March 8th: What will be the big Surprise?

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Occasional Pre-Show
Everyone knows the EZ E, Hogan, and Russo like to bring out huge surprises on big nights. Lex Luger on the opening night of Nitro. All the guys on the 1/4 episode.

So what will they do for this one? Have they played all the cards already? They brought Anderson in. They overloaded the first show with a ton of new guys. Is there anyone left? Do they have anymore tricks up their sleeves?

Or, is it finally time for them to go with the guys who got them to Monday Night in the first place? We know that AJ/Flair vs Hogan/Abyss will be the main event. I don't like this one bit. We have too many owner vs wrestler storylines. It has been done to death. Vince does it every year at WM. Now we got Hogan throwing himself into Matches. I don't want to see 60 year olds wrestle. Anyway, sorry for the tangent. Is this Main Event enough to cause a stir?

In Jan it was the first shot of the "New Monday Night War." Everyone tuned in to see if Hogan and Bischoff would pull something crazy. What do they have to bring in viewers this time?

It seems like everything has been done before. There are very few surprises these days. Everyone seems to know whats happening before a show ever airs.

So, if it were up to me, here's what I would do. Limit the number of backstage skits and in ring interviews. Bust out some of the best matches TNA can produce. Let Kaz and Daniels go at it for 15 minutes. Put Beer Money vs. Morgan and Hernandez. Have Wolfe face Doug Williams for the x-division title. Put MCMG vs the Young Bucks in a ladder match for a title shot. Dinero vs. Anderson...Whatever the best matches would be, showcase them in the ring. Be different in that way.

Obviously, people watch wrestling to be entertained. People love the stories that go a long with it. So, I am not saying don't have a story line on the show, but limit it to 1 or 2. I would let us find out who took Joe. Continue the Flair/AJ story and that's about it. Let Flair and AJ cut a promo. Maybe Dinero to build for the PPV. But don't have 20 minutes of wrestling on the this show.

What do you think? Will they continue the current storylines or try to bring a new person for the shock factor? How will it go down?
I wouldn'T be surprise to see Hogan turn Heel on Abyss before the match even take place. The fact is they are going to have something shocking happen during that show and let's face it, they can't bring in anybody else in that are big name right now. The only guy you can bring in is Sting and why would you bring Sting in right now. The show probably will continue the same crappy stuff they are doing right now right now and i don't see them giving 15 minutes matches during this show.

So don't expect anything as big as the january 4th show but i but i'm almost sure that you won'T see Flair or Hogan wrestles even if they are advertise.
There's very little TNA can do. What they think is a big surprise and what is a big surprise are two totally different things. As psychohurrican mentioned, Hogan might turn heel. Only that's not really a big deal now, is it! Hogan turning heel in 1996 was a big deal, Hogan turning heel now shows that his debut didn't go quite as planned. If it had, then the biggest wrestler in modern history wouldn't be turning just two month and no matches after his debut.

TNA played all of their cards in regards to bringing big names in over the space of a couple of weeks. Unless they can get Jeff Hardy to show up again or RVD comes in. But RVD to TNA is hardly huge, he's been gone from WWE for three years so any impact he makes in TNA will be minimal at best.
I agree 100% with Ramblinroy, TNA needs to put on a PPV type wrestling show and not the now normal sketch show TNA has been giving us on Impact in recent weeks.

I think TNA will try and get RVD in for this night, but as Y2Jake said this isn't much of a coup as it has been rumoured for the past few months and who really wants to see rolling thunder again. I personally would like to see Jeff Hardy return but without him being advertised this would not really draw any fans from Raw.

My final suggestion would be we see Hogan actually pinned by AJ, this would show the new fans that AJ is "The Man" and should be taken seriously. This however is highly unlikely as we can all see the big push AByss is getting and would Hogan really lie down for AJ?

