Maria, she has earned it.


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Okay so Maria has been in the WWE for five years. Maria is thinking about retiring soon because she wants to be able to do other things and she wants to start a family, and with her schedule in the WWE.

Maria isn't the greatest wrestler but her fighting skills are slightly above average and her mic skills are above average as well and she really connects with the crowd and the WWE universe loves her which is why she won the diva of the year award.

So with Maria retiring soon it has made me realize that she has never held a championship. I think that she deserves to hold a title at least once so that she can leave knowing that she didn't just wrestle but that she was a champion at one point. So what do you guys think do you think that Maria should hold a title before she leaves or not and why?

Really five years,WoW.I think that yeah it's about time that she gets the strap even if it's not for that long cause as you said she connects with the WWE"Universe"

She may not be that good in the ring but she is a hard worker.

Give her a go!!!
Maria is shit, period.

The only was she connects with crowd is if she does here pogo jump ( or w/e was that move she did like she was fucking the opponent in the corner ) and because WWE hyped her for that playboy stuff si did.And thats about it.Her acting skills are non-existent,her wrestling abilities are non-existent she is just eye candy ( not that the bellas are any good ).

Good riddance.
So because she's been in the company for a length on time, she deserves to have the title handed to her... the same title that women like Lita and Trish worked their asses off to bring some decent credibility to?

Only a seriously disturbed person would ever suggest this. Maria isn't entertaining, she never has been. At best, she's a tool, an instrment of advocation, to be used by the champion against her enemies.

That's basically what's she doing right now; she's the face equalizer, always has been, and always will be.

Based on this logic, the WWE should bring back Val Venis and give him a run with the WWE title. :rolleyes:
So because Maria has been in the company a long time, she deserves a title? Kelly Kelly has been in the company for a while but the difference is she is actually trying to improve which Maria started to do only recently. She isn't or probably never will be with the elite divas in the WWE and there are plenty of divas who deserve a title shot over her. If she keeps wrestling and starts improving, then maybe she will get one but currently no way.
Okay first Echelon I am not a seriously disturbed person. It was just a freakin suggestion okay. I wasn't talking about giving her the WWE Women's title that Lita and Mickie worked so hard to bring decent credibility to I was talking about giving her the divas title.

She isn't that word that you guys keep calling her and her in-ring ability I don't use that kind of language. You guys need to think that it isn't easy to get recognized in the diva division anymore. So back off Maria because if she wasn't great at what she does then Vince wouldn't put her in matches in would do with her what he does with the Bellas.

Also I'm not talking about just giving her the belt. Yeah make her earn it but at least give her a chance. This thread is for if you think Maria should get the belt or not, not to insult her and to be rude. Maria has worked hard to get where she is today just like all the other wrestlers and divas have.

It was just that she was in the stupid Trish Stratus era where all they thought about was Trish who at first was not a very good wrestler either. Instead of the Trish Stratus era it should have been the Mickie Lita and Maria era. Because Maria has potential she just came around at the wrong time.
Okay first Echelon I am not a seriously disturbed person. It was just a freakin suggestion okay. I wasn't talking about giving her the WWE Women's title that Lita and Mickie worked so hard to bring decent credibility to I was talking about giving her the divas title.

She isn't that word that you guys keep calling her and her in-ring ability I don't use that kind of language. You guys need to think that it isn't easy to get recognized in the diva division anymore. So back off Maria because if she wasn't great at what she does then Vince wouldn't put her in matches in would do with her what he does with the Bellas.

Also I'm not talking about just giving her the belt. Yeah make her earn it but at least give her a chance. This thread is for if you think Maria should get the belt or not, not to insult her and to be rude. Maria has worked hard to get where she is today just like all the other wrestlers and divas have.

It was just that she was in the stupid Trish Stratus era where all they thought about was Trish who at first was not a very good wrestler either. Instead of the Trish Stratus era it should have been the Mickie Lita and Maria era. Because Maria has potential she just came around at the wrong time.

