in the WWE and even though she is retiring, she has only spent 5 years, which is not a very long time in the company.
TM, is correct, Maria's role does not warrant her winning the Woman's championship. Could WWE give her a "pity" championship? Sure, they gave Jillian one. Will they and should they? No, I do not think so. Why you may ask? Well let me ask you a question. What exactly has she contributed to the Woman's division in regards to ring talent? Nothing really. She is below average in the ring and somewhat a hazard to the other women.

Don't get me wrong I love Maria, she is very attractive, but she does not deserve a title reign. I mean if Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson didn't get pity reigns then Maria surely does not deserve one.
In my opinion, Maria should not get a title run.

Yeah Maria's been with the company for 5 years, and yeah in my opinion she's cute and she has good mic skills (at least now she does, not before). But that doesn't mean she deserves to have a title run before she retires. I've never thought much of her "in-ring ability", if you really want to call it that. Quite honestly I think the best divas in WWE in terms of wrestling skills are Mickie James and Melina, and girls like Maria are there just to be "eye candy", as someone else said earlier on.

Bottomline: as entertaining as Maria might be in some promos and segments, her wrestling skills are atrocious and giving her the belt would be like making Hornswoggle WWE Champ, which quite honestly is a nightmare just to think about.
Simply put, no. Maria should not get a title reign. She's a beautiful girl and seems like a nice person, but she's terrible in the ring and has been her entire WWE career. It's hard to even consider her a competitor since she wrestles very infrequently; sometime's she'll be in the ring every show, then she'll go weeks and weeks without a single match. Maria is just pure eye-candy as far as I'm concerned and shouldn't get a title reign just because she may be leaving soon. Hell, Lilian Garcia would've been more deserving a title run than Maria.

If she does leave, I think the best they can do is give her a little send-off, like Lilian got. They don't have to put a belt around her.
I was stating the obvious. Maria is terrible, and shouldn't get a title shot.

I totally agree just because shes been with the company for a while doesn't mean she deserves a title shot shes not even a good wrestler shes horrible, shes only gotten a slammy and thats it and thats all she should get, shes nothing more than a pretty face.
I was a former HUGE Maria fan so I could understand all your posts. Maria did work for the company for a good amount of time, but she didn't really play a MAJOR role in pretty much anything besides her playboy storyline. See Trish was also like Maria before (an eye candy who couldn't wrestle), but Trish wanted to be known as a champ not a girl that was once in the WWE/F. She worked and strived for her opportunity to get that one push and all her training helped her become one of the best Women's Champion reigning it 7 times and 3 time babe of the year because the fans noticed her HUGE improvement until she became the mentor in the ring later at '05.
I wish Maria the best. Shes beautiful smart and very talented my DAMN SHES SO PRETTY!
Shes total class too man i wish i was her BF lol
Anytime i though DIvas i thought Maria
So good Luck to Maria and glad she was on in WWE!
Maria will soon be forgotten. I personally hated her. As some have mentioned, her path was similar to Trish Stratus, but unlike Trish who prided herself in her work, Maria used her modeling career and Playboy shoot in order to make a name for herself and it is why she will be soon forgotten. She was no wrestler and save for her pretty face and average mic skills, she really didn't contribute much. Eve is another one I wouldn't mind seen leave soon but her current push will seemingly result in her becoming champion... that aside, my best wishes go to Maria and I hope she fares well, but I would not mind her leaving wrestling for good granted she was no wrestler. Model? Yeah. Wrestler? Not with her sort of attitude.

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