I say TNA should return to putting on high quality matches and get the fans hooked by the action instead of providing us with the poor television they gave us last week.
There really isn't anything big to do for TNA. They could bring in RVD or Bill Goldberg, but how big of an impact is that going to make honestly. Hogan could turn heel, but why do that now, wait for Lockdown or Bound for Glory to pull that off. I think if TNA is smart they will lay off a huge surprise and just put on a solid show. Maybe end the show with a bit of a controversy or something that will make you want to tune in to the next show and generate a bit of a buzz.
I think that the big surprise will be RVD showing up, like they do in WWE with the royal rumble, RVD shows up everyone thinks hes back with WWE then he disappears, this is what will happen on TNA he'll show up, everyone will think he's signed and then he wont be on Tv again for a while, Kinda like what Jeff Hardy did on the 4th January show.
Or as some other posters say Hogan will turn heel. Hope not though as TNA is drawing big ratings with Hogan as a face, a heel change will draw big ratings but only for so long, People including myself will get bored of it.
New Monday Night War good way to kick it off will be great matches just like ramblinroy68 named. Also reveal who took Joe but the big thing I believe they should do is Easy E turn on Hogan. A couple weeks ago Easy E tried to reviel how Abyss really looks and had a diverse but effective group, think bout who was there Raven, Wolfe, Tomko, Rhino, & Homicide. What if Bischoff shows up during the match and just watches from the top of the ramp. Then when Hogan goes for his leg drop have Bischoff wave them down and they head into the ring and attck Hogan and Abyss. Great ending and a whole lot of questions.
I do expect something big for the 3/8 iMPACT or at the very least, a lot of little things that collectively make the show "big." What that translates into is anyones guess, but it needs to be significant and most importantly, make the statment that TNA is here, competition, and not going away anytime soon.

Admittedly, Hogan/Abyss vs. AJ/Flair is a terrible main event for a show of this magnitude... on paper anyway. If the match is this and only this, with a Hogan posedown and Abyss making a clown out of himself at the end, I will be fairly disappointed. Hopefully something else will happen that will transcend the match itself. Truthfully I'd like to see Abyss turn on Hogan and become the monster I know he can be. A "turn" here equates to completely laying out Hogan, Flair, and AJ in one of the most violent and gruesome manners possible including but not limited to barbed wire, thumb tacks, and other implements of bodily destruction.

As for "little things" the company can do on 3/8, showcasing their top talent is definitely paramount. Give Pope a match against somebody decent in a competitive contest. Highlight the X-division a bit, especially with the big PPV coming up and all. A solid knockouts match or two on the card (maybe Tara/Daffney for the title, include the Beautiful People in some way, etc.) would be good.

A couple surprises, namely RVD and Goldberg, may also register some small "wins" for the night.

Though it would never happen, the biggest "get" they could accomplish for 3/8 would be having Shane McMahon make an appearance. He technically doesn't work for WWE anymore and has been gone more than 3 months :lmao:

More seriously though I'd like to see Paul Heyman get some TV time, but I have a hard time thinking Bischoff would allow it given their real-life bad blood towards one another that's really never been resolved.
I expect to see RVD make an appearance, whether it's a one time deal, or to announce that he has joined TNA. I'd also have him wrestle, ideally against a returning Jeff Hardy, but get him in the ring.

I've heard about a Hogan heel turn, but what does that accomplish? Does that make Abyss the top babyface? Does anyone buy that given the way he's been portrayed over the last 6 months?

I agree with everyone that TNA should keep talking to a minimum and showcase the in-ring action. Put on great matches so when people switch over from Raw to check out Impact, they forget to switch back. Destination X is coming up, so showcase the X Division.
I would open with a 8 man X division Tag Match

MCMG/Homicde/Kyoshi vs Generation Me/Lethal Consequnces

go about 15 min the have RVD come out Smoke all of their asses, and says hell be at Destination X and Kick all of their asses in the Ultimate X Match.