I understand where you are coming from. If Maria works hard and improves in the ring then I believe she will get a opportunity but not right now. I can see the potential in Maria but I still think she needs a lot more work before she can be at Melina's or Mickie James's level. I don't see her leaving in the forseeable future so she will have her chance to shine.
The chances of Maria holding a title are pretty much slim to none. Remember, she's on Smackdown with Beth Phoneix,Michelle McCool, and Mickie James. Seriously, McCool has been champion since The Bash, which was a while ago. The Women's championship will most likely go back and forth between these three for a very long time.

As far as her deserving a title.....I would have to say no. Candice Michelle was with WWE for five years. Do you think she earned her title ? No. She was horrible in the ring, and like Maria, her only memorable moment in WWE was being in Playboy. Just because Maria's been around for a while, it doesn't mean she's earned a title shot.
Okay first Echelon I am not a seriousl disturbed person. I t was just a frekin suggestion okay. I wasen't talking about giving her the womans title that Lita and Mickie worked so hard to bring decent crediability to I was talking about giving her the divas title.

She's on Smackdown, not RAW; even the divas that are in the running for the butterfly title are all better perfomers than Maria.

She isn't that word that you guys keep calling her and her in-ring ability I don't use that kind of language.

I've called her nothing except for what she is, a face sidekick serving as an expendable ally of the champion.

You guys need to think that it isn't easy to get reconized in the diva division anymore.

Women like Maryse, Eve, Tiffany, and Michelle seem to be doing okay for themselves.

So back off Maria because if she wasen't great at what she does then Vince wouldn't put her in matches in would do with her what he does with the Bellas.

She's only in matches to serve as a equalizer for Mickie against Michelle and Layla.

If Beth Pheonix becomes involved in the feud, don't expect to see Maria on camera anymore; unless, there's a triple treat and they need an extra face to fill a position in the background.

Also I'm not talking about just giving her the belt. Yeah make her earn it but at least give her a chance.

I don’t think Maria has earned the chance to challenge for the title.

This thread is for if you think Maria should get the belt or not, not to insult her and to be rude. Maria has worked hard to get where she is today just like all the other wrestlers and divas have.

I wasn’t being rude, I was stating the obvious. Maria is terrible, and shouldn't get a title shot.

If she worked as hard as some of the other girls, her performances would be much better.

It was just that she was in the stupid Trish Stratus era where all they thought about was Trish who at first was not a very good wrestler either. Instead of the Trish Stratus era it should have been the Mickie Lita and Maria era. Because Maria has potential she just came around at the wrong time.

Trish was the best women's professional wrestler the WWE has ever seen, if you can't recognize that, then you obviously don't know what it means to be a good pro wrestler.

And it's obvious that you don't when you're suggesting that Maria get a title shot, just because she's been in the company for a while.
She's on Smackdown, not RAW; even the divas that are in the running for the butterfly title are all better perfomers than Maria.

I've called her nothing except for what she is, a face sidekick serving as an expendable ally of the champion.

Women like Maryse, Eve, Tiffany, and Michelle seem to be doing okay for themselves.

She's only in matches to serve as a equalizer for Mickie against Michelle and Layla.

If Beth Pheonix becomes involved in the feud, don't expect to see Maria on camera anymore; unless, there's a triple treat and they need an extra face to fill a position in the background.

I don’t think Maria has earned the chance to challenge for the title.

I wasn’t being rude, I was stating the obvious. Maria is terrible, and shouldn't get a title shot.

If she worked as hard as some of the other girls, her performances would be much better.

Trish was the best women's professional wrestler the WWE has ever seen, if you can't recognize that, then you obviously don't know what it means to be a good pro wrestler.

And it's obvious that you don't when you're suggesting that Maria get a title shot, just because she's been in the company for a while.

I completely agree with everything you say, however to differ from everyone else in this thread, I DO NOT think maria is any sort of Eye Candy. Personally I think she is ugly (that's just personal opinion and taste), and based on her performances and level of experience did not deserve the Diva of the Year Award. As much as I dislike her, Michelle McCool should have gotten it over her, or even Mickie (who's character is getting a little played out) and definitely Beth (although she's stagnated a bit this year without Santino, rofl).