I have Kong/Hamada drop the belts to etiher Taylor/Sarita or The Beautiful People. (since Kong is leaving)

have Wolf win the X Divison Title by having Big Rob Screwing Doug Williams

So it could be Wolf vs KAZ at DX

Have Angle vs Mr. Anderson go about 15-20 mins Anderson wins (cheating, in order to continue the fued)

MCMG will come out and issue an open Challege AT DX (which will Be Jeff Hardy/Shannon Moore, pending on jeff's trail on March 16)

Finally The Main Event

Hogan and Abyss defeat Aj Flair by having Flair get pined by Abyss and AJ And The Pope get into it.

End show with typical Hogan poses for crowd, and crowd goes home happy.

Card For Destination X

Ulimate X Match winner get X Title Shot at Lockdown

RVD vs (The Three Winners of the Quailifing Matches)

TNA Tag Titles
Beer Money vs Morgan/Hernadez

TNA X Division Title
Desmond Wolf vs KAZ

Ulitimate X Quailifiying matches
Homicide vs Suicide
Daniels vs Lethal
Brain Kendrick vs Creed

MCMG vs Jeff Hardy/Shannon Moore

That's my prediction for Monday Night and Destination X
I like the idea of Abyss turning on Hogan. I could see him saying you really think I am so stupid to believe in the powers of a Hall of Fame ring. That wouldn't make the last two weeks so horrible. It would make Hogan look like the Stupid one and not Abyss. Give a new twist to his character by not being so childish as a face or the idiot monster heel. Let him be the mind gaming playing monster heel. You could see him partnering up with Bischoff. As Eric's Evil Henchman.

I would much rather see that than his big ole butt doing the pose down with Hogan as I am guessing. I would be happy to see Hogan put through a table, laid out, with Abyss, AJ, and Flair celebrating as Impact goes off the air.
my guess is it will be the debut of Rob Van Dam. he may sign a short term deal to see how it goes as the schedule would suit him and i'm sure they'd pay good money for his services. would be great to see him back again as he didn't get the respect he deserved in WWE.
I think AJ getting the pin over Hogan would be a great idea. It does not have to be a clean pin, but get AJ the win. Make Abyss look good during the match as well. This keeps Abyss looking strong, and AJ a bigger heel by getting a cheap win.
I really think that TNA had done it all, The only surprise is if they bring RVD or some one else to the company, the only thing is that maybe we get to see a new samoa joe beat the living hell out of abyss or anyone in the building. Pretty much thats all that come to my mind right now, I really dont see any good this monday night for TNA. Hopefully they prove me wrong and they do a great show next monday.
Hey all, i would have to disagree with some of you in saying that RVD wouldn't be a big thing. THink about it, RVD is amazing, and all of you would mark out to it and oyu know it. RVD would add a lot to this show i think.

So on to the question what is the big surprise?

Well i have a couple ideas.....

1. RVD: as said before he is amazing and he would be a big addition to the X-division

2. Goldberg: this guy is a man beast, i would be excited to see him return since he has a lot to offer to the wrestling business

3. WWE Superstar: We have seen it before, many times. Thy could be talking with a current wwe superstar who is going to be or has been released. To be honest TNA should sign Haas.

4. Hogan heel turn: Very likely. meh seen it before, but would still mark out

5. Bischoff turns on Hogan: Seriously how long can these two mutually get along. I think Bischoff screws Hogan when he announces some new faction or group that he has attack hogan and abyss

I am excited to see what is going to happen, and now i can truly say

THE WAR IS ON!!!!!!!!!
Here is the funny thing I see happening you remember last week when The Band beat the hell out of Nash and EY? Lets give them one last chance to earn contracts only for Nash and EY to drop to the finger poke of death and start the new band.

Jay Lethal issues his Legends challenge only to have Macho Man come out and explain to him how to do this thing right...

Doug Williams issues an challenge for the X-title only for Shannon Moore or RVD to come out and whip him to make it ??? vs Kaz at DX.

The Beautiful People are going to get the Tag titles when Awesome Kong walks out on Hamada and set up for a loser leaves TNA for the PPV (why not)

Jarrett has another ultimatum moment where he finally smashes that damn guitar on EB face only to have the new refined Mick Foley make the save oN EB from getting pummeled.