To add on to your point : just because someone is in an organization for any amount of time doesn't give them belt credibility. That's like saying a bagger at a Grocery store or a Janitor at the hospital who has been there 5 years or longer deserves to be Employee of the month or Temporary Manager. Maria has done nothing of any wrestling consequence that has deserved her a shot or run with any women's title.

Also, my personal opinion on Maria's push is this : The only reason she got it is because Vince has personal hard-on for her, especially after the Playboy shots. She's a name horny males that read playboy can connect with, so she's more of a marketing tool than anything. So anyone who labels her a "Tool" is completely correct with that statement.

Save the belts for the people who deserve it and the new characters that need that initial push to get over (kind of like Mickie James). Maria has been around so long and hasn't improved enough to say she deserves it or needs that push; she's over with the fans that love her as it is.

Just to point out this was my first post, I come from another forum and so far very excited to add my opinion to debates and threads! Very happy that this forum does not contain idiots who "tl;dr" good posts!
She really hasn't earned it. I think Echelon said it best. She's below average in the ring and average on the mic. Just because she's been with WWE for 5 years it doesn't mean she suddenly deserves a title. Torrie Wilson was with the WWE for 7 years and she never got the title despite being loved too, so why should Maria? Titles should be something that is earned, if that's not the case then they lose credibility.

Also, wrestlers shouldn't get titles just because they've been with a company for x amount of years. If that were the case then a ton of other wrestlers would have been given titles. I don't mind wrestlers getting titles for their contributions to wrestling, but that's not the case with Maria. She really hasn't contributed anything at all that makes her deserve the title. Maybe if she becomes somewhat entertaining one day, then I won't mind it. But for the time being I don't like the idea.
You know what I do know what it means to be a good pro wrestler because I want to be a diva someday. I never said that Trish was a bad wrestler she is one of the best athletically gifited divas ever along wirth Mickie and Lita. I'm just not a fan of Trish never have been but I respect her in-ring ability.

I am a fan of Maria and I want her to hold the title before she leaves she isn't talking about leaving very soon so there is time to improve. these guys said, time spent with the WWE isn't a good reason to give a title to for connecting with the crowd, I don't know/care if she really does that or not but she got the diva of the year award. I'd say that's enough compensation for her.

And I really gotta agree, Maria is just not that great in any aspect really. She was hot back then...and little else. These days she doesn't even seem hot.
You know what I do know what it means to be a good pro wrestler because I want to be a diva someday. I never said that Trish was a bad wrestler she is one of the best athletically gifited divas ever along wirth Mickie and Lita. I'm just not a fan of Trish never have been but I respect her in-ring ability.

I am a fan of Maria and I want her to hold the title before she leaves she isn't talking about leaving very soon so there is time to improve.

Being a good westler has nothing to do with looks, athletic ability, or longevity. Pro wrestlers are entertainers, and as entertainers it is their job to portray a certain role.

The wrestlers that are really good at their jobs, are the best at portraying their roles. If they're face, they get the crowd to love them, and if they're heel they get the crowd to hate them.

Doing this requires wrestlers to get the audience to react to their personas while they perform. Heels use dirty tactics, while faces force the crowd to buy into their matches, rallying around them as they vanquish evil.

Nothing Maria does makes me want to buy into her matches and cheer for her; even on a basic level. Kelly and Candice were both capable of this, yet somehow, Maria can't; even against oppoents like Phoenix and McCool.
I love Maria. I really do. I think she's sexy and when I met her and had the chance to chat with her she was very sweet and very funny. Do I think she should have the belt? Not really. Sadly there are some people who try hard and just can't quite get the grasp of something. For Maria, it's wrestling. I hate to say but she is just not very good. I'm not going to come out here and call her shit in the ring and talk trash about her because let's face it, she's been with the company and does infact connect with the fans. The fans love her, whether that be for her looks alone or not. What I would do with her is put her back to being an interviewer. Her interviews with Carlito & Mick Foley were hilarious. She can still do the bikini contests and sill look hot doinng the interviewing.
So with Maria retiring soon it has made me realize that she has never held a championship. I think that she deserves to hold a title at least once so that she can leave knowing that she didn't just wrestle but that she was a champion at one point. So what do you guys think do you think that Maria should hold a title before she leaves or not and why?