3D and the Nastys will have another go around in a Monsters Ball table match where Rhino jumps 3D and becomes managed by Jimmy Hart.

Hogan and Abyss beat AJ and Flair only to have the Band save AJ and Flair after the match and then they serve as AJ and Flairs new proteges.
As far as big surprises go, I think TNA has pretty much shot its wad with the January 4th show. For the past week or so, I've felt that Hogan is going to wind up turning heel but that's not necessarily a big surprise, nor is it just going to draw people in. Why? Because its happened before and it's not really that big of a deal now.

As far as bringing in other recognizable names to the show, I'd say the best chance would be RVD. Rumors have been circulating, especially in the wake of January 4th, that RVD and TNA have been close in reaching an agreement. However, at the same time, things have been very quiet on that front for weeks now. I haven't read anything at all regarding RVD and TNA in about a month I'd say. It's just gone cold and I have a feeling that RVD signing with TNA would have leaked. Goldberg has said on multiple occassions that he has no interest in working with Hulk Hogan. He reportedly turned down Hogan's offer of working on the Hulkamania tour. Still, never say never. I doubt Jeff Hardy is going to make another appearance and it's pretty moot even if he were to because it'll just be another deal like on the 4th. Hardy's trial is due to start the 15th I believe and, if he has any semblance of sanity or common sense, that's where his primary focus should be. North Carolina is traditionally a red state with pretty strict drug laws.

I think that TNA is counting on Hogan's appearance in the ring to be the major draw of the night. The quality of the match will probably not be that high, but the novelty of seeing Hulk Hogan wrestle live on television for the first time in years will probably appeal to some viewers.
Only shocker that I think they can do that woudl be worth anything at this point woudl be to have Shane show up and join with Easy E

Jeff appeared already and w/o promotion not that big.

RVD sure but he just does not cut it. after what they had in Jan

I mean who are the big names left
Tommy Dreamer (Is he even officially released as he just tweeted the other day about the end of ECW)
There could be some surprises: An X-division title match with a surprise opponent (Jeff Hardy); the Nasty Boys against team 3d (with a save from RVD-ECW stick together); Maria from WWE shows up in a Knockouts match; AJ pins Hogan which enrages Abyss and he turns on Hogan (becoming the monster). These are just a few. They could anything-I'm just afraid that they'll waste all of their surprises early and eventually the product will get stale.
TNA doesn't have to do much IMO. The older wrestling fans want the MNW's so bad that they will tune in. They won't put on a bad product, because there jobs depend on it. It'll be a treat for everyone.

There is plenty of things they can do, and plenty of over people to get, or current people to put over in a big way. They had to overload the show to create a bigger anticipation for this show. Smart move.

The main event will most definitely have a big swerve. Who knows what it will be, but it will have something to do with the Foley-Abyss-Bischoff storyline. I would love it if Abyss joined EB & they started a heel stable with Abyss being EB's bodygaurd, by having Abyss give Hogan the black whole slam, AJ & Flair winning & leaving, with EB coming out to spit on Hogan.

While I do agree with you that they should put on SOME good matches, it should just be a sample & not PPV caliber matches.

There should be storylines, I got into watching wrestling because of the storylines, in addition to the wrestling. It gets you emotionally involed. There will also be the shock factor to most, even to the IWC. I'll list the likely debuting/returning stars, but I hope they will provide us with 1 unexpected shocker.
I'm sorry to swerve from the subject but when did RVD stop being a draw? He was one of the few guys that actually got attention in the WWE invasion bs. Within the year he was in world title matches, he got cheers in matches against the Undertaker (although he was heel at the time) and the Rock. Never a world champ at yet people cared more about him than DDP and even Goldberg who were both top guys in WCW. Not to mention when he did come back to the WWE he got insane pops (even in his Marella squash match). I understand he's been outta the biz for a while but the guy could help round out the x-division numbers (something never sat right with me that MCMGs would be in a six man x-division match despite being partners, even though it worked sometimes) and him and styles could put on one hell of a match.

I agree that they should make this event like a TNA highlight reel and just try to have maybe 4+ awesome matches, while still leaving enough time to further the story lines.

One thing that gets me is you used to see PPV quality matches on Impact. I'd like to see more of that, more of the knockouts and everything that makes TNA awesome. I think it's too early for a Hogan heel run but I like Dangerduck2's idea of having an Abyss heel turn. That would be awesome if he grew a pair only to turn on Hogan the man who helped him get there.
I would like to see rvd show up. As far as Goldberg and Maria they are both on The Apprentice and I think I had read at one time that in their contract they can't show up on tv while they are on the show. I'm pretty sure I saw it on the main site awhile ago.
I really don't see Hogan and company pulling out any big surprises on this episode of Impact. Who's out there to bring in? Hardy? They are not touching him until his legal problems are over. RVD? He would be a nice addition and a possible main eventer, but he isn't big enough to rest the hopes of your show on.

What I think is going to happen is quite simple. Exactly what is advertised. Hogan still believes that he and Ric Flair, in the ring together, is the biggest draw TNA has. While no one really wants to see this again with both guys more than over the hill, this is Hogans mindset. He believes this is enough to be competitive on Monday Night, and he may be right.

Do I want to see Hogan and Flair wrestle? No, not anymore. But I think Hogan is not only trying to lure WWE fans to TNA on Monday nights, but he is trying to bring back older fans. He is obviously wanting to steal fans away from Vinny Mac, but I also think he really believes that a main event containing he and Ric Flair can bring back a lot of viewers who are not currently watching wrestling.

Wrestling viewership, as a whole, is down, no question. Where are the people that used to watch? A lot of them just don't watch anymore. So while Hogan is probably more interested in stealing fans from Raw, he is also targeting older fans that no longer watch. I also think that he truly believes that younger fans actually want to watch he and Flair square off again...and they don't.

They don't care. A lot of youngers fans have no clue about the history between Hogan and Flair. A lot of younger fans didn't watch these guys in their primes, so they care even less than someone like myself (and that's pretty hard to top). I don't think Hogan is doing this to neccessarily feed his own ego. He still believes he is a HUGE draw. As he believes Flair is as well. And they actually might be. It's hard to tell, but I really think that is the big angle they are going to work with. Hogan may turn heel, and that would be a bit underwhelming in this day and age. But I wouldn't hold my breath for him to do something big that doesn't directly involve himself.
I dont get how people are always wantin a big new name to come in to what has become a crowded roster. Sure id love Jeff Hardy or RVD to be back on the screens but I think its time TNA got people more hooked on their fueds n storylines than if some new name is gona run in thru the crowd, especially if its only a 1 off appearance. Ive watched TNA on and off for a few years now but for me id rather see more feuds with people like Wolf, Daniels and the pope than brutus the barber beefcake come in and destroy some1 thats been built up for the last 6 months.
Shane O-Mac showing up and joining TNA would be an absolute bombshell, but I don't know how well that would go over with the TNA locker room. If I was in TNA and I saw Shane come in, I would assume he was only there to sabotage the entire thing and run it into the ground.

But if Shane was actually there to help -- which could happen, because its well known that he didn't like the WWE product -- then what a gain for TNA that would be. He knows how to make competition, he knows production value, he has money. Three things that TNA needs. He wouldn't be on the creative team, because that is full enough. Its a crazy idea, but someone pointed out that Shane is no longer under contract with WWE. Now THAT is the biggest free agent you can sign.

RVD will probably show up. He and Hogan have been talking too much. They must have struck a deal by now. Jeff Hardy won't be there, he still has his legal woes. Bill Goldberg...nope (and who cares...he has to realize that he will need to lose matches, not be an unstoppable monster like before). I see Sid eventually coming in because Hall has been pulling for him. Other than that, stop signing new guys. Let the new roster gel and lets see some good matches!
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