One could have argued before Jillian got her Divas title reign that she deserved one too for being a part of the division for several years and putting forth the effort despite the bad gimmick.... The only way I'd be ok with Maria getting a championship is if she had a really short reign like Jillian's.... she'd be a transitional champion and nothing else, but would still get rewarded for the work she put in for the division.... without the reign being long enough to be considered a bad one. My biggest issue with her is that she's always been terrible in the ring, and that is why I'd rather she not get a title win unless it's really short. She was much better at interviewing.
I'm lost. So you DON'T like Trish, who was fucking MONEY on the stick, co headlined a MSG card, have Main Evented Raw many a times, is the best in ring Diva we will probably ever see, and your more of a fan of......Maria?

I'm sorry. I'm just confused. Maria isn't even that hot IMO. Would I nail her? Prolly, if Trish, Lita, Mickie, Kelly Kelly, the Chick who runs ECW, and Steph all turned me down first.

She is NOT good on the stick, I don't think a supposed "hot" chick acting dumb is good talent. And her in ring work is atrocious. And if it has improved, it's only by inches.

Let her go, please let her go.
Absolutely no fucking way does Maria deserve a title reign. Sure, she was hired for her loks first, wrestling ability second, but so were most of the divas. People like Eve Torres and Layla El have been in the company for a lot shorter time period than Maria, and both of them are miles in front of Maria in terms of ability and entertainment value. I've got a lovely lamp in my living room, and it has served me well for years, it doesn't mean that it should replace the TV as the focal point though does it? Maria may have improved but she is still the least developed diva in the WWE, and literally everyone, including that Greek guest host they had, should be ahead of her in the pecking order.
To put it blunt no she doesn't. She really doesn't have an ability in the ring to deserve one, she isn't very good on the mic either. Their are people who have been there for less than time than her but are way above her in both of those categories. I actually like Maria but she still doesn't deserve a title. Like Dagger said the only way I can see her holding a championship is if she holds it for a minimal amount of time so she gets the chance to say she was champion but its nothing major.
womens/diva champion? i dont think so..... Maria is fine yo, def. the best looking diva on smackdown. After that little drama day time show feel she had going on with ol ziggles, she really doesn't have an angle other than " oh ya im the poppy, face girl on SD". she will be on the WWE until Trump's show is over. Maria has been a good face for the WWE, come on playboy and NBC tv, thats good for Vince...
Awww I feel bad :( Everyone's ganging up on NicoleEdge13/Hardy fan. I understand where she's coming from. I've encountered alot of diva's fans just like her, hell I'm like that myself. You always want your favorite(or someone you like)to succeed, so I get why she's rooting for Maria to eventually get the belt(I do the same thing for AFox :( ).

One thing I give Maria credit for, is for being over. Yes the only reason why she's over is because she's pretty and hot, but she still get's pops and cheers(if only because of her "nice rack", and perky attitude). It's great that she has been able to stay popular(and get more cheers than better wrestlers like Kim & Eve)but that's all I give her credit for.

In polite terms, Maria is shat. 5 Years, like you mention and the gal still can't work a match, and can hardly pull of basic bumps. She is easily the worst in the ring(maybe tied with Bellas & Rosa)and has had years to improve. Kelly was shit when she started, she trained and improved. Alicia was a model just like Kelly, and had no clue, she's improved. Along with Eve, Layla, Candice, Christy, ect ect ect.

Maria on the other hand seems to think she doesn't need to work as hard or give as much effort because she's hot and can rely on horny male pops. And if she has trained, it obviously isn't working.

This is why I get angry when people diss someone like McCool. Yes she ain't great, but she put in the time and effort and now can hang with the top. Maria on the other hand? I would cringe if I ever had to see Maria in the ring with someone who couldn't carry her(Bellas, Kelly, Gail, ect).

And like it's been said, being with the company 5 years shouldn't automatically mean you get a title. Hell if anything Maria should be kissing Vince McMahon's feet and thank him for paying her all this money and giving her the opportunity to have a career, with doing very little.

Torrie & Stacy were hugely popular, they never saw a title in their career and neither should Maria. In all honestly, Maria's earned nothing, she should just be glad she's rich and famous and move on.
You can't just give someone a title shot based on duration time. Fact of the matter is, if you're not good enough, you're not good enough. Echelon was on the money, she is sadly nothing but an equalizer, a developmental talent. I mean, Maria does nothing that Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Melina, Maryse, or Beth Phoenix can't do better in any major factor (Wrestling Ability, Taking Bumps, Mic Skills, etc.)

I know she's been loyal to the company, which is awesome on my book, but if you hardly improve in the 5 years you're there, why should she suddenly hold a belt, holding back an opportunity for someone more deserving?
Maria's good in that she's the perfect ambassador for the WWE to the general public. She's friendly, very attractive, and when she's not in character, she seems like she actually is pretty smart. It's no wonder why they decided to use her for The Celebrity Apprentice. They wanted someone who would represent the company in an intelligent manner, and Maria can do that. I think I even remember reading somewhere that she made it very far on the show.

However, inside the ring, she's very below average as a wrestler, and is one of the worst Divas out there in the ring. It's part of the reason why they toyed with the idea of making her the designated referee for Divas matches for awhile. To have her referee the matches, again, shows how smart she is, because she understands the psychology of how a match is put together, and I'm sure refereeing a match is hard to do. But it shows that she has an inability to put it together physically in the ring.

Furthermore, when she's in a serious role, she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. She was great as the ditzy backstage interviewer and girlfriend to Santino Marella. However, when she was placed in a serious relationship with Dolph Ziggler, her acting with Dolph and the other Divas... it just wasn't good. I hate to use this cliche, but I've seen better acting in porn films. When Dolph "broke up" with her, it seemed like she was on the verge of laughing, rather than crying.

The fact that the WWE has allowed Maria to be their ambassador to the media is only going to help her once she winds up leaving the company. However, she is in no way deserving of being a champion, and I think that's pretty much alright with her. It's not like she's really tried to be a wrestler and was wrestling every week. I'm sure she realizes her limitations.
Okay so Maria has been in the WWE for five years. Maria is thinking about retiring soon because she wants to be able to do other things and she wants to start a family, and with her schedule in the WWE.

Maria isn't the greatest wrestler but her fighting skills are slightly above average and her mic skills are above average as well and she really connects with the crowd and the WWE universe loves her which is why she won the diva of the year award.

So with Maria retiring soon it has made me realize that she has never held a championship. I think that she deserves to hold a title at least once so that she can leave knowing that she didn't just wrestle but that she was a champion at one point. So what do you guys think do you think that Maria should hold a title before she leaves or not and why?

I understand where you're coming from, I really do. But with all due respect, (and I really hate to gang up on you like this) I'm also inclined to disagree that she deserves the belt. I personally think her mic skills are mediocre at best and her in-ring work is horrible. But I will agree with you that she has truly connected with the WWE Universe and that the fans really do love her. Hell, I'm with the fans who love her. But if the WWE puts the belt on her simply because she's been with the company for five years, it could potentially destroy the Women's Championship's credibility especially considering the names that have held that belt and what they've done to earn it. In storyline/kayfabe terms, what exactly has Maria done to even deserve a title shot? Pose for Playboy? Compete in Celebrity Apprentice? None of that constitutes as deserving of a title shot to me. But like I said, I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. This is just my opinion so don't let it bother you.
Savage Taker first off they were going to let Torrie Wilson be the first WWE divas champion if she hadn't had to retire she would have gotten the belt. Now if they can think about giving the title and deciding to give the title to Torrie they should give it to Maria.

My$terio_Fan and Notorious718 thanks for not being like all the others. You guys can express your opinions but be nice about it. How do you expect us to know if Maria has improved if she is never in a match it is not her fault that Vince doesn't put her in matches.
She probley didn't have time to train when she was on Celebrity Apprentice but she is probley traning now, and My$terio_Fan as I said before they were going to make Torrie the first ever Divas champion but the doctors told Torrie to retire.

One more thing My$terio_Fan you said that you wanted Alicia Fox to hold the title eventually right. Well she needs to improve a lot but she has time she hasen't really been around a long time so there is time for her to improve and have a run with the title.